path: root/HDF5Examples/FORTRAN/H5G/h5ex_g_corder.F90
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Diffstat (limited to 'HDF5Examples/FORTRAN/H5G/h5ex_g_corder.F90')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/HDF5Examples/FORTRAN/H5G/h5ex_g_corder.F90 b/HDF5Examples/FORTRAN/H5G/h5ex_g_corder.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5418e34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HDF5Examples/FORTRAN/H5G/h5ex_g_corder.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+! This example shows how to track links in a group by
+! creation order. The program creates a series of groups,
+! then reads back their names: first in alphabetical order,
+! then in creation order.
+! This file is intended for use with HDF5 Library version 1.8
+ CHARACTER(LEN=16), PARAMETER :: filename = "h5ex_g_corder.h5"
+ INTEGER(HID_T) :: file, group, subgroup, gcpl ! handles
+ INTEGER :: hdferr
+ INTEGER :: storage_type ! Type of storage for links in group:
+ ! H5G_STORAGE_TYPE_COMPACT: Compact storage
+ ! H5G_STORAGE_TYPE_DENSE: Indexed storage
+ INTEGER :: nlinks ! Number of links in group
+ INTEGER :: max_corder ! Current maximum creation order value for group
+ INTEGER(SIZE_T) :: size ! Size of name
+ INTEGER(HSIZE_T) :: i ! Index
+ CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: name ! Output buffer
+ !
+ ! Initialize FORTRAN interface.
+ !
+ CALL h5open_f(hdferr)
+ !
+ ! Create a new file using the default properties.
+ !
+ CALL h5fcreate_f(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, file, hdferr)
+ !
+ ! Create group creation property list and enable link creation
+ ! order tracking. Attempting to track by creation order in a
+ ! group that does not have this property set will result in an
+ ! error.
+ !
+ CALL h5pcreate_f(H5P_GROUP_CREATE_F, gcpl, hdferr)
+ CALL h5pset_link_creation_order_f( gcpl, IOR(H5P_CRT_ORDER_TRACKED_F,H5P_CRT_ORDER_INDEXED_F),hdferr)
+ !
+ ! Create primary group using the property list.
+ !
+ CALL h5gcreate_f(file, "index_group", group, hdferr, gcpl_id=gcpl)
+ !
+ ! Create subgroups in the primary group. These will be tracked
+ ! by creation order. Note that these groups do not have to have
+ ! the creation order tracking property set.
+ !
+ CALL h5gcreate_f(group, "H", subgroup, hdferr)
+ CALL h5gclose_f(subgroup,hdferr)
+ CALL h5gcreate_f(group, "D", subgroup, hdferr)
+ CALL h5gclose_f(subgroup,hdferr)
+ CALL h5gcreate_f(group, "F", subgroup, hdferr)
+ CALL h5gclose_f(subgroup,hdferr)
+ CALL h5gcreate_f(group, "5", subgroup, hdferr)
+ CALL h5gclose_f(subgroup,hdferr)
+ !
+ ! Get group info.
+ !
+ CALL H5Gget_info_f(group, storage_type, nlinks, max_corder, hdferr)
+ !
+ ! Traverse links in the primary group using alphabetical indices
+ ! (H5_INDEX_NAME).
+ !
+ WRITE(*,'("Traversing group using alphabetical indices:")')
+ DO i = 0, nlinks-1
+ !
+ ! Get name and size of name
+ !
+ CALL H5Lget_name_by_idx_f(group, ".", H5_INDEX_NAME_F, H5_ITER_INC_F, i, name, hdferr, size)
+ WRITE(*,'("Index ",i2,": ",A)') INT(i), TRIM(name)
+ !
+ !Traverse links in the primary group by creation order
+ !
+ WRITE(*,'(/,"Traversing group using creation order indices:")')
+ DO i = 0, nlinks-1
+ !
+ ! Get name and size of name
+ !
+ CALL H5Lget_name_by_idx_f(group, ".", H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER_F, H5_ITER_INC_F, i, name, hdferr, size)
+ WRITE(*,'("Index ",i2,": ",A)') INT(i), TRIM(name)
+ !
+ ! Close and release resources.
+ !
+ CALL h5pclose_f(gcpl, hdferr)
+ CALL h5gclose_f(group, hdferr)
+ CALL h5fclose_f(file, hdferr)