path: root/doc/html/PSandPDF/process.txt
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 218 deletions
diff --git a/doc/html/PSandPDF/process.txt b/doc/html/PSandPDF/process.txt
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-Process for Creating PDF Versions of the HDF5 RM and UG from HTML Source Files
- Last modified: 24 Sep 2004
-PDF versions of the HDF5 Reference Manual (RM) and the new HDF5 User's Guide
-(UG) are created from the HTML source at each release of the HDF5 Library.
-The process is managed through two application environments, Macromedia
-DreamWeaver (an HTML editing environment) and HTML doc (a conversion tool).
-This document describes the process in detail for the RM; the process for the
-UG is very similar and will be described in a subsequent update.
-The HDF5 Reference Manual
-1. Using Macromedia Dreamweaver, define a site that contains all the
- documents within doc/html, including html, image, DreamWeaver library and
- .book files.
-2. In the ed_libs directory:
- a) Assuming you have your libraries set up for electronic viewing (to
- verify, check that there is nothing more than a commented note and
- an ' ' in the 3 aforementioned _Null libraries) drop the code
- from the actual library into it's respective Null lib, replacing
- the  .
- (EXAMPLE: Take all the code from Footer.lbi and insert it into
- Footer_Null.lbi, taking care not to remove the commented note.)
- b) In the now empty library file, add an  .
- c) Save the libraries and thier respective Null files.
- d) With a library still open (not a Null one) choose
- Modify>Library>Update Pages...
- Look in: Entire Site
- Check 'Library Items' in the 'Update:' selection.
- Hit start.
-3. In RM_H5P.html:
- a) RM_H5P.html contains two versions of the 'C Interfaces' function
- list. One is for print use and one is for electronic use.
- One should be visible and one should be commented out.
- Make sure that the section labelled with
- <!-- FOR USE WITH ELECTRONIC VERSION ---> is commented out.
- (by removing the >s).
-4. Using HTMLdoc:
- a) Open
- b) The Input tab:
- Document Type: Web Page
- Input Files:
- RM_H5Front.html
- RM_H5.html
- RM_H5A.html
- RM_H5D.html
- RM_H5E.html
- RM_H5F.html
- RM_H5G.html
- RM_H5I.html
- RM_H5P.html
- RM_H5R.html
- RM_H5S.html
- RM_H5T.html
- RM_H5Z.html
- Tools.html
- PredefDTypes.html
- Glossary.html
- Logo Image: none
- Title File/Image: none
- c) The Output tab:
- Output To: File
- Output Path: H5_RM_body.pdf
- Output Format: PDF
- Output Options: JPEG Big Images
- Compression (not critical, change at will): Slider right above 'Fast'
- JPEG Quality (not critical, change at will): 60
- d) The Page tab:
- Page Size: Letter, 2-Sided
- Top: 0.50in, Left: 1.00in, Right: 0.50in, Bottom: 0.50in
- Header: Blank, Blank, Blank
- Footer: Blank, Blank, 1,2,3,...
- Number Up: 1
- e) The Colors tab:
- Everything Blank
- Link Style: Plain
- f) The Fonts tab:
- Base Font Size: 11.0
- Line Spacing: 1.2
- Body Typeface: Times
- Heading Typeface: Helvetica
- Header/Footer Size: 10.0
- Header/Footer Font: Helvetica
- Character Set: iso-8859-1
- Options: Do Not Check 'Embed Fonts'
- g) The PDF tab:
- PDF Version: 1.3
- Page Mode: Document
- Page Layout: Single
- Page Effect: None
- Options: Check 'Include Links'
- h) The Security tab:
- Encryption: No
- i) The Options tab:
- HTML Editor: Point to Dreamweaver (recommended)
- Browser Width: 680
- GUI Option: Check all 3
- j) Save the book file.
- k) Verify that the output file (H5_RM_body.pdf) is not open.
- l) Generate the document.
-5. Open H5_RM_body.pdf
- a) Scan through the document page by page to verify that there are no
- elements that should have been eliminated via javascripts or swapped
- library contents.
- b) Scan through again looking only for places where page breaks need to
- be added, removed, or relocated. I have found that re-generating the
- document after every pagination correction actually saves time in the
- long run. This is because some pagination corrections that must be
- made may create other problems further down in the document.
- Re-generating the document ensures that every problem you focus on
- won't have to be re-done.
- c) When you are sure all the pagination is correct (don't forget to
- start each of the sections included in the Table of Contents on a
- recto) note page numbers for the beginning of each section in the TOC.
-6. Open RM_TOC.html
- a) Edit page numbers accordingly.
- (Note: Assuming the general format of RM_H5Front remains the same,
- the 'Overview' listing in the TOC should always be on pg. 1, and
- the 'Fortran90 and C++ APIs' listing should be on pg. 2, an
- exepction to the recto-rule.)
- b) Save.
-7. Using HTMLdoc:
- a) Open
- b) The Input tab:
- Document Type: Web Page
- Input Files:
- RM_Title.html
- Copyright.html
- RM_TOC.html
- Logo Image: none
- Title File/Image: none
- c) The Output tab:
- Output To: File
- Output Path: H5_RM_front.pdf
- Output Format: PDF
- Output Options: JPEG Big Images
- Compression (not critical, change at will): Slider right above 'Fast'
- JPEG Quality (not critical, change at will): 60
- d) The Page tab:
- Page Size: Letter, 2-Sided
- Top: 0.50in, Left: 1.00in, Right: 0.50in, Bottom: 0.50in
- Header: Blank, Blank, Blank
- Footer: Blank, Blank, Blank
- Number Up: 1
- e) The Colors tab:
- Everything Blank
- Link Style: Plain
- f) The Fonts tab:
- Base Font Size: 11.0
- Line Spacing: 1.2
- Body Typeface: Times
- Heading Typeface: Helvetica
- Header/Footer Size: 10.0
- Header/Footer Font: Helvetica
- Character Set: iso-8859-1
- Options: Do Not Check 'Embed Fonts'
- g) The PDF tab:
- PDF Version: 1.3
- Page Mode: Document
- Page Layout: Single
- Page Effect: None
- Options: Check 'Include Links'
- h) The Security tab:
- Encryption: No
- i) The Options tab:
- HTML Editor: Point to Dreamweaver (recommended)
- Browser Width: 680
- GUI Options: Check all 3
- j) Save the book file.
- k) Verify that the output file (H5_RM_front.pdf) is not open.
- l) Generate the document.