path: root/bin/trace
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/trace')
1 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/trace b/bin/trace
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..da6673c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/trace
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Copyright by The HDF Group.
+# Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
+# terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
+# the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
+# of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
+# root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
+# is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
+# If you do not have
+# access to either file, you may request a copy from
+require 5.003;
+$Source = "";
+# A map from type name to type letter. We use this map for two reasons:
+# 1. We want the debugging stuff in the source code to be as unobtrusive as
+# possible, which means as compact as possible.
+# 2. It's easier (faster) to parse these one and two-letter types in the C
+# functions that display debugging results.
+# All type strings are one or two characters. One-character strings
+# are always lower case and should be used for common types.
+# Two-character strings begin with an upper-case letter which is
+# usually the same as the package name.
+%TypeString = ("haddr_t" => "a",
+ "hbool_t" => "b",
+ "double" => "d",
+ "H5D_alloc_time_t" => "Da",
+ "H5FD_mpio_collective_opt_t" => "Dc",
+ "H5D_fill_time_t" => "Df",
+ "H5D_fill_value_t" => "DF",
+ "H5FD_mpio_chunk_opt_t" => "Dh",
+ "H5D_mpio_actual_io_mode_t" => "Di",
+ "H5D_layout_t" => "Dl",
+ "H5D_mpio_no_collective_cause_t" => "Dn",
+ "H5D_mpio_actual_chunk_opt_mode_t" => "Do",
+ "H5D_space_status_t" => "Ds",
+ "H5FD_mpio_xfer_t" => "Dt",
+ "herr_t" => "e",
+ "H5E_direction_t" => "Ed",
+ "H5E_error_t" => "Ee",
+ "H5E_type_t" => "Et",
+ "H5F_close_degree_t" => "Fd",
+ "H5F_file_space_type_t" => "Ff",
+ "H5F_mem_t" => "Fm",
+ "H5F_scope_t" => "Fs",
+ "H5F_libver_t" => "Fv",
+ "H5G_obj_t" => "Go",
+ "H5G_stat_t" => "Gs",
+ "hsize_t" => "h",
+ "hssize_t" => "Hs",
+ "H5E_major_t" => "i",
+ "H5E_minor_t" => "i",
+ "H5_iter_order_t" => "Io",
+ "H5_index_t" => "Ii",
+ "hid_t" => "i",
+ "int" => "Is",
+ "int32_t" => "Is",
+ "unsigned" => "Iu",
+ "unsigned int" => "Iu",
+ "uint32_t" => "Iu",
+ "H5I_type_t" => "It",
+ "H5G_link_t" => "Ll", #Same as H5L_type_t now
+ "H5L_type_t" => "Ll",
+ "MPI_Comm" => "Mc",
+ "MPI_Info" => "Mi",
+ "H5FD_mem_t" => "Mt",
+ "off_t" => "o",
+ "H5O_type_t" => "Ot",
+ "H5P_class_t" => "p",
+ "hobj_ref_t" => "r",
+ "H5R_type_t" => "Rt",
+ "char" => "s",
+ "unsigned char" => "s",
+ "H5S_class_t" => "Sc",
+ "H5S_seloper_t" => "Ss",
+ "H5S_sel_type" => "St",
+ "htri_t" => "t",
+ "H5T_cset_t", => "Tc",
+ "H5T_direction_t", => "Td",
+ "H5T_norm_t" => "Tn",
+ "H5T_order_t" => "To",
+ "H5T_pad_t" => "Tp",
+ "H5T_pers_t" => "Te",
+ "H5T_sign_t" => "Ts",
+ "H5T_class_t" => "Tt",
+ "H5T_str_t" => "Tz",
+ "unsigned long" => "Ul",
+ "unsigned long long" => "UL",
+ "void" => "x",
+ "FILE" => "x",
+ "H5A_operator_t" => "x",
+ "H5A_operator1_t" => "x",
+ "H5A_operator2_t" => "x",
+ "H5A_info_t" => "x",
+ "H5AC_cache_config_t" => "x",
+ "H5D_gather_func_t" => "x",
+ "H5D_operator_t" => "x",
+ "H5D_scatter_func_t" => "x",
+ "H5E_auto_t" => "x",
+ "H5E_auto1_t" => "x",
+ "H5E_auto2_t" => "x",
+ "H5E_walk_t" => "x",
+ "H5E_walk1_t" => "x",
+ "H5E_walk2_t" => "x",
+ "H5F_info1_t" => "x",
+ "H5F_info2_t" => "x",
+ "H5FD_t" => "x",
+ "H5FD_class_t" => "x",
+ "H5FD_stream_fapl_t" => "x",
+ "H5FD_file_image_callbacks_t" => "x",
+ "H5G_iterate_t" => "x",
+ "H5G_info_t" => "x",
+ "H5I_free_t" => "x",
+ "H5I_search_func_t" => "x",
+ "H5L_class_t" => "x",
+ "H5L_elink_traverse_t" => "x",
+ "H5L_iterate_t" => "x",
+ "H5MM_allocate_t" => "x",
+ "H5MM_free_t" => "x",
+ "H5O_info_t" => "x",
+ "H5O_iterate_t" => "x",
+ "H5O_mcdt_search_cb_t" => "x",
+ "H5P_cls_create_func_t" => "x",
+ "H5P_cls_copy_func_t" => "x",
+ "H5P_cls_close_func_t" => "x",
+ "H5P_iterate_t" => "x",
+ "H5P_prp_create_func_t" => "x",
+ "H5P_prp_copy_func_t" => "x",
+ "H5P_prp_close_func_t" => "x",
+ "H5P_prp_delete_func_t" => "x",
+ "H5P_prp_get_func_t" => "x",
+ "H5P_prp_set_func_t" => "x",
+ "H5P_prp_compare_func_t" => "x",
+ "H5T_cdata_t" => "x",
+ "H5T_conv_t" => "x",
+ "H5T_conv_except_func_t" => "x",
+ "H5Z_func_t" => "x",
+ "H5Z_filter_func_t" => "x",
+ "va_list" => "x",
+ "size_t" => "z",
+ "H5Z_SO_scale_type_t" => "Za",
+ "H5Z_class_t" => "Zc",
+ "H5Z_EDC_t" => "Ze",
+ "H5Z_filter_t" => "Zf",
+ "ssize_t" => "Zs",
+ );
+# Print an error message.
+sub errmesg ($$@) {
+ my ($file, $func, @mesg) = @_;
+ my ($mesg) = join "", @mesg;
+ my ($lineno) = 1;
+ if ($Source =~ /(.*?\n)($func)/s) {
+ local $_ = $1;
+ $lineno = tr/\n/\n/;
+ }
+ print "$file: in function \`$func\':\n";
+ print "$file:$lineno: $mesg\n";
+# Given a C data type return the type string that goes with it.
+sub argstring ($$$) {
+ my ($file, $func, $atype) = @_;
+ my ($ptr, $tstr, $array) = (0, "!", "");
+ my ($fq_atype);
+ # Normalize the data type by removing redundant white space,
+ # certain type qualifiers, and indirection.
+ $atype =~ s/^\bconst\b//;
+ $atype =~ s/\bH5_ATTR_UNUSED\b//g;
+ $atype =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+ $ptr = length $1 if $atype =~ s/(\*+)//;
+ $atype =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $atype =~ s/\s+$//;
+ if ($atype =~ /(.*)\[(.*)\]$/) {
+ ($array, $atype) = ($2, $1);
+ $atype =~ s/\s+$//;
+ }
+ $fq_atype = $atype . ('*' x $ptr);
+ if ($ptr>0 && exists $TypeString{$fq_atype}) {
+ $ptr = 0;
+ $tstr = $TypeString{$fq_atype};
+ } elsif ($ptr>0 && exists $TypeString{"$atype*"}) {
+ --$ptr;
+ $tstr = $TypeString{"$atype*"};
+ } elsif (!exists $TypeString{$atype}) {
+ errmesg $file, $func, "untraceable type \`$atype", '*'x$ptr, "\'";
+ } else {
+ $tstr = $TypeString{$atype};
+ }
+ return ("*" x $ptr) . ($array?"[$array]":"") . $tstr;
+# Given information about an API function, rewrite that function with
+# updated tracing information.
+sub rewrite_func ($$$$$) {
+ my ($file, $type, $name, $args, $body) = @_;
+ my ($arg,$trace);
+ my (@arg_name, @arg_str);
+ local $_;
+ # Parse return value
+ my $rettype = argstring $file, $name, $type;
+ goto error if $rettype =~ /!/;
+ # Parse arguments
+ if ($args eq "void") {
+ $trace = "H5TRACE0(\"$rettype\",\"\");\n";
+ } else {
+ # Split arguments. First convert `/*in,out*/' to get rid of the
+ # comma, then split the arguments on commas.
+ $args =~ s/(\/\*\s*in),\s*(out\s*\*\/)/$1_$2/g;
+ my @args = split /,[\s\n]*/, $args;
+ my $argno = 0;
+ my %names;
+ for $arg (@args) {
+ if($arg=~/\w*\.{3}\w*/){
+ next;
+ }
+ unless ($arg=~/^(([a-z_A-Z]\w*\s+)+\**)
+ ([a-z_A-Z]\w*)(\[.*?\])?
+ (\s*\/\*\s*(in|out|in_out)\s*\*\/)?\s*$/x) {
+ errmesg $file, $name, "unable to parse \`$arg\'";
+ goto error;
+ } else {
+ my ($atype, $aname, $array, $adir) = ($1, $3, $4, $6);
+ $names{$aname} = $argno++;
+ $adir ||= "in";
+ $atype =~ s/\s+$//;
+ push @arg_name, $aname;
+ if ($adir eq "out") {
+ push @arg_str, "x";
+ } else {
+ if (defined $array) {
+ $atype .= "*";
+ if ($array =~ /^\[\/\*([a-z_A-Z]\w*)\*\/\]$/) {
+ my $asize = $1;
+ if (exists $names{$asize}) {
+ $atype .= '[a' . $names{$asize} . ']';
+ } else {
+ warn "bad array size: $asize";
+ $atype .= "*";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ push @arg_str, argstring $file, $name, $atype;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $trace = "H5TRACE" . scalar(@arg_str) . "(\"$rettype\", \"";
+ $trace .= join("", @arg_str) . "\"";
+ my $len = 4 + length $trace;
+ for (@arg_name) {
+ if ($len + length >= 77) {
+ $trace .= ",\n $_";
+ $len = 13 + length;
+ } else {
+ $trace .= ", $_";
+ $len += 1 + length;
+ }
+ }
+ $trace .= ");\n";
+ }
+ goto error if grep {/!/} @arg_str;
+ # The H5TRACE() statement
+ if ($body =~ /\/\*[ \t]*NO[ \t]*TRACE[ \t]*\*\//) {
+ # Ignored due to NO TRACE comment.
+ } elsif ($body =~ s/((\n[ \t]*)H5TRACE\d+\s*\(.*?\);)\n/"$2$trace"/es) {
+ # Replaced an H5TRACE macro.
+ } elsif ($body=~s/((\n[ \t]*)FUNC_ENTER\w*\s*(\(.*?\))?;??)\n/"$1$2$trace"/es) {
+ # Added an H5TRACE macro after a FUNC_ENTER macro.
+ } else {
+ errmesg $file, $name, "unable to insert tracing information";
+ print "body = ", $body, "\n";
+ goto error;
+ }
+ error:
+ return "\n$type\n$name($args)\n$body";
+# Process each source file, rewriting API functions with updated
+# tracing information.
+my $total_api = 0;
+for $file (@ARGV) {
+ # Ignore some files that do not need tracing macros
+ unless ($file eq "H5FDmulti.c" or $file eq "src/H5FDmulti.c" or $file eq "H5FDstdio.c" or $file eq "src/H5FDstdio.c") {
+ # Snarf up the entire file
+ open SOURCE, $file or die "$file: $!\n";
+ $Source = join "", <SOURCE>;
+ close SOURCE;
+ # Make modifications
+ my $original = $Source;
+ my $napi = $Source =~ s/\n([A-Za-z]\w*(\s+[A-Za-z]\w*)*\s*\**)\n #type
+ (H5[A-Z]{0,2}[^_A-Z0-9]\w*) #name
+ \s*\((.*?)\)\s* #args
+ (\{.*?\n\}[^\n]*) #body
+ /rewrite_func($file,$1,$3,$4,$5)/segx;
+ $total_api += $napi;
+# If the source changed then print out the new version
+ if ($original ne $Source) {
+ printf "%s: instrumented %d API function%s\n",
+ $file, $napi, 1==$napi?"":"s";
+ rename $file, "$file~" or die "unable to make backup";
+ open SOURCE, ">$file" or die "unable to modify source";
+ print SOURCE $Source;
+ close SOURCE;
+ }
+ }
+printf "Finished processing HDF5 API calls\n"