/******************************************************************** import_nt.c Win32 specific import code. */ #include "allobjects.h" #include "osdefs.h" #include <windows.h> #include "importdl.h" extern BOOL PyWin_IsWin32s(); FILE *PyWin_FindRegisteredModule( const char *moduleName, struct filedescr **ppFileDesc, char *pathBuf, int pathLen) { char moduleKey[128]; struct filedescr *fdp = NULL; FILE *fp; int modNameSize = pathLen; HKEY keyBase = PyWin_IsWin32s() ? HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; strcpy(moduleKey, "Software\\Python\\PythonCore\\" MS_DLL_ID "\\Modules\\"); strcat(moduleKey, moduleName); if (RegQueryValue(keyBase, moduleKey, pathBuf, &modNameSize)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) return NULL; // use the file extension to locate the type entry. for (fdp = import_filetab; fdp->suffix != NULL; fdp++) { int extLen=strlen(fdp->suffix); if (modNameSize>extLen && strnicmp(pathBuf+(modNameSize-extLen-1),fdp->suffix,extLen)==0) break; } if (fdp->suffix==NULL) return NULL; fp = fopen(pathBuf, fdp->mode); if (fp != NULL) *ppFileDesc = fdp; return fp; }