path: root/release_docs/README_HPC
diff options
authorLarry Knox <>2019-03-05 23:23:56 (GMT)
committerLarry Knox <>2019-03-05 23:23:56 (GMT)
commit775e3740d64ca9a8a31ded673e93815d76387dad (patch)
tree22423ea749f370e97a0923d5aa567cea45cd3728 /release_docs/README_HPC
parent5182e73d5e0ef7130622fb6f74449c947d7d8036 (diff)
Update documents following DHF5 1.10.5 release.
Diffstat (limited to 'release_docs/README_HPC')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/release_docs/README_HPC b/release_docs/README_HPC
index bdeab67..67a5d6c 100644
--- a/release_docs/README_HPC
+++ b/release_docs/README_HPC
@@ -1,79 +1,206 @@
-HDF5 version 1.11.4 currently under development
-HDF5 source tar files with the HPC prefix are intended for use on clusters where
-configuration and build steps will be done on a login node and executable and
-lib files that are built will be run on compute nodes.
-Note these differences from the regular CMake tar and zip files:
- - Test programs produced by this tar file will be run using batch scripts.
- - Serial and parallel HDF5options.cmake files, using parallel options by default.
-Note also that options are now available in HDF5 source to facilitate use of
-toolchain files for using cross compilers available on login nodes to compile
-HDF5 for compute nodes.
-Instructions to configure build and test HDF5 using CMake:
-1. The cmake version must be 3.10 or later (cmake --version).
-2. Load or switch modules and set CC, FC, CXX for compilers desired.
-3. run to configure, build, test and package HDF5 with CMake.
- Simple script for running CMake to configure, build,
- test, and package HDF5.
-CTestScript.cmake CMake script to configure, build, test and package
- HDF5.
-hdf5-<version> HDF5 source for <version>.
-HDF5config.cmake CMake script to configure, build, test and package
- HDF5.
-HDF5Examples Source for HDF5 Examples.
-HDF5options.cmake symlink to parallel or serial HDF5options.cmake files.
- Default is parallel file, which builds and tests both
- serial and parallel C and Fortran wrappers.
- To build serial only, C Fortran and C++ wrappers, delete
- The HDF5options.cmake link and run
- 'ln -s ser-HDF5options.cmake HDF5options.cmake' to switch.
-par-HDF5options.cmake Options file for HDF5 serial and parallel build and test.
-ser-HDF5options.cmake Options file for HDF5 serial only build and test.
-SZip.tar.gz Source for building SZip.
-ZLib.tar.gz Source for buildng Zlib.
-To cross compile with this HPC-CMake tar.gz HDF5 source file:
-On Cray XC40 haswell login node for knl compute nodes using CMake and Cray modules:
- 1. Uncomment line in HDF5options.txt to use a toolchain file - line 106 for
- config/toolchain/crayle.cmake.
- 2. Uncomment lines 110, 111, and 115 - 122 of HDF5options.cmake.
- Line 110 allows configuring to complete on the haswell node.
- Line 111 switches the compiler to build files for knl nodes.
- Lines 115 - 122 set up test files to use sbatch to run build tests
- in batch jobs on a knl compute node with 6 processes.
- 3. Compiler module may be the default PrgEnv-intel/6.0.4 to use
- intel/18.0.2 or other intel, PrgEnv-cray/6.0.4 to use cce/8.7.4,
- or PrgEnv-gnu/6.0.4 for GCC compilers. PrgEnv-pgi/6.0.4 is also
- available but has not been tested with this tar file.
- 4. These CMake options are set in config/toolchain/crayle.cmake:
- set(CMAKE_COMPILER_VENDOR "CrayLinuxEnvironment")
- set(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER ftn)
- 5. Settings for two other cross-compiling options are also in the
- config/toolchain files which do not seem to be necessary with the
- Cray PrgEnv-* modules
- a. HDF5_USE_PREGEN. This option, along with the HDF5_USE_PREGEN_DIR
- CMake variable would allow the use of an appropriate H5Tinit.c
- file with type information generated on a compute node to be used
- when cross compiling for those compute nodes. The use of the
- variables in lines 110 and 111 of HDF5options.cmake file seem to
- preclude needing this option with the available Cray modules and
- CMake options.
- b. HDF5_BATCH_H5DETECT and associated CMake variables. This option
- when properly configured will run H5detect in a batch job on a
- compute node at the beginning of the CMake build process. It
- was also found to be unnecessary with the available Cray modules
- and CMake options.
+* Using CMake to build and test HDF5 source on HPC machines *
+ Contents
+Section I: Prerequisites
+Section II: Obtain HDF5 source
+Section III: Using ctest command to build and test
+Section IV: Cross compiling
+Section V: Manual alternatives
+Section VI: Other cross compiling options
+I. Prerequisites
+ 1. Create a working directory that is accessible from the compute nodes for
+ running tests; the working directory should be in a scratch space or a
+ parallel file system space since testing will use this space. Building
+ from HDF5 source in a 'home' directory typically results in test
+ failures and should be avoided.
+ 2. Load modules for desired compilers, module for cmake version 3.10 or greater,
+ and set any needed environment variables for compilers (i.e., CC, FC, CXX).
+ Unload any problematic modules (i.e., craype-hugepages2M).
+II. Obtain HDF5 source
+Obtain HDF5 source code from the HDF5 repository using a git command or
+from a release tar file in a working directory:
+ git clone
+ [-b branch] [source directory]
+If no branch is specified, then the 'develop' version will be checked out.
+If no source directory is specified, then the source will be located in the
+'hdf5' directory. The Cmake scripts expect the source to be in a directory
+named hdf5-<version string>, where 'version string' uses the format '1.xx.xx'.
+For example, for the current 'develop' version, the "hdf5" directory should
+be renamed "hdf5-1.11.4", or for the first hdf5_1_10_5 pre-release version,
+it should be renamed "hdf5-1.10.5-pre1".
+If the version number is not known a priori, the version string
+can be obtained by running bin/h5vers in the top level directory of the source clone, and
+the source directory renamed 'hdf5-<version string>'.
+Release or snapshot tar files may also be extracted and used.
+III. Using ctest command to build and test
+The ctest command [1]:
+ ctest -S HDF5config.cmake,BUILD_GENERATOR=Unix -C Release -V -O hdf5.log
+will configure, build, test and package HDF5 from the downloaded source
+after the setup steps outlined below are followed.
+CMake option variables are available to allow running test programs in batch
+scripts on compute nodes and to cross-compile for compute node hardware using
+a cross-compiling emulator. The setup steps will make default settings for
+parallel or serial only builds available to the CMake command.
+ 1. For the current 'develop' version the "hdf5" directory should be renamed
+ "hdf5-1.11.4".
+ 2. Three cmake script files need to be copied to the working directory, or
+ have symbolic links to them, created in the working directory:
+ hdf5-1.11.4/config/cmake/scripts/HDF5config.cmake
+ hdf5-1.11.4/config/cmake/scripts/CTestScript.cmake
+ hdf5-1.11.4/config/cmake/scripts/HDF5options.cmake
+ should be copied to the working directory.
+ 3. The resulting contents of the working directory are then:
+ CTestScript.cmake
+ HDF5config.cmake
+ HDF5options.cmake
+ hdf5-1.11.4
+ Additionally, when the ctest command runs [1], it will add a build directory
+ in the working directory.
+ 4. The following options (among others) can be added to the ctest
+ command [1], following '-S HDF5config.cmake,' and separated by ',':
+ HPC=sbatch (or 'bsub' or 'raybsub') indicates which type of batch
+ files to use for running tests. If omitted, test
+ will run on the local machine or login node.
+ KNL=true to cross-compile for KNL compute nodes on CrayXC40
+ (see section IV)
+ MPI=true enables parallel, disables c++, java, and threadsafe
+ LOCAL_BATCH_SCRIPT_ARGS="--account=<account#>" to supply user account
+ information for batch jobs
+ The HPC options will add BUILD_GENERATOR=Unix for the three HPC options.
+ An example ctest command for a parallel build on a system using sbatch is
+ ctest -S HDF5config.cmake,HPC=sbatch,MPI=true -C Release -V -O hdf5.log
+ Adding the option 'KNL=true' to the above list will compile for KNL nodes,
+ for example, on 'mutrino' and other CrayXC40 machines.
+ Changing -V to -VV will produce more logging information in HDF5.log.
+ More detailed CMake information can be found in the HDF5 source in
+ release_docs/INSTALL_CMake.txt.
+IV. Cross-compiling
+For cross-compiling on Cray, set environment variables CC=cc, FC=ftn
+and CXX=CC (for c++) after all compiler modules are loaded since switching
+compiler modules may unset or reset these variables.
+CMake provides options for cross-compiling. To cross-compile for KNL hardware
+on mutrino and other CrayXC40 machines, add HPC=sbatch,KNL=true to the
+ctest command line. This will set the following options from the
+config/cmake/scripts/HPC/sbatch-HDF5options.cmake file:
+ set (COMPILENODE_HWCOMPILE_MODULE "craype-haswell")
+ set (COMPUTENODE_HWCOMPILE_MODULE "craype-mic-knl")
+On the Cray XC40 the craype-haswell module is needed for configuring, and the
+craype-mic-knl module is needed for building to run on the KNL nodes. CMake
+with the above options will swap modules after configuring is complete,
+but before compiling programs for KNL.
+The sbatch script arguments for running jobs on KNL nodes may differ on CrayXC40
+machines other than mutrino. The batch scripts and
+have the correct arguments for mutrino: "#SBATCH -p knl -C quad,cache". For
+cori, another CrayXC40, that line is replaced by "#SBATCH -C knl,quad,cache".
+For cori (and other machines), the values in LOCAL_BATCH_SCRIPT_NAME and
+LOCAL_BATCH_SCRIPT_PARALLEL_NAME in the config/cmake/scripts/HPC/sbatch-HDF5options.cmake
+file can be replaced by and, or the lines
+can be edited in the batch files in hdf5-1.11.4/bin/batch.
+V. Manual alternatives
+If using ctest is undesirable, one can create a build directory and run the cmake
+configure command, for example
+-C "<working directory>/hdf5-1.11.4/config/cmake/cacheinit.cmake"
+-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=<working directory>/HDF_Group/HDF5/1.11.4
+-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:STRING=config/toolchain/crayle.cmake -DSITE:STRING=mutrino
+"-GUnix Makefiles" "" "<working directory>/hdf5-1.11.4"
+followed by make and batch jobs to run tests.
+To cross-compile on CrayXC40, run the configure command with the craype-haswell
+module loaded, then switch to the craype-mic-knl module for the build process.
+Tests on machines using slurm can be run with
+"sbatch -p knl -C quad,cache"
+"sbatch -p knl -C quad,cache"
+for parallel builds.
+Tests on machines using LSF will typically use "bsub ctestS.lsf", etc.
+VI. Other cross compiling options
+Settings for two other cross-compiling options are also in the config/toolchain
+files which do not seem to be necessary with the Cray PrgEnv-* modules
+1. HDF5_USE_PREGEN. This option, along with the HDF5_USE_PREGEN_DIR CMake
+ variable would allow the use of an appropriate H5Tinit.c file with type
+ information generated on a compute node to be used when cross compiling
+ for those compute nodes. The use of the variables in lines 110 and 111
+ of HDF5options.cmake file seem to preclude needing this option with the
+ available Cray modules and CMake option.
+2. HDF5_BATCH_H5DETECT and associated CMake variables. This option when
+ properly configured will run H5detect in a batch job on a compute node
+ at the beginning of the CMake build process. It was also found to be
+ unnecessary with the available Cray modules and CMake options.