path: root/windows/tools/h5repack/h5repack.bat
diff options
authorScott Wegner <>2007-09-10 19:14:08 (GMT)
committerScott Wegner <>2007-09-10 19:14:08 (GMT)
commit43bb1ba8e53c3eb23448baba68485222514ab992 (patch)
treee32be74f0faad61cb3c3b29ead9849be5dc59a4d /windows/tools/h5repack/h5repack.bat
parent33efca34cb30bcf7e17f6e3aa580233bd58a0075 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'windows/tools/h5repack/h5repack.bat')
1 files changed, 524 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/windows/tools/h5repack/h5repack.bat b/windows/tools/h5repack/h5repack.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d45115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/windows/tools/h5repack/h5repack.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+@echo off
+rem Copyright by The HDF Group.
+rem Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
+rem All rights reserved.
+rem This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
+rem terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
+rem the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
+rem of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
+rem root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
+rem is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
+rem If you do not have
+rem access to either file, you may request a copy from
+rem Tests for the h5repack tool
+rem Created: Scott Wegner, 8/28/07
+rem Modified:
+setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
+pushd %~dp0
+set h5pubconf=%CD%\..\..\src\h5pubconf.h
+rem On Windows, the function :detect_filter sets these for us
+call :detect_filter szip
+call :detect_filter deflate
+call :detect_filter shuffle
+call :detect_filter fletcher32
+call :detect_filter nbit
+call :detect_filter scaleoffset
+rem The tool name
+set h5repack=h5repack%2
+rem The path of the tool binary
+set h5repack_bin=%CD%\..\%h5repack%\%1\%h5repack%
+rem The h5diff tool name
+set h5diff=..\h5diff%2\%1\h5diff%2
+rem The path of the h5diff tool binary
+set h5diff_bin=%CD%\%h5diff%
+rem The tool name
+set h5detectszip=testh5repack_detect_szip%2
+rem The path of the tool binary
+set h5detectszip_bin=%CD%\..\testfiles\%h5detectszip%\%1\%h5detectszip%
+set info_file=..\testfiles\info.h5repack
+set file0=h5repack_fill.h5
+set file1=h5repack_objs.h5
+set file2=h5repack_attr.h5
+set file3=h5repack_hlink.h5
+set file4=h5repack_layout.h5
+set file5=h5repack_early.h5
+set file7=h5repack_szip.h5
+set file8=h5repack_deflate.h5
+set file9=h5repack_shuffle.h5
+set file10=h5repack_fletcher.h5
+set file11=h5repack_filters.h5
+set file12=h5repack_nbit.h5
+set file13=h5repack_soffset.h5
+set nerrors=0
+set verbose=yes
+if not exist ..\testfiles mkdir ..\testfiles
+goto main
+rem Print a line-line message left justified in a field of 70 characters
+rem beginning with the word "Testing".
+ set test_msg=Testing
+ for %%a in (%*) do (
+ if %%a neq PASSED (
+ if %%a neq *FAILED* (
+ set test_msg=!test_msg! %%~nxa
+ ) )
+ )
+ set test_msg=!test_msg!
+ echo.%test_msg:~0,69% %1
+ exit /b
+rem Print a line-line message left justified in a field of 70 characters
+rem beginning with the word "Verifying".
+ set test_msg=Verifying h5diff output
+ for %%a in (%*) do (
+ if %%a neq PASSED (
+ if %%a neq *FAILED* (
+ set test_msg=!test_msg! %%~nxa
+ ) )
+ )
+ set test_msg=!test_msg!
+ echo.%test_msg:~0,69% %1
+ exit /b
+rem Print a message that a test has been skipped (because a required filter
+rem was unavailable)
+ call :testing -SKIP- %h5repack% %*
+ exit /b
+rem Call the h5diff tool
+ %h5diff_bin% %* -q
+ if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
+ call :verify *FAILED* %*
+ set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1
+ ) else (
+ call :verify PASSED %*
+ )
+ exit /b
+rem Call h5repack
+ rem Run test.
+ set infile=%CD%\..\testfiles\%1
+ rem Linux uses a $path variable here, but it is unneccessary, and will
+ rem corrupt our Windows PATH if we use it. --SJW 8/28/07
+ rem set path=%CD%
+ rem set outfile=%path%\out.%1
+ set outfile=%CD%\out.%1
+ rem We define %params% here because Windows `shift` command doesn't affect
+ rem the %* variable. --SJW 8/28/07
+ set params=%*
+ set params=%params: *=%
+ %h5repack_bin% -i %infile% -o %outfile% %params%
+ if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
+ call :testing *FAILED* %*
+ set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1
+ ) else (
+ call :testing PASSED %*
+ call :difftest %infile% %outfile%
+ )
+ del /f %outfile%
+ exit /b
+rem This is a Windows-specific function that detects if the filter passed
+rem should be enabled for this test script. It searches H5pubconf.h for the
+rem string "#define H5_HAVE_FILTER_%1" and sets the variable "use_filter_%1"
+rem accordingly. On other platforms, this variable is set in the Makefile.
+rem If we find a better way to test this in the future, we should use it.
+rem --SJW 9/4/07
+ findstr /b /i /c:"#define H5_HAVE_FILTER_%1" %h5pubconf% > nul
+ if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
+ set use_filter_%1=yes
+ ) else (
+ set use_filter_%1=no
+ )
+ exit /b
+rem The tests
+rem We use the files generated by h5repacktst
+rem Each run generates "<file>.out.h5" and the tool h5diff is used to
+rem compare the input and output files
+rem the tests are the same as the program h5repacktst, but run from the CLI
+ rem See which filters are usable (and skip tests for filters we
+ rem don't have). Do this by searching H5pubconf.h to see which
+ rem filters are defined.
+ rem detect whether the encoder is present.
+ set use_filter_szip_encoder=no
+ if "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
+ for /f %%a in ('%h5detectszip_bin%') do set use_filter_szip_encoder=%%a
+ )
+ rem copy files (these files have no filters)
+ call :tooltest %file0%
+ call :tooltest %file1%
+ call :tooltest %file2%
+ call :tooltest %file3%
+ call :tooltest %file4%
+ call :tooltest %file5%
+ rem use %file4% to write some filters (this file has no filters)
+ rem gzip with individual object
+ set arg=%file4% -f dset1:GZIP=1 -l dset1:CHUNK=20x10
+ if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem gzip for all
+ set arg=%file4% -f GZIP=1
+ if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem szip with individual object
+ set arg=%file4% -f dset2:SZIP=8,EC -l dset2:CHUNK=20x10
+ if not "%use_filter_szip_encoder%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem szip for all
+ set arg=%file4% -f SZIP=8,NN
+ if not "%use_filter_szip_encoder%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem shuffle with individual object
+ set arg=%file4% -f dset2:SHUF -l dset2:CHUNK=20x10
+ if not "%use_filter_shuffle%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem shuffle for all
+ set arg=%file4% -f SHUF
+ if not "%use_filter_shuffle%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem fletcher32 with individual object
+ set arg=%file4% -f dset2:FLET -l dset2:CHUNK=20x10
+ if not "%use_filter_fletcher32%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem fletcher32 for all
+ set arg=%file4% -f FLET
+ if not "%use_filter_fletcher32%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem all filters
+ set arg=%file4% -f dset2:SHUF -f dset2:FLET -f dset2:SZIP=8,NN -f dset2:GZIP=1 -l dset2:CHUNK=20x10
+ rem On Windows we must check each filter individually, because we don't have
+ rem -o flag like Linux. --SJW 8/28/07
+ if not "%use_filter_szip_encoder%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_shuffle%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_fletcher32%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem ##########################################################
+ rem the following tests assume the input files have filters
+ rem ##########################################################
+ rem szip copy
+ set arg=%file7%
+ if not "%use_filter_szip_encoder%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem szip remove
+ set arg=%file7% -f dset_szip:NONE
+ if not "%use_filter_szip_encoder%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem deflate copy
+ set arg=%file8%
+ if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem deflate remove
+ set arg=%file8% -f dset_deflate:NONE
+ if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem shuffle copy
+ set arg=%file9%
+ if not "%use_filter_shuffle%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem shuffle remove
+ set arg=%file9% -f dset_shuffle:NONE
+ if not "%use_filter_shuffle%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem fletcher32 copy
+ set arg=%file10%
+ if not "%use_filter_fletcher32%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem fletcher32 remove
+ set arg=%file10% -f dset_fletcher32:NONE
+ if not "%use_filter_fletcher32%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem nbit copy
+ set arg=%file12%
+ if not "%use_filter_nbit%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem nbit remove
+ set arg=%file12% -f dset_nbit:NONE
+ if not "%use_filter_nbit%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem nbit add
+ set arg=%file12% -f dset_int31:NBIT
+ if not "%use_filter_nbit%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem scaleoffset copy
+ set arg=%file13%
+ if not "%use_filter_scaleoffset%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem scaleoffset add
+ set arg=%file13% -f dset_none:SOFF=31,IN
+ if not "%use_filter_scaleoffset%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem scaleoffset remove
+ set arg=%file13% -f dset_scaleoffset:NONE
+ if not "%use_filter_scaleoffset%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem remove all filters
+ set arg=%file11% -f NONE
+ if not "%use_filter_fletcher32%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_szip_encoder%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_shuffle%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_nbit%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_scaleoffset%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem filter conversions
+ set arg=%file8% -f dset_deflate:SZIP=8,NN
+ if not "%use_filter_szip_encoder%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ set arg=%file7% -f dset_szip:GZIP=1
+ if not "%use_filter_szip_encoder%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem limit
+ set arg=%file4% -f GZIP=1 -m 1024
+ if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem file
+ set arg=%file4% -e %info_file%
+ if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %arg%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ )
+ rem ########################################################
+ rem layout options (these files have no filters)
+ rem ########################################################
+ call :tooltest %file4% -l dset2:CHUNK=20x10
+ call :tooltest %file4% -l CHUNK=20x10
+ call :tooltest %file4% -l dset2:CONTI
+ call :tooltest %file4% -l CONTI
+ call :tooltest %file4% -l dset2:COMPA
+ call :tooltest %file4% -l COMPA
+ rem ###############################################################
+ rem layout conversions (file has no filters)
+ rem ##############################################################
+ set arg1=%file4% -l dset_compact:CONTI
+ set arg2=%file4% -l dset_compact:CHUNK=2x5
+ set arg3=%file4% -l dset_compact:COMPA
+ set arg4=%file4% -l dset_contiguous:COMPA
+ set arg5=%file4% -l dset_contiguous:CHUNK=3x6
+ set arg6=%file4% -l dset_contiguous:CONTI
+ set arg7=%file4% -l dset_chunk:COMPA
+ set arg8=%file4% -l dset_chunk:CONTI
+ set arg9=%file4% -l dset_chunk:CHUNK=18x13
+ call :tooltest %arg1%
+ call :tooltest %arg2%
+ call :tooltest %arg3%
+ call :tooltest %arg4%
+ call :tooltest %arg5%
+ call :tooltest %arg6%
+ call :tooltest %arg7%
+ call :tooltest %arg8%
+ call :tooltest %arg9%
+ rem native option
+ set arg=%file1% -n
+ call :tooltest %arg%
+ if %nerrors% equ 0 (
+ echo.All %h5repack% tests passed.
+ )
+ popd
+ endlocal & exit /b %nerrors%
+ \ No newline at end of file