"""ListViewer class. This class implements an input/output view on the color model. It lists every unique color (e.g. unique r/g/b value) found in the color database. Each color is shown by small swatch and primary color name. Some colors have aliases -- more than one name for the same r/g/b value. These aliases are displayed in the small listbox at the bottom of the screen. Clicking on a color name or swatch selects that color and updates all other windows. When a color is selected in a different viewer, the color list is scrolled to the selected color and it is highlighted. If the selected color is an r/g/b value without a name, no scrolling occurs. You can turn off Update On Click if all you want to see is the alias for a given name, without selecting the color. """ from Tkinter import * import ColorDB class ListViewer: def __init__(self, switchboard, master=None): self.__sb = switchboard optiondb = switchboard.optiondb() self.__lastbox = None self.__dontcenter = 0 # GUI root = self.__root = Toplevel(master, class_='Pynche') root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.withdraw) root.title('Pynche Color List') root.iconname('Pynche Color List') root.bind('', self.__quit) root.bind('', self.__quit) root.bind('', self.withdraw) root.bind('', self.withdraw) # # create the canvas which holds everything, and its scrollbar # frame = self.__frame = Frame(root) frame.pack() canvas = self.__canvas = Canvas(frame, width=160, height=300, borderwidth=2, relief=SUNKEN) self.__scrollbar = Scrollbar(frame) self.__scrollbar.pack(fill=Y, side=RIGHT) canvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=(self.__scrollbar, 'set')) self.__scrollbar.configure(command=(canvas, 'yview')) # # create all the buttons colordb = switchboard.colordb() row = 0 widest = 0 bboxes = self.__bboxes = [] for name in colordb.unique_names(): exactcolor = ColorDB.triplet_to_rrggbb(colordb.find_byname(name)) canvas.create_rectangle(5, row*20 + 5, 20, row*20 + 20, fill=exactcolor) textid = canvas.create_text(25, row*20 + 13, text=name, anchor=W) x1, y1, textend, y2 = canvas.bbox(textid) boxid = canvas.create_rectangle(3, row*20+3, textend+3, row*20 + 23, outline='', tags=(exactcolor,)) canvas.bind('', self.__onrelease) bboxes.append(boxid) if textend+3 > widest: widest = textend+3 row = row + 1 canvheight = (row-1)*20 + 25 canvas.config(scrollregion=(0, 0, 150, canvheight)) for box in bboxes: x1, y1, x2, y2 = canvas.coords(box) canvas.coords(box, x1, y1, widest, y2) # # Update on click self.__uoc = BooleanVar() self.__uoc.set(optiondb.get('UPONCLICK', 1)) self.__uocbtn = Checkbutton(root, text='Update on Click', variable=self.__uoc, command=self.__toggleupdate) self.__uocbtn.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH) # # alias list self.__alabel = Label(root, text='Aliases:') self.__alabel.pack() self.__aliases = Listbox(root, height=5, selectmode=BROWSE) self.__aliases.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH) def __onrelease(self, event=None): canvas = self.__canvas # find the current box x = canvas.canvasx(event.x) y = canvas.canvasy(event.y) ids = canvas.find_overlapping(x, y, x, y) for boxid in ids: if boxid in self.__bboxes: break else: ## print 'No box found!' return tags = self.__canvas.gettags(boxid) for t in tags: if t[0] == '#': break else: ## print 'No color tag found!' return red, green, blue = ColorDB.rrggbb_to_triplet(t) self.__dontcenter = 1 if self.__uoc.get(): self.__sb.update_views(red, green, blue) else: self.update_yourself(red, green, blue) self.__red, self.__green, self.__blue = red, green, blue def __toggleupdate(self, event=None): if self.__uoc.get(): self.__sb.update_views(self.__red, self.__green, self.__blue) def __quit(self, event=None): self.__root.quit() def withdraw(self, event=None): self.__root.withdraw() def deiconify(self, event=None): self.__root.deiconify() def update_yourself(self, red, green, blue): canvas = self.__canvas # turn off the last box if self.__lastbox: canvas.itemconfigure(self.__lastbox, outline='') # turn on the current box colortag = ColorDB.triplet_to_rrggbb((red, green, blue)) canvas.itemconfigure(colortag, outline='black') self.__lastbox = colortag # fill the aliases self.__aliases.delete(0, END) try: aliases = self.__sb.colordb().aliases_of(red, green, blue)[1:] except ColorDB.BadColor: self.__aliases.insert(END, '') return if not aliases: self.__aliases.insert(END, '') else: for name in aliases: self.__aliases.insert(END, name) # maybe scroll the canvas so that the item is visible if self.__dontcenter: self.__dontcenter = 0 else: height = canvas['height'] ig, ig, ig, y1 = canvas.coords(colortag) ig, ig, ig, y2 = canvas.coords(self.__bboxes[-1]) h = int(canvas['height']) * 0.5 canvas.yview('moveto', (y1-h) / y2) def save_options(self, optiondb): optiondb['UPONCLICK'] = self.__uoc.get()