@setlocal enableextensions
@echo off

set D=%~dp0
set PCBUILD=%D%..\..\PCbuild\

set TESTX86=
set TESTX64=

if "%1" EQU "-h" goto Help
if "%1" EQU "-x86" (set TESTX86=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-x64" (set TESTX64=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-t" (set TARGETDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--target" (set TARGETDIR=%~2) && shift && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-a" (set TESTALLUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--alluser" (set TESTALLUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "-p" (set TESTPERUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts
if "%1" EQU "--peruser" (set TESTPERUSER=1) && shift && goto CheckOpts

if not defined TESTX86 if not defined TESTX64 (set TESTX86=1) && (set TESTX64=1)
if not defined TESTALLUSER if not defined TESTPERUSER (set TESTALLUSER=1) && (set TESTPERUSER=1)

if defined TESTX86 (
    for %%f in ("%PCBUILD%win32\en-us\*.exe") do (
        if defined TESTALLUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-alluser" "InstallAllUsers=1 CompileAll=1"
        if errorlevel 1 exit /B
        if defined TESTPERUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-peruser" "InstallAllUsers=0 CompileAll=0"
        if errorlevel 1 exit /B

if defined TESTX64 (
    for %%f in ("%PCBUILD%amd64\en-us\*.exe") do (
        if defined TESTALLUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-alluser" "InstallAllUsers=1 CompileAll=1"
        if errorlevel 1 exit /B
        if defined TESTPERUSER call :test "%%~ff" "%TARGETDIR%\%%~nf-peruser" "InstallAllUsers=0 CompileAll=0"
        if errorlevel 1 exit /B

exit /B 0

@echo on

@if not exist "%~1" exit /B 1

@set EXE=%~1
@if not "%EXE:embed=%"=="%EXE%" exit /B 0

@echo Installing %1 into %2
"%~1" /passive /log "%~2\install\log.txt" TargetDir="%~2\Python" Include_debug=1 Include_symbols=1 %~3

@if not errorlevel 1 (
    @echo Printing version
    "%~2\Python\python.exe" -c "import sys; print(sys.version)" > "%~2\version.txt" 2>&1

@if not errorlevel 1 (
    @echo Capturing Start Menu
    @dir /s/b "%PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" | findstr /ic:"python" > "%~2\startmenu.txt" 2>&1
    @dir /s/b "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" | findstr /ic:"python"  >> "%~2\startmenu.txt" 2>&1

    @echo Capturing registry
    @for /F "usebackq" %%f in (`reg query HKCR /s /f python /k`) do @(
        echo %%f >> "%~2\hkcr.txt"
        reg query "%%f" /s >> "%~2\hkcr.txt" 2>&1
    @reg query HKCU\Software\Python /s > "%~2\hkcu.txt" 2>&1
    @reg query HKLM\Software\Python /reg:32 /s > "%~2\hklm.txt" 2>&1
    @reg query HKLM\Software\Python /reg:64 /s >> "%~2\hklm.txt" 2>&1
    cmd /k exit 0

@if not errorlevel 1 (
    @echo Installing package
    "%~2\Python\python.exe" -m pip install "azure<0.10" > "%~2\pip.txt" 2>&1
    @if not errorlevel 1 (
        "%~2\Python\python.exe" -m pip uninstall -y azure python-dateutil six >> "%~2\pip.txt" 2>&1
@if not errorlevel 1 (
    @echo Testing Tcl/tk
    @set TCL_LIBRARY=%~2\Python\tcl\tcl8.6
    "%~2\Python\python.exe" -m test -uall -v test_ttk_guionly test_tk test_idle > "%~2\tcltk.txt" 2>&1
    @set TCL_LIBRARY=


@echo Result was %EXITCODE%
@echo Removing %1
"%~1" /passive /uninstall /log "%~2\uninstall\log.txt"

@echo off
exit /B %EXITCODE%

echo testrelease.bat [--target TARGET] [-x86] [-x64] [--alluser] [--peruser] [-h]
echo    --target (-t)   Specify the target directory for installs and logs
echo    -x86            Run tests for x86 installers
echo    -x64            Run tests for x64 installers
echo    --alluser (-a)  Run tests for all-user installs (requires Administrator)
echo    --peruser (-p)  Run tests for per-user installs
echo    -h              Display this help information
echo If no test architecture is specified, all architectures will be tested.
echo If no install type is selected, all install types will be tested.