"""Deep freeze The script may be executed by _bootstrap_python interpreter. Shared library extension modules are not available in that case. On Windows, and in cross-compilation cases, it is executed by Python 3.10, and 3.11 features are not available. """ import argparse import builtins import collections import contextlib import os import re import time import types from typing import Dict, FrozenSet, TextIO, Tuple import umarshal ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) verbose = False # This must be kept in sync with Tools/cases_generator/analyzer.py RESUME = 149 def isprintable(b: bytes) -> bool: return all(0x20 <= c < 0x7f for c in b) def make_string_literal(b: bytes) -> str: res = ['"'] if isprintable(b): res.append(b.decode("ascii").replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\"", "\\\"")) else: for i in b: res.append(f"\\x{i:02x}") res.append('"') return "".join(res) CO_FAST_LOCAL = 0x20 CO_FAST_CELL = 0x40 CO_FAST_FREE = 0x80 next_code_version = 1 def get_localsplus(code: types.CodeType): a = collections.defaultdict(int) for name in code.co_varnames: a[name] |= CO_FAST_LOCAL for name in code.co_cellvars: a[name] |= CO_FAST_CELL for name in code.co_freevars: a[name] |= CO_FAST_FREE return tuple(a.keys()), bytes(a.values()) def get_localsplus_counts(code: types.CodeType, names: Tuple[str, ...], kinds: bytes) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]: nlocals = 0 ncellvars = 0 nfreevars = 0 assert len(names) == len(kinds) for name, kind in zip(names, kinds): if kind & CO_FAST_LOCAL: nlocals += 1 if kind & CO_FAST_CELL: ncellvars += 1 elif kind & CO_FAST_CELL: ncellvars += 1 elif kind & CO_FAST_FREE: nfreevars += 1 assert nlocals == len(code.co_varnames) == code.co_nlocals, \ (nlocals, len(code.co_varnames), code.co_nlocals) assert ncellvars == len(code.co_cellvars) assert nfreevars == len(code.co_freevars) return nlocals, ncellvars, nfreevars PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND = 1 PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND = 2 PyUnicode_4BYTE_KIND = 4 def analyze_character_width(s: str) -> Tuple[int, bool]: maxchar = ' ' for c in s: maxchar = max(maxchar, c) ascii = False if maxchar <= '\xFF': kind = PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND ascii = maxchar <= '\x7F' elif maxchar <= '\uFFFF': kind = PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND else: kind = PyUnicode_4BYTE_KIND return kind, ascii def removesuffix(base: str, suffix: str) -> str: if base.endswith(suffix): return base[:len(base) - len(suffix)] return base class Printer: def __init__(self, file: TextIO) -> None: self.level = 0 self.file = file self.cache: Dict[tuple[type, object, str], str] = {} self.hits, self.misses = 0, 0 self.finis: list[str] = [] self.inits: list[str] = [] self.identifiers, self.strings = self.get_identifiers_and_strings() self.write('#include "Python.h"') self.write('#include "internal/pycore_object.h"') self.write('#include "internal/pycore_gc.h"') self.write('#include "internal/pycore_code.h"') self.write('#include "internal/pycore_frame.h"') self.write('#include "internal/pycore_long.h"') self.write("") def get_identifiers_and_strings(self) -> tuple[set[str], dict[str, str]]: filename = os.path.join(ROOT, "Include", "internal", "pycore_global_strings.h") with open(filename) as fp: lines = fp.readlines() identifiers: set[str] = set() strings: dict[str, str] = {} for line in lines: if m := re.search(r"STRUCT_FOR_ID\((\w+)\)", line): identifiers.add(m.group(1)) if m := re.search(r'STRUCT_FOR_STR\((\w+), "(.*?)"\)', line): strings[m.group(2)] = m.group(1) return identifiers, strings @contextlib.contextmanager def indent(self) -> None: save_level = self.level try: self.level += 1 yield finally: self.level = save_level def write(self, arg: str) -> None: self.file.writelines((" "*self.level, arg, "\n")) @contextlib.contextmanager def block(self, prefix: str, suffix: str = "") -> None: self.write(prefix + " {") with self.indent(): yield self.write("}" + suffix) def object_head(self, typename: str) -> None: self.write(f".ob_base = _PyObject_HEAD_INIT(&{typename}),") def object_var_head(self, typename: str, size: int) -> None: self.write(f".ob_base = _PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&{typename}, {size}),") def field(self, obj: object, name: str) -> None: self.write(f".{name} = {getattr(obj, name)},") def generate_bytes(self, name: str, b: bytes) -> str: if b == b"": return "(PyObject *)&_Py_SINGLETON(bytes_empty)" if len(b) == 1: return f"(PyObject *)&_Py_SINGLETON(bytes_characters[{b[0]}])" self.write("static") with self.indent(): with self.block("struct"): self.write("PyObject_VAR_HEAD") self.write("Py_hash_t ob_shash;") self.write(f"char ob_sval[{len(b) + 1}];") with self.block(f"{name} =", ";"): self.object_var_head("PyBytes_Type", len(b)) self.write(".ob_shash = -1,") self.write(f".ob_sval = {make_string_literal(b)},") return f"& {name}.ob_base.ob_base" def generate_unicode(self, name: str, s: str) -> str: if s in self.strings: return f"&_Py_STR({self.strings[s]})" if s in self.identifiers: return f"&_Py_ID({s})" if len(s) == 1: c = ord(s) if c < 128: return f"(PyObject *)&_Py_SINGLETON(strings).ascii[{c}]" elif c < 256: return f"(PyObject *)&_Py_SINGLETON(strings).latin1[{c - 128}]" if re.match(r'\A[A-Za-z0-9_]+\Z', s): name = f"const_str_{s}" kind, ascii = analyze_character_width(s) if kind == PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND: datatype = "uint8_t" elif kind == PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND: datatype = "uint16_t" else: datatype = "uint32_t" self.write("static") with self.indent(): with self.block("struct"): if ascii: self.write("PyASCIIObject _ascii;") else: self.write("PyCompactUnicodeObject _compact;") self.write(f"{datatype} _data[{len(s)+1}];") with self.block(f"{name} =", ";"): if ascii: with self.block("._ascii =", ","): self.object_head("PyUnicode_Type") self.write(f".length = {len(s)},") self.write(".hash = -1,") with self.block(".state =", ","): self.write(".kind = 1,") self.write(".compact = 1,") self.write(".ascii = 1,") self.write(".statically_allocated = 1,") self.write(f"._data = {make_string_literal(s.encode('ascii'))},") return f"& {name}._ascii.ob_base" else: with self.block("._compact =", ","): with self.block("._base =", ","): self.object_head("PyUnicode_Type") self.write(f".length = {len(s)},") self.write(".hash = -1,") with self.block(".state =", ","): self.write(f".kind = {kind},") self.write(".compact = 1,") self.write(".ascii = 0,") self.write(".statically_allocated = 1,") utf8 = s.encode('utf-8') self.write(f'.utf8 = {make_string_literal(utf8)},') self.write(f'.utf8_length = {len(utf8)},') with self.block(f"._data =", ","): for i in range(0, len(s), 16): data = s[i:i+16] self.write(", ".join(map(str, map(ord, data))) + ",") return f"& {name}._compact._base.ob_base" def generate_code(self, name: str, code: types.CodeType) -> str: global next_code_version # The ordering here matches PyCode_NewWithPosOnlyArgs() # (but see below). co_consts = self.generate(name + "_consts", code.co_consts) co_names = self.generate(name + "_names", code.co_names) co_filename = self.generate(name + "_filename", code.co_filename) co_name = self.generate(name + "_name", code.co_name) co_qualname = self.generate(name + "_qualname", code.co_qualname) co_linetable = self.generate(name + "_linetable", code.co_linetable) co_exceptiontable = self.generate(name + "_exceptiontable", code.co_exceptiontable) # These fields are not directly accessible localsplusnames, localspluskinds = get_localsplus(code) co_localsplusnames = self.generate(name + "_localsplusnames", localsplusnames) co_localspluskinds = self.generate(name + "_localspluskinds", localspluskinds) # Derived values nlocals, ncellvars, nfreevars = \ get_localsplus_counts(code, localsplusnames, localspluskinds) co_code_adaptive = make_string_literal(code.co_code) self.write("static") with self.indent(): self.write(f"struct _PyCode_DEF({len(code.co_code)})") with self.block(f"{name} =", ";"): self.object_var_head("PyCode_Type", len(code.co_code) // 2) # But the ordering here must match that in cpython/code.h # (which is a pain because we tend to reorder those for perf) # otherwise MSVC doesn't like it. self.write(f".co_consts = {co_consts},") self.write(f".co_names = {co_names},") self.write(f".co_exceptiontable = {co_exceptiontable},") self.field(code, "co_flags") self.field(code, "co_argcount") self.field(code, "co_posonlyargcount") self.field(code, "co_kwonlyargcount") # The following should remain in sync with _PyFrame_NumSlotsForCodeObject self.write(f".co_framesize = {code.co_stacksize + len(localsplusnames)} + FRAME_SPECIALS_SIZE,") self.field(code, "co_stacksize") self.field(code, "co_firstlineno") self.write(f".co_nlocalsplus = {len(localsplusnames)},") self.field(code, "co_nlocals") self.write(f".co_ncellvars = {ncellvars},") self.write(f".co_nfreevars = {nfreevars},") self.write(f".co_version = {next_code_version},") next_code_version += 1 self.write(f".co_localsplusnames = {co_localsplusnames},") self.write(f".co_localspluskinds = {co_localspluskinds},") self.write(f".co_filename = {co_filename},") self.write(f".co_name = {co_name},") self.write(f".co_qualname = {co_qualname},") self.write(f".co_linetable = {co_linetable},") self.write(f"._co_cached = NULL,") self.write(f".co_code_adaptive = {co_code_adaptive},") first_traceable = 0 for op in code.co_code[::2]: if op == RESUME: break first_traceable += 1 self.write(f"._co_firsttraceable = {first_traceable},") name_as_code = f"(PyCodeObject *)&{name}" self.finis.append(f"_PyStaticCode_Fini({name_as_code});") self.inits.append(f"_PyStaticCode_Init({name_as_code})") return f"& {name}.ob_base.ob_base" def generate_tuple(self, name: str, t: Tuple[object, ...]) -> str: if len(t) == 0: return f"(PyObject *)& _Py_SINGLETON(tuple_empty)" items = [self.generate(f"{name}_{i}", it) for i, it in enumerate(t)] self.write("static") with self.indent(): with self.block("struct"): self.write("PyGC_Head _gc_head;") with self.block("struct", "_object;"): self.write("PyObject_VAR_HEAD") if t: self.write(f"PyObject *ob_item[{len(t)}];") with self.block(f"{name} =", ";"): with self.block("._object =", ","): self.object_var_head("PyTuple_Type", len(t)) if items: with self.block(f".ob_item =", ","): for item in items: self.write(item + ",") return f"& {name}._object.ob_base.ob_base" def _generate_int_for_bits(self, name: str, i: int, digit: int) -> None: sign = (i > 0) - (i < 0) i = abs(i) digits: list[int] = [] while i: i, rem = divmod(i, digit) digits.append(rem) self.write("static") with self.indent(): with self.block("struct"): self.write("PyObject ob_base;") self.write("uintptr_t lv_tag;") self.write(f"digit ob_digit[{max(1, len(digits))}];") with self.block(f"{name} =", ";"): self.object_head("PyLong_Type") self.write(f".lv_tag = TAG_FROM_SIGN_AND_SIZE({sign}, {len(digits)}),") if digits: ds = ", ".join(map(str, digits)) self.write(f".ob_digit = {{ {ds} }},") def generate_int(self, name: str, i: int) -> str: if -5 <= i <= 256: return f"(PyObject *)&_PyLong_SMALL_INTS[_PY_NSMALLNEGINTS + {i}]" if i >= 0: name = f"const_int_{i}" else: name = f"const_int_negative_{abs(i)}" if abs(i) < 2**15: self._generate_int_for_bits(name, i, 2**15) else: connective = "if" for bits_in_digit in 15, 30: self.write(f"#{connective} PYLONG_BITS_IN_DIGIT == {bits_in_digit}") self._generate_int_for_bits(name, i, 2**bits_in_digit) connective = "elif" self.write("#else") self.write('#error "PYLONG_BITS_IN_DIGIT should be 15 or 30"') self.write("#endif") # If neither clause applies, it won't compile return f"& {name}.ob_base" def generate_float(self, name: str, x: float) -> str: with self.block(f"static PyFloatObject {name} =", ";"): self.object_head("PyFloat_Type") self.write(f".ob_fval = {x},") return f"&{name}.ob_base" def generate_complex(self, name: str, z: complex) -> str: with self.block(f"static PyComplexObject {name} =", ";"): self.object_head("PyComplex_Type") self.write(f".cval = {{ {z.real}, {z.imag} }},") return f"&{name}.ob_base" def generate_frozenset(self, name: str, fs: FrozenSet[object]) -> str: try: fs = sorted(fs) except TypeError: # frozen set with incompatible types, fallback to repr() fs = sorted(fs, key=repr) ret = self.generate_tuple(name, tuple(fs)) self.write("// TODO: The above tuple should be a frozenset") return ret def generate_file(self, module: str, code: object)-> None: module = module.replace(".", "_") self.generate(f"{module}_toplevel", code) self.write(EPILOGUE.format(name=module)) def generate(self, name: str, obj: object) -> str: # Use repr() in the key to distinguish -0.0 from +0.0 key = (type(obj), obj, repr(obj)) if key in self.cache: self.hits += 1 # print(f"Cache hit {key!r:.40}: {self.cache[key]!r:.40}") return self.cache[key] self.misses += 1 if isinstance(obj, (types.CodeType, umarshal.Code)) : val = self.generate_code(name, obj) elif isinstance(obj, tuple): val = self.generate_tuple(name, obj) elif isinstance(obj, str): val = self.generate_unicode(name, obj) elif isinstance(obj, bytes): val = self.generate_bytes(name, obj) elif obj is True: return "Py_True" elif obj is False: return "Py_False" elif isinstance(obj, int): val = self.generate_int(name, obj) elif isinstance(obj, float): val = self.generate_float(name, obj) elif isinstance(obj, complex): val = self.generate_complex(name, obj) elif isinstance(obj, frozenset): val = self.generate_frozenset(name, obj) elif obj is builtins.Ellipsis: return "Py_Ellipsis" elif obj is None: return "Py_None" else: raise TypeError( f"Cannot generate code for {type(obj).__name__} object") # print(f"Cache store {key!r:.40}: {val!r:.40}") self.cache[key] = val return val EPILOGUE = """ PyObject * _Py_get_{name}_toplevel(void) {{ return Py_NewRef((PyObject *) &{name}_toplevel); }} """ FROZEN_COMMENT_C = "/* Auto-generated by Programs/_freeze_module.c */" FROZEN_COMMENT_PY = "/* Auto-generated by Programs/_freeze_module.py */" FROZEN_DATA_LINE = r"\s*(\d+,\s*)+\s*" def is_frozen_header(source: str) -> bool: return source.startswith((FROZEN_COMMENT_C, FROZEN_COMMENT_PY)) def decode_frozen_data(source: str) -> types.CodeType: values: list[int] = [] for line in source.splitlines(): if re.match(FROZEN_DATA_LINE, line): values.extend([int(x) for x in line.split(",") if x.strip()]) data = bytes(values) return umarshal.loads(data) def generate(args: list[str], output: TextIO) -> None: printer = Printer(output) for arg in args: file, modname = arg.rsplit(':', 1) with open(file, "r", encoding="utf8") as fd: source = fd.read() if is_frozen_header(source): code = decode_frozen_data(source) else: code = compile(fd.read(), f"<frozen {modname}>", "exec") printer.generate_file(modname, code) with printer.block(f"void\n_Py_Deepfreeze_Fini(void)"): for p in printer.finis: printer.write(p) with printer.block(f"int\n_Py_Deepfreeze_Init(void)"): for p in printer.inits: with printer.block(f"if ({p} < 0)"): printer.write("return -1;") printer.write("return 0;") printer.write(f"\nuint32_t _Py_next_func_version = {next_code_version};\n") if verbose: print(f"Cache hits: {printer.hits}, misses: {printer.misses}") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Defaults to deepfreeze.c", default="deepfreeze.c") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Print diagnostics") group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument("-f", "--file", help="read rule lines from a file") group.add_argument('args', nargs="*", default=(), help="Input file and module name (required) in file:modname format") @contextlib.contextmanager def report_time(label: str): t0 = time.time() try: yield finally: t1 = time.time() if verbose: print(f"{label}: {t1-t0:.3f} sec") def main() -> None: global verbose args = parser.parse_args() verbose = args.verbose output = args.output if args.file: if verbose: print(f"Reading targets from {args.file}") with open(args.file, "rt", encoding="utf-8-sig") as fin: rules = [x.strip() for x in fin] else: rules = args.args with open(output, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: with report_time("generate"): generate(rules, file) if verbose: print(f"Wrote {os.path.getsize(output)} bytes to {output}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()