#! /usr/bin/env python

# objgraph
# Read "nm -o" input (on IRIX: "nm -Bo") of a set of libraries or modules
# and print various interesting listings, such as:
# - which names are used but not defined in the set (and used where),
# - which names are defined in the set (and where),
# - which modules use which other modules,
# - which modules are used by which other modules.
# Usage: objgraph [-cdu] [file] ...
# -c: print callers per objectfile
# -d: print callees per objectfile
# -u: print usage of undefined symbols
# If none of -cdu is specified, all are assumed.
# Use "nm -o" to generate the input (on IRIX: "nm -Bo"),
# e.g.: nm -o /lib/libc.a | objgraph

import sys
import os
import getopt
import re

# Types of symbols.
definitions = 'TRGDSBAEC'
externals = 'UV'
ignore = 'Nntrgdsbavuc'

# Regular expression to parse "nm -o" output.
matcher = re.compile('(.*):\t?........ (.) (.*)$')

# Store "item" in "dict" under "key".
# The dictionary maps keys to lists of items.
# If there is no list for the key yet, it is created.
def store(dict, key, item):
    if key in dict:
        dict[key] = [item]

# Return a flattened version of a list of strings: the concatenation
# of its elements with intervening spaces.
def flat(list):
    s = ''
    for item in list:
        s = s + ' ' + item
    return s[1:]

# Global variables mapping defined/undefined names to files and back.
file2undef = {}
def2file = {}
file2def = {}
undef2file = {}

# Read one input file and merge the data into the tables.
# Argument is an open file.
def readinput(fp):
    while 1:
        s = fp.readline()
        if not s:
        # If you get any output from this line,
        # it is probably caused by an unexpected input line:
        if matcher.search(s) < 0: s; continue # Shouldn't happen
        (ra, rb), (r1a, r1b), (r2a, r2b), (r3a, r3b) = matcher.regs[:4]
        fn, name, type = s[r1a:r1b], s[r3a:r3b], s[r2a:r2b]
        if type in definitions:
            store(def2file, name, fn)
            store(file2def, fn, name)
        elif type in externals:
            store(file2undef, fn, name)
            store(undef2file, name, fn)
        elif not type in ignore:
            print(fn + ':' + name + ': unknown type ' + type)

# Print all names that were undefined in some module and where they are
# defined.
def printcallee():
    flist = sorted(file2undef.keys())
    for filename in flist:
        print(filename + ':')
        elist = file2undef[filename]
        for ext in elist:
            if len(ext) >= 8:
                tabs = '\t'
                tabs = '\t\t'
            if ext not in def2file:
                print('\t' + ext + tabs + ' *undefined')
                print('\t' + ext + tabs + flat(def2file[ext]))

# Print for each module the names of the other modules that use it.
def printcaller():
    files = sorted(file2def.keys())
    for filename in files:
        callers = []
        for label in file2def[filename]:
            if label in undef2file:
                callers = callers + undef2file[label]
        if callers:
            print(filename + ':')
            lastfn = ''
            for fn in callers:
                if fn != lastfn:
                    print('\t' + fn)
                lastfn = fn
            print(filename + ': unused')

# Print undefined names and where they are used.
def printundef():
    undefs = {}
    for filename in list(file2undef.keys()):
        for ext in file2undef[filename]:
            if ext not in def2file:
                store(undefs, ext, filename)
    elist = sorted(undefs.keys())
    for ext in elist:
        print(ext + ':')
        flist = sorted(undefs[ext])
        for filename in flist:
            print('\t' + filename)

# Print warning messages about names defined in more than one file.
def warndups():
    savestdout = sys.stdout
    sys.stdout = sys.stderr
    names = sorted(def2file.keys())
    for name in names:
        if len(def2file[name]) > 1:
            print('warning:', name, 'multiply defined:', end=' ')
    sys.stdout = savestdout

# Main program
def main():
        optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'cdu')
    except getopt.error:
        sys.stdout = sys.stderr
        print('Usage:', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), end=' ')
        print('[-cdu] [file] ...')
        print('-c: print callers per objectfile')
        print('-d: print callees per objectfile')
        print('-u: print usage of undefined symbols')
        print('If none of -cdu is specified, all are assumed.')
        print('Use "nm -o" to generate the input (on IRIX: "nm -Bo"),')
        print('e.g.: nm -o /lib/libc.a | objgraph')
        return 1
    optu = optc = optd = 0
    for opt, void in optlist:
        if opt == '-u':
            optu = 1
        elif opt == '-c':
            optc = 1
        elif opt == '-d':
            optd = 1
    if optu == optc == optd == 0:
        optu = optc = optd = 1
    if not args:
        args = ['-']
    for filename in args:
        if filename == '-':
            readinput(open(filename, 'r'))
    more = (optu + optc + optd > 1)
    if optd:
        if more:
            print('---------------All callees------------------')
    if optu:
        if more:
            print('---------------Undefined callees------------')
    if optc:
        if more:
            print('---------------All Callers------------------')
    return 0

# Call the main program.
# Use its return value as exit status.
# Catch interrupts to avoid stack trace.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    except KeyboardInterrupt: