class StdinBuffer { constructor() { this.sab = new SharedArrayBuffer(128 * Int32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) this.buffer = new Int32Array(this.sab) this.readIndex = 1; this.numberOfCharacters = 0; this.sentNull = true } prompt() { this.readIndex = 1, 0, -1) postMessage({ type: 'stdin', buffer: this.sab }) Atomics.wait(this.buffer, 0, -1) this.numberOfCharacters = this.buffer[0] } stdin = () => { while (this.numberOfCharacters + 1 === this.readIndex) { if (!this.sentNull) { // Must return null once to indicate we're done for now. this.sentNull = true return null } this.sentNull = false // Prompt will reset this.readIndex to 1 this.prompt() } const char = this.buffer[this.readIndex] this.readIndex += 1 return char } } const stdout = (charCode) => { if (charCode) { postMessage({ type: 'stdout', stdout: charCode, }) } else { console.log(typeof charCode, charCode) } } const stderr = (charCode) => { if (charCode) { postMessage({ type: 'stderr', stderr: charCode, }) } else { console.log(typeof charCode, charCode) } } const stdinBuffer = new StdinBuffer() var Module = { noInitialRun: true, stdin: stdinBuffer.stdin, stdout: stdout, stderr: stderr, onRuntimeInitialized: () => { postMessage({type: 'ready', stdinBuffer: stdinBuffer.sab}) } } onmessage = (event) => { if ( === 'run') { if ( { for (const [filename, contents] of Object.entries( { Module.FS.writeFile(filename, contents) } } const ret = callMain( postMessage({ type: 'finished', returnCode: ret }) } } importScripts('python.js')