path: root/CMakeLists.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'CMakeLists.txt')
1 files changed, 275 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddb5348
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+# Experimental CMake build script for Google Test.
+# Consider this a prototype. It will change drastically. For now,
+# this is only for people on the cutting edge.
+# To run the tests for Google Test itself on Linux, use 'make test' or
+# ctest. You can select which tests to run using 'ctest -R regex'.
+# For more options, run 'ctest --help'.
+# Project-wide settings
+# Name of the project.
+# CMake files in this project can refer to the root source directory
+# as ${gtest_SOURCE_DIR} and to the root binary directory as
+# ${gtest_BINARY_DIR}.
+project(gtest CXX)
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
+# Where gtest's .h files can be found.
+ ${gtest_SOURCE_DIR}/include
+ ${gtest_SOURCE_DIR})
+# Where the gtest libraries can be found.
+ ${gtest_BINARY_DIR}/src)
+# Defines the compiler/linker flags used to build gtest. You can
+# tweak these definitions to suit your need.
+if (MSVC)
+ set(cxx_base "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -GS -W4 -WX -wd4275 -RTCs -RTCu -nologo -J
+ set(cxx_default "${cxx_base} -EHsc -D_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=1")
+ set(cxx_base "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}")
+ set(cxx_default "${cxx_base} -fexceptions")
+# Defines the gtest & gtest_main libraries. User tests should link
+# with one of them.
+function(cxx_library name cxx_flags)
+ # ARGN refers to additional arguments after 'cxx_flags'.
+ add_library(${name} STATIC ${ARGN})
+ set_target_properties(${name}
+ COMPILE_FLAGS "${cxx_flags}")
+cxx_library(gtest "${cxx_default}" src/
+cxx_library(gtest_main "${cxx_default}" src/
+target_link_libraries(gtest_main gtest)
+# Samples on how to link user tests with gtest or gtest_main.
+# They are not built by default. To build them, set the
+# build_gtest_samples option to ON. You can do it by running ccmake
+# or specifying the -Dbuild_gtest_samples=ON flag when running cmake.
+option(build_gtest_samples "Build gtest's sample programs." OFF)
+# cxx_executable(name dir lib srcs...)
+# creates a named target that depends on the given lib and is built
+# from the given source files. dir/ is implicitly included in
+# the source file list.
+function(cxx_executable name dir lib)
+ add_executable(${name}
+ ${dir}/${name}.cc
+ ${ARGN})
+ set_target_properties(${name}
+ COMPILE_FLAGS "${cxx_default}")
+ target_link_libraries(${name} ${lib})
+if (${build_gtest_samples})
+ cxx_executable(sample1_unittest samples gtest_main samples/
+ cxx_executable(sample2_unittest samples gtest_main samples/
+ cxx_executable(sample3_unittest samples gtest_main)
+ cxx_executable(sample4_unittest samples gtest_main samples/
+ cxx_executable(sample5_unittest samples gtest_main samples/
+ cxx_executable(sample6_unittest samples gtest_main)
+ cxx_executable(sample7_unittest samples gtest_main)
+ cxx_executable(sample8_unittest samples gtest_main)
+ cxx_executable(sample9_unittest samples gtest)
+ cxx_executable(sample10_unittest samples gtest)
+# Google Test's own tests.
+# You can skip this section if you aren't interested in testing
+# Google Test itself.
+# Most of the tests are not built by default. To build them, set the
+# build_all_gtest_tests option to ON. You can do it by running ccmake
+# or specifying the -Dbuild_all_gtest_tests=ON flag when running cmake.
+option(build_all_gtest_tests "Build all of gtest's own tests." OFF)
+# This must be set in the root directory for the tests to be run by
+# 'make test' or ctest.
+# C++ tests built with standard compiler flags.
+# cxx_test(name lib srcs...)
+# creates a named test target that depends on the given lib and is
+# built from the given source files. test/ is implicitly
+# included in the source file list.
+function(cxx_test name lib)
+ add_executable(${name} test/${name}.cc ${ARGN})
+ set_target_properties(${name}
+ COMPILE_FLAGS "${cxx_default}")
+ target_link_libraries(${name} ${lib})
+ add_test(${name} ${name})
+cxx_test(gtest_unittest gtest_main)
+if (${build_all_gtest_tests})
+ cxx_test(gtest_environment_test gtest)
+ cxx_test(gtest-filepath_test gtest_main)
+ cxx_test(gtest-linked_ptr_test gtest_main)
+ cxx_test(gtest-listener_test gtest_main)
+ cxx_test(gtest_main_unittest gtest_main)
+ cxx_test(gtest-message_test gtest_main)
+ cxx_test(gtest_no_test_unittest gtest)
+ cxx_test(gtest-options_test gtest_main)
+ cxx_test(gtest-param-test_test gtest
+ test/
+ cxx_test(gtest-port_test gtest_main)
+ cxx_test(gtest_pred_impl_unittest gtest_main)
+ cxx_test(gtest_prod_test gtest_main
+ test/
+ cxx_test(gtest_repeat_test gtest)
+ cxx_test(gtest_sole_header_test gtest_main)
+ cxx_test(gtest_stress_test gtest)
+ cxx_test(gtest-test-part_test gtest_main)
+ cxx_test(gtest_throw_on_failure_ex_test gtest)
+ cxx_test(gtest-typed-test_test gtest_main
+ test/
+ cxx_test(gtest-unittest-api_test gtest)
+# C++ tests built with non-standard compiler flags.
+# TODO( use FindThreads to set the flags for using threads.
+if (MSVC)
+ set(cxx_no_exception "${cxx_base} -D_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0")
+ set(cxx_no_rtti "${cxx_default} -GR-")
+ set(cxx_use_threads "${cxx_default}")
+ set(link_use_threads "")
+ set(cxx_no_exception "${cxx_base} -fno-exceptions")
+ set(cxx_no_rtti "${cxx_default} -fno-rtti -DGTEST_HAS_RTTI=0")
+ set(cxx_use_threads "${cxx_default} -pthread")
+ set(link_use_threads "-pthread")
+set(cxx_use_own_tuple "${cxx_default} -DGTEST_USE_OWN_TR1_TUPLE=1")
+# cxx_test_with_flags(name cxx_flags lib srcs...)
+# creates a named C++ test that depends on the given lib and is built
+# from the given source files with the given compiler flags. Unlike
+# cxx_test(), test/ is NOT implicitly included in the source
+# file list.
+function(cxx_test_with_flags name cxx_flags lib)
+ add_executable(${name} ${ARGN})
+ set_target_properties(${name}
+ COMPILE_FLAGS "${cxx_flags}")
+ target_link_libraries(${name} ${lib})
+ add_test(${name} ${name})
+if (${build_all_gtest_tests})
+ cxx_library(gtest_no_exception "${cxx_no_exception}"
+ src/
+ cxx_library(gtest_main_no_rtti "${cxx_no_rtti}"
+ src/ src/
+ cxx_library(gtest_main_use_own_tuple "${cxx_use_own_tuple}"
+ src/ src/
+ cxx_test_with_flags(gtest-death-test_test "${cxx_use_threads}"
+ gtest_main test/
+ set_target_properties(gtest-death-test_test
+ LINK_FLAGS "${link_use_threads}")
+ cxx_test_with_flags(gtest_no_rtti_unittest "${cxx_no_rtti}"
+ gtest_main_no_rtti test/
+ cxx_test_with_flags(gtest-tuple_test "${cxx_use_own_tuple}"
+ gtest_main_use_own_tuple test/
+ cxx_test_with_flags(gtest_use_own_tuple_test "${cxx_use_own_tuple}"
+ gtest_main_use_own_tuple
+ test/ test/
+# Python tests.
+# py_test(name)
+# creates a Python test with the given name whose main module is in
+# test/ It does nothing if Python is not installed.
+function(py_test name)
+ add_test(NAME ${name}
+ COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${gtest_SOURCE_DIR}/test/${name}.py
+ --gtest_build_dir=${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH})
+ endif()
+if (${build_all_gtest_tests})
+ cxx_executable(gtest_break_on_failure_unittest_ test gtest)
+ py_test(gtest_break_on_failure_unittest)
+ cxx_executable(gtest_color_test_ test gtest)
+ py_test(gtest_color_test)
+ cxx_executable(gtest_env_var_test_ test gtest)
+ py_test(gtest_env_var_test)
+ cxx_executable(gtest_filter_unittest_ test gtest)
+ py_test(gtest_filter_unittest)
+ cxx_executable(gtest_help_test_ test gtest_main)
+ py_test(gtest_help_test)
+ cxx_executable(gtest_list_tests_unittest_ test gtest)
+ py_test(gtest_list_tests_unittest)
+ cxx_executable(gtest_output_test_ test gtest)
+ py_test(gtest_output_test)
+ cxx_executable(gtest_shuffle_test_ test gtest)
+ py_test(gtest_shuffle_test)
+ cxx_executable(gtest_throw_on_failure_test_ test gtest_no_exception)
+ set_target_properties(gtest_throw_on_failure_test_
+ COMPILE_FLAGS "${cxx_no_exception}")
+ py_test(gtest_throw_on_failure_test)
+ cxx_executable(gtest_uninitialized_test_ test gtest)
+ py_test(gtest_uninitialized_test)
+ cxx_executable(gtest_xml_outfile1_test_ test gtest_main)
+ cxx_executable(gtest_xml_outfile2_test_ test gtest_main)
+ py_test(gtest_xml_outfiles_test)
+ cxx_executable(gtest_xml_output_unittest_ test gtest)
+ py_test(gtest_xml_output_unittest)