path: root/googlemock/docs/
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diff --git a/googlemock/docs/ b/googlemock/docs/
index 3f515c3..4cddc9d 100644
--- a/googlemock/docs/
+++ b/googlemock/docs/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ non-trivial effort to define a custom action in Google Mock. For
example, suppose you want to "increment the value pointed to by the
second argument of the mock function and return it", you could write:
int IncrementArg1(Unused, int* p, Unused) {
return ++(*p);
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ There are several things unsatisfactory about this approach:
The latter two problems can be overcome using `MakePolymorphicAction()`,
but it requires much more boilerplate code:
class IncrementArg1Action {
template <typename Result, typename ArgumentTuple>
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ boiler-plate C++ requires.
## Solution ##
We propose to introduce a new macro:
ACTION(name) { statements; }
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ Using this in a namespace scope will define an action with the given
name that executes the statements. Inside the statements, you can
refer to the K-th (0-based) argument of the mock function as `argK`.
For example:
ACTION(IncrementArg1) { return ++(*arg1); }
allows you to write
... WillOnce(IncrementArg1());
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ your code is still type-safe though: you'll get a compiler error if
`++(*arg1)` isn't compatible with the mock function's return type.
Another example:
@@ -88,18 +88,20 @@ with 5, calls function `Blah()`, sets the value pointed to by argument
For more convenience and flexibility, you can also use the following
pre-defined symbols in the body of `ACTION`:
-| `argK_type` | The type of the K-th (0-based) argument of the mock function |
-| `args` | All arguments of the mock function as a tuple |
-| `args_type` | The type of all arguments of the mock function as a tuple |
-| `return_type` | The return type of the mock function |
+| Argument | Description |
+| `argK_type` | The type of the K-th (0-based) argument of the mock function |
+| `args` | All arguments of the mock function as a tuple |
+| `args_type` | The type of all arguments of the mock function as a tuple |
+| `return_type` | The return type of the mock function |
| `function_type` | The type of the mock function |
For example, when using an `ACTION` as a stub action for mock function:
int DoSomething(bool flag, int* ptr);
we have:
| **Pre-defined Symbol** | **Is Bound To** |
| `arg0` | the value of `flag` |
@@ -115,16 +117,16 @@ we have:
Sometimes you'll want to parameterize the action. For that we propose
another macro
ACTION_P(name, param) { statements; }
For example,
ACTION_P(Add, n) { return arg0 + n; }
will allow you to write
// Returns argument #0 + 5.
... WillOnce(Add(5));
@@ -140,7 +142,7 @@ parameter as inferred by the compiler.
We will also provide `ACTION_P2`, `ACTION_P3`, and etc to support
multi-parameter actions. For example,
ACTION_P2(ReturnDistanceTo, x, y) {
double dx = arg0 - x;
double dy = arg1 - y;
@@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ ACTION_P2(ReturnDistanceTo, x, y) {
lets you write
... WillOnce(ReturnDistanceTo(5.0, 26.5));
@@ -160,7 +162,7 @@ number of parameters is 0.
### Overloading Actions ###
You can easily define actions overloaded on the number of parameters:
ACTION_P(Plus, a) { ... }
ACTION_P2(Plus, a, b) { ... }
@@ -173,7 +175,7 @@ parameters. Instead, we let the compiler infer the types for us.
Sometimes, however, we may want to be more explicit about the types.
There are several tricks to do that. For example:
// Makes sure arg0 can be converted to int.
int n = arg0;
@@ -196,12 +198,12 @@ Google Test (the name is chosen to match `static_assert` in C++0x).
If you are writing a function that returns an `ACTION` object, you'll
need to know its type. The type depends on the macro used to define
the action and the parameter types. The rule is relatively simple:
-| **Given Definition** | **Expression** | **Has Type** |
-| `ACTION(Foo)` | `Foo()` | `FooAction` |
-| `ACTION_P(Bar, param)` | `Bar(int_value)` | `BarActionP<int>` |
+| **Given Definition** | **Expression** | **Has Type** |
+| `ACTION(Foo)` | `Foo()` | `FooAction` |
+| `ACTION_P(Bar, param)` | `Bar(int_value)` | `BarActionP<int>` |
| `ACTION_P2(Baz, p1, p2)` | `Baz(bool_value, int_value)` | `BazActionP2<bool, int>` |
-| ... | ... | ... |
+| ... | ... | ... |
Note that we have to pick different suffixes (`Action`, `ActionP`,
`ActionP2`, and etc) for actions with different numbers of parameters,
@@ -262,14 +264,14 @@ available, we may want to support using lambdas as actions.
Once the macros for defining actions are implemented, we plan to do
the same for matchers:
MATCHER(name) { statements; }
where you can refer to the value being matched as `arg`. For example,
MATCHER(IsPositive) { return arg > 0; }
@@ -277,4 +279,4 @@ you can use `IsPositive()` as a matcher that matches a value iff it is
greater than 0.
We will also add `MATCHER_P`, `MATCHER_P2`, and etc for parameterized
-matchers. \ No newline at end of file