#include <stdbool.h> #include "Python.h" #include "opcode.h" #include "pycore_code.h" // _PyCodeConstructor #include "pycore_frame.h" // FRAME_SPECIALS_SIZE #include "pycore_hashtable.h" // _Py_hashtable_t #include "pycore_index_pool.h" // _PyIndexPool #include "pycore_initconfig.h" // _PyStatus_OK() #include "pycore_interp.h" // PyInterpreterState.co_extra_freefuncs #include "pycore_object.h" // _PyObject_SetDeferredRefcount #include "pycore_object_stack.h" #include "pycore_opcode_metadata.h" // _PyOpcode_Deopt, _PyOpcode_Caches #include "pycore_opcode_utils.h" // RESUME_AT_FUNC_START #include "pycore_pymem.h" // _PyMem_FreeDelayed #include "pycore_pystate.h" // _PyInterpreterState_GET() #include "pycore_setobject.h" // _PySet_NextEntry() #include "pycore_tuple.h" // _PyTuple_ITEMS() #include "pycore_uniqueid.h" // _PyObject_AssignUniqueId() #include "clinic/codeobject.c.h" #define INITIAL_SPECIALIZED_CODE_SIZE 16 static const char * code_event_name(PyCodeEvent event) { switch (event) { #define CASE(op) \ case PY_CODE_EVENT_##op: \ return "PY_CODE_EVENT_" #op; PY_FOREACH_CODE_EVENT(CASE) #undef CASE } Py_UNREACHABLE(); } static void notify_code_watchers(PyCodeEvent event, PyCodeObject *co) { assert(Py_REFCNT(co) > 0); PyInterpreterState *interp = _PyInterpreterState_GET(); assert(interp->_initialized); uint8_t bits = interp->active_code_watchers; int i = 0; while (bits) { assert(i < CODE_MAX_WATCHERS); if (bits & 1) { PyCode_WatchCallback cb = interp->code_watchers[i]; // callback must be non-null if the watcher bit is set assert(cb != NULL); if (cb(event, co) < 0) { PyErr_FormatUnraisable( "Exception ignored in %s watcher callback for %R", code_event_name(event), co); } } i++; bits >>= 1; } } int PyCode_AddWatcher(PyCode_WatchCallback callback) { PyInterpreterState *interp = _PyInterpreterState_GET(); assert(interp->_initialized); for (int i = 0; i < CODE_MAX_WATCHERS; i++) { if (!interp->code_watchers[i]) { interp->code_watchers[i] = callback; interp->active_code_watchers |= (1 << i); return i; } } PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "no more code watcher IDs available"); return -1; } static inline int validate_watcher_id(PyInterpreterState *interp, int watcher_id) { if (watcher_id < 0 || watcher_id >= CODE_MAX_WATCHERS) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid code watcher ID %d", watcher_id); return -1; } if (!interp->code_watchers[watcher_id]) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "No code watcher set for ID %d", watcher_id); return -1; } return 0; } int PyCode_ClearWatcher(int watcher_id) { PyInterpreterState *interp = _PyInterpreterState_GET(); assert(interp->_initialized); if (validate_watcher_id(interp, watcher_id) < 0) { return -1; } interp->code_watchers[watcher_id] = NULL; interp->active_code_watchers &= ~(1 << watcher_id); return 0; } /****************** * generic helpers ******************/ static int should_intern_string(PyObject *o) { #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED // The free-threaded build interns (and immortalizes) all string constants return 1; #else // compute if s matches [a-zA-Z0-9_] const unsigned char *s, *e; if (!PyUnicode_IS_ASCII(o)) return 0; s = PyUnicode_1BYTE_DATA(o); e = s + PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH(o); for (; s != e; s++) { if (!Py_ISALNUM(*s) && *s != '_') return 0; } return 1; #endif } #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED static PyObject *intern_one_constant(PyObject *op); #endif static int intern_strings(PyObject *tuple) { PyInterpreterState *interp = _PyInterpreterState_GET(); Py_ssize_t i; for (i = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(tuple); --i >= 0; ) { PyObject *v = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tuple, i); if (v == NULL || !PyUnicode_CheckExact(v)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, "non-string found in code slot"); return -1; } _PyUnicode_InternImmortal(interp, &_PyTuple_ITEMS(tuple)[i]); } return 0; } /* Intern constants. In the default build, this interns selected string constants. In the free-threaded build, this also interns non-string constants. */ static int intern_constants(PyObject *tuple, int *modified) { PyInterpreterState *interp = _PyInterpreterState_GET(); for (Py_ssize_t i = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(tuple); --i >= 0; ) { PyObject *v = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tuple, i); if (PyUnicode_CheckExact(v)) { if (should_intern_string(v)) { PyObject *w = v; _PyUnicode_InternMortal(interp, &v); if (w != v) { PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, i, v); if (modified) { *modified = 1; } } } } else if (PyTuple_CheckExact(v)) { if (intern_constants(v, NULL) < 0) { return -1; } } else if (PyFrozenSet_CheckExact(v)) { PyObject *w = v; PyObject *tmp = PySequence_Tuple(v); if (tmp == NULL) { return -1; } int tmp_modified = 0; if (intern_constants(tmp, &tmp_modified) < 0) { Py_DECREF(tmp); return -1; } if (tmp_modified) { v = PyFrozenSet_New(tmp); if (v == NULL) { Py_DECREF(tmp); return -1; } PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, i, v); Py_DECREF(w); if (modified) { *modified = 1; } } Py_DECREF(tmp); } #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED else if (PySlice_Check(v)) { PySliceObject *slice = (PySliceObject *)v; PyObject *tmp = PyTuple_New(3); if (tmp == NULL) { return -1; } PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tmp, 0, Py_NewRef(slice->start)); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tmp, 1, Py_NewRef(slice->stop)); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tmp, 2, Py_NewRef(slice->step)); int tmp_modified = 0; if (intern_constants(tmp, &tmp_modified) < 0) { Py_DECREF(tmp); return -1; } if (tmp_modified) { v = PySlice_New(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tmp, 0), PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tmp, 1), PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tmp, 2)); if (v == NULL) { Py_DECREF(tmp); return -1; } PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, i, v); Py_DECREF(slice); if (modified) { *modified = 1; } } Py_DECREF(tmp); } // Intern non-string constants in the free-threaded build _PyThreadStateImpl *tstate = (_PyThreadStateImpl *)_PyThreadState_GET(); if (!_Py_IsImmortal(v) && !PyCode_Check(v) && !PyUnicode_CheckExact(v) && !tstate->suppress_co_const_immortalization) { PyObject *interned = intern_one_constant(v); if (interned == NULL) { return -1; } else if (interned != v) { PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, i, interned); Py_SETREF(v, interned); if (modified) { *modified = 1; } } } #endif } return 0; } /* Return a shallow copy of a tuple that is guaranteed to contain exact strings, by converting string subclasses to exact strings and complaining if a non-string is found. */ static PyObject* validate_and_copy_tuple(PyObject *tup) { PyObject *newtuple; PyObject *item; Py_ssize_t i, len; len = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(tup); newtuple = PyTuple_New(len); if (newtuple == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { item = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tup, i); if (PyUnicode_CheckExact(item)) { Py_INCREF(item); } else if (!PyUnicode_Check(item)) { PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError, "name tuples must contain only " "strings, not '%.500s'", Py_TYPE(item)->tp_name); Py_DECREF(newtuple); return NULL; } else { item = _PyUnicode_Copy(item); if (item == NULL) { Py_DECREF(newtuple); return NULL; } } PyTuple_SET_ITEM(newtuple, i, item); } return newtuple; } static int init_co_cached(PyCodeObject *self) { _PyCoCached *cached = FT_ATOMIC_LOAD_PTR(self->_co_cached); if (cached != NULL) { return 0; } Py_BEGIN_CRITICAL_SECTION(self); cached = self->_co_cached; if (cached == NULL) { cached = PyMem_New(_PyCoCached, 1); if (cached == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); } else { cached->_co_code = NULL; cached->_co_cellvars = NULL; cached->_co_freevars = NULL; cached->_co_varnames = NULL; FT_ATOMIC_STORE_PTR(self->_co_cached, cached); } } Py_END_CRITICAL_SECTION(); return cached != NULL ? 0 : -1; } /****************** * _PyCode_New() ******************/ // This is also used in compile.c. void _Py_set_localsplus_info(int offset, PyObject *name, _PyLocals_Kind kind, PyObject *names, PyObject *kinds) { PyTuple_SET_ITEM(names, offset, Py_NewRef(name)); _PyLocals_SetKind(kinds, offset, kind); } static void get_localsplus_counts(PyObject *names, PyObject *kinds, int *pnlocals, int *pncellvars, int *pnfreevars) { int nlocals = 0; int ncellvars = 0; int nfreevars = 0; Py_ssize_t nlocalsplus = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(names); for (int i = 0; i < nlocalsplus; i++) { _PyLocals_Kind kind = _PyLocals_GetKind(kinds, i); if (kind & CO_FAST_LOCAL) { nlocals += 1; if (kind & CO_FAST_CELL) { ncellvars += 1; } } else if (kind & CO_FAST_CELL) { ncellvars += 1; } else if (kind & CO_FAST_FREE) { nfreevars += 1; } } if (pnlocals != NULL) { *pnlocals = nlocals; } if (pncellvars != NULL) { *pncellvars = ncellvars; } if (pnfreevars != NULL) { *pnfreevars = nfreevars; } } static PyObject * get_localsplus_names(PyCodeObject *co, _PyLocals_Kind kind, int num) { PyObject *names = PyTuple_New(num); if (names == NULL) { return NULL; } int index = 0; for (int offset = 0; offset < co->co_nlocalsplus; offset++) { _PyLocals_Kind k = _PyLocals_GetKind(co->co_localspluskinds, offset); if ((k & kind) == 0) { continue; } assert(index < num); PyObject *name = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(co->co_localsplusnames, offset); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(names, index, Py_NewRef(name)); index += 1; } assert(index == num); return names; } int _PyCode_Validate(struct _PyCodeConstructor *con) { /* Check argument types */ if (con->argcount < con->posonlyargcount || con->posonlyargcount < 0 || con->kwonlyargcount < 0 || con->stacksize < 0 || con->flags < 0 || con->code == NULL || !PyBytes_Check(con->code) || con->consts == NULL || !PyTuple_Check(con->consts) || con->names == NULL || !PyTuple_Check(con->names) || con->localsplusnames == NULL || !PyTuple_Check(con->localsplusnames) || con->localspluskinds == NULL || !PyBytes_Check(con->localspluskinds) || PyTuple_GET_SIZE(con->localsplusnames) != PyBytes_GET_SIZE(con->localspluskinds) || con->name == NULL || !PyUnicode_Check(con->name) || con->qualname == NULL || !PyUnicode_Check(con->qualname) || con->filename == NULL || !PyUnicode_Check(con->filename) || con->linetable == NULL || !PyBytes_Check(con->linetable) || con->exceptiontable == NULL || !PyBytes_Check(con->exceptiontable) ) { PyErr_BadInternalCall(); return -1; } /* Make sure that code is indexable with an int, this is a long running assumption in ceval.c and many parts of the interpreter. */ if (PyBytes_GET_SIZE(con->code) > INT_MAX) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError, "code: co_code larger than INT_MAX"); return -1; } if (PyBytes_GET_SIZE(con->code) % sizeof(_Py_CODEUNIT) != 0 || !_Py_IS_ALIGNED(PyBytes_AS_STRING(con->code), sizeof(_Py_CODEUNIT)) ) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "code: co_code is malformed"); return -1; } /* Ensure that the co_varnames has enough names to cover the arg counts. * Note that totalargs = nlocals - nplainlocals. We check nplainlocals * here to avoid the possibility of overflow (however remote). */ int nlocals; get_localsplus_counts(con->localsplusnames, con->localspluskinds, &nlocals, NULL, NULL); int nplainlocals = nlocals - con->argcount - con->kwonlyargcount - ((con->flags & CO_VARARGS) != 0) - ((con->flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS) != 0); if (nplainlocals < 0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "code: co_varnames is too small"); return -1; } return 0; } extern void _PyCode_Quicken(_Py_CODEUNIT *instructions, Py_ssize_t size, PyObject *consts, int enable_counters); #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED static _PyCodeArray * _PyCodeArray_New(Py_ssize_t size); #endif static int init_code(PyCodeObject *co, struct _PyCodeConstructor *con) { int nlocalsplus = (int)PyTuple_GET_SIZE(con->localsplusnames); int nlocals, ncellvars, nfreevars; get_localsplus_counts(con->localsplusnames, con->localspluskinds, &nlocals, &ncellvars, &nfreevars); if (con->stacksize == 0) { con->stacksize = 1; } PyInterpreterState *interp = _PyInterpreterState_GET(); co->co_filename = Py_NewRef(con->filename); co->co_name = Py_NewRef(con->name); co->co_qualname = Py_NewRef(con->qualname); _PyUnicode_InternMortal(interp, &co->co_filename); _PyUnicode_InternMortal(interp, &co->co_name); _PyUnicode_InternMortal(interp, &co->co_qualname); co->co_flags = con->flags; co->co_firstlineno = con->firstlineno; co->co_linetable = Py_NewRef(con->linetable); co->co_consts = Py_NewRef(con->consts); co->co_names = Py_NewRef(con->names); co->co_localsplusnames = Py_NewRef(con->localsplusnames); co->co_localspluskinds = Py_NewRef(con->localspluskinds); co->co_argcount = con->argcount; co->co_posonlyargcount = con->posonlyargcount; co->co_kwonlyargcount = con->kwonlyargcount; co->co_stacksize = con->stacksize; co->co_exceptiontable = Py_NewRef(con->exceptiontable); /* derived values */ co->co_nlocalsplus = nlocalsplus; co->co_nlocals = nlocals; co->co_framesize = nlocalsplus + con->stacksize + FRAME_SPECIALS_SIZE; co->co_ncellvars = ncellvars; co->co_nfreevars = nfreevars; #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED PyMutex_Lock(&interp->func_state.mutex); #endif co->co_version = interp->func_state.next_version; if (interp->func_state.next_version != 0) { interp->func_state.next_version++; } #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED PyMutex_Unlock(&interp->func_state.mutex); #endif co->_co_monitoring = NULL; co->_co_instrumentation_version = 0; /* not set */ co->co_weakreflist = NULL; co->co_extra = NULL; co->_co_cached = NULL; co->co_executors = NULL; memcpy(_PyCode_CODE(co), PyBytes_AS_STRING(con->code), PyBytes_GET_SIZE(con->code)); #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED co->co_tlbc = _PyCodeArray_New(INITIAL_SPECIALIZED_CODE_SIZE); if (co->co_tlbc == NULL) { return -1; } co->co_tlbc->entries[0] = co->co_code_adaptive; #endif int entry_point = 0; while (entry_point < Py_SIZE(co) && _PyCode_CODE(co)[entry_point].op.code != RESUME) { entry_point++; } co->_co_firsttraceable = entry_point; #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED _PyCode_Quicken(_PyCode_CODE(co), Py_SIZE(co), co->co_consts, interp->config.tlbc_enabled); #else _PyCode_Quicken(_PyCode_CODE(co), Py_SIZE(co), co->co_consts, 1); #endif notify_code_watchers(PY_CODE_EVENT_CREATE, co); return 0; } static int scan_varint(const uint8_t *ptr) { unsigned int read = *ptr++; unsigned int val = read & 63; unsigned int shift = 0; while (read & 64) { read = *ptr++; shift += 6; val |= (read & 63) << shift; } return val; } static int scan_signed_varint(const uint8_t *ptr) { unsigned int uval = scan_varint(ptr); if (uval & 1) { return -(int)(uval >> 1); } else { return uval >> 1; } } static int get_line_delta(const uint8_t *ptr) { int code = ((*ptr) >> 3) & 15; switch (code) { case PY_CODE_LOCATION_INFO_NONE: return 0; case PY_CODE_LOCATION_INFO_NO_COLUMNS: case PY_CODE_LOCATION_INFO_LONG: return scan_signed_varint(ptr+1); case PY_CODE_LOCATION_INFO_ONE_LINE0: return 0; case PY_CODE_LOCATION_INFO_ONE_LINE1: return 1; case PY_CODE_LOCATION_INFO_ONE_LINE2: return 2; default: /* Same line */ return 0; } } static PyObject * remove_column_info(PyObject *locations) { Py_ssize_t offset = 0; const uint8_t *data = (const uint8_t *)PyBytes_AS_STRING(locations); PyObject *res = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, 32); if (res == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return NULL; } uint8_t *output = (uint8_t *)PyBytes_AS_STRING(res); while (offset < PyBytes_GET_SIZE(locations)) { Py_ssize_t write_offset = output - (uint8_t *)PyBytes_AS_STRING(res); if (write_offset + 16 >= PyBytes_GET_SIZE(res)) { if (_PyBytes_Resize(&res, PyBytes_GET_SIZE(res) * 2) < 0) { return NULL; } output = (uint8_t *)PyBytes_AS_STRING(res) + write_offset; } int code = (data[offset] >> 3) & 15; if (code == PY_CODE_LOCATION_INFO_NONE) { *output++ = data[offset]; } else { int blength = (data[offset] & 7)+1; output += write_location_entry_start( output, PY_CODE_LOCATION_INFO_NO_COLUMNS, blength); int ldelta = get_line_delta(&data[offset]); output += write_signed_varint(output, ldelta); } offset++; while (offset < PyBytes_GET_SIZE(locations) && (data[offset] & 128) == 0) { offset++; } } Py_ssize_t write_offset = output - (uint8_t *)PyBytes_AS_STRING(res); if (_PyBytes_Resize(&res, write_offset)) { return NULL; } return res; } static int intern_code_constants(struct _PyCodeConstructor *con) { #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED PyInterpreterState *interp = _PyInterpreterState_GET(); struct _py_code_state *state = &interp->code_state; PyMutex_Lock(&state->mutex); #endif if (intern_strings(con->names) < 0) { goto error; } if (intern_constants(con->consts, NULL) < 0) { goto error; } if (intern_strings(con->localsplusnames) < 0) { goto error; } #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED PyMutex_Unlock(&state->mutex); #endif return 0; error: #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED PyMutex_Unlock(&state->mutex); #endif return -1; } /* The caller is responsible for ensuring that the given data is valid. */ PyCodeObject * _PyCode_New(struct _PyCodeConstructor *con) { if (intern_code_constants(con) < 0) { return NULL; } PyObject *replacement_locations = NULL; // Compact the linetable if we are opted out of debug // ranges. if (!_Py_GetConfig()->code_debug_ranges) { replacement_locations = remove_column_info(con->linetable); if (replacement_locations == NULL) { return NULL; } con->linetable = replacement_locations; } Py_ssize_t size = PyBytes_GET_SIZE(con->code) / sizeof(_Py_CODEUNIT); PyCodeObject *co; #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED co = PyObject_GC_NewVar(PyCodeObject, &PyCode_Type, size); #else co = PyObject_NewVar(PyCodeObject, &PyCode_Type, size); #endif if (co == NULL) { Py_XDECREF(replacement_locations); PyErr_NoMemory(); return NULL; } if (init_code(co, con) < 0) { Py_DECREF(co); return NULL; } #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED co->_co_unique_id = _PyObject_AssignUniqueId((PyObject *)co); _PyObject_GC_TRACK(co); #endif Py_XDECREF(replacement_locations); return co; } /****************** * the legacy "constructors" ******************/ PyCodeObject * PyUnstable_Code_NewWithPosOnlyArgs( int argcount, int posonlyargcount, int kwonlyargcount, int nlocals, int stacksize, int flags, PyObject *code, PyObject *consts, PyObject *names, PyObject *varnames, PyObject *freevars, PyObject *cellvars, PyObject *filename, PyObject *name, PyObject *qualname, int firstlineno, PyObject *linetable, PyObject *exceptiontable) { PyCodeObject *co = NULL; PyObject *localsplusnames = NULL; PyObject *localspluskinds = NULL; if (varnames == NULL || !PyTuple_Check(varnames) || cellvars == NULL || !PyTuple_Check(cellvars) || freevars == NULL || !PyTuple_Check(freevars) ) { PyErr_BadInternalCall(); return NULL; } // Set the "fast locals plus" info. int nvarnames = (int)PyTuple_GET_SIZE(varnames); int ncellvars = (int)PyTuple_GET_SIZE(cellvars); int nfreevars = (int)PyTuple_GET_SIZE(freevars); int nlocalsplus = nvarnames + ncellvars + nfreevars; localsplusnames = PyTuple_New(nlocalsplus); if (localsplusnames == NULL) { goto error; } localspluskinds = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, nlocalsplus); if (localspluskinds == NULL) { goto error; } int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nvarnames; i++, offset++) { PyObject *name = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(varnames, i); _Py_set_localsplus_info(offset, name, CO_FAST_LOCAL, localsplusnames, localspluskinds); } for (int i = 0; i < ncellvars; i++, offset++) { PyObject *name = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(cellvars, i); int argoffset = -1; for (int j = 0; j < nvarnames; j++) { int cmp = PyUnicode_Compare(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(varnames, j), name); assert(!PyErr_Occurred()); if (cmp == 0) { argoffset = j; break; } } if (argoffset >= 0) { // Merge the localsplus indices. nlocalsplus -= 1; offset -= 1; _PyLocals_Kind kind = _PyLocals_GetKind(localspluskinds, argoffset); _PyLocals_SetKind(localspluskinds, argoffset, kind | CO_FAST_CELL); continue; } _Py_set_localsplus_info(offset, name, CO_FAST_CELL, localsplusnames, localspluskinds); } for (int i = 0; i < nfreevars; i++, offset++) { PyObject *name = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(freevars, i); _Py_set_localsplus_info(offset, name, CO_FAST_FREE, localsplusnames, localspluskinds); } // gh-110543: Make sure the CO_FAST_HIDDEN flag is set correctly. if (!(flags & CO_OPTIMIZED)) { Py_ssize_t code_len = PyBytes_GET_SIZE(code); _Py_CODEUNIT *code_data = (_Py_CODEUNIT *)PyBytes_AS_STRING(code); Py_ssize_t num_code_units = code_len / sizeof(_Py_CODEUNIT); int extended_arg = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_code_units; i += 1 + _PyOpcode_Caches[code_data[i].op.code]) { _Py_CODEUNIT *instr = &code_data[i]; uint8_t opcode = instr->op.code; if (opcode == EXTENDED_ARG) { extended_arg = extended_arg << 8 | instr->op.arg; continue; } if (opcode == LOAD_FAST_AND_CLEAR) { int oparg = extended_arg << 8 | instr->op.arg; if (oparg >= nlocalsplus) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "code: LOAD_FAST_AND_CLEAR oparg %d out of range", oparg); goto error; } _PyLocals_Kind kind = _PyLocals_GetKind(localspluskinds, oparg); _PyLocals_SetKind(localspluskinds, oparg, kind | CO_FAST_HIDDEN); } extended_arg = 0; } } // If any cells were args then nlocalsplus will have shrunk. if (nlocalsplus != PyTuple_GET_SIZE(localsplusnames)) { if (_PyTuple_Resize(&localsplusnames, nlocalsplus) < 0 || _PyBytes_Resize(&localspluskinds, nlocalsplus) < 0) { goto error; } } struct _PyCodeConstructor con = { .filename = filename, .name = name, .qualname = qualname, .flags = flags, .code = code, .firstlineno = firstlineno, .linetable = linetable, .consts = consts, .names = names, .localsplusnames = localsplusnames, .localspluskinds = localspluskinds, .argcount = argcount, .posonlyargcount = posonlyargcount, .kwonlyargcount = kwonlyargcount, .stacksize = stacksize, .exceptiontable = exceptiontable, }; if (_PyCode_Validate(&con) < 0) { goto error; } assert(PyBytes_GET_SIZE(code) % sizeof(_Py_CODEUNIT) == 0); assert(_Py_IS_ALIGNED(PyBytes_AS_STRING(code), sizeof(_Py_CODEUNIT))); if (nlocals != PyTuple_GET_SIZE(varnames)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "code: co_nlocals != len(co_varnames)"); goto error; } co = _PyCode_New(&con); if (co == NULL) { goto error; } error: Py_XDECREF(localsplusnames); Py_XDECREF(localspluskinds); return co; } PyCodeObject * PyUnstable_Code_New(int argcount, int kwonlyargcount, int nlocals, int stacksize, int flags, PyObject *code, PyObject *consts, PyObject *names, PyObject *varnames, PyObject *freevars, PyObject *cellvars, PyObject *filename, PyObject *name, PyObject *qualname, int firstlineno, PyObject *linetable, PyObject *exceptiontable) { return PyCode_NewWithPosOnlyArgs(argcount, 0, kwonlyargcount, nlocals, stacksize, flags, code, consts, names, varnames, freevars, cellvars, filename, name, qualname, firstlineno, linetable, exceptiontable); } // NOTE: When modifying the construction of PyCode_NewEmpty, please also change // test.test_code.CodeLocationTest.test_code_new_empty to keep it in sync! static const uint8_t assert0[6] = { RESUME, RESUME_AT_FUNC_START, LOAD_COMMON_CONSTANT, CONSTANT_ASSERTIONERROR, RAISE_VARARGS, 1 }; static const uint8_t linetable[2] = { (1 << 7) // New entry. | (PY_CODE_LOCATION_INFO_NO_COLUMNS << 3) | (3 - 1), // Three code units. 0, // Offset from co_firstlineno. }; PyCodeObject * PyCode_NewEmpty(const char *filename, const char *funcname, int firstlineno) { PyObject *nulltuple = NULL; PyObject *filename_ob = NULL; PyObject *funcname_ob = NULL; PyObject *code_ob = NULL; PyObject *linetable_ob = NULL; PyCodeObject *result = NULL; nulltuple = PyTuple_New(0); if (nulltuple == NULL) { goto failed; } funcname_ob = PyUnicode_FromString(funcname); if (funcname_ob == NULL) { goto failed; } filename_ob = PyUnicode_DecodeFSDefault(filename); if (filename_ob == NULL) { goto failed; } code_ob = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize((const char *)assert0, 6); if (code_ob == NULL) { goto failed; } linetable_ob = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize((const char *)linetable, 2); if (linetable_ob == NULL) { goto failed; } #define emptystring (PyObject *)&_Py_SINGLETON(bytes_empty) struct _PyCodeConstructor con = { .filename = filename_ob, .name = funcname_ob, .qualname = funcname_ob, .code = code_ob, .firstlineno = firstlineno, .linetable = linetable_ob, .consts = nulltuple, .names = nulltuple, .localsplusnames = nulltuple, .localspluskinds = emptystring, .exceptiontable = emptystring, .stacksize = 1, }; result = _PyCode_New(&con); failed: Py_XDECREF(nulltuple); Py_XDECREF(funcname_ob); Py_XDECREF(filename_ob); Py_XDECREF(code_ob); Py_XDECREF(linetable_ob); return result; } /****************** * source location tracking (co_lines/co_positions) ******************/ int PyCode_Addr2Line(PyCodeObject *co, int addrq) { if (addrq < 0) { return co->co_firstlineno; } assert(addrq >= 0 && addrq < _PyCode_NBYTES(co)); PyCodeAddressRange bounds; _PyCode_InitAddressRange(co, &bounds); return _PyCode_CheckLineNumber(addrq, &bounds); } void _PyLineTable_InitAddressRange(const char *linetable, Py_ssize_t length, int firstlineno, PyCodeAddressRange *range) { range->opaque.lo_next = (const uint8_t *)linetable; range->opaque.limit = range->opaque.lo_next + length; range->ar_start = -1; range->ar_end = 0; range->opaque.computed_line = firstlineno; range->ar_line = -1; } int _PyCode_InitAddressRange(PyCodeObject* co, PyCodeAddressRange *bounds) { assert(co->co_linetable != NULL); const char *linetable = PyBytes_AS_STRING(co->co_linetable); Py_ssize_t length = PyBytes_GET_SIZE(co->co_linetable); _PyLineTable_InitAddressRange(linetable, length, co->co_firstlineno, bounds); return bounds->ar_line; } /* Update *bounds to describe the first and one-past-the-last instructions in the same line as lasti. Return the number of that line, or -1 if lasti is out of bounds. */ int _PyCode_CheckLineNumber(int lasti, PyCodeAddressRange *bounds) { while (bounds->ar_end <= lasti) { if (!_PyLineTable_NextAddressRange(bounds)) { return -1; } } while (bounds->ar_start > lasti) { if (!_PyLineTable_PreviousAddressRange(bounds)) { return -1; } } return bounds->ar_line; } static int is_no_line_marker(uint8_t b) { return (b >> 3) == 0x1f; } #define ASSERT_VALID_BOUNDS(bounds) \ assert(bounds->opaque.lo_next <= bounds->opaque.limit && \ (bounds->ar_line == -1 || bounds->ar_line == bounds->opaque.computed_line) && \ (bounds->opaque.lo_next == bounds->opaque.limit || \ (*bounds->opaque.lo_next) & 128)) static int next_code_delta(PyCodeAddressRange *bounds) { assert((*bounds->opaque.lo_next) & 128); return (((*bounds->opaque.lo_next) & 7) + 1) * sizeof(_Py_CODEUNIT); } static int previous_code_delta(PyCodeAddressRange *bounds) { if (bounds->ar_start == 0) { // If we looking at the first entry, the // "previous" entry has an implicit length of 1. return 1; } const uint8_t *ptr = bounds->opaque.lo_next-1; while (((*ptr) & 128) == 0) { ptr--; } return (((*ptr) & 7) + 1) * sizeof(_Py_CODEUNIT); } static int read_byte(PyCodeAddressRange *bounds) { return *bounds->opaque.lo_next++; } static int read_varint(PyCodeAddressRange *bounds) { unsigned int read = read_byte(bounds); unsigned int val = read & 63; unsigned int shift = 0; while (read & 64) { read = read_byte(bounds); shift += 6; val |= (read & 63) << shift; } return val; } static int read_signed_varint(PyCodeAddressRange *bounds) { unsigned int uval = read_varint(bounds); if (uval & 1) { return -(int)(uval >> 1); } else { return uval >> 1; } } static void retreat(PyCodeAddressRange *bounds) { ASSERT_VALID_BOUNDS(bounds); assert(bounds->ar_start >= 0); do { bounds->opaque.lo_next--; } while (((*bounds->opaque.lo_next) & 128) == 0); bounds->opaque.computed_line -= get_line_delta(bounds->opaque.lo_next); bounds->ar_end = bounds->ar_start; bounds->ar_start -= previous_code_delta(bounds); if (is_no_line_marker(bounds->opaque.lo_next[-1])) { bounds->ar_line = -1; } else { bounds->ar_line = bounds->opaque.computed_line; } ASSERT_VALID_BOUNDS(bounds); } static void advance(PyCodeAddressRange *bounds) { ASSERT_VALID_BOUNDS(bounds); bounds->opaque.computed_line += get_line_delta(bounds->opaque.lo_next); if (is_no_line_marker(*bounds->opaque.lo_next)) { bounds->ar_line = -1; } else { bounds->ar_line = bounds->opaque.computed_line; } bounds->ar_start = bounds->ar_end; bounds->ar_end += next_code_delta(bounds); do { bounds->opaque.lo_next++; } while (bounds->opaque.lo_next < bounds->opaque.limit && ((*bounds->opaque.lo_next) & 128) == 0); ASSERT_VALID_BOUNDS(bounds); } static void advance_with_locations(PyCodeAddressRange *bounds, int *endline, int *column, int *endcolumn) { ASSERT_VALID_BOUNDS(bounds); int first_byte = read_byte(bounds); int code = (first_byte >> 3) & 15; bounds->ar_start = bounds->ar_end; bounds->ar_end = bounds->ar_start + ((first_byte & 7) + 1) * sizeof(_Py_CODEUNIT); switch(code) { case PY_CODE_LOCATION_INFO_NONE: bounds->ar_line = *endline = -1; *column = *endcolumn = -1; break; case PY_CODE_LOCATION_INFO_LONG: { bounds->opaque.computed_line += read_signed_varint(bounds); bounds->ar_line = bounds->opaque.computed_line; *endline = bounds->ar_line + read_varint(bounds); *column = read_varint(bounds)-1; *endcolumn = read_varint(bounds)-1; break; } case PY_CODE_LOCATION_INFO_NO_COLUMNS: { /* No column */ bounds->opaque.computed_line += read_signed_varint(bounds); *endline = bounds->ar_line = bounds->opaque.computed_line; *column = *endcolumn = -1; break; } case PY_CODE_LOCATION_INFO_ONE_LINE0: case PY_CODE_LOCATION_INFO_ONE_LINE1: case PY_CODE_LOCATION_INFO_ONE_LINE2: { /* one line form */ int line_delta = code - 10; bounds->opaque.computed_line += line_delta; *endline = bounds->ar_line = bounds->opaque.computed_line; *column = read_byte(bounds); *endcolumn = read_byte(bounds); break; } default: { /* Short forms */ int second_byte = read_byte(bounds); assert((second_byte & 128) == 0); *endline = bounds->ar_line = bounds->opaque.computed_line; *column = code << 3 | (second_byte >> 4); *endcolumn = *column + (second_byte & 15); } } ASSERT_VALID_BOUNDS(bounds); } int PyCode_Addr2Location(PyCodeObject *co, int addrq, int *start_line, int *start_column, int *end_line, int *end_column) { if (addrq < 0) { *start_line = *end_line = co->co_firstlineno; *start_column = *end_column = 0; return 1; } assert(addrq >= 0 && addrq < _PyCode_NBYTES(co)); PyCodeAddressRange bounds; _PyCode_InitAddressRange(co, &bounds); _PyCode_CheckLineNumber(addrq, &bounds); retreat(&bounds); advance_with_locations(&bounds, end_line, start_column, end_column); *start_line = bounds.ar_line; return 1; } static inline int at_end(PyCodeAddressRange *bounds) { return bounds->opaque.lo_next >= bounds->opaque.limit; } int _PyLineTable_PreviousAddressRange(PyCodeAddressRange *range) { if (range->ar_start <= 0) { return 0; } retreat(range); assert(range->ar_end > range->ar_start); return 1; } int _PyLineTable_NextAddressRange(PyCodeAddressRange *range) { if (at_end(range)) { return 0; } advance(range); assert(range->ar_end > range->ar_start); return 1; } static int emit_pair(PyObject **bytes, int *offset, int a, int b) { Py_ssize_t len = PyBytes_GET_SIZE(*bytes); if (*offset + 2 >= len) { if (_PyBytes_Resize(bytes, len * 2) < 0) return 0; } unsigned char *lnotab = (unsigned char *) PyBytes_AS_STRING(*bytes); lnotab += *offset; *lnotab++ = a; *lnotab++ = b; *offset += 2; return 1; } static int emit_delta(PyObject **bytes, int bdelta, int ldelta, int *offset) { while (bdelta > 255) { if (!emit_pair(bytes, offset, 255, 0)) { return 0; } bdelta -= 255; } while (ldelta > 127) { if (!emit_pair(bytes, offset, bdelta, 127)) { return 0; } bdelta = 0; ldelta -= 127; } while (ldelta < -128) { if (!emit_pair(bytes, offset, bdelta, -128)) { return 0; } bdelta = 0; ldelta += 128; } return emit_pair(bytes, offset, bdelta, ldelta); } static PyObject * decode_linetable(PyCodeObject *code) { PyCodeAddressRange bounds; PyObject *bytes; int table_offset = 0; int code_offset = 0; int line = code->co_firstlineno; bytes = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, 64); if (bytes == NULL) { return NULL; } _PyCode_InitAddressRange(code, &bounds); while (_PyLineTable_NextAddressRange(&bounds)) { if (bounds.opaque.computed_line != line) { int bdelta = bounds.ar_start - code_offset; int ldelta = bounds.opaque.computed_line - line; if (!emit_delta(&bytes, bdelta, ldelta, &table_offset)) { Py_DECREF(bytes); return NULL; } code_offset = bounds.ar_start; line = bounds.opaque.computed_line; } } _PyBytes_Resize(&bytes, table_offset); return bytes; } typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD PyCodeObject *li_code; PyCodeAddressRange li_line; } lineiterator; static void lineiter_dealloc(PyObject *self) { lineiterator *li = (lineiterator*)self; Py_DECREF(li->li_code); Py_TYPE(li)->tp_free(li); } static PyObject * _source_offset_converter(int *value) { if (*value == -1) { Py_RETURN_NONE; } return PyLong_FromLong(*value); } static PyObject * lineiter_next(PyObject *self) { lineiterator *li = (lineiterator*)self; PyCodeAddressRange *bounds = &li->li_line; if (!_PyLineTable_NextAddressRange(bounds)) { return NULL; } int start = bounds->ar_start; int line = bounds->ar_line; // Merge overlapping entries: while (_PyLineTable_NextAddressRange(bounds)) { if (bounds->ar_line != line) { _PyLineTable_PreviousAddressRange(bounds); break; } } return Py_BuildValue("iiO&", start, bounds->ar_end, _source_offset_converter, &line); } PyTypeObject _PyLineIterator = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0) "line_iterator", /* tp_name */ sizeof(lineiterator), /* tp_basicsize */ 0, /* tp_itemsize */ /* methods */ lineiter_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */ 0, /* tp_vectorcall_offset */ 0, /* tp_getattr */ 0, /* tp_setattr */ 0, /* tp_as_async */ 0, /* tp_repr */ 0, /* tp_as_number */ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */ 0, /* tp_hash */ 0, /* tp_call */ 0, /* tp_str */ 0, /* tp_getattro */ 0, /* tp_setattro */ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */ 0, /* tp_doc */ 0, /* tp_traverse */ 0, /* tp_clear */ 0, /* tp_richcompare */ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */ PyObject_SelfIter, /* tp_iter */ lineiter_next, /* tp_iternext */ 0, /* tp_methods */ 0, /* tp_members */ 0, /* tp_getset */ 0, /* tp_base */ 0, /* tp_dict */ 0, /* tp_descr_get */ 0, /* tp_descr_set */ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */ 0, /* tp_init */ 0, /* tp_alloc */ 0, /* tp_new */ PyObject_Free, /* tp_free */ }; static lineiterator * new_linesiterator(PyCodeObject *code) { lineiterator *li = (lineiterator *)PyType_GenericAlloc(&_PyLineIterator, 0); if (li == NULL) { return NULL; } li->li_code = (PyCodeObject*)Py_NewRef(code); _PyCode_InitAddressRange(code, &li->li_line); return li; } /* co_positions iterator object. */ typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD PyCodeObject* pi_code; PyCodeAddressRange pi_range; int pi_offset; int pi_endline; int pi_column; int pi_endcolumn; } positionsiterator; static void positionsiter_dealloc(PyObject *self) { positionsiterator *pi = (positionsiterator*)self; Py_DECREF(pi->pi_code); Py_TYPE(pi)->tp_free(pi); } static PyObject* positionsiter_next(PyObject *self) { positionsiterator *pi = (positionsiterator*)self; if (pi->pi_offset >= pi->pi_range.ar_end) { assert(pi->pi_offset == pi->pi_range.ar_end); if (at_end(&pi->pi_range)) { return NULL; } advance_with_locations(&pi->pi_range, &pi->pi_endline, &pi->pi_column, &pi->pi_endcolumn); } pi->pi_offset += 2; return Py_BuildValue("(O&O&O&O&)", _source_offset_converter, &pi->pi_range.ar_line, _source_offset_converter, &pi->pi_endline, _source_offset_converter, &pi->pi_column, _source_offset_converter, &pi->pi_endcolumn); } PyTypeObject _PyPositionsIterator = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0) "positions_iterator", /* tp_name */ sizeof(positionsiterator), /* tp_basicsize */ 0, /* tp_itemsize */ /* methods */ positionsiter_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */ 0, /* tp_vectorcall_offset */ 0, /* tp_getattr */ 0, /* tp_setattr */ 0, /* tp_as_async */ 0, /* tp_repr */ 0, /* tp_as_number */ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */ 0, /* tp_hash */ 0, /* tp_call */ 0, /* tp_str */ 0, /* tp_getattro */ 0, /* tp_setattro */ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE, /* tp_flags */ 0, /* tp_doc */ 0, /* tp_traverse */ 0, /* tp_clear */ 0, /* tp_richcompare */ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */ PyObject_SelfIter, /* tp_iter */ positionsiter_next, /* tp_iternext */ 0, /* tp_methods */ 0, /* tp_members */ 0, /* tp_getset */ 0, /* tp_base */ 0, /* tp_dict */ 0, /* tp_descr_get */ 0, /* tp_descr_set */ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */ 0, /* tp_init */ 0, /* tp_alloc */ 0, /* tp_new */ PyObject_Free, /* tp_free */ }; static PyObject* code_positionsiterator(PyObject *self, PyObject* Py_UNUSED(args)) { PyCodeObject *code = (PyCodeObject*)self; positionsiterator* pi = (positionsiterator*)PyType_GenericAlloc(&_PyPositionsIterator, 0); if (pi == NULL) { return NULL; } pi->pi_code = (PyCodeObject*)Py_NewRef(code); _PyCode_InitAddressRange(code, &pi->pi_range); pi->pi_offset = pi->pi_range.ar_end; return (PyObject*)pi; } /****************** * "extra" frame eval info (see PEP 523) ******************/ /* Holder for co_extra information */ typedef struct { Py_ssize_t ce_size; void *ce_extras[1]; } _PyCodeObjectExtra; int PyUnstable_Code_GetExtra(PyObject *code, Py_ssize_t index, void **extra) { if (!PyCode_Check(code)) { PyErr_BadInternalCall(); return -1; } PyCodeObject *o = (PyCodeObject*) code; _PyCodeObjectExtra *co_extra = (_PyCodeObjectExtra*) o->co_extra; if (co_extra == NULL || index < 0 || co_extra->ce_size <= index) { *extra = NULL; return 0; } *extra = co_extra->ce_extras[index]; return 0; } int PyUnstable_Code_SetExtra(PyObject *code, Py_ssize_t index, void *extra) { PyInterpreterState *interp = _PyInterpreterState_GET(); if (!PyCode_Check(code) || index < 0 || index >= interp->co_extra_user_count) { PyErr_BadInternalCall(); return -1; } PyCodeObject *o = (PyCodeObject*) code; _PyCodeObjectExtra *co_extra = (_PyCodeObjectExtra *) o->co_extra; if (co_extra == NULL || co_extra->ce_size <= index) { Py_ssize_t i = (co_extra == NULL ? 0 : co_extra->ce_size); co_extra = PyMem_Realloc( co_extra, sizeof(_PyCodeObjectExtra) + (interp->co_extra_user_count-1) * sizeof(void*)); if (co_extra == NULL) { return -1; } for (; i < interp->co_extra_user_count; i++) { co_extra->ce_extras[i] = NULL; } co_extra->ce_size = interp->co_extra_user_count; o->co_extra = co_extra; } if (co_extra->ce_extras[index] != NULL) { freefunc free = interp->co_extra_freefuncs[index]; if (free != NULL) { free(co_extra->ce_extras[index]); } } co_extra->ce_extras[index] = extra; return 0; } /****************** * other PyCodeObject accessor functions ******************/ static PyObject * get_cached_locals(PyCodeObject *co, PyObject **cached_field, _PyLocals_Kind kind, int num) { assert(cached_field != NULL); assert(co->_co_cached != NULL); PyObject *varnames = FT_ATOMIC_LOAD_PTR(*cached_field); if (varnames != NULL) { return Py_NewRef(varnames); } Py_BEGIN_CRITICAL_SECTION(co); varnames = *cached_field; if (varnames == NULL) { varnames = get_localsplus_names(co, kind, num); if (varnames != NULL) { FT_ATOMIC_STORE_PTR(*cached_field, varnames); } } Py_END_CRITICAL_SECTION(); return Py_XNewRef(varnames); } PyObject * _PyCode_GetVarnames(PyCodeObject *co) { if (init_co_cached(co)) { return NULL; } return get_cached_locals(co, &co->_co_cached->_co_varnames, CO_FAST_LOCAL, co->co_nlocals); } PyObject * PyCode_GetVarnames(PyCodeObject *code) { return _PyCode_GetVarnames(code); } PyObject * _PyCode_GetCellvars(PyCodeObject *co) { if (init_co_cached(co)) { return NULL; } return get_cached_locals(co, &co->_co_cached->_co_cellvars, CO_FAST_CELL, co->co_ncellvars); } PyObject * PyCode_GetCellvars(PyCodeObject *code) { return _PyCode_GetCellvars(code); } PyObject * _PyCode_GetFreevars(PyCodeObject *co) { if (init_co_cached(co)) { return NULL; } return get_cached_locals(co, &co->_co_cached->_co_freevars, CO_FAST_FREE, co->co_nfreevars); } PyObject * PyCode_GetFreevars(PyCodeObject *code) { return _PyCode_GetFreevars(code); } #ifdef _Py_TIER2 static void clear_executors(PyCodeObject *co) { assert(co->co_executors); for (int i = 0; i < co->co_executors->size; i++) { if (co->co_executors->executors[i]) { _Py_ExecutorDetach(co->co_executors->executors[i]); assert(co->co_executors->executors[i] == NULL); } } PyMem_Free(co->co_executors); co->co_executors = NULL; } void _PyCode_Clear_Executors(PyCodeObject *code) { clear_executors(code); } #endif static void deopt_code(PyCodeObject *code, _Py_CODEUNIT *instructions) { Py_ssize_t len = Py_SIZE(code); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { _Py_CODEUNIT inst = _Py_GetBaseCodeUnit(code, i); assert(inst.op.code < MIN_SPECIALIZED_OPCODE); int caches = _PyOpcode_Caches[inst.op.code]; instructions[i] = inst; for (int j = 1; j <= caches; j++) { instructions[i+j].cache = 0; } i += caches; } } PyObject * _PyCode_GetCode(PyCodeObject *co) { if (init_co_cached(co)) { return NULL; } _PyCoCached *cached = co->_co_cached; PyObject *code = FT_ATOMIC_LOAD_PTR(cached->_co_code); if (code != NULL) { return Py_NewRef(code); } Py_BEGIN_CRITICAL_SECTION(co); code = cached->_co_code; if (code == NULL) { code = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize((const char *)_PyCode_CODE(co), _PyCode_NBYTES(co)); if (code != NULL) { deopt_code(co, (_Py_CODEUNIT *)PyBytes_AS_STRING(code)); assert(cached->_co_code == NULL); FT_ATOMIC_STORE_PTR(cached->_co_code, code); } } Py_END_CRITICAL_SECTION(); return Py_XNewRef(code); } PyObject * PyCode_GetCode(PyCodeObject *co) { return _PyCode_GetCode(co); } /****************** * PyCode_Type ******************/ /*[clinic input] class code "PyCodeObject *" "&PyCode_Type" [clinic start generated code]*/ /*[clinic end generated code: output=da39a3ee5e6b4b0d input=78aa5d576683bb4b]*/ /*[clinic input] @classmethod code.__new__ as code_new argcount: int posonlyargcount: int kwonlyargcount: int nlocals: int stacksize: int flags: int codestring as code: object(subclass_of="&PyBytes_Type") constants as consts: object(subclass_of="&PyTuple_Type") names: object(subclass_of="&PyTuple_Type") varnames: object(subclass_of="&PyTuple_Type") filename: unicode name: unicode qualname: unicode firstlineno: int linetable: object(subclass_of="&PyBytes_Type") exceptiontable: object(subclass_of="&PyBytes_Type") freevars: object(subclass_of="&PyTuple_Type", c_default="NULL") = () cellvars: object(subclass_of="&PyTuple_Type", c_default="NULL") = () / Create a code object. Not for the faint of heart. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * code_new_impl(PyTypeObject *type, int argcount, int posonlyargcount, int kwonlyargcount, int nlocals, int stacksize, int flags, PyObject *code, PyObject *consts, PyObject *names, PyObject *varnames, PyObject *filename, PyObject *name, PyObject *qualname, int firstlineno, PyObject *linetable, PyObject *exceptiontable, PyObject *freevars, PyObject *cellvars) /*[clinic end generated code: output=069fa20d299f9dda input=e31da3c41ad8064a]*/ { PyObject *co = NULL; PyObject *ournames = NULL; PyObject *ourvarnames = NULL; PyObject *ourfreevars = NULL; PyObject *ourcellvars = NULL; if (PySys_Audit("code.__new__", "OOOiiiiii", code, filename, name, argcount, posonlyargcount, kwonlyargcount, nlocals, stacksize, flags) < 0) { goto cleanup; } if (argcount < 0) { PyErr_SetString( PyExc_ValueError, "code: argcount must not be negative"); goto cleanup; } if (posonlyargcount < 0) { PyErr_SetString( PyExc_ValueError, "code: posonlyargcount must not be negative"); goto cleanup; } if (kwonlyargcount < 0) { PyErr_SetString( PyExc_ValueError, "code: kwonlyargcount must not be negative"); goto cleanup; } if (nlocals < 0) { PyErr_SetString( PyExc_ValueError, "code: nlocals must not be negative"); goto cleanup; } ournames = validate_and_copy_tuple(names); if (ournames == NULL) goto cleanup; ourvarnames = validate_and_copy_tuple(varnames); if (ourvarnames == NULL) goto cleanup; if (freevars) ourfreevars = validate_and_copy_tuple(freevars); else ourfreevars = PyTuple_New(0); if (ourfreevars == NULL) goto cleanup; if (cellvars) ourcellvars = validate_and_copy_tuple(cellvars); else ourcellvars = PyTuple_New(0); if (ourcellvars == NULL) goto cleanup; co = (PyObject *)PyCode_NewWithPosOnlyArgs(argcount, posonlyargcount, kwonlyargcount, nlocals, stacksize, flags, code, consts, ournames, ourvarnames, ourfreevars, ourcellvars, filename, name, qualname, firstlineno, linetable, exceptiontable ); cleanup: Py_XDECREF(ournames); Py_XDECREF(ourvarnames); Py_XDECREF(ourfreevars); Py_XDECREF(ourcellvars); return co; } static void free_monitoring_data(_PyCoMonitoringData *data) { if (data == NULL) { return; } if (data->tools) { PyMem_Free(data->tools); } if (data->lines) { PyMem_Free(data->lines); } if (data->line_tools) { PyMem_Free(data->line_tools); } if (data->per_instruction_opcodes) { PyMem_Free(data->per_instruction_opcodes); } if (data->per_instruction_tools) { PyMem_Free(data->per_instruction_tools); } PyMem_Free(data); } static void code_dealloc(PyCodeObject *co) { _PyObject_ResurrectStart((PyObject *)co); notify_code_watchers(PY_CODE_EVENT_DESTROY, co); if (_PyObject_ResurrectEnd((PyObject *)co)) { return; } #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED PyObject_GC_UnTrack(co); #endif _PyFunction_ClearCodeByVersion(co->co_version); if (co->co_extra != NULL) { PyInterpreterState *interp = _PyInterpreterState_GET(); _PyCodeObjectExtra *co_extra = co->co_extra; for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < co_extra->ce_size; i++) { freefunc free_extra = interp->co_extra_freefuncs[i]; if (free_extra != NULL) { free_extra(co_extra->ce_extras[i]); } } PyMem_Free(co_extra); } #ifdef _Py_TIER2 if (co->co_executors != NULL) { clear_executors(co); } #endif Py_XDECREF(co->co_consts); Py_XDECREF(co->co_names); Py_XDECREF(co->co_localsplusnames); Py_XDECREF(co->co_localspluskinds); Py_XDECREF(co->co_filename); Py_XDECREF(co->co_name); Py_XDECREF(co->co_qualname); Py_XDECREF(co->co_linetable); Py_XDECREF(co->co_exceptiontable); #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED assert(co->_co_unique_id == -1); #endif if (co->_co_cached != NULL) { Py_XDECREF(co->_co_cached->_co_code); Py_XDECREF(co->_co_cached->_co_cellvars); Py_XDECREF(co->_co_cached->_co_freevars); Py_XDECREF(co->_co_cached->_co_varnames); PyMem_Free(co->_co_cached); } if (co->co_weakreflist != NULL) { PyObject_ClearWeakRefs((PyObject*)co); } free_monitoring_data(co->_co_monitoring); #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED // The first element always points to the mutable bytecode at the end of // the code object, which will be freed when the code object is freed. for (Py_ssize_t i = 1; i < co->co_tlbc->size; i++) { char *entry = co->co_tlbc->entries[i]; if (entry != NULL) { PyMem_Free(entry); } } PyMem_Free(co->co_tlbc); #endif PyObject_Free(co); } #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED static int code_traverse(PyObject *self, visitproc visit, void *arg) { PyCodeObject *co = (PyCodeObject*)self; Py_VISIT(co->co_consts); return 0; } #endif static PyObject * code_repr(PyObject *self) { PyCodeObject *co = (PyCodeObject*)self; int lineno; if (co->co_firstlineno != 0) lineno = co->co_firstlineno; else lineno = -1; if (co->co_filename && PyUnicode_Check(co->co_filename)) { return PyUnicode_FromFormat( "<code object %U at %p, file \"%U\", line %d>", co->co_name, co, co->co_filename, lineno); } else { return PyUnicode_FromFormat( "<code object %U at %p, file ???, line %d>", co->co_name, co, lineno); } } static PyObject * code_richcompare(PyObject *self, PyObject *other, int op) { PyCodeObject *co, *cp; int eq; PyObject *consts1, *consts2; PyObject *res; if ((op != Py_EQ && op != Py_NE) || !PyCode_Check(self) || !PyCode_Check(other)) { Py_RETURN_NOTIMPLEMENTED; } co = (PyCodeObject *)self; cp = (PyCodeObject *)other; eq = PyObject_RichCompareBool(co->co_name, cp->co_name, Py_EQ); if (!eq) goto unequal; eq = co->co_argcount == cp->co_argcount; if (!eq) goto unequal; eq = co->co_posonlyargcount == cp->co_posonlyargcount; if (!eq) goto unequal; eq = co->co_kwonlyargcount == cp->co_kwonlyargcount; if (!eq) goto unequal; eq = co->co_flags == cp->co_flags; if (!eq) goto unequal; eq = co->co_firstlineno == cp->co_firstlineno; if (!eq) goto unequal; eq = Py_SIZE(co) == Py_SIZE(cp); if (!eq) { goto unequal; } for (int i = 0; i < Py_SIZE(co); i++) { _Py_CODEUNIT co_instr = _Py_GetBaseCodeUnit(co, i); _Py_CODEUNIT cp_instr = _Py_GetBaseCodeUnit(cp, i); if (co_instr.cache != cp_instr.cache) { goto unequal; } i += _PyOpcode_Caches[co_instr.op.code]; } /* compare constants */ consts1 = _PyCode_ConstantKey(co->co_consts); if (!consts1) return NULL; consts2 = _PyCode_ConstantKey(cp->co_consts); if (!consts2) { Py_DECREF(consts1); return NULL; } eq = PyObject_RichCompareBool(consts1, consts2, Py_EQ); Py_DECREF(consts1); Py_DECREF(consts2); if (eq <= 0) goto unequal; eq = PyObject_RichCompareBool(co->co_names, cp->co_names, Py_EQ); if (eq <= 0) goto unequal; eq = PyObject_RichCompareBool(co->co_localsplusnames, cp->co_localsplusnames, Py_EQ); if (eq <= 0) goto unequal; eq = PyObject_RichCompareBool(co->co_linetable, cp->co_linetable, Py_EQ); if (eq <= 0) { goto unequal; } eq = PyObject_RichCompareBool(co->co_exceptiontable, cp->co_exceptiontable, Py_EQ); if (eq <= 0) { goto unequal; } if (op == Py_EQ) res = Py_True; else res = Py_False; goto done; unequal: if (eq < 0) return NULL; if (op == Py_NE) res = Py_True; else res = Py_False; done: return Py_NewRef(res); } static Py_hash_t code_hash(PyObject *self) { PyCodeObject *co = (PyCodeObject*)self; Py_uhash_t uhash = 20221211; #define SCRAMBLE_IN(H) do { \ uhash ^= (Py_uhash_t)(H); \ uhash *= PyHASH_MULTIPLIER; \ } while (0) #define SCRAMBLE_IN_HASH(EXPR) do { \ Py_hash_t h = PyObject_Hash(EXPR); \ if (h == -1) { \ return -1; \ } \ SCRAMBLE_IN(h); \ } while (0) SCRAMBLE_IN_HASH(co->co_name); SCRAMBLE_IN_HASH(co->co_consts); SCRAMBLE_IN_HASH(co->co_names); SCRAMBLE_IN_HASH(co->co_localsplusnames); SCRAMBLE_IN_HASH(co->co_linetable); SCRAMBLE_IN_HASH(co->co_exceptiontable); SCRAMBLE_IN(co->co_argcount); SCRAMBLE_IN(co->co_posonlyargcount); SCRAMBLE_IN(co->co_kwonlyargcount); SCRAMBLE_IN(co->co_flags); SCRAMBLE_IN(co->co_firstlineno); SCRAMBLE_IN(Py_SIZE(co)); for (int i = 0; i < Py_SIZE(co); i++) { _Py_CODEUNIT co_instr = _Py_GetBaseCodeUnit(co, i); SCRAMBLE_IN(co_instr.op.code); SCRAMBLE_IN(co_instr.op.arg); i += _PyOpcode_Caches[co_instr.op.code]; } if ((Py_hash_t)uhash == -1) { return -2; } return (Py_hash_t)uhash; } #define OFF(x) offsetof(PyCodeObject, x) static PyMemberDef code_memberlist[] = { {"co_argcount", Py_T_INT, OFF(co_argcount), Py_READONLY}, {"co_posonlyargcount", Py_T_INT, OFF(co_posonlyargcount), Py_READONLY}, {"co_kwonlyargcount", Py_T_INT, OFF(co_kwonlyargcount), Py_READONLY}, {"co_stacksize", Py_T_INT, OFF(co_stacksize), Py_READONLY}, {"co_flags", Py_T_INT, OFF(co_flags), Py_READONLY}, {"co_nlocals", Py_T_INT, OFF(co_nlocals), Py_READONLY}, {"co_consts", _Py_T_OBJECT, OFF(co_consts), Py_READONLY}, {"co_names", _Py_T_OBJECT, OFF(co_names), Py_READONLY}, {"co_filename", _Py_T_OBJECT, OFF(co_filename), Py_READONLY}, {"co_name", _Py_T_OBJECT, OFF(co_name), Py_READONLY}, {"co_qualname", _Py_T_OBJECT, OFF(co_qualname), Py_READONLY}, {"co_firstlineno", Py_T_INT, OFF(co_firstlineno), Py_READONLY}, {"co_linetable", _Py_T_OBJECT, OFF(co_linetable), Py_READONLY}, {"co_exceptiontable", _Py_T_OBJECT, OFF(co_exceptiontable), Py_READONLY}, {NULL} /* Sentinel */ }; static PyObject * code_getlnotab(PyObject *self, void *closure) { PyCodeObject *code = (PyCodeObject*)self; if (PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_DeprecationWarning, "co_lnotab is deprecated, use co_lines instead.", 1) < 0) { return NULL; } return decode_linetable(code); } static PyObject * code_getvarnames(PyObject *self, void *closure) { PyCodeObject *code = (PyCodeObject*)self; return _PyCode_GetVarnames(code); } static PyObject * code_getcellvars(PyObject *self, void *closure) { PyCodeObject *code = (PyCodeObject*)self; return _PyCode_GetCellvars(code); } static PyObject * code_getfreevars(PyObject *self, void *closure) { PyCodeObject *code = (PyCodeObject*)self; return _PyCode_GetFreevars(code); } static PyObject * code_getcodeadaptive(PyObject *self, void *closure) { PyCodeObject *code = (PyCodeObject*)self; return PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(code->co_code_adaptive, _PyCode_NBYTES(code)); } static PyObject * code_getcode(PyObject *self, void *closure) { PyCodeObject *code = (PyCodeObject*)self; return _PyCode_GetCode(code); } static PyGetSetDef code_getsetlist[] = { {"co_lnotab", code_getlnotab, NULL, NULL}, {"_co_code_adaptive", code_getcodeadaptive, NULL, NULL}, // The following old names are kept for backward compatibility. {"co_varnames", code_getvarnames, NULL, NULL}, {"co_cellvars", code_getcellvars, NULL, NULL}, {"co_freevars", code_getfreevars, NULL, NULL}, {"co_code", code_getcode, NULL, NULL}, {0} }; static PyObject * code_sizeof(PyObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(args)) { PyCodeObject *co = (PyCodeObject*)self; size_t res = _PyObject_VAR_SIZE(Py_TYPE(co), Py_SIZE(co)); _PyCodeObjectExtra *co_extra = (_PyCodeObjectExtra*) co->co_extra; if (co_extra != NULL) { res += sizeof(_PyCodeObjectExtra); res += ((size_t)co_extra->ce_size - 1) * sizeof(co_extra->ce_extras[0]); } return PyLong_FromSize_t(res); } static PyObject * code_linesiterator(PyObject *self, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(args)) { PyCodeObject *code = (PyCodeObject*)self; return (PyObject *)new_linesiterator(code); } static PyObject * code_branchesiterator(PyCodeObject *code, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(args)) { return _PyInstrumentation_BranchesIterator(code); } /*[clinic input] @text_signature "($self, /, **changes)" code.replace * co_argcount: int(c_default="self->co_argcount") = unchanged co_posonlyargcount: int(c_default="self->co_posonlyargcount") = unchanged co_kwonlyargcount: int(c_default="self->co_kwonlyargcount") = unchanged co_nlocals: int(c_default="self->co_nlocals") = unchanged co_stacksize: int(c_default="self->co_stacksize") = unchanged co_flags: int(c_default="self->co_flags") = unchanged co_firstlineno: int(c_default="self->co_firstlineno") = unchanged co_code: object(subclass_of="&PyBytes_Type", c_default="NULL") = unchanged co_consts: object(subclass_of="&PyTuple_Type", c_default="self->co_consts") = unchanged co_names: object(subclass_of="&PyTuple_Type", c_default="self->co_names") = unchanged co_varnames: object(subclass_of="&PyTuple_Type", c_default="NULL") = unchanged co_freevars: object(subclass_of="&PyTuple_Type", c_default="NULL") = unchanged co_cellvars: object(subclass_of="&PyTuple_Type", c_default="NULL") = unchanged co_filename: unicode(c_default="self->co_filename") = unchanged co_name: unicode(c_default="self->co_name") = unchanged co_qualname: unicode(c_default="self->co_qualname") = unchanged co_linetable: object(subclass_of="&PyBytes_Type", c_default="self->co_linetable") = unchanged co_exceptiontable: object(subclass_of="&PyBytes_Type", c_default="self->co_exceptiontable") = unchanged Return a copy of the code object with new values for the specified fields. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * code_replace_impl(PyCodeObject *self, int co_argcount, int co_posonlyargcount, int co_kwonlyargcount, int co_nlocals, int co_stacksize, int co_flags, int co_firstlineno, PyObject *co_code, PyObject *co_consts, PyObject *co_names, PyObject *co_varnames, PyObject *co_freevars, PyObject *co_cellvars, PyObject *co_filename, PyObject *co_name, PyObject *co_qualname, PyObject *co_linetable, PyObject *co_exceptiontable) /*[clinic end generated code: output=e75c48a15def18b9 input=18e280e07846c122]*/ { #define CHECK_INT_ARG(ARG) \ if (ARG < 0) { \ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, \ #ARG " must be a positive integer"); \ return NULL; \ } CHECK_INT_ARG(co_argcount); CHECK_INT_ARG(co_posonlyargcount); CHECK_INT_ARG(co_kwonlyargcount); CHECK_INT_ARG(co_nlocals); CHECK_INT_ARG(co_stacksize); CHECK_INT_ARG(co_flags); CHECK_INT_ARG(co_firstlineno); #undef CHECK_INT_ARG PyObject *code = NULL; if (co_code == NULL) { code = _PyCode_GetCode(self); if (code == NULL) { return NULL; } co_code = code; } if (PySys_Audit("code.__new__", "OOOiiiiii", co_code, co_filename, co_name, co_argcount, co_posonlyargcount, co_kwonlyargcount, co_nlocals, co_stacksize, co_flags) < 0) { Py_XDECREF(code); return NULL; } PyCodeObject *co = NULL; PyObject *varnames = NULL; PyObject *cellvars = NULL; PyObject *freevars = NULL; if (co_varnames == NULL) { varnames = get_localsplus_names(self, CO_FAST_LOCAL, self->co_nlocals); if (varnames == NULL) { goto error; } co_varnames = varnames; } if (co_cellvars == NULL) { cellvars = get_localsplus_names(self, CO_FAST_CELL, self->co_ncellvars); if (cellvars == NULL) { goto error; } co_cellvars = cellvars; } if (co_freevars == NULL) { freevars = get_localsplus_names(self, CO_FAST_FREE, self->co_nfreevars); if (freevars == NULL) { goto error; } co_freevars = freevars; } co = PyCode_NewWithPosOnlyArgs( co_argcount, co_posonlyargcount, co_kwonlyargcount, co_nlocals, co_stacksize, co_flags, co_code, co_consts, co_names, co_varnames, co_freevars, co_cellvars, co_filename, co_name, co_qualname, co_firstlineno, co_linetable, co_exceptiontable); error: Py_XDECREF(code); Py_XDECREF(varnames); Py_XDECREF(cellvars); Py_XDECREF(freevars); return (PyObject *)co; } /*[clinic input] code._varname_from_oparg oparg: int (internal-only) Return the local variable name for the given oparg. WARNING: this method is for internal use only and may change or go away. [clinic start generated code]*/ static PyObject * code__varname_from_oparg_impl(PyCodeObject *self, int oparg) /*[clinic end generated code: output=1fd1130413184206 input=c5fa3ee9bac7d4ca]*/ { PyObject *name = PyTuple_GetItem(self->co_localsplusnames, oparg); if (name == NULL) { return NULL; } return Py_NewRef(name); } /* XXX code objects need to participate in GC? */ static struct PyMethodDef code_methods[] = { {"__sizeof__", code_sizeof, METH_NOARGS}, {"co_lines", code_linesiterator, METH_NOARGS}, {"co_branches", (PyCFunction)code_branchesiterator, METH_NOARGS}, {"co_positions", code_positionsiterator, METH_NOARGS}, CODE_REPLACE_METHODDEF CODE__VARNAME_FROM_OPARG_METHODDEF {"__replace__", _PyCFunction_CAST(code_replace), METH_FASTCALL|METH_KEYWORDS, PyDoc_STR("__replace__($self, /, **changes)\n--\n\nThe same as replace().")}, {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; PyTypeObject PyCode_Type = { PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0) "code", offsetof(PyCodeObject, co_code_adaptive), sizeof(_Py_CODEUNIT), (destructor)code_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */ 0, /* tp_vectorcall_offset */ 0, /* tp_getattr */ 0, /* tp_setattr */ 0, /* tp_as_async */ code_repr, /* tp_repr */ 0, /* tp_as_number */ 0, /* tp_as_sequence */ 0, /* tp_as_mapping */ code_hash, /* tp_hash */ 0, /* tp_call */ 0, /* tp_str */ PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /* tp_getattro */ 0, /* tp_setattro */ 0, /* tp_as_buffer */ #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC, /* tp_flags */ #else Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /* tp_flags */ #endif code_new__doc__, /* tp_doc */ #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED code_traverse, /* tp_traverse */ #else 0, /* tp_traverse */ #endif 0, /* tp_clear */ code_richcompare, /* tp_richcompare */ offsetof(PyCodeObject, co_weakreflist), /* tp_weaklistoffset */ 0, /* tp_iter */ 0, /* tp_iternext */ code_methods, /* tp_methods */ code_memberlist, /* tp_members */ code_getsetlist, /* tp_getset */ 0, /* tp_base */ 0, /* tp_dict */ 0, /* tp_descr_get */ 0, /* tp_descr_set */ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */ 0, /* tp_init */ 0, /* tp_alloc */ code_new, /* tp_new */ }; /****************** * other API ******************/ PyObject* _PyCode_ConstantKey(PyObject *op) { PyObject *key; /* Py_None and Py_Ellipsis are singletons. */ if (op == Py_None || op == Py_Ellipsis || PyLong_CheckExact(op) || PyUnicode_CheckExact(op) /* code_richcompare() uses _PyCode_ConstantKey() internally */ || PyCode_Check(op)) { /* Objects of these types are always different from object of other * type and from tuples. */ key = Py_NewRef(op); } else if (PyBool_Check(op) || PyBytes_CheckExact(op)) { /* Make booleans different from integers 0 and 1. * Avoid BytesWarning from comparing bytes with strings. */ key = PyTuple_Pack(2, Py_TYPE(op), op); } else if (PyFloat_CheckExact(op)) { double d = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(op); /* all we need is to make the tuple different in either the 0.0 * or -0.0 case from all others, just to avoid the "coercion". */ if (d == 0.0 && copysign(1.0, d) < 0.0) key = PyTuple_Pack(3, Py_TYPE(op), op, Py_None); else key = PyTuple_Pack(2, Py_TYPE(op), op); } else if (PyComplex_CheckExact(op)) { Py_complex z; int real_negzero, imag_negzero; /* For the complex case we must make complex(x, 0.) different from complex(x, -0.) and complex(0., y) different from complex(-0., y), for any x and y. All four complex zeros must be distinguished.*/ z = PyComplex_AsCComplex(op); real_negzero = z.real == 0.0 && copysign(1.0, z.real) < 0.0; imag_negzero = z.imag == 0.0 && copysign(1.0, z.imag) < 0.0; /* use True, False and None singleton as tags for the real and imag * sign, to make tuples different */ if (real_negzero && imag_negzero) { key = PyTuple_Pack(3, Py_TYPE(op), op, Py_True); } else if (imag_negzero) { key = PyTuple_Pack(3, Py_TYPE(op), op, Py_False); } else if (real_negzero) { key = PyTuple_Pack(3, Py_TYPE(op), op, Py_None); } else { key = PyTuple_Pack(2, Py_TYPE(op), op); } } else if (PyTuple_CheckExact(op)) { Py_ssize_t i, len; PyObject *tuple; len = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(op); tuple = PyTuple_New(len); if (tuple == NULL) return NULL; for (i=0; i < len; i++) { PyObject *item, *item_key; item = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(op, i); item_key = _PyCode_ConstantKey(item); if (item_key == NULL) { Py_DECREF(tuple); return NULL; } PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, i, item_key); } key = PyTuple_Pack(2, tuple, op); Py_DECREF(tuple); } else if (PyFrozenSet_CheckExact(op)) { Py_ssize_t pos = 0; PyObject *item; Py_hash_t hash; Py_ssize_t i, len; PyObject *tuple, *set; len = PySet_GET_SIZE(op); tuple = PyTuple_New(len); if (tuple == NULL) return NULL; i = 0; while (_PySet_NextEntry(op, &pos, &item, &hash)) { PyObject *item_key; item_key = _PyCode_ConstantKey(item); if (item_key == NULL) { Py_DECREF(tuple); return NULL; } assert(i < len); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, i, item_key); i++; } set = PyFrozenSet_New(tuple); Py_DECREF(tuple); if (set == NULL) return NULL; key = PyTuple_Pack(2, set, op); Py_DECREF(set); return key; } else if (PySlice_Check(op)) { PySliceObject *slice = (PySliceObject *)op; PyObject *start_key = NULL; PyObject *stop_key = NULL; PyObject *step_key = NULL; key = NULL; start_key = _PyCode_ConstantKey(slice->start); if (start_key == NULL) { goto slice_exit; } stop_key = _PyCode_ConstantKey(slice->stop); if (stop_key == NULL) { goto slice_exit; } step_key = _PyCode_ConstantKey(slice->step); if (step_key == NULL) { goto slice_exit; } PyObject *slice_key = PySlice_New(start_key, stop_key, step_key); if (slice_key == NULL) { goto slice_exit; } key = PyTuple_Pack(2, slice_key, op); Py_DECREF(slice_key); slice_exit: Py_XDECREF(start_key); Py_XDECREF(stop_key); Py_XDECREF(step_key); } else { /* for other types, use the object identifier as a unique identifier * to ensure that they are seen as unequal. */ PyObject *obj_id = PyLong_FromVoidPtr(op); if (obj_id == NULL) return NULL; key = PyTuple_Pack(2, obj_id, op); Py_DECREF(obj_id); } return key; } #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED static PyObject * intern_one_constant(PyObject *op) { PyInterpreterState *interp = _PyInterpreterState_GET(); _Py_hashtable_t *consts = interp->code_state.constants; assert(!PyUnicode_CheckExact(op)); // strings are interned separately _Py_hashtable_entry_t *entry = _Py_hashtable_get_entry(consts, op); if (entry == NULL) { if (_Py_hashtable_set(consts, op, op) != 0) { return NULL; } #ifdef Py_REF_DEBUG Py_ssize_t refcnt = Py_REFCNT(op); if (refcnt != 1) { // Adjust the reftotal to account for the fact that we only // restore a single reference in _PyCode_Fini. _Py_AddRefTotal(_PyThreadState_GET(), -(refcnt - 1)); } #endif _Py_SetImmortal(op); return op; } assert(_Py_IsImmortal(entry->value)); return (PyObject *)entry->value; } static int compare_constants(const void *key1, const void *key2) { PyObject *op1 = (PyObject *)key1; PyObject *op2 = (PyObject *)key2; if (op1 == op2) { return 1; } if (Py_TYPE(op1) != Py_TYPE(op2)) { return 0; } // We compare container contents by identity because we have already // internalized the items. if (PyTuple_CheckExact(op1)) { Py_ssize_t size = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(op1); if (size != PyTuple_GET_SIZE(op2)) { return 0; } for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (PyTuple_GET_ITEM(op1, i) != PyTuple_GET_ITEM(op2, i)) { return 0; } } return 1; } else if (PyFrozenSet_CheckExact(op1)) { if (PySet_GET_SIZE(op1) != PySet_GET_SIZE(op2)) { return 0; } Py_ssize_t pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0; PyObject *obj1, *obj2; Py_hash_t hash1, hash2; while ((_PySet_NextEntry(op1, &pos1, &obj1, &hash1)) && (_PySet_NextEntry(op2, &pos2, &obj2, &hash2))) { if (obj1 != obj2) { return 0; } } return 1; } else if (PySlice_Check(op1)) { PySliceObject *s1 = (PySliceObject *)op1; PySliceObject *s2 = (PySliceObject *)op2; return (s1->start == s2->start && s1->stop == s2->stop && s1->step == s2->step); } else if (PyBytes_CheckExact(op1) || PyLong_CheckExact(op1)) { return PyObject_RichCompareBool(op1, op2, Py_EQ); } else if (PyFloat_CheckExact(op1)) { // Ensure that, for example, +0.0 and -0.0 are distinct double f1 = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(op1); double f2 = PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(op2); return memcmp(&f1, &f2, sizeof(double)) == 0; } else if (PyComplex_CheckExact(op1)) { Py_complex c1 = ((PyComplexObject *)op1)->cval; Py_complex c2 = ((PyComplexObject *)op2)->cval; return memcmp(&c1, &c2, sizeof(Py_complex)) == 0; } _Py_FatalErrorFormat("unexpected type in compare_constants: %s", Py_TYPE(op1)->tp_name); return 0; } static Py_uhash_t hash_const(const void *key) { PyObject *op = (PyObject *)key; if (PySlice_Check(op)) { PySliceObject *s = (PySliceObject *)op; PyObject *data[3] = { s->start, s->stop, s->step }; return Py_HashBuffer(&data, sizeof(data)); } else if (PyTuple_CheckExact(op)) { Py_ssize_t size = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(op); PyObject **data = _PyTuple_ITEMS(op); return Py_HashBuffer(data, sizeof(PyObject *) * size); } Py_hash_t h = PyObject_Hash(op); if (h == -1) { // This should never happen: all the constants we support have // infallible hash functions. Py_FatalError("code: hash failed"); } return (Py_uhash_t)h; } static int clear_containers(_Py_hashtable_t *ht, const void *key, const void *value, void *user_data) { // First clear containers to avoid recursive deallocation later on in // destroy_key. PyObject *op = (PyObject *)key; if (PyTuple_CheckExact(op)) { for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < PyTuple_GET_SIZE(op); i++) { Py_CLEAR(_PyTuple_ITEMS(op)[i]); } } else if (PySlice_Check(op)) { PySliceObject *slice = (PySliceObject *)op; Py_SETREF(slice->start, Py_None); Py_SETREF(slice->stop, Py_None); Py_SETREF(slice->step, Py_None); } else if (PyFrozenSet_CheckExact(op)) { _PySet_ClearInternal((PySetObject *)op); } return 0; } static void destroy_key(void *key) { _Py_ClearImmortal(key); } #endif PyStatus _PyCode_Init(PyInterpreterState *interp) { #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED struct _py_code_state *state = &interp->code_state; state->constants = _Py_hashtable_new_full(&hash_const, &compare_constants, &destroy_key, NULL, NULL); if (state->constants == NULL) { return _PyStatus_NO_MEMORY(); } #endif return _PyStatus_OK(); } void _PyCode_Fini(PyInterpreterState *interp) { #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED // Free interned constants struct _py_code_state *state = &interp->code_state; if (state->constants) { _Py_hashtable_foreach(state->constants, &clear_containers, NULL); _Py_hashtable_destroy(state->constants); state->constants = NULL; } _PyIndexPool_Fini(&interp->tlbc_indices); #endif } #ifdef Py_GIL_DISABLED // Thread-local bytecode (TLBC) // // Each thread specializes a thread-local copy of the bytecode, created on the // first RESUME, in free-threaded builds. All copies of the bytecode for a code // object are stored in the `co_tlbc` array. Threads reserve a globally unique // index identifying its copy of the bytecode in all `co_tlbc` arrays at thread // creation and release the index at thread destruction. The first entry in // every `co_tlbc` array always points to the "main" copy of the bytecode that // is stored at the end of the code object. This ensures that no bytecode is // copied for programs that do not use threads. // // Thread-local bytecode can be disabled at runtime by providing either `-X // tlbc=0` or `PYTHON_TLBC=0`. Disabling thread-local bytecode also disables // specialization. All threads share the main copy of the bytecode when // thread-local bytecode is disabled. // // Concurrent modifications to the bytecode made by the specializing // interpreter and instrumentation use atomics, with specialization taking care // not to overwrite an instruction that was instrumented concurrently. int32_t _Py_ReserveTLBCIndex(PyInterpreterState *interp) { if (interp->config.tlbc_enabled) { return _PyIndexPool_AllocIndex(&interp->tlbc_indices); } // All threads share the main copy of the bytecode when TLBC is disabled return 0; } void _Py_ClearTLBCIndex(_PyThreadStateImpl *tstate) { PyInterpreterState *interp = ((PyThreadState *)tstate)->interp; if (interp->config.tlbc_enabled) { _PyIndexPool_FreeIndex(&interp->tlbc_indices, tstate->tlbc_index); } } static _PyCodeArray * _PyCodeArray_New(Py_ssize_t size) { _PyCodeArray *arr = PyMem_Calloc( 1, offsetof(_PyCodeArray, entries) + sizeof(void *) * size); if (arr == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return NULL; } arr->size = size; return arr; } static void copy_code(_Py_CODEUNIT *dst, PyCodeObject *co) { int code_len = (int) Py_SIZE(co); for (int i = 0; i < code_len; i += _PyInstruction_GetLength(co, i)) { dst[i] = _Py_GetBaseCodeUnit(co, i); } _PyCode_Quicken(dst, code_len, co->co_consts, 1); } static Py_ssize_t get_pow2_greater(Py_ssize_t initial, Py_ssize_t limit) { // initial must be a power of two assert(!(initial & (initial - 1))); Py_ssize_t res = initial; while (res && res < limit) { res <<= 1; } return res; } static _Py_CODEUNIT * create_tlbc_lock_held(PyCodeObject *co, Py_ssize_t idx) { _PyCodeArray *tlbc = co->co_tlbc; if (idx >= tlbc->size) { Py_ssize_t new_size = get_pow2_greater(tlbc->size, idx + 1); if (!new_size) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return NULL; } _PyCodeArray *new_tlbc = _PyCodeArray_New(new_size); if (new_tlbc == NULL) { return NULL; } memcpy(new_tlbc->entries, tlbc->entries, tlbc->size * sizeof(void *)); _Py_atomic_store_ptr_release(&co->co_tlbc, new_tlbc); _PyMem_FreeDelayed(tlbc); tlbc = new_tlbc; } char *bc = PyMem_Calloc(1, _PyCode_NBYTES(co)); if (bc == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return NULL; } copy_code((_Py_CODEUNIT *) bc, co); assert(tlbc->entries[idx] == NULL); tlbc->entries[idx] = bc; return (_Py_CODEUNIT *) bc; } static _Py_CODEUNIT * get_tlbc_lock_held(PyCodeObject *co) { _PyCodeArray *tlbc = co->co_tlbc; _PyThreadStateImpl *tstate = (_PyThreadStateImpl *)PyThreadState_GET(); int32_t idx = tstate->tlbc_index; if (idx < tlbc->size && tlbc->entries[idx] != NULL) { return (_Py_CODEUNIT *)tlbc->entries[idx]; } return create_tlbc_lock_held(co, idx); } _Py_CODEUNIT * _PyCode_GetTLBC(PyCodeObject *co) { _Py_CODEUNIT *result; Py_BEGIN_CRITICAL_SECTION(co); result = get_tlbc_lock_held(co); Py_END_CRITICAL_SECTION(); return result; } // My kingdom for a bitset struct flag_set { uint8_t *flags; Py_ssize_t size; }; static inline int flag_is_set(struct flag_set *flags, Py_ssize_t idx) { assert(idx >= 0); return (idx < flags->size) && flags->flags[idx]; } // Set the flag for each tlbc index in use static int get_indices_in_use(PyInterpreterState *interp, struct flag_set *in_use) { assert(interp->stoptheworld.world_stopped); assert(in_use->flags == NULL); int32_t max_index = 0; _Py_FOR_EACH_TSTATE_BEGIN(interp, p) { int32_t idx = ((_PyThreadStateImpl *) p)->tlbc_index; if (idx > max_index) { max_index = idx; } } _Py_FOR_EACH_TSTATE_END(interp); in_use->size = (size_t) max_index + 1; in_use->flags = PyMem_Calloc(in_use->size, sizeof(*in_use->flags)); if (in_use->flags == NULL) { return -1; } _Py_FOR_EACH_TSTATE_BEGIN(interp, p) { in_use->flags[((_PyThreadStateImpl *) p)->tlbc_index] = 1; } _Py_FOR_EACH_TSTATE_END(interp); return 0; } struct get_code_args { _PyObjectStack code_objs; struct flag_set indices_in_use; int err; }; static void clear_get_code_args(struct get_code_args *args) { if (args->indices_in_use.flags != NULL) { PyMem_Free(args->indices_in_use.flags); args->indices_in_use.flags = NULL; } _PyObjectStack_Clear(&args->code_objs); } static inline int is_bytecode_unused(_PyCodeArray *tlbc, Py_ssize_t idx, struct flag_set *indices_in_use) { assert(idx > 0 && idx < tlbc->size); return tlbc->entries[idx] != NULL && !flag_is_set(indices_in_use, idx); } static int get_code_with_unused_tlbc(PyObject *obj, struct get_code_args *args) { if (!PyCode_Check(obj)) { return 1; } PyCodeObject *co = (PyCodeObject *) obj; _PyCodeArray *tlbc = co->co_tlbc; // The first index always points at the main copy of the bytecode embedded // in the code object. for (Py_ssize_t i = 1; i < tlbc->size; i++) { if (is_bytecode_unused(tlbc, i, &args->indices_in_use)) { if (_PyObjectStack_Push(&args->code_objs, obj) < 0) { args->err = -1; return 0; } return 1; } } return 1; } static void free_unused_bytecode(PyCodeObject *co, struct flag_set *indices_in_use) { _PyCodeArray *tlbc = co->co_tlbc; // The first index always points at the main copy of the bytecode embedded // in the code object. for (Py_ssize_t i = 1; i < tlbc->size; i++) { if (is_bytecode_unused(tlbc, i, indices_in_use)) { PyMem_Free(tlbc->entries[i]); tlbc->entries[i] = NULL; } } } int _Py_ClearUnusedTLBC(PyInterpreterState *interp) { struct get_code_args args = { .code_objs = {NULL}, .indices_in_use = {NULL, 0}, .err = 0, }; _PyEval_StopTheWorld(interp); // Collect in-use tlbc indices if (get_indices_in_use(interp, &args.indices_in_use) < 0) { goto err; } // Collect code objects that have bytecode not in use by any thread _PyGC_VisitObjectsWorldStopped( interp, (gcvisitobjects_t)get_code_with_unused_tlbc, &args); if (args.err < 0) { goto err; } // Free unused bytecode. This must happen outside of gc_visit_heaps; it is // unsafe to allocate or free any mimalloc managed memory when it's // running. PyObject *obj; while ((obj = _PyObjectStack_Pop(&args.code_objs)) != NULL) { free_unused_bytecode((PyCodeObject*) obj, &args.indices_in_use); } _PyEval_StartTheWorld(interp); clear_get_code_args(&args); return 0; err: _PyEval_StartTheWorld(interp); clear_get_code_args(&args); PyErr_NoMemory(); return -1; } #endif