#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2006, Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Unit test for the gtest_xml_output module""" import datetime import errno import os import re import sys from xml.dom import minidom, Node from googletest.test import gtest_test_utils from googletest.test import gtest_xml_test_utils GTEST_FILTER_FLAG = '--gtest_filter' GTEST_LIST_TESTS_FLAG = '--gtest_list_tests' GTEST_OUTPUT_FLAG = '--gtest_output' GTEST_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE = 'test_detail.xml' GTEST_PROGRAM_NAME = 'gtest_xml_output_unittest_' # The flag indicating stacktraces are not supported NO_STACKTRACE_SUPPORT_FLAG = '--no_stacktrace_support' # The environment variables for test sharding. TOTAL_SHARDS_ENV_VAR = 'GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS' SHARD_INDEX_ENV_VAR = 'GTEST_SHARD_INDEX' SHARD_STATUS_FILE_ENV_VAR = 'GTEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE' SUPPORTS_STACK_TRACES = NO_STACKTRACE_SUPPORT_FLAG not in sys.argv if SUPPORTS_STACK_TRACES: STACK_TRACE_TEMPLATE = '\nStack trace:\n*' else: STACK_TRACE_TEMPLATE = '' # unittest.main() can't handle unknown flags sys.argv.remove(NO_STACKTRACE_SUPPORT_FLAG) EXPECTED_NON_EMPTY_XML = """ ]]>%(stack)s]]> """ % { 'stack': STACK_TRACE_TEMPLATE } EXPECTED_FILTERED_TEST_XML = """ """ EXPECTED_SHARDED_TEST_XML = """ """ EXPECTED_NO_TEST_XML = """ """ % { 'stack': STACK_TRACE_TEMPLATE } GTEST_PROGRAM_PATH = gtest_test_utils.GetTestExecutablePath(GTEST_PROGRAM_NAME) SUPPORTS_TYPED_TESTS = ( 'TypedTest' in gtest_test_utils.Subprocess( [GTEST_PROGRAM_PATH, GTEST_LIST_TESTS_FLAG], capture_stderr=False ).output ) class GTestXMLOutputUnitTest(gtest_xml_test_utils.GTestXMLTestCase): """Unit test for Google Test's XML output functionality.""" # This test currently breaks on platforms that do not support typed and # type-parameterized tests, so we don't run it under them. if SUPPORTS_TYPED_TESTS: def testNonEmptyXmlOutput(self): """Generates non-empty XML and verifies it matches the expected output. Runs a test program that generates a non-empty XML output, and tests that the XML output is expected. """ self._TestXmlOutput(GTEST_PROGRAM_NAME, EXPECTED_NON_EMPTY_XML, 1) def testNoTestXmlOutput(self): """Verifies XML output for a Google Test binary without actual tests. Runs a test program that generates an XML output for a binary without tests, and tests that the XML output is expected. """ self._TestXmlOutput('gtest_no_test_unittest', EXPECTED_NO_TEST_XML, 0) def testTimestampValue(self): """Checks whether the timestamp attribute in the XML output is valid. Runs a test program that generates an empty XML output, and checks if the timestamp attribute in the testsuites tag is valid. """ actual = self._GetXmlOutput('gtest_no_test_unittest', [], {}, 0) date_time_str = actual.documentElement.getAttributeNode('timestamp').value # datetime.strptime() is only available in Python 2.5+ so we have to # parse the expected datetime manually. match = re.match(r'(\d+)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)', date_time_str) self.assertTrue( re.match, 'XML datettime string %s has incorrect format' % date_time_str ) date_time_from_xml = datetime.datetime( year=int(match.group(1)), month=int(match.group(2)), day=int(match.group(3)), hour=int(match.group(4)), minute=int(match.group(5)), second=int(match.group(6)), ) time_delta = abs(datetime.datetime.now() - date_time_from_xml) # timestamp value should be near the current local time self.assertLess(time_delta, datetime.timedelta(seconds=600)) actual.unlink() def testDefaultOutputFile(self): """Tests XML file with default name is created when name is not specified. Confirms that Google Test produces an XML output file with the expected default name if no name is explicitly specified. """ output_file = os.path.join( gtest_test_utils.GetTempDir(), GTEST_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE ) gtest_prog_path = gtest_test_utils.GetTestExecutablePath( 'gtest_no_test_unittest' ) try: os.remove(output_file) except OSError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise p = gtest_test_utils.Subprocess( [gtest_prog_path, '%s=xml' % GTEST_OUTPUT_FLAG], working_dir=gtest_test_utils.GetTempDir(), ) self.assertTrue(p.exited) self.assertEqual(0, p.exit_code) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(output_file)) def testSuppressedXmlOutput(self): """Verifies XML output is suppressed if default listener is shut down. Tests that no XML file is generated if the default XML listener is shut down before RUN_ALL_TESTS is invoked. """ xml_path = os.path.join( gtest_test_utils.GetTempDir(), GTEST_PROGRAM_NAME + 'out.xml' ) if os.path.isfile(xml_path): os.remove(xml_path) command = [ GTEST_PROGRAM_PATH, '%s=xml:%s' % (GTEST_OUTPUT_FLAG, xml_path), '--shut_down_xml', ] p = gtest_test_utils.Subprocess(command) if p.terminated_by_signal: # p.signal is available only if p.terminated_by_signal is True. self.assertFalse( p.terminated_by_signal, '%s was killed by signal %d' % (GTEST_PROGRAM_NAME, p.signal), ) else: self.assertTrue(p.exited) self.assertEqual( 1, p.exit_code, "'%s' exited with code %s, which doesn't match " 'the expected exit code %s.' % (command, p.exit_code, 1), ) self.assertFalse(os.path.isfile(xml_path)) def testFilteredTestXmlOutput(self): """Verifies XML output when a filter is applied. Runs a test program that executes only some tests and verifies that non-selected tests do not show up in the XML output. """ self._TestXmlOutput( GTEST_PROGRAM_NAME, EXPECTED_FILTERED_TEST_XML, 0, extra_args=['%s=SuccessfulTest.*' % GTEST_FILTER_FLAG], ) def testShardedTestXmlOutput(self): """Verifies XML output when run using multiple shards. Runs a test program that executes only one shard and verifies that tests from other shards do not show up in the XML output. """ self._TestXmlOutput( GTEST_PROGRAM_NAME, EXPECTED_SHARDED_TEST_XML, 0, extra_env={SHARD_INDEX_ENV_VAR: '0', TOTAL_SHARDS_ENV_VAR: '10'}, ) def _GetXmlOutput( self, gtest_prog_name, extra_args, extra_env, expected_exit_code ): """Returns the XML output generated by running the program gtest_prog_name. Furthermore, the program's exit code must be expected_exit_code. Args: gtest_prog_name: Program to run. extra_args: Optional arguments to pass to program. extra_env: Optional environment variables to set. expected_exit_code: Expected exit code from running gtest_prog_name. """ xml_path = os.path.join( gtest_test_utils.GetTempDir(), gtest_prog_name + 'out.xml' ) gtest_prog_path = gtest_test_utils.GetTestExecutablePath(gtest_prog_name) command = [ gtest_prog_path, '%s=xml:%s' % (GTEST_OUTPUT_FLAG, xml_path), ] + extra_args environ_copy = os.environ.copy() if extra_env: environ_copy.update(extra_env) p = gtest_test_utils.Subprocess(command, env=environ_copy) if p.terminated_by_signal: self.assertTrue( False, '%s was killed by signal %d' % (gtest_prog_name, p.signal) ) else: self.assertTrue(p.exited) self.assertEqual( expected_exit_code, p.exit_code, "'%s' exited with code %s, which doesn't match " 'the expected exit code %s.' % (command, p.exit_code, expected_exit_code), ) actual = minidom.parse(xml_path) return actual def _TestXmlOutput( self, gtest_prog_name, expected_xml, expected_exit_code, extra_args=None, extra_env=None, ): """Asserts that the XML document matches. Asserts that the XML document generated by running the program gtest_prog_name matches expected_xml, a string containing another XML document. Furthermore, the program's exit code must be expected_exit_code. Args: gtest_prog_name: Program to run. expected_xml: Path to XML document to match. expected_exit_code: Expected exit code from running gtest_prog_name. extra_args: Optional arguments to pass to program. extra_env: Optional environment variables to set. """ actual = self._GetXmlOutput( gtest_prog_name, extra_args or [], extra_env or {}, expected_exit_code ) expected = minidom.parseString(expected_xml) self.NormalizeXml(actual.documentElement) self.AssertEquivalentNodes(expected.documentElement, actual.documentElement) expected.unlink() actual.unlink() if __name__ == '__main__': os.environ['GTEST_STACK_TRACE_DEPTH'] = '1' gtest_test_utils.Main()