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+/** @page IntroHDF5 Introduction to HDF5
+Navigate back: \ref index "Main" / \ref GettingStarted
+\section sec_intro_desc HDF5 Description
+HDF5 consists of a file format for storing HDF5 data, a data model for logically organizing and accessing
+HDF5 data from an application, and the software (libraries, language interfaces, and tools) for working with this format.
+\subsection subsec_intro_desc_file File Format
+HDF5 consists of a file format for storing HDF5 data, a data model for logically organizing and accessing HDF5 data from an application,
+and the software (libraries, language interfaces, and tools) for working with this format.
+\subsection subsec_intro_desc_dm Data Model
+The HDF5 Data Model, also known as the HDF5 Abstract (or Logical) Data Model consists of
+the building blocks for data organization and specification in HDF5.
+An HDF5 file (an object in itself) can be thought of as a container (or group) that holds
+a variety of heterogeneous data objects (or datasets). The datasets can be images, tables,
+graphs, and even documents, such as PDF or Excel:
+\image html fileobj.png
+The two primary objects in the HDF5 Data Model are groups and datasets.
+There are also a variety of other objects in the HDF5 Data Model that support groups and datasets,
+including datatypes, dataspaces, properties and attributes.
+\subsubsection subsec_intro_desc_dm_group Groups
+HDF5 groups (and links) organize data objects. Every HDF5 file contains a root group that can
+contain other groups or be linked to objects in other files.
+<caption>There are two groups in the HDF5 file depicted above: Viz and SimOut.
+Under the Viz group are a variety of images and a table that is shared with the SimOut group.
+The SimOut group contains a 3-dimensional array, a 2-dimensional array and a link to a 2-dimensional
+array in another HDF5 file.</caption>
+\image html group.png
+Working with groups and group members is similar in many ways to working with directories and files
+in UNIX. As with UNIX directories and files, objects in an HDF5 file are often described by giving
+their full (or absolute) path names.
+\li / signifies the root group.
+\li /foo signifies a member of the root group called foo.
+\li /foo/zoo signifies a member of the group foo, which in turn is a member of the root group.
+\subsubsection subsec_intro_desc_dm_dset Datasets
+HDF5 datasets organize and contain the “raw” data values. A dataset consists of metadata
+that describes the data, in addition to the data itself:
+<caption>In this picture, the data is stored as a three dimensional dataset of size 4 x 5 x 6 with an integer datatype.
+It contains attributes, Time and Pressure, and the dataset is chunked and compressed.</caption>
+\image html dataset.png
+Datatypes, dataspaces, properties and (optional) attributes are HDF5 objects that describe a dataset.
+The datatype describes the individual data elements.
+\subsection subsec_intro_desc_props Datatypes, Dataspaces, Properties and Attributes
+\subsubsection subsec_intro_desc_prop_dtype Datatypes
+The datatype describes the individual data elements in a dataset. It provides complete information for
+data conversion to or from that datatype.
+<caption>In the dataset depicted, each element of the dataset is a 32-bit integer.</caption>
+\image html datatype.png
+Datatypes in HDF5 can be grouped into:
+<b>Pre-Defined Datatypes</b>: These are datatypes that are created by HDF5. They are actually opened (and closed)
+by HDF5 and can have different values from one HDF5 session to the next. There are two types of pre-defined datatypes:
+Standard datatypes are the same on all platforms and are what you see in an HDF5 file. Their names are of the form
+H5T_ARCH_BASE where ARCH is an architecture name and BASE is a pro­gramming type name. For example, #H5T_IEEE_F32BE
+indicates a standard Big Endian floating point type.
+Native datatypes are used to simplify memory operations (reading, writing) and are NOT the same on different platforms.
+For example, #H5T_NATIVE_INT indicates an int (C).
+<b>Derived Datatypes</b>: These are datatypes that are created or derived from the pre-defined datatypes.
+An example of a commonly used derived datatype is a string of more than one character. Compound datatypes
+are also derived types. A compound datatype can be used to create a simple table, and can also be nested,
+in which it includes one more other compound datatypes.
+<caption>This is an example of a dataset with a compound datatype. Each element in the dataset consists
+of a 16-bit integer, a character, a 32-bit integer, and a 2x3x2 array of 32-bit floats (the datatype).
+It is a 2-dimensional 5 x 3 array (the dataspace). The datatype should not be confused with the dataspace.
+\image html cmpnddtype.png
+\subsubsection subsec_intro_desc_prop_dspace Dataspaces
+A dataspace describes the layout of a dataset’s data elements. It can consist of no elements (NULL),
+a single element (scalar), or a simple array.
+<caption>This image illustrates a dataspace that is an array with dimensions of 5 x 3 and a rank (number of dimensions) of 2.</caption>
+\image html dataspace1.png
+A dataspace can have dimensions that are fixed (unchanging) or unlimited, which means they can grow
+in size (i.e. they are extendible).
+There are two roles of a dataspace:
+\li It contains the spatial information (logical layout) of a dataset stored in a file. This includes the rank and dimensions of a dataset, which are a permanent part of the dataset definition.
+\li It describes an application’s data buffers and data elements participating in I/O. In other words, it can be used to select a portion or subset of a dataset.
+<caption>The dataspace is used to describe both the logical layout of a dataset and a subset of a dataset.</caption>
+\image html dataspace.png
+\subsubsection subsec_intro_desc_prop_property Properties
+A property is a characteristic or feature of an HDF5 object. There are default properties which
+handle the most common needs. These default properties can be modified using the HDF5 Property
+List API to take advantage of more powerful or unusual features of HDF5 objects.
+\image html properties.png
+For example, the data storage layout property of a dataset is contiguous by default. For better
+performance, the layout can be modified to be chunked or chunked and compressed:
+\subsubsection subsec_intro_desc_prop_attr Attributes
+Attributes can optionally be associated with HDF5 objects. They have two parts: a name and a value.
+Attributes are accessed by opening the object that they are attached to so are not independent objects.
+Typically an attribute is small in size and contains user metadata about the object that it is attached to.
+Attributes look similar to HDF5 datasets in that they have a datatype and dataspace. However, they
+do not support partial I/O operations, and they cannot be compressed or extended.
+\subsection subsec_intro_desc_soft HDF5 Software
+The HDF5 software is written in C and includes optional wrappers for C++, FORTRAN (90 and F2003),
+and Java. The HDF5 binary distribution consists of the HDF5 libraries, include files, command-line
+utilities, scripts for compiling applications, and example programs.
+\subsubsection subsec_intro_desc_soft_apis HDF5 APIs and Libraries
+There are APIs for each type of object in HDF5. For example, all C routines in the HDF5 library
+begin with a prefix of the form H5*, where * is one or two uppercase letters indicating the type
+of object on which the function operates:
+\li @ref H5A <b>A</b>ttribute Interface
+\li @ref H5D <b>D</b>ataset Interface
+\li @ref H5F <b>F</b>ile Interface
+The HDF5 High Level APIs simplify many of the steps required to create and access objects, as well
+as providing templates for storing objects. Following is a list of the High Level APIs:
+\li @ref H5LT – simplifies steps in creating datasets and attributes
+\li @ref H5IM – defines a standard for storing images in HDF5
+\li @ref H5TB – condenses the steps required to create tables
+\li @ref H5DS – provides a standard for dimension scale storage
+\li @ref H5PT – provides a standard for storing packet data
+\subsubsection subsec_intro_desc_soft_tools Tools
+Useful tools for working with HDF5 files include:
+\li h5dump: A utility to dump or display the contents of an HDF5 File
+\li h5cc, h5c++, h5fc: Unix scripts for compiling applications
+\li HDFView: A java browser to view HDF (HDF4 and HDF5) files
+The h5dump utility displays the contents of an HDF5 file in Data Description Language (\ref DDLBNF110).
+Below is an example of h5dump output for an HDF5 file that contains no objects:
+$ h5dump file.h5
+ HDF5 "file.h5" {
+ GROUP "/" {
+ }
+ }
+With large files and datasets the output from h5dump can be overwhelming.
+There are options that can be used to examine specific parts of an HDF5 file.
+Some useful h5dump options are included below:
+ -H, --header Display header information only (no data)
+ -d <name> Display a dataset with a specified path and name
+ -p Display properties
+ -n Display the contents of the file
+<h4>h5cc, h5fc, h5c++</h4>
+The built HDF5 binaries include the h5cc, h5fc, h5c++ compile scripts for compiling applications.
+When using these scripts there is no need to specify the HDF5 libraries and include files.
+Compiler options can be passed to the scripts.
+The HDFView tool allows browsing of data in HDF (HDF4 and HDF5) files.
+\section sec_intro_pm Introduction to the HDF5 Programming Model and APIs
+The HDF5 Application Programming Interface is extensive, but a few functions do most of the work.
+To introduce the programming model, examples in Python and C are included below. The Python examples
+use the HDF5 Python APIs (h5py). See the Examples from "Learning the Basics" page for complete examples
+that can be downloaded and run for C, FORTRAN, C++, Java and Python.
+The general paradigm for working with objects in HDF5 is to:
+\li Open the object.
+\li Access the object.
+\li Close the object.
+The library imposes an order on the operations by argument dependencies. For example, a file must be
+opened before a dataset because the dataset open call requires a file handle as an argument. Objects
+can be closed in any order. However, once an object is closed it no longer can be accessed.
+Keep the following in mind when looking at the example programs included in this section:
+C routines begin with the prefix “H5*” where * is a single letter indicating the object on which the
+operation is to be performed.
+FORTRAN routines are similar; they begin with “h5*” and end with “_f”.
+Java routines are similar; the routine names begin with “H5*” and are prefixed with “H5.” as the class. Constants are
+in the HDF5Constants class and are prefixed with "HDF5Constants.". The function arguments
+are usually similar, @see @ref HDF5LIB
+For example:
+File Interface:<ul><li>#H5Fopen (C)</li><li>h5fopen_f (FORTRAN)</li><li>H5.H5Fopen (Java)</li></ul>
+Dataset Interface:<ul><li>#H5Dopen (C)</li><li>h5dopen_f (FORTRAN)</li><li>H5.H5Dopen (Java)</li></ul>
+Dataspace interface:<ul><li>#H5Sclose (C)</li><li>h5sclose_f (FORTRAN)</li><li>H5.H5Sclose (Java)</li></ul>
+The HDF5 Python APIs use methods associated with specific objects.
+For portability, the HDF5 library has its own defined types. Some common types that you will see
+in the example code are:
+#hid_t is used for object handles
+hsize_t is used for dimensions
+#herr_t is used for many return values
+Language specific files must be included in applications:
+Python: Add <code>"import h5py / import numpy"</code>
+C: Add <code>"#include hdf5.h"</code>
+FORTRAN: Add <code>"USE HDF5"</code> and call h5open_f and h5close_f to initialize and close the HDF5 FORTRAN interface
+Java: Add <code>"import hdf.hdf5lib.H5;
+ import hdf.hdf5lib.HDF5Constants;"</code>
+\subsection subsec_intro_pm_file Steps to create a file
+To create an HDF5 file you must:
+\li Specify property lists (or use the defaults).
+\li Create the file.
+\li Close the file (and property lists if needed).
+<caption>The following Python and C examples create a file, file.h5, and then close it.
+The resulting HDF5 file will only contain a root group:</caption>
+\image html crtf-pic.png
+Calling h5py.File with ‘w’ for the file access flag will create a new HDF5 file and overwrite
+an existing file with the same name. “file” is the file handle returned from opening the file.
+When finished with the file, it must be closed. When not specifying property lists, the default
+property lists are used:
+ import h5py
+ file = h5py.File (‘file.h5’, ‘w’)
+ file.close ()
+The H5Fcreate function creates an HDF5 file. #H5F_ACC_TRUNC is the file access flag to create a new
+file and overwrite an existing file with the same name, and #H5P_DEFAULT is the value specified to
+use a default property list.
+ #include “hdf5.h”
+ int main() {
+ hid_t file_id;
+ herr_t status;
+ file_id = H5Fcreate ("file.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ status = H5Fclose (file_id);
+ }
+\subsection subsec_intro_pm_dataset Steps to create a dataset
+As described previously, an HDF5 dataset consists of the raw data, as well as the metadata that
+describes the data (datatype, spatial information, and properties). To create a dataset you must:
+\li Define the dataset characteristics (datatype, dataspace, properties).
+\li Decide which group to attach the dataset to.
+\li Create the dataset.
+\li Close the dataset handle from step 3.
+<caption>The code excerpts below show the calls that need to be made to create a 4 x 6 integer dataset dset
+in a file dset.h5. The dataset will be located in the root group:</caption>
+\image html crtdset.png
+With Python, the creation of the dataspace is included as a parameter in the dataset creation method.
+Just one call will create a 4 x 6 integer dataset dset. A pre-defined Big Endian 32-bit integer datatype
+is specified. The create_dataset method creates the dataset in the root group (the file object).
+The dataset is close by the Python interface.
+ dataset = file.create_dataset("dset",(4, 6), h5py.h5t.STD_I32BE)
+To create the same dataset in C, you must specify the dataspace with the #H5Screate_simple function,
+create the dataset by calling #H5Dcreate, and then close the dataspace and dataset with calls to #H5Dclose
+and #H5Sclose. #H5P_DEFAULT is specified to use a default property list. Note that the file identifier
+(file_id) is passed in as the first parameter to #H5Dcreate, which creates the dataset in the root group.
+ // Create the dataspace for the dataset.
+ dims[0] = 4;
+ dims[1] = 6;
+ dataspace_id = H5Screate_simple(2, dims, NULL);
+ // Create the dataset.
+ dataset_id = H5Dcreate (file_id, "/dset", H5T_STD_I32BE, dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ // Close the dataset and dataspace
+ status = H5Dclose(dataset_id);
+ status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id);
+\subsection subsec_intro_pm_write Writing to or reading from a dataset
+Once you have created or opened a dataset you can write to it:
+ data = np.zeros((4,6))
+ for i in range(4):
+ for j in range(6):
+ data[i][j]= i*6+j+1
+ dataset[...] = data <-- Write data to dataset
+ data_read = dataset[...] <-- Read data from dataset
+#H5S_ALL is passed in for the memory and file dataspace parameters to indicate that the entire dataspace
+of the dataset is specified. These two parameters can be modified to allow subsetting of a dataset.
+The native predefined datatype, #H5T_NATIVE_INT, is used for reading and writing so that HDF5 will do
+any necessary integer conversions:
+ status = H5Dwrite (dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, dset_data);
+ status = H5Dread (dataset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, dset_data);
+\subsection subsec_intro_pm_group Steps to create a group
+An HDF5 group is a structure containing zero or more HDF5 objects. Before you can create a group you must
+obtain the location identifier of where the group is to be created. Following are the steps that are required:
+\li Decide where to put the group – in the “root group” (or file identifier) or in another group. Open the group if it is not already open.
+\li Define properties or use the default.
+\li Create the group.
+\li Close the group.
+<caption>Creates attributes that are attached to the dataset dset</caption>
+\image html crtgrp.png
+The code below opens the dataset dset.h5 with read/write permission and creates a group MyGroup in the root group.
+Properties are not specified so the defaults are used:
+ import h5py
+ file = h5py.File('dset.h5', 'r+')
+ group = file.create_group ('MyGroup')
+ file.close()
+To create the group MyGroup in the root group, you must call #H5Gcreate, passing in the file identifier returned
+from opening or creating the file. The default property lists are specified with #H5P_DEFAULT. The group is then
+ group_id = H5Gcreate (file_id, "MyGroup", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ status = H5Gclose (group_id);
+\subsection subsec_intro_pm_attr Steps to create and write to an attribute
+To create an attribute you must open the object that you wish to attach the attribute to. Then you can create,
+access, and close the attribute as needed:
+\li Open the object that you wish to add an attribute to.
+\li Create the attribute
+\li Write to the attribute
+\li Close the attribute and the object it is attached to.
+<caption>Creates attributes that are attached to the dataset dset</caption>
+\image html crtatt.png
+The dataspace, datatype, and data are specified in the call to create an attribute in Python:
+ dataset.attrs["Units"] = “Meters per second” <-- Create string
+ attr_data = np.zeros((2,))
+ attr_data[0] = 100
+ attr_data[1] = 200
+ dataset.attrs.create("Speed", attr_data, (2,), “i”) <-- Create Integer
+To create an integer attribute in C, you must create the dataspace, create the attribute, write
+to it and then close it in separate steps:
+ hid_t attribute_id, dataspace_id; // identifiers
+ hsize_t dims;
+ int attr_data[2];
+ herr_t status;
+ ...
+ // Initialize the attribute data.
+ attr_data[0] = 100;
+ attr_data[1] = 200;
+ // Create the data space for the attribute.
+ dims = 2;
+ dataspace_id = H5Screate_simple(1, &dims, NULL);
+ // Create a dataset attribute.
+ attribute_id = H5Acreate2 (dataset_id, "Units", H5T_STD_I32BE,
+ dataspace_id, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
+ // Write the attribute data.
+ status = H5Awrite(attribute_id, H5T_NATIVE_INT, attr_data);
+ // Close the attribute.
+ status = H5Aclose(attribute_id);
+ // Close the dataspace.
+ status = H5Sclose(dataspace_id);
+Navigate back: \ref index "Main" / \ref GettingStarted
+@page HDF5Examples HDF5 Examples
+Example programs of how to use HDF5 are provided below.
+For HDF-EOS specific examples, see the <a href="">examples</a>
+of how to access and visualize NASA HDF-EOS files using IDL, MATLAB, and NCL on the
+<a href="">HDF-EOS Tools and Information Center</a> page.
+\section secHDF5Examples Examples
+\li \ref LBExamples
+\li <a href="">Examples by API</a>
+\li <a href="">Examples in the Source Code</a>
+\li <a href="">Other Examples</a>
+\section secHDF5ExamplesCompile How To Compile
+For information on compiling in C, C++ and Fortran, see: \ref LBCompiling
+\section secHDF5ExamplesOther Other Examples
+<a href="">IDL, MATLAB, and NCL Examples for HDF-EOS</a>
+Examples of how to access and visualize NASA HDF-EOS files using IDL, MATLAB, and NCL.
+<a href="">Miscellaneous Examples</a>
+These (very old) examples resulted from working with users, and are not fully tested. Most of them are in C, with a few in Fortran and Java.
+<a href="">Using Special Values</a>
+These examples show how to create special values in an HDF5 application.