path: root/windows/tools/dumptest.bat
diff options
authorQuincey Koziol <>2006-07-14 05:41:50 (GMT)
committerQuincey Koziol <>2006-07-14 05:41:50 (GMT)
commitb69cf7ea840f2c34dd5b4368c8e52beb815b48f0 (patch)
treed20838ffb617c8c030924baec220987c218ff42e /windows/tools/dumptest.bat
parent801b5b09f26dac69e77bb4a794f2785977f9eb7e (diff)
[svn-r12464] Changed "eol-style" property on all Windows-specific files to be "CRLF"
instead of "native".
Diffstat (limited to 'windows/tools/dumptest.bat')
1 files changed, 659 insertions, 659 deletions
diff --git a/windows/tools/dumptest.bat b/windows/tools/dumptest.bat
index ea21fc3..4c400b3 100755
--- a/windows/tools/dumptest.bat
+++ b/windows/tools/dumptest.bat
@@ -1,659 +1,659 @@
-@REM Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
-@REM All rights reserved.
-@REM This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
-@REM terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
-@REM the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
-@REM of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
-@REM root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
-@REM is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
-@REM If you do not have
-@REM access to either file, you may request a copy from
-@echo off
-::This batch file is for h5dump general and xml tests.
-:: dumptest release -- release static version
-:: dumptest debug -- debug static version
-:: dumptest release dll -- release dll version
-:: dumptest debug dll -- debug dll version
-:: Written By: Fang GUO
-:: Date : Jan. 12, 2006
-:: Track total number of testing errors
- set /A totalerr=0
- set /A totalskip=0
-:: Generate a new temp directory for test h5dump
- :: Make a temporary directory for h5dump test
- mkdir temptest
-:: Set the Environment Variables & Change Dir to Dir with h5dump.EXE
- :: The first incoming parameter should be configuration (debug or release)
- set p1=%1
- :: The second parameter should be the types of library (dll or blank)
- set p2=%2
- :: Before comparison between expected file and the actual outputfile,
- :: Ignore the first line in actual outputfile and the first four lines
- :: in the expected output file
- set ln=1
- set ln_exp=4
- :: Save the tests output into a temporary file
- set tempResults=dumptest%2_%1.txt
- type nul > %tempResults%
- :: Define the .exe file based on the second parameter
- set exefile=h5dump%p2%
- :: For convenience, set a variable for the sub batch file
- set tooltest=..\..\tooltest
- :: For convenience, set variable for all testfiles/*.h5 files
- for %%i in (testfiles\t*.h5) do set %%~ni=..\..\%%i
- :: Special cases: the following are not .h5 files but needed in the tests
- for %%i in (tsplit_file tmulti) do (
- set %%i=..\..\testfiles\%%i
- )
- :: Havn't find a way to use % inside a variable name
- set tfamily05d=..\..\testfiles\tfamily%%05d.h5
- :: Change the directory to dir including .exe file
- cd h5dump%p2%\%p1%
-::Test h5dump with different options
-echo. h5dump%2 %1 T E S T S
-::test for displaying groups
-set flag=%tgroup%
-call %tooltest% tgroup-1.ddl
-::test for displaying the selected groups
-set flag=--group=/g2 --group / -g /y %tgroup%
-call %tooltest% tgroup-2.ddl
-:: -----------------------------------------
-:: test for displaying simple space datasets
-set flag=%tdset%
-call %tooltest% tdset-1.ddl
-::test for displaying selected datasets
-set flag=-H -d dset1 -d /dset2 --dataset=dset3 %tdset%
-call %tooltest% tdset-2.ddl
-::test for displaying attributes
-set flag=%tattr%
-call %tooltest% tattr-1.ddl
-::test for displaying the selected attributes of string type and scalar space
-set flag=-a /attr1 --attribute /attr4 --attribute=/attr5 %tattr%
-call %tooltest% tattr-2.ddl
-::test for header and error messages
-set flag=--header -a /attr2 --attribute=/attr %tattr%
-call %tooltest% tattr-3.ddl
-::test for displaying attributes in shared datatype (also in group and dataset)
-set flag=%tnamed_dtype_attr%
-call %tooltest% tnamed_dtype_attr.ddl
-::test for displaying soft links
-set flag=%tslink%
-call %tooltest% tslink-1.ddl
-::test for displaying the selected link
-set flag=-l slink2 %tslink%
-call %tooltest% tslink-2.ddl
-::tests for hard links
-set flag=%thlink%
-call %tooltest% thlink-1.ddl
-set flag=-d /g1/dset2 --dataset /dset1 --dataset=/g1/g1.1/dset3 %thlink%
-call %tooltest% thlink-2.ddl
-set flag=-d /g1/g1.1/dset3 --dataset /g1/dset2 --dataset=/dset1 %thlink%
-call %tooltest% thlink-3.ddl
-set flag=-g /g1 %thlink%
-call %tooltest% thlink-4.ddl
-set flag=-d /dset1 -g /g2 -d /g1/dset2 %thlink%
-call %tooltest% thlink-5.ddl
-::tests for compound data types
-set flag=%tcompound%
-call %tooltest% tcomp-1.ddl
-::test for named data types
-set flag=-t /type1 --datatype /type2 --datatype=/group1/type3 %tcompound%
-call %tooltest% tcomp-2.ddl
-::test for unamed type
-set flag=-t /#6632:0 -g /group2 %tcompound%
-call %tooltest% tcomp-3.ddl
-::test complicated compound datatype
-set flag=%tcompound_complex%
-call %tooltest% tcomp-4.ddl
-::test for the nested compound type
-set flag=%tnestedcomp%
-call %tooltest% tnestcomp-1.ddl
-::test for options
-set flag=%tall%
-call %tooltest% tall-1.ddl
-set flag=--header -g /g1/g1.1 -a attr2 %tall%
-call %tooltest% tall-2.ddl
-set flag=-d /g2/dset2.1 -l /g1/g1.2/g1.2.1/slink %tall%
-call %tooltest% tall-3.ddl
-::test for loop detection
-set flag=%tloop%
-call %tooltest% tloop-1.ddl
-::test for string
-set flag=%tstr%
-call %tooltest% tstr-1.ddl
-set flag=%tstr2%
-call %tooltest% tstr-2.ddl
-::test for file created by Lib SAF team
-set flag=%tsaf%
-call %tooltest% tsaf.ddl
-::test for file with variable length data
-set tvldtypes=..\..\testfiles\tvldtypes
-for %%v in (1 2 3 4 5) do (
-set flag=%tvldtypes%%%v.h5
-call %tooltest% tvldtypes%%v.ddl
-set tvldtypes=
-::test for file with variable length string data
-set flag=%tvlstr%
-call %tooltest% tvlstr.ddl
-::test for files with array data
-set tarray=..\..\testfiles\tarray
-for /L %%v in (1,1,7) do (
-set flag=%tarray%%%v%.h5
-call %tooltest% tarray%%v.ddl
-set tarray=
-::test for files with empty data
-set flag=%tempty%
-call %tooltest% tempty.ddl
-::test for files with groups that have comments
-set flag=%tgrp_comments%
-call %tooltest% tgrp_comments.ddl
-::test the --filedriver flag
-set flag=--filedriver=split %tsplit_file%
-call %tooltest% tsplit_file.ddl
-::Special: Find a way to echo environment
-set flag=--filedriver=family %tfamily05d%
-call %tooltest% tfamily.ddl
-set flag=--filedriver=multi %tmulti%
-call %tooltest% tmulti.ddl
-::test for files with group names which reach > 1024 bytes in size
-set flag=-w157 %tlarge_objname%
-call %tooltest% tlarge_objname.ddl
-::test '-A' to suppress data but print attr's
-set flag=-A %tall%
-call %tooltest% tall-2A.ddl
-::test '-r' to print attributes in ASCII instead of decimal
-set flag=-A -r %tall%
-call %tooltest% tall-2B.ddl
-::test Subsetting
-set flag=--dataset=/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.1 --start=1,1 --stride=2,3 --count=3,2 --block=1,1 %tall%
-call %tooltest% tall-4s.ddl
-::set flag=-d "/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.2[0;2;10;]" %tall%
-::call %tooltest% tall-5s.ddl
-::set flag=-d "/dset1[1,1;;;]" %tdset%
-::call %tooltest% tdset-3s.ddl
-::set flag=-d "/dset1[;3,2;4,4;1,4]" %tdset2%
-::call %tooltest% tdset2-1s.ddl
-::test printing characters in ASCII instead of decimal
-set flag=-r %tchar%
-call %tooltest% tchar1.ddl
-::test failure handling
-::1. Missing file name
-set flag=
-call %tooltest% tnofilename.ddl
-:: rev. 2004
-::tests for super block
-set flag=-H -B -d dset %tfcontents1%
-call %tooltest% tboot1.ddl
-set flag=-B %tfcontents2%
-call %tooltest% tboot2.ddl
-:: test -p with a non existing dataset
-set flag=-p -d bogus %tfcontents1%
-call %tooltest% tperror.ddl
-::test for file contents
-set flag=-n %tfcontents1%
-call %tooltest% tcontents.ddl
-::tests for storage layout
-for %%v in (compact chunked external) do (
-set flag=-H -p -d %%v %tfilters%
-call %tooltest% t%%v.ddl
-::contiguous (tcontiguos.ddl or tcontiguous.ddl)
-set flag=-H -p -d contiguous %tfilters%
-call %tooltest% tcontiguos.ddl
-::fill values
-set flag=-p %tfvalues%
-call %tooltest% tfill.ddl
-::several datatype, with references , print path
-set flag=%tattr2%
-call %tooltest% treference.ddl
-::escape/not escape non printable characters
-set flag=-e %tstr3%
-call %tooltest% tstringe.ddl
-set flag=%tstr3%
-call %tooltest% tstring.ddl
-::char data as ASCII with non escape
-set flag=-r -d str4 %tstr3%
-call %tooltest% tstring2.ddl
-::array indices print/not print
-set flag=%taindices%
-call %tooltest% tindicesyes.ddl
-set flag=-y %taindices%
-call %tooltest% tindicesno.ddl
-::tests for filters
-:: SZIP
-set flag=-H -p -d szip %tfilters%
-call %tooltest% tszip.ddl szip
-set flag=-H -p -d deflate %tfilters%
-call %tooltest% tdeflate.ddl zlib
-set flag=-H -p -d shuffle %tfilters%
-call %tooltest% tshuffle.ddl
-set flag=-H -p -d fletcher32 %tfilters%
-call %tooltest% tfletcher32.ddl
-set flag=-H -p -d nbit %tfilters%
-call %tooltest% tnbit.ddl
-set flag=-H -p -d scaleoffset %tfilters%
-call %tooltest% tscaleoffset.ddl
-set flag=-H -p -d all %tfilters%
-call %tooltest% tallfilters.ddl zlib szip
-::user defined
-set flag=-H -p -d myfilter %tfilters%
-call %tooltest% tuserfilter.ddl
-::test for displaying dataset and attribute of null space
-set flag=%tnullspace%
-call %tooltest% tnullspace.ddl
-::test for displaying objects with very long names
-set flag=%tlonglinks%
-call %tooltest% tlonglinks.ddl
-::test for long double (Some systems do not have long double)
-set flag=%tldouble%
-call %tooltest% tldouble.ddl SKIP
-::Test for vms
-set flag=%tvms%
-call %tooltest% tvms.ddl
-echo. h5dump%2 %1 XML T E S T S
-::test XML
-set flag=--xml %tall%
-call %tooltest% tall.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tattr%
-call %tooltest% tattr.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tbitfields%
-call %tooltest% tbitfields.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tcompound%
-call %tooltest% tcompound.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tcompound2%
-call %tooltest% tcompound2.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tdatareg%
-call %tooltest% tdatareg.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tdset%
-call %tooltest% tdset.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tdset2%
-call %tooltest% tdset2.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tenum%
-call %tooltest% tenum.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tgroup%
-call %tooltest% tgroup.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %thlink%
-call %tooltest% thlink.h5.xml SKIP
-set flag=--xml %tloop%
-call %tooltest% tloop.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tloop2%
-call %tooltest% tloop2.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tmany%
-call %tooltest% tmany.h5.xml SKIP
-set flag=--xml %tnestedcomp%
-call %tooltest% tnestedcomp.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tcompound_complex%
-call %tooltest% tcompound_complex.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tobjref%
-call %tooltest% tobjref.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %topaque%
-call %tooltest% topaque.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tslink%
-call %tooltest% tslink.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tstr%
-call %tooltest% tstr.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tstr2%
-call %tooltest% tstr2.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tref%
-call %tooltest% tref.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tname-amp%
-call %tooltest% tname-amp.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tname-apos%
-call %tooltest% tname-apos.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tname-gt%
-call %tooltest% tname-gt.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tname-lt%
-call %tooltest% tname-lt.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tname-quot%
-call %tooltest% tname-quot.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tname-sp%
-call %tooltest% tname-sp.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tstring%
-call %tooltest% tstring.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tstring-at%
-call %tooltest% tstring-at.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tref-escapes%
-call %tooltest% tref-escapes.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tref-escapes-at%
-call %tooltest% tref-escapes-at.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tnodata%
-call %tooltest% tnodata.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tarray1%
-call %tooltest% tarray1.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tarray2%
-call %tooltest% tarray2.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tarray3%
-call %tooltest% tarray3.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tarray6%
-call %tooltest% tarray6.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tarray7%
-call %tooltest% tarray7.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tvldtypes1%
-call %tooltest% tvldtypes1.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tvldtypes2%
-call %tooltest% tvldtypes2.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tvldtypes3%
-call %tooltest% tvldtypes3.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tvldtypes4%
-call %tooltest% tvldtypes4.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tvldtypes5%
-call %tooltest% tvldtypes5.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tvlstr%
-call %tooltest% tvlstr.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tsaf%
-call %tooltest% tsaf.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tempty%
-call %tooltest% tempty.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml %tnamed_dtype_attr%
-call %tooltest% tnamed_dtype_attr.h5.xml
-::Test dataset and attribute of null space. Commented out:
-::wait until the XML schema is updated for null space.
-set flag=--xml tnulspace.h5
-call %tooltest% tnullspace.h5.xml SKIP
-::other options for xml
-set flag=--xml --use-dtd %tempty%
-call %tooltest% tempty-dtd.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml -u %tempty%
-call %tooltest% tempty-dtd-2.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml -X ":" %tempty%
-call %tooltest% tempty-nons.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml --xml-ns=":" %tempty%
-call %tooltest% tempty-nons-2.h5.xml
-::Some of these combinations are syntactically correct but
-::the URLs are dummies
-set flag=--xml -X "thing:" %tempty%
-call %tooltest% tempty-ns.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml --xml-ns="thing:" %tempty%
-call %tooltest% tempty-ns-2.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml --xml-ns=":" --xml-dtd="" %tempty%
-call %tooltest% tempty-nons-uri.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml --use-dtd --xml-dtd="" %tempty%
-call %tooltest% tempty-dtd-uri.h5.xml
-set flag=--xml -A %tall%
-call %tooltest% tall-2A.h5.xml
-::End of -xml Tests
-cd ..\..
-if %totalerr%==0 (
-echo. All of the %exefile% %p1% Tests Passed!
-echo. All of the %exefile% %p1% Tests Passed! >> %tempResults%
-) else (
-echo. %exefile% %p1% Tests Finished with %totalerr% Errors!
-echo. %exefile% %p1% Tests Finished with %totalerr% Errors!>> %tempResults%
-if not %totalskip%==0 (
-echo. %totalskip% Tests in total Skiped! >> %tempResults%
-echo. %totalskip% Tests in total Skiped!
-find "SKIPED" %tempResults% | more +2
-rmdir /s/q temptest
-for %%i in (testfiles\t*.h5) do set %%~ni=
-set test_szip=
-set output_szip=
-for %%v in (p1 p2 tempResults exefile tooltest ln ln_exp tsplit_file tmulti tfamily05d totalskip) do set %%v=
-for %%i in (tsplit_file tmulti) do set %%i=
-set tfamily05d=
+@REM Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
+@REM All rights reserved.
+@REM This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
+@REM terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
+@REM the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
+@REM of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
+@REM root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
+@REM is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
+@REM If you do not have
+@REM access to either file, you may request a copy from
+@echo off
+::This batch file is for h5dump general and xml tests.
+:: dumptest release -- release static version
+:: dumptest debug -- debug static version
+:: dumptest release dll -- release dll version
+:: dumptest debug dll -- debug dll version
+:: Written By: Fang GUO
+:: Date : Jan. 12, 2006
+:: Track total number of testing errors
+ set /A totalerr=0
+ set /A totalskip=0
+:: Generate a new temp directory for test h5dump
+ :: Make a temporary directory for h5dump test
+ mkdir temptest
+:: Set the Environment Variables & Change Dir to Dir with h5dump.EXE
+ :: The first incoming parameter should be configuration (debug or release)
+ set p1=%1
+ :: The second parameter should be the types of library (dll or blank)
+ set p2=%2
+ :: Before comparison between expected file and the actual outputfile,
+ :: Ignore the first line in actual outputfile and the first four lines
+ :: in the expected output file
+ set ln=1
+ set ln_exp=4
+ :: Save the tests output into a temporary file
+ set tempResults=dumptest%2_%1.txt
+ type nul > %tempResults%
+ :: Define the .exe file based on the second parameter
+ set exefile=h5dump%p2%
+ :: For convenience, set a variable for the sub batch file
+ set tooltest=..\..\tooltest
+ :: For convenience, set variable for all testfiles/*.h5 files
+ for %%i in (testfiles\t*.h5) do set %%~ni=..\..\%%i
+ :: Special cases: the following are not .h5 files but needed in the tests
+ for %%i in (tsplit_file tmulti) do (
+ set %%i=..\..\testfiles\%%i
+ )
+ :: Havn't find a way to use % inside a variable name
+ set tfamily05d=..\..\testfiles\tfamily%%05d.h5
+ :: Change the directory to dir including .exe file
+ cd h5dump%p2%\%p1%
+::Test h5dump with different options
+echo. h5dump%2 %1 T E S T S
+::test for displaying groups
+set flag=%tgroup%
+call %tooltest% tgroup-1.ddl
+::test for displaying the selected groups
+set flag=--group=/g2 --group / -g /y %tgroup%
+call %tooltest% tgroup-2.ddl
+:: -----------------------------------------
+:: test for displaying simple space datasets
+set flag=%tdset%
+call %tooltest% tdset-1.ddl
+::test for displaying selected datasets
+set flag=-H -d dset1 -d /dset2 --dataset=dset3 %tdset%
+call %tooltest% tdset-2.ddl
+::test for displaying attributes
+set flag=%tattr%
+call %tooltest% tattr-1.ddl
+::test for displaying the selected attributes of string type and scalar space
+set flag=-a /attr1 --attribute /attr4 --attribute=/attr5 %tattr%
+call %tooltest% tattr-2.ddl
+::test for header and error messages
+set flag=--header -a /attr2 --attribute=/attr %tattr%
+call %tooltest% tattr-3.ddl
+::test for displaying attributes in shared datatype (also in group and dataset)
+set flag=%tnamed_dtype_attr%
+call %tooltest% tnamed_dtype_attr.ddl
+::test for displaying soft links
+set flag=%tslink%
+call %tooltest% tslink-1.ddl
+::test for displaying the selected link
+set flag=-l slink2 %tslink%
+call %tooltest% tslink-2.ddl
+::tests for hard links
+set flag=%thlink%
+call %tooltest% thlink-1.ddl
+set flag=-d /g1/dset2 --dataset /dset1 --dataset=/g1/g1.1/dset3 %thlink%
+call %tooltest% thlink-2.ddl
+set flag=-d /g1/g1.1/dset3 --dataset /g1/dset2 --dataset=/dset1 %thlink%
+call %tooltest% thlink-3.ddl
+set flag=-g /g1 %thlink%
+call %tooltest% thlink-4.ddl
+set flag=-d /dset1 -g /g2 -d /g1/dset2 %thlink%
+call %tooltest% thlink-5.ddl
+::tests for compound data types
+set flag=%tcompound%
+call %tooltest% tcomp-1.ddl
+::test for named data types
+set flag=-t /type1 --datatype /type2 --datatype=/group1/type3 %tcompound%
+call %tooltest% tcomp-2.ddl
+::test for unamed type
+set flag=-t /#6632:0 -g /group2 %tcompound%
+call %tooltest% tcomp-3.ddl
+::test complicated compound datatype
+set flag=%tcompound_complex%
+call %tooltest% tcomp-4.ddl
+::test for the nested compound type
+set flag=%tnestedcomp%
+call %tooltest% tnestcomp-1.ddl
+::test for options
+set flag=%tall%
+call %tooltest% tall-1.ddl
+set flag=--header -g /g1/g1.1 -a attr2 %tall%
+call %tooltest% tall-2.ddl
+set flag=-d /g2/dset2.1 -l /g1/g1.2/g1.2.1/slink %tall%
+call %tooltest% tall-3.ddl
+::test for loop detection
+set flag=%tloop%
+call %tooltest% tloop-1.ddl
+::test for string
+set flag=%tstr%
+call %tooltest% tstr-1.ddl
+set flag=%tstr2%
+call %tooltest% tstr-2.ddl
+::test for file created by Lib SAF team
+set flag=%tsaf%
+call %tooltest% tsaf.ddl
+::test for file with variable length data
+set tvldtypes=..\..\testfiles\tvldtypes
+for %%v in (1 2 3 4 5) do (
+set flag=%tvldtypes%%%v.h5
+call %tooltest% tvldtypes%%v.ddl
+set tvldtypes=
+::test for file with variable length string data
+set flag=%tvlstr%
+call %tooltest% tvlstr.ddl
+::test for files with array data
+set tarray=..\..\testfiles\tarray
+for /L %%v in (1,1,7) do (
+set flag=%tarray%%%v%.h5
+call %tooltest% tarray%%v.ddl
+set tarray=
+::test for files with empty data
+set flag=%tempty%
+call %tooltest% tempty.ddl
+::test for files with groups that have comments
+set flag=%tgrp_comments%
+call %tooltest% tgrp_comments.ddl
+::test the --filedriver flag
+set flag=--filedriver=split %tsplit_file%
+call %tooltest% tsplit_file.ddl
+::Special: Find a way to echo environment
+set flag=--filedriver=family %tfamily05d%
+call %tooltest% tfamily.ddl
+set flag=--filedriver=multi %tmulti%
+call %tooltest% tmulti.ddl
+::test for files with group names which reach > 1024 bytes in size
+set flag=-w157 %tlarge_objname%
+call %tooltest% tlarge_objname.ddl
+::test '-A' to suppress data but print attr's
+set flag=-A %tall%
+call %tooltest% tall-2A.ddl
+::test '-r' to print attributes in ASCII instead of decimal
+set flag=-A -r %tall%
+call %tooltest% tall-2B.ddl
+::test Subsetting
+set flag=--dataset=/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.1 --start=1,1 --stride=2,3 --count=3,2 --block=1,1 %tall%
+call %tooltest% tall-4s.ddl
+::set flag=-d "/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.2[0;2;10;]" %tall%
+::call %tooltest% tall-5s.ddl
+::set flag=-d "/dset1[1,1;;;]" %tdset%
+::call %tooltest% tdset-3s.ddl
+::set flag=-d "/dset1[;3,2;4,4;1,4]" %tdset2%
+::call %tooltest% tdset2-1s.ddl
+::test printing characters in ASCII instead of decimal
+set flag=-r %tchar%
+call %tooltest% tchar1.ddl
+::test failure handling
+::1. Missing file name
+set flag=
+call %tooltest% tnofilename.ddl
+:: rev. 2004
+::tests for super block
+set flag=-H -B -d dset %tfcontents1%
+call %tooltest% tboot1.ddl
+set flag=-B %tfcontents2%
+call %tooltest% tboot2.ddl
+:: test -p with a non existing dataset
+set flag=-p -d bogus %tfcontents1%
+call %tooltest% tperror.ddl
+::test for file contents
+set flag=-n %tfcontents1%
+call %tooltest% tcontents.ddl
+::tests for storage layout
+for %%v in (compact chunked external) do (
+set flag=-H -p -d %%v %tfilters%
+call %tooltest% t%%v.ddl
+::contiguous (tcontiguos.ddl or tcontiguous.ddl)
+set flag=-H -p -d contiguous %tfilters%
+call %tooltest% tcontiguos.ddl
+::fill values
+set flag=-p %tfvalues%
+call %tooltest% tfill.ddl
+::several datatype, with references , print path
+set flag=%tattr2%
+call %tooltest% treference.ddl
+::escape/not escape non printable characters
+set flag=-e %tstr3%
+call %tooltest% tstringe.ddl
+set flag=%tstr3%
+call %tooltest% tstring.ddl
+::char data as ASCII with non escape
+set flag=-r -d str4 %tstr3%
+call %tooltest% tstring2.ddl
+::array indices print/not print
+set flag=%taindices%
+call %tooltest% tindicesyes.ddl
+set flag=-y %taindices%
+call %tooltest% tindicesno.ddl
+::tests for filters
+:: SZIP
+set flag=-H -p -d szip %tfilters%
+call %tooltest% tszip.ddl szip
+set flag=-H -p -d deflate %tfilters%
+call %tooltest% tdeflate.ddl zlib
+set flag=-H -p -d shuffle %tfilters%
+call %tooltest% tshuffle.ddl
+set flag=-H -p -d fletcher32 %tfilters%
+call %tooltest% tfletcher32.ddl
+set flag=-H -p -d nbit %tfilters%
+call %tooltest% tnbit.ddl
+set flag=-H -p -d scaleoffset %tfilters%
+call %tooltest% tscaleoffset.ddl
+set flag=-H -p -d all %tfilters%
+call %tooltest% tallfilters.ddl zlib szip
+::user defined
+set flag=-H -p -d myfilter %tfilters%
+call %tooltest% tuserfilter.ddl
+::test for displaying dataset and attribute of null space
+set flag=%tnullspace%
+call %tooltest% tnullspace.ddl
+::test for displaying objects with very long names
+set flag=%tlonglinks%
+call %tooltest% tlonglinks.ddl
+::test for long double (Some systems do not have long double)
+set flag=%tldouble%
+call %tooltest% tldouble.ddl SKIP
+::Test for vms
+set flag=%tvms%
+call %tooltest% tvms.ddl
+echo. h5dump%2 %1 XML T E S T S
+::test XML
+set flag=--xml %tall%
+call %tooltest% tall.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tattr%
+call %tooltest% tattr.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tbitfields%
+call %tooltest% tbitfields.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tcompound%
+call %tooltest% tcompound.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tcompound2%
+call %tooltest% tcompound2.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tdatareg%
+call %tooltest% tdatareg.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tdset%
+call %tooltest% tdset.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tdset2%
+call %tooltest% tdset2.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tenum%
+call %tooltest% tenum.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tgroup%
+call %tooltest% tgroup.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %thlink%
+call %tooltest% thlink.h5.xml SKIP
+set flag=--xml %tloop%
+call %tooltest% tloop.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tloop2%
+call %tooltest% tloop2.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tmany%
+call %tooltest% tmany.h5.xml SKIP
+set flag=--xml %tnestedcomp%
+call %tooltest% tnestedcomp.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tcompound_complex%
+call %tooltest% tcompound_complex.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tobjref%
+call %tooltest% tobjref.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %topaque%
+call %tooltest% topaque.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tslink%
+call %tooltest% tslink.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tstr%
+call %tooltest% tstr.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tstr2%
+call %tooltest% tstr2.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tref%
+call %tooltest% tref.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tname-amp%
+call %tooltest% tname-amp.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tname-apos%
+call %tooltest% tname-apos.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tname-gt%
+call %tooltest% tname-gt.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tname-lt%
+call %tooltest% tname-lt.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tname-quot%
+call %tooltest% tname-quot.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tname-sp%
+call %tooltest% tname-sp.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tstring%
+call %tooltest% tstring.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tstring-at%
+call %tooltest% tstring-at.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tref-escapes%
+call %tooltest% tref-escapes.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tref-escapes-at%
+call %tooltest% tref-escapes-at.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tnodata%
+call %tooltest% tnodata.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tarray1%
+call %tooltest% tarray1.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tarray2%
+call %tooltest% tarray2.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tarray3%
+call %tooltest% tarray3.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tarray6%
+call %tooltest% tarray6.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tarray7%
+call %tooltest% tarray7.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tvldtypes1%
+call %tooltest% tvldtypes1.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tvldtypes2%
+call %tooltest% tvldtypes2.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tvldtypes3%
+call %tooltest% tvldtypes3.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tvldtypes4%
+call %tooltest% tvldtypes4.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tvldtypes5%
+call %tooltest% tvldtypes5.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tvlstr%
+call %tooltest% tvlstr.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tsaf%
+call %tooltest% tsaf.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tempty%
+call %tooltest% tempty.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml %tnamed_dtype_attr%
+call %tooltest% tnamed_dtype_attr.h5.xml
+::Test dataset and attribute of null space. Commented out:
+::wait until the XML schema is updated for null space.
+set flag=--xml tnulspace.h5
+call %tooltest% tnullspace.h5.xml SKIP
+::other options for xml
+set flag=--xml --use-dtd %tempty%
+call %tooltest% tempty-dtd.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml -u %tempty%
+call %tooltest% tempty-dtd-2.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml -X ":" %tempty%
+call %tooltest% tempty-nons.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml --xml-ns=":" %tempty%
+call %tooltest% tempty-nons-2.h5.xml
+::Some of these combinations are syntactically correct but
+::the URLs are dummies
+set flag=--xml -X "thing:" %tempty%
+call %tooltest% tempty-ns.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml --xml-ns="thing:" %tempty%
+call %tooltest% tempty-ns-2.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml --xml-ns=":" --xml-dtd="" %tempty%
+call %tooltest% tempty-nons-uri.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml --use-dtd --xml-dtd="" %tempty%
+call %tooltest% tempty-dtd-uri.h5.xml
+set flag=--xml -A %tall%
+call %tooltest% tall-2A.h5.xml
+::End of -xml Tests
+cd ..\..
+if %totalerr%==0 (
+echo. All of the %exefile% %p1% Tests Passed!
+echo. All of the %exefile% %p1% Tests Passed! >> %tempResults%
+) else (
+echo. %exefile% %p1% Tests Finished with %totalerr% Errors!
+echo. %exefile% %p1% Tests Finished with %totalerr% Errors!>> %tempResults%
+if not %totalskip%==0 (
+echo. %totalskip% Tests in total Skiped! >> %tempResults%
+echo. %totalskip% Tests in total Skiped!
+find "SKIPED" %tempResults% | more +2
+rmdir /s/q temptest
+for %%i in (testfiles\t*.h5) do set %%~ni=
+set test_szip=
+set output_szip=
+for %%v in (p1 p2 tempResults exefile tooltest ln ln_exp tsplit_file tmulti tfamily05d totalskip) do set %%v=
+for %%i in (tsplit_file tmulti) do set %%i=
+set tfamily05d=