import os import sys import subprocess TCL_MAJOR = 8 TCL_MINOR = 5 TCL_PATCH = 2 TIX_MAJOR = 8 TIX_MINOR = 4 TIX_PATCH = 3 def abspath(name): par = os.path.pardir return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, par, par, par, par, name)) TCL_DIR = abspath("tcl%d.%d.%d" % (TCL_MAJOR, TCL_MINOR, TCL_PATCH)) TK_DIR = abspath("tk%d.%d.%d" % (TCL_MAJOR, TCL_MINOR, TCL_PATCH)) TIX_DIR = abspath("tix%d.%d.%d" % (TIX_MAJOR, TIX_MINOR, TIX_PATCH)) OUT_DIR = abspath("tcltk") def have_args(*a): return any(s in sys.argv[1:] for s in a) def enter(dir): os.chdir(os.path.join(dir, "win")) def main(): debug = have_args("-d", "--debug") clean = have_args("clean") install = have_args("install") tcl = have_args("tcl") tk = have_args("tk") tix = have_args("tix") if not(tcl) and not(tk) and not(tix): tcl = tk = tix = True def nmake(makefile, *a): args = ["nmake", "/nologo", "/f", makefile, "DEBUG=%d" % debug] args.extend(a) subprocess.check_call(args) if tcl: enter(TCL_DIR) def nmake_tcl(*a): nmake("", *a) if clean: nmake_tcl("clean") elif install: nmake_tcl("install", "INSTALLDIR=" + OUT_DIR) else: nmake_tcl() if tk: enter(TK_DIR) def nmake_tk(*a): nmake("", "TCLDIR=" + TCL_DIR, *a) if clean: nmake_tk("clean") elif install: nmake_tk("install", "INSTALLDIR=" + OUT_DIR) else: nmake_tk() if tix: enter(TIX_DIR) def nmake_tix(*a): nmake("python.mak", "TCL_MAJOR=%d" % TCL_MAJOR, "TCL_MINOR=%d" % TCL_MINOR, "TCL_PATCH=%d" % TCL_PATCH, "MACHINE=IX86", *a) if clean: nmake_tix("clean") elif install: nmake_tix("install", "INSTALL_DIR=" + OUT_DIR) else: nmake_tix() if __name__ == '__main__': main()