/* * venv redirector for Windows * * This launcher looks for a nearby pyvenv.cfg to find the correct home * directory, and then launches the original Python executable from it. * The name of this executable is passed as argv[0]. */ #define __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ 1 #include <windows.h> #include <pathcch.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <io.h> #include <shlobj.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <tchar.h> #include <assert.h> #define MS_WINDOWS #include "patchlevel.h" #define MAXLEN PATHCCH_MAX_CCH #define MSGSIZE 1024 #define RC_NO_STD_HANDLES 100 #define RC_CREATE_PROCESS 101 #define RC_NO_PYTHON 103 #define RC_NO_MEMORY 104 #define RC_NO_VENV_CFG 106 #define RC_BAD_VENV_CFG 107 #define RC_NO_COMMANDLINE 108 #define RC_INTERNAL_ERROR 109 // This should always be defined when we build for real, // but it's handy to have a definition for quick testing #ifndef EXENAME #define EXENAME L"python.exe" #endif #ifndef CFGNAME #define CFGNAME L"pyvenv.cfg" #endif static FILE * log_fp = NULL; void debug(wchar_t * format, ...) { va_list va; if (log_fp != NULL) { wchar_t buffer[MAXLEN]; int r = 0; va_start(va, format); r = vswprintf_s(buffer, MAXLEN, format, va); va_end(va); if (r <= 0) { return; } fwprintf(log_fp, L"%ls\n", buffer); while (r && isspace(buffer[r])) { buffer[r--] = L'\0'; } if (buffer[0]) { OutputDebugStringW(buffer); } } } void formatWinerror(int rc, wchar_t * message, int size) { FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, rc, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), message, size, NULL); } void winerror(int err, wchar_t * format, ... ) { va_list va; wchar_t message[MSGSIZE]; wchar_t win_message[MSGSIZE]; int len; if (err == 0) { err = GetLastError(); } va_start(va, format); len = _vsnwprintf_s(message, MSGSIZE, _TRUNCATE, format, va); va_end(va); formatWinerror(err, win_message, MSGSIZE); if (len >= 0) { _snwprintf_s(&message[len], MSGSIZE - len, _TRUNCATE, L": %ls", win_message); } #if !defined(_WINDOWS) fwprintf(stderr, L"%ls\n", message); #else MessageBoxW(NULL, message, L"Python venv launcher is sorry to say ...", MB_OK); #endif } void error(wchar_t * format, ... ) { va_list va; wchar_t message[MSGSIZE]; va_start(va, format); _vsnwprintf_s(message, MSGSIZE, _TRUNCATE, format, va); va_end(va); #if !defined(_WINDOWS) fwprintf(stderr, L"%ls\n", message); #else MessageBoxW(NULL, message, L"Python venv launcher is sorry to say ...", MB_OK); #endif } bool isEnvVarSet(const wchar_t *name) { /* only looking for non-empty, which means at least one character and the null terminator */ return GetEnvironmentVariableW(name, NULL, 0) >= 2; } bool join(wchar_t *buffer, size_t bufferLength, const wchar_t *fragment) { if (SUCCEEDED(PathCchCombineEx(buffer, bufferLength, buffer, fragment, PATHCCH_ALLOW_LONG_PATHS))) { return true; } return false; } bool split_parent(wchar_t *buffer, size_t bufferLength) { return SUCCEEDED(PathCchRemoveFileSpec(buffer, bufferLength)); } /* * Path calculation */ int calculate_pyvenvcfg_path(wchar_t *pyvenvcfg_path, size_t maxlen) { if (!pyvenvcfg_path) { error(L"invalid buffer provided"); return RC_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if ((DWORD)maxlen != maxlen) { error(L"path buffer is too large"); return RC_INTERNAL_ERROR; } if (!GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, pyvenvcfg_path, (DWORD)maxlen)) { winerror(GetLastError(), L"failed to read executable directory"); return RC_NO_COMMANDLINE; } // Remove 'python.exe' from our path if (!split_parent(pyvenvcfg_path, maxlen)) { error(L"failed to remove segment from '%ls'", pyvenvcfg_path); return RC_NO_COMMANDLINE; } // Replace with 'pyvenv.cfg' if (!join(pyvenvcfg_path, maxlen, CFGNAME)) { error(L"failed to append '%ls' to '%ls'", CFGNAME, pyvenvcfg_path); return RC_NO_MEMORY; } // If it exists, return if (GetFileAttributesW(pyvenvcfg_path) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { return 0; } // Otherwise, remove 'pyvenv.cfg' and (probably) 'Scripts' if (!split_parent(pyvenvcfg_path, maxlen) || !split_parent(pyvenvcfg_path, maxlen)) { error(L"failed to remove segments from '%ls'", pyvenvcfg_path); return RC_NO_COMMANDLINE; } // Replace 'pyvenv.cfg' if (!join(pyvenvcfg_path, maxlen, CFGNAME)) { error(L"failed to append '%ls' to '%ls'", CFGNAME, pyvenvcfg_path); return RC_NO_MEMORY; } // If it exists, return if (GetFileAttributesW(pyvenvcfg_path) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { return 0; } // Otherwise, we fail winerror(GetLastError(), L"failed to locate %ls", CFGNAME); return RC_NO_VENV_CFG; } /* * pyvenv.cfg parsing */ static int find_home_value(const char *buffer, DWORD maxlen, const char **start, DWORD *length) { if (!buffer || !start || !length) { error(L"invalid find_home_value parameters()"); return 0; } for (const char *s = strstr(buffer, "home"); s && (size_t)((ptrdiff_t)s - (ptrdiff_t)buffer) < maxlen; s = strstr(s + 1, "\nhome") ) { if (*s == '\n') { ++s; } for (int i = 4; i > 0 && *s; --i, ++s); while (*s && iswspace(*s)) { ++s; } if (*s != L'=') { continue; } do { ++s; } while (*s && iswspace(*s)); *start = s; char *nl = strchr(s, '\n'); if (nl) { while (nl != s && iswspace(nl[-1])) { --nl; } *length = (DWORD)((ptrdiff_t)nl - (ptrdiff_t)s); } else { *length = (DWORD)strlen(s); } return 1; } return 0; } int read_home(const wchar_t *pyvenv_cfg, wchar_t *home_path, size_t maxlen) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFileW(pyvenv_cfg, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { winerror(GetLastError(), L"failed to open '%ls'", pyvenv_cfg); return RC_BAD_VENV_CFG; } // 8192 characters ought to be enough for anyone // (doubled compared to the old implementation!) char buffer[8192]; DWORD len; if (!ReadFile(hFile, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, &len, NULL)) { winerror(GetLastError(), L"failed to read '%ls'", pyvenv_cfg); CloseHandle(hFile); return RC_BAD_VENV_CFG; } CloseHandle(hFile); // Ensure null termination buffer[len] = '\0'; char *home; DWORD home_len; if (!find_home_value(buffer, sizeof(buffer), &home, &home_len)) { error(L"no home= specified in '%ls'", pyvenv_cfg); return RC_BAD_VENV_CFG; } if ((DWORD)maxlen != maxlen) { maxlen = 8192; } len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, home, home_len, home_path, (DWORD)maxlen); if (!len) { winerror(GetLastError(), L"failed to decode home setting in '%ls'", pyvenv_cfg); return RC_BAD_VENV_CFG; } home_path[len] = L'\0'; return 0; } int locate_python(wchar_t *path, size_t maxlen) { if (!join(path, maxlen, EXENAME)) { error(L"failed to append %ls to '%ls'", EXENAME, path); return RC_NO_MEMORY; } if (GetFileAttributesW(path) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { winerror(GetLastError(), L"did not find executable at '%ls'", path); return RC_NO_PYTHON; } return 0; } int smuggle_path() { wchar_t buffer[MAXLEN]; // We could use argv[0], but that may be wrong in certain rare cases (if the // user is doing something weird like symlinks to venv redirectors), and // what we _really_ want is the directory of the venv. We always copy the // redirectors, so if we've made the venv, this will be correct. DWORD len = GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, buffer, MAXLEN); if (!len) { winerror(GetLastError(), L"Failed to get own executable path"); return RC_INTERNAL_ERROR; } buffer[len] = L'\0'; debug(L"Setting __PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ = '%s'", buffer); if (!SetEnvironmentVariableW(L"__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__", buffer)) { winerror(GetLastError(), L"Failed to set launcher environment"); return RC_INTERNAL_ERROR; } return 0; } /* * Process creation */ static BOOL safe_duplicate_handle(HANDLE in, HANDLE * pout, const wchar_t *name) { BOOL ok; HANDLE process = GetCurrentProcess(); DWORD rc; *pout = NULL; ok = DuplicateHandle(process, in, process, pout, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); if (!ok) { rc = GetLastError(); if (rc == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) { debug(L"DuplicateHandle(%ls) returned ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE\n", name); ok = TRUE; } else { debug(L"DuplicateHandle(%ls) returned %d\n", name, rc); } } return ok; } static BOOL WINAPI ctrl_c_handler(DWORD code) { return TRUE; /* We just ignore all control events. */ } static int launch(const wchar_t *executable, wchar_t *cmdline) { HANDLE job; JOBOBJECT_EXTENDED_LIMIT_INFORMATION info; DWORD rc; BOOL ok; STARTUPINFOW si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; #if defined(_WINDOWS) /* When explorer launches a Windows (GUI) application, it displays the "app starting" (the "pointer + hourglass") cursor for a number of seconds, or until the app does something UI-ish (eg, creating a window, or fetching a message). As this launcher doesn't do this directly, that cursor remains even after the child process does these things. We avoid that by doing a simple post+get message. See http://bugs.python.org/issue17290 */ MSG msg; PostMessage(0, 0, 0, 0); GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0); #endif debug(L"run_child: about to run '%ls' with '%ls'\n", executable, cmdline); job = CreateJobObject(NULL, NULL); ok = QueryInformationJobObject(job, JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation, &info, sizeof(info), &rc); if (!ok || (rc != sizeof(info)) || !job) { winerror(GetLastError(), L"Job information querying failed"); return RC_CREATE_PROCESS; } info.BasicLimitInformation.LimitFlags |= JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_KILL_ON_JOB_CLOSE | JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_SILENT_BREAKAWAY_OK; ok = SetInformationJobObject(job, JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation, &info, sizeof(info)); if (!ok) { winerror(GetLastError(), L"Job information setting failed"); return RC_CREATE_PROCESS; } memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); GetStartupInfoW(&si); ok = safe_duplicate_handle(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), &si.hStdInput, L"stdin"); if (!ok) { return RC_NO_STD_HANDLES; } ok = safe_duplicate_handle(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &si.hStdOutput, L"stdout"); if (!ok) { return RC_NO_STD_HANDLES; } ok = safe_duplicate_handle(GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), &si.hStdError, L"stderr"); if (!ok) { return RC_NO_STD_HANDLES; } ok = SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ctrl_c_handler, TRUE); if (!ok) { winerror(GetLastError(), L"control handler setting failed"); return RC_CREATE_PROCESS; } si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; ok = CreateProcessW(executable, cmdline, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); if (!ok) { winerror(GetLastError(), L"Unable to create process using '%ls'", cmdline); return RC_CREATE_PROCESS; } AssignProcessToJobObject(job, pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); WaitForSingleObjectEx(pi.hProcess, INFINITE, FALSE); ok = GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &rc); if (!ok) { winerror(GetLastError(), L"Failed to get exit code of process"); return RC_CREATE_PROCESS; } debug(L"child process exit code: %d", rc); return rc; } int process(int argc, wchar_t ** argv) { int exitCode; wchar_t pyvenvcfg_path[MAXLEN]; wchar_t home_path[MAXLEN]; if (isEnvVarSet(L"PYLAUNCHER_DEBUG")) { setvbuf(stderr, (char *)NULL, _IONBF, 0); log_fp = stderr; } exitCode = calculate_pyvenvcfg_path(pyvenvcfg_path, MAXLEN); if (exitCode) return exitCode; exitCode = read_home(pyvenvcfg_path, home_path, MAXLEN); if (exitCode) return exitCode; exitCode = locate_python(home_path, MAXLEN); if (exitCode) return exitCode; // We do not update argv[0] to point at the target runtime, and so we do not // pass through our original argv[0] in an environment variable. exitCode = smuggle_path(); if (exitCode) return exitCode; exitCode = launch(home_path, GetCommandLineW()); return exitCode; } #if defined(_WINDOWS) int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPWSTR lpstrCmd, int nShow) { return process(__argc, __wargv); } #else int cdecl wmain(int argc, wchar_t ** argv) { return process(argc, argv); } #endif