path: root/doc/html/compat.html
diff options
authorFrank Baker <>2005-07-19 17:28:56 (GMT)
committerFrank Baker <>2005-07-19 17:28:56 (GMT)
commit794ba0a251af47b8e3c60afa2fe92d267e2a6b55 (patch)
treef24cea3b81ff02fa3f31c0a1c4e80fa10f4393c0 /doc/html/compat.html
parentd2e92fd23610c3ccdddbbc55484e54a5a21a9252 (diff)
Description: All HDF5 user documentation has been moved to a separate hdf5doc/ repository, managed under Subversion. With this 'cvs commit', all files are stripped from hdf5/doc/. THIS CHANGE IS APPLIED ONLY TO THE HDF5 DEVELOPMENT BRANCH, post Release 1.6.x; it is not applied to the release branches.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/html/compat.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 271 deletions
diff --git a/doc/html/compat.html b/doc/html/compat.html
deleted file mode 100644
index fd46ca4..0000000
--- a/doc/html/compat.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
- <head>
- <title>Backward/Forward Compatability</title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <h1>Backward/Forward Compatability</h1>
- <p>The HDF5 development must proceed in such a manner as to
- satisfy the following conditions:
- <ol type=A>
- <li>HDF5 applications can produce data that HDF5
- applications can read and write and HDF4 applications can produce
- data that HDF4 applications can read and write. The situation
- that demands this condition is obvious.</li>
- <li>HDF5 applications are able to produce data that HDF4 applications
- can read and HDF4 applications can subsequently modify the
- file subject to certain constraints depending on the
- implementation. This condition is for the temporary
- situation where a consumer has neither been relinked with a new
- HDF4 API built on top of the HDF5 API nor recompiled with the
- HDF5 API.</li>
- <li>HDF5 applications can read existing HDF4 files and subsequently
- modify the file subject to certain constraints depending on
- the implementation. This is condition is for the temporary
- situation in which the producer has neither been relinked with a
- new HDF4 API built on top of the HDF5 API nor recompiled with
- the HDF5 API, or the permanent situation of HDF5 consumers
- reading archived HDF4 files.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>There's at least one invarient: new object features introduced
- in the HDF5 file format (like 2-d arrays of structs) might be
- impossible to "translate" to a format that an old HDF4
- application can understand either because the HDF4 file format
- or the HDF4 API has no mechanism to describe the object.
- <p>What follows is one possible implementation based on how
- Condition B was solved in the AIO/PDB world. It also attempts
- to satisfy these goals:
- <ol type=1>
- <li>The main HDF5 library contains as little extra baggage as
- possible by either relying on external programs to take care
- of compatability issues or by incorporating the logic of such
- programs as optional modules in the HDF5 library. Conditions B
- and C are separate programs/modules.</li>
- <li>No extra baggage not only means the library proper is small,
- but also means it can be implemented (rather than migrated
- from HDF4 source) from the ground up with minimal regard for
- HDF4 thus keeping the logic straight forward.</li>
- <li>Compatability issues are handled behind the scenes when
- necessary (and possible) but can be carried out explicitly
- during things like data migration.</li>
- </ol>
- <hr>
- <h2>Wrappers</h2>
- <p>The proposed implementation uses <i>wrappers</i> to handle
- compatability issues. A Format-X file is <i>wrapped</i> in a
- Format-Y file by creating a Format-Y skeleton that replicates
- the Format-X meta data. The Format-Y skeleton points to the raw
- data stored in Format-X without moving the raw data. The
- restriction is that raw data storage methods in Format-Y is a
- superset of raw data storage methods in Format-X (otherwise the
- raw data must be copied to Format-Y). We're assuming that meta
- data is small wrt the entire file.
- <p>The wrapper can be a separate file that has pointers into the
- first file or it can be contained within the first file. If
- contained in a single file, the file can appear as a Format-Y
- file or simultaneously a Format-Y and Format-X file.
- <p>The Format-X meta-data can be thought of as the original
- wrapper around raw data and Format-Y is a second wrapper around
- the same data. The wrappers are independend of one another;
- modifying the meta-data in one wrapper causes the other to
- become out of date. Modification of raw data doesn't invalidate
- either view as long as the meta data that describes its storage
- isn't modifed. For instance, an array element can change values
- if storage is already allocated for the element, but if storage
- isn't allocated then the meta data describing the storage must
- change, invalidating all wrappers but one.
- <p>It's perfectly legal to modify the meta data of one wrapper
- without modifying the meta data in the other wrapper(s). The
- illegal part is accessing the raw data through a wrapper which
- is out of date.
- <p>If raw data is wrapped by more than one internal wrapper
- (<i>internal</i> means that the wrapper is in the same file as
- the raw data) then access to that file must assume that
- unreferenced parts of that file contain meta data for another
- wrapper and cannot be reclaimed as free memory.
- <hr>
- <h2>Implementation of Condition B</h2>
- <p>Since this is a temporary situation which can't be
- automatically detected by the HDF5 library, we must rely
- on the application to notify the HDF5 library whether or not it
- must satisfy Condition B. (Even if we don't rely on the
- application, at some point someone is going to remove the
- Condition B constraint from the library.) So the module that
- handles Condition B is conditionally compiled and then enabled
- on a per-file basis.
- <p>If the application desires to produce an HDF4 file (determined
- by arguments to <code>H5Fopen</code>), and the Condition B
- module is compiled into the library, then <code>H5Fclose</code>
- calls the module to traverse the HDF5 wrapper and generate an
- additional internal or external HDF4 wrapper (wrapper specifics
- are described below). If Condition B is implemented as a module
- then it can benefit from the metadata already cached by the main
- library.
- <p>An internal HDF4 wrapper would be used if the HDF5 file is
- writable and the user doesn't mind that the HDF5 file is
- modified. An external wrapper would be used if the file isn't
- writable or if the user wants the data file to be primarily HDF5
- but a few applications need an HDF4 view of the data.
- <p>Modifying through the HDF5 library an HDF5 file that has
- internal HDF4 wrapper should invalidate the HDF4 wrapper (and
- optionally regenerate it when <code>H5Fclose</code> is
- called). The HDF5 library must understand how wrappers work, but
- not necessarily anything about the HDF4 file format.
- <p>Modifying through the HDF5 library an HDF5 file that has an
- external HDF4 wrapper will cause the HDF4 wrapper to become out
- of date (but possibly regenerated during <code>H5Fclose</code>).
- <b>Note: Perhaps the next release of the HDF4 library should
- insure that the HDF4 wrapper file has a more recent modification
- time than the raw data file (the HDF5 file) to which it
- points(?)</b>
- <p>Modifying through the HDF4 library an HDF5 file that has an
- internal or external HDF4 wrapper will cause the HDF5 wrapper to
- become out of date. However, there is now way for the old HDF4
- library to notify the HDF5 wrapper that it's out of date.
- Therefore the HDF5 library must be able to detect when the HDF5
- wrapper is out of date and be able to fix it. If the HDF4
- wrapper is complete then the easy way is to ignore the original
- HDF5 wrapper and generate a new one from the HDF4 wrapper. The
- other approach is to compare the HDF4 and HDF5 wrappers and
- assume that if they differ HDF4 is the right one, if HDF4 omits
- data then it was because HDF4 is a partial wrapper (rather than
- assume HDF4 deleted the data), and if HDF4 has new data then
- copy the new meta data to the HDF5 wrapper. On the other hand,
- perhaps we don't need to allow these situations (modifying an
- HDF5 file with the old HDF4 library and then accessing it with
- the HDF5 library is either disallowed or causes HDF5 objects
- that can't be described by HDF4 to be lost).
- <p>To convert an HDF5 file to an HDF4 file on demand, one simply
- opens the file with the HDF4 flag and closes it. This is also
- how AIO implemented backward compatability with PDB in its file
- format.
- <hr>
- <h2>Implementation of Condition C</h2>
- <p>This condition must be satisfied for all time because there
- will always be archived HDF4 files. If a pure HDF4 file (that
- is, one without HDF5 meta data) is opened with an HDF5 library,
- the <code>H5Fopen</code> builds an internal or external HDF5
- wrapper and then accesses the raw data through that wrapper. If
- the HDF5 library modifies the file then the HDF4 wrapper becomes
- out of date. However, since the HDF5 library hasn't been
- released, we can at least implement it to disable and/or reclaim
- the HDF4 wrapper.
- <p>If an external and temporary HDF5 wrapper is desired, the
- wrapper is created through the cache like all other HDF5 files.
- The data appears on disk only if a particular cached datum is
- preempted. Instead of calling <code>H5Fclose</code> on the HDF5
- wrapper file we call <code>H5Fabort</code> which immediately
- releases all file resources without updating the file, and then
- we unlink the file from Unix.
- <hr>
- <h2>What do wrappers look like?</h2>
- <p>External wrappers are quite obvious: they contain only things
- from the format specs for the wrapper and nothing from the
- format specs of the format which they wrap.
- <p>An internal HDF4 wrapper is added to an HDF5 file in such a way
- that the file appears to be both an HDF4 file and an HDF5
- file. HDF4 requires an HDF4 file header at file offset zero. If
- a user block is present then we just move the user block down a
- bit (and truncate it) and insert the minimum HDF4 signature.
- The HDF4 <code>dd</code> list and any other data it needs are
- appended to the end of the file and the HDF5 signature uses the
- logical file length field to determine the beginning of the
- trailing part of the wrapper.
- <p>
- <center>
- <table border width="60%">
- <tr>
- <td>HDF4 minimal file header. Its main job is to point to
- the <code>dd</code> list at the end of the file.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>User-defined block which is truncated by the size of the
- HDF4 file header so that the HDF5 super block file address
- doesn't change.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>The HDF5 super block and data, unmodified by adding the
- HDF4 wrapper.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>The main part of the HDF4 wrapper. The <code>dd</code>
- list will have entries for all parts of the file so
- hdpack(?) doesn't (re)move anything.</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </center>
- <p>When such a file is opened by the HDF5 library for
- modification it shifts the user block back down to address zero
- and fills with zeros, then truncates the file at the end of the
- HDF5 data or adds the trailing HDF4 wrapper to the free
- list. This prevents HDF4 applications from reading the file with
- an out of date wrapper.
- <p>If there is no user block then we have a problem. The HDF5
- super block must be moved to make room for the HDF4 file header.
- But moving just the super block causes problems because all file
- addresses stored in the file are relative to the super block
- address. The only option is to shift the entire file contents
- by 512 bytes to open up a user block (too bad we don't have
- hooks into the Unix i-node stuff so we could shift the entire
- file contents by the size of a file system page without ever
- performing I/O on the file :-)
- <p>Is it possible to place an HDF5 wrapper in an HDF4 file? I
- don't know enough about the HDF4 format, but I would suspect it
- might be possible to open a hole at file address 512 (and
- possibly before) by moving some things to the end of the file
- to make room for the HDF5 signature. The remainder of the HDF5
- wrapper goes at the end of the file and entries are added to the
- HDF4 <code>dd</code> list to mark the location(s) of the HDF5
- wrapper.
- <hr>
- <h2>Other Thoughts</h2>
- <p>Conversion programs that copy an entire HDF4 file to a separate,
- self-contained HDF5 file and vice versa might be useful.
- <hr>
- <address><a href="">Robb Matzke</a></address>
-<!-- Created: Fri Oct 3 11:52:31 EST 1997 -->
-<!-- hhmts start -->
-Last modified: Wed Oct 8 12:34:42 EST 1997
-<!-- hhmts end -->
- </body>