diff options
authorRuth Aydt <>2014-03-17 12:33:26 (GMT)
committerRuth Aydt <>2014-03-17 12:33:26 (GMT)
commit3f5a25945b89c634504f4250725c1f37a342db01 (patch)
parente56a2ba027554e9f3d9bd0e475eda430b9c4c55b (diff)
[svn-r24808] Client progrm to demonstrated Persist - Evict - Prefetch parts of Milestone 7.2
1 files changed, 1054 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/h5ff_client_M7.2-pep_demo.c b/examples/h5ff_client_M7.2-pep_demo.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d60ef5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/h5ff_client_M7.2-pep_demo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1054 @@
+ * h5ff_client_M7.2-pep_demo.c: Demo Persist / Evict / Prefetch
+ * Part of Milestone 7.2 - Functionality of Burst Buffer.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include "mpi.h"
+#include "hdf5.h"
+/* macros related to error reporting */
+#define STATUS (ret >= 0) ? "OK" : "FAILED"
+#define ASSERT_RET assert( ret >= 0 )
+/* option flags */
+int use_daos_lustre = 0; // Use DAOS Lustre - defaults to no
+int verbose = 0; // Verbose output - defaults to no
+/* prototypes for helper functions */
+void create_group( hid_t, const char*, hid_t, const char*, int );
+void create_dataset( hid_t, const char*, hid_t, const char*, int, int );
+void create_map( hid_t, const char*, hid_t, const char*, int, int );
+void create_committed_datatype( hid_t, const char*, hid_t, const char*, int );
+void update_dataset( hid_t, const char*, hid_t, hid_t, const char*, int, int );
+void update_map( hid_t, const char*, hid_t, hid_t, const char*, int, int );
+void evict_group_members_updates( hid_t, hid_t, const char*, int );
+void print_container_contents( hid_t, hid_t, const char*, int );
+int parse_options( int, char**, int );
+int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
+ const char file_name[]="eff_pep.h5";
+ int my_rank, comm_size;
+ int provided;
+ hid_t fapl_id;
+ hid_t file_id;
+ herr_t ret;
+ hid_t es_id;
+ H5ES_status_t status;
+ size_t num_events;
+ uint64_t version;
+ hid_t rc_id0, rc_id1, rc_id2, rc_id3, rc_id4, rc_id;
+ uint64_t tr_num;
+ hid_t tr_id;
+ hid_t trspl_id;
+ int num_tr_leaders;
+ struct timeval tv_start;
+ struct timeval tv_end;
+ int i;
+ /****
+ * Initialize and create container
+ ****/
+ /* Confirm needed MPI functionality is available */
+ MPI_Init_thread( &argc, &argv, MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, &provided );
+ if ( MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE != provided ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP: ERROR: MPI does not have MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE support\n" );
+ exit( 1 );
+ }
+ /* Find MPI rank & communicator size */
+ MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank );
+ MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_size );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Number of MPI processes = %d\n", my_rank, comm_size );
+ /* Parse command-line options controlling behavior */
+ if ( parse_options( argc, argv, my_rank ) != 0 ) {
+ exit( 1 );
+ }
+ /* Initialize the EFF stack, starting FS client, registering HDF5 VOL calls, requesting IOD init */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Initialize EFF stack\n", my_rank );
+ /* Create an event stack for managing asynchronous requests. */
+ es_id = H5EScreate(); assert( es_id >= 0 );
+ /* Specify the IOD VOL plugin should be used and create H5File (EFF container) */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Create the container %s\n", my_rank, file_name );
+ fapl_id = H5Pcreate( H5P_FILE_ACCESS ); assert( fapl_id >= 0 );
+ ret = H5Pset_fapl_iod( fapl_id, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ file_id = H5Fcreate_ff( file_name, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); assert( file_id >= 0 );
+ /* Get read context */
+ version = 0;
+ rc_id0 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET; assert( version == 0 );
+ /****
+ * Transaction 1: Rank 0 creates three H5Groups in the H5File
+ ****/
+ if ( my_rank == 0 ) {
+ tr_num = 1;
+ /* Create a local transaction for transaction number and start it with a single tr leader (the default). */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Create and start tr %lu\n", my_rank, tr_num );
+ tr_id = H5TRcreate( file_id, rc_id0, tr_num ); assert( tr_id >= 0 );
+ ret = H5TRstart( tr_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ /* Add updates to the transaction */
+ create_group( file_id, "G-logged", tr_id, "/", my_rank );
+ create_group( file_id, "G-prefetched", tr_id, "/", my_rank );
+ create_group( file_id, "G-stored", tr_id, "/", my_rank );
+ /* Finish, commit, and close transaction */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Finish, commit, and close tr %lu\n", my_rank, tr_num );
+ ret = H5TRfinish( tr_id, H5P_DEFAULT, NULL, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5TRclose( tr_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ }
+ /* Acquire a read handle for container version and create a read context. */
+ version = 1;
+ if (verbose) fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Try to acquire read context %lu\n", my_rank, version );
+ rc_id1 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ while ( rc_id1 < 0 ) {
+ if (verbose) fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Failed to acquire read context %lu; sleep then retry\n", my_rank, version );
+ sleep( 1 );
+ rc_id1 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ }
+ assert( rc_id1 >= 0 ); assert ( version == 1 );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Acquired read context %lu\n", my_rank, version );
+ /* Release the read handle and close read context on previous CV */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Release read context 0\n", my_rank );
+ ret = H5RCrelease( rc_id0, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5RCclose( rc_id0 ); ASSERT_RET;
+ if (verbose) print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id1, "/", my_rank );
+ /****
+ * Transaction 2 - In each of the 3 Groups, Rank 0 creates "D", Rank 1 creates "M", Rank 2 creates "T"
+ ****/
+ if ( my_rank < 3 ) {
+ tr_num = 2;
+ num_tr_leaders = ( (comm_size < 4) ? comm_size : 3 );
+ /* Create a local transaction for transaction number and start it. */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Create and start tr %lu with %d transaction leaders\n", my_rank, tr_num, num_tr_leaders );
+ tr_id = H5TRcreate( file_id, rc_id1, tr_num ); assert( tr_id >= 0 );
+ trspl_id = H5Pcreate( H5P_TR_START ); assert( trspl_id >= 0 );
+ ret = H5Pset_trspl_num_peers( trspl_id, num_tr_leaders ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5TRstart( tr_id, trspl_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ hid_t glog_id, gpre_id, gsto_id;
+ char glog_path[128], gpre_path[128], gsto_path[128];
+ /* Open the groups where objects will be created and set pathnames used in status messages */
+ glog_id = H5Gopen_ff( file_id, "G-logged", H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id1, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); assert( glog_id >= 0 );
+ gpre_id = H5Gopen_ff( file_id, "G-prefetched", H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id1, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); assert( gpre_id >= 0 );
+ gsto_id = H5Gopen_ff( file_id, "G-stored", H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id1, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); assert( gsto_id >= 0 );
+ sprintf( glog_path, "/G-logged/" );
+ sprintf( gpre_path, "/G-prefetched/" );
+ sprintf( gsto_path, "/G-stored/" );
+ /* Add updates to the transaction */
+ if ( my_rank == 0 ) {
+ create_dataset( glog_id, "D", tr_id, glog_path, my_rank, 1 );
+ create_dataset( gpre_id, "D", tr_id, gpre_path, my_rank, 2 );
+ create_dataset( gsto_id, "D", tr_id, gsto_path, my_rank, 3 );
+ } else if ( my_rank == 1 ) {
+ create_map( glog_id, "M", tr_id, glog_path, my_rank, 1 );
+ create_map( gpre_id, "M", tr_id, gpre_path, my_rank, 2 );
+ create_map( gsto_id, "M", tr_id, gsto_path, my_rank, 3 );
+ } else if ( my_rank == 2 ) {
+ create_committed_datatype( glog_id, "T", tr_id, glog_path, my_rank );
+ create_committed_datatype( gpre_id, "T", tr_id, gpre_path, my_rank );
+ create_committed_datatype( gsto_id, "T", tr_id, gsto_path, my_rank );
+ }
+ /* Close the groups */
+ ret = H5Gclose_ff ( glog_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Gclose_ff ( gpre_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Gclose_ff ( gsto_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ /* Finish, commit, and close transaction */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Finish, commit, and close tr %lu\n", my_rank, tr_num );
+ ret = H5TRfinish( tr_id, H5P_DEFAULT, NULL, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5TRclose( tr_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Pclose( trspl_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ }
+ /* Acquire a read handle for container version and create a read context. */
+ version = 2;
+ if (verbose) fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Try to acquire read context %lu\n", my_rank, version );
+ rc_id2 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ while ( rc_id2 < 0 ) {
+ if (verbose) fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Failed to acquire read context %lu; sleep then retry\n", my_rank, version );
+ sleep( 1 );
+ rc_id2 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ }
+ assert( rc_id2 >= 0 ); assert ( version == 2 );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Acquired read context %lu\n", my_rank, version );
+ /* Release the read handle and close read context on previous CV */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Release read context 1\n", my_rank );
+ ret = H5RCrelease( rc_id1, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5RCclose( rc_id1 ); ASSERT_RET;
+ /****
+ * Rank 0 persists CV 2
+ *
+ * Satisfies: An application will create multiple transactions in a container, then persist them
+ * from the BB to persistent storage.
+ ****/
+ if ( my_rank == 0 ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Persist cv 2.\n", my_rank );
+ print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id2, "/", my_rank );
+ ret = H5RCpersist(rc_id2, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL); ASSERT_RET;
+ }
+ if (verbose) print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id2, "/", my_rank );
+ /****
+ * Transaction 3 - All ranks update Dataset and Map objects in the 3 Groups
+ ****/
+ tr_num = 3;
+ num_tr_leaders = comm_size;
+ /* Create a local transaction for transaction number and start it. */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Create and start tr %lu with %d transaction leaders\n", my_rank, tr_num, num_tr_leaders );
+ tr_id = H5TRcreate( file_id, rc_id2, tr_num ); assert( tr_id >= 0 );
+ trspl_id = H5Pcreate( H5P_TR_START ); assert( trspl_id >= 0 );
+ ret = H5Pset_trspl_num_peers( trspl_id, num_tr_leaders ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5TRstart( tr_id, trspl_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ /* Add updates to the transaction */
+ update_dataset( file_id, "G-logged/D", tr_id, rc_id2, "/", my_rank, 1 );
+ update_dataset( file_id, "G-prefetched/D", tr_id, rc_id2, "/", my_rank, 2 );
+ update_dataset( file_id, "G-stored/D", tr_id, rc_id2, "/", my_rank, 3 );
+ update_map( file_id, "G-logged/M", tr_id, rc_id2, "/", my_rank, 1 );
+ update_map( file_id, "G-prefetched/M", tr_id, rc_id2, "/", my_rank, 2 );
+ update_map( file_id, "G-stored/M", tr_id, rc_id2, "/", my_rank, 3 );
+ /* Finish, commit, and close transaction */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Finish, commit, and close tr %lu\n", my_rank, tr_num );
+ ret = H5TRfinish( tr_id, H5P_DEFAULT, NULL, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5TRclose( tr_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Pclose( trspl_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ /* If verbose mode, get RC 3 and print CV 3 */
+ if ( verbose ) {
+ version = 3;
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Try to acquire read context %lu\n", my_rank, version );
+ rc_id3 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ while ( rc_id3 < 0 ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Failed to acquire read context %lu; sleep then retry\n", my_rank, version );
+ sleep( 1 );
+ rc_id3 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ }
+ assert( rc_id3 >= 0 ); assert ( version == 3 );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Acquired read context %lu\n", my_rank, version );
+ print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id3, "/", my_rank );
+ /* Release the read handle and close read context on CV 3 */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Release read context 3\n", my_rank );
+ ret = H5RCrelease( rc_id3, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5RCclose( rc_id3 ); ASSERT_RET;
+ }
+ /****
+ * Transaction 4 (based on CV 2) - All ranks update Dataset and Map objects in the 3 Groups
+ ****/
+ tr_num = 4;
+ num_tr_leaders = comm_size;
+ /* Create a local transaction for transaction number and start it. */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Create and start tr %lu with %d transaction leaders\n", my_rank, tr_num, num_tr_leaders );
+ tr_id = H5TRcreate( file_id, rc_id2, tr_num ); assert( tr_id >= 0 );
+ trspl_id = H5Pcreate( H5P_TR_START ); assert( trspl_id >= 0 );
+ ret = H5Pset_trspl_num_peers( trspl_id, num_tr_leaders ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5TRstart( tr_id, trspl_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ /* Add updates to the transaction */
+ update_dataset( file_id, "G-logged/D", tr_id, rc_id2, "/", my_rank, 1 );
+ update_dataset( file_id, "G-prefetched/D", tr_id, rc_id2, "/", my_rank, 2 );
+ update_dataset( file_id, "G-stored/D", tr_id, rc_id2, "/", my_rank, 3 );
+ update_map( file_id, "G-logged/M", tr_id, rc_id2, "/", my_rank, 1 );
+ update_map( file_id, "G-prefetched/M", tr_id, rc_id2, "/", my_rank, 2 );
+ update_map( file_id, "G-stored/M", tr_id, rc_id2, "/", my_rank, 3 );
+ /* Finish, commit, and close transaction */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Finish, commit, and close tr %lu\n", my_rank, tr_num );
+ ret = H5TRfinish( tr_id, H5P_DEFAULT, NULL, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5TRclose( tr_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Pclose( trspl_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ /* Acquire a read handle for container version and create a read context. */
+ version = 4;
+ if (verbose) fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Try to acquire read context %lu\n", my_rank, version );
+ rc_id4 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ while ( rc_id4 < 0 ) {
+ if (verbose) fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Failed to acquire read context %lu; sleep then retry\n", my_rank, version );
+ sleep( 1 );
+ rc_id4 = H5RCacquire( file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ }
+ assert( rc_id4 >= 0 ); assert ( version == 4 );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Acquired read context %lu\n", my_rank, version );
+ /* Release the read handle and close read context on CV 2 */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Release read context 2\n", my_rank );
+ ret = H5RCrelease( rc_id2, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5RCclose( rc_id2 ); ASSERT_RET;
+ if (verbose) print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id4, "/", my_rank );
+ /****
+ * Highest rank persists CV 4, then evicts objects under G-prefetched and G-stored.
+ *
+ * Satisfies: An application will create multiple transactions in a container, then persist them
+ * from the burst buffer storate to persistent storage, then evict several of the objects in the IOD
+ * container, releasing space in the burst buffer.
+ ****/
+ if ( my_rank == comm_size-1 ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Persist cv 4.\n", my_rank );
+ print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id4, "/", my_rank );
+ ret = H5RCpersist(rc_id4, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL); ASSERT_RET;
+ /* TODO: Add code showing BB space in use */
+ evict_group_members_updates( file_id, rc_id4, "/G-prefetched", my_rank );
+ evict_group_members_updates( file_id, rc_id4, "/G-stored", my_rank );
+ /* TODO: Add code showing BB space in use */
+ }
+ /* All ranks print container here. For rank == comm_size, this will be after objects have been evicted */
+ if (verbose) print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id4, "/", my_rank );
+ /* Release the read handle and close read context on CV 4 */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Release read context 4\n", my_rank );
+ ret = H5RCrelease( rc_id4, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5RCclose( rc_id4 ); ASSERT_RET;
+ /****
+ * Close the H5File. Reopen, pre-fetch D, M, and TODO T in /G-prefetched.
+ *
+ * Satisfies: "... then closing the container. The application will then re-open the container and asynchronously
+ * pre-fetch multiple objects from persistent storage to burst buffer storage.
+ ****/
+ /* Close the container, then barrier to make sure all ranks have closed it before continuing */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Close the container.\n", my_rank );
+ ret = H5Fclose_ff( file_id, 1, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
+ /* Reopen the container read-only and get a read context for highest CV */
+ file_id = H5Fopen_ff( file_name, H5F_ACC_RDONLY, fapl_id, &rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); assert( file_id >= 0 );
+ H5RCget_version( rc_id, &version );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Container re-opened; Acquired RC\n", my_rank, version );
+ /* TODO: Add code showing BB space in use */
+ /****************** STILL WORKING ON THIS PART *****************************/
+ hid_t dset_l_id, dset_p_id, dset_s_id;
+ hid_t space_l_id, space_p_id, space_s_id;
+ int data_l[4], data_p[4], data_s[4];
+ hrpl_t dset_p_replica;
+ hid_t dxpl_p_id;
+ hid_t map_l_id, map_p_id, map_s_id;
+ int key_l[4], key_p[4], key_s[4];
+ int value_l[4], value_p[4], value_s[4];
+ hrpl_t map_p_replica;
+ hid_t mxpl_p_id;
+ /* Open Datasets and then Maps in all 3 Groups, prefetching objects in the /G-prefetched group. */
+ dset_l_id = H5Dopen_ff( file_id, "/G-logged/D", H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ assert( dset_l_id >= 0 );
+ space_l_id = H5Dget_space( dset_l_id ); assert ( space_l_id >= 0 );
+ dset_p_id = H5Dopen_ff( file_id, "/G-prefetched/D", H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ assert( dset_p_id >= 0 );
+ space_p_id = H5Dget_space( dset_p_id ); assert ( space_p_id >= 0 ); /* Space info doesn't get prefetched, so read it here */
+ if ( use_daos_lustre ) {
+ /* FOR NOW: All ranks prefetch synchronously. TODO: change so only one - async - then share replica_id */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: prefetch /G-prefeteched/D.\n", my_rank );
+ ret = H5Dprefetch_ff( dset_p_id, rc_id, &dset_p_replica, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ dxpl_p_id = H5Pcreate( H5P_DATASET_XFER );
+ ret = H5Pset_read_replica( dxpl_p_id, dset_p_replica ); ASSERT_RET;
+ } else {
+ dxpl_p_id = H5P_DEFAULT;
+ }
+ dset_s_id = H5Dopen_ff( file_id, "/G-stored/D", H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ assert( dset_s_id >= 0 );
+ space_s_id = H5Dget_space( dset_s_id ); assert ( space_s_id >= 0 );
+ map_l_id = H5Mopen_ff( file_id, "/G-logged/M", H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ assert( map_l_id >= 0 );
+ map_p_id = H5Mopen_ff( file_id, "/G-prefetched/M", H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ assert( map_p_id >= 0 );
+ if ( use_daos_lustre ) {
+ /* FOR NOW: All ranks prefetch synchronously. TODO: change so only one - async - then share replica_id */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: prefetch /M-prefeteched/D.\n", my_rank );
+ ret = H5Mprefetch_ff( map_p_id, rc_id, &map_p_replica, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ mxpl_p_id = H5Pcreate( H5P_DATASET_XFER );
+ ret = H5Pset_read_replica( mxpl_p_id, map_p_replica ); ASSERT_RET;
+ } else {
+ mxpl_p_id = H5P_DEFAULT;
+ }
+ map_s_id = H5Mopen_ff( file_id, "/G-stored/M", H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ assert( map_s_id >= 0 );
+ // TODO: Do these reads/prints multiple times, to get a better sense of variance in read times
+ /* Read Datasets and then Maps in all 3 Groups, measuring time it takes to read data for each*/
+ gettimeofday( &tv_start, NULL );
+ ret = H5Dread_ff( dset_l_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, space_l_id, space_l_id, H5P_DEFAULT, data_l, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ gettimeofday( &tv_end, NULL );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d Time (usec) to read /G-logged/D: %lu\n", my_rank,
+ (ulong)( (tv_end.tv_usec + 1000000*tv_end.tv_sec) - (tv_start.tv_usec + 1000000*tv_start.tv_sec) ) );
+ gettimeofday( &tv_start, NULL );
+ ret = H5Dread_ff( dset_p_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, space_p_id, space_p_id, dxpl_p_id, data_p, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ gettimeofday( &tv_end, NULL );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d Time (usec) to read /G-prefetched/D: %lu\n", my_rank,
+ (ulong)( (tv_end.tv_usec + 1000000*tv_end.tv_sec) - (tv_start.tv_usec + 1000000*tv_start.tv_sec) ) );
+ gettimeofday( &tv_start, NULL );
+ ret = H5Dread_ff( dset_s_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, space_s_id, space_s_id, H5P_DEFAULT, data_s, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ gettimeofday( &tv_end, NULL );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d Time (usec) to read /G-stored/D: %lu\n", my_rank,
+ (ulong)( (tv_end.tv_usec + 1000000*tv_end.tv_sec) - (tv_start.tv_usec + 1000000*tv_start.tv_sec) ) );
+ gettimeofday( &tv_start, NULL );
+ for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
+ ret = H5Mget_ff( map_l_id, H5T_STD_I32LE, &i, H5T_STD_I32LE, &value_l[i], H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ }
+ gettimeofday( &tv_end, NULL );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d Time (usec) to read /G-logged/M: %lu\n", my_rank,
+ (ulong)( (tv_end.tv_usec + 1000000*tv_end.tv_sec) - (tv_start.tv_usec + 1000000*tv_start.tv_sec) ) );
+ gettimeofday( &tv_start, NULL );
+ for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
+ ret = H5Mget_ff( map_p_id, H5T_STD_I32LE, &i, H5T_STD_I32LE, &value_p[i], mxpl_p_id, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ }
+ gettimeofday( &tv_end, NULL );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d Time (usec) to read /G-prefetched/M: %lu\n", my_rank,
+ (ulong)( (tv_end.tv_usec + 1000000*tv_end.tv_sec) - (tv_start.tv_usec + 1000000*tv_start.tv_sec) ) );
+ gettimeofday( &tv_start, NULL );
+ for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
+ ret = H5Mget_ff( map_s_id, H5T_STD_I32LE, &i, H5T_STD_I32LE, &value_s[i], H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ }
+ gettimeofday( &tv_end, NULL );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d Time (usec) to read /G-stored/M: %lu\n", my_rank,
+ (ulong)( (tv_end.tv_usec + 1000000*tv_end.tv_sec) - (tv_start.tv_usec + 1000000*tv_start.tv_sec) ) );
+ /* Print Dataset and Map values for all 3 groups */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: /G-logged/D values: %d %d %d %d\n", my_rank, data_l[0], data_l[1], data_l[2], data_l[3] );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: /G-prefetched/D values: %d %d %d %d\n", my_rank, data_p[0], data_p[1], data_p[2], data_p[3]);
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: /G-stored/D values: %d %d %d %d\n", my_rank, data_s[0], data_s[1], data_s[2], data_s[3] );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: /G-logged/M key/values: 0/%d 1/%d 2/%d 3/%d\n", my_rank,
+ value_l[0], value_l[1], value_l[2], value_l[3] );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: /G-prefetched/M key/values: 0/%d 1/%d 2/%d 3/%d\n", my_rank,
+ value_p[0], value_p[1], value_p[2], value_p[3] );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: /G-stored/M key/values: 0/%d 1/%d 2/%d 3/%d\n", my_rank,
+ value_s[0], value_s[1], value_s[2], value_s[3] );
+ /* TODO: Add barrier ( unless can show BB space per ION per rank ) */
+ /* TODO: Add code showing BB space in use */
+ /* TODO: Add code to evict replicas */
+ /* Close Objects*/
+ if ( use_daos_lustre ) {
+ ret = H5Pclose( mxpl_p_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Pclose( dxpl_p_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ }
+ ret = H5Dclose_ff( dset_l_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Dclose_ff( dset_p_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Dclose_ff( dset_s_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Sclose( space_l_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Sclose( space_p_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Sclose( space_s_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Mclose_ff( map_l_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Mclose_ff( map_p_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Mclose_ff( map_s_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ /****************** WORKING ON THIS PART *****************************/
+ /* Release the read handle and close read context */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Release read context\n", my_rank );
+ ret = H5RCrelease( rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5RCclose( rc_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ /* Close H5 Objects that are still open */
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Close all H5 objects that are still open\n", my_rank );
+ ret = H5Fclose_ff( file_id, 1, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Pclose( fapl_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Finalize EFF stack\n", my_rank );
+ /* Perform wrap-up operations */
+ MPI_Barrier( MPI_COMM_WORLD );
+ EFF_finalize();
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;
+ * Helper function used to create group "group_name"
+ * in object identified by "obj_id"
+ * in transaction identified by "tr_id".
+ * "obj_path" and "my_rank" are used in the status output.
+ */
+create_group( hid_t obj_id, const char* group_name, hid_t tr_id, const char* obj_path, int my_rank ) {
+ herr_t ret;
+ uint64_t tr_num;
+ hid_t group_id;
+ ret = H5TRget_trans_num( tr_id, &tr_num ); ASSERT_RET;
+ group_id = H5Gcreate_ff( obj_id, group_name, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ if ( group_id >= 0 ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Create %s in %s in tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, group_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num, "OK" );
+ ret = H5Gclose_ff( group_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ } else {
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Create %s in %s in tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, group_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num, "FAILED" );
+ }
+ return;
+ * Helper function used to create and initialize dataset "dset_name"
+ * in object identified by "obj_id"
+ * in transaction identified by "tr_id".
+ * "obj_path" and "my_rank" are used in the status output.
+ * "ordinal" is used as a multiplier in computing the cell value.
+ *
+ * All datasets are 1D Arrays with 4 elements.
+ * Cell values are computed using the formula:
+ * data[i] = ordinal*1000 + tr_num*100 + my_rank*10 + i;
+ */
+create_dataset( hid_t obj_id, const char* dset_name, hid_t tr_id, const char* obj_path, int my_rank, int ordinal ) {
+ herr_t ret;
+ uint64_t tr_num;
+ int i;
+ hsize_t current_size = 4; /* For now, we hard-code to small number */
+ hsize_t max_size = 4;
+ int data[4];
+ hid_t space_id;
+ hid_t dtype_id;
+ hid_t dset_id;
+ /* Setup */
+ ret = H5TRget_trans_num( tr_id, &tr_num ); ASSERT_RET;
+ for ( i = 0; i < current_size; i++ ) {
+ data[i] = ordinal*1000 + tr_num*100 + my_rank*10 + i;
+ }
+ space_id = H5Screate_simple( 1, &current_size, &max_size ); assert( space_id >= 0 );
+ dtype_id = H5Tcopy( H5T_NATIVE_INT ); assert( dtype_id >= 0 );
+ /* Create & Populate */
+ dset_id = H5Dcreate_ff( obj_id, dset_name, dtype_id, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id,
+ if ( dset_id >= 0 ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Create %s in %s in tr %d; data values will be: %d %d %d %d - %s\n",
+ my_rank, dset_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num, data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], "OK" );
+ ret = H5Dwrite_ff( dset_id, dtype_id, space_id, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, data, tr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Dclose_ff( dset_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ } else {
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Create %s in %s in tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, dset_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num, "FAILED" );
+ }
+ ret = H5Tclose( dtype_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Sclose( space_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ return;
+ * Helper function used to create and initialize map "map_name"
+ * in object identified by "obj_id"
+ * in transaction identified by "tr_id".
+ * "obj_path" and "my_rank" are used in the status output.
+ * "ordinal" is used as a multiplier in computing the value.
+ *
+ * All maps are created with 4 initial KV pairs.
+ * Keys/values are computed using the formula:
+ * key=i / value=(ordinal*1000 + tr_num*100 + my_rank*10 + i)
+ */
+create_map( hid_t obj_id, const char* map_name, hid_t tr_id, const char* obj_path, int my_rank, int ordinal ) {
+ herr_t ret;
+ uint64_t tr_num;
+ int i;
+ int num_kvs = 4; /* For now, we hard-code to small number */
+ int value[4];
+ hid_t map_id;
+ /* Setup */
+ ret = H5TRget_trans_num( tr_id, &tr_num ); ASSERT_RET;
+ for ( i = 0; i < num_kvs; i++ ) {
+ value[i] = ordinal*1000 + tr_num*100 + my_rank*10 + i;
+ }
+ /* Create & Populate */
+ map_id = H5Mcreate_ff( obj_id, map_name, H5T_STD_I32LE, H5T_STD_I32LE, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id,
+ if ( map_id >= 0 ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Create %s in %s in tr %d; keys/values will be: 0/%d 1/%d 2/%d 3/%d - %s\n",
+ my_rank, map_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num, value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3], "OK" );
+ for ( i = 0; i < num_kvs; i++ ) {
+ ret = H5Mset_ff( map_id, H5T_STD_I32LE, &i, H5T_STD_I32LE, &value[i], H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ }
+ ret = H5Mclose_ff( map_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ } else {
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Create %s in %s in tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, map_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num, "FAILED" );
+ }
+ return;
+ * Helper function used to create committed datatype "type_name"
+ * in group identified by "obj_id"
+ * in transaction identified by "tr_id".
+ * "obj_path" and "my_rank" are used in the status output.
+ */
+create_committed_datatype( hid_t obj_id, const char* type_name, hid_t tr_id, const char* obj_path, int my_rank ) {
+ herr_t ret;
+ uint64_t tr_num;
+ hid_t dtype_id;
+ /* Setup */
+ ret = H5TRget_trans_num( tr_id, &tr_num ); ASSERT_RET;
+ dtype_id = H5Tcopy( H5T_NATIVE_INT ); assert( dtype_id >= 0 );
+ /* Create */
+ ret = H5Tcommit_ff( obj_id, type_name, dtype_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Create CDT %s in %s tr %d - %s\n", my_rank, type_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num, STATUS );
+ ret = H5Tclose( dtype_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ return;
+ * Helper function used to update raw data in "dset_name"
+ * in object identified by "obj_id"
+ * in transaction identified by "tr_id".
+ * "rc_id" for "tr_id" passed in explicitly for now - later may be able to get it from info in tr_id (cv & file_id)
+ * "obj_path" and "my_rank" are used in the status output.
+ * "ordinal" is used as a multiplier in computing the cell value.
+ *
+ * Cell value to be updated is computed using the formula:
+ * data[my_rank] = ordinal*1000 + tr_num*100 + my_rank*10 + my_rank;
+ *
+ * If my_rank >= max_size of data, then no update done in call.
+ */
+update_dataset( hid_t obj_id, const char* dset_name, hid_t tr_id, hid_t rc_id, const char* obj_path, int my_rank, int ordinal ){
+ herr_t ret;
+ uint64_t tr_num;
+ hid_t dset_id;
+ /* Setup */
+ ret = H5TRget_trans_num( tr_id, &tr_num ); ASSERT_RET;
+ dset_id = H5Dopen_ff( obj_id, dset_name, H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ if ( dset_id >= 0 ) {
+ /* Dataset opened; confirm as we expect */
+ hid_t filespace_id;
+ int nDims;
+ hsize_t current_size, max_size;
+ filespace_id = H5Dget_space( dset_id ); assert ( filespace_id >= 0 );
+ nDims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( filespace_id, &current_size, &max_size );
+ assert( nDims == 1 );
+ assert( current_size == 4 );
+ assert( max_size == 4 );
+ if ( my_rank < current_size ) {
+ /* If rank in bounds of array, do the update */
+ int cell_data;
+ hsize_t mem_size = 1;
+ hid_t memspace_id;
+ hsize_t index;
+ cell_data = ordinal*1000 + tr_num*100 + my_rank*10 + my_rank;
+ memspace_id = H5Screate_simple( 1, &mem_size, &mem_size ); assert( memspace_id >= 0 );
+ index = (hsize_t)my_rank;
+ ret = H5Sselect_elements( filespace_id, H5S_SELECT_SET, 1, &index ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Dwrite_ff( dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, memspace_id, filespace_id, H5P_DEFAULT, &cell_data, tr_id,
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Update %s[%d] in %s in tr %d to have value %d - %s\n",
+ my_rank, dset_name, my_rank, obj_path, (int)tr_num, cell_data, STATUS );
+ ret = H5Sclose( memspace_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ } else {
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: No update to %s in %s in tr %d for this rank.\n", my_rank, dset_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num );
+ }
+ ret = H5Sclose( filespace_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Dclose_ff( dset_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ } else {
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Update %s[%d] in %s in tr %d - %s\n",
+ my_rank, dset_name, my_rank, obj_path, (int)tr_num, "FAILED" );
+ }
+ return;
+ * Helper function used to update raw data in "dset_name"
+ * in object identified by "obj_id"
+ * in transaction identified by "tr_id".
+ * "rc_id" for "tr_id" passed in explicitly for now - later may be able to get it from info in tr_id (cv & file_id)
+ * "obj_path" and "my_rank" are used in the status output.
+ * key/value set according to:
+ * key = my_rank
+ * value = ordinal*1000 + tr_num*100 + my_rank*10 + my_rank;
+ */
+update_map( hid_t obj_id, const char* map_name, hid_t tr_id, hid_t rc_id, const char* obj_path, int my_rank, int ordinal ){
+ herr_t ret;
+ uint64_t tr_num;
+ hid_t map_id;
+ int value;
+ /* Setup */
+ ret = H5TRget_trans_num( tr_id, &tr_num ); ASSERT_RET;
+ /* Open the map */
+ map_id = H5Mopen_ff( obj_id, map_name, H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ if ( map_id >= 0 ) {
+ value = ordinal*1000 + tr_num*100 + my_rank*10 + my_rank;
+ ret = H5Mset_ff( map_id, H5T_STD_I32LE, &my_rank, H5T_STD_I32LE, &value, H5P_DEFAULT, tr_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Update Map %s in %s in tr %d to have key/value = %d/%d - %s\n",
+ my_rank, map_name, obj_path, (int)tr_num, my_rank, value, STATUS );
+ ret = H5Mclose_ff( map_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ } else {
+ fprintf( stderr, "APP-r%d: Update Map %s in %s in tr %d - %s\n",
+ my_rank, map_name, my_rank, obj_path, (int)tr_num, "FAILED" );
+ }
+ return;
+ * Helper function used to recursively print container contents
+ * for container identified by "file_id"
+ * in read context identified by "rc_id"
+ * with path to current level in "grp_path"
+ * and "my_rank" used to identify the process doing the reading / printing.
+ */
+print_container_contents( hid_t file_id, hid_t rc_id, const char* grp_path, int my_rank )
+ herr_t ret;
+ uint64_t cv;
+ hbool_t exists;
+ char path_to_object[1024];
+ char name[30];
+ int i;
+ static int lvl = 0; /* level in recursion - used to format printing */
+ char preface[128];
+ char line[1024];
+ /* Get the container version for the read context */
+ ret = H5RCget_version( rc_id, &cv ); ASSERT_RET;
+ /* Set up the preface and adding version number */
+ sprintf( preface, "APP-r%d: cv %d: ", my_rank, (int)cv );
+ /* Start the printing */
+ if ( lvl == 0 ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s ----- Container Contents ------------\n", preface );
+ }
+ /* Datasets */
+ sprintf( path_to_object, "%s%s", grp_path, "D" );
+ ret = H5Lexists_ff( file_id, path_to_object, H5P_DEFAULT, &exists, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ if ( exists ) {
+ hid_t dset_id;
+ hid_t space_id;
+ int nDims;
+ hsize_t current_size[1];
+ hsize_t max_size[1];
+ hsize_t totalSize;
+ int *data;
+ int i;
+ dset_id = H5Dopen_ff( file_id, path_to_object, H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ assert( dset_id >= 0 );
+ space_id = H5Dget_space( dset_id ); assert ( space_id >= 0 );
+ nDims = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims( space_id, current_size, max_size );
+ assert( nDims == 1 );
+ totalSize = current_size[0];
+ data = (int *)calloc( totalSize, sizeof(int) );
+ ret = H5Dread_ff( dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, space_id, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, data, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ sprintf( line, "%s %s values: ", preface, path_to_object );
+ for ( i = 0; i < totalSize; i++ ) {
+ sprintf( line, "%s%d ", line, data[i] );
+ }
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", line );
+ free( data );
+ ret = H5Dclose_ff( dset_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ ret = H5Sclose( space_id ); ASSERT_RET;
+ }
+ /* Maps */
+ sprintf( path_to_object, "%s%s", grp_path, "M" );
+ ret = H5Lexists_ff( file_id, path_to_object, H5P_DEFAULT, &exists, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ if ( exists ) {
+ hid_t map_id;
+ hsize_t totalCount;
+ int *value;
+ int i;
+ map_id = H5Mopen_ff( file_id, path_to_object, H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ assert( map_id >= 0 );
+ ret = H5Mget_count_ff( map_id, &totalCount, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ value = (int *)calloc( totalCount, sizeof(int) );
+ for ( i = 0; i < totalCount; i++ ) {
+ ret = H5Mget_ff( map_id, H5T_STD_I32LE, &i, H5T_STD_I32LE, &value[i], H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ }
+ sprintf( line, "%s %s key/values: ", preface, path_to_object );
+ for ( i = 0; i < totalCount; i++ ) {
+ sprintf( line, "%s %d/%d ", line, i, value[i] );
+ }
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", line );
+ free( value );
+ ret = H5Mclose_ff( map_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ }
+ /* Committed datatypes */
+ sprintf( path_to_object, "%s%s", grp_path, "T" );
+ ret = H5Lexists_ff( file_id, path_to_object, H5P_DEFAULT, &exists, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ if ( exists ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s %s\n", preface, path_to_object );
+ }
+ /* Groups - if found, descend */
+ for ( i = 1; i < 4; i++ ) {
+ if ( i == 1 ) {
+ strcpy( name, "G-logged" );
+ } else if ( i == 2 ) {
+ strcpy( name, "G-prefetched" );
+ } else if ( i == 3 ) {
+ strcpy( name, "G-stored" );
+ }
+ sprintf( path_to_object, "%s%s/", grp_path, name );
+ ret = H5Lexists_ff( file_id, path_to_object, H5P_DEFAULT, &exists, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ if ( exists ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s %s\n", preface, path_to_object );
+ lvl++;
+ print_container_contents( file_id, rc_id, path_to_object, my_rank );
+ lvl--;
+ }
+ }
+ /* End printing */
+ if ( lvl == 0 ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s -----------------\n", preface );
+ }
+ return;
+ * Helper function used to evict logged updates for (expected) members of specified group group
+ * for container identified by "file_id"
+ * in read context identified by "rc_id"
+ * for group specified by "grp_path"
+ * and "my_rank" used to identify the process doing the evicting
+ */
+evict_group_members_updates( hid_t file_id, hid_t rc_id, const char* grp_path, int my_rank )
+ herr_t ret;
+ uint64_t cv;
+ hbool_t exists;
+ char path_to_object[1024];
+ int i;
+ char preface[128];
+ /* Get the container version for the read context */
+ ret = H5RCget_version( rc_id, &cv ); ASSERT_RET;
+ /* Set up the preface and adding version number */
+ sprintf( preface, "APP-r%d: cv %d: ", my_rank, (int)cv );
+ /* Dataset */
+ sprintf( path_to_object, "%s/%s", grp_path, "D" );
+ if (verbose) fprintf( stderr, "%s: checking for existance of object %s before evicting\n", preface, path_to_object );
+ ret = H5Lexists_ff( file_id, path_to_object, H5P_DEFAULT, &exists, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ if ( exists ) {
+ hid_t dset_id;
+ dset_id = H5Dopen_ff( file_id, path_to_object, H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ assert( dset_id >= 0 );
+ if ( use_daos_lustre ) {
+ ret = H5Devict_ff( dset_id, cv, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s: evicted updates for object %s\n", preface, path_to_object );
+ } else {
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s: DAOS-POSIX - Won't evict updates for object %s\n", preface, path_to_object );
+ }
+ ret = H5Dclose_ff( dset_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ }
+ /* Map */
+ sprintf( path_to_object, "%s/%s", grp_path, "M" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s: checking for existance of object %s before evicting\n", preface, path_to_object );
+ ret = H5Lexists_ff( file_id, path_to_object, H5P_DEFAULT, &exists, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ if ( exists ) {
+ hid_t map_id;
+ map_id = H5Mopen_ff( file_id, path_to_object, H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ assert( map_id >= 0 );
+ if ( use_daos_lustre ) {
+ ret = H5Mevict_ff( map_id, cv, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s: evicted updates for object %s\n", preface, path_to_object );
+ } else {
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s: DAOS-POSIX - Won't evict updates for object %s\n", preface, path_to_object );
+ }
+ ret = H5Mclose_ff( map_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ }
+ /* Committed datatypes */
+ sprintf( path_to_object, "%s/%s", grp_path, "T" );
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s: checking for existance of object %s before evicting\n", preface, path_to_object );
+ ret = H5Lexists_ff( file_id, path_to_object, H5P_DEFAULT, &exists, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ if ( exists ) {
+ hid_t type_id;
+ type_id = H5Topen_ff( file_id, path_to_object, H5P_DEFAULT, rc_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL );
+ assert( type_id >= 0 );
+ if ( use_daos_lustre ) {
+ ret = H5Mevict_ff( type_id, cv, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s: evicted updates for object %s\n", preface, path_to_object );
+ } else {
+ fprintf( stderr, "%s: DAOS-POSIX - Won't evict updates for object %s\n", preface, path_to_object );
+ }
+ ret = H5Tclose_ff( type_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL ); ASSERT_RET;
+ }
+ return;
+ * parse_options - helper function to parse the command line options.
+ */
+parse_options( int argc, char** argv, int my_rank ) {
+ int i, n;
+ char* app = argv[0];
+ while ( --argc ) {
+ if ( **(++argv) != '-' ) {
+ break;
+ } else {
+ switch( *(*argv+1) ) {
+ case 'l':
+ use_daos_lustre = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ verbose = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if ( my_rank == 0 ) {
+ printf( "Usage: %s [-lv]\n", app );
+ printf( "\tl: use DAOS Lustre\n" );
+ printf( "\tv: verbose output\n" );
+ }
+ return( 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return( 0 );