import argparse import py_compile import re import sys import shutil import stat import os import tempfile from itertools import chain from pathlib import Path from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED TKTCL_RE = re.compile(r'^(_?tk|tcl).+\.(pyd|dll)', re.IGNORECASE) DEBUG_RE = re.compile(r'_d\.(pyd|dll|exe|pdb|lib)$', re.IGNORECASE) PYTHON_DLL_RE = re.compile(r'python\d\d?\.dll$', re.IGNORECASE) DEBUG_FILES = { '_ctypes_test', '_testbuffer', '_testcapi', '_testconsole', '_testimportmultiple', '_testmultiphase', 'xxlimited', 'python3_dstub', } EXCLUDE_FROM_LIBRARY = { '__pycache__', 'idlelib', 'pydoc_data', 'site-packages', 'tkinter', 'turtledemo', } EXCLUDE_FROM_EMBEDDABLE_LIBRARY = { 'ensurepip', 'venv', } EXCLUDE_FILE_FROM_LIBRARY = { '', } EXCLUDE_FILE_FROM_LIBS = { 'liblzma', 'python3stub', } EXCLUDED_FILES = { 'pyshellext', } def is_not_debug(p): if return False if return False return p.stem.lower() not in DEBUG_FILES and p.stem.lower() not in EXCLUDED_FILES def is_not_debug_or_python(p): return is_not_debug(p) and not def include_in_lib(p): name = if p.is_dir(): if name in EXCLUDE_FROM_LIBRARY: return False if name == 'test' and[-2].lower() == 'lib': return False if name in {'test', 'tests'} and[-3].lower() == 'lib': return False return True if name in EXCLUDE_FILE_FROM_LIBRARY: return False suffix = p.suffix.lower() return suffix not in {'.pyc', '.pyo', '.exe'} def include_in_embeddable_lib(p): if p.is_dir() and in EXCLUDE_FROM_EMBEDDABLE_LIBRARY: return False return include_in_lib(p) def include_in_libs(p): if not is_not_debug(p): return False return p.stem.lower() not in EXCLUDE_FILE_FROM_LIBS def include_in_tools(p): if p.is_dir() and in {'scripts', 'i18n', 'pynche', 'demo', 'parser'}: return True return p.suffix.lower() in {'.py', '.pyw', '.txt'} BASE_NAME = 'python{0.major}{0.minor}'.format(sys.version_info) FULL_LAYOUT = [ ('/', '$build', 'python.exe', is_not_debug), ('/', '$build', 'pythonw.exe', is_not_debug), ('/', '$build', 'python{}.dll'.format(sys.version_info.major), is_not_debug), ('/', '$build', '{}.dll'.format(BASE_NAME), is_not_debug), ('DLLs/', '$build', '*.pyd', is_not_debug), ('DLLs/', '$build', '*.dll', is_not_debug_or_python), ('include/', 'include', '*.h', None), ('include/', 'PC', 'pyconfig.h', None), ('Lib/', 'Lib', '**/*', include_in_lib), ('libs/', '$build', '*.lib', include_in_libs), ('Tools/', 'Tools', '**/*', include_in_tools), ] EMBED_LAYOUT = [ ('/', '$build', 'python*.exe', is_not_debug), ('/', '$build', '*.pyd', is_not_debug), ('/', '$build', '*.dll', is_not_debug), ('{}.zip'.format(BASE_NAME), 'Lib', '**/*', include_in_embeddable_lib), ] if os.getenv('DOC_FILENAME'): FULL_LAYOUT.append(('Doc/', 'Doc/build/htmlhelp', os.getenv('DOC_FILENAME'), None)) if os.getenv('VCREDIST_PATH'): FULL_LAYOUT.append(('/', os.getenv('VCREDIST_PATH'), 'vcruntime*.dll', None)) EMBED_LAYOUT.append(('/', os.getenv('VCREDIST_PATH'), 'vcruntime*.dll', None)) def copy_to_layout(target, rel_sources): count = 0 if target.suffix.lower() == '.zip': if target.exists(): target.unlink() with ZipFile(str(target), 'w', ZIP_DEFLATED) as f: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: for s, rel in rel_sources: if rel.suffix.lower() == '.py': pyc = Path(tmpdir) / rel.with_suffix('.pyc').name try: py_compile.compile(str(s), str(pyc), str(rel), doraise=True, optimize=2) except py_compile.PyCompileError: f.write(str(s), str(rel)) else: f.write(str(pyc), str(rel.with_suffix('.pyc'))) else: f.write(str(s), str(rel)) count += 1 else: for s, rel in rel_sources: dest = target / rel try: dest.parent.mkdir(parents=True) except FileExistsError: pass if dest.is_file(): dest.chmod(stat.S_IWRITE) shutil.copy(str(s), str(dest)) if dest.is_file(): dest.chmod(stat.S_IWRITE) count += 1 return count def rglob(root, pattern, condition): dirs = [root] recurse = pattern[:3] in {'**/', '**\\'} while dirs: d = dirs.pop(0) for f in d.glob(pattern[3:] if recurse else pattern): if recurse and f.is_dir() and (not condition or condition(f)): dirs.append(f) elif f.is_file() and (not condition or condition(f)): yield f, f.relative_to(root) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-s', '--source', metavar='dir', help='The directory containing the repository root', type=Path) parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', metavar='file', help='The name of the output archive', type=Path, default=None) parser.add_argument('-t', '--temp', metavar='dir', help='A directory to temporarily extract files into', type=Path, default=None) parser.add_argument('-e', '--embed', help='Create an embedding layout', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('-b', '--build', help='Specify the build directory', type=Path, default=None) ns = parser.parse_args() source = ns.source or (Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent.parent) out = ns.out build = or Path(sys.exec_prefix) assert isinstance(source, Path) assert not out or isinstance(out, Path) assert isinstance(build, Path) if ns.temp: temp = ns.temp delete_temp = False else: temp = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) delete_temp = True if out: try: out.parent.mkdir(parents=True) except FileExistsError: pass try: temp.mkdir(parents=True) except FileExistsError: pass layout = EMBED_LAYOUT if ns.embed else FULL_LAYOUT try: for t, s, p, c in layout: if s == '$build': fs = build else: fs = source / s files = rglob(fs, p, c) extra_files = [] if s == 'Lib' and p == '**/*': extra_files.append(( source / 'tools' / 'msi' / '', Path('distutils') / 'command' / '' )) copied = copy_to_layout(temp / t.rstrip('/'), chain(files, extra_files)) print('Copied {} files'.format(copied)) if ns.embed: with open(str(temp / (BASE_NAME + '._pth')), 'w') as f: print(BASE_NAME + '.zip', file=f) print('.', file=f) print('', file=f) print('# Uncomment to run site.main() automatically', file=f) print('#import site', file=f) if out: total = copy_to_layout(out, rglob(temp, '**/*', None)) print('Wrote {} files to {}'.format(total, out)) finally: if delete_temp: shutil.rmtree(temp, True) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(int(main() or 0))