#! /usr/bin/env python """Generate C code from an ASDL description.""" # TO DO # handle fields that have a type but no name import os, sys, traceback import asdl TABSIZE = 8 MAX_COL = 80 def get_c_type(name): """Return a string for the C name of the type. This function special cases the default types provided by asdl: identifier, string, int, bool. """ # XXX ack! need to figure out where Id is useful and where string if isinstance(name, asdl.Id): name = name.value if name in asdl.builtin_types: return name else: return "%s_ty" % name def reflow_lines(s, depth): """Reflow the line s indented depth tabs. Return a sequence of lines where no line extends beyond MAX_COL when properly indented. The first line is properly indented based exclusively on depth * TABSIZE. All following lines -- these are the reflowed lines generated by this function -- start at the same column as the first character beyond the opening { in the first line. """ size = MAX_COL - depth * TABSIZE if len(s) < size: return [s] lines = [] cur = s padding = "" while len(cur) > size: i = cur.rfind(' ', 0, size) # XXX this should be fixed for real if i == -1 and 'GeneratorExp' in cur: i = size + 3 assert i != -1, "Impossible line %d to reflow: %r" % (size, s) lines.append(padding + cur[:i]) if len(lines) == 1: # find new size based on brace j = cur.find('{', 0, i) if j >= 0: j += 2 # account for the brace and the space after it size -= j padding = " " * j else: j = cur.find('(', 0, i) if j >= 0: j += 1 # account for the paren (no space after it) size -= j padding = " " * j cur = cur[i+1:] else: lines.append(padding + cur) return lines def is_simple(sum): """Return True if a sum is a simple. A sum is simple if its types have no fields, e.g. unaryop = Invert | Not | UAdd | USub """ for t in sum.types: if t.fields: return False return True class EmitVisitor(asdl.VisitorBase): """Visit that emits lines""" def __init__(self, file): self.file = file super(EmitVisitor, self).__init__() def emit(self, s, depth, reflow=1): # XXX reflow long lines? if reflow: lines = reflow_lines(s, depth) else: lines = [s] for line in lines: line = (" " * TABSIZE * depth) + line + "\n" self.file.write(line) class TypeDefVisitor(EmitVisitor): def visitModule(self, mod): for dfn in mod.dfns: self.visit(dfn) def visitType(self, type, depth=0): self.visit(type.value, type.name, depth) def visitSum(self, sum, name, depth): if is_simple(sum): self.simple_sum(sum, name, depth) else: self.sum_with_constructors(sum, name, depth) def simple_sum(self, sum, name, depth): enum = [] for i in range(len(sum.types)): type = sum.types[i] enum.append("%s=%d" % (type.name, i + 1)) enums = ", ".join(enum) ctype = get_c_type(name) s = "typedef enum _%s { %s } %s;" % (name, enums, ctype) self.emit(s, depth) self.emit("", depth) def sum_with_constructors(self, sum, name, depth): ctype = get_c_type(name) s = "typedef struct _%(name)s *%(ctype)s;" % locals() self.emit(s, depth) self.emit("", depth) def visitProduct(self, product, name, depth): ctype = get_c_type(name) s = "typedef struct _%(name)s *%(ctype)s;" % locals() self.emit(s, depth) self.emit("", depth) class StructVisitor(EmitVisitor): """Visitor to generate typdefs for AST.""" def visitModule(self, mod): for dfn in mod.dfns: self.visit(dfn) def visitType(self, type, depth=0): self.visit(type.value, type.name, depth) def visitSum(self, sum, name, depth): if not is_simple(sum): self.sum_with_constructors(sum, name, depth) def sum_with_constructors(self, sum, name, depth): def emit(s, depth=depth): self.emit(s % sys._getframe(1).f_locals, depth) enum = [] for i in range(len(sum.types)): type = sum.types[i] enum.append("%s_kind=%d" % (type.name, i + 1)) emit("enum _%(name)s_kind {" + ", ".join(enum) + "};") emit("struct _%(name)s {") emit("enum _%(name)s_kind kind;", depth + 1) emit("union {", depth + 1) for t in sum.types: self.visit(t, depth + 2) emit("} v;", depth + 1) for field in sum.attributes: # rudimentary attribute handling type = str(field.type) assert type in asdl.builtin_types, type emit("%s %s;" % (type, field.name), depth + 1); emit("};") emit("") def visitConstructor(self, cons, depth): if cons.fields: self.emit("struct {", depth) for f in cons.fields: self.visit(f, depth + 1) self.emit("} %s;" % cons.name, depth) self.emit("", depth) else: # XXX not sure what I want here, nothing is probably fine pass def visitField(self, field, depth): # XXX need to lookup field.type, because it might be something # like a builtin... ctype = get_c_type(field.type) name = field.name if field.seq: if field.type.value in ('cmpop',): self.emit("asdl_int_seq *%(name)s;" % locals(), depth) else: self.emit("asdl_seq *%(name)s;" % locals(), depth) else: self.emit("%(ctype)s %(name)s;" % locals(), depth) def visitProduct(self, product, name, depth): self.emit("struct _%(name)s {" % locals(), depth) for f in product.fields: self.visit(f, depth + 1) self.emit("};", depth) self.emit("", depth) class PrototypeVisitor(EmitVisitor): """Generate function prototypes for the .h file""" def visitModule(self, mod): for dfn in mod.dfns: self.visit(dfn) def visitType(self, type): self.visit(type.value, type.name) def visitSum(self, sum, name): if is_simple(sum): pass # XXX else: for t in sum.types: self.visit(t, name, sum.attributes) def get_args(self, fields): """Return list of C argument into, one for each field. Argument info is 3-tuple of a C type, variable name, and flag that is true if type can be NULL. """ args = [] unnamed = {} for f in fields: if f.name is None: name = f.type c = unnamed[name] = unnamed.get(name, 0) + 1 if c > 1: name = "name%d" % (c - 1) else: name = f.name # XXX should extend get_c_type() to handle this if f.seq: if f.type.value in ('cmpop',): ctype = "asdl_int_seq *" else: ctype = "asdl_seq *" else: ctype = get_c_type(f.type) args.append((ctype, name, f.opt or f.seq)) return args def visitConstructor(self, cons, type, attrs): args = self.get_args(cons.fields) attrs = self.get_args(attrs) ctype = get_c_type(type) self.emit_function(cons.name, ctype, args, attrs) def emit_function(self, name, ctype, args, attrs, union=1): args = args + attrs if args: argstr = ", ".join(["%s %s" % (atype, aname) for atype, aname, opt in args]) argstr += ", PyArena *arena" else: argstr = "PyArena *arena" margs = "a0" for i in range(1, len(args)+1): margs += ", a%d" % i self.emit("#define %s(%s) _Py_%s(%s)" % (name, margs, name, margs), 0, reflow = 0) self.emit("%s _Py_%s(%s);" % (ctype, name, argstr), 0) def visitProduct(self, prod, name): self.emit_function(name, get_c_type(name), self.get_args(prod.fields), [], union=0) class FunctionVisitor(PrototypeVisitor): """Visitor to generate constructor functions for AST.""" def emit_function(self, name, ctype, args, attrs, union=1): def emit(s, depth=0, reflow=1): self.emit(s, depth, reflow) argstr = ", ".join(["%s %s" % (atype, aname) for atype, aname, opt in args + attrs]) if argstr: argstr += ", PyArena *arena" else: argstr = "PyArena *arena" self.emit("%s" % ctype, 0) emit("%s(%s)" % (name, argstr)) emit("{") emit("%s p;" % ctype, 1) for argtype, argname, opt in args: # XXX hack alert: false is allowed for a bool if not opt and not (argtype == "bool" or argtype == "int"): emit("if (!%s) {" % argname, 1) emit("PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,", 2) msg = "field %s is required for %s" % (argname, name) emit(' "%s");' % msg, 2, reflow=0) emit('return NULL;', 2) emit('}', 1) emit("p = (%s)PyArena_Malloc(arena, sizeof(*p));" % ctype, 1); emit("if (!p) {", 1) emit("PyErr_NoMemory();", 2) emit("return NULL;", 2) emit("}", 1) if union: self.emit_body_union(name, args, attrs) else: self.emit_body_struct(name, args, attrs) emit("return p;", 1) emit("}") emit("") def emit_body_union(self, name, args, attrs): def emit(s, depth=0, reflow=1): self.emit(s, depth, reflow) emit("p->kind = %s_kind;" % name, 1) for argtype, argname, opt in args: emit("p->v.%s.%s = %s;" % (name, argname, argname), 1) for argtype, argname, opt in attrs: emit("p->%s = %s;" % (argname, argname), 1) def emit_body_struct(self, name, args, attrs): def emit(s, depth=0, reflow=1): self.emit(s, depth, reflow) for argtype, argname, opt in args: emit("p->%s = %s;" % (argname, argname), 1) assert not attrs class PickleVisitor(EmitVisitor): def visitModule(self, mod): for dfn in mod.dfns: self.visit(dfn) def visitType(self, type): self.visit(type.value, type.name) def visitSum(self, sum, name): pass def visitProduct(self, sum, name): pass def visitConstructor(self, cons, name): pass def visitField(self, sum): pass class MarshalPrototypeVisitor(PickleVisitor): def prototype(self, sum, name): ctype = get_c_type(name) self.emit("static int marshal_write_%s(PyObject **, int *, %s);" % (name, ctype), 0) visitProduct = visitSum = prototype class PyTypesDeclareVisitor(PickleVisitor): def visitProduct(self, prod, name): self.emit("static PyTypeObject *%s_type;" % name, 0) self.emit("static PyObject* ast2obj_%s(void*);" % name, 0) if prod.fields: self.emit("static char *%s_fields[]={" % name,0) for f in prod.fields: self.emit('"%s",' % f.name, 1) self.emit("};", 0) def visitSum(self, sum, name): self.emit("static PyTypeObject *%s_type;" % name, 0) if sum.attributes: self.emit("static char *%s_attributes[] = {" % name, 0) for a in sum.attributes: self.emit('"%s",' % a.name, 1) self.emit("};", 0) ptype = "void*" if is_simple(sum): ptype = get_c_type(name) tnames = [] for t in sum.types: tnames.append(str(t.name)+"_singleton") tnames = ", *".join(tnames) self.emit("static PyObject *%s;" % tnames, 0) self.emit("static PyObject* ast2obj_%s(%s);" % (name, ptype), 0) for t in sum.types: self.visitConstructor(t, name) def visitConstructor(self, cons, name): self.emit("static PyTypeObject *%s_type;" % cons.name, 0) if cons.fields: self.emit("static char *%s_fields[]={" % cons.name, 0) for t in cons.fields: self.emit('"%s",' % t.name, 1) self.emit("};",0) class PyTypesVisitor(PickleVisitor): def visitModule(self, mod): self.emit(""" static PyTypeObject* make_type(char *type, PyTypeObject* base, char**fields, int num_fields) { PyObject *fnames, *result; int i; if (num_fields) { fnames = PyTuple_New(num_fields); if (!fnames) return NULL; } else { fnames = Py_None; Py_INCREF(Py_None); } for(i=0; i < num_fields; i++) { PyObject *field = PyString_FromString(fields[i]); if (!field) { Py_DECREF(fnames); return NULL; } PyTuple_SET_ITEM(fnames, i, field); } result = PyObject_CallFunction((PyObject*)&PyType_Type, "s(O){sOss}", type, base, "_fields", fnames, "__module__", "_ast"); Py_DECREF(fnames); return (PyTypeObject*)result; } static int add_attributes(PyTypeObject* type, char**attrs, int num_fields) { int i, result; PyObject *s, *l = PyList_New(num_fields); if (!l) return 0; for(i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) { s = PyString_FromString(attrs[i]); if (!s) { Py_DECREF(l); return 0; } PyList_SET_ITEM(l, i, s); } result = PyObject_SetAttrString((PyObject*)type, "_attributes", l) >= 0; Py_DECREF(l); return result; } static PyObject* ast2obj_list(asdl_seq *seq, PyObject* (*func)(void*)) { int i, n = asdl_seq_LEN(seq); PyObject *result = PyList_New(n); PyObject *value; if (!result) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { value = func(asdl_seq_GET(seq, i)); if (!value) { Py_DECREF(result); return NULL; } PyList_SET_ITEM(result, i, value); } return result; } static PyObject* ast2obj_object(void *o) { if (!o) o = Py_None; Py_INCREF((PyObject*)o); return (PyObject*)o; } #define ast2obj_identifier ast2obj_object #define ast2obj_string ast2obj_object static PyObject* ast2obj_bool(bool b) { return PyBool_FromLong(b); } static PyObject* ast2obj_int(bool b) { return PyInt_FromLong(b); } """, 0, reflow=False) self.emit("static int init_types(void)",0) self.emit("{", 0) self.emit("static int initialized;", 1) self.emit("if (initialized) return 1;", 1) self.emit('AST_type = make_type("AST", &PyBaseObject_Type, NULL, 0);', 1) for dfn in mod.dfns: self.visit(dfn) self.emit("initialized = 1;", 1) self.emit("return 1;", 1); self.emit("}", 0) def visitProduct(self, prod, name): if prod.fields: fields = name.value+"_fields" else: fields = "NULL" self.emit('%s_type = make_type("%s", AST_type, %s, %d);' % (name, name, fields, len(prod.fields)), 1) self.emit("if (!%s_type) return 0;" % name, 1) def visitSum(self, sum, name): self.emit('%s_type = make_type("%s", AST_type, NULL, 0);' % (name, name), 1) self.emit("if (!%s_type) return 0;" % name, 1) if sum.attributes: self.emit("if (!add_attributes(%s_type, %s_attributes, %d)) return 0;" % (name, name, len(sum.attributes)), 1) else: self.emit("if (!add_attributes(%s_type, NULL, 0)) return 0;" % name, 1) simple = is_simple(sum) for t in sum.types: self.visitConstructor(t, name, simple) def visitConstructor(self, cons, name, simple): if cons.fields: fields = cons.name.value+"_fields" else: fields = "NULL" self.emit('%s_type = make_type("%s", %s_type, %s, %d);' % (cons.name, cons.name, name, fields, len(cons.fields)), 1) self.emit("if (!%s_type) return 0;" % cons.name, 1) if simple: self.emit("%s_singleton = PyType_GenericNew(%s_type, NULL, NULL);" % (cons.name, cons.name), 1) self.emit("if (!%s_singleton) return 0;" % cons.name, 1) def parse_version(mod): return mod.version.value[12:-3] class ASTModuleVisitor(PickleVisitor): def visitModule(self, mod): self.emit("PyMODINIT_FUNC", 0) self.emit("init_ast(void)", 0) self.emit("{", 0) self.emit("PyObject *m, *d;", 1) self.emit("if (!init_types()) return;", 1) self.emit('m = Py_InitModule3("_ast", NULL, NULL);', 1) self.emit("if (!m) return;", 1) self.emit("d = PyModule_GetDict(m);", 1) self.emit('if (PyDict_SetItemString(d, "AST", (PyObject*)AST_type) < 0) return;', 1) self.emit('if (PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "PyCF_ONLY_AST", PyCF_ONLY_AST) < 0)', 1) self.emit("return;", 2) # Value of version: "$Revision$" self.emit('if (PyModule_AddStringConstant(m, "__version__", "%s") < 0)' % parse_version(mod), 1) self.emit("return;", 2) for dfn in mod.dfns: self.visit(dfn) self.emit("}", 0) def visitProduct(self, prod, name): self.addObj(name) def visitSum(self, sum, name): self.addObj(name) for t in sum.types: self.visitConstructor(t, name) def visitConstructor(self, cons, name): self.addObj(cons.name) def addObj(self, name): self.emit('if (PyDict_SetItemString(d, "%s", (PyObject*)%s_type) < 0) return;' % (name, name), 1) _SPECIALIZED_SEQUENCES = ('stmt', 'expr') def find_sequence(fields, doing_specialization): """Return True if any field uses a sequence.""" for f in fields: if f.seq: if not doing_specialization: return True if str(f.type) not in _SPECIALIZED_SEQUENCES: return True return False def has_sequence(types, doing_specialization): for t in types: if find_sequence(t.fields, doing_specialization): return True return False class StaticVisitor(PickleVisitor): CODE = '''Very simple, always emit this static code. Overide CODE''' def visit(self, object): self.emit(self.CODE, 0, reflow=False) class ObjVisitor(PickleVisitor): def func_begin(self, name): ctype = get_c_type(name) self.emit("PyObject*", 0) self.emit("ast2obj_%s(void* _o)" % (name), 0) self.emit("{", 0) self.emit("%s o = (%s)_o;" % (ctype, ctype), 1) self.emit("PyObject *result = NULL, *value = NULL;", 1) self.emit('if (!o) {', 1) self.emit("Py_INCREF(Py_None);", 2) self.emit('return Py_None;', 2) self.emit("}", 1) self.emit('', 0) def func_end(self): self.emit("return result;", 1) self.emit("failed:", 0) self.emit("Py_XDECREF(value);", 1) self.emit("Py_XDECREF(result);", 1) self.emit("return NULL;", 1) self.emit("}", 0) self.emit("", 0) def visitSum(self, sum, name): if is_simple(sum): self.simpleSum(sum, name) return self.func_begin(name) self.emit("switch (o->kind) {", 1) for i in range(len(sum.types)): t = sum.types[i] self.visitConstructor(t, i + 1, name) self.emit("}", 1) for a in sum.attributes: self.emit("value = ast2obj_%s(o->%s);" % (a.type, a.name), 1) self.emit("if (!value) goto failed;", 1) self.emit('if (PyObject_SetAttrString(result, "%s", value) < 0)' % a.name, 1) self.emit('goto failed;', 2) self.emit('Py_DECREF(value);', 1) self.func_end() def simpleSum(self, sum, name): self.emit("PyObject* ast2obj_%s(%s_ty o)" % (name, name), 0) self.emit("{", 0) self.emit("switch(o) {", 1) for t in sum.types: self.emit("case %s:" % t.name, 2) self.emit("Py_INCREF(%s_singleton);" % t.name, 3) self.emit("return %s_singleton;" % t.name, 3) self.emit("}", 1) self.emit("return NULL; /* cannot happen */", 1) self.emit("}", 0) def visitProduct(self, prod, name): self.func_begin(name) self.emit("result = PyType_GenericNew(%s_type, NULL, NULL);" % name, 1); self.emit("if (!result) return NULL;", 1) for field in prod.fields: self.visitField(field, name, 1, True) self.func_end() def visitConstructor(self, cons, enum, name): self.emit("case %s_kind:" % cons.name, 1) self.emit("result = PyType_GenericNew(%s_type, NULL, NULL);" % cons.name, 2); self.emit("if (!result) goto failed;", 2) for f in cons.fields: self.visitField(f, cons.name, 2, False) self.emit("break;", 2) def visitField(self, field, name, depth, product): def emit(s, d): self.emit(s, depth + d) if product: value = "o->%s" % field.name else: value = "o->v.%s.%s" % (name, field.name) self.set(field, value, depth) emit("if (!value) goto failed;", 0) emit('if (PyObject_SetAttrString(result, "%s", value) == -1)' % field.name, 0) emit("goto failed;", 1) emit("Py_DECREF(value);", 0) def emitSeq(self, field, value, depth, emit): emit("seq = %s;" % value, 0) emit("n = asdl_seq_LEN(seq);", 0) emit("value = PyList_New(n);", 0) emit("if (!value) goto failed;", 0) emit("for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {", 0) self.set("value", field, "asdl_seq_GET(seq, i)", depth + 1) emit("if (!value1) goto failed;", 1) emit("PyList_SET_ITEM(value, i, value1);", 1) emit("value1 = NULL;", 1) emit("}", 0) def set(self, field, value, depth): if field.seq: # XXX should really check for is_simple, but that requires a symbol table if field.type.value == "cmpop": # While the sequence elements are stored as void*, # ast2obj_cmpop expects an enum self.emit("{", depth) self.emit("int i, n = asdl_seq_LEN(%s);" % value, depth+1) self.emit("value = PyList_New(n);", depth+1) self.emit("if (!value) goto failed;", depth+1) self.emit("for(i = 0; i < n; i++)", depth+1) # This cannot fail, so no need for error handling self.emit("PyList_SET_ITEM(value, i, ast2obj_cmpop((cmpop_ty)asdl_seq_GET(%s, i)));" % value, depth+2, reflow=False) self.emit("}", depth) else: self.emit("value = ast2obj_list(%s, ast2obj_%s);" % (value, field.type), depth) else: ctype = get_c_type(field.type) self.emit("value = ast2obj_%s(%s);" % (field.type, value), depth, reflow=False) class PartingShots(StaticVisitor): CODE = """ PyObject* PyAST_mod2obj(mod_ty t) { init_types(); return ast2obj_mod(t); } """ class ChainOfVisitors: def __init__(self, *visitors): self.visitors = visitors def visit(self, object): for v in self.visitors: v.visit(object) v.emit("", 0) common_msg = "/* File automatically generated by %s. */\n" c_file_msg = """ /* __version__ %s. This module must be committed separately after each AST grammar change; The __version__ number is set to the revision number of the commit containing the grammar change. */ """ def main(srcfile): argv0 = sys.argv[0] components = argv0.split(os.sep) argv0 = os.sep.join(components[-2:]) auto_gen_msg = common_msg % argv0 mod = asdl.parse(srcfile) if not asdl.check(mod): sys.exit(1) if INC_DIR: p = "%s/%s-ast.h" % (INC_DIR, mod.name) f = open(p, "wb") print >> f, auto_gen_msg print >> f, '#include "asdl.h"\n' c = ChainOfVisitors(TypeDefVisitor(f), StructVisitor(f), PrototypeVisitor(f), ) c.visit(mod) print >>f, "PyObject* PyAST_mod2obj(mod_ty t);" f.close() if SRC_DIR: p = os.path.join(SRC_DIR, str(mod.name) + "-ast.c") f = open(p, "wb") print >> f, auto_gen_msg print >> f, c_file_msg % parse_version(mod) print >> f, '#include "Python.h"' print >> f, '#include "%s-ast.h"' % mod.name print >> f print >>f, "static PyTypeObject* AST_type;" v = ChainOfVisitors( PyTypesDeclareVisitor(f), PyTypesVisitor(f), FunctionVisitor(f), ObjVisitor(f), ASTModuleVisitor(f), PartingShots(f), ) v.visit(mod) f.close() if __name__ == "__main__": import sys import getopt INC_DIR = '' SRC_DIR = '' opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h:c:") if len(opts) != 1: print "Must specify exactly one output file" sys.exit(1) for o, v in opts: if o == '-h': INC_DIR = v if o == '-c': SRC_DIR = v if len(args) != 1: print "Must specify single input file" sys.exit(1) main(args[0])