path: root/fortran/test
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authorM. Scot Breitenfeld <>2019-05-22 19:09:17 (GMT)
committerM. Scot Breitenfeld <>2019-05-22 19:09:17 (GMT)
commit2c7924311198802b688e2270041cfbd472b8e0b2 (patch)
treeb02532d6308b455eb66faf8402bf386acc5949d5 /fortran/test
parent4673a34825fc246a62bbe9c7647792f2cb52921f (diff)
added H5Pset_vol
Diffstat (limited to 'fortran/test')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fortran/test/vol_connector.F90 b/fortran/test/vol_connector.F90
index 7f19d79..c2ee6dd 100644
--- a/fortran/test/vol_connector.F90
+++ b/fortran/test/vol_connector.F90
@@ -138,6 +138,99 @@ CONTAINS
END SUBROUTINE test_registration_by_value
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Function: test_registration_by_name()
+ !
+ ! Purpose: Tests if we can load, register, and close a VOL
+ ! connector by name.
+ !
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ SUBROUTINE test_registration_by_fapl(total_error)
+ INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: total_error
+ INTEGER :: error = 0
+ LOGICAL :: is_registered = .FALSE.
+ INTEGER(hid_t) :: vol_id = 0, vol_id_out = 1
+ CHARACTER(LEN=64) :: name
+ INTEGER(SIZE_T) :: name_len
+ INTEGER(hid_t) :: file_id
+ INTEGER :: cmp = -1
+ INTEGER(hid_t) :: fapl_id
+ TYPE(C_PTR) :: f_ptr
+ INTEGER(hid_t), TARGET :: under_fapl
+ CALL H5VLis_connector_registered_f( "FAKE_VOL_CONNECTOR_NAME", is_registered, error)
+ CALL check("H5VLis_connector_registered_f",error,total_error)
+ CALL VERIFY("H5VLis_connector_registered_f", is_registered, .FALSE., total_error)
+ ! The null VOL connector should not be registered at the start of the test
+ CALL H5VLis_connector_registered_f( "FAKE_VOL_CONNECTOR_NAME", is_registered, error)
+ CALL check("H5VLis_connector_registered_f",error,total_error)
+ CALL VERIFY("H5VLis_connector_registered_f", is_registered, .FALSE., total_error)
+ CALL H5VLregister_connector_by_name_f(NATIVE_VOL_CONNECTOR_NAME, vol_id, error)
+ CALL check("H5VLregister_connector_by_name_f",error,total_error)
+ ! The connector should be registered now
+ CALL H5VLis_connector_registered_f(NATIVE_VOL_CONNECTOR_NAME, is_registered, error)
+ CALL check("H5VLis_connector_registered_f",error,total_error)
+ CALL VERIFY("H5VLis_connector_registered_f", is_registered, .TRUE., total_error)
+ ! Register the connector
+ CALL H5Pcreate_f(H5P_FILE_ACCESS_F, fapl_id, error)
+ CALL check("H5Pcreate_f",error,total_error)
+ f_ptr = C_NULL_PTR
+ CALL H5Pset_vol_f(fapl_id, vol_id, f_ptr, error)
+ CALL check("H5Pset_vol_f",error,total_error)
+ CALL H5Pget_vol_id_f(fapl_id, vol_id_out, error)
+ CALL check("H5Pget_vol_id_f",error,total_error)
+ CALL VERIFY("H5Pget_vol_id_f", vol_id_out, vol_id, total_error)
+#if 0
+ CALL H5Pcreate_f(H5P_FILE_ACCESS_F, under_fapl, error)
+ CALL check("H5Pcreate_f",error,total_error)
+ f_ptr = C_LOC(under_fapl)
+ CALL H5Pset_vol_f(fapl_id, vol_id, f_ptr, error)
+ CALL check("H5Pset_vol_f",error,total_error)
+ CALL H5Pget_vol_id_f(fapl_id, vol_id_out, error)
+ CALL check("H5Pget_vol_id_f",error,total_error)
+ CALL VERIFY("H5Pget_vol_id_f", vol_id_out, vol_id, total_error)
+ CALL H5VLget_connector_id_f(NATIVE_VOL_CONNECTOR_NAME, vol_id_out, error)
+ CALL check("H5VLget_connector_id_f",error,total_error)
+ CALL VERIFY("H5VLget_connector_id_f", vol_id_out, vol_id, total_error)
+ CALL H5Fcreate_f("voltest.h5",H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, file_id, error, H5P_DEFAULT_F, fapl_id)
+ CALL check("H5F_create_f",error,total_error)
+ CALL H5VLclose_f(vol_id_out, error)
+ CALL check("H5VLclose_f",error, total_error)
+ CALL H5VLclose_f(vol_id, error)
+ CALL check("H5VLclose_f",error, total_error)
+ ! Unregister the connector
+ CALL H5VLunregister_connector_f(vol_id, error)
+ CALL check("H5VLunregister_connector_f", error, total_error)
+ CALL H5Fclose_f(file_id, error)
+ CALL check("H5Fclose_f",error,total_error)
+ CALL H5Pclose_f(fapl_id, error)
+ CALL check("H5Pclose_f",error,total_error)
+ END SUBROUTINE test_registration_by_fapl
@@ -172,6 +265,10 @@ PROGRAM vol_connector
CALL test_registration_by_value(ret_total_error)
CALL write_test_status(ret_total_error, ' Testing VOL registration by value', total_error)
+ ret_total_error = 0
+ CALL test_registration_by_fapl(ret_total_error)
+ CALL write_test_status(ret_total_error, ' Testing VOL registration by fapl', total_error)
WRITE(*, fmt = '(/18X,A)') '============================================'
WRITE(*, fmt = '(19X, A)', advance='NO') ' FORTRAN VOL tests completed with '
WRITE(*, fmt = '(I4)', advance='NO') total_error