"""Tool for generating Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) for Python's dependencies""" import re import hashlib import json import glob import pathlib import subprocess import typing # Before adding a new entry to this list, double check that # the license expression is a valid SPDX license expression: # See: https://spdx.org/licenses ALLOWED_LICENSE_EXPRESSIONS = { "MIT", "CC0-1.0", "Apache-2.0", "BSD-2-Clause", } # Properties which are required for our purposes. REQUIRED_PROPERTIES_PACKAGE = frozenset([ "SPDXID", "name", "versionInfo", "downloadLocation", "checksums", "licenseConcluded", "externalRefs", "originator", "primaryPackagePurpose", ]) class PackageFiles(typing.NamedTuple): """Structure for describing the files of a package""" include: list[str] exclude: list[str] | None = None # SBOMS don't have a method to specify the sources of files # so we need to do that external to the SBOM itself. Add new # values to 'exclude' if we create new files within tracked # directories that aren't sourced from third-party packages. PACKAGE_TO_FILES = { "mpdecimal": PackageFiles( include=["Modules/_decimal/libmpdec/**"] ), "expat": PackageFiles( include=["Modules/expat/**"] ), "pip": PackageFiles( include=["Lib/ensurepip/_bundled/pip-23.3.1-py3-none-any.whl"] ), "macholib": PackageFiles( include=["Lib/ctypes/macholib/**"], exclude=[ "Lib/ctypes/macholib/README.ctypes", "Lib/ctypes/macholib/fetch_macholib", "Lib/ctypes/macholib/fetch_macholib.bat", ], ), "libb2": PackageFiles( include=["Modules/_blake2/impl/**"] ), "hacl-star": PackageFiles( include=["Modules/_hacl/**"], exclude=[ "Modules/_hacl/refresh.sh", "Modules/_hacl/README.md", "Modules/_hacl/python_hacl_namespace.h", ] ), } def spdx_id(value: str) -> str: """Encode a value into characters that are valid in an SPDX ID""" return re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9.\-]+", "-", value) def filter_gitignored_paths(paths: list[str]) -> list[str]: """ Filter out paths excluded by the gitignore file. The output of 'git check-ignore --non-matching --verbose' looks like this for non-matching (included) files: '::' And looks like this for matching (excluded) files: '.gitignore:9:*.a Tools/lib.a' """ # Filter out files in gitignore. # Non-matching files show up as '::' git_check_ignore_proc = subprocess.run( ["git", "check-ignore", "--verbose", "--non-matching", *paths], check=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ) # 1 means matches, 0 means no matches. assert git_check_ignore_proc.returncode in (0, 1) # Return the list of paths sorted git_check_ignore_lines = git_check_ignore_proc.stdout.decode().splitlines() return sorted([line.split()[-1] for line in git_check_ignore_lines if line.startswith("::")]) def main() -> None: root_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent sbom_path = root_dir / "Misc/sbom.spdx.json" sbom_data = json.loads(sbom_path.read_bytes()) # Make a bunch of assertions about the SBOM data to ensure it's consistent. assert {package["name"] for package in sbom_data["packages"]} == set(PACKAGE_TO_FILES) for package in sbom_data["packages"]: # Properties and ID must be properly formed. assert set(package.keys()) == REQUIRED_PROPERTIES_PACKAGE assert package["SPDXID"] == spdx_id(f"SPDXRef-PACKAGE-{package['name']}") # Version must be in the download and external references. version = package["versionInfo"] assert version in package["downloadLocation"] assert all(version in ref["referenceLocator"] for ref in package["externalRefs"]) # License must be on the approved list for SPDX. assert package["licenseConcluded"] in ALLOWED_LICENSE_EXPRESSIONS, package["licenseConcluded"] # Regenerate file information from current data. sbom_files = [] sbom_relationships = [] # We call 'sorted()' here a lot to avoid filesystem scan order issues. for name, files in sorted(PACKAGE_TO_FILES.items()): package_spdx_id = spdx_id(f"SPDXRef-PACKAGE-{name}") exclude = files.exclude or () for include in sorted(files.include): # Find all the paths and then filter them through .gitignore. paths = glob.glob(include, root_dir=root_dir, recursive=True) paths = filter_gitignored_paths(paths) assert paths, include # Make sure that every value returns something! for path in paths: # Skip directories and excluded files if not (root_dir / path).is_file() or path in exclude: continue # SPDX requires SHA1 to be used for files, but we provide SHA256 too. data = (root_dir / path).read_bytes() checksum_sha1 = hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest() checksum_sha256 = hashlib.sha256(data).hexdigest() file_spdx_id = spdx_id(f"SPDXRef-FILE-{path}") sbom_files.append({ "SPDXID": file_spdx_id, "fileName": path, "checksums": [ {"algorithm": "SHA1", "checksumValue": checksum_sha1}, {"algorithm": "SHA256", "checksumValue": checksum_sha256}, ], }) # Tie each file back to its respective package. sbom_relationships.append({ "spdxElementId": package_spdx_id, "relatedSpdxElement": file_spdx_id, "relationshipType": "CONTAINS", }) # Update the SBOM on disk sbom_data["files"] = sbom_files sbom_data["relationships"] = sbom_relationships sbom_path.write_text(json.dumps(sbom_data, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()