<_Content>@rem This script invokes the most recently built Python with all arguments
@rem passed through to the interpreter. This file is generated by the
@rem build process and any changes *will* be thrown away by the next
@rem rebuild.
@rem This is only meant as a convenience for developing CPython
@rem and using it outside of that context is ill-advised.
@echo Running $(Configuration)^|$(Platform) interpreter...
@set PYTHONHOME=$(PySourcePath)
@"$(OutDir)python$(PyDebugExt).exe" %*
<_ExistingContent Condition="Exists('$(PySourcePath)python.bat')">$([System.IO.File]::ReadAllText('$(PySourcePath)python.bat'))
<_LicenseFiles Include="@(LicenseFiles)">
<_PGORT Include="$(VCToolsInstallDir)bin\Hostx86\x86\pgort140.dll" Condition="$(Platform) == 'Win32'" />
<_PGORT Include="$(VCToolsInstallDir)bin\Hostx64\x64\pgort140.dll" Condition="$(Platform) == 'x64'" />
<_PGORT Include="$(VCToolsInstallDir)bin\arm64\pgort140.dll" Condition="$(Platform) == 'ARM64'" />