path: root/googlemock/include/gmock
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authorAaron Jacobs <>2022-05-11 03:40:26 (GMT)
committerCopybara-Service <>2022-05-11 03:41:04 (GMT)
commit4224c770a3274e46344c596d59ce9f4e0c62801a (patch)
tree039f268b7e805f1b8c100616c6d40e10e5e27c74 /googlemock/include/gmock
parent6386897feb0a3f4fbe104fe1fa4570ec8158d9e5 (diff)
gmock-actions: simplify Return and add better documentation.
Better document requirements, API decisions, and historical accidents. Make an implicit conversion easier and in a more appropriate place, and ease the burden of some assertions in the conversion operator. Stop using the legacy ActionInterface style for defining the action. PiperOrigin-RevId: 447894892 Change-Id: I179e23ec2abdd9bf05c204ab18dbb492f1372e8e
Diffstat (limited to 'googlemock/include/gmock')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h
index e022c12..208295f 100644
--- a/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h
+++ b/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h
@@ -866,93 +866,155 @@ struct ByMoveWrapper {
T payload;
-// Implements the polymorphic Return(x) action, which can be used in
-// any function that returns the type of x, regardless of the argument
-// types.
-// Note: The value passed into Return must be converted into
-// Function<F>::Result when this action is cast to Action<F> rather than
-// when that action is performed. This is important in scenarios like
-// MOCK_METHOD1(Method, T(U));
-// ...
-// {
-// Foo foo;
-// X x(&foo);
-// EXPECT_CALL(mock, Method(_)).WillOnce(Return(x));
-// }
-// In the example above the variable x holds reference to foo which leaves
-// scope and gets destroyed. If copying X just copies a reference to foo,
-// that copy will be left with a hanging reference. If conversion to T
-// makes a copy of foo, the above code is safe. To support that scenario, we
-// need to make sure that the type conversion happens inside the EXPECT_CALL
-// statement, and conversion of the result of Return to Action<T(U)> is a
-// good place for that.
-// The real life example of the above scenario happens when an invocation
-// of gtl::Container() is passed into Return.
+// The general implementation of Return(R). Specializations follow below.
template <typename R>
class ReturnAction final {
- // Constructs a ReturnAction object from the value to be returned.
- // 'value' is passed by value instead of by const reference in order
- // to allow Return("string literal") to compile.
explicit ReturnAction(R value) : value_(std::move(value)) {}
- // This template type conversion operator allows Return(x) to be
- // used in ANY function that returns x's type.
- template <typename F>
- operator Action<F>() const { // NOLINT
- // Assert statement belongs here because this is the best place to verify
- // conditions on F. It produces the clearest error messages
- // in most compilers.
- // Impl really belongs in this scope as a local class but can't
- // because MSVC produces duplicate symbols in different translation units
- // in this case. Until MS fixes that bug we put Impl into the class scope
- // and put the typedef both here (for use in assert statement) and
- // in the Impl class. But both definitions must be the same.
- typedef typename Function<F>::Result Result;
- static_assert(!std::is_reference<Result>::value,
+ // Support conversion to function types with compatible return types. See the
+ // documentation on Return for the definition of compatible.
+ template <typename U, typename... Args>
+ operator Action<U(Args...)>() const { // NOLINT
+ // Check our requirements on the return type.
+ static_assert(!std::is_reference<U>::value,
"use ReturnRef instead of Return to return a reference");
- static_assert(!std::is_void<Result>::value,
+ static_assert(!std::is_void<U>::value,
"Can't use Return() on an action expected to return `void`.");
- return Action<F>(new Impl<F>(value_));
+ return Impl<U>(value_);
- // Implements the Return(x) action for a particular function type F.
- template <typename F>
- class Impl : public ActionInterface<F> {
+ // Implements the Return(x) action for a mock function that returns type U.
+ template <typename U>
+ class Impl final {
- typedef typename Function<F>::Result Result;
- typedef typename Function<F>::ArgumentTuple ArgumentTuple;
+ explicit Impl(const R& input_value) : state_(new State(input_value)) {}
- explicit Impl(const R& value)
- : value_before_cast_(value),
- // Make an implicit conversion to Result before initializing the
- // Result object we store, avoiding calling any explicit constructor
- // of Result from R.
- //
- // This simulates the language rules: a function with return type
- // Result that does `return R()` requires R to be implicitly
- // convertible to Result, and uses that path for the conversion, even
- // if Result has an explicit constructor from R.
- value_(ImplicitCast_<Result>(value_before_cast_)) {}
- Result Perform(const ArgumentTuple&) override { return value_; }
+ U operator()() const { return state_->value; }
- static_assert(!std::is_reference<Result>::value,
- "Result cannot be a reference type");
- // We save the value before casting just in case it is being cast to a
- // wrapper type.
- R value_before_cast_;
- Result value_;
- Impl(const Impl&) = delete;
- Impl& operator=(const Impl&) = delete;
+ // We put our state on the heap so that the compiler-generated copy/move
+ // constructors work correctly even when U is a reference-like type. This is
+ // necessary only because we eagerly create State::value (see the note on
+ // that symbol for details). If we instead had only the input value as a
+ // member then the default constructors would work fine.
+ //
+ // For example, when R is std::string and U is std::string_view, value is a
+ // reference to the string backed by input_value. The copy constructor would
+ // copy both, so that we wind up with a new input_value object (with the
+ // same contents) and a reference to the *old* input_value object rather
+ // than the new one.
+ struct State {
+ explicit State(const R& input_value_in)
+ : input_value(input_value_in),
+ // Make an implicit conversion to Result before initializing the U
+ // object we store, avoiding calling any explicit constructor of U
+ // from R.
+ //
+ // This simulates the language rules: a function with return type U
+ // that does `return R()` requires R to be implicitly convertible to
+ // U, and uses that path for the conversion, even U Result has an
+ // explicit constructor from R.
+ //
+ // We provide non-const access to input_value to the conversion
+ // code. It's not clear whether this makes semantic sense -- what
+ // would it mean for the conversion to modify the input value? This
+ // appears to be an accident of history:
+ //
+ // 1. Before the first public commit the input value was simply an
+ // object of type R embedded directly in the Impl object. The
+ // result value wasn't yet eagerly created, and the Impl class's
+ // Perform method was const, so the implicit conversion when it
+ // returned the value was from const R&.
+ //
+ // 2. Google changelist 6490411 changed ActionInterface::Perform to
+ // be non-const, citing the fact that an action can have side
+ // effects and be stateful. Impl::Perform was updated like all
+ // other actions, probably without consideration of the fact
+ // that side effects and statefulness don't make sense for
+ // Return. From this point on the conversion had non-const
+ // access to the input value.
+ //
+ value(ImplicitCast_<U>(input_value)) {}
+ // A copy of the value originally provided by the user. We retain this in
+ // addition to the value of the mock function's result type below in case
+ // the latter is a reference-like type. See the std::string_view example
+ // in the documentation on Return.
+ R input_value;
+ // The value we actually return, as the type returned by the mock function
+ // itself.
+ //
+ // We eagerly initialize this here, rather than lazily doing the implicit
+ // conversion automatically each time Perform is called, for historical
+ // reasons: in 2009-11, commit a070cbd91c (Google changelist 13540126)
+ // made the Action<U()> conversion operator eagerly convert the R value to
+ // U, but without keeping the R alive. This broke the use case discussed
+ // in the documentation for Return, making reference-like types such as
+ // std::string_view not safe to use as U where the input type R is a
+ // value-like type such as std::string.
+ //
+ // The example the commit gave was not very clear, nor was the issue
+ // thread (, but it seems
+ // the worry was about reference-like input types R that flatten to a
+ // value-like type U when being implicitly converted. An example of this
+ // is std::vector<bool>::reference, which is often a proxy type with an
+ // reference to the underlying vector:
+ //
+ // // Helper method: have the mock function return bools according
+ // // to the supplied script.
+ // void SetActions(MockFunction<bool(size_t)>& mock,
+ // const std::vector<bool>& script) {
+ // for (size_t i = 0; i < script.size(); ++i) {
+ // EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call(i)).WillOnce(Return(script[i]));
+ // }
+ // }
+ //
+ // TEST(Foo, Bar) {
+ // // Set actions using a temporary vector, whose operator[]
+ // // returns proxy objects that references that will be
+ // // dangling once the call to SetActions finishes and the
+ // // vector is destroyed.
+ // MockFunction<bool(size_t)> mock;
+ // SetActions(mock, {false, true});
+ //
+ // EXPECT_FALSE(mock.AsStdFunction()(0));
+ // EXPECT_TRUE(mock.AsStdFunction()(1));
+ // }
+ //
+ // This eager conversion helps with a simple case like this, but doesn't
+ // fully make these types work in general. For example the following still
+ // uses a dangling reference:
+ //
+ // TEST(Foo, Baz) {
+ // MockFunction<std::vector<std::string>()> mock;
+ //
+ // // Return the same vector twice, and then the empty vector
+ // // thereafter.
+ // auto action = Return(std::initializer_list<std::string>{
+ // "taco", "burrito",
+ // });
+ //
+ // EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call)
+ // .WillOnce(action)
+ // .WillOnce(action)
+ // .WillRepeatedly(Return(std::vector<std::string>{}));
+ //
+ // EXPECT_THAT(mock.AsStdFunction()(),
+ // ElementsAre("taco", "burrito"));
+ // EXPECT_THAT(mock.AsStdFunction()(),
+ // ElementsAre("taco", "burrito"));
+ // EXPECT_THAT(mock.AsStdFunction()(), IsEmpty());
+ // }
+ //
+ U value;
+ };
+ const std::shared_ptr<State> state_;
R value_;
@@ -1693,9 +1755,29 @@ internal::WithArgsAction<typename std::decay<InnerAction>::type> WithoutArgs(
return {std::forward<InnerAction>(action)};
-// Creates an action that returns 'value'. 'value' is passed by value
-// instead of const reference - otherwise Return("string literal")
-// will trigger a compiler error about using array as initializer.
+// Creates an action that returns a value.
+// R must be copy-constructible. The returned type can be used as an
+// Action<U(Args...)> for any type U where all of the following are true:
+// * U is not void.
+// * U is not a reference type. (Use ReturnRef instead.)
+// * U is copy-constructible.
+// * R& is convertible to U.
+// The Action<U(Args)...> object contains the R value from which the U return
+// value is constructed (a copy of the argument to Return). This means that the
+// R value will survive at least until the mock object's expectations are
+// cleared or the mock object is destroyed, meaning that U can be a
+// reference-like type such as std::string_view:
+// // The mock function returns a view of a copy of the string fed to
+// // Return. The view is valid even after the action is performed.
+// MockFunction<std::string_view()> mock;
+// EXPECT_CALL(mock, Call).WillOnce(Return(std::string("taco")));
+// const std::string_view result = mock.AsStdFunction()();
+// EXPECT_EQ("taco", result);
template <typename R>
internal::ReturnAction<R> Return(R value) {
return internal::ReturnAction<R>(std::move(value));