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-# gMock - a Framework for Writing and Using C++ Mock Classes
-<!--#include file=""-->
-**Status:** Draft \
-**Tiny URL:** http://go/gmockdesign \
-**Author:** Zhanyong Wan (who/wan)
-(To participate in discussions on gMock, please subscribe to
-Past discussions can be viewed
-[here]( and
-(The slides for my gMock preview talk can be found here:
-## Objective
-[Mock objects]( are simulated objects
-that mimic real objects in controlled ways. They are useful for driving the
-design of a system, and for testing some other object when it's difficult to use
-real objects in a test.
-While the idea of mocks applies to all objected-oriented languages, writing them
-in C++ has many practical difficulties, due to the lack of support for
-reflection in the language, the complexity and irregularity of C++, and the lack
-of adequate tools. As an unfortunate result, C++ programmers often avoid writing
-mocks, resulting in big, monolithic classes in production, and slow, brittle,
-and difficult-to-maintain tests.
-We believe that a good framework can make it much more pleasant to write and use
-mocks in C++. Such a tool would help people write more
-tests that are quick, robust, and precise. Perhaps more importantly,
-incorporating mocks early and often in the design process helps people discover
-the role interfaces in the system and thus often leads to
-[better designs](
-We plan to develop *gMock* as a generic framework for creating and using mock
-classes in C++. We would encourage people to *use gMock as a design tool as much
-as a testing tool*.
-### Goals of gMock
-* **Supporting all interfaces:** A user should be able to use gMock to create
- a mock class for any C++ interface (i.e. a class whose methods are virtual).
- In particular, interface templates should be supported, and there should be
- no restriction on the types of the parameters - `const` parameters, pointer
- parameters, reference parameters, reference-to-`const` parameters, and etc
- should all be allowed.
- gMock can also be used to mock a "loose" interface (i.e. the set of
- operations a template class or template function expects its type argument
- to support). This is useful for testing code that uses the
- ["high-performance dependency injection"](
- technique.
-* **Precise specification of the intention:** gMock should enable a user to
- precisely specify the intended behavior of a mock object, and how its
- methods are expected to be called (in what order, with what arguments, etc).
- In particular, it should not force the user to over-specify the problem
- (which results in brittle tests that break when unrelated changes to the
- code are made), or to under-specify the problem (which results in tests that
- continue to pass when they shouldn't).
-* **Intuitive and declarative syntax:** A declarative syntax fosters thinking
- at the right abstraction level, and makes the code readable and less
- error-prone. Therefore gMock should provide intuitive and declarative syntax
- for:
- 1. creating a mock class, and
- 2. controlling the behavior of a mock object. When the two goals conflict,
- the latter takes precedence, as it usually needs to be done many more
- times than the former.
-* **Extensible:** No framework can be expected to cover all users' needs.
- Therefore, gMock shouldn't tie the users to whatever it provides. Instead, a
- user should be able to easily extend the framework to accomplish more
- advanced tasks.
-* **Helpful error messages:** Bad error messages are a sure-fire way to
- frustrate the users and drive them away. Therefore, gMock should generate
- clear and sensible messages
- 1. when the code fails to compile - this can be hard as lots of templates
- have to be used in the implementation, but we should try our best; and
- 2. when a user-supplied expectation fails. This also applies to
- user-defined extensions, given that the user has done a good job
- implementing the extensions.
-* **Easy to learn:** We want gMock to make people's life easier, not harder.
- It defeats our purpose if the framework is complex and difficult to learn.
-* **Easily automatable:** The design of gMock should make the process of
- creating a mock class from an interface fairly mechanical, and thus doable
- by the automated
- [mock class generator](
-* **Working in Google's environment:** While we may be interested in open
- sourcing gMock later, our primary goal is to serve Google. Therefore gMock
- must work well in our environment. In particular, it must not use
- exceptions, and should work well with
- [gUnit](
-### Non-goals
-* **Mocking non-virtual methods:** gMock is a source-level tool that works
- with standard compilers and linkers. It doesn't attempt to swap the object
- code of a mock class and that of a real class on-the-fly. Therefore, only
- virtual methods and template arguments can be mocked by gMock.
-* **Supporting arbitrary number of parameters:** Due to limitations of the C++
- language, there will be a practical limit on the number of parameters a mock
- function can have. Support for more parameters can be added as needed.
-* **Supporting non-Linux platforms:** The initial implementation may not run
- on Windows or Mac OS. We have limited resources and need to make sure that
- Linux users are served first. However, we'll try to avoid doing things that
- will make porting gMock to non-Linux platforms difficult.
-* **Special support for particular projects:** gMock is a generic framework
- that makes mocking easy for *all* Google C++ projects. It should not contain
- logic that's useful only to a small number of projects.
-## Background
-### Terminology
-Different people often use "mock" to mean different things. This document
-borrows the terminology popularized by
-<a href="">Martin
-* **Dummy** objects are passed around but never actually used. Usually they
- are just used to fill parameter lists.
-* **Fake** objects actually have working implementations, but usually take
- some shortcut (perhaps to make the operations less expensive), which makes
- them not suitable for production.
-* **Stubs** provide canned answers to calls made during the test, usually not
- responding at all to anything outside what's programmed in for the test.
-* **Mocks** are objects pre-programmed with expectations which form a
- specification of the calls they are expected to receive.
-### Fakes vs Mocks
-Many people are not clear about the difference between a fake and a mock, and
-use the terms interchangeably. However, to understand why we need gMock and what
-it will deliver, it's crucial to distinguish the two.
-Compared with a fake, a mock object is "dumb" and usually doesn't have a working
-implementation. However, it allows the user to control its behavior and set
-expectations on the calls it will receive. For example, you can tell a mock
-object that its `Foo()` method will be called twice with an argument that's
-greater than 10, and it should return 12 and 14 respectively.
-It may seem that mocks are not very useful compared to fakes, but the Java
-community has shown this perception to be wrong. The ability to control a mock
-object's behavior and specify the expected interaction between it and the code
-under test makes it far more flexible and useful than a fake in designing and
-testing a software system.
-While fake classes have to be crafted with domain knowledge, mock classes can
-actually be created mechanically - with suitable support from a framework. In
-more dynamic languages like Java, C#, and Python, there are tools that create
-mock objects on the fly without any user intervention. In C++, this cannot be
-done within the language itself. However, a framework can make the task much
-easier for a user, and the
-[mock class generator](
-will make the process automated to a large extent.
-### C++ Mocking at Google
-To our knowledge, no tool or library is used at Google to facilitate the
-creation of mock classes. As a result, people have been writing mock classes
-manually. Such classes are typically tedious to create, and lack functionalities
-for effective mocking. As a result, people are often frustrated and decided to
-avoid mock classes.
-As a rough estimate, as of 3/15/2007, the number of existing C++ mock classes in
-our source tree is:
-$ gsearch -f="\.(h|cc|cpp)$" -a -c "^\s*class\s+(Mock\w*|\w+Mock)\s*[:{]"
-while the number of all C++ classes is:
-$ gsearch -f="\.(h|cc|cpp)$" -a -c "^\s*class\s+\w+\s*[:{]"
-Roughly 1 out of every 250 C++ classes has a corresponding mock class. Clearly
-this is not enough.
-### Situation outside Google
-The situation of using C++ mocks outside of Google is not a lot brighter either.
-Although there is an open-source framework
-([mockpp]( for writing mock classes, it is
-overly complex and has limited functionalities. As a result, it doesn't have a
-large following.
-### Existing Mock Frameworks
-A good mock framework takes years of hard work and actual use in the field to
-mature. Therefore, it pays hugely to learn from existing mock frameworks: what
-they can and cannot do, why they are the way they are, how they have evolved,
-what lessons their creators have learned, and what they intend to do next, etc.
-We studied some well-known mock frameworks for Java
-([Mock Objects](,
-[EasyMock](, [jMock 1](, and
-[jMock 2](,r=1.3/jmock/website/content/cheat-sheet.html))
-and for C++ ([mockpp]( Our conclusion is:
-* Mock Objects is the most primitive of the four. It provides some basic
- constructs for a user to set expected arguments and return values, but not
- much beyond that.
-* EasyMock makes the simple case very easy, but isn't flexible enough to
- handle more advanced usage well. Often the users are forced to either
- over-specify or under-specify their intention, resulting in brittle or
- imprecise tests.
-* jMock 1 and 2 share the same design philosophy, but have incompatible
- syntaxes. They allow a user to precisely specify the intention of the test
- in most cases, and can be easily extended by the user to handle more complex
- situations.
-* mockpp is a mixed bag of constructs from the above three. It doesn't have a
- coherent design philosophy, and doesn't address C++'s specific requirements
- well. It is more complex, redundant, and difficult to learn and use than we
- would like.
-### Our Plan
-We believe that jMock is the most interesting and promising of the four. Its
-creators have been aggressively experimenting with new ideas and designs, and
-have produced many iterations before the current form. They have also documented
-their experience and lessons in developing jMock in
-[papers](, which
-contain many valuable insights.
-Therefore, the design of gMock is heavily influenced by jMock. Many constructs
-will be directly ported from jMock. Meanwhile, we'll revisit various design
-decisions in C++'s context to make sure that we take advantages of C++ strengths
-and avoid its weaknesses. We will also address some challenges that are unique
-to C++.
-## Overview
-### Why a Framework
-Mock objects serve two distinct purposes in designing and testing a software
-1. They implement the same interfaces as the real classes and provide canned
- responses, allowing code that uses them to compile and run; and
-2. They can verify that the actual interaction between them and the code under
- test matches what the user expects (for example, the right functions are
- called, in the right order, with the right arguments, etc).
-Without a framework, a user could manually implement mock functions to return
-answers that are either pre-defined or computed using simplified logic. To
-verify that the interaction that actually happens matches the expectation, a
-user would typically let the mock functions record the interaction in some way,
-and inspect the record in the end. This poor man's approach leaves several
-things to be desired:
-1. Writing a mock class manually is not easy, and often viewed as a burden to
- be avoided.
-2. Different tests use a mock class in different ways. Therefore, it is often
- impractical to provide a working fake implementation that is useful for all
- tests.
-3. Describing what the interaction should be by inspecting what really has
- happened is round-about and unnatural. It obscure the intention of the test
- author, and results in tests that are hard to read and understand.
-4. It is often too late to check how the interaction went after it has
- finished. Much better is to report a failure at the exact moment an
- expectation is violated. This gives the user a chance to check the context
- of the failure (the stack trace, the variables, etc) before important
- information is lost.
-The purpose of gMock is to address the above problems. In particular, it will:
-1. make the task of writing a mock class much easier by hiding the low-level
- mechanism from the user;
-1. let the user of a mock class, rather than its creator, specify the intended
- responses;
-1. let the user specify the intended interaction in a clear and direct syntax;
- and
-1. catch violations to the specification as soon as they arise.
-### gMock's Expressiveness
-The Java community's years of experience using mocks shows that a mock framework
-should enable a user to directly specify the following properties of the
-interaction between a mock object and its surrounding code:
-* How many times will a function be called?
-* What arguments will be used?
-* In what order will the calls be made?
-* What should the functions return?
-* What side effects (if any) should the calls incur?
-Also, it's important to be able to loosen the constraints when necessary to
-prevent brittle tests. For example,
-* If the test doesn't care about how many times a function will be called, the
- test writer should be able to make that clear;
-* If the exact value of an argument doesn't matter, the user should be able to
- say so;
-* If only a subset of the calls need to happen in a strict order, the user
- should be allowed to specify a partial order.
-### Architecture of gMock
-gMock is a C++ library that will be linked into a user's test code. It consists
-of the following components (the syntax used in the code samples is
-1. **Function mockers:** A family of template classes will be provided for the
- user to mock functions with different arities. For example, a field of type
- ```
- FunctionMocker<int(bool, const string&)>
- ```
- will be used to mock a function with signature
- ```
- virtual int Foo(bool, const string&);
- ```
-1. **Specification builder:** This provides a syntax for the user to specify
- the expected arguments and responses of a mock function. For example, to say
- that `Foo()` will be called exactly twice with arguments `true` and a string
- that contains `"hello"`, and will return 10 and 12 respectively, the user
- can write:
- ```
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_object, Foo(Eq(true), HasSubstring("hello"))
- .Times(2)
- .WillOnce(Return(10))
- .WillOnce(Return(12))
- ```
-1. **Cardinalities, matchers, and actions:** A collection of pre-defined
- *cardinalities* (e.g. `2`), argument *matchers* (e.g. `Eq()` and
- `HasSubstring()`), and stub *actions* (e.g. `Return()`) will enable the user
- to precisely specify the intended interaction in most cases. When this set
- is inadequate, the user can easily define new cardinalities, matchers, and
- actions.
-1. **Specification interpreter:** An underlying interpreter will verify that
- the actual calls made to the mock object conform to the user's expectations.
-gMock helps a user in two kinds of activities: *writing* mock classes and
-*using* them in tests. When writing a mock class, a user employs the function
-mockers (#1); when using a mock class, the user relies on #2 and #3 to specify
-the expected interaction between the mock object and the code under test. As the
-test runs and the mock functions are invoked, the specification interpreter (#4)
-verifies that the actual interaction matches the expectation, and fails the test
-when the two don't match.
-## Detailed Design
-### Implementing a Mock
-This section explains how a user would implement a mock class using gMock. The
-final syntax may be slightly different to what's presented here, but the overall
-idea should remain the same.
-The goal of the design is to allow mocking functions that take 0 or more
-arguments, functions that are overloaded on the number/types of parameters,
-const methods, and methods that are overloaded on the const-ness of this object.
-#### Using macros
-The easiest way to define a mock class is to use the `MOCK_METHOD` macro.
-Specifically, to mock an interface
-class FooInterface {
- ...
- virtual R Method(A1 a1, A2 a2, ..., Am am) = 0;
- virtual S ConstMethod(B1 b1, B2 b2, ..., Bn bn) = 0;
-one would simply write
-class MockFoo : public FooInterface {
- ...
- MOCK_METHOD(R, Method, (A1 a1, A2 a2, ..., Am am), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(S, ConstMethod, (B1 b1, B2 b2, ..., Bn bn), (const, override));
-#### Using no macro
-The user can also choose to implement a mock class without using the macros.
-For each function to be mocked that is not overloaded, the user should define a
-**function mocker** member variable and implement the function by forwarding the
-call to the function mocker, which knows how to respond to the given arguments.
-A user specifies the mock function's default behavior and expectations on it by
-calling the *mock spec function* in an `ON_CALL()` or `EXPECT_CALL()` statement.
-Now let's see the concrete syntax. To mock a function that takes no argument:
-class AbcInterface {
- ...
- virtual R Foo() = 0;
-a user would write:
-class MockAbc : public AbcInterface {
- ...
- // Mock Foo(). Implements AbcInterface::Foo().
- virtual R Foo() { return gmock_Foo.Invoke(); }
- FunctionMocker<R()> gmock_Foo;
-To mock a function that takes some arguments:
- virtual R Bar(A1 a1, A2 a2);
-a user would write:
- virtual R Bar(A1 a1, A2 a2) { return gmock_Bar.Invoke(a1, a2); }
- FunctionMocker<R(A1, A2)> gmock_Bar;
-To mock a `const` method:
- virtual R Baz(A1 a1) const;
-a user would write:
- virtual R Baz(A1 a1) const { return gmock_Baz.Invoke(a1); }
- mutable FunctionMocker<R(A1)> gmock_Baz;
-Mocking overloaded functions is a little bit more involved. For each overloaded
-version, the user needs to define an overloaded mock controller function, e.g.
- virtual R Bar(A a) { return gmock_Bar_1.Invoke(a); }
- MockSpec<R(A)>& gmock_Bar(Matcher<A> a) {
- return gmock_Bar_1.With(a);
- }
- virtual R Bar(B b, C c) { return gmock_Bar_2.Invoke(b, c); }
- MockSpec<R(B, C)>& gmock_Bar(Matcher<B> b, Matcher<C> c) {
- return gmock_Bar_2.With(b, c);
- }
- private:
- FunctionMocker<R(A)> gmock_Bar_1;
- FunctionMocker<R(B, C)> gmock_Bar_2;
-If a method is overloaded on the const-ness of this object, the user can
-distinguish between the two overloaded versions by using a const- vs non-const-
-reference to the mock object. The `Const()` function provided by gMock can be
-used to get a const reference to an object conveniently:
-template <typename T>
-inline const T& Const(const T& x) { return x; }
-### Syntax for Setting Default Actions and Expectations
-For each mock function, there are two interesting properties for a user to
-1. the **default action**: what the function should do by default when invoked,
- and
-2. the **expectations**: how the function will be called in a particular test.
-While the default actions of a mock class usually don't change from test to
-test, a user typically sets different expectations in different tests.
-The following syntax is proposed for setting the default action of and the
-expectations on a mock function:
-ON_CALL(mock-object, method(argument-matchers))
- .With(multi-argument-matcher) ?
- .WillByDefault(action);
-The `ON_CALL()` statement defines what a mock function should do when its
-arguments match the given matchers (unless the user overrides the behavior in
-`EXPECT_CALL()`). The `With()` clause is optional. The `WillByDefault()` clause
-must appear exactly once.
-EXPECT_CALL(mock-object, method(argument-matchers))
- .With(multi-argument-matcher) ?
- .Times(cardinality) ?
- .InSequence(sequences) *
- .WillOnce(action) *
- .WillRepeatedly(action) ?
- .RetiresOnSaturation(); ?
-The `EXPECT_CALL()` statement says that the mock function should be called the
-given number of times (`cardinality`), in the order determined by the
-`sequences`, and with arguments that satisfy the given `matchers`. When it is
-called, it will perform the given `action`. In this statement, all clauses are
-optional and you can repeat `WillOnce()` any number of times. When no action is
-specified, the default action defined by `ON_CALL()` will be taken.
-For non-overloaded methods, '(argument-matchers)' may be omitted:
-ON_CALL(mock-object, method)
- .With(multi-argument-matcher) ?
- .WillByDefault(action);
-EXPECT_CALL(mock-object, method)
- .With(multi-argument-matcher) ?
- …cardinality and actions…
-This allows test writers to omit the parameter list and match any call to the
-method. Doing so eases the burden on test maintainers when refactoring method
-signatures. The 'With()' clause is still optional when the parameter list is
-We make `ON_CALL()` and `EXPECT_CALL()` macros such that we can tell the mock
-object the file name and line number of a rule, which can be used to produce
-better error messages at run time. When running a test inside Emacs and an
-expectation is violated, the user can jump to the expectation by hitting
-`<return>` on the message.
-#### Argument Matchers
-An `argument-matcher` can be any of the following:
-Void(), Eq(value), Ge(value), Gt(value), Le(value), Lt(value), Ne(value),
-HasSubstring(string), SubstringOf(string),
-Same(value), Anything(), Any<type>(), Not(argument-matcher), AnyOf(argument-matchers), AllOf(argument-matchers)
-In addition, a user can define custom matchers by implementing the
-`MatcherImplInterface<type>` interface (TBD).
-#### Multi-argument Matchers
-Matchers in the previous section match one argument at a time. Sometimes it's
-necessary to check all arguments together. This is when multi-argument matchers
-are needed:
-Eq(), Ge(), Gt(), Le(), Lt(), Ne(),
-HasSubstring(), SubstringOf(),
-Same(), AnyThings(), Not(multi-argument-matcher), AnyOf(multi-argument-matchers), AllOf(multi-argument-matchers)
-When there are multiple `WithArguments()` clauses in a rule, all of them have to
-be satisfied for the rule to match a call.
-A user can define new multi-argument matchers by implementing the
-`MatcherImplInterface<std::tuple<type1, ..., type_n> >` interface (TBD).
-#### Actions
-Return(), Return(value), DoDefault(), Fail(string),
-SetArgPointee<N>(value), DoAll(actions), ...
-The version of `Return()` that takes no argument is for mocking `void`-returning
-functions. The clauses are all statically typed, so a user won't be able to
-mistakenly use `Return()` when the mocked function has a non-void return type,
-or to use `Return(value)` when the function returns `void`.
-On consecutive calls that match a given expectation, actions specified in
-multiple `WillOnce()` clauses in the expectation will be used in the order they
-are presented. After all `WillOnce()` clauses have been exhausted, the action
-specified by `WillRepeatedly()` will always be used. If there is no
-`WillRepeatedly()`, the default action defined by `ON_CALL()` will be taken.
-When side effects need to be mocked (e.g. changing a field or a global variable,
-calling a function of a class-typed argument, and so on), users can define a
-custom action by implementing the `ActionImplInterface<return-type(type1, ...,
-type-n)>` interface (TBD).
-#### Cardinalities
-A cardinality tells how many times a function is expected to be called. The
-number doesn't have to be always exact, as we don't want to over-specify the
-behavior and result in brittle tests.
-integer, AtLeast(n), AtMost(n), Between(m, n), AnyNumber()
-This set can be extended by the user implementing the `CardinalityImplInterface`
-interface (TBD).
-If no cardinality is specified in an `EXPECT_CALL()` statement, gMock will infer
-it this way:
-* If there are n `WillOnce()` clauses but no `WillRepeatedly()`, the
- cardinality is n;
-* If there are n `WillOnce()` clauses and a `WillRepeatedly()`, the
- cardinality is `AtLeast(n)`.
-#### Sequences
-Often we want to specify the order in which mock functions are called. However,
-we may not want to specify a total order as that may lead to flaky tests that
-will be broken by unrelated changes. For this reason, gMock allows the user to
-specify a partial order on the calls by organizing them into *sequences*.
-Basically, a sequence is a chain of expectations that have to happen in the
-order they are defined. Sequences are identified by their names. For example,
-the following defines a sequence named `"a"`, which contains two expectations
-where the first has to happen before the second:
- Sequence a;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Func1(Anything()))
- .Times(1)
- .InSequence(a);
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_bar, Func2(Eq(2)))
- .Times(3)
- .InSequence(a);
-Note that expectations in the same sequence don't have to be on the same object
-or same function, as the above example shows.
-An expectation can belong to any number of sequences, in which case all order
-constraints have to be honored. For convenience, we allow `InSequence()` to take
-multiple sequences. In the following example, the first expectation must be
-matched before the second and the third, but we don't care about the relative
-order of the latter two:
- Sequence a, b;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Func1(Anything()))
- .Times(1)
- .InSequence(a, b);
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_bar, Func2(Eq(2)))
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .InSequence(a);
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_bar, Func2(Eq(5)))
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .InSequence(b);
-For convenience, we allow an expectation to contain multiple `InSequence()`
-clauses, in which case their arguments will be joined. For example, another way
-to write the first expectation in the above example is:
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Func1(Anything()))
- .Times(1)
- .InSequence(a)
- .InSequence(b);
-A common scenario is that the user wants all expectations to match in the strict
-order they are defined. Instead of letting the user put `InSequence()` in every
-expectation, we provide the following short-hand:
- {
- InSequence s;
- EXPECT_CALL(...)...;
- EXPECT_CALL(...)...;
- ...
- }
-In the above snippet, when the variable `s` is constructed, gMock will generate
-a unique new sequence and automatically put each `EXPECT_CALL()` in the scope of
-`s` into this sequence. The result is that this group of expectations must match
-in the strict order.
-The user can also use an existing sequence like this:
- Sequence a;
- ...
- {
- InSequence s(a);
- EXPECT_CALL(...)...;
- EXPECT_CALL(...)...;
- ...
- }
-This can be useful if an existing sequence needs to be extended.
-#### Examples
-EXPECT_CALL(mock_goat, Eat(Eq(5), Anything()))
- .WillOnce(Return(false));
-The mock goat will be told to `Eat()` 5 of something exactly once; the method
-should return `false`.
-EXPECT_CALL(mock_goat, Drink(HasSubstring("milk")))
- .Times(1);
-The mock goat will be told to `Drink()` something that contains milk once; the
-method should perform its default action when invoked.
-EXPECT_CALL(mock_elephant, Eat(Same(mock_goat)))
- .Times(0);
-The mock elephant should never be told to `Eat()` the poor mock goat, which
-would be a terrible thing.
-Sequence a;
-EXPECT_CALL(mock_elephant, Eat(Anything()))
- .InSequence(a)
- .WillOnce(Return(true));
-EXPECT_CALL(mock_elephant, Walk(Ge(5)))
- .Times(AtLeast(1))
- .InSequence(a)
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
-The mock elephant will be told to `Eat()` something; after that it will be told
-to `Walk()` >= 5 meters at least once; the `Walk()` method should return 2 the
-first time, and should do the default action in future calls.
-#### Syntax Checking
-We will use a combination of compile-time and run-time checks to catch syntax
-errors. In particular, the spelling and types of the individual clauses will
-(obviously) be done by the C++ compiler, while we'll enforce the order and
-counts of the clauses via run-time checks.
-Please note that technically it is possible to do the latter checks at compile
-time too, and that is the approach of jMock and Mockpp. For the designer of an
-embedded domain-specific language (EDSL), it is appealing to leverage the
-compiler of the hosting language (C++ in this case) to parse code in the EDSL
-and catch errors in it as much as possible. It is also an interesting exercise
-in pushing the envelope of EDSL implementation techniques.
-However, while we initially wanted to go with jMock's approach, we now think
-it's better to defer such checks to run time. The reasons are:
-1. Doing the checks at run time *significantly* reduces the number of template
- classes and simplifies the implementation. This is not only a benefit for
- the author and maintainer of gMock, but also makes it much easier for a user
- to learn gMock. New and existing users will have to read the gMock header
- files from time to time, so it's important to keep the public interface
- small. As an example of what happens when the API is not kept small, try to
- read the header files of Mockpp - you will find a plethora of template
- classes that reference each other, and it's very difficult to tell what
- different roles they play.
-1. The jMock approach enables the IDE to automatically suggest the next clause
- when a user is writing an expectation statement and thus makes it trivial to
- write syntactically correct expectations. Unfortunately, such benefit is
- merely theoretic for most C++ users, as C++ is such a complex language that
- most IDEs do a poor job at understanding the user's source code and
- suggesting auto-completion.
-1. C++ templates generate horrible, horrible compiler errors that often baffle
- even experienced programmers. By enforcing the syntax at compile time, we
- subject gMock's users to the mercy of the C++ compiler, which will generate
- lengthy and cryptic errors when a user makes a small mistake in the syntax.
- It would be much better for us to generate the errors at run time, as we can
- control the messages and choose plain and clear language that guides the
- user to fix the problem.
-1. The default action and expectation statements in gMock are *declarative*,
- and typically each of them will be executed once during the test (not to be
- confused with a rule *matching* an invocation multiple times). Therefore
- there should be little concern that a syntax error is not caught because the
- statement is never actually executed.
-### Formal Semantics
-The previous section presented the syntax and informally explained the meanings
-of various clauses. To avoid ambiguities and make sure we all have the same
-understanding on the meaning of a complete test using mock objects, we need to
-define the semantics of gMock more strictly.
-For an expectation rule to match an actual invocation, three types of
-constraints have to be satisfied at the same time:
-1. the order constraints (does the call occur in the right order?),
-2. the cardinality constraints (can the rule accept more invocations?), and
-3. the argument constraints (do all arguments satisfy their matchers?).
-As the designer of gMock, we need to decide in which order these constraints
-should be applied and how to resolve ambiguities. Our goal is to choose a
-semantics that is easy to understand and allows the user to easily express
-properties useful for writing tests.
-Given that gMock borrows heavily from jMock, naturally one would try to adopt
-jMock's semantics. I couldn't find a documentation on that unfortunately. The
-following semantics is based on my reverse-engineering jMock and what I think is
-reasonable. It differs from the jMock semantics in several important regards.
-The exact differences and the rationale behind our decision can be found on the
-c-mock-dev [archive]( and are
-not repeated here.
-The proposed semantics can be summarized by two simple principles:
-1. **The orders are sacred**: under no circumstance can an expectation in a
- sequence to match before all expectations that appear earlier in the same
- sequence have been satisfied; and
-2. **Earlier rules take precedence:** when multiple rules can match an
- invocation without violating the order constraints, the one defined the
- earliest wins.
-To define the semantics formally, we will use the following terminology:
-* An `ON_CALL()` statement defines a **default action**.
-* An `EXPECT_CALL()` statement defines an **expectation**.
-* An expectation is **active** iff it still can be used to match invocations.
- Otherwise it is **retired**. Initially, all expectations are active.
-* An expectation X is an **immediate pre-requisite** of another expectation Y
- iff there exists a sequence S where X and Y are both in S, X is defined
- before Y, and there is no expectation in S between X and Y.
-* An expectation X is a **pre-requisite** of another expectation Y iff there
- exists a list X[0] = X, X[1], ..., X[n] = Y, where X[i] is an immediate
- pre-requisite of X[i+1] for all i.
-* An expectation (or its cardinality constraint) is said to be **satisfied**
- iff it has reached its minimum number of allowed invocations.
-* An expectation (or its cardinality constraint) is said to be **saturated**
- iff it has reached its maximum number of allowed invocations. A saturated
- expectation by definition must be satisfied, but not vice versa.
-After the user has set the default action and the expectations, when a mock
-function is called, the following algorithm (in pseudo code) will be used to
-find the matching expectation and the matching action:
-void TryToDoDefault(FunctionMocker& m, const Arguments& args) {
- if (m has a default action for arguments args) {
- perform the default action;
- } else {
- raise error("No action is specified.");
- }
-void OnInvocation(FunctionMocker& m, const Arguments& args) {
- for_each (active expectation e on function m in the order
- the expectations are defined) {
- if (all pre-requisites of e are satisfied &&
- args match e's argument matchers) {
- // We found a match!
- if (e.is_saturated)
- raise error("Invocation upper bound exceeded.");
- e.invocation_count++;
- retire all prerequisites of e;
- if (e.retires_on_saturation && e.is_saturated)
- e.is_active = false;
- if (e has more action left) {
- a = e.get_next_action();
- perform a;
- } else {
- TryToDoDefault(m, args);
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- TryToDoDefault(m, args);
-To find the default action for the given arguments, we look through all
-`ON_CALL()` rules for the mock function, and pick the first one where all
-argument matchers are satisfied, if any.
-Since C++ exceptions are disabled in `google3`, **we will abort the current
-process when gMock raises an error**. We cannot just return from the current
-function like what gUnit does, as the mock functions will be called from the
-production code under test, and we don't have the luxury to change the
-production code at each call site to propagate the error. This is unfortunate,
-but I don't see a better solution without enabling exceptions.
-The real implementation will be more sophisticated in order to get a decent
-performance (e.g. we'll memoize and use other tricks), but the end result must
-match the above reference implementation.
-**Note:** If you carefully inspect the algorithm, you should convince yourself
-that an expectation whose cardinality is `0` has no effect whatsoever, as it is
-always satisfied and saturated. This means that you can write such an
-expectation, but it won't affect your test in any way. Indeed, this is jMock's
-behavior, and jMock's documentation suggests to use `Never()` (jMock's
-equivalent of the `0` cardinality) for documentation purpose only.
-This bothers me as it contradicts with what one would naturally expect. When I
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Bar(Eq(5)))
- .Times(0);
-I would think that it will be an error if `mock_foo.Bar(5)` is ever called, and
-gMock will catch this error at run time. However, jMock tells me that it will
-not try to enforce this, and I should treat the statement as if it doesn't
-I propose to give `Times(0)` a semantics that I think is more intuitive. Namely,
-we should treat
- EXPECT_CALL(mock-object, method(argument-matchers))
- .WithArguments(multi-argument-matcher)
- .Times(0)
- .InSequence(sequences);
-as if it were
- EXPECT_CALL(mock-object, method(argument-matchers))
- .WithArguments(multi-argument-matcher)
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .InSequence(sequences)
- .WillOnce(Fail("Unexpected call."));
-I don't like making this a special case, but the other choice seems worse.
-**Note:** If a call doesn't match any explicitly written `EXPECT_CALL()`
-statement, gMock will perform the default action (as long as it exists) instead
-of raising an "unexpected call" error. If you want to assert that a function
-should never be called, you must explicitly write an `EXPECT_CALL()` with a `0`
-cardinality. This design is picked to allow modular tests:
-An interface may contain many methods. Typically, each test will be interested
-in only a small number of them, as we favor small and focused tests. Such a test
-shouldn't start to fail when the code under test is modified to call functions
-not interesting to the test. If no `EXPECT_CALL()` were to mean "no call is
-allowed", we would have to say
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, UninterestingMethod(Anything()))
- .Times(AnyNumber());
-for **every** method we do **not** care about. It can be very tedious. Worse,
-when we add methods to the interface or remove methods from it, we have to
-update every existing test. Clearly this isn't modular and won't scale.
-#### Examples
-If you are not interested in whether a function will be called or not, you just
-don't say anything about it. If the function is called, its default action will
-be performed.
-If you want to make sure that a function is never called, say it explicitly:
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Bar).Times(0);
- // or:
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Bar(Anything())).Times(0);
-If you expect certain calls to a function and want to ignore the rest, just
-specify the calls you are explicitly expecting:
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Bar(Eq(1)))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Bar(Eq(2)))
- .Times(AtMost(5))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(3));
-If you expect certain calls to a function and don't want to allow any other
-calls to it, just add a `Times(0)` expectation **after** the normal
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Bar(Eq(1)))
- .WillOnce(Return(2));
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Bar(Eq(2)))
- .Times(AtMost(5))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(3));
- // Any call to mock_foo.Bar() that doesn't match the above rules
- // will be an error.
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Bar(Anything()))
- .Times(0);
-Here's one complete example:
- ON_CALL(mock_foo, Bar(Anything()))
- .WillByDefault(Return(1));
- Sequence x;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Bar(Ne('a'))) // Expectation #1
- .InSequence(x)
- .WillOnce(Return(2))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(3));
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Bar(Anything())) // Expectation #2
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .InSequence(x);
- mock_foo.Bar('b'); // Matches expectation #1; returns 2.
- mock_foo.Bar('c'); // Matches expectation #1; returns 3.
- mock_foo.Bar('b'); // Matches expectation #1; returns 3.
- mock_foo.Bar('a'); // Matches expectation #2; returns 1.
- // Now that expectation #2 has been used, expectation #1 becomes
- // inactive (remember that the order is sacred), even though it's not
- // yet saturated.
- mock_foo.Bar('b'); // Matches expectation #2, returns 1.
-Another one:
- Sequence a, b;
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Func1(Void())) // #1
- .Times(1)
- .InSequence(a);
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_bar, Func2(Anything()) // #2
- .Times(AtLeast(1))
- .InSequence( b);
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Func3(Eq(0))) // #3
- .Times(AtMost(2))
- .InSequence(a, b);
- EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Func3(Anything())) // #4
- .InSequence(a);
- // The order constraints can be illustrated as
- //
- // #1 < #3 < #4
- // #2 < #3
- mock_foo.Func1(); // Matches #1
- // Now #1 is saturated but not retired.
- // If Func1() is called again here, it will be an upper-bound error.
- // It would be an error to call mock_foo.Func3(0) here, as #2 is its
- // pre-requisite and hasn't been satisfied.
- mock_bar.Func2(1); // Matches #2, which is now satisfied.
- mock_foo.Func3(1);
- // Matches #4. This causes all of #4's remaining pre-requisites (#2
- // and #3) to become inactive. Note that #3 is trivially satisfied
- // as that AtMost(2) doesn't require it to match any invocation.
-Yet another one:
-EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Func(Eq(1))) // #1
- .WillOnce(Return(2))
- .RetiresOnSaturation();
-EXPECT_CALL(mock_foo, Func(Anything())) // #2
- .WillOnce(Return(3));
-mock_foo.Func(1); // Matches #1.
-// Now #1 is satisfied, saturated, and retired.
-mock_foo.Func(1); // Matches #2.
-// Since #1 is retired now, it doesn't participate in matching function
-// calls. Otherwise this would cause an upper-bound-exceeded failure.
-### Verifying that All Expectations Are Satisfied
-During a test, gMock will verify that each invocation to a mock function matches
-one of the expectation rules. However, at the end of a test, we will want to
-verify that *all expectations for the mock function have been satisfied*. This
-is done by the destructor of the `FunctionMocker<...>` class:
-### Life of a Mock
-Now let's put the pieces together and see the complete process of using mock
-objects in a test. Typically, the user should do it in the following order:
-* **C:** *Constructs* the mock objects;
-* **B:** Set their default **behaviors** using `ON_CALL()`;
-* **E:** Set **expectations** on them using `EXPECT_CALL()`;
-* **I:** Exercise the production code, which will **invoke** methods of the
- mock objects;
-* **D:** *Destructs* the mock objects, which will cause gMock to verify that
- all expectations are satisfied.
-Usually, the user can do step 1 and 2 during the set-up phase of the test, step
-3 and 4 in the test function body, and step 5 in the tear-down phase.
-If the user performs a step out of sequence (e.g. an `EXPECT_CALL()` is
-encountered after the mock function is already been called by the test and
-before `Verify()` is called), the behavior is **undefined**. gMock will try to
-print a friendly error message, but doesn't guarantee to catch all possible
-violations, and the initial version may not implement this error check at all.
-Valid sequences of using a mock object can be described using the regular
-### Typing of Argument Matchers
-Argument matchers in gMock are statically typed. If we don't provide automatic
-conversion between matchers of "compatible" types, the user experience will be
-rather unpleasant. Covariance and contravariance are two common schemes for
-imposing a sub-typing relation between types. Our observation is that neither
-works for matchers in general, and gMock must leave the decision to individual
-matcher authors.
-#### Background: How Argument Matchers Work
-In gMock, argument matchers are used to determine if the actual arguments in a
-function invocation match the test writer's expectation. Conceptually, a matcher
-for arguments of type `T` implements the following interface:
-class Matcher<T> {
- virtual bool Matches(T x) = 0;
-For a method with argument type `T`:
-virtual void Func(T x);
-its mock will be declared as something like (the actual declaration will be more
-complicated but the idea remains the same):
-void Func(Matcher<T>* x);
-When the mock `Func()` is invoked with an argument value `v`, which has type
-`T`, `Matches(v)` will be called to determine if it's a match.
-#### Need for Sub-typing
-A straightforward way to mock a method with parameter types `T1`, `T2`, ..., and
-`Tn` is to use a list of matchers of type `Matcher<T1>`, `Matcher<T2>`, ..., and
-`Matcher<Tn>`. However, this simplistic approach has a usability problem.
-Suppose we have a series of functions and their mocks:
-void Func1(char a);
-void Func1(Matcher<char>* a);
-void Func2(const char a);
-void Func2(Matcher<const char>* a);
-void Func3(char& a);
-void Func3(Matcher<char&>* a);
-void Func4(const char& a);
-void Func4(Matcher<const char&>* a);
-void Func5(char* a);
-void Func5(Matcher<char*>* a);
-void Func6(const char* a);
-void Func6(Matcher<const char*>* a);
-(note that `Func2()` has a `const` parameter. Since argument matchers are not
-allowed to modify the arguments in any case, technically we could use a
-`Matcher<char>` in the mock of `Func2()`. However, we want to make sure that a
-user can define the mock using a `Matcher<const char>` too, as this makes the
-task of the mock class generator easier.) and some simple, pre-defined matcher
-// Matches if the argument equals the given value x.
-Matcher<T>* Eq(T x);
-// Matches if the argument has the same identify as the
-// given object x.
-Matcher<T&>* Same(T& x);
-then a user might be surprised when trying to use these mocks:
- Func1('a'); // Invokes the real method. This works fine.
- Func1(Eq('a')); // Invokes the mock method. This works fine too.
- Func2('a'); // Invokes the real method. This works fine.
- Func2(Eq('a')); // Compiler ERROR - surprise!!! Why can't I say that
- // the argument, which is a const char, should be equal
- // to 'a'?
- char a = 'a';
- Func3(a); // Invokes the real method. This works fine.
- Func3(Same(a)); // Fine. The argument should reference the variable a.
- Func3(Eq('a')); // Compiler ERROR - surprise!!! Why can't I say that
- // the argument, which is a char&, should have a value
- // 'a', which is a char?
- const char b = 'b';
- Func4(b); // Fine.
- Func4(Same(b)); // Fine. The argument should reference the variable b.
- Func4(Eq(b)); // Compiler ERROR - surprise!!! Why can't I say that
- // the argument, which is a const char&, should have
- // a value equal to b, which is a const char?
- Func4(Same(a)); // Compiler ERROR - surprise!!! Why can't I say that
- // the argument, which is a const char&, should reference
- // a, which is a char?
- char* p = NULL;
- Func5(p); // Fine.
- Func5(Eq(p)); // Fine.
- Func6("a"); // Fine.
- Func6(Eq("a")); // Fine.
- Func6(Eq(p)); // Compiler ERROR - surprise!!! Why can't I say that
- // the argument, which is a const char*, should point
- // to where p, which is a char*, points to?
-(In Java, this issue isn't nearly as severe, as Java has neither reference nor
-`const`. Lucky them.)
-The compiler errors can be worked around using explicit template instantiating
-in most cases, but require more dirty hacks in some others:
- // The following works:
- Func2(Eq<const char>('a'));
- Func4(Eq<const char&>(b));
- Func4(Same<const char>(a));
- Func6(Eq<const char*>(p));
- // but this doesn't:
- Func3(Eq<char&>('a')); // Compiler ERROR!
- // You have to use a temporary variable, and pray that it's not
- // accidentally changed before the actual invocation occurs.
- // No, you cannot make the temporary variable const - that won't
- // compile.
- char temp = 'a';
- Func3(Eq<char&>(temp));
-Having to use these tricks all the time is a big bummer and makes the tests
-harder to read. The author of Mockpp either chose to ignore this problem, or
-wasn't aware of it, but I don't think that's a good solution.
-To give the user a satisfying experience, I believe we should provide automatic
-conversions between matchers of "compatible" types when it makes sense (i.e. we
-should establish a sub-typing relation between matcher types). The challenges
-1. Deciding when "it makes sense",
-1. Making sure the conversions are neither too restricted nor too liberal,
-1. Making it possible for the user to understand the compiler errors when
- automatic conversions cannot be done,
-1. Making the rules easy to learn and remember, and
-1. Implementing it.
-#### Covariant or Contravariant?
-We already know that making the matchers **invariant** (i.e. no auto-conversion
-between matcher types) doesn't work, but what about **covariant** (`Matcher<A>`
-can be used as `Matcher<B>` as long as `A` can be used as `B`) or
-**contravariant** (`Matcher<A>` can be used as `Matcher<B>` as long as `B` can
-be used as `A`)? Would one of them work?
-It's easy to see that covariance doesn't work in general, as it requires a
-matcher expecting a sub-type value to inspect a super-type value. What if the
-matcher needs to look at a field that's only present in the sub-type?
-On the surface level, it seems that contravariance is what we need: if type `B`
-can be implicitly converted to type `A`, then given an argument of type `B`, we
-can convert it to type `A` and then ask a `Matcher<A>` whether the converted
-value matches. This means that we can use a `Matcher<A>` in place of a
-For example, given a class hierarchy and some (real and mock) functions that use
-the classes:
-class Father { ... };
-class Son : public Father {
- public:
- ...
- // New method not present in Father:
- virtual bool PropertyFoo() const;
-class Grandson : public Son { ... };
-void InviteFather(Father* obj);
-void InviteFather(Matcher<Father*>* m);
-void InviteGrandson(Grandson* obj);
-void InviteGrandson(Matcher<Grandson*>* m);
-we can expect to write the following:
-// Matches if the argument's PropertyFoo() method returns true.
-Matcher<Son*>* HasFoo() { ... }
-// The compiler should reject this as a Father object doesn't have
-// the PropertyFoo() method:
-// InviteFather(HasFoo());
-// This should work, as a Grandson object is also a Son object and
-// has the PropertyFoo() method.
-In the latter case, the actual argument (of type `Grandson*`) will be implicitly
-converted to a `Son*` and then passed to the matcher.
-However, things are not always so simple. Take the example of the equality
-matcher, `Func5()`, and `Func6()` we saw earlier:
-// Matches if the argument equals the given value x.
-Matcher<T>* Eq(T x);
-void Func5(char* a);
-void Func5(Matcher<char*>* a);
-void Func6(const char* a);
-void Func6(Matcher<const char*>* a);
-By making matchers contravariant, we have
- // Remember that a char* can be implicitly converted to a const char*.
- Func5(Eq("a")); // Compiles, but we DON'T want it to!!! The user is
- // trying to say that the actual argument (a char*)
- // can be "a", and we should catch this error.
- char* p = ...;
- Func6(Eq(p)); // Still a compiler ERROR, as a const char* cannot be
- // implicitly converted to a char*, which Eq(p) expects.
-Clearly this isn't what we want. In fact, we want `Eq(value)` to be covariant:
- char* p = ...;
- Func5(p);
- Func5(Eq(p));
- // Func5("a"); // The compiler will reject this,
- // Func5(Eq("a")); // and thus should reject this too.
- Func6("a");
- Func6(Eq("a"));
- Func6(p); // The compiler accepts this,
- Func6(Eq(p)); // and thus should accept this too.
-In another example:
-void InviteSon(Son* obj);
-void InviteSon(Matcher<Son*> m);
-Father* father = ...;
-Grandson* grandson = ...;
-InviteSon(grandson); // The compiler accepts this,
-InviteSon(Eq(grandson)); // and thus should accept this too.
-// InviteSon(father); // The compiler will reject this,
-// InviteSon(Eq(father)); // and thus should reject this too.
-So, what was the problem? The key insight here is that *one size doesn't fit
-all*. While some matchers should be contravariant (like `HasFoo()`), some should
-be covariant (like `Eq(value)` and `Same(object)`). *The decision has to be left
-to the individual matcher authors. gMock should not impose a global policy on
-all the matchers.*
-#### Implementing Automatic Type Conversion
-In C++, you have several options if you want to make one class `A` act like
-another class `B`:
-1. Derive `A` from `B`;
-1. In class `B`, define a public single-parameter constructor `B::B(const A&)`
- (don't make it `explicit`);
-1. In class `A`, define a type-conversion operator for type `B`.
-Each of these approaches has its limitations:
-* #1 is most straightforward and requires the least amount of work. However,
- it means that an `A` object will contain all the members of `B`. It may not
- work for you if you want to be able to auto-convert `A` to multiple classes,
- and it certainly won't work if you want to convert `A` to an infinite number
- of other classes.
-* #2 requires you to be able to edit the implementation of `B`. This is not
- always possible, for example, when `B` is a class defined in a standard
- library and you are a user of that library. It's a closed approach, meaning
- that only the owner of `B` can decide which classes can be converted to `B`.
-* #3 requires more work to implement typically, but doesn't have the problems
- of #1 and #2. In particular, you can define a template type-conversion
- operator to convert `A` to an infinite number of other classes of your
- choice.
-Also, remember that the compiler will only automatically insert one level of
-type conversion on your behalf. For example, if `A` can be implicitly converted
-to `B`, which can be implicitly converted to `C`, and you have a function
-expecting a `C`, you cannot give the function an `A` without explicit casting,
-unless `A` can be implicitly converted to `C` too.
-gMock defines the `Matcher<T>` interface, which a user cannot modify. When
-defining a polymorphic matcher (e.g. `Eq(value)`), a user needs to make it
-behave like a (potentially infinite) number of matchers of different types. This
-means that the last implementation technique should be used.
-### Comparison with Mockpp and jMock
-See GMockVsMockppAndJMock.
-## Project
-This design doc describes the project "[gMock](http://p?p=6164) - a framework
-for writing C++ mock classes" in PDB.
-## Code Location
-This is a new project, so no existing file is expected to be touched. The
-implementation is added in directory `//depot/google3/testing/base`.
-## Group Members
-ZhanyongWan : spending 60% of his time on this.
-## Caveats
-We considered existing solutions, but don't think they would work well enough
-for Google. For details, please refer to MockppStudy.
-* Explain why we pick the EDSL-style syntax.
-## Documentation Plan
-In additional to this design doc, a user's guide, an FAQ, and a codelab will
-also be written.
-## Testing Plan
-gMock will be thoroughly tested on Linux using gUnit.
-## Work Estimates
-* **Inspecting existing solutions:** The goal is to understand how other
- people have approached this problem, what they did well, and what did
- poorly. In addition to studying solutions for C++ (mockpp), we will also
- study solutions for Java (jMock and EasyMock). **3 weeks.**
-* **Initial design and prototyping:** Come up with a design tailored to C++'s
- specifics and Google's unique requirements, taking into account lessons
- learned from other solutions. **3 weeks.**
-* **Soliciting feedback on the design:** Listen to `testing-technology`,
- `testing-grouplet`, `c-users`, `c-mock-dev`, and `gunit-users`; revise the
- design based on the feedback. **3 weeks.**
-* **Initial implementation:** **6 weeks.**
-* **Documentation:** Write the user's guide and a codelab. **3 weeks.**
-* **Company-wide roll-out:** Implement a process for promoting and tracking
- adoption. **1 week.**
-* **Customer support, incremental improvements, and maintenance:** **On-going
- effort.**
-## Potential Patents
-We'll know whether there will be patentable inventions when we have a more
-concrete design and prototype. At that time, we should talk to Google's
-[patent counsel](
-## Things that Don't Apply
-### Security Considerations
-This is an internal library for writing (unit) tests, and will not be used in
-production. Therefore there is no security concern.
-### Privacy Considerations
-gMock will not touch any user data. Therefore there is no concern about user
-### Standards
-There is no existing standard in creating C++ mocks.
-### Logging Plan
-This is an internal library and will not handle any user request. Therefore
-there is no plan for logging.
-### Monitoring Plan
-This is an internal library and will not run on our production servers.
-Therefore no monitoring is required.
-### Internationalization Plan
-gMock is not visible to external users, so there is no plan to internationalize
-### Billing Plan and Tax Plan
-gMock is an internal library and doesn't involve money, so there is no billing
-plan or tax plan.
-### Launch Plans
-gMock will not launch externally as a Google property. However, we may later
-decide to open source it.
-## References
-* [jMock 1 cheat sheet]( -
- I compiled this from the downloaded jMock 1 source code.
-* [jMock 1 JavaDoc]( - I built
- this locally. The one on can be slow and may change.
-* [jMock 2 cheat sheet]( - as found on
-* [jMock 2 cheat sheet]( -
- I compiled this from the jMock 2 source code in CVS as of 3/21.
-* [jMock 2 JavaDoc]( - I
- generated this locally from the jMock 2 source code in CVS as of 3/21. No
- official jMock 2 JavaDoc is available yet, as the library hasn't been
- released.
-* [mockpp cheat sheet]( -
- I compiled this from the mockpp source code.
-* [mockpp API docs]( -
- external.
-## Acknowledgments
-This design doc contains many ideas from PiotrKaminski. We'd also like to thank
-the following people for contributing ideas to this project:
-JoeWalnes, CraigSilverstein, JeffreyYasskin, KeithRay, MikeBland.