""" Parses compiler output from Clang or GCC and checks that warnings exist only in files that are expected to have warnings. """ import argparse import re import sys from collections import defaultdict from pathlib import Path from typing import NamedTuple class IgnoreRule(NamedTuple): file_path: str count: int ignore_all: bool = False is_directory: bool = False def parse_warning_ignore_file(file_path: str) -> set[IgnoreRule]: """ Parses the warning ignore file and returns a set of IgnoreRules """ files_with_expected_warnings = set() with Path(file_path).open(encoding="UTF-8") as ignore_rules_file: files_with_expected_warnings = set() for i, line in enumerate(ignore_rules_file): line = line.strip() if line and not line.startswith("#"): line_parts = line.split() if len(line_parts) >= 2: file_name = line_parts[0] count = line_parts[1] ignore_all = count == "*" is_directory = file_name.endswith("/") # Directories must have a wildcard count if is_directory and count != "*": print( f"Error parsing ignore file: {file_path} " f"at line: {i}" ) print( f"Directory {file_name} must have count set to *" ) sys.exit(1) if ignore_all: count = 0 files_with_expected_warnings.add( IgnoreRule( file_name, int(count), ignore_all, is_directory ) ) return files_with_expected_warnings def extract_warnings_from_compiler_output( compiler_output: str, compiler_output_type: str, path_prefix: str = "", ) -> list[dict]: """ Extracts warnings from the compiler output based on compiler output type. Removes path prefix from file paths if provided. Compatible with GCC and Clang compiler output. """ # Choose pattern and compile regex for particular compiler output if compiler_output_type == "gcc": regex_pattern = ( r"(?P<file>.*):(?P<line>\d+):(?P<column>\d+): warning: " r"(?P<message>.*?)(?: (?P<option>\[-[^\]]+\]))?$" ) elif compiler_output_type == "clang": regex_pattern = ( r"(?P<file>.*):(?P<line>\d+):(?P<column>\d+): warning: " r"(?P<message>.*) (?P<option>\[-[^\]]+\])$" ) compiled_regex = re.compile(regex_pattern) compiler_warnings = [] for i, line in enumerate(compiler_output.splitlines(), start=1): if match := compiled_regex.match(line): try: compiler_warnings.append( { "file": match.group("file").removeprefix(path_prefix), "line": match.group("line"), "column": match.group("column"), "message": match.group("message"), "option": match.group("option") .lstrip("[") .rstrip("]"), } ) except AttributeError: print( f"Error parsing compiler output. " f"Unable to extract warning on line {i}:\n{line}" ) sys.exit(1) return compiler_warnings def get_warnings_by_file(warnings: list[dict]) -> dict[str, list[dict]]: """ Returns a dictionary where the key is the file and the data is the warnings in that file. Does not include duplicate warnings for a file from list of provided warnings. """ warnings_by_file = defaultdict(list) warnings_added = set() for warning in warnings: warning_key = ( f"{warning['file']}-{warning['line']}-" f"{warning['column']}-{warning['option']}" ) if warning_key not in warnings_added: warnings_added.add(warning_key) warnings_by_file[warning["file"]].append(warning) return warnings_by_file def is_file_ignored( file_path: str, ignore_rules: set[IgnoreRule] ) -> IgnoreRule | None: """Return the IgnoreRule object for the file path. Return ``None`` if there is no related rule for that path. """ for rule in ignore_rules: if rule.is_directory: if file_path.startswith(rule.file_path): return rule elif file_path == rule.file_path: return rule return None def get_unexpected_warnings( ignore_rules: set[IgnoreRule], files_with_warnings: set[IgnoreRule], ) -> int: """ Returns failure status if warnings discovered in list of warnings are associated with a file that is not found in the list of files with expected warnings """ unexpected_warnings = {} for file in files_with_warnings.keys(): rule = is_file_ignored(file, ignore_rules) if rule: if rule.ignore_all: continue if len(files_with_warnings[file]) > rule.count: unexpected_warnings[file] = ( files_with_warnings[file], rule.count, ) continue elif rule is None: # If the file is not in the ignore list, then it is unexpected unexpected_warnings[file] = (files_with_warnings[file], 0) if unexpected_warnings: print("Unexpected warnings:") for file in unexpected_warnings: print( f"{file} expected {unexpected_warnings[file][1]} warnings," f" found {len(unexpected_warnings[file][0])}" ) for warning in unexpected_warnings[file][0]: print(warning) return 1 return 0 def get_unexpected_improvements( ignore_rules: set[IgnoreRule], files_with_warnings: set[IgnoreRule], ) -> int: """ Returns failure status if the number of warnings for a file is greater than the expected number of warnings for that file based on the ignore rules """ unexpected_improvements = [] for rule in ignore_rules: if ( not rule.ignore_all and rule.file_path not in files_with_warnings.keys() ): if rule.file_path not in files_with_warnings.keys(): unexpected_improvements.append((rule.file_path, rule.count, 0)) elif len(files_with_warnings[rule.file_path]) < rule.count: unexpected_improvements.append( ( rule.file_path, rule.count, len(files_with_warnings[rule.file_path]), ) ) if unexpected_improvements: print("Unexpected improvements:") for file in unexpected_improvements: print(f"{file[0]} expected {file[1]} warnings, found {file[2]}") return 1 return 0 def main(argv: list[str] | None = None) -> int: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "-c", "--compiler-output-file-path", type=str, required=True, help="Path to the compiler output file", ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--warning-ignore-file-path", type=str, help="Path to the warning ignore file", ) parser.add_argument( "-x", "--fail-on-regression", action="store_true", default=False, help="Flag to fail if new warnings are found", ) parser.add_argument( "-X", "--fail-on-improvement", action="store_true", default=False, help="Flag to fail if files that were expected " "to have warnings have no warnings", ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--compiler-output-type", type=str, required=True, choices=["gcc", "clang"], help="Type of compiler output file (GCC or Clang)", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--path-prefix", type=str, help="Path prefix to remove from the start of file paths" " in compiler output", ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) exit_code = 0 # Check that the compiler output file is a valid path if not Path(args.compiler_output_file_path).is_file(): print( f"Compiler output file does not exist:" f" {args.compiler_output_file_path}" ) return 1 # Check that a warning ignore file was specified and if so is a valid path if not args.warning_ignore_file_path: print( "Warning ignore file not specified." " Continuing without it (no warnings ignored)." ) ignore_rules = set() else: if not Path(args.warning_ignore_file_path).is_file(): print( f"Warning ignore file does not exist:" f" {args.warning_ignore_file_path}" ) return 1 ignore_rules = parse_warning_ignore_file(args.warning_ignore_file_path) with Path(args.compiler_output_file_path).open(encoding="UTF-8") as f: compiler_output_file_contents = f.read() warnings = extract_warnings_from_compiler_output( compiler_output_file_contents, args.compiler_output_type, args.path_prefix, ) files_with_warnings = get_warnings_by_file(warnings) status = get_unexpected_warnings(ignore_rules, files_with_warnings) if args.fail_on_regression: exit_code |= status status = get_unexpected_improvements(ignore_rules, files_with_warnings) if args.fail_on_improvement: exit_code |= status print( "For information about this tool and its configuration" " visit https://devguide.python.org/development-tools/warnings/" ) return exit_code if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())