""" CommandLine - Get and parse command line options NOTE: This still is very much work in progress !!! Different version are likely to be incompatible. TODO: * Incorporate the changes made by (see Inbox) * Add number range option using srange() """ __copyright__ = """\ Copyright (c), 1997-2006, Marc-Andre Lemburg (mal@lemburg.com) Copyright (c), 2000-2006, eGenix.com Software GmbH (info@egenix.com) See the documentation for further information on copyrights, or contact the author. All Rights Reserved. """ __version__ = '1.2' import sys, getopt, glob, os, re, traceback ### Helpers def _getopt_flags(options): """ Convert the option list to a getopt flag string and long opt list """ s = [] l = [] for o in options: if o.prefix == '-': # short option s.append(o.name) if o.takes_argument: s.append(':') else: # long option if o.takes_argument: l.append(o.name+'=') else: l.append(o.name) return ''.join(s), l def invisible_input(prompt='>>> '): """ Get raw input from a terminal without echoing the characters to the terminal, e.g. for password queries. """ import getpass entry = getpass.getpass(prompt) if entry is None: raise KeyboardInterrupt return entry def fileopen(name, mode='wb', encoding=None): """ Open a file using mode. Default mode is 'wb' meaning to open the file for writing in binary mode. If encoding is given, I/O to and from the file is transparently encoded using the given encoding. Files opened for writing are chmod()ed to 0600. """ if name == 'stdout': return sys.stdout elif name == 'stderr': return sys.stderr elif name == 'stdin': return sys.stdin else: if encoding is not None: import codecs f = codecs.open(name, mode, encoding) else: f = open(name, mode) if 'w' in mode: os.chmod(name, 0o600) return f def option_dict(options): """ Return a dictionary mapping option names to Option instances. """ d = {} for option in options: d[option.name] = option return d # Alias getpasswd = invisible_input _integerRE = re.compile('\s*(-?\d+)\s*$') _integerRangeRE = re.compile('\s*(-?\d+)\s*-\s*(-?\d+)\s*$') def srange(s, integer=_integerRE, integerRange=_integerRangeRE): """ Converts a textual representation of integer numbers and ranges to a Python list. Supported formats: 2,3,4,2-10,-1 - -3, 5 - -2 Values are appended to the created list in the order specified in the string. """ l = [] append = l.append for entry in s.split(','): m = integer.match(entry) if m: append(int(m.groups()[0])) continue m = integerRange.match(entry) if m: start,end = map(int,m.groups()) l[len(l):] = range(start,end+1) return l def abspath(path, expandvars=os.path.expandvars,expanduser=os.path.expanduser, join=os.path.join,getcwd=os.getcwd): """ Return the corresponding absolute path for path. path is expanded in the usual shell ways before joining it with the current working directory. """ try: path = expandvars(path) except AttributeError: pass try: path = expanduser(path) except AttributeError: pass return join(getcwd(), path) ### Option classes class Option: """ Option base class. Takes no argument. """ default = None helptext = '' prefix = '-' takes_argument = 0 has_default = 0 tab = 15 def __init__(self,name,help=None): if not name[:1] == '-': raise TypeError('option names must start with "-"') if name[1:2] == '-': self.prefix = '--' self.name = name[2:] else: self.name = name[1:] if help: self.help = help def __str__(self): o = self name = o.prefix + o.name if o.takes_argument: name = name + ' arg' if len(name) > self.tab: name = name + '\n' + ' ' * (self.tab + 1 + len(o.prefix)) else: name = '%-*s ' % (self.tab, name) description = o.help if o.has_default: description = description + ' (%s)' % o.default return '%s %s' % (name, description) class ArgumentOption(Option): """ Option that takes an argument. An optional default argument can be given. """ def __init__(self,name,help=None,default=None): # Basemethod Option.__init__(self,name,help) if default is not None: self.default = default self.has_default = 1 self.takes_argument = 1 class SwitchOption(Option): """ Options that can be on or off. Has an optional default value. """ def __init__(self,name,help=None,default=None): # Basemethod Option.__init__(self,name,help) if default is not None: self.default = default self.has_default = 1 ### Application baseclass class Application: """ Command line application interface with builtin argument parsing. """ # Options the program accepts (Option instances) options = [] # Standard settings; these are appended to options in __init__ preset_options = [SwitchOption('-v', 'generate verbose output'), SwitchOption('-h', 'show this help text'), SwitchOption('--help', 'show this help text'), SwitchOption('--debug', 'enable debugging'), SwitchOption('--copyright', 'show copyright'), SwitchOption('--examples', 'show examples of usage')] # The help layout looks like this: # [header] - defaults to '' # # [synopsis] - formatted as ' %s' % self.synopsis # # options: # [options] - formatted from self.options # # [version] - formatted as 'Version:\n %s' % self.version, if given # # [about] - defaults to '' # # Note: all fields that do not behave as template are formatted # using the instances dictionary as substitution namespace, # e.g. %(name)s will be replaced by the applications name. # # Header (default to program name) header = '' # Name (defaults to program name) name = '' # Synopsis (%(name)s is replaced by the program name) synopsis = '%(name)s [option] files...' # Version (optional) version = '' # General information printed after the possible options (optional) about = '' # Examples of usage to show when the --examples option is given (optional) examples = '' # Copyright to show copyright = __copyright__ # Apply file globbing ? globbing = 1 # Generate debug output ? debug = 0 # Generate verbose output ? verbose = 0 # Internal errors to catch InternalError = BaseException # Instance variables: values = None # Dictionary of passed options (or default values) # indexed by the options name, e.g. '-h' files = None # List of passed filenames optionlist = None # List of passed options def __init__(self,argv=None): # Setup application specs if argv is None: argv = sys.argv self.filename = os.path.split(argv[0])[1] if not self.name: self.name = os.path.split(self.filename)[1] else: self.name = self.name if not self.header: self.header = self.name else: self.header = self.header # Init .arguments list self.arguments = argv[1:] # Setup Option mapping self.option_map = option_dict(self.options) # Append preset options for option in self.preset_options: if not option.name in self.option_map: self.add_option(option) # Init .files list self.files = [] # Start Application rc = 0 try: # Process startup rc = self.startup() if rc is not None: raise SystemExit(rc) # Parse command line rc = self.parse() if rc is not None: raise SystemExit(rc) # Start application rc = self.main() if rc is None: rc = 0 except SystemExit as rcException: rc = rcException pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print() print('* User Break') print() rc = 1 except self.InternalError: print() print('* Internal Error (use --debug to display the traceback)') if self.debug: print() traceback.print_exc(20, sys.stdout) elif self.verbose: print(' %s: %s' % sys.exc_info()[:2]) print() rc = 1 raise SystemExit(rc) def add_option(self, option): """ Add a new Option instance to the Application dynamically. Note that this has to be done *before* .parse() is being executed. """ self.options.append(option) self.option_map[option.name] = option def startup(self): """ Set user defined instance variables. If this method returns anything other than None, the process is terminated with the return value as exit code. """ return None def exit(self, rc=0): """ Exit the program. rc is used as exit code and passed back to the calling program. It defaults to 0 which usually means: OK. """ raise SystemExit(rc) def parse(self): """ Parse the command line and fill in self.values and self.files. After having parsed the options, the remaining command line arguments are interpreted as files and passed to .handle_files() for processing. As final step the option handlers are called in the order of the options given on the command line. """ # Parse arguments self.values = values = {} for o in self.options: if o.has_default: values[o.prefix+o.name] = o.default else: values[o.prefix+o.name] = 0 flags,lflags = _getopt_flags(self.options) try: optlist,files = getopt.getopt(self.arguments,flags,lflags) if self.globbing: l = [] for f in files: gf = glob.glob(f) if not gf: l.append(f) else: l[len(l):] = gf files = l self.optionlist = optlist self.files = files + self.files except getopt.error as why: self.help(why) sys.exit(1) # Call file handler rc = self.handle_files(self.files) if rc is not None: sys.exit(rc) # Call option handlers for optionname, value in optlist: # Try to convert value to integer try: value = int(value) except ValueError: pass # Find handler and call it (or count the number of option # instances on the command line) handlername = 'handle' + optionname.replace('-', '_') try: handler = getattr(self, handlername) except AttributeError: if value == '': # count the number of occurances if optionname in values: values[optionname] = values[optionname] + 1 else: values[optionname] = 1 else: values[optionname] = value else: rc = handler(value) if rc is not None: raise SystemExit(rc) # Apply final file check (for backward compatibility) rc = self.check_files(self.files) if rc is not None: sys.exit(rc) def check_files(self,filelist): """ Apply some user defined checks on the files given in filelist. This may modify filelist in place. A typical application is checking that at least n files are given. If this method returns anything other than None, the process is terminated with the return value as exit code. """ return None def help(self,note=''): self.print_header() if self.synopsis: print('Synopsis:') # To remain backward compatible: try: synopsis = self.synopsis % self.name except (NameError, KeyError, TypeError): synopsis = self.synopsis % self.__dict__ print(' ' + synopsis) print() self.print_options() if self.version: print('Version:') print(' %s' % self.version) print() if self.about: about = self.about % self.__dict__ print(about.strip()) print() if note: print('-'*72) print('Note:',note) print() def notice(self,note): print('-'*72) print('Note:',note) print('-'*72) print() def print_header(self): print('-'*72) print(self.header % self.__dict__) print('-'*72) print() def print_options(self): options = self.options print('Options and default settings:') if not options: print(' None') return long = filter(lambda x: x.prefix == '--', options) short = filter(lambda x: x.prefix == '-', options) items = short + long for o in options: print(' ',o) print() # # Example handlers: # # If a handler returns anything other than None, processing stops # and the return value is passed to sys.exit() as argument. # # File handler def handle_files(self,files): """ This may process the files list in place. """ return None # Short option handler def handle_h(self,arg): self.help() return 0 def handle_v(self, value): """ Turn on verbose output. """ self.verbose = 1 # Handlers for long options have two underscores in their name def handle__help(self,arg): self.help() return 0 def handle__debug(self,arg): self.debug = 1 # We don't want to catch internal errors: class NoErrorToCatch(Exception): pass self.InternalError = NoErrorToCatch def handle__copyright(self,arg): self.print_header() copyright = self.copyright % self.__dict__ print(copyright.strip()) print() return 0 def handle__examples(self,arg): self.print_header() if self.examples: print('Examples:') print() examples = self.examples % self.__dict__ print(examples.strip()) print() else: print('No examples available.') print() return 0 def main(self): """ Override this method as program entry point. The return value is passed to sys.exit() as argument. If it is None, 0 is assumed (meaning OK). Unhandled exceptions are reported with exit status code 1 (see __init__ for further details). """ return None # Alias CommandLine = Application def _test(): class MyApplication(Application): header = 'Test Application' version = __version__ options = [Option('-v','verbose')] def handle_v(self,arg): print('VERBOSE, Yeah !') cmd = MyApplication() if not cmd.values['-h']: cmd.help() print('files:',cmd.files) print('Bye...') if __name__ == '__main__': _test()