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-# gMock for Dummies {#GMockForDummies}
-## What Is gMock?
-When you write a prototype or test, often it's not feasible or wise to rely on
-real objects entirely. A **mock object** implements the same interface as a real
-object (so it can be used as one), but lets you specify at run time how it will
-be used and what it should do (which methods will be called? in which order? how
-many times? with what arguments? what will they return? etc).
-**Note:** It is easy to confuse the term *fake objects* with mock objects. Fakes
-and mocks actually mean very different things in the Test-Driven Development
-(TDD) community:
-* **Fake** objects have working implementations, but usually take some
- shortcut (perhaps to make the operations less expensive), which makes them
- not suitable for production. An in-memory file system would be an example of
- a fake.
-* **Mocks** are objects pre-programmed with *expectations*, which form a
- specification of the calls they are expected to receive.
-If all this seems too abstract for you, don't worry - the most important thing
-to remember is that a mock allows you to check the *interaction* between itself
-and code that uses it. The difference between fakes and mocks shall become much
-clearer once you start to use mocks.
-**gMock** is a library (sometimes we also call it a "framework" to make it sound
-cool) for creating mock classes and using them. It does to C++ what
-jMock/EasyMock does to Java (well, more or less).
-When using gMock,
-1. first, you use some simple macros to describe the interface you want to
- mock, and they will expand to the implementation of your mock class;
-2. next, you create some mock objects and specify its expectations and behavior
- using an intuitive syntax;
-3. then you exercise code that uses the mock objects. gMock will catch any
- violation to the expectations as soon as it arises.
-## Why gMock?
-While mock objects help you remove unnecessary dependencies in tests and make
-them fast and reliable, using mocks manually in C++ is *hard*:
-* Someone has to implement the mocks. The job is usually tedious and
- error-prone. No wonder people go great distance to avoid it.
-* The quality of those manually written mocks is a bit, uh, unpredictable. You
- may see some really polished ones, but you may also see some that were
- hacked up in a hurry and have all sorts of ad hoc restrictions.
-* The knowledge you gained from using one mock doesn't transfer to the next
- one.
-In contrast, Java and Python programmers have some fine mock frameworks (jMock,
-EasyMock, [Mox](http://wtf/mox), etc), which automate the creation of mocks. As
-a result, mocking is a proven effective technique and widely adopted practice in
-those communities. Having the right tool absolutely makes the difference.
-gMock was built to help C++ programmers. It was inspired by jMock and EasyMock,
-but designed with C++'s specifics in mind. It is your friend if any of the
-following problems is bothering you:
-* You are stuck with a sub-optimal design and wish you had done more
- prototyping before it was too late, but prototyping in C++ is by no means
- "rapid".
-* Your tests are slow as they depend on too many libraries or use expensive
- resources (e.g. a database).
-* Your tests are brittle as some resources they use are unreliable (e.g. the
- network).
-* You want to test how your code handles a failure (e.g. a file checksum
- error), but it's not easy to cause one.
-* You need to make sure that your module interacts with other modules in the
- right way, but it's hard to observe the interaction; therefore you resort to
- observing the side effects at the end of the action, but it's awkward at
- best.
-* You want to "mock out" your dependencies, except that they don't have mock
- implementations yet; and, frankly, you aren't thrilled by some of those
- hand-written mocks.
-We encourage you to use gMock as
-* a *design* tool, for it lets you experiment with your interface design early
- and often. More iterations lead to better designs!
-* a *testing* tool to cut your tests' outbound dependencies and probe the
- interaction between your module and its collaborators.
-## Getting Started
-gMock is bundled with googletest.
-## A Case for Mock Turtles
-Let's look at an example. Suppose you are developing a graphics program that
-relies on a [LOGO](
-API for drawing. How would you test that it does the right thing? Well, you can
-run it and compare the screen with a golden screen snapshot, but let's admit it:
-tests like this are expensive to run and fragile (What if you just upgraded to a
-shiny new graphics card that has better anti-aliasing? Suddenly you have to
-update all your golden images.). It would be too painful if all your tests are
-like this. Fortunately, you learned about
-[Dependency Injection]( and know the right thing
-to do: instead of having your application talk to the system API directly, wrap
-the API in an interface (say, `Turtle`) and code to that interface:
-class Turtle {
- ...
- virtual ~Turtle() {}
- virtual void PenUp() = 0;
- virtual void PenDown() = 0;
- virtual void Forward(int distance) = 0;
- virtual void Turn(int degrees) = 0;
- virtual void GoTo(int x, int y) = 0;
- virtual int GetX() const = 0;
- virtual int GetY() const = 0;
-(Note that the destructor of `Turtle` **must** be virtual, as is the case for
-**all** classes you intend to inherit from - otherwise the destructor of the
-derived class will not be called when you delete an object through a base
-pointer, and you'll get corrupted program states like memory leaks.)
-You can control whether the turtle's movement will leave a trace using `PenUp()`
-and `PenDown()`, and control its movement using `Forward()`, `Turn()`, and
-`GoTo()`. Finally, `GetX()` and `GetY()` tell you the current position of the
-Your program will normally use a real implementation of this interface. In
-tests, you can use a mock implementation instead. This allows you to easily
-check what drawing primitives your program is calling, with what arguments, and
-in which order. Tests written this way are much more robust (they won't break
-because your new machine does anti-aliasing differently), easier to read and
-maintain (the intent of a test is expressed in the code, not in some binary
-images), and run *much, much faster*.
-## Writing the Mock Class
-If you are lucky, the mocks you need to use have already been implemented by
-some nice people. If, however, you find yourself in the position to write a mock
-class, relax - gMock turns this task into a fun game! (Well, almost.)
-### How to Define It
-Using the `Turtle` interface as example, here are the simple steps you need to
-* Derive a class `MockTurtle` from `Turtle`.
-* Take a *virtual* function of `Turtle` (while it's possible to
- [mock non-virtual methods using templates](,
- it's much more involved).
-* In the `public:` section of the child class, write `MOCK_METHOD();`
-* Now comes the fun part: you take the function signature, cut-and-paste it
- into the macro, and add two commas - one between the return type and the
- name, another between the name and the argument list.
-* If you're mocking a const method, add a 4th parameter containing `(const)`
- (the parentheses are required).
-* Since you're overriding a virtual method, we suggest adding the `override`
- keyword. For const methods the 4th parameter becomes `(const, override)`,
- for non-const methods just `(override)`. This isn't mandatory.
-* Repeat until all virtual functions you want to mock are done. (It goes
- without saying that *all* pure virtual methods in your abstract class must
- be either mocked or overridden.)
-After the process, you should have something like:
-#include "gmock/gmock.h" // Brings in gMock.
-class MockTurtle : public Turtle {
- public:
- ...
- MOCK_METHOD(void, PenUp, (), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(void, PenDown, (), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(void, Forward, (int distance), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(void, Turn, (int degrees), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(void, GoTo, (int x, int y), (override));
- MOCK_METHOD(int, GetX, (), (const, override));
- MOCK_METHOD(int, GetY, (), (const, override));
-You don't need to define these mock methods somewhere else - the `MOCK_METHOD`
-macro will generate the definitions for you. It's that simple!
-### Where to Put It
-When you define a mock class, you need to decide where to put its definition.
-Some people put it in a ``. This is fine when the interface being mocked
-(say, `Foo`) is owned by the same person or team. Otherwise, when the owner of
-`Foo` changes it, your test could break. (You can't really expect `Foo`'s
-maintainer to fix every test that uses `Foo`, can you?)
-So, the rule of thumb is: if you need to mock `Foo` and it's owned by others,
-define the mock class in `Foo`'s package (better, in a `testing` sub-package
-such that you can clearly separate production code and testing utilities), put
-it in a `.h` and a `cc_library`. Then everyone can reference them from their
-tests. If `Foo` ever changes, there is only one copy of `MockFoo` to change, and
-only tests that depend on the changed methods need to be fixed.
-Another way to do it: you can introduce a thin layer `FooAdaptor` on top of
-`Foo` and code to this new interface. Since you own `FooAdaptor`, you can absorb
-changes in `Foo` much more easily. While this is more work initially, carefully
-choosing the adaptor interface can make your code easier to write and more
-readable (a net win in the long run), as you can choose `FooAdaptor` to fit your
-specific domain much better than `Foo` does.
-## Using Mocks in Tests
-Once you have a mock class, using it is easy. The typical work flow is:
-1. Import the gMock names from the `testing` namespace such that you can use
- them unqualified (You only have to do it once per file). Remember that
- namespaces are a good idea.
-2. Create some mock objects.
-3. Specify your expectations on them (How many times will a method be called?
- With what arguments? What should it do? etc.).
-4. Exercise some code that uses the mocks; optionally, check the result using
- googletest assertions. If a mock method is called more than expected or with
- wrong arguments, you'll get an error immediately.
-5. When a mock is destructed, gMock will automatically check whether all
- expectations on it have been satisfied.
-Here's an example:
-#include "path/to/mock-turtle.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-using ::testing::AtLeast; // #1
-TEST(PainterTest, CanDrawSomething) {
- MockTurtle turtle; // #2
- EXPECT_CALL(turtle, PenDown()) // #3
- .Times(AtLeast(1));
- Painter painter(&turtle); // #4
- EXPECT_TRUE(painter.DrawCircle(0, 0, 10)); // #5
-As you might have guessed, this test checks that `PenDown()` is called at least
-once. If the `painter` object didn't call this method, your test will fail with
-a message like this:
-path/to/ Failure
-Actual function call count doesn't match this expectation:
-Actually: never called;
-Expected: called at least once.
-Stack trace:
-**Tip 1:** If you run the test from an Emacs buffer, you can hit `<Enter>` on
-the line number to jump right to the failed expectation.
-**Tip 2:** If your mock objects are never deleted, the final verification won't
-happen. Therefore it's a good idea to turn on the heap checker in your tests
-when you allocate mocks on the heap. You get that automatically if you use the
-`gtest_main` library already.
-**Important note:** gMock requires expectations to be set **before** the mock
-functions are called, otherwise the behavior is **undefined**. In particular,
-you mustn't interleave `EXPECT_CALL()s` and calls to the mock functions.
-This means `EXPECT_CALL()` should be read as expecting that a call will occur
-*in the future*, not that a call has occurred. Why does gMock work like that?
-Well, specifying the expectation beforehand allows gMock to report a violation
-as soon as it rises, when the context (stack trace, etc) is still available.
-This makes debugging much easier.
-Admittedly, this test is contrived and doesn't do much. You can easily achieve
-the same effect without using gMock. However, as we shall reveal soon, gMock
-allows you to do *so much more* with the mocks.
-## Setting Expectations
-The key to using a mock object successfully is to set the *right expectations*
-on it. If you set the expectations too strict, your test will fail as the result
-of unrelated changes. If you set them too loose, bugs can slip through. You want
-to do it just right such that your test can catch exactly the kind of bugs you
-intend it to catch. gMock provides the necessary means for you to do it "just
-### General Syntax
-In gMock we use the `EXPECT_CALL()` macro to set an expectation on a mock
-method. The general syntax is:
-EXPECT_CALL(mock_object, method(matchers))
- .Times(cardinality)
- .WillOnce(action)
- .WillRepeatedly(action);
-The macro has two arguments: first the mock object, and then the method and its
-arguments. Note that the two are separated by a comma (`,`), not a period (`.`).
-(Why using a comma? The answer is that it was necessary for technical reasons.)
-If the method is not overloaded, the macro can also be called without matchers:
-EXPECT_CALL(mock_object, non-overloaded-method)
- .Times(cardinality)
- .WillOnce(action)
- .WillRepeatedly(action);
-This syntax allows the test writer to specify "called with any arguments"
-without explicitly specifying the number or types of arguments. To avoid
-unintended ambiguity, this syntax may only be used for methods which are not
-Either form of the macro can be followed by some optional *clauses* that provide
-more information about the expectation. We'll discuss how each clause works in
-the coming sections.
-This syntax is designed to make an expectation read like English. For example,
-you can probably guess that
-using ::testing::Return;
-EXPECT_CALL(turtle, GetX())
- .Times(5)
- .WillOnce(Return(100))
- .WillOnce(Return(150))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(200));
-says that the `turtle` object's `GetX()` method will be called five times, it
-will return 100 the first time, 150 the second time, and then 200 every time.
-Some people like to call this style of syntax a Domain-Specific Language (DSL).
-**Note:** Why do we use a macro to do this? Well it serves two purposes: first
-it makes expectations easily identifiable (either by `gsearch` or by a human
-reader), and second it allows gMock to include the source file location of a
-failed expectation in messages, making debugging easier.
-### Matchers: What Arguments Do We Expect?
-When a mock function takes arguments, we may specify what arguments we are
-expecting, for example:
-// Expects the turtle to move forward by 100 units.
-EXPECT_CALL(turtle, Forward(100));
-Oftentimes you do not want to be too specific. Remember that talk about tests
-being too rigid? Over specification leads to brittle tests and obscures the
-intent of tests. Therefore we encourage you to specify only what's necessary—no
-more, no less. If you aren't interested in the value of an argument, write `_`
-as the argument, which means "anything goes":
-using ::testing::_;
-// Expects that the turtle jumps to somewhere on the x=50 line.
-EXPECT_CALL(turtle, GoTo(50, _));
-`_` is an instance of what we call **matchers**. A matcher is like a predicate
-and can test whether an argument is what we'd expect. You can use a matcher
-inside `EXPECT_CALL()` wherever a function argument is expected. `_` is a
-convenient way of saying "any value".
-In the above examples, `100` and `50` are also matchers; implicitly, they are
-the same as `Eq(100)` and `Eq(50)`, which specify that the argument must be
-equal (using `operator==`) to the matcher argument. There are many
-[built-in matchers]( for common types (as well as
-[custom matchers](; for example:
-using ::testing::Ge;
-// Expects the turtle moves forward by at least 100.
-EXPECT_CALL(turtle, Forward(Ge(100)));
-If you don't care about *any* arguments, rather than specify `_` for each of
-them you may instead omit the parameter list:
-// Expects the turtle to move forward.
-EXPECT_CALL(turtle, Forward);
-// Expects the turtle to jump somewhere.
-EXPECT_CALL(turtle, GoTo);
-This works for all non-overloaded methods; if a method is overloaded, you need
-to help gMock resolve which overload is expected by specifying the number of
-arguments and possibly also the
-[types of the arguments](
-### Cardinalities: How Many Times Will It Be Called?
-The first clause we can specify following an `EXPECT_CALL()` is `Times()`. We
-call its argument a **cardinality** as it tells *how many times* the call should
-occur. It allows us to repeat an expectation many times without actually writing
-it as many times. More importantly, a cardinality can be "fuzzy", just like a
-matcher can be. This allows a user to express the intent of a test exactly.
-An interesting special case is when we say `Times(0)`. You may have guessed - it
-means that the function shouldn't be called with the given arguments at all, and
-gMock will report a googletest failure whenever the function is (wrongfully)
-We've seen `AtLeast(n)` as an example of fuzzy cardinalities earlier. For the
-list of built-in cardinalities you can use, see
-The `Times()` clause can be omitted. **If you omit `Times()`, gMock will infer
-the cardinality for you.** The rules are easy to remember:
-* If **neither** `WillOnce()` **nor** `WillRepeatedly()` is in the
- `EXPECT_CALL()`, the inferred cardinality is `Times(1)`.
-* If there are *n* `WillOnce()`'s but **no** `WillRepeatedly()`, where *n* >=
- 1, the cardinality is `Times(n)`.
-* If there are *n* `WillOnce()`'s and **one** `WillRepeatedly()`, where *n* >=
- 0, the cardinality is `Times(AtLeast(n))`.
-**Quick quiz:** what do you think will happen if a function is expected to be
-called twice but actually called four times?
-### Actions: What Should It Do?
-Remember that a mock object doesn't really have a working implementation? We as
-users have to tell it what to do when a method is invoked. This is easy in
-First, if the return type of a mock function is a built-in type or a pointer,
-the function has a **default action** (a `void` function will just return, a
-`bool` function will return `false`, and other functions will return 0). In
-addition, in C++ 11 and above, a mock function whose return type is
-default-constructible (i.e. has a default constructor) has a default action of
-returning a default-constructed value. If you don't say anything, this behavior
-will be used.
-Second, if a mock function doesn't have a default action, or the default action
-doesn't suit you, you can specify the action to be taken each time the
-expectation matches using a series of `WillOnce()` clauses followed by an
-optional `WillRepeatedly()`. For example,
-using ::testing::Return;
-EXPECT_CALL(turtle, GetX())
- .WillOnce(Return(100))
- .WillOnce(Return(200))
- .WillOnce(Return(300));
-says that `turtle.GetX()` will be called *exactly three times* (gMock inferred
-this from how many `WillOnce()` clauses we've written, since we didn't
-explicitly write `Times()`), and will return 100, 200, and 300 respectively.
-using ::testing::Return;
-EXPECT_CALL(turtle, GetY())
- .WillOnce(Return(100))
- .WillOnce(Return(200))
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(300));
-says that `turtle.GetY()` will be called *at least twice* (gMock knows this as
-we've written two `WillOnce()` clauses and a `WillRepeatedly()` while having no
-explicit `Times()`), will return 100 and 200 respectively the first two times,
-and 300 from the third time on.
-Of course, if you explicitly write a `Times()`, gMock will not try to infer the
-cardinality itself. What if the number you specified is larger than there are
-`WillOnce()` clauses? Well, after all `WillOnce()`s are used up, gMock will do
-the *default* action for the function every time (unless, of course, you have a
-What can we do inside `WillOnce()` besides `Return()`? You can return a
-reference using `ReturnRef(*variable*)`, or invoke a pre-defined function, among
-**Important note:** The `EXPECT_CALL()` statement evaluates the action clause
-only once, even though the action may be performed many times. Therefore you
-must be careful about side effects. The following may not do what you want:
-using ::testing::Return;
-int n = 100;
-EXPECT_CALL(turtle, GetX())
- .Times(4)
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(n++));
-Instead of returning 100, 101, 102, ..., consecutively, this mock function will
-always return 100 as `n++` is only evaluated once. Similarly, `Return(new Foo)`
-will create a new `Foo` object when the `EXPECT_CALL()` is executed, and will
-return the same pointer every time. If you want the side effect to happen every
-time, you need to define a custom action, which we'll teach in the
-[cook book](http://<!-- GOOGLETEST_CM0012 DO NOT DELETE -->).
-Time for another quiz! What do you think the following means?
-using ::testing::Return;
-EXPECT_CALL(turtle, GetY())
- .Times(4)
- .WillOnce(Return(100));
-Obviously `turtle.GetY()` is expected to be called four times. But if you think
-it will return 100 every time, think twice! Remember that one `WillOnce()`
-clause will be consumed each time the function is invoked and the default action
-will be taken afterwards. So the right answer is that `turtle.GetY()` will
-return 100 the first time, but **return 0 from the second time on**, as
-returning 0 is the default action for `int` functions.
-### Using Multiple Expectations {#MultiExpectations}
-So far we've only shown examples where you have a single expectation. More
-realistically, you'll specify expectations on multiple mock methods which may be
-from multiple mock objects.
-By default, when a mock method is invoked, gMock will search the expectations in
-the **reverse order** they are defined, and stop when an active expectation that
-matches the arguments is found (you can think of it as "newer rules override
-older ones."). If the matching expectation cannot take any more calls, you will
-get an upper-bound-violated failure. Here's an example:
-using ::testing::_;
-EXPECT_CALL(turtle, Forward(_)); // #1
-EXPECT_CALL(turtle, Forward(10)) // #2
- .Times(2);
-If `Forward(10)` is called three times in a row, the third time it will be an
-error, as the last matching expectation (#2) has been saturated. If, however,
-the third `Forward(10)` call is replaced by `Forward(20)`, then it would be OK,
-as now #1 will be the matching expectation.
-**Note:** Why does gMock search for a match in the *reverse* order of the
-expectations? The reason is that this allows a user to set up the default
-expectations in a mock object's constructor or the test fixture's set-up phase
-and then customize the mock by writing more specific expectations in the test
-body. So, if you have two expectations on the same method, you want to put the
-one with more specific matchers **after** the other, or the more specific rule
-would be shadowed by the more general one that comes after it.
-**Tip:** It is very common to start with a catch-all expectation for a method
-and `Times(AnyNumber())` (omitting arguments, or with `_` for all arguments, if
-overloaded). This makes any calls to the method expected. This is not necessary
-for methods that are not mentioned at all (these are "uninteresting"), but is
-useful for methods that have some expectations, but for which other calls are
-ok. See
-[Understanding Uninteresting vs Unexpected Calls](
-### Ordered vs Unordered Calls {#OrderedCalls}
-By default, an expectation can match a call even though an earlier expectation
-hasn't been satisfied. In other words, the calls don't have to occur in the
-order the expectations are specified.
-Sometimes, you may want all the expected calls to occur in a strict order. To
-say this in gMock is easy:
-using ::testing::InSequence;
-TEST(FooTest, DrawsLineSegment) {
- ...
- {
- InSequence seq;
- EXPECT_CALL(turtle, PenDown());
- EXPECT_CALL(turtle, Forward(100));
- EXPECT_CALL(turtle, PenUp());
- }
- Foo();
-By creating an object of type `InSequence`, all expectations in its scope are
-put into a *sequence* and have to occur *sequentially*. Since we are just
-relying on the constructor and destructor of this object to do the actual work,
-its name is really irrelevant.
-In this example, we test that `Foo()` calls the three expected functions in the
-order as written. If a call is made out-of-order, it will be an error.
-(What if you care about the relative order of some of the calls, but not all of
-them? Can you specify an arbitrary partial order? The answer is ... yes! The
-details can be found [here](
-### All Expectations Are Sticky (Unless Said Otherwise) {#StickyExpectations}
-Now let's do a quick quiz to see how well you can use this mock stuff already.
-How would you test that the turtle is asked to go to the origin *exactly twice*
-(you want to ignore any other instructions it receives)?
-After you've come up with your answer, take a look at ours and compare notes
-(solve it yourself first - don't cheat!):
-using ::testing::_;
-using ::testing::AnyNumber;
-EXPECT_CALL(turtle, GoTo(_, _)) // #1
- .Times(AnyNumber());
-EXPECT_CALL(turtle, GoTo(0, 0)) // #2
- .Times(2);
-Suppose `turtle.GoTo(0, 0)` is called three times. In the third time, gMock will
-see that the arguments match expectation #2 (remember that we always pick the
-last matching expectation). Now, since we said that there should be only two
-such calls, gMock will report an error immediately. This is basically what we've
-told you in the [Using Multiple Expectations](#MultiExpectations) section above.
-This example shows that **expectations in gMock are "sticky" by default**, in
-the sense that they remain active even after we have reached their invocation
-upper bounds. This is an important rule to remember, as it affects the meaning
-of the spec, and is **different** to how it's done in many other mocking
-frameworks (Why'd we do that? Because we think our rule makes the common cases
-easier to express and understand.).
-Simple? Let's see if you've really understood it: what does the following code
-using ::testing::Return;
-for (int i = n; i > 0; i--) {
- EXPECT_CALL(turtle, GetX())
- .WillOnce(Return(10*i));
-If you think it says that `turtle.GetX()` will be called `n` times and will
-return 10, 20, 30, ..., consecutively, think twice! The problem is that, as we
-said, expectations are sticky. So, the second time `turtle.GetX()` is called,
-the last (latest) `EXPECT_CALL()` statement will match, and will immediately
-lead to an "upper bound violated" error - this piece of code is not very useful!
-One correct way of saying that `turtle.GetX()` will return 10, 20, 30, ..., is
-to explicitly say that the expectations are *not* sticky. In other words, they
-should *retire* as soon as they are saturated:
-using ::testing::Return;
-for (int i = n; i > 0; i--) {
- EXPECT_CALL(turtle, GetX())
- .WillOnce(Return(10*i))
- .RetiresOnSaturation();
-And, there's a better way to do it: in this case, we expect the calls to occur
-in a specific order, and we line up the actions to match the order. Since the
-order is important here, we should make it explicit using a sequence:
-using ::testing::InSequence;
-using ::testing::Return;
- InSequence s;
- for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
- EXPECT_CALL(turtle, GetX())
- .WillOnce(Return(10*i))
- .RetiresOnSaturation();
- }
-By the way, the other situation where an expectation may *not* be sticky is when
-it's in a sequence - as soon as another expectation that comes after it in the
-sequence has been used, it automatically retires (and will never be used to
-match any call).
-### Uninteresting Calls
-A mock object may have many methods, and not all of them are that interesting.
-For example, in some tests we may not care about how many times `GetX()` and
-`GetY()` get called.
-In gMock, if you are not interested in a method, just don't say anything about
-it. If a call to this method occurs, you'll see a warning in the test output,
-but it won't be a failure. This is called "naggy" behavior; to change, see
-[The Nice, the Strict, and the Naggy](