@echo off setlocal rem Simple script to fetch source for external libraries set HERE=%~dp0 if "%PCBUILD%"=="" (set PCBUILD=%HERE%..\..\PCbuild\) if "%EXTERNALS_DIR%"=="" (set EXTERNALS_DIR=%HERE%..\..\externals\windows-installer) if "%NUGET%"=="" (set NUGET=%EXTERNALS_DIR%\..\nuget.exe) if "%NUGET_URL%"=="" (set NUGET_URL=https://aka.ms/nugetclidl) set DO_FETCH=true set DO_CLEAN=false :CheckOpts if "%~1"=="--python" (set PYTHON=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts if "%~1"=="--organization" (set ORG=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts if "%~1"=="-c" (set DO_CLEAN=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts if "%~1"=="--clean" (set DO_CLEAN=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts if "%~1"=="--clean-only" (set DO_FETCH=false) & goto clean if "x%~1" NEQ "x" goto usage if "%DO_CLEAN%"=="false" goto fetch :clean echo.Cleaning up external libraries. if exist "%EXTERNALS_DIR%" ( rem Sometimes this fails the first time; try it twice rmdir /s /q "%EXTERNALS_DIR%" || rmdir /s /q "%EXTERNALS_DIR%" ) if "%DO_FETCH%"=="false" goto end :fetch if "%ORG%"=="" (set ORG=python) call "%PCBUILD%\find_python.bat" "%PYTHON%" echo.Fetching external libraries... set libraries= for %%e in (%libraries%) do ( if exist "%EXTERNALS_DIR%\%%e" ( echo.%%e already exists, skipping. ) else ( echo.Fetching %%e... %PYTHON% "%PCBUILD%get_external.py" -e "%EXTERNALS_DIR%" -O %ORG% %%e ) ) echo.Fetching external tools... set binaries= rem We always use whatever's latest in the repo for these set binaries=%binaries% binutils set binaries=%binaries% gpg set binaries=%binaries% htmlhelp set binaries=%binaries% nuget set binaries=%binaries% redist-1 set binaries=%binaries% wix for %%b in (%binaries%) do ( if exist "%EXTERNALS_DIR%\%%b" ( echo.%%b already exists, skipping. ) else ( echo.Fetching %%b... %PYTHON% "%PCBUILD%get_external.py" -e "%EXTERNALS_DIR%" -b -O %ORG% %%b ) ) echo Finished. goto end :usage echo.Valid options: -c, --clean, --clean-only, --organization, --python, echo.--no-tkinter, --no-openssl echo. echo.Pull all sources and binaries necessary for compiling optional extension echo.modules that rely on external libraries. echo. echo.The --organization option determines which github organization to download echo.from, the --python option determines which Python 3.6+ interpreter to use echo.with PCbuild\get_external.py. echo. echo.Use the -c or --clean option to remove the entire externals directory. echo. echo.Use the --clean-only option to do the same cleaning, without pulling in echo.anything new. echo. exit /b -1 :end