path: root/release_docs/INSTALL
diff options
authorGlenn Song <>2024-02-14 13:37:18 (GMT)
committerGitHub <>2024-02-14 13:37:18 (GMT)
commit14ed93e749d1b12acc9a43ba41911a8475366f60 (patch)
treed9187b95b10eaa7de67aa9919786423078efcb02 /release_docs/INSTALL
parentbe956ea3021ac733dcc9cdec025ed87ea109fe33 (diff)
Update install texts (#4010)
* Update INSTALL_CMake.txt as necessary * Update remaining docs that use HDF5_USE_GNU_DIRS * Update options in HDFMacros in HDF5Examples
Diffstat (limited to 'release_docs/INSTALL')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 566 deletions
diff --git a/release_docs/INSTALL b/release_docs/INSTALL
deleted file mode 100644
index 369e270..0000000
--- a/release_docs/INSTALL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,566 +0,0 @@
-Instructions for the Installation of HDF5 Software
-This file provides instructions for installing the HDF5 software.
-For help with installing, questions can be posted to the HDF Forum or sent to the HDF Helpdesk:
- HDF Forum:
- HDF Helpdesk:
- 1. Obtaining HDF5
- 2. Quick installation
- 2.1. Windows
- 2.2. RedStorm (Cray XT3)
- 3. HDF5 dependencies
- 3.1. Zlib
- 3.2 Szip (optional)
- 3.3. MPI and MPI-IO
- 4. Full installation instructions for source distributions
- 4.1. Unpacking the distribution
- 4.1.1. Non-compressed tar archive (*.tar)
- 4.1.2. Compressed tar archive (*.tar.Z)
- 4.1.3. Gzip'd tar archive (*.tar.gz)
- 4.1.4. Bzip'd tar archive (*.tar.bz2)
- 4.2. Source versus build directories
- 4.3. Configuring
- 4.3.1. Specifying the installation directories
- 4.3.2. Using an alternate C compiler
- 4.3.3. Additional compilation flags
- 4.3.4. Compiling HDF5 wrapper libraries
- 4.3.5. Specifying other programs
- 4.3.6. Specifying other libraries and headers
- 4.3.7. Static versus shared linking
- 4.3.8. Optimization versus symbolic debugging
- 4.3.9. Parallel versus serial library
- 4.3.10. Threadsafe capability
- 4.3.11. Backward compatibility
- 4.4. Building
- 4.5. Testing
- 4.6. Installing HDF5
- 5. Using the Library
-1. Obtaining HDF5
- The latest supported public releases of HDF5 are available on
-2. Quick installation
- For those who don't like to read ;-) the following steps can be used
- to configure, build, test, and install the HDF5 library, header files,
- and support programs. For example, to install HDF5 version X.Y.Z at
- location /usr/local/hdf5, use the following steps.
- $ cd hdf5-X.Y.Z
- $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/hdf5 <more configure_flags>
- $ make
- $ make check # run test suite.
- $ make install
- $ make check-install # verify installation.
- <configure_flags> above refers to the configure flags appropriate
- to your installation. For example, to install HDF5 with the
- Fortran and C++ interfaces and with SZIP compression, the
- configure line might read as follows:
- $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/hdf5 --enable-fortran \
- --enable-cxx --with-szlib=PATH_TO_SZIP
- In this case, PATH_TO_SZIP would be replaced with the path to the
- installed location of the SZIP library.
-2.1. Windows
- Users of Microsoft Windows should see the INSTALL_Windows files for
- detailed instructions.
-2.2. RedStorm (Cray XT3)
- Users of the Red Storm machine, after reading this file, should read
- the Red Storm section in the INSTALL_parallel file for specific
- instructions for the Red Storm machine. The same instructions would
- probably work for other Cray XT3 systems, but they have not been
- verified.
-3. HDF5 dependencies
-3.1. Zlib
- The HDF5 library includes a predefined compression filter that
- uses the "deflate" method for chunked datasets. If zlib-1.1.2 or
- later is found, HDF5 will use it. Otherwise, HDF5's predefined
- compression method will degenerate to a no-op; the compression
- filter will succeed but the data will not be compressed.
-3.2. Szip (optional)
- The HDF5 library includes a predefined compression filter that
- uses the extended-Rice lossless compression algorithm for chunked
- datasets. For information on Szip compression, license terms,
- and obtaining the Szip source code, see:
- Building instructions are available with the Szip source code.
- The HDF Group does not distribute separate Szip precompiled libraries,
- but the HDF5 pre-built binaries provided on The HDF Group download page
- include the Szip library with the encoder enabled. These can be found
- here:
- To configure the HDF5 library with the Szip compression filter, use
- the '--with-szlib=/PATH_TO_SZIP' flag. For more information, see
- section 4.3.7, "Specifying other libraries and headers."
- Please notice that if HDF5 configure cannot find a valid Szip library,
- configure will not fail; in this case, the compression filter will
- not be available to the applications.
- To check if Szip compression was successfully configured in,
- check the "I/O filters (external):" line in the configure output,
- summary section, printed to the standard output.
-3.3. MPI and MPI-IO
- The parallel version of the library is built upon the foundation
- provided by MPI and MPI-IO. If these libraries are not available
- when HDF5 is configured, only a serial version of HDF5 can be built.
-4. Full installation instructions for source distributions
-4.1. Unpacking the distribution
- The HDF5 source code is distributed in a variety of formats which
- can be unpacked with the following commands, each of which creates an
- 'hdf5-X.Y.Z' directory, where X.Y.Z is the HDF5 version numbers.
-4.1.1. Non-compressed tar archive (*.tar)
- $ tar xf hdf5-X.Y.Z.tar
-4.1.2. Compressed tar archive (*.tar.Z)
- $ uncompress -c < hdf5-X.Y.Z.tar.Z | tar xf -
- Or
- $ tar Zxf hdf5-X.Y.Z.tar.Z
-4.1.3. Gzip'd tar archive (*.tar.gz)
- $ gunzip < hdf5-X.Y.Z.tar.gz | tar xf -
- Or
- $ tar zxf hdf5-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
-4.1.4. Bzip'd tar archive (*.tar.bz2)
- $ bunzip2 < hdf5-X.Y.Z.tar.bz2 | tar xf -
- Or
- $ tar jxf hdf5-X.Y.Z.tar.bz2
-4.2. Source versus build directories
- On most systems the build can occur in a directory other than the
- source directory, allowing multiple concurrent builds and/or
- read-only source code. In order to accomplish this, one should
- create a build directory, cd into that directory, and run the
- `configure' script found in the source directory (configure
- details are below). For example,
- $ mkdir built-fortran
- $ cd build-fortran
- $ ../hdf5-X.Y.Z/configure --enable-fortran ...
-4.3. Configuring
- HDF5 uses the GNU autoconf system for configuration, which
- detects various features of the host system and creates the
- Makefiles. On most systems it should be sufficient to say:
- $ ./configure
- Or
- $ sh configure
- The configuration process can be controlled through environment
- variables, command-line switches, and host configuration files.
- For a complete list of switches type:
- $ ./configure --help
- The host configuration files are located in the `config'
- directory and are based on architecture name, vendor name, and/or
- operating system which are displayed near the beginning of the
- `configure' output. The host config file influences the behavior
- of configure by setting or augmenting shell variables.
-4.3.1. Specifying the installation directories
- The default installation location is the HDF5 directory created in
- the build directory. Typing `make install' will install the HDF5
- library, header files, examples, and support programs in hdf5/lib,
- hdf5/include, hdf5/doc/hdf5/examples, and hdf5/bin. To use a path
- other than hdf5, specify the path with the `--prefix=PATH' switch:
- $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
- If shared libraries are being built (the default), the final
- home of the shared library must be specified with this switch
- before the library and executables are built.
- HDF5 can be installed into a different location than the prefix
- specified at configure time; see section 4.6, "Installing HDF5,"
- for more details.
-4.3.2. Using an alternate C compiler
- By default, configure will look for the C compiler by trying
- `gcc' and `cc'. However, if the environment variable "CC" is set
- then its value is used as the C compiler. For instance, one would
- use the following line to specify the native C compiler on a system
- that also has the GNU gcc compiler (users of csh and derivatives
- will need to prefix the commands below with `env'):
- $ CC=cc ./configure
- A parallel version of HDF5 can be built by specifying `mpicc'
- as the C compiler. (The `--enable-parallel' flag documented
- below is optional in this case.) Using the `mpicc' compiler
- will insure that the correct MPI and MPI-IO header files and
- libraries are used.
- $ CC=/usr/local/mpi/bin/mpicc ./configure
-4.3.3. Additional compilation flags
- If additional flags must be passed to the compilation commands,
- specify those flags with the CFLAGS variable. For instance,
- to enable symbolic debugging of a production version of HDF5, one
- might say:
- $ CFLAGS=-g ./configure --enable-build-mode=production
-4.3.4. Compiling HDF5 wrapper libraries
- One can optionally build the Fortran, C++, and Java interfaces to
- the HDF5 C library. By default, these options are disabled. To build
- them, specify '--enable-fortran', '--enable-cxx', or '--enable-java',
- respectively.
- $ ./configure --enable-fortran
- $ ./configure --enable-cxx
- $ ./configure --enable-java
- Configuration will halt if a working Fortran 90 or 95 compiler or
- C++ compiler is not found. Currently, the Fortran configure tests
- for these compilers in order: f90, pgf90, f95. To use an
- alternate compiler specify it with the FC variable:
- $ FC=/usr/local/bin/g95 ./configure --enable-fortran
-4.3.5. Specifying other programs
- The build system has been tuned for use with GNU make but also
- works with other versions of make. If the `make' command runs a
- non-GNU version but a GNU version is available under a different
- name (perhaps `gmake'), then HDF5 can be configured to use it by
- setting the MAKE variable. Note that whatever value is used for
- MAKE must also be used as the make command when building the
- library:
- $ MAKE=gmake ./configure
- $ gmake
- The `AR' and `RANLIB' variables can also be set to the names of
- the `ar' and `ranlib' (or `:') commands to override values
- detected by configure.
- The HDF5 library, include files, and utilities are installed
- during `make install' (described below) with a BSD-compatible
- install program detected automatically by configure. If none is
- found, the shell script bin/install-sh is used. Configure does not
- check that the install script actually works; if a bad install is
- detected on your system (e.g., on the ASCI blue machine as of
- March 2, 1999) you have two choices:
- 1. Copy the bin/install-sh program to your $HOME/bin
- directory, name it `install', and make sure that $HOME/bin
- is searched before the system bin directories.
- 2. Specify the full path name of the `install-sh' program
- as the value of the INSTALL environment variable. Note: do
- not use `cp' or some other program in place of install
- because the HDF5 makefiles also use the install program to
- change file ownership and/or access permissions.
-4.3.6. Specifying other libraries and headers
- Configure searches the standard places (those places known by the
- systems compiler) for include files and header files. However,
- additional directories can be specified by using the CPPFLAGS
- and/or LDFLAGS variables:
- $ CPPFLAGS=-I/home/robb/include \
- LDFLAGS=-L/home/robb/lib \
- ./configure
- HDF5 uses the zlib library to support the HDF5 deflate
- data compression filter. Configure searches the standard places
- (plus those specified above with the CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS variables)
- for the zlib headers and library. The search can be disabled by
- specifying `--without-zlib' or alternate directories can be specified
- with `--with-zlib=INCDIR,LIBDIR' or through the CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS
- variables:
- $ ./configure --with-zlib=/usr/unsup/include,/usr/unsup/lib
- $ CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/unsup/include \
- LDFLAGS=-L/usr/unsup/lib \
- ./configure
- HDF5 includes Szip as a predefined compression method (see 3.2).
- To enable Szip compression, the HDF5 library must be configured
- and built using the Szip library:
- $ ./configure --with-szlib=/Szip_Install_Directory
-4.3.7. Static versus shared linking
- The build process will create static libraries on all systems and
- shared libraries on systems that support dynamic linking to a
- sufficient degree. Either form of the library may be suppressed by
- saying `--disable-static' or `--disable-shared'.
- $ ./configure --disable-shared
- Shared C++ and Fortran libraries will be built if shared libraries
- are enabled.
- To build only statically linked executables on platforms which
- support shared libraries, use the `--enable-static-exec' flag.
- $ ./configure --enable-static-exec
-4.3.8. Optimization versus symbolic debugging
- The library can be compiled to provide symbolic debugging support
- so it can be debugged with gdb, dbx, ddd, etc., or it can be
- compiled with various optimizations. To compile for symbolic
- debugging (the default for snapshots), say
- `--enable-build-mode=debug'; to compile with optimizations
- (the default for supported public releases),
- say `--enable-build-mode=production'. For a 'clean slate' configuration
- with optimization disabled and nothing turned on,
- say `--enable-build-mode=clean'. On some systems the
- library can also be compiled for profiling with gprof by saying
- `--enable-profiling'.
- $ ./configure --enable-build-mode=debug #symbolic debugging
- $ ./configure --enable-build-mode=production #optimized code
- $ ./configure --enable-build-mode=clean #'clean slate'
- $ ./configure --enable-profiling #for use with gprof
- Regardless of whether support for symbolic debugging is enabled,
- the library can also perform runtime debugging of certain packages
- (such as type conversion execution times and extensive invariant
- condition checking). To enable this debugging, supply a
- comma-separated list of package names to the `--enable-internal-debug'
- switch.
- Debugging can be disabled by saying `--disable-internal-debug'.
- The default debugging level for snapshots is a subset of the
- available packages; the default for supported releases is no
- debugging (debugging can incur a significant runtime penalty).
- $ ./configure --enable-internal-debug=s,t #debug only H5S and H5T
- $ ./configure --enable-internal-debug #debug normal packages
- $ ./configure --enable-internal-debug=all #debug all packages
- $ ./configure --disable-internal-debug #no debugging
- HDF5 can also print a trace of all API function calls, their
- arguments, and the return values. To enable or disable the
- ability to trace the API say `--enable-trace' (the default for
- snapthots) or `--disable-trace' (the default for public releases).
- The tracing must also be enabled at runtime to see any output.
-4.3.9. Parallel versus serial library
- The HDF5 library can be configured to use MPI and MPI-IO for
- parallelism on a distributed multi-processor system. Read the
- file INSTALL_parallel for detailed information.
- The threadsafe, C++ and Java interfaces are not compatible
- with the parallel option.
- Unless --enable-unsupported has been specified on the configure line,
- the following options must be disabled:
- --enable-threadsafe, --enable-cxx, --enable-java
-4.3.10. Threadsafe capability
- The HDF5 library can be configured to be thread-safe (on a very
- large scale) with the `--enable-threadsafe' flag to the configure
- script. Some platforms may also require the '-with-pthread=INC,LIB'
- (or '--with-pthread=DIR') flag to the configure script.
- For further information, see:
- The high-level, C++, Fortran and Java interfaces are not compatible
- with the thread-safety option because the lock is not hoisted
- into the higher-level API calls.
- Unless --enable-unsupported has been specified on the configure line,
- the following options must be disabled:
- --enable-hl, --enable-cxx, --enable-fortran, --enable-java
-4.3.11. Backward compatibility
- The 1.15 version of the HDF5 library can be configured to operate
- identically to the v1.14 library with the
- --with-default-api-version=v114
- identically to the v1.12 library with the
- --with-default-api-version=v112
- configure flag, or identically to the v1.10 library with the
- --with-default-api-version=v110
- configure flag, or identically to the v1.8 library with the
- --with-default-api-version=v18
- configure flag, or identically to the v1.6 library with the
- --with-default-api-version=v16
- configure flag. This allows existing code to be compiled with the
- v1.15 library without requiring immediate changes to the application
- source code. For additional configuration options and other details,
- see "API Compatibility Macros":
-4.4. Building
- The library, confidence tests, and programs can be built by
- specifying:
- $ make
- Note that if you have supplied some other make command via the MAKE
- variable during the configuration step, that same command must be
- used here.
- When using GNU make, you can add `-j -l6' to the make command to
- compile in parallel on SMP machines. Do not give a number after
- the `-j' since GNU make will turn it off for recursive invocations
- of make.
- $ make -j -l6
-4.4. Building doxygen
- One can optionally build the doxygen files for the HDF5 C library.
- By default, this option is disabled. To build the html files, specify
- '--enable-doxygen'.
- $ ./configure --enable-doxygen
- Configuration will halt if the required applications are not available.
- To build:
- $ make doxygen
-4.5. Testing
- HDF5 comes with various test suites, all of which can be run by
- specifying:
- $ make check
- To run only the tests for the library, change to the `test'
- directory before issuing the command. Similarly, tests for the
- parallel aspects of the library are in `testpar' and tests for
- the support programs are in `tools'.
- The `check' consists of two sub-tests, check-s and check-p, which
- are for serial and parallel tests, respectively. Since serial tests
- and parallel tests must be run with single and multiple processes
- respectively, the two sub-tests work nicely for batch systems in
- which the number of processes is fixed per batch job. One may submit
- one batch job, requesting 1 process, to run all the serial tests by
- "make check-s"; and submit another batch job, requesting multiple
- processes, to run all the parallel tests by "make check-p".
- Temporary files will be deleted by each test when it completes,
- but may continue to exist in an incomplete state if the test
- fails. To prevent deletion of the files, define the HDF5_NOCLEANUP
- environment variable.
- The HDF5 tests can take a long time to run on some systems. To perform
- a faster (but less thorough) test, set the HDF5TestExpress environment
- variable to 2 or 3 (with 3 being the shortest run). To perform a
- longer test, set HDF5TestExpress to 0. 3 is the default.
-4.6. Installing HDF5
- The HDF5 library, include files, and support programs can be
- installed by specifying `make install'. The files are installed under the
- directory specified with `--prefix=DIR' (or if not specified, in 'hdf5'
- in the top directory of the HDF5 source code). They will be
- placed in directories named `lib', `include', and `bin'. The directories,
- if not existing, will be created automatically, provided the mkdir command
- supports the -p option.
- If `make install' fails because the install command at your site
- somehow fails, you may use the install-sh that comes with the
- source. You will need to run ./configure again.
- $ INSTALL="$PWD/bin/install-sh -c" ./configure ...
- $ make install
- If you want to install HDF5 in a location other than the location
- specified by the `--prefix=DIR' flag during configuration (or
- instead of the default location, `hdf5'), you can do that
- by running the deploy script:
- $ bin/deploy NEW_DIR
- This will install HDF5 in NEW_DIR. Alternately, you can do this
- manually by issuing the command:
- $ make install prefix=NEW_DIR
- where NEW_DIR is the new directory where you wish to install HDF5.
- If you do not use the deploy script, you should run h5redeploy in
- NEW_DIR/bin directory. This utility will fix the h5cc, h5fc and
- h5c++ scripts to reflect the new NEW_DIR location.
- The library can be used without installing it by pointing the
- compiler at the `src' and 'src/.libs' directory for include files and
- libraries. However, the minimum which must be installed to make
- the library publicly available is:
- The library:
- ./src/.libs/libhdf5.a
- The public header files:
- ./src/H5*public.h, ./src/H5public.h
- ./src/H5FD*.h except ./src/H5FDprivate.h,
- ./src/H5api_adpt.h
- The main header file:
- ./src/hdf5.h
- The configuration information:
- ./src/H5pubconf.h
- The support programs that are useful are:
- ./tools/h5ls/h5ls (list file contents)
- ./tools/h5dump/h5dump (dump file contents)
- ./tools/misc/h5repart (repartition file families)
- ./tools/misc/h5debug (low-level file debugging)
- ./tools/h5import/h5import (imports data to HDF5 file)
- ./tools/h5diff/h5diff (compares two HDF5 files)
- ./tools/gifconv/h52gif (HDF5 to GIF converter)
- ./tools/gifconv/gif2h5 (GIF to HDF5 converter)
-5. Using the Library
- For information on using HDF5 see the documentation, tutorials and examples
- found here:
- A summary of the features included in the built HDF5 installation can be found
- in the libhdf5.settings file in the same directory as the static and/or
- shared HDF5 libraries.