""" Unicode Mapping Parser and Codec Generator. This script parses Unicode mapping files as available from the Unicode site (ftp://ftp.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/) and creates Python codec modules from them. The codecs use the standard character mapping codec to actually apply the mapping. Synopsis: gencodec.py dir codec_prefix All files in dir are scanned and those producing non-empty mappings will be written to .py with being the first part of the map's filename ('a' in a.b.c.txt) converted to lowercase with hyphens replaced by underscores. The tool also writes marshalled versions of the mapping tables to the same location (with .mapping extension). Written by Marc-Andre Lemburg (mal@lemburg.com). (c) Copyright CNRI, All Rights Reserved. NO WARRANTY. (c) Copyright Guido van Rossum, 2000. Table generation: (c) Copyright Marc-Andre Lemburg, 2005. Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement. """#" import re, os, marshal, codecs # Maximum allowed size of charmap tables MAX_TABLE_SIZE = 8192 # Standard undefined Unicode code point UNI_UNDEFINED = chr(0xFFFE) # Placeholder for a missing codepoint MISSING_CODE = -1 mapRE = re.compile('((?:0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\+?)+)' '\s+' '((?:(?:0x[0-9a-fA-Z]+|<[A-Za-z]+>)\+?)*)' '\s*' '(#.+)?') def parsecodes(codes, len=len, range=range): """ Converts code combinations to either a single code integer or a tuple of integers. meta-codes (in angular brackets, e.g. and ) are ignored. Empty codes or illegal ones are returned as None. """ if not codes: return MISSING_CODE l = codes.split('+') if len(l) == 1: return int(l[0],16) for i in range(len(l)): try: l[i] = int(l[i],16) except ValueError: l[i] = MISSING_CODE l = [x for x in l if x != MISSING_CODE] if len(l) == 1: return l[0] else: return tuple(l) def readmap(filename): f = open(filename,'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() enc2uni = {} identity = [] unmapped = list(range(256)) # UTC mapping tables per convention don't include the identity # mappings for code points 0x00 - 0x1F and 0x7F, unless these are # explicitly mapped to different characters or undefined for i in list(range(32)) + [127]: identity.append(i) unmapped.remove(i) enc2uni[i] = (i, 'CONTROL CHARACTER') for line in lines: line = line.strip() if not line or line[0] == '#': continue m = mapRE.match(line) if not m: #print '* not matched: %s' % repr(line) continue enc,uni,comment = m.groups() enc = parsecodes(enc) uni = parsecodes(uni) if comment is None: comment = '' else: comment = comment[1:].strip() if not isinstance(enc, tuple) and enc < 256: if enc in unmapped: unmapped.remove(enc) if enc == uni: identity.append(enc) enc2uni[enc] = (uni,comment) else: enc2uni[enc] = (uni,comment) # If there are more identity-mapped entries than unmapped entries, # it pays to generate an identity dictionary first, and add explicit # mappings to None for the rest if len(identity) >= len(unmapped): for enc in unmapped: enc2uni[enc] = (MISSING_CODE, "") enc2uni['IDENTITY'] = 256 return enc2uni def hexrepr(t, precision=4): if t is None: return 'None' try: len(t) except: return '0x%0*X' % (precision, t) try: return '(' + ', '.join(['0x%0*X' % (precision, item) for item in t]) + ')' except TypeError as why: print('* failed to convert %r: %s' % (t, why)) raise def python_mapdef_code(varname, map, comments=1, precisions=(2, 4)): l = [] append = l.append if "IDENTITY" in map: append("%s = codecs.make_identity_dict(range(%d))" % (varname, map["IDENTITY"])) append("%s.update({" % varname) splits = 1 del map["IDENTITY"] identity = 1 else: append("%s = {" % varname) splits = 0 identity = 0 mappings = sorted(map.items()) i = 0 key_precision, value_precision = precisions for mapkey, mapvalue in mappings: mapcomment = '' if isinstance(mapkey, tuple): (mapkey, mapcomment) = mapkey if isinstance(mapvalue, tuple): (mapvalue, mapcomment) = mapvalue if mapkey is None: continue if (identity and mapkey == mapvalue and mapkey < 256): # No need to include identity mappings, since these # are already set for the first 256 code points. continue key = hexrepr(mapkey, key_precision) value = hexrepr(mapvalue, value_precision) if mapcomment and comments: append(' %s: %s,\t# %s' % (key, value, mapcomment)) else: append(' %s: %s,' % (key, value)) i += 1 if i == 4096: # Split the definition into parts to that the Python # parser doesn't dump core if splits == 0: append('}') else: append('})') append('%s.update({' % varname) i = 0 splits = splits + 1 if splits == 0: append('}') else: append('})') return l def python_tabledef_code(varname, map, comments=1, key_precision=2): l = [] append = l.append append('%s = (' % varname) # Analyze map and create table dict mappings = sorted(map.items()) table = {} maxkey = 255 if 'IDENTITY' in map: for key in range(256): table[key] = (key, '') del map['IDENTITY'] for mapkey, mapvalue in mappings: mapcomment = '' if isinstance(mapkey, tuple): (mapkey, mapcomment) = mapkey if isinstance(mapvalue, tuple): (mapvalue, mapcomment) = mapvalue if mapkey == MISSING_CODE: continue table[mapkey] = (mapvalue, mapcomment) if mapkey > maxkey: maxkey = mapkey if maxkey > MAX_TABLE_SIZE: # Table too large return None # Create table code maxchar = 0 for key in range(maxkey + 1): if key not in table: mapvalue = MISSING_CODE mapcomment = 'UNDEFINED' else: mapvalue, mapcomment = table[key] if mapvalue == MISSING_CODE: mapchar = UNI_UNDEFINED else: if isinstance(mapvalue, tuple): # 1-n mappings not supported return None else: mapchar = chr(mapvalue) maxchar = max(maxchar, ord(mapchar)) if mapcomment and comments: append(' %a \t# %s -> %s' % (mapchar, hexrepr(key, key_precision), mapcomment)) else: append(' %a' % mapchar) if maxchar < 256: append(' %a \t## Widen to UCS2 for optimization' % UNI_UNDEFINED) append(')') return l def codegen(name, map, encodingname, comments=1): """ Returns Python source for the given map. Comments are included in the source, if comments is true (default). """ # Generate code decoding_map_code = python_mapdef_code( 'decoding_map', map, comments=comments) decoding_table_code = python_tabledef_code( 'decoding_table', map, comments=comments) encoding_map_code = python_mapdef_code( 'encoding_map', codecs.make_encoding_map(map), comments=comments, precisions=(4, 2)) if decoding_table_code: suffix = 'table' else: suffix = 'map' l = [ '''\ """ Python Character Mapping Codec %s generated from '%s' with gencodec.py. """#" import codecs ### Codec APIs class Codec(codecs.Codec): def encode(self,input,errors='strict'): return codecs.charmap_encode(input,errors,encoding_%s) def decode(self,input,errors='strict'): return codecs.charmap_decode(input,errors,decoding_%s) ''' % (encodingname, name, suffix, suffix)] l.append('''\ class IncrementalEncoder(codecs.IncrementalEncoder): def encode(self, input, final=False): return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_%s)[0] class IncrementalDecoder(codecs.IncrementalDecoder): def decode(self, input, final=False): return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_%s)[0]''' % (suffix, suffix)) l.append(''' class StreamWriter(Codec,codecs.StreamWriter): pass class StreamReader(Codec,codecs.StreamReader): pass ### encodings module API def getregentry(): return codecs.CodecInfo( name=%r, encode=Codec().encode, decode=Codec().decode, incrementalencoder=IncrementalEncoder, incrementaldecoder=IncrementalDecoder, streamreader=StreamReader, streamwriter=StreamWriter, ) ''' % encodingname.replace('_', '-')) # Add decoding table or map (with preference to the table) if not decoding_table_code: l.append(''' ### Decoding Map ''') l.extend(decoding_map_code) else: l.append(''' ### Decoding Table ''') l.extend(decoding_table_code) # Add encoding map if decoding_table_code: l.append(''' ### Encoding table encoding_table=codecs.charmap_build(decoding_table) ''') else: l.append(''' ### Encoding Map ''') l.extend(encoding_map_code) # Final new-line l.append('') return '\n'.join(l).expandtabs() def pymap(name,map,pyfile,encodingname,comments=1): code = codegen(name,map,encodingname,comments) f = open(pyfile,'w') f.write(code) f.close() def marshalmap(name,map,marshalfile): d = {} for e,(u,c) in map.items(): d[e] = (u,c) f = open(marshalfile,'wb') marshal.dump(d,f) f.close() def convertdir(dir, dirprefix='', nameprefix='', comments=1): mapnames = os.listdir(dir) for mapname in mapnames: mappathname = os.path.join(dir, mapname) if not os.path.isfile(mappathname): continue name = os.path.split(mapname)[1] name = name.replace('-','_') name = name.split('.')[0] name = name.lower() name = nameprefix + name codefile = name + '.py' marshalfile = name + '.mapping' print('converting %s to %s and %s' % (mapname, dirprefix + codefile, dirprefix + marshalfile)) try: map = readmap(os.path.join(dir,mapname)) if not map: print('* map is empty; skipping') else: pymap(mappathname, map, dirprefix + codefile,name,comments) marshalmap(mappathname, map, dirprefix + marshalfile) except ValueError as why: print('* conversion failed: %s' % why) raise def rewritepythondir(dir, dirprefix='', comments=1): mapnames = os.listdir(dir) for mapname in mapnames: if not mapname.endswith('.mapping'): continue name = mapname[:-len('.mapping')] codefile = name + '.py' print('converting %s to %s' % (mapname, dirprefix + codefile)) try: map = marshal.load(open(os.path.join(dir,mapname), 'rb')) if not map: print('* map is empty; skipping') else: pymap(mapname, map, dirprefix + codefile,name,comments) except ValueError as why: print('* conversion failed: %s' % why) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if 1: convertdir(*sys.argv[1:]) else: rewritepythondir(*sys.argv[1:])