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+/** \page VOL_Connector HDF5 Virtual Object Layer (VOL) Connector Author Guide
+Navigate back: \ref index "Main"
+\section secVOLIntro Introduction
+The Virtual Object Layer (VOL) is an abstraction layer in the HDF5 library which intercepts all API
+calls that could potentially access objects in an HDF5 container and forwards those calls to object drivers
+referred to as <em>VOL connectors</em>. The architecture of this feature is described in the \ref H5VL_UG
+and VOL Architecture and Internals Documentation and will not be duplicated here.
+This guide is for people who are interested in developing their own VOL connector for the HDF5 library.
+It is assumed that the reader has good knowledge of the VOL architecture obtained by reading the VOL
+architectural design document.
+\section secVOLCreate Creating a New Connector
+\subsection subsecVOLOverview Overview
+Creating a new VOL connector can be a complicated process. You will need to map your storage system
+to the HDF5 data model through the lens of the VOL and this may involve some impedance mismatch that
+you will have to work around. The good news is that the HDF5 library has been re-engineered to handle
+arbitrary, connector-specific data structures via the VOL callbacks, so no knowledge of the library internals
+is necessary to write a VOL connector.
+Writing a VOL connector requires these things:
+\li Decide on library vs plugin vs internal.
+\li Set up your build/test files (CMake, Autotools, etc.).
+\li Fill in some boilerplate information in yourH5VLclasststruct.
+\li Decide how you will perform any necessary initialization needed by your storage system.
+\li Map Storage to HDF5 File Objects
+\li Create implementations for the callbacks you need to support.
+\li Test the connector.
+Each of the steps listed above is described in more detail in this section of the document.
+The "model then implement" steps can be performed iteratively. You might begin by only supporting files,
+datasets, and groups and only allowing basic operations on them. In some cases, this may be all that is
+needed. As your needs grow, you can repeat those steps and increase the connector's HDF5 API coverage
+at a pace that makes sense for your users.
+Also, note that this document only covers writing VOL connectors using the C programming language. It
+is often possible to write connectors in other programming languages (e.g.; Python) via the language's C
+interop facilities, but that topic is out of scope for this document.
+\subsection subsecVOL112dep The HDF5 1.12.x VOL Interface Is DEPRECATED
+Important changes were made to the VOL interface for HDF5 1.13.0 and, due to binary compatibility issues,
+these cannot be merged to HDF5 1.12.x. For this reason, VOL connector development should be shifted to
+target 1.13.0 as no further development of the VOL interface will take place on the 1.12.x branch. Unlike the
+other development branches of the library, there is no hdf5_1_13 branch - all HDF5 1.13.0 development is
+taking place in the develop branch of the HDF5 repository and 1.13.x branches will split off from that.
+Note also that HDF5 1.13.0 is considered an unstable branch, and the API and file format are subject to
+change ("unstable" means "not yet finalized", not "buggy"). The VOL feature is under active development
+and, although it is nearing its final form, may change further before the stable HDF5 1.14.0 release targeted
+for 2022.
+\subsection subsecVOLRelated VOL-Related HDF5 Header Files
+Use of the VOL, including topics such as registration and loading VOL plugins, is described in the \ref H5VL_UG.
+Public header Files you will need to be familiar with include:
+<td>Public VOL header.
+<td>Main header for connector authors. Contains definitions for the main VOL struct and callbacks, enum values, etc.
+<td>Helper routines for passthrough connector authors.
+<td>Native VOL connector header. May be useful if your connector will attempt to implement native HDF5 API calls that are handled via the optional callbacks.
+<td>Needed if your connector will be built as a plugin.
+Many VOL connectors are listed on The HDF Group's VOL plugin registration page, located at:
+<a href="">Registered VOL Connectors</a>.
+Not all of these VOL connectors are supported by The HDF Group and the level of completeness varies, but the
+connectors found there can serve as examples of working implementations
+\subsection subsecVOLLPI Library vs Plugin vs Internal
+When building a VOL connector, you have several options:
+The connector can be built as a normal shared or static library. Software that uses your connector will have
+to link to it just like any other library. This can be convenient since you don't have to deal with plugin paths
+and searching for the connector at runtime, but it also means that software which uses your connector will
+have to be built and linked against it.
+You can also build your connector as a dynamically loaded plugin. The mechanism for this is the same
+mechanism used to dynamically load HDF5 filter plugins. This can allow use of your connector via the
+VOL environment variable, without modifying the application, but requires your plugin to be discoverable
+at runtime. See the \ref H5VL_UG for more information about using HDF5 plugins.
+To build your connector as a plugin, you will have to include <b>H5PLextern.h</b>
+(a public header distributed with the library) and implement the #H5PLget_plugin_type
+#H5PLget_plugin_info calls, both of which are trivial to code up. It also often requires your connector
+to be built with certain compile/link options. The VOL connector template does all of these things.
+The HDF5 library's plugin loading code will call #H5PLget_plugin_type
+to determine the type of plugin(e.g.; filter, VOL) and #H5PLget_plugin_info
+to get the class struct, which allows the library to query the plugin for its name and value to see if it has found
+a requested plugin. When a match is found, the library will use the class struct to register the connector and map its callbacks.
+For the HDF5 library to be able to load an external plugin dynamically, the plugin developer has to define
+two public routines with the following name and signature:
+ H5PL_type_t H5PLget_plugin_type(void);
+ const void *H5PLget_plugin_info(void);
+To show how easy this is to accomplish, here is the complete implementation of those functions in the
+template VOL connector:
+H5PL_type_t H5PLget_plugin_type(void) { return H5PL_TYPE_VOL; }
+const void *H5PLget_plugin_info(void) { return &template_class_g; }
+\ref H5PLget_plugin_type should return the library type which should always be #H5PL_TYPE_VOL.
+#H5PLget_plugin_info should return a pointer to the plugin structure defining the VOL plugin with all the callbacks.
+For example, consider an external plugin defined as:
+ static const H5VL_class_t H5VL_foo_g = {
+ 2, // version
+ 12345, // value
+ "foo", // name
+ ...
+ }
+The plugin would implement the two routines as:
+ H5PL_type_t H5PLget_plugin_type(void)
+ {return H5PL_TYPE_VOL;}
+ const void *H5PLget_plugin_info(void)
+ {return &H5VL_foo_g;}
+Your VOL connector can also be constructed as a part of the HDF5 library. This works in the same way
+as the stdio and multi virtual file drivers (VFDs) and does not require knowledge of HDF5 internals or
+use of non-public API calls. You simply have to add your connector's files to the and/or CMakeLists.txt files in the source distribution's src directory. This requires maintaining
+a private build of the library, though, and is not recommended.
+\subsection subsecVOLBuild Build Files / VOL Template
+We have created a template terminal VOL connector that includes both Autotools and CMake build files. The
+constructed VOL connector includes no real functionality, but can be registered and loaded as a plugin.
+The VOL template can be found here:
+<a href="">VOL template</a>
+The purpose of this template is to quickly get you to the point where you can begin filling in the callback
+functions and writing tests. You can copy this code to your own repository to serve as the basis for your
+new connector.
+A template passthrough VOL is also available. This will be discussed in the section on passthrough connectors.
+\subsection subsecVOLBoil H5VL_class_t Boilerplate
+Several fields in the H5VLclasststruct will need to be filled in.
+In HDF5 1.13.0, the <em>version</em> field will be 2, indicating the connector targets version 2 of the
+#H5VL_class_t struct. Version 1 of the struct was never formally released and only available in the
+develop branch of the HDF5 git repository. Version 0 is used in the deprecated HDF5 1.12.x branch.
+Every connector needs a <em>name</em> and <em>value</em>. The library will use these when loading and registering the
+connector (as described in the \ref H5VL_UG), so they should be unique in your ecosystem.
+VOL connector values are integers, with a maximum value of 65535. Values from 0 to 255 are reserved
+for internal use by The HDF Group. The native VOL connector has a value of 0. Values of 256 to 511
+are for connector testing and should not be found in the wild. Values of 512 to 65535 are for external
+As is the case with HDF5 filters, The HDF Group can assign you an official VOL connector value. Please
+contact <a href=""></a> for help with this. We currently do not register connector names, though the
+name you've chosen will appear on the registered VOL connectors page.
+As noted above, registered VOL connectors will be listed at:
+<a href="">Registered VOL Connectors</a>
+A new \b conn_version field has been added to the class struct for 1.13. This field is currently not used by
+the library so its use is determined by the connector author. Best practices for this field will be determined
+in the near future and this part of the guide will be updated.
+The \b cap_flags field is used to determine the capabilities of the VOL connector. At this time, the use of this
+field is limited to indicating thread-safety, asynchronous capabilities, and ability to produce native HDF5
+files. Supported flags can be found in \ref H5VLconnector.h.
+// Capability flags for connector
+#define H5VL_CAP_FLAG_NONE 0 // No special connector capabilities
+#define H5VL_CAP_FLAG_THREADSAFE 0x01 // Connector is threadsafe
+#define H5VL_CAP_FLAG_ASYNC 0x02 // Connector performs operations asynchronously
+#define H5VL_CAP_FLAG_NATIVE_FILES 0x04 // Connector produces native file format
+\subsection subsecVOLInit Initialization and Shutdown
+You'll need to decide how to perform any initialization and shutdown tasks that are required by your
+connector. There are initialize and terminate callbacks in the #H5VL_class_t struct to handle this. They
+are invoked when the connector is registered and unregistered, respectively. The initialize callback can take
+a VOL initialization property list, so any properties you need for initialization can be applied to it. The
+HDF5 library currently makes no use of the vipl so there are no default vipl properties.
+If this is unsuitable, you may have to create custom connector-specific API calls to handle initialization and
+termination. It may also be useful to perform operations in a custom API call used to set the VOL connector
+in the fapl.
+The initialization and terminate callbacks:
+ herr_t (*initialize)(hid_t vipl_id); // Connector initialization callback
+ herr_t (*terminate)(void); // Connector termination callback
+\subsection subsecVOLMap Map Storage to HDF5 File Objects
+The most difficult part of designing a new VOL connector is going to determining how to support HDF5
+file objects and operations using your storage system. There isn't much specific advice to give here, as each
+connector will have unique needs, but a forthcoming "tutorial" connector will set up a simple connector and
+demonstrate this process.
+\subsection subsecVOLFillIn Fill In VOL Callbacks
+For each file object you support in your connector (including the file itself), you will need to create a
+data struct to hold whatever file object metadata that are needed by your connector. For example, a data
+structure for a VOL connector based on text files might have a file struct that contains a file pointer for the
+text file, buffers used for caching data, etc. Pointers to these data structures are where your connector's
+state is stored and are returned to the HDF5 library from the create/open/etc. callbacks such as
+<em>dataset create</em>.
+Once you have your data structures, you'll need to create your own implementations of the callback functions
+and map them via your #H5VL_class_t struct.
+\subsection subsecVOLOpt Handling Optional Operations
+Handling optional operations has changed significantly in HDF5 1.13.0. In the past, optional operations were
+specified using an integer <em>opt_type</em> parameter. This proved to be a problem with pass-through connectors,
+though, as it was possible to have <em>opt_type</em> clash if two connectors used the same <em>opt_type</em> values.
+The new scheme allows a connector to register an optional operation with the library and receive a dynamically-allocated
+<em>opt_type</em> value for the operation.
+The following API calls can be used to manage the optional operations:
+ herr_t H5VLregister_opt_operation(H5VL_subclass_t subcls, const char *op_name, int *op_val);
+ herr_t H5VLfind_opt_operation(H5VL_subclass_t subcls, const char *op_name, int *op_val);
+ herr_t H5VLunregister_opt_operation(H5VL_subclass_t subcls, const char *op_name)
+The <em>register</em> call is used to register an operation for a subclass (file, etc.) and the <em>opt_type</em> parameter
+that the library assigned to the operation will be returned via the <em>opt_val</em> parameter. This value can then
+be passed to one of the subclass-specific API calls (listed below). If you need to find an existing optional
+call's assigned <em>opt_type</em> value by name, you can use the <em>find</em> call.
+One recommended way to handle optional calls is to <em>register</em> all the optional calls at startup, saving the
+values in connector state, then use these cached values in your optional calls. The assigned values should be
+unregistered using the <em>unregister</em> call when the connector shuts down.
+Subclass-specific optional calls:
+herr_t H5VLattr_optional_op(const char *app_file, const char *app_func, unsigned app_line,
+ hid_t attr_id, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, hid_t es_id);
+herr_t H5VLdataset_optional_op(const char *app_file, const char *app_func, unsigned app_line,
+ hid_t dset_id, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, hid_t es_id);
+herr_t H5VLdatatype_optional_op(const char *app_file, const char *app_func, unsigned app_line,
+ hid_t type_id, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, hid_tes_id);
+herr_t H5VLfile_optional_op(const char *app_file, const char *app_func, unsigned app_line,
+ hid_t file_id, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, hid_t es_id);
+herr_t H5VLgroup_optional_op(const char *app_file, const char *app_func, unsigned app_line,
+ hid_t group_id, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, hid_t es_id);
+herr_t H5VLlink_optional_op(const char *app_file, const char *app_func, unsigned app_line,
+ hid_t loc_id, const char *name, hid_t lapl_id, H5VL_optional_args_t *args,
+ hid_t dxpl_id, hid_t es_id);
+herr_t H5VLobject_optional_op(const char *app_file, const char *app_func, unsigned app_line,
+ hid_t loc_id, const char *name, hid_t lapl_id,
+ H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, hid_t es_id);
+herr_t H5VLrequest_optional_op(void *req, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_optional_args_t *args);
+\subsection subsecVOLTest Testing Your Connector
+At the time of writing, some of the HDF5 library tests have been abstracted out of the library with their
+native-file-format-only sections removed and added to a VOL test suite available here:
+<a href="">vol-tests</a>
+This is an evolving set of tests, so see the documentation in that repository for instructions as to its use.
+You may want to clone and modify and/or extend these tests for use with your own connector.
+In the future, we plan to modify the HDF5 test suite that ships with the library to use a future VOL
+capabilities flags scheme to selectively run tests that a particular connector supports. As this is a large task,
+it may be some time before that work is complete.
+\subsection subsecVOLPassthrough Passthrough Connectors
+Coming Soon
+\subsection subsecVOLAsync Asynchronous Operations
+Coming Soon
+\section secVOLRef VOL Connector Interface Reference
+Each VOL connector should be of type #H5VL_class_t:
+<em>VOL connector class, H5VLpublic.h</em>
+\snippet H5VLconnector.h H5VL_class_t_snip
+The <em>version</em> field is the version of the #H5VL_class_t struct. This is identical to how the <em>version</em> field is
+used in the #H5Z_class2_t struct for filters.
+The <em>value</em> field is a unique integer identifier that should be between 512 and 65535 for external, non-library
+The <em>name</em> field is a string that uniquely identifies the VOL connector name.
+The <em>conn_version</em> is the connector version. This is currently not used by the library.
+The <em>cap_flags</em> holds bitwise capability/feature flags that determine which operations and capabilities are
+supported by a the VOL connector. These fields were enumerated in the previous section.
+The <em>initialize</em> field is a function pointer to a routine that a connector implements to set up or initialize
+access to the connector. Implementing this function by the connector is not required since some connectors
+do not require any set up to start accessing the connector. In that case, the value of the function pointer
+should be set to NULL. Connector specific variables that are required to be passed from users should be
+passed through the VOL initialize property list. Generic properties can be added to this property class
+for user-defined connectors that cannot modify the HDF5 library to add internal properties. For more
+information consult the property list reference manual pages.
+The <em>terminate</em> field is a function pointer to a routine that a connector implements to terminate or finalize
+access to the connector. Implementing this function by the connector is not required since some connectors
+do not require any termination phase to the connector. In that case, the value of the function pointer should
+be set to NULL.
+The rest of the fields in the #H5VL_class_t struct are "subclasses" that define all the VOL function callbacks
+that are mapped to from the HDF5 API layer. Those subclasses are categorized into three categories, VOL
+Framework, Data Model, and Infrastructure / Services.
+VOL Framework classes provide functionality for working with the VOL connectors themselves (e.g., working
+with connector strings) and with wrapping and unwrapping objects for passthrough connectors.
+Data Model classes are those that provide functionality for accessing an HDF5 container and objects in that
+container as defined by the HDF5 data model.
+Infrastructure / Service classes are those that provide services for users that are not related to the data model
+specifically. Asynchronous operations, for example, are a service that most connectors can implement, so we
+add a class for it in the VOL structure.
+If a service becomes generic enough and common among many connectors, a class for it should be added
+to the VOL structure. However, many connectors can/will provide services that are not shared by other
+connectors. A good way to support these services is through an optional callback in the VOL structure which
+can be a hook from the API to the connector that provides those services, passing any necessary arguments
+needed without the HDF5 library having to worry about supporting that service. A similar API operation
+to allow users to use that service will be added. This API call would be similar to an "ioctl" call where any
+kind of operation can be supported and passed down to the connector that has enough knowledge from the
+user to interpret the type of the operation. All classes and their defined callbacks will be detailed in the
+following sub-sections.
+To handle that large set of API routines, each class in the Data Model category has three generic callbacks,
+<em>get</em>, <em>specific</em>, and <em>optional</em> to handle the three set of API operations outline above respectively. To
+handle the varying parameters that can be passed to the callback, each callback will take a struct parameter
+that includes an enum <em>get/specific</em> or integer <em>optional</em> field indicating the operation and a union of the
+possible parameters <em>get/specific</em> or void pointer to the parameters <em>optional</em>.
+The optional args struct used for all optional operations:
+// Struct for all 'optional' callbacks
+typedef struct H5VL_optional_args_t {
+ int op_type; // Operation to perform
+ void *args; // Pointer to operation's argument struct
+} H5VL_optional_args_t;
+The <em>opt_type</em> member is the value assigned by the library when the optional operation was registered (or
+<em>defined</em> in the case of the native VOL connector) and the <em>args</em> member is a pointer to the optional
+operation's parameters (usually passed in as a struct).
+Note that this differs from the HDF5 1.12.x scheme, which used <em>va_lists</em>.
+The <em>optional</em> callback is a free for all callback where anything from the API layer is passed in directly.
+This callback is used to support connector specific operations in the API that other connectors should or
+would not know about. More information about types and the arguments for each type will be detailed in
+the corresponding class arguments.
+\subsection subsecVOLRefMap Mapping the API to the Callbacks
+The callback interface defined for the VOL has to be general enough to handle all the HDF5 API operations
+that would access the file. Furthermore, it has to capture future additions to the HDF5 library with little to
+no changes to the callback interface. Changing the interface often whenever new features are added would
+be discouraging to connector developers since that would mean reworking their VOL connector structure.
+To remedy this issue, every callback will contain two parameters:
+<li>A data transfer property list (DXPL) which allows that API to put some properties on for the connectors
+to retrieve if they have to for particular operations, without having to add arguments to the VOL
+callback function.</li>
+<li>A pointer to a request <em>(void **req)</em> to handle asynchronous operations if the HDF5 library adds
+support for them in future releases. hat pointer is set by the VOL connector to a request object it
+creates to manage progress on that asynchronous operation. If the <em>req</em> is <em>NULL</em>, that means that the
+API operation is blocking and so the connector would not execute the operation asynchronously. If
+the connector does not support asynchronous operations, it needs not to worry about this field and
+leaves it unset.</li>
+In order to keep the number of the VOL object classes and callbacks concise and readable, it was decided
+not to have a one-to-one mapping between API operation and callbacks. The parameter names and types
+will be detailed when describing each callback in their respective sections.
+The HDF5 library provides several routines to access an object in the container. For example, to open an
+attribute on a group object, the user could use #H5Aopen and pass the group identifier directly where the
+attribute needs to be opened. Alternatively, the user could use #H5Aopen_by_name or #H5Aopen_by_idx
+to open the attribute, which provides a more flexible way of locating the attribute, whether by a starting
+object location and a path or an index type and traversal order. All those types of accesses usually map to
+one VOL callback with a parameter that indicates the access type. In the example of opening an attribute,
+the three API open routine will map to the same VOL open callback but with a different location parameter.
+The same applies to all types of routines that have multiple types of accesses. The location parameter is a
+structure defined in:
+<em>Structure to hold parameters for object locations, H5VLconnector.h</em>
+// Structure to hold parameters for object locations.
+typedef struct H5VL_loc_params_t {
+ H5I_type_t obj_type; // The object type of the location object
+ H5VL_loc_type_t type; // The location type
+ union { // parameters of the location
+ H5VL_loc_by_token_t loc_by_token;
+ H5VL_loc_by_name_t loc_by_name;
+ H5VL_loc_by_idx_t loc_by_idx;
+ }loc_data;
+ } H5VL_loc_params_t
+// Types for different ways that objects are located in an
+// HDF5 container.
+typedef enum H5VL_loc_type_t {
+ // starting location is the target object
+ // location defined by object and path in H5VL_loc_by_name_t
+ // location defined by object, path, and index in H5VL_loc_by_idx_t
+ // location defined by token (e.g. physical address) in H5VL_loc_by_token_t
+} H5VL_loc_type_t;
+typedef struct H5VL_loc_by_name {
+ const char *name; // The path relative to the starting location
+ hid_t lapl_id; // The link access property list
+typedef struct H5VL_loc_by_idx {
+ const char *name; // The path relative to the starting location
+ H5_index_t idx_type; // Type of index
+ H5_iter_order_t order; // Index traversal order
+ hsize_t n; // Position in index
+ hid_t lapl_id; // The link access property list
+typedef struct H5VL_loc_by_token {
+ void *token; // arbitrary token (physical address of location in native VOL)
+\subsection subsecVOLRefConn Connector Information Callbacks
+This section's callbacks involve the connector-specific information that will be associated with the VOL in
+the fapl via <b>H5Pset_fapl_<name></b> et al. This data is copied into the fapl so the library needs these functions to
+manage this in a way that prevents resource leaks.
+The <em>to_str</em> and <em>from_str</em> callbacks are used to convert the connector-specific data to and from a configuration
+string. There is no official way to construct VOL configuration strings, so the format used (JSON,
+XML, getopt-style processing, etc.) is up to the connector author. These connector configuration strings
+can be used to set up a VOL connector via mechanisms like command-line parameters and environment
+<em>Info class for connector information routines, H5VLconnector.h</em>
+// VOL connector info fields & callbacks
+typedef struct H5VL_info_class_t {
+ size_t size; // Size of the VOL info
+ void *(*copy)(const void *info); // Callback to create a copy of the VOL info
+ herr_t (*cmp)(int *cmp_value, const void *info1, const void *info2); // Callback to compare VOL info
+ herr_t (*free)(void *info); // Callback to release a VOL info
+ herr_t (*to_str)(const void *info, char **str); // Callback to serialize connector's info into a string
+ herr_t (*from_str)(const char *str, void **info); // Callback to deserialize a string into connector's info
+} H5VL_info_class_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefConnsize info: size
+The <em>size</em> field indicates the size required to store any special information that the connector needs.
+If the connector requires no special information, set this field to zero.
+ size_t size;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefConncopy info: copy
+The <em>copy</em> callback is invoked when the connector is selected for use with <b>H5Pset_fapl_<name></b>, the
+connector-specific set call, etc. Where possible, the information should be deep copied in such a way that the original
+data can be freed.
+ void * (*copy)(const void *info);
+ info (IN): The connector-specific info to copy.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefConncmp info: cmp
+The <em>cmp</em> callback is used to determine if two connector-specific data structs are identical and helps the library
+manage connector resources.
+ herr_t (*cmp)(int *cmp_value, const void *info1, const void *info2);
+ cmp_value (OUT): A strcmp-like compare value.
+ info1 (IN): The 1st connector-specific info to copy.
+ info2 (IN): The 2nd connector-specific info to copy.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefConnfree info: free
+The <em>free</em> callback is used to clean up the connector-specific information that was copied when set in the
+fapl via the <em>copy</em> callback.
+ herr_t (*free)(void *info);
+ info (IN): The connector-specific info to free.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefConnto info: to_str
+The <em>to_str</em> callback converts a connector-specific information structure to a connector-specific configuration
+string. It is the opposite of the <em>from_str</em> callback.
+ herr_t (*to_str)(const void *info, char **str);
+ info (IN): The connector-specific info to convert to a configuration string.
+ str (OUT): The constructed configuration string.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefConnfrom info: from_str
+The <em>from_str</em> callback converts a connector-specific configuration string to a connector-specific information
+structure. It is the opposite of the <em>to_str</em> callback.
+ herr_t (*from_str)(const char *str, void **info);
+ str (IN): The connector-specific configuration string.
+ info (OUT): The connector-specific info generated from the configuration string.
+\subsection subsecVOLRefWrap Object Wrap Callbacks
+The object wrap callbacks are used by passthrough connectors to wrap/unwrap objects and contexts when
+passing them up and down the VOL chain.
+<em>Wrap class for object wrapping routines, H5VLconnector.h</em>
+typedef struct H5VL_wrap_class_t {
+ void *(*get_object)(const void *obj); // Callback to retrieve underlying object
+ herr_t (*get_wrap_ctx)(const void *obj, void **wrap_ctx); // Callback to retrieve the object wrapping context for the connector
+ void *(*wrap_object)(void *obj, H5I_type_t obj_type, void *wrap_ctx); // Callback to wrap a library object
+ void *(*unwrap_object)(void *obj); // Callback to unwrap a library object
+ herr_t (*free_wrap_ctx)(void *wrap_ctx); // Callback to release the object wrapping context for the connector
+} H5VL_wrap_class_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefWrapobj wrap: get_object
+Retrieves an underlying object.
+ void * (*get_object)(const void *obj);
+ obj (IN): Object being unwrapped.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefWrapctx wrap: get_wrap_ctx
+Get a VOL connector's object wrapping context.
+ herr_t (*get_wrap_ctx)(const void *obj, void **wrap_ctx);
+ obj (IN): Object for which we need a context.
+ wrap_ctx (OUT): Context.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefWrapwrap wrap: wrap_object
+Asks a connector to wrap an underlying object.
+ void * (*wrap_object)(void *obj, H5I_type_t obj_type, void *wrap_ctx);
+ obj (IN): Object being wrapped.
+ obj_type (IN): Object type (see H5Ipublic.h).
+ wrap_ctx (IN): Context.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefWrapunwrap wrap: unwrap_object
+Unwrap an object from connector.
+ void * (*unwrap_object)(void *obj);
+ obj (IN): Object being unwrapped.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefWrapfree wrap: free_wrap_ctx
+Release a VOL connector's object wrapping context.
+ herr_t (*free_wrap_ctx)(void *wrap_ctx);
+ wrap_ctx (IN): Context to be freed.
+\subsection subsecVOLRefAttr The Attribute Function Callbacks
+The attribute API routines (\ref H5A) allow HDF5 users to create and manage HDF5 attributes. All the \ref H5A
+API routines that modify the HDF5 container map to one of the attribute callback routines in this class
+that the connector needs to implement.
+<em>Structure for attribute callback routines, H5VLconnector.h</em>
+typedef struct H5VL_attr_class_t {
+ void *(*create)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, const char *attr_name, hid_t type_id,
+ hid_t space_id, hid_t acpl_id, hid_t aapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ void *(*open)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, const char *attr_name, hid_t aapl_id,
+ hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*read)(void *attr, hid_t mem_type_id, void *buf, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*write)(void *attr, hid_t mem_type_id, const void *buf, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*get)(void *obj, H5VL_attr_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5VL_attr_specific_args_t *args,
+ hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *obj, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*close)(void *attr, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+} H5VL_attr_class_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefAttrcreate attr: create
+The <em>create</em> callback in the attribute class creates an attribute object in the container of the location object
+and returns a pointer to the attribute structure containing information to access the attribute in future calls.
+ void *(*create)(void *obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, const char *attr_name, hid_t type_id, hid_t space_id, hid_t acpl_id, hid_t aapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): Pointer to an object where the attribute needs to be created or where the look-up
+ of the target object needs to start.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to the location parameters as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ attr_name (IN): The name of the attribute to be created.
+ type_id (IN): The datatype of the attribute.
+ space_id (IN): The dataspace of the attribute.
+ acpl_id (IN): The attribute creation property list.
+ aapl_id (IN): The attribute access property list.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefAttropen attr: open
+The <em>open</em> callback in the attribute class opens an attribute object in the container of the location object and
+returns a pointer to the attribute structure containing information to access the attribute in future calls.<table>
+ void *(*open)(void *obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, const char *attr_name, hid_t aapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): Pointer to an object where the attribute needs to be opened or where the look-up
+ of the target object needs to start.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to the location parameters as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ attr_name (IN): The name of the attribute to be opened.
+ aapl_id (IN): The attribute access property list.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefAttrread attr: read
+The <em>read</em> callback in the attribute class reads data from the attribute object and returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating
+success or failure.
+ herr_t (*read)(void *attr, hid_t mem_type_id, void *buf, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ attr (IN): Pointer to the attribute object.
+ mem_type_id (IN): The memory datatype of the attribute.
+ buf (OUT): Data buffer to be read into.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefAttrwrite attr: write
+The <em>write</em> callback in the attribute class writes data to the attribute object and returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating
+success or failure.
+ herr_t (*write)(void *attr, hid_t mem_type_id, const void *buf, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ attr (IN): Pointer to the attribute object.
+ mem_type_id (IN): The memory datatype of the attribute.
+ buf (IN): Data buffer to be written.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefAttrget attr: get
+The <em>get</em> callback in the attribute class retrieves information about the attribute as specified in the <em>get_type</em> parameter.
+It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure
+ herr_t (*get)(void *obj, H5VL_attr_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): An attribute or location object where information needs to be retrieved from.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+/* Values for attribute 'get' operations */
+typedef enum H5VL_attr_get_t {
+ H5VL_ATTR_GET_ACPL, /* creation property list */
+ H5VL_ATTR_GET_INFO, /* info */
+ H5VL_ATTR_GET_NAME, /* access property list */
+ H5VL_ATTR_GET_SPACE, /* dataspace */
+ H5VL_ATTR_GET_STORAGE_SIZE, /* storage size */
+ H5VL_ATTR_GET_TYPE /* datatype */
+} H5VL_attr_get_t;
+/* Parameters for attribute 'get_name' operation */
+typedef struct H5VL_attr_get_name_args_t {
+ H5VL_loc_params_t loc_params; /* Location parameters for object access */
+ size_t buf_size; /* Size of attribute name buffer */
+ char *buf; /* Buffer for attribute name (OUT) */
+ size_t *attr_name_len; /* Actual length of attribute name (OUT) */
+} H5VL_attr_get_name_args_t;
+/* Parameters for attribute 'get_info' operation */
+typedef struct H5VL_attr_get_info_args_t {
+ H5VL_loc_params_t loc_params; /* Location parameters for object access */
+ const char *attr_name; /* Attribute name (for get_info_by_name) */
+ H5A_info_t *ainfo; /* Attribute info (OUT) */
+} H5VL_attr_get_info_args_t;
+/* Parameters for attribute 'get' operations */
+typedef struct H5VL_attr_get_args_t {
+ H5VL_attr_get_t op_type; /* Operation to perform */
+ /* Parameters for each operation */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ hid_t acpl_id; /* Attribute creation property list ID (OUT) */
+ } get_acpl;
+ H5VL_attr_get_info_args_t get_info; /* Attribute info */
+ H5VL_attr_get_name_args_t get_name; /* Attribute name */
+ struct {
+ hid_t space_id; /* Dataspace ID (OUT) */
+ } get_space;
+ struct {
+ hsize_t *data_size; /* Size of attribute in file (OUT) */
+ } get_storage_size;
+ struct {
+ hid_t type_id; /* Datatype ID (OUT) */
+ } get_type;
+ } args;
+} H5VL_attr_get_args_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefAttrspec attr: specific
+The <em>specific</em> callback in the attribute class implements specific operations on HDF5 attributes as specified
+in the <em>specific_type</em> parameter. It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5VL_attr_specific_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): The location object where the operation needs to happen.
+ loc_params (IN): A pointer to the location parameters as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+/* Values for attribute 'specific' operation */
+typedef enum H5VL_attr_specific_t {
+ H5VL_ATTR_DELETE, /* H5Adelete(_by_name) */
+ H5VL_ATTR_DELETE_BY_IDX, /* H5Adelete_by_idx */
+ H5VL_ATTR_EXISTS, /* H5Aexists(_by_name) */
+ H5VL_ATTR_ITER, /* H5Aiterate(_by_name) */
+ H5VL_ATTR_RENAME /* H5Arename(_by_name) */
+} H5VL_attr_specific_t;
+/* Parameters for attribute 'iterate' operation */
+typedef struct H5VL_attr_iterate_args_t {
+ H5_index_t idx_type; /* Type of index to iterate over */
+ H5_iter_order_t order; /* Order of index iteration */
+ hsize_t *idx; /* Start/stop iteration index (IN/OUT) */
+ H5A_operator2_t op; /* Iteration callback function */
+ void *op_data; /* Iteration callback context */
+} H5VL_attr_iterate_args_t;
+/* Parameters for attribute 'delete_by_idx' operation */
+typedef struct H5VL_attr_delete_by_idx_args_t {
+ H5_index_t idx_type; /* Type of index to iterate over */
+ H5_iter_order_t order; /* Order of index iteration */
+ hsize_t n; /* Iteration index */
+} H5VL_attr_delete_by_idx_args_t;
+/* Parameters for attribute 'specific' operations */
+typedef struct H5VL_attr_specific_args_t {
+ H5VL_attr_specific_t op_type; /* Operation to perform */
+ /* Parameters for each operation */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ const char *name; /* Name of attribute to delete */
+ } del;
+ H5VL_attr_delete_by_idx_args_t delete_by_idx;
+ struct {
+ const char *name; /* Name of attribute to check */
+ hbool_t *exists; /* Whether attribute exists (OUT) */
+ } exists;
+ /* H5VL_ATTR_ITER */
+ H5VL_attr_iterate_args_t iterate;
+ struct {
+ const char *old_name; /* Name of attribute to rename */
+ const char *new_name; /* New attribute name */
+ } rename;
+ } args;
+} H5VL_attr_specific_args_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefAttropt attr: optional
+The <em>optional</em> callback in the attribute class implements connector specific operations on an HDF5 attribute.
+It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *obj, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): The container or object where the operation needs to happen.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+Each connector that requires connector-specific operations should compare the value of the <em>op_type</em> field of
+the #H5VL_optional_args_t struct with the values returned from calling #H5VLregister_opt_operation to
+determine how to handle the optional call and interpret the arguments passed in the struct.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefAttrclose attr: close
+The <em>close</em> callback in the attribute class terminates access to the attribute object and free all resources it
+was consuming, and returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*close)(void *attr, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ attr (IN): Pointer to the attribute object.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsection subsecVOLRefDset Dataset Callbacks
+The dataset API routines (\ref H5D) allow HDF5 users to create and manage HDF5 datasets. All the \ref H5D API
+routines that modify the HDF5 container map to one of the dataset callback routines in this class that the
+connector needs to implement.
+<em>Structure for dataset callback routines, H5VLconnector.h</em>
+typedef struct H5VL_dataset_class_t {
+ void *(*create)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, const char *name, hid_t lcpl_id,
+ hid_t type_id, hid_t space_id, hid_t dcpl_id, hid_t dapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ void *(*open)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, const char *name, hid_t dapl_id,
+ hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*read)(size_t count, void *dset[], hid_t mem_type_id[], hid_t mem_space_id[],
+ hid_t file_space_id[], hid_t dxpl_id, void *buf[], void **req);
+ herr_t (*write)(size_t count, void *dset[], hid_t mem_type_id[], hid_t mem_space_id[],
+ hid_t file_space_id[], hid_t dxpl_id, const void *buf[], void **req);
+ herr_t (*get)(void *obj, H5VL_dataset_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *obj, H5VL_dataset_specific_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *obj, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*close)(void *dset, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+} H5VL_dataset_class_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefDsetcreate dataset: create
+The <em>create</em> callback in the dataset class creates a dataset object in the container of the location object and
+returns a pointer to the dataset structure containing information to access the dataset in future calls.
+ void *(*create)(void *obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, const char *name, hid_t lcpl_id,hid_t type_id, hid_t space_id, hid_t dcpl_id, hid_t dapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): Pointer to an object where the dataset needs to be created or where the look-up of
+ the target object needs to start.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to the location parameters as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ The type can be only H5VL_OBJECT_BY_SELF in this callback.
+ name (IN): The name of the dataset to be created.
+ lcpl_id (IN): The link creation property list.
+ type_id (IN): The datatype of the dataset.
+ space_id (IN): The dataspace of the dataset.
+ dcpl_id (IN): The dataset creation property list.
+ dapl_id (IN): The dataset access property list.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefDsetopen dataset: open
+The <em>open</em> callback in the dataset class opens a dataset object in the container of the location object and
+returns a pointer to the dataset structure containing information to access the dataset in future calls.
+ void *(*open)(void *obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, const char *name, hid_t dapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): Pointer to an object where the dataset needs to be opened or where the look-up of the target object needs to start.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to the location parameters as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ The type can be only H5VL_OBJECT_BY_SELF in this callback.
+ name (IN): The name of the dataset to be opened.
+ dapl_id (IN): The dataset access property list.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefDsetread dataset: read
+The <em>read</em> callback in the dataset class reads data from the dataset object and returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating
+success or failure.
+ herr_t (*read)(void *dset, hid_t mem_type_id, hid_t mem_space_id, hid_t file_space_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void *buf, void **req);
+ dset (IN): Pointer to the dataset object.
+ mem_type_id (IN): The memory datatype of the data.
+ mem_space_id (IN): The memory dataspace selection.
+ file_space_id (IN): The file dataspace selection.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ buf (OUT): Data buffer to be read into.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefDsetwrite dataset: write
+The <em>write</em> callback in the dataset class writes data to the dataset object and returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating
+success or failure.
+ herr_t (*write)(void *dset, hid_t mem_type_id, hid_t mem_space_id, hid_t file_space_id, hid_t dxpl_id, const void *buf, void **req);
+ dset (IN): Pointer to the dataset object.
+ mem_type_id (IN): The memory datatype of the data.
+ mem_space_id (IN): The memory dataspace selection.
+ file_space_id (IN): The file dataspace selection.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ buf (IN): Data buffer to be written from.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefDsetget dataset: get
+The <em>get</em> callback in the dataset class retrieves information about the dataset as specified in the <em>get_type</em>
+parameter.It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*get)(void *dset, H5VL_dataset_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ dset (IN): The dataset object where information needs to be retrieved from.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+/* Values for dataset 'get' operation */
+typedef enum H5VL_dataset_get_t {
+ H5VL_DATASET_GET_DAPL, /* access property list */
+ H5VL_DATASET_GET_DCPL, /* creation property list */
+ H5VL_DATASET_GET_SPACE, /* dataspace */
+ H5VL_DATASET_GET_SPACE_STATUS, /* space status */
+ H5VL_DATASET_GET_STORAGE_SIZE, /* storage size */
+ H5VL_DATASET_GET_TYPE /* datatype */
+} H5VL_dataset_get_t;
+/* Parameters for dataset 'get' operations */
+typedef struct H5VL_dataset_get_args_t {
+ H5VL_dataset_get_t op_type; /* Operation to perform */
+ /* Parameters for each operation */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ hid_t dapl_id; /* Dataset access property list ID (OUT) */
+ } get_dapl;
+ struct {
+ hid_t dcpl_id; /* Dataset creation property list ID (OUT) */
+ } get_dcpl;
+ struct {
+ hid_t space_id; /* Dataspace ID (OUT) */
+ } get_space;
+ struct {
+ H5D_space_status_t *status; /* Storage space allocation status (OUT) */
+ } get_space_status;
+ struct {
+ hsize_t *storage_size; /* Size of dataset's storage (OUT) */
+ } get_storage_size;
+ struct {
+ hid_t type_id; /* Datatype ID (OUT) */
+ } get_type;
+ } args;
+} H5VL_dataset_get_args_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefDsetspec dataset: specific
+The <em>specific</em> callback in the dataset class implements specific operations on HDF5 datasets as specified in
+the <em>specific_type</em> parameter. It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *obj, H5VL_file_specific_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): The dset where the operation needs to happen.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+/* Values for dataset 'specific' operation */
+typedef enum H5VL_dataset_specific_t {
+ H5VL_DATASET_SET_EXTENT, /* H5Dset_extent */
+ H5VL_DATASET_FLUSH, /* H5Dflush */
+ H5VL_DATASET_REFRESH /* H5Drefresh */
+} H5VL_dataset_specific_t;
+/* Parameters for dataset 'specific' operations */
+typedef struct H5VL_dataset_specific_args_t {
+ H5VL_dataset_specific_t op_type; /* Operation to perform */
+ /* Parameters for each operation */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ const hsize_t *size; /* New dataspace extent */
+ } set_extent;
+ struct {
+ hid_t dset_id; /* Dataset ID (IN) */
+ } flush;
+ struct {
+ hid_t dset_id; /* Dataset ID (IN) */
+ } refresh;
+ } args;
+} H5VL_dataset_specific_args_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefDsetopt dataset: optional
+The <em>optional</em> callback in the dataset class implements connector specific operations on an HDF5 dataset.
+It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *obj, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): The container or object where the operation needs to happen.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+Each connector that requires connector-specific operations should compare the value of the <em>op_type</em> field of
+the #H5VL_optional_args_t struct with the values returned from calling #H5VLregister_opt_operation to
+determine how to handle the optional call and interpret the arguments passed in the struct.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefDsetclose dataset: close
+The <em>close</em> callback in the dataset class terminates access to the dataset object and free all resources it was
+consuming and returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*close)(void *dset, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ dset (IN): Pointer to the dataset object.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsection subsecVOLRefDType Datatype Callbacks
+The HDF5 datatype routines (\ref H5T) allow users to create and manage HDF5 datatypes. Those routines are
+divided into two categories. One that operates on all types of datatypes but do not modify the contents of the
+container (all in memory), and others that operate on named datatypes by accessing the container. When
+a user creates an HDF5 datatype, it is still an object in memory space (transient datatype) that has not
+been added to the HDF5 containers. Only when a user commits the HDF5 datatype, it becomes persistent
+in the container. Those are called named/committed datatypes. The transient H5T routines should work
+on named datatypes nevertheless.
+All the \ref H5T API routines that modify the HDF5 container map to one of the named datatype callback
+routines in this class that the connector needs to implement.
+<em>Structure for datatype callback routines, H5VLconnector.h</em>
+typedef struct H5VL_datatype_class_t {
+ void *(*commit)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, const char *name, hid_t type_id,
+ hid_t lcpl_id, hid_t tcpl_id, hid_t tapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ void *(*open)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, const char *name, hid_t tapl_id,
+ hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*get)(void *obj, H5VL_datatype_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *obj, H5VL_datatype_specific_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *obj, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*close)(void *dt, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+} H5VL_datatype_class_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefDTypecommit datatype: commit
+The <em>commit</em> callback in the named datatype class creates a datatype object in the container of the location
+object and returns a pointer to the datatype structure containing information to access the datatype in
+future calls.
+ void *(*commit)(void *obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, const char *name, hid_t type_id, hid_t lcpl_id, hid_t tcpl_id, hid_t tapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): Pointer to an object where the datatype needs to be committed or where the look-up of the target object needs to start.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to location parameters as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ In this call, the location type is always H5VL_OBJECT_BY_SELF.
+ name (IN): The name of the datatype to be created.
+ typeid (IN): The transient datatype identifier to be committed.
+ lcpl_id (IN): The link creation property list.
+ tcpl_id (IN): The datatype creation property list.
+ tapl_id (IN): The datatype access property list.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefDTypeopen datatype: open
+The <em>open</em> callback in the named datatype class opens a previously committed datatype object in the container
+of the location object and returns a pointer to the datatype structure containing information to access the
+datatype in future calls.
+ void *(*open) (void *obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, const char * name, hid_t tapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): Pointer to an object where the datatype needs to be opened or where the look-up
+ of the target object needs to start.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to location parameters as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ In this call, the location type is always H5VL_OBJECT_BY_SELF.
+ name (IN): The name of the datatype to be opened.
+ tapl_id (IN): The datatype access property list.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefDTypeget datatype: get
+The <em>get</em> callback in the named datatype class retrieves information about the named datatype as specified
+in thegettypeparameter.It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*get) (void *obj, H5VL_datatype_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): The named datatype to retrieve information from.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+/* Values for datatype 'get' operation */
+typedef enum H5VL_datatype_get_t {
+ H5VL_DATATYPE_GET_BINARY_SIZE, /* Get size of serialized form of transient type */
+ H5VL_DATATYPE_GET_BINARY, /* Get serialized form of transient type */
+ H5VL_DATATYPE_GET_TCPL /* Datatype creation property list */
+} H5VL_datatype_get_t;
+/* Parameters for datatype 'get' operations */
+typedef struct H5VL_datatype_get_args_t {
+ H5VL_datatype_get_t op_type; /* Operation to perform */
+ /* Parameters for each operation */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ size_t *size; /* Size of serialized form of datatype (OUT) */
+ } get_binary_size;
+ struct {
+ void *buf; /* Buffer to store serialized form of datatype (OUT) */
+ size_t buf_size; /* Size of serialized datatype buffer */
+ } get_binary;
+ struct {
+ hid_t tcpl_id; /* Named datatype creation property list ID (OUT) */
+ } get_tcpl;
+ } args;
+} H5VL_datatype_get_args_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefDTypespec datatype: specific
+The <em>specific</em> callback in the datatype class implements specific operations on HDF5 named datatypes as
+specified in the <em>specific_type</em> parameter. It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5VL_object_specific_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): The container or object where the operation needs to happen.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to location parameters as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+/* Values for datatype 'specific' operation */
+typedef enum H5VL_datatype_specific_t {
+ H5VL_DATATYPE_FLUSH, /* H5Tflush */
+ H5VL_DATATYPE_REFRESH /* H5Trefresh */
+} H5VL_datatype_specific_t;
+/* Parameters for datatype 'specific' operations */
+typedef struct H5VL_datatype_specific_args_t {
+ H5VL_datatype_specific_t op_type; /* Operation to perform */
+ /* Parameters for each operation */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ hid_t type_id; /* Named datatype ID (IN) */
+ } flush;
+ struct {
+ hid_t type_id; /* Named datatype ID (IN) */
+ } refresh;
+ } args;
+} H5VL_datatype_specific_args_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefDTypeopt datatype: optional
+The <em>optional</em> callback in the datatype class implements connector specific operations on an HDF5 datatype.
+It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *obj, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): The container or object where the operation needs to happen.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+Each connector that requires connector-specific operations should compare the value of the <em>op_type</em> field of
+the #H5VL_optional_args_t struct with the values returned from calling #H5VLregister_opt_operation to
+determine how to handle the optional call and interpret the arguments passed in the struct.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefDTypeclose datatype: close
+The <em>close</em> callback in the named datatype class terminates access to the datatype object and free all
+resources it was consuming and returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*close) (void *dt, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ dt (IN): Pointer to the datatype object.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsection subsecVOLRefFile File Callbacks
+The file API routines (\ref H5F) allow HDF5 users to create and manage HDF5 containers. All the \ref H5F API
+routines that modify the HDF5 container map to one of the file callback routines in his class that the
+connector needs to implement.
+<em>File class for file API routines, H5VLconnector.h</em>
+typedef struct H5VL_file_class_t {
+ void *(*create)(const char *name, unsigned flags, hid_t fcpl_id, hid_t fapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+ void *(*open)(const char *name, unsigned flags, hid_t fapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*get)(void *obj, H5VL_file_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *obj, H5VL_file_specific_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *obj, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*close)(void *file, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+} H5VL_file_class_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefFilecreate file: create
+The <em>create</em> callback in the file class should create a container and returns a pointer to the file structure
+created by the connector containing information to access the container in future calls.
+ void *(*create)(const char *name, unsigned flags, hid_t fcpl_id, hid_t fapl_id, hid_tdxpl_id, void **req);
+ name (IN): The name of the container to be created.
+ flags (IN): The creation flags of the container.
+ fcpl_id (IN): The file creation property list.
+ fapl_id (IN): The file access property list.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefFileopen file: open
+The <em>open</em> callback in the file class should open a container and returns a pointer to the file structure created
+by the connector containing information to access the container in future calls.
+ void *(*open)(const char *name, unsigned flags, hid_t fapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ name (IN): The name of the container to open.
+ flags (IN): The open flags of the container.
+ fapl_id (IN): The file access property list.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefFileget file: get
+The <em>get</em> callback in the file class should retrieve information about the container as specified in the <em>get_type</em>
+parameter. It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*get)(void *obj, H5VL_file_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): The container or object where information needs to be retrieved from.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+/* Info for H5VL_FILE_GET_CONT_INFO */
+typedef struct H5VL_file_cont_info_t {
+ unsigned version; /* version information (keep first) */
+ uint64_t feature_flags; /* Container feature flags */
+ /* (none currently defined) */
+ size_t token_size; /* Size of tokens */
+ size_t blob_id_size; /* Size of blob IDs */
+} H5VL_file_cont_info_t;
+/* Values for file 'get' operation */
+typedef enum H5VL_file_get_t {
+ H5VL_FILE_GET_CONT_INFO, /* file get container info */
+ H5VL_FILE_GET_FAPL, /* file access property list */
+ H5VL_FILE_GET_FCPL, /* file creation property list */
+ H5VL_FILE_GET_FILENO, /* file number */
+ H5VL_FILE_GET_INTENT, /* file intent */
+ H5VL_FILE_GET_NAME, /* file name */
+ H5VL_FILE_GET_OBJ_COUNT, /* object count in file */
+ H5VL_FILE_GET_OBJ_IDS /* object ids in file */
+} H5VL_file_get_t;
+/* Parameters for file 'get_name' operation */
+typedef struct H5VL_file_get_name_args_t {
+ H5I_type_t type; /* ID type of object pointer */
+ size_t buf_size; /* Size of file name buffer (IN) */
+ char *buf; /* Buffer for file name (OUT) */
+ size_t *file_name_len; /* Actual length of file name (OUT) */
+} H5VL_file_get_name_args_t;
+/* Parameters for file 'get_obj_ids' operation */
+typedef struct H5VL_file_get_obj_ids_args_t {
+ unsigned types; /* Type of objects to count */
+ size_t max_objs; /* Size of array of object IDs */
+ hid_t *oid_list; /* Array of object IDs (OUT) */
+ size_t *count; /* # of objects (OUT) */
+} H5VL_file_get_obj_ids_args_t;
+/* Parameters for file 'get' operations */
+typedef struct H5VL_file_get_args_t {
+ H5VL_file_get_t op_type; /* Operation to perform */
+ /* Parameters for each operation */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ H5VL_file_cont_info_t *info; /* Container info (OUT) */
+ } get_cont_info;
+ struct {
+ hid_t fapl_id; /* File access property list (OUT) */
+ } get_fapl;
+ struct {
+ hid_t fcpl_id; /* File creation property list (OUT) */
+ } get_fcpl;
+ struct {
+ unsigned long *fileno; /* File "number" (OUT) */
+ } get_fileno;
+ struct {
+ unsigned *flags; /* File open/create intent flags (OUT) */
+ } get_intent;
+ H5VL_file_get_name_args_t get_name;
+ struct {
+ unsigned types; /* Type of objects to count */
+ size_t *count; /* # of objects (OUT) */
+ } get_obj_count;
+ H5VL_file_get_obj_ids_args_t get_obj_ids;
+ } args;
+} H5VL_file_get_args_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefFilespec file: specific
+The <em>specific</em> callback in the file class implements specific operations on HDF5 files as specified in the
+<em>specific_type</em> parameter. It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *obj, H5VL_file_specific_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): The container or object where the operation needs to happen.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+/* Values for file 'specific' operation */
+typedef enum H5VL_file_specific_t {
+ H5VL_FILE_FLUSH, /* Flush file */
+ H5VL_FILE_REOPEN, /* Reopen the file */
+ H5VL_FILE_IS_ACCESSIBLE, /* Check if a file is accessible */
+ H5VL_FILE_DELETE, /* Delete a file */
+ H5VL_FILE_IS_EQUAL /* Check if two files are the same */
+} H5VL_file_specific_t;
+/* Parameters for file 'specific' operations */
+typedef struct H5VL_file_specific_args_t {
+ H5VL_file_specific_t op_type; /* Operation to perform */
+ /* Parameters for each operation */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ H5I_type_t obj_type; /* Type of object to use */
+ H5F_scope_t scope; /* Scope of flush operation */
+ } flush;
+ struct {
+ void **file; /* File object for new file (OUT) */
+ } reopen;
+ struct {
+ const char *filename; /* Name of file to check */
+ hid_t fapl_id; /* File access property list to use */
+ hbool_t *accessible; /* Whether file is accessible with FAPL settings (OUT) */
+ } is_accessible;
+ struct {
+ const char *filename; /* Name of file to delete */
+ hid_t fapl_id; /* File access property list to use */
+ } del;
+ struct {
+ void *obj2; /* Second file object to compare against */
+ hbool_t *same_file; /* Whether files are the same (OUT) */
+ } is_equal;
+ } args;
+} H5VL_file_specific_args_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefFileopt file: optional
+The <em>optional</em> callback in the file class implements connector specific operations on an HDF5 container. It
+returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *obj, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): The container or object where the operation needs to happen.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+Each connector that requires connector-specific operations should compare the value of the <em>op_type</em> field of
+the #H5VL_optional_args_t struct with the values returned from calling #H5VLregister_opt_operation to
+determine how to handle the optional call and interpret the arguments passed in the struct.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefFileclose file: close
+The <em>close</em> callback in the file class should terminate access to the file object and free all resources it was
+consuming, and returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*close)(void *file, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ file (IN): Pointer to the file.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsection subsecVOLRefGrp Group Callbacks
+The group API routines (\ref H5G) allow HDF5 users to create and manage HDF5 groups. All the \ref H5G API
+routines that modify the HDF5 container map to one of the group callback routines in this class that the
+connector needs to implement.
+<em>Structure for group callback routines, H5VLconnector.h</em>
+typedef struct H5VL_group_class_t {
+ void *(*create)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, const char *name, hid_t lcpl_id,
+ hid_t gcpl_id, hid_t gapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ void *(*open)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, const char *name, hid_t gapl_id,
+ hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*get)(void *obj, H5VL_group_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *obj, H5VL_group_specific_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *obj, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*close)(void *grp, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+} H5VL_group_class_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefGrpcreate group: create
+The <em>create</em> callback in the group class creates a group object in the container of the location object and
+returns a pointer to the group structure containing information to access the group in future calls.
+ void *(*create)(void *obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, const char *name, hid_t gcpl_id,hid_t gapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): Pointer to an object where the group needs to be created or where the look-up of
+ the target object needs to start.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to the location parameters as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ The type can be only H5VL_OBJECT_BY_SELF in this callback.
+ name (IN): The name of the group to be created.
+ dcpl_id (IN): The group creation property list. It contains all the group creation properties in
+ addition to the link creation property list of the create operation (an hid_t) that can be
+ retrieved with the property H5VL_GRP_LCPL_ID.
+ gapl_id (IN): The group access property list.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefGrpopen group: open
+The <em>open</em> callback in the group class opens a group object in the container of the location object and returns
+a pointer to the group structure containing information to access the group in future calls.
+ void *(*open)(void *obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, const char *name, hid_t gapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): Pointer to an object where the group needs to be opened or where the look-up of the target object needs to start.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to the location parameters as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ The type can be only H5VL_OBJECT_BY_SELF in this callback.
+ name (IN): The name of the group to be opened.
+ gapl_id (IN): The group access property list.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefGrpget group: get
+The <em>get</em> callback in the group class retrieves information about the group as specified in the <em>get_type</em>
+parameter. It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*get)(void *obj, H5VL_group_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req)
+ obj (IN): The group object where information needs to be retrieved from.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+/* Values for group 'get' operation */
+typedef enum H5VL_group_get_t {
+ H5VL_GROUP_GET_GCPL, /* group creation property list */
+ H5VL_GROUP_GET_INFO /* group info */
+} H5VL_group_get_t;
+/* Parameters for group 'get_info' operation */
+typedef struct H5VL_group_get_info_args_t {
+ H5VL_loc_params_t loc_params; /* Location parameters for object access */
+ H5G_info_t *ginfo; /* Group info (OUT) */
+} H5VL_group_get_info_args_t;
+/* Parameters for group 'get' operations */
+typedef struct H5VL_group_get_args_t {
+ H5VL_group_get_t op_type; /* Operation to perform */
+ /* Parameters for each operation */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ hid_t gcpl_id; /* Group creation property list (OUT) */
+ } get_gcpl;
+ H5VL_group_get_info_args_t get_info; /* Group info */
+ } args;
+} H5VL_group_get_args_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefGrpspec group: specific
+The <em>specific</em> callback in the group class implements specific operations on HDF5 groups as specified in the
+<em>specific_type</em> parameter. It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5VL_object_specific_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): The container or object where the operation needs to happen.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to the location parameters as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+/* Values for group 'specific' operation */
+typedef enum H5VL_group_specific_t {
+ H5VL_GROUP_MOUNT, /* Mount a file on a group */
+ H5VL_GROUP_UNMOUNT, /* Unmount a file on a group */
+ H5VL_GROUP_FLUSH, /* H5Gflush */
+ H5VL_GROUP_REFRESH /* H5Grefresh */
+} H5VL_group_specific_t;
+/* Parameters for group 'mount' operation */
+typedef struct H5VL_group_spec_mount_args_t {
+ const char *name; /* Name of location to mount child file */
+ void *child_file; /* Pointer to child file object */
+ hid_t fmpl_id; /* File mount property list to use */
+} H5VL_group_spec_mount_args_t;
+/* Parameters for group 'specific' operations */
+typedef struct H5VL_group_specific_args_t {
+ H5VL_group_specific_t op_type; /* Operation to perform */
+ /* Parameters for each operation */
+ union {
+ H5VL_group_spec_mount_args_t mount;
+ struct {
+ const char *name; /* Name of location to unmount child file */
+ } unmount;
+ struct {
+ hid_t grp_id; /* Group ID (IN) */
+ } flush;
+ struct {
+ hid_t grp_id; /* Group ID (IN) */
+ } refresh;
+ } args;
+} H5VL_group_specific_args_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefGrpopt group: optional
+The <em>optional</em> callback in the group class implements connector specific operations on an HDF5 group. It
+returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *obj, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): The container or object where the operation needs to happen.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+Each connector that requires connector-specific operations should compare the value of the <em>op_type</em> field of
+the #H5VL_optional_args_t struct with the values returned from calling #H5VLregister_opt_operation to
+determine how to handle the optional call and interpret the arguments passed in the struct.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefGrpclose group: close
+The <em>close</em> callback in the group class terminates access to the group object and frees all resources it was
+consuming, and returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*close)(void *group, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ group (IN): Pointer to the group object.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsection subsecVOLRefLink Link Callbacks
+The link API routines (\ref H5L) allow HDF5 users to create and manage HDF5 links. All the \ref H5L API routines
+that modify the HDF5 container map to one of the link callback routines in this class that the connector
+needs to implement.
+<em>Structure for link callback routines, H5VLconnector.h</em>
+typedef struct H5VL_link_class_t {
+ herr_t (*create)(H5VL_link_create_args_t *args, void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params,
+ hid_t lcpl_id, hid_t lapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*copy)(void *src_obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params1, void *dst_obj,
+ const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params2, hid_t lcpl_id, hid_t lapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+ herr_t (*move)(void *src_obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params1, void *dst_obj,
+ const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params2, hid_t lcpl_id, hid_t lapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+ herr_t (*get)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5VL_link_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5VL_link_specific_args_t *args,
+ hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5VL_optional_args_t *args,
+ hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+} H5VL_link_class_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefLinkcreate link: create
+The <em>create</em> callback in the group class creates a hard, soft, external, or user-defined link in the container.
+It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*create)(H5VL_link_create_args_t *args, void *obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, hid_t lcpl_id, hid_t lapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req)
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ obj (IN): Pointer to an object where the link needs to be created from.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to the location parameters as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks" for the source object.
+ lcplid (IN): The link creation property list. It contains all the link creation properties in
+ addition to other API parameters depending on the creation type, which will be detailed next.
+ laplid (IN): The link access property list.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+/* Link create types for VOL */
+typedef enum H5VL_link_create_t {
+} H5VL_link_create_t;
+/* Parameters for link 'create' operations */
+typedef struct H5VL_link_create_args_t {
+ H5VL_link_create_t op_type; /* Operation to perform */
+ /* Parameters for each operation */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ void *curr_obj; /* Current object */
+ H5VL_loc_params_t curr_loc_params; /* Location parameters for current object */
+ } hard;
+ struct {
+ const char *target; /* Target of soft link */
+ } soft;
+ struct {
+ H5L_type_t type; /* Type of link to create */
+ const void *buf; /* Buffer that contains link info */
+ size_t buf_size; /* Size of link info buffer */
+ } ud;
+ } args;
+} H5VL_link_create_args_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefLinkcopy link: copy
+The <em>copy</em> callback in the link class copies a link within the HDF5 container. It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating
+success or failure.
+ herr_t (*copy)(void *src_obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params1, void *dst_obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params2, hid_t lcpl_id, hid_t lapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ src_obj (IN): original/source object or file.
+ loc_params1 (IN): Pointer to the location parameters for the source object as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ The type can be only H5VL_OBJECT_BY_NAME in this callback.
+ dst_obj (IN): destination object or file.
+ loc_params2 (IN): Pointer to the location parameters for the destination object as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ The type can be only H5VL_OBJECT_BY_NAME in this callback.
+ lcpl_id (IN): The link creation property list.
+ lapl_id (IN): The link access property list.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefLinkmove link: move
+The <em>move</em> callback in the link class moves a link within the HDF5 container. It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating
+success or failure.
+ herr_t (*move)(void *src_obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params1, void *dst_obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params2, hid_t lcpl_id, hid_t lapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ src_obj (IN): original/source object or file.
+ loc_params1 (IN): Pointer to the location parameters for the source object as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ The type can be only H5VL_OBJECT_BY_NAME in this callback.
+ dst_obj (IN): destination object or file.
+ loc_params2 (IN): Pointer to the location parameters for the destination object as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ The type can be only H5VL_OBJECT_BY_NAME in this callback.
+ lcpl_id (IN): The link creation property list.
+ lapl_id (IN): The link access property list.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefLinkget link: get
+The <em>get</em> callback in the link class retrieves information about links as specified in the <em>get_type</em> parameter.
+It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*get)(void *obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5VL_link_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): The file or group object where information needs to be retrieved from.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to the location parameters for the destination object as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ The type can be only H5VL_OBJECT_BY_NAME or H5VL_OBJECT_BY_IDX in this callback.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+/* Values for link 'get' operation */
+typedef enum H5VL_link_get_t {
+ H5VL_LINK_GET_INFO, /* link info */
+ H5VL_LINK_GET_NAME, /* link name */
+ H5VL_LINK_GET_VAL /* link value */
+} H5VL_link_get_t;
+/* Parameters for link 'get' operations */
+typedef struct H5VL_link_get_args_t {
+ H5VL_link_get_t op_type; /* Operation to perform */
+ /* Parameters for each operation */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ H5L_info2_t *linfo; /* Pointer to link's info (OUT) */
+ } get_info;
+ struct {
+ size_t name_size; /* Size of link name buffer (IN) */
+ char *name; /* Buffer for link name (OUT) */
+ size_t *name_len; /* Actual length of link name (OUT) */
+ } get_name;
+ struct {
+ size_t buf_size; /* Size of link value buffer (IN) */
+ void *buf; /* Buffer for link value (OUT) */
+ } get_val;
+ } args;
+} H5VL_link_get_args_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefLinkspec link: specific
+The <em>specific</em> callback in the link class implements specific operations on HDF5 links as specified in
+the <em>specific_type</em> parameter. It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5VL_link_specific_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req)
+ obj (IN): The location object where operation needs to happen.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to the location parameters for the destination object as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+/* Values for link 'specific' operation */
+typedef enum H5VL_link_specific_t {
+ H5VL_LINK_DELETE, /* H5Ldelete(_by_idx) */
+ H5VL_LINK_EXISTS, /* link existence */
+ H5VL_LINK_ITER /* H5Literate/visit(_by_name) */
+} H5VL_link_specific_t;
+/* Parameters for link 'iterate' operation */
+typedef struct H5VL_link_iterate_args_t {
+ hbool_t recursive; /* Whether iteration is recursive */
+ H5_index_t idx_type; /* Type of index to iterate over */
+ H5_iter_order_t order; /* Order of index iteration */
+ hsize_t *idx_p; /* Start/stop iteration index (OUT) */
+ H5L_iterate2_t op; /* Iteration callback function */
+ void *op_data; /* Iteration callback context */
+} H5VL_link_iterate_args_t;
+/* Parameters for link 'specific' operations */
+typedef struct H5VL_link_specific_args_t {
+ H5VL_link_specific_t op_type; /* Operation to perform */
+ /* Parameters for each operation */
+ union {
+ /* No args */
+ struct {
+ hbool_t *exists; /* Whether link exists (OUT) */
+ } exists;
+ /* H5VL_LINK_ITER */
+ H5VL_link_iterate_args_t iterate;
+ } args;
+} H5VL_link_specific_args_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefLinkopt link: optional
+The <em>optional</em> callback in the link class implements connector specific operations on an HDF5 link. It returns
+an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): The container or object where operation needs to happen.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to the location parameters for the destination object as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+Each connector that requires connector-specific operations should compare the value of the <em>op_type</em> field of
+the #H5VL_optional_args_t struct with the values returned from calling #H5VLregister_opt_operation to
+determine how to handle the optional call and interpret the arguments passed in the struct.
+\subsection subsecVOLRefObj Object Callbacks
+The object API routines (\ref H5O) allow HDF5 users to manage HDF5 group, dataset, and named datatype
+objects. All the \ref H5O API routines that modify the HDF5 container map to one of the object callback
+routines in this class that the connector needs to implement.
+<em>Structure for object callback routines, H5VLconnector.h</em>
+typedef struct H5VL_object_class_t {
+ void *(*open)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5I_type_t *opened_type, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+ herr_t (*copy)(void *src_obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params1, const char *src_name, void *dst_obj,
+ const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params2, const char *dst_name, hid_t ocpypl_id, hid_t lcpl_id,
+ hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*get)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5VL_object_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5VL_object_specific_args_t *args,
+ hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5VL_optional_args_t *args,
+ hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+} H5VL_object_class_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefObjopen object: open
+The <em>open</em> callback in the object class opens the object in the container of the location object and returns a
+pointer to the object structure containing information to access the object in future calls.
+ void *(*open)(void *obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5I_type_t *opened_type, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): The container or object where operation needs to happen.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to the location parameters for the destination object as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ opened_type (OUT): Buffer to return the type of the object opened (H5I_GROUP or H5I_DATASET or H5I_DATATYPE).
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefObjcopy object: copy
+The <em>copy</em> callback in the object class copies the object from the source object to the destination object. It
+returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*copy)(void *src_obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params1, const char *src_name, void *dst_obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params2, const char *dst_name, hid_t ocpypl_id, hid_t lcpl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req)
+ src_obj (IN): Pointer to location of the source object to be copied.
+ loc_params1 (IN): Pointer to the location parameters for the source object as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ The type can be only H5VL_OBJECT_BY_SELF in this callback.
+ src_name (IN): Name of the source object to be copied.
+ dst_obj (IN): Pointer to location of the destination object or file.
+ loc_params2 (IN): Pointer to the location parameters for the destination object as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ The type can be only H5VL_OBJECT_BY_SELF in this callback.
+ dst_name (IN): Name o be assigned to the new copy.
+ ocpypl_id (IN): The object copy property list.
+ lcpl_id (IN): The link creation property list.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req (IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefObjget object: get
+The <em>get</em> callback in the object class retrieves information about the object as specified in
+the <em>get_type</em> parameter.It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*get)(void *obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5VL_object_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req)
+ obj (IN): A location object where information needs to be retrieved from.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to the location parameters for the destination object as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+/* Values for object 'get' operation */
+typedef enum H5VL_object_get_t {
+ H5VL_OBJECT_GET_FILE, /* object file */
+ H5VL_OBJECT_GET_NAME, /* object name */
+ H5VL_OBJECT_GET_TYPE, /* object type */
+ H5VL_OBJECT_GET_INFO /* H5Oget_info(_by_idx|name) */
+} H5VL_object_get_t;
+/* Parameters for object 'get' operations */
+typedef struct H5VL_object_get_args_t {
+ H5VL_object_get_t op_type; /* Operation to perform */
+ /* Parameters for each operation */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ void **file; /* File object (OUT) */
+ } get_file;
+ struct {
+ size_t buf_size; /* Size of name buffer (IN) */
+ char *buf; /* Buffer for name (OUT) */
+ size_t *name_len; /* Actual length of name (OUT) */
+ } get_name;
+ struct {
+ H5O_type_t *obj_type; /* Type of object (OUT) */
+ } get_type;
+ struct {
+ unsigned fields; /* Flags for fields to retrieve */
+ H5O_info2_t *oinfo; /* Pointer to object info (OUT) */
+ } get_info;
+ } args;
+} H5VL_object_get_args_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefObjspec object: specific
+The <em>specific</em> callback in the object class implements specific operations on HDF5 objects as specified in
+the <em>specific_type</em> parameter. It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *obj, H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5VL_object_specific_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): A location object where he operation needs to happen.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to the location parameters for the destination object as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+/* Values for object 'specific' operation */
+typedef enum H5VL_object_specific_t {
+ H5VL_OBJECT_CHANGE_REF_COUNT, /* H5Oincr/decr_refcount */
+ H5VL_OBJECT_EXISTS, /* H5Oexists_by_name */
+ H5VL_OBJECT_LOOKUP, /* Lookup object */
+ H5VL_OBJECT_VISIT, /* H5Ovisit(_by_name) */
+ H5VL_OBJECT_FLUSH, /* H5{D|G|O|T}flush */
+ H5VL_OBJECT_REFRESH /* H5{D|G|O|T}refresh */
+} H5VL_object_specific_t;
+/* Parameters for object 'visit' operation */
+typedef struct H5VL_object_visit_args_t {
+ H5_index_t idx_type; /* Type of index to iterate over */
+ H5_iter_order_t order; /* Order of index iteration */
+ unsigned fields; /* Flags for fields to provide in 'info' object for 'op' callback */
+ H5O_iterate2_t op; /* Iteration callback function */
+ void *op_data; /* Iteration callback context */
+} H5VL_object_visit_args_t;
+/* Parameters for object 'specific' operations */
+typedef struct H5VL_object_specific_args_t {
+ H5VL_object_specific_t op_type; /* Operation to perform */
+ /* Parameters for each operation */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ int delta; /* Amount to modify object's refcount */
+ } change_rc;
+ struct {
+ hbool_t *exists; /* Whether object exists (OUT) */
+ } exists;
+ struct {
+ H5O_token_t *token_ptr; /* Pointer to token for lookup (OUT) */
+ } lookup;
+ H5VL_object_visit_args_t visit;
+ struct {
+ hid_t obj_id; /* Object ID (IN) */
+ } flush;
+ struct {
+ hid_t obj_id; /* Object ID (IN) */
+ } refresh;
+ } args;
+} H5VL_object_specific_args_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefObjopt object: optional
+The <em>optional</em> callback in the object class implements connector specific operations on an HDF5 object. It
+returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): A container or object where he operation needs to happen.
+ loc_params (IN): Pointer to the location parameters for the destination object as explained in "Mapping the API to the Callbacks".
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+Each connector that requires connector-specific operations should compare the value of the <em>op_type</em> field of
+the #H5VL_optional_args_t struct with the values returned from calling #H5VLregister_opt_operation to
+determine how to handle the optional call and interpret the arguments passed in the struct.
+\subsection subsecVOLRefIntrospect Introspection Callbacks
+<em>Structure for VOL connector introspection callback routines, H5VLconnector.h</em>
+typedef struct H5VL_introspect_class_t {
+ herr_t (*get_conn_cls)(void *obj, H5VL_get_conn_lvl_t lvl, const struct H5VL_class_t **conn_cls);
+ herr_t (*get_cap_flags)(const void *info, uint64_t *cap_flags);
+ herr_t (*opt_query)(void *obj, H5VL_subclass_t cls, int opt_type, uint64_t *flags);
+} H5VL_introspect_class_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefIntrospectcls introspect: get_conn_cls
+Get a connector's #H5VL_class_t struct.
+ herr_t (*get_conn_cls)(void *obj, H5VL_get_conn_lvl_t lvl, const struct H5VL_class_t **conn_cls);
+ obj (IN): The VOL object.
+ lvl (IN): Current or terminal connector.
+ cls (OUT): A const pointer to the connector.
+<em>The "lvl" argument is an enum:</em>
+/* "Levels" for 'get connector class' introspection callback */
+typedef enum H5VL_get_conn_lvl_t {
+ H5VL_GET_CONN_LVL_CURR, /* Get "current" connector (for this object) */
+ H5VL_GET_CONN_LVL_TERM /* Get "terminal" connector (for this object) */
+ /* (Recursively called, for pass-through connectors) */
+ /* (Connectors that "split" must choose which connector to return) */
+} H5VL_get_conn_lvl_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefIntrospecflags introspect: get_cap_flags
+Get a connector's capability flags.
+ herr_t (*get_cap_flags)(const void *info, unsigned *cap_flags)
+ info (IN): A const pointer to pertinent VOL info.
+ cap_flags (OUT): A pointer to capability flags.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefIntrospecquery introspect: opt_query
+Query a class for a capability or functionality.
+ herr_t (*opt_query)(void *obj, H5VL_subclass_t cls, int opt_type, hbool_t *supported);
+ obj (IN): The VOL object.
+ cls (IN): The VOL 'class' to query.
+ opt_type (IN): The specific option to query.
+ supported (OUT): Whether the operation is supported or not.
+<em>The "cls" argument is an enum:</em>
+// Enum type for each VOL subclass
+// (Used for various queries, etc)
+typedef enum H5VL_subclass_t {
+ H5VL_SUBCLS_NONE, // Operations outside of a subclass
+ H5VL_SUBCLS_INFO, // 'Info' subclass
+ H5VL_SUBCLS_WRAP, // 'Wrap' subclass
+ H5VL_SUBCLS_ATTR, // 'Attribute' subclass
+ H5VL_SUBCLS_DATASET, // 'Dataset' subclass
+ H5VL_SUBCLS_DATATYPE, // 'Named datatype' subclass
+ H5VL_SUBCLS_FILE, // 'File' subclass
+ H5VL_SUBCLS_GROUP, // 'Group' subclass
+ H5VL_SUBCLS_LINK, // 'Link' subclass
+ H5VL_SUBCLS_OBJECT, // 'Object' subclass
+ H5VL_SUBCLS_REQUEST, // 'Request' subclass
+ H5VL_SUBCLS_BLOB, // 'Blob' subclass
+ H5VL_SUBCLS_TOKEN // 'Token' subclass
+} H5VL_subclass_t;
+\subsection subsecVOLRefReq Request (Async) Callbacks
+<em>Structure for async request callback routines, H5VLconnector.h</em>
+typedef struct H5VL_request_class_t {
+ herr_t (*wait)(void *req, uint64_t timeout, H5VL_request_status_t *status);
+ herr_t (*notify)(void *req, H5VL_request_notify_t cb, void *ctx);
+ herr_t (*cancel)(void *req, H5VL_request_status_t *status);
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *req, H5VL_request_specific_args_t *args);
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *req, H5VL_optional_args_t *args);
+ herr_t (*free)(void *req);
+} H5VL_request_class_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefReqwait request: wait
+Wait (with a timeout) for an async operation to complete. Releases the request if the operation has completed
+and the connector callback succeeds.
+ herr_t (*wait)(void *req, uint64_t timeout, H5VL_request_status_t *status);
+ req (IN): The async request on which to wait.
+ timeout (IN): The timeout value.
+ status (IN): The status.
+<em>The "status" argument is an enum:</em>
+/* Status values for async request operations */
+typedef enum H5VL_request_status_t {
+ H5VL_REQUEST_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, /* Operation has not yet completed */
+ H5VL_REQUEST_STATUS_SUCCEED, /* Operation has completed, successfully */
+ H5VL_REQUEST_STATUS_FAIL, /* Operation has completed, but failed */
+ H5VL_REQUEST_STATUS_CANT_CANCEL, /* An attempt to cancel this operation was made, but it */
+ /* can't be canceled immediately. The operation has */
+ /* not completed successfully or failed, and is not yet */
+ /* in progress. Another attempt to cancel it may be */
+ /* attempted and may (or may not) succeed. */
+ H5VL_REQUEST_STATUS_CANCELED /* Operation has not completed and was canceled */
+} H5VL_request_status_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefReqnotify request: notify
+Registers a user callback to be invoked when an asynchronous operation completes. Releases the request if
+connector callback succeeds.
+ herr_t (*notify)(void *req, H5VL_request_notify_t cb, void *ctx);
+ req (IN): The async request that will receive the notify callback.
+ cb (IN): The notify callback for the request.
+ ctx (IN): The request's context.
+<em>The "cb" argument is an enum:</em>
+ typedef herr_t (*H5VL_request_notify_t)(void *ctx, H5ES_status_t status)
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefReqcancel request: cancel
+ herr_t (*cancel)(void *req, H5VL_request_status_t *status);
+ req (IN): The async request to be cancelled.
+ status (IN): The status.
+<em>The "status" argument is an enum:</em>
+/* Status values for async request operations */
+typedef enum H5VL_request_status_t {
+ H5VL_REQUEST_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, /* Operation has not yet completed */
+ H5VL_REQUEST_STATUS_SUCCEED, /* Operation has completed, successfully */
+ H5VL_REQUEST_STATUS_FAIL, /* Operation has completed, but failed */
+ H5VL_REQUEST_STATUS_CANT_CANCEL, /* An attempt to cancel this operation was made, but it */
+ /* can't be canceled immediately. The operation has */
+ /* not completed successfully or failed, and is not yet */
+ /* in progress. Another attempt to cancel it may be */
+ /* attempted and may (or may not) succeed. */
+ H5VL_REQUEST_STATUS_CANCELED /* Operation has not completed and was canceled */
+} H5VL_request_status_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefReqspec request: specific
+Perform a specific operation on an asynchronous request.
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *req, H5VL_request_specific_args_t *args);
+ req (IN): The async request on which to perform the operation.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+/* Values for async request 'specific' operation */
+typedef enum H5VL_request_specific_t {
+ H5VL_REQUEST_GET_ERR_STACK, /* Retrieve error stack for failed operation */
+ H5VL_REQUEST_GET_EXEC_TIME /* Retrieve execution time for operation */
+} H5VL_request_specific_t;
+/* Parameters for request 'specific' operations */
+typedef struct H5VL_request_specific_args_t {
+ H5VL_request_specific_t op_type; /* Operation to perform */
+ /* Parameters for each operation */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ hid_t err_stack_id; /* Error stack ID for operation (OUT) */
+ } get_err_stack;
+ struct {
+ uint64_t *exec_ts; /* Timestamp for start of task execution (OUT) */
+ uint64_t *exec_time; /* Duration of task execution (in ns) (OUT) */
+ } get_exec_time;
+ } args;
+} H5VL_request_specific_args_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefReqopt request: optional
+Perform a connector-specific operation for a request.
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *req, H5VL_optional_args_t *args);
+ req (IN): The async request on which to perform the operation.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+Each connector that requires connector-specific operations should compare the value of the <em>op_type</em> field of
+the #H5VL_optional_args_t struct with the values returned from calling #H5VLregister_opt_operation to
+determine how to handle the optional call and interpret the arguments passed in the struct.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefReqfree request: free
+Frees an asynchronous request.
+ herr_t (*free)(void *req);
+ req (IN): The async request to be freed.
+\subsection subsecVOLRefBlob Blob Callbacks
+<em>Structure for blob callback routines, H5VLconnector.h</em>
+typedef struct H5VL_blob_class_t {
+ herr_t (*put)(void *obj, const void *buf, size_t size, void *blob_id, void *ctx);
+ herr_t (*get)(void *obj, const void *blob_id, void *buf, size_t size, void *ctx);
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *obj, void *blob_id, H5VL_blob_specific_args_t *args);
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *obj, void *blob_id, H5VL_optional_args_t *args);
+} H5VL_blob_class_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefBlobput blob: put
+Put a blob through the VOL.
+ herr_t (*put)(void *obj, const void *buf, size_t size, void *blob_id, void *ctx);
+ obj (IN): Pointer to the blob container.
+ buf (IN): Pointer to the blob.
+ size (IN): Size of the blob.
+ blob_id (OUT): Pointer to the blob's connector-specific ID.
+ ctx (IN): Connector-specific blob context.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefBlobget blob: get
+Get a blob through the VOL.
+ herr_t (*get)(void *obj, const void *blob_id, void *buf, size_t size, void *ctx);
+ obj (IN): Pointer to the blob container.
+ blob_id (IN): Pointer to the blob's connector-specific ID.
+ buf (IN/OUT): Pointer to the blob.
+ size (IN): Size of the blob.
+ ctx (IN): Connector-specific blob context.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefBlobspec blob: specific
+Perform a defined operation on a blob via the VOL.
+ herr_t (*specific)(void *obj, void *blob_id, H5VL_blob_specific_args_t *args);
+ obj (IN): Pointer to the blob container.
+ blob_id (IN): Pointer to the blob's connector-specific ID.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+/* Values for 'blob' 'specific' operation */
+typedef enum H5VL_blob_specific_t {
+ H5VL_BLOB_DELETE, /* Delete a blob (by ID) */
+ H5VL_BLOB_ISNULL, /* Check if a blob ID is "null" */
+ H5VL_BLOB_SETNULL /* Set a blob ID to the connector's "null" blob ID value */
+} H5VL_blob_specific_t;
+/* Parameters for blob 'specific' operations */
+typedef struct H5VL_blob_specific_args_t {
+ H5VL_blob_specific_t op_type; /* Operation to perform */
+ /* Parameters for each operation */
+ union {
+ /* No args */
+ struct {
+ hbool_t *isnull; /* Whether blob ID is "null" (OUT) */
+ } is_null;
+ /* No args */
+ } args;
+} H5VL_blob_specific_args_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefBlobopt blob: optional
+Perform a connector-specific operation on a blob via the VOL
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *obj, void *blob_id, H5VL_optional_args_t *args);
+ obj (IN): Pointer to the blob container.
+ blob_id (IN): Pointer to the blob's connector-specific ID.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+Each connector that requires connector-specific operations should compare the value of the <em>op_type</em> field of
+the #H5VL_optional_args_t struct with the values returned from calling #H5VLregister_opt_operation to
+determine how to handle the optional call and interpret the arguments passed in the struct
+\subsection subsecVOLRefToken Token Callbacks
+<em>Structure for token callback routines, H5VLconnector.h</em>
+typedef struct H5VL_token_class_t {
+ herr_t (*cmp)(void *obj, const H5O_token_t *token1, const H5O_token_t *token2, int *cmp_value);
+ herr_t (*to_str)(void *obj, H5I_type_t obj_type, const H5O_token_t *token, char **token_str);
+ herr_t (*from_str)(void *obj, H5I_type_t obj_type, const char *token_str, H5O_token_t *token);
+} H5VL_token_class_t;
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefTokencmp token: cmp
+Compares two tokens and outputs a value like strcmp.
+ herr_t (*cmp)(void *obj, const H5O_token_t *token1, const H5O_token_t *token2, int *cmp_value);
+ obj (IN): The underlying VOL object.
+ token1 (IN): The first token to compare.
+ token2 (IN): The second token to compare.
+ cmp_value (OUT): A value like strcmp.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefTokento token: to_str
+Converts a token to a string representation.
+ herr_t (*to_str)(void *obj, H5I_type_t obj_type, const H5O_token_t *token, char **token_str)
+ obj (IN): The underlying VOL object.
+ obj_type (IN): The type of the object.
+ token (IN): The token to turn into a string representation.
+ token_str (OUT): The string representation of the token.
+<em>The "obj_type" argument is an enum: (from H5Ipublic.h)</em>
+\snippet H5Ipublic.h H5I_type_t_snip
+The only values which should be used for this call are:
+\li #H5I_GROUP
+\li #H5I_MAP
+as these are the only objects for which tokens are valid.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLRefTokenfrom token: from_str
+Converts a string representation of a token to a token.
+ herr_t (*from_str)(void *obj, H5I_type_t obj_type, const char *token_str, H5O_token_t *token);
+ obj (IN): The underlying VOL object.
+ obj_type (IN): The type of the object.
+ token_str (IN): The string representation of the token.
+ token (OUT): The token reated from the string representation.
+<em>The "obj_type" argument is an enum: (from H5Ipublic.h)</em>
+\snippet H5Ipublic.h H5I_type_t_snip
+The only values which should be used for this call are:
+\li #H5I_GROUP
+\li #H5I_MAP
+as these are the only objects for which tokens are valid.
+\subsection subsecVOLRefOpt Optional Generic Callback
+A <em>generic</em> optional callback is provided for services that are specific to a connector.
+The <em>optional</em> callback has the following definition. It returns an <em>herr_t</em> indicating success or failure.
+ herr_t (*optional)(void *obj, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+ obj (IN): A container or object where he operation needs to happen.
+ args (IN/OUT): A pointer to the arguments struct.
+ dxpl_id (IN): The data transfer property list.
+ req IN/OUT): A pointer to the asynchronous request of the operation created by the connector.
+\section secVOLNew New VOL API Routines
+API routines have been added to the HDF5 library to manage VOL connectors. This section details each
+new API call and explains its intended usage. Additionally, a set of API calls that map directly to the VOL
+callbacks themselves have been added to aid in the development of passthrough connectors which can be
+stacked and/or split. A list of these API calls is given in an appendix.
+\subsection subsecVOLNewPub H5VLpublic.h
+The API calls in this header are for VOL management and general use (i.e., not limited to VOL connector authors).
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPubregname H5VLregister_connector_by_name
+ hid_t H5VLregister_connector_by_name(const char *connector_name, hid_t vipl_id);
+ connector_name (IN): The connector name to search for and register.
+ vipl_id (IN): An ID for a VOL initialization property list (vipl).
+Registers a VOL connector with the HDF5 library given the name of the connector and returns an identifier
+for it (#H5I_INVALID_HID on errors). If the connector is already registered, the library will create a new
+identifier for it and returns it to the user; otherwise the library will search the plugin path for a connector
+of that name, loading and registering it, returning an ID for it, if found. See the \ref H5VL_UG for more
+information on loading plugins and the search paths.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPubregval H5VLregister_connector_by_value
+ hid_t H5VLregister_connector_by_value(H5VL_class_value_t connector_value, hid_t vipl_id);
+ connector_value (IN): The connector value to search for and register.
+ vipl_id (IN): An ID for a VOL initialization property list (vipl).
+Registers a VOL connector with the HDF5 library given a value for the connector and returns an identifier
+for it (#H5I_INVALID_HID on errors). If the connector is already registered, the library will create a new
+identifier for it and returns it to the user; otherwise the library will search the plugin path for a connector
+of that name, loading and registering it, returning an ID for it, if found. See the VOL User Guide for more
+information on loading plugins and the search paths.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPubis_name H5VLis_connector_registered_by_name
+ htri_t H5VLis_connector_registered_by_name(const char *name);
+ name (IN): The connector name to check for.
+Checks if a VOL connector is registered with the library given the connector name and returns TRUE/FALSE
+on success, otherwise it returns a negative value.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPubis_value H5VLis_connector_registered_by_value
+ htri_t H5VLis_connector_registered_by_value(H5VL_class_value_t connector_value);
+ connector_value (IN): The connector value to check for.
+Checks if a VOL connector is registered with the library given the connector value and returns TRUE/FALSE
+on success, otherwise it returns a negative value.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPubget_id H5VLget_connector_id
+ hid_t H5VLget_connector_id(hid_t obj_id);
+ obj_id (IN): An ID for an HDF5 VOL object.
+Given a VOL object such as a dataset or an attribute, this function returns an identifier for its associated
+connector. If the ID is not a VOL object (such as a dataspace or uncommitted datatype), #H5I_INVALID_HID
+is returned. The identifier must be released with a call to #H5VLclose.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPubget_by_name H5VLget_connector_id_by_name
+ hid_t H5VLget_connector_id_by_name(const char *name);
+ name (IN): The connector name to check for.
+Given a connector name that is registered with the library, this function returns an identifier for the connector.
+If the connector is not registered with the library, #H5I_INVALID_HID is returned.The identifier must be
+released with a call to #H5VLclose.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPubget_by_value H5VLget_connector_id_by_value
+ hid_t H5VLget_connector_id_by_value(H5VL_class_value_t connector_value);
+ connector_value (IN): The connector value to check for.
+Given a connector value that is registered with the library, this function returns an identifier for the connector.
+If the connector is not registered with the library, #H5I_INVALID_HID is returned.The identifier must be
+released with a call to #H5VLclose.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPubget_name H5VLget_connector_name
+ ssize_t H5VLget_connector_name(hid_t id, char *name /*out*/, size_t size);
+ id (IN): The object identifier to check.
+ name (OUT): Buffer pointer to put the connector name. If NULL, the library just returns thesize required to store the connector name.
+ size (IN): the size of the passed in buffer.
+Retrieves the name of a VOL connector given an object identifier that was created/opened ith it. On
+success, the name length is returned.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPubclose H5VLclose
+ herr_t H5VLclose(hid_t connector_id);
+ connector_id (IN): A valid identifier of the connector to close.
+Shuts down access to the connector that the identifier points to and release resources associated with it.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPubunreg H5VLunregister_connector
+ herr_t H5VLunregister_connector(hid_t connector_id);
+ connector_id (IN): A valid identifier of the connector to unregister.
+Unregisters a connector from the library and return a positive value on success otherwise return a negative
+value. The native VOL connector cannot be unregistered (this will return a negative #herr_t value).
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPubquery H5VLquery_optional
+ herr_t H5VLquery_optional(hid_t obj_id, H5VL_subclass_t subcls, int opt_type, uint64_t *flags);
+ obj_id (IN): A valid identifier of a VOL-managed object.
+ subcls (IN): The subclass of the optional operation.
+ opt_type (IN): The optional operation. The native VOL connector uses hard-coded values. Other
+ VOL connectors get this value when the optional operations are registered.
+ flags (OUT): Bitwise flags indicating support and behavior.
+Determines if a connector or connector stack (determined from the passed-in object) supports an optional
+operation. The returned flags (listed below) not only indicate whether the operation is supported or not,
+but also give a sense of the option's behavior (useful for pass-through connectors).
+Bitwise query flag values:
+ #define H5VL_OPT_QUERY_SUPPORTED 0x0001 /* VOL connector supports this operation */
+ #define H5VL_OPT_QUERY_READ_DATA 0x0002 /* Operation reads data for object */
+ #define H5VL_OPT_QUERY_WRITE_DATA 0x0004 /* Operation writes data for object */
+ #define H5VL_OPT_QUERY_QUERY_METADATA 0x0008 /* Operation reads metadata for object */
+ #define H5VL_OPT_QUERY_MODIFY_METADATA 0x0010 /* Operation modifies metadata for object */
+ #define H5VL_OPT_QUERY_COLLECTIVE 0x0020 /* Operation is collective (operations without this flag are assumed to be independent) */
+ #define H5VL_OPT_QUERY_NO_ASYNC 0x0040 /* Operation may NOT be executed asynchronously */
+ #define H5VL_OPT_QUERY_MULTI_OBJ 0x0080 /* Operation involves multiple objects */
+\subsection subsecVOLNewConn H5VLconnector.h
+This functionality is intended for VOL connector authors and includes helper functions that are useful for
+writing connectors.
+API calls to manage optional operations are also found in this header file. These are discussed in the section
+on optional operations, above.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewConnreg H5VLregister_connector
+ hid_t H5VLregister_connector(const H5VL_class_t *cls, hid_t vipl_id);
+ cls (IN): A pointer to the connector structure to register.
+ vipl_id (IN): An ID for a VOL initialization property list (vipl).
+Registers a user-defined VOL connector with the HDF5 library and returns an identifier for that connector
+(#H5I_INVALID_HID on errors). This function is used when the application has direct access to the connector
+it wants to use and is able to obtain a pointer for the connector structure to pass to the HDF5 library.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewConnobj H5VLobject
+ void *H5VLobject(hid_t obj_id);
+ obj_id (IN): identifier of the object to dereference.
+Retrieves a pointer to the VOL object from an HDF5 file or object identifier.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewConnget H5VLget_file_type
+ hid_t H5VLget_file_type(void *file_obj, hid_t connector_id, hid_t dtype_id);
+ file_obj (IN): pointer to a file or file object's connector-specific data.
+ connector_id (IN): A valid identifier of the connector to use.
+ dtype_id (IN): A valid identifier for the type.
+Returns a copy of the <em>dtype_id</em> parameter but with the location set to be in the file. Returns a negative
+value (#H5I_INVALID_HID) on errors.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewConnpeek_name H5VLpeek_connector_id_by_name
+ hid_t H5VLpeek_connector_id_by_name(const char *name);
+ name (IN): name of the connector to query.
+Retrieves the ID for a registered VOL connector based on a connector name. This is done without duplicating
+the ID and transferring ownership to the caller (as it normally the case in the HDF5 library). The ID returned
+from this operation should not be closed. This is intended for use by VOL connectors to find their own ID.
+Returns a negative value (#H5I_INVALID_HID) on errors.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewConnpeek_value H5VLpeek_connector_id_by_value
+ hid_t H5VLpeek_connector_id_by_value(H5VL_class_value_t value);
+ value (IN): value of the connector to query.
+Retrieves the ID for a registered VOL connector based on a connector value. This is done without duplicating
+the ID and transferring ownership to the caller (as it normally the case in the HDF5 library). The ID returned
+from this operation should not be closed. This is intended for use by VOL connectors to find their own ID.
+Returns a negative value (#H5I_INVALID_HID) on errors.
+\subsection subsecVOLNewPass H5VLconnector_passthru.h
+This functionality is intended for VOL connector authors who are writing pass-through connectors and
+includes helper functions that are useful for writing such connectors. Callback equivalent functions can be
+found in this header as well. A list of these functions is included as an appendix to this document.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPasscmp H5VLcmp_connector_cls
+ herr_t H5VLcmp_connector_cls(int *cmp, hid_t connector_id1, hid_t connector_id2);
+ cmp (OUT): a value like strcmp.
+ connector_id1 (IN): the ID of the first connector to compare.
+ connector_id2 (IN): the ID of the second connector to compare
+Compares two connectors (given by the connector IDs) to see if they refer to the same connector underneath.
+Returns a positive value on success and a negative value on errors.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPasswrap H5VLwrap_register
+ hid_t H5VLwrap_register(void *obj, H5I_type_t type);
+ obj (IN): an object to wrap.
+ type (IN): the type of the object (see below).
+Wrap an internal object with a "wrap context" and register and return an hidt for the resulting object.
+This routine is mainly targeted toward wrapping objects for iteration routine callbacks
+(i.e. the callbacks from H5Aiterate*, H5Literate* / H5Lvisit*, and H5Ovisit* ). Using it in an application
+will return an error indicating the API context isn't available or can't be retrieved.
+he type must be a VOL-managed object class:
+\li #H5I_FILE
+\li #H5I_GROUP
+\li #H5I_MAP
+\li #H5I_ATTR
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPassretrieve H5VLretrieve_lib_state
+ herr_t H5VLretrieve_lib_state(void **state);
+ state (OUT): the library state.
+Retrieves a copy of the internal state of the HDF5 library, so that it can be restored later. Returns a positive
+value on success and a negative value on errors.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPassstar H5VLstart_lib_state
+ herr_t H5VLstart_lib_state(void);
+Opens a new internal state for the HDF5 library. Returns a positive value on success and a negative value
+on errors.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPassrestore H5VLrestore_lib_state
+ herr_t H5VLrestore_lib_state(const void *state);
+ state (IN): the library state.
+Restores the internal state of the HDF5 library. Returns a positive value on success and a negative value on errors.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPassfinish H5VLfinish_lib_state
+ herr_t H5VLfinish_lib_state(void);
+Closes the state of the library, undoing the effects of #H5VLstart_lib_state. Returns a positive value on
+success and a negative value on errors.
+\subsubsection subsubsecVOLNewPassfree H5VLfree_lib_state
+ herr_t H5VLfree_lib_state(void *state);
+ state (IN): the library state.
+Free a retrieved library state. Returns a positive value on success and a negative value on errors.
+\section secVOLAppA Appendix A Mapping of VOL Callbacks to HDF5 API Calls
+<td>VOL Callback</td>
+<td>HDF5 API Call</td>
+<th colspan="2">FILE</th>
+<td>\li #H5Fcreate</td>
+\li #H5Fopen
+\li #H5Fget_access_plist
+\li #H5Fget_create_plist
+\li #H5Fget_fileno
+\li #H5Fget_intent
+\li #H5Fget_name
+\li #H5Fget_obj_count
+\li #H5Fget_obj_ids
+\li #H5Fdelete
+\li #H5Fflush
+\li #H5Fis_accessible
+\li #H5Fis_hdf5 (deprecated, hard-coded to use native connector)
+\li #H5Freopen
+\li #H5Fclose
+<th colspan="2">GROUP</th>
+\li #H5Gcreate1 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Gcreate2
+\li #H5Gcreate_anon
+\li #H5Gopen1 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Gopen2
+\li #H5Gget_create_plist
+\li #H5Gget_info
+\li #H5Gget_info_by_idx
+\li #H5Gget_info_by_name
+\li #H5Gget_num_objs (deprecated)
+\li #H5Fmount
+\li #H5Funmount
+\li #H5Gflush
+\li #H5Grefresh
+\li #H5Gclose
+<th colspan="2">DATASET</th>
+\li #H5Dcreate1 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Dcreate2
+\li #H5Dopen1 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Dopen2
+\li #H5Dread
+\li #H5Dwrite
+\li #H5Dget_access_plist
+\li #H5Dget_create_plist
+\li #H5Dget_space
+\li #H5Dget_space_status
+\li #H5Dget_storage_size
+\li #H5Dget_type
+\li #H5Dextend (deprecated)
+\li #H5Dflush
+\li #H5Drefresh
+\li #H5Dset_extent
+\li #H5Dclose
+<th colspan="2">OBJECT</th>
+\li #H5Oopen
+\li #H5Oopen_by_addr (deprecated)
+\li #H5Oopen_by_idx
+\li #H5Oopen_by_token
+\li #H5Ocopy
+\li #H5Oget_info1 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Oget_info2 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Oget_info3
+\li #H5Odecr_refcount
+\li #H5Oexists_by_name
+\li #H5Oflush
+\li #H5Oincr_refcount
+\li #H5Orefresh
+\li #H5Ovisit_by_name1 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Ovisit_by_name2 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Ovisit_by_name3
+\li #H5Ovisit1 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Ovisit2 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Ovisit3
+\li #H5Oclose
+<th colspan="2">LINK</th>
+\li #H5Glink (deprecated)
+\li #H5Glink2 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Lcreate_hard
+\li #H5Lcreate_soft
+\li #H5Lcreate_ud
+\li #H5Olink
+\li #H5Lcopy
+\li #H5Gmove (deprecated)
+\li #H5Gmove2 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Lmove
+\li #H5Gget_linkval (deprecated)
+\li #H5Lget_info1 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Lget_info2
+\li #H5Lget_info_by_idx
+\li #H5Lget_name_by_idx
+\li #H5Lget_val
+\li #H5Lget_val_by_idx
+\li #H5Gunlink (deprecated)
+\li #H5Ldelete
+\li #H5Ldelete_by_idx
+\li #H5Lexists
+\li #H5Literate1 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Literate2
+\li #H5Literate_by_name1 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Literate_by_name2
+\li #H5Lvisit1 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Lvisit2
+\li #H5Lvisit_by_name1 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Lvisit_by_name2
+<th colspan="2">DATATYPE</th>
+\li #H5Tcommit1 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Tcommit2
+\li #H5Tcommit+anon
+\li #H5Topen1 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Topen2
+\li #H5Tget_create_plist
+\li #H5Tflush
+\li #H5Trefresh
+\li #H5Tclose
+<th colspan="2">ATTRIBUTE</th>
+\li #H5Acreate1 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Acreate2
+\li #H5Acreate_by_name
+\li #H5Aopen
+\li #H5Aopen_by_idx
+\li #H5Aopen_by_name
+\li #H5Aopen_idx (deprecated)
+\li #H5Aopen_name (deprecated)
+\li #H5Aread
+\li #H5Awrite
+\li #H5Aget_create_plist
+\li #H5Aget_info
+\li #H5Aget_info_by_idx
+\li #H5Aget_info_by_name
+\li #H5Aget_name
+\li #H5Aget_name_by_idx
+\li #H5Aget_space
+\li #H5Aget_storage_size
+\li #H5Aget_type
+\li #H5Adelete
+\li #H5Adelete_by_idx
+\li #H5Adelete_by_name
+\li #H5Aexists
+\li #H5Aexists_by_name
+\li #H5Aiterate1 (deprecated)
+\li #H5Aiterate2
+\li #H5Aiterate_by_name
+\li #H5Arename
+\li #H5Arename_by_name
+\li #H5Aclose
+\section secVOLAppB Appendix B Callback Wrapper API Calls for Passthrough Connector Authors
+/* Pass-through callbacks */
+H5_DLL void *H5VLget_object(void *obj, hid_t connector_id);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLget_wrap_ctx(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, void **wrap_ctx);
+H5_DLL void *H5VLwrap_object(void *obj, H5I_type_t obj_type, hid_t connector_id, void *wrap_ctx);
+H5_DLL void *H5VLunwrap_object(void *obj, hid_t connector_id);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLfree_wrap_ctx(void *wrap_ctx, hid_t connector_id);
+/* Public wrappers for generic callbacks */
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLinitialize(hid_t connector_id, hid_t vipl_id);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLterminate(hid_t connector_id);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLget_cap_flags(hid_t connector_id, uint64_t *cap_flags);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLget_value(hid_t connector_id, H5VL_class_value_t *conn_value);
+/* Public wrappers for info fields and callbacks */
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLcopy_connector_info(hid_t connector_id, void **dst_vol_info, void *src_vol_info);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLcmp_connector_info(int *cmp, hid_t connector_id, const void *info1, const void *info2);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLfree_connector_info(hid_t connector_id, void *vol_info);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLconnector_info_to_str(const void *info, hid_t connector_id, char **str);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLconnector_str_to_info(const char *str, hid_t connector_id, void **info);
+/* Public wrappers for attribute callbacks */
+H5_DLL void *H5VLattr_create(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, hid_t connector_id,
+ const char *attr_name, hid_t type_id, hid_t space_id, hid_t acpl_id,
+ hid_t aapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL void *H5VLattr_open(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, hid_t connector_id,
+ const char *name, hid_t aapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLattr_read(void *attr, hid_t connector_id, hid_t dtype_id, void *buf, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLattr_write(void *attr, hid_t connector_id, hid_t dtype_id, const void *buf, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLattr_get(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_attr_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLattr_specific(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, hid_t connector_id,
+ H5VL_attr_specific_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLattr_optional(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLattr_close(void *attr, hid_t connector_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+/* Public wrappers for dataset callbacks */
+H5_DLL void *H5VLdataset_create(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, hid_t connector_id,
+ const char *name, hid_t lcpl_id, hid_t type_id, hid_t space_id, hid_t dcpl_id,
+ hid_t dapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL void *H5VLdataset_open(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, hid_t connector_id,
+ const char *name, hid_t dapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLdataset_read(size_t count, void *dset[], hid_t connector_id, hid_t mem_type_id[],
+ hid_t mem_space_id[], hid_t file_space_id[], hid_t plist_id, void *buf[],
+ void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLdataset_write(size_t count, void *dset[], hid_t connector_id, hid_t mem_type_id[],
+ hid_t mem_space_id[], hid_t file_space_id[], hid_t plist_id,
+ const void *buf[], void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLdataset_get(void *dset, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_dataset_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLdataset_specific(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_dataset_specific_args_t *args,
+ hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLdataset_optional(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLdataset_close(void *dset, hid_t connector_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+/* Public wrappers for named datatype callbacks */
+H5_DLL void *H5VLdatatype_commit(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, hid_t connector_id,
+ const char *name, hid_t type_id, hid_t lcpl_id, hid_t tcpl_id, hid_t tapl_id,
+ hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL void *H5VLdatatype_open(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, hid_t connector_id,
+ const char *name, hid_t tapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLdatatype_get(void *dt, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_datatype_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLdatatype_specific(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_datatype_specific_args_t *args,
+ hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLdatatype_optional(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLdatatype_close(void *dt, hid_t connector_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+/* Public wrappers for file callbacks */
+H5_DLL void *H5VLfile_create(const char *name, unsigned flags, hid_t fcpl_id, hid_t fapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+H5_DLL void *H5VLfile_open(const char *name, unsigned flags, hid_t fapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLfile_get(void *file, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_file_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLfile_specific(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_file_specific_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLfile_optional(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLfile_close(void *file, hid_t connector_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+/* Public wrappers for group callbacks */
+H5_DLL void *H5VLgroup_create(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, hid_t connector_id,
+ const char *name, hid_t lcpl_id, hid_t gcpl_id, hid_t gapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+H5_DLL void *H5VLgroup_open(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, hid_t connector_id,
+ const char *name, hid_t gapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLgroup_get(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_group_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLgroup_specific(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_group_specific_args_t *args,
+ hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLgroup_optional(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLgroup_close(void *grp, hid_t connector_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+/* Public wrappers for link callbacks */
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLlink_create(H5VL_link_create_args_t *args, void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params,
+ hid_t connector_id, hid_t lcpl_id, hid_t lapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLlink_copy(void *src_obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params1, void *dst_obj,
+ const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params2, hid_t connector_id, hid_t lcpl_id,
+ hid_t lapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLlink_move(void *src_obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params1, void *dst_obj,
+ const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params2, hid_t connector_id, hid_t lcpl_id,
+ hid_t lapl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLlink_get(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, hid_t connector_id,
+ H5VL_link_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLlink_specific(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, hid_t connector_id,
+ H5VL_link_specific_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLlink_optional(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, hid_t connector_id,
+ H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+/* Public wrappers for object callbacks */
+H5_DLL void *H5VLobject_open(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, hid_t connector_id,
+ H5I_type_t *opened_type, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLobject_copy(void *src_obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params1, const char *src_name,
+ void *dst_obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params2, const char *dst_name,
+ hid_t connector_id, hid_t ocpypl_id, hid_t lcpl_id, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLobject_get(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, hid_t connector_id,
+ H5VL_object_get_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLobject_specific(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, hid_t connector_id,
+ H5VL_object_specific_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLobject_optional(void *obj, const H5VL_loc_params_t *loc_params, hid_t connector_id,
+ H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id, void **req);
+/* Public wrappers for connector/container introspection callbacks */
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLintrospect_get_conn_cls(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_get_conn_lvl_t lvl,
+ const H5VL_class_t **conn_cls);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLintrospect_get_cap_flags(const void *info, hid_t connector_id, uint64_t *cap_flags);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLintrospect_opt_query(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_subclass_t subcls, int opt_type,
+ uint64_t *flags);
+/* Public wrappers for asynchronous request callbacks */
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLrequest_wait(void *req, hid_t connector_id, uint64_t timeout,
+ H5VL_request_status_t *status);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLrequest_notify(void *req, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_request_notify_t cb, void *ctx);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLrequest_cancel(void *req, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_request_status_t *status);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLrequest_specific(void *req, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_request_specific_args_t *args);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLrequest_optional(void *req, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_optional_args_t *args);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLrequest_free(void *req, hid_t connector_id);
+/* Public wrappers for blob callbacks */
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLblob_put(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, const void *buf, size_t size, void *blob_id,
+ void *ctx);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLblob_get(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, const void *blob_id, void *buf, size_t size,
+ void *ctx);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLblob_specific(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, void *blob_id,
+ H5VL_blob_specific_args_t *args);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLblob_optional(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, void *blob_id, H5VL_optional_args_t *args);
+/* Public wrappers for token callbacks */
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLtoken_cmp(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, const H5O_token_t *token1,
+ const H5O_token_t *token2, int *cmp_value);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLtoken_to_str(void *obj, H5I_type_t obj_type, hid_t connector_id, const H5O_token_t *token,
+ char **token_str);
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLtoken_from_str(void *obj, H5I_type_t obj_type, hid_t connector_id, const char *token_str,
+ H5O_token_t *token);
+/* Public wrappers for generic 'optional' callback */
+H5_DLL herr_t H5VLoptional(void *obj, hid_t connector_id, H5VL_optional_args_t *args, hid_t dxpl_id,
+ void **req);
+\section secVOLAppC Appendix C Native VOL Connector Optional Values By Subclass
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_ATTR_ITERATE_OLD 0 /* H5Aiterate (deprecated routine) */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_DATASET_FORMAT_CONVERT 0 /* H5Dformat_convert (internal) */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_DATASET_GET_CHUNK_INDEX_TYPE 1 /* H5Dget_chunk_index_type */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_DATASET_GET_CHUNK_STORAGE_SIZE 2 /* H5Dget_chunk_storage_size */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_DATASET_GET_NUM_CHUNKS 3 /* H5Dget_num_chunks */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_DATASET_GET_CHUNK_INFO_BY_IDX 4 /* H5Dget_chunk_info */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_DATASET_GET_CHUNK_INFO_BY_COORD 5 /* H5Dget_chunk_info_by_coord */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_DATASET_CHUNK_READ 6 /* H5Dchunk_read */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_DATASET_CHUNK_WRITE 7 /* H5Dchunk_write */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_DATASET_GET_VLEN_BUF_SIZE 8 /* H5Dvlen_get_buf_size */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_DATASET_GET_OFFSET 9 /* H5Dget_offset */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_DATASET_CHUNK_ITER 10 /* H5Dchunk_iter */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_CLEAR_ELINK_CACHE 0 /* H5Fclear_elink_file_cache */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_GET_FILE_IMAGE 1 /* H5Fget_file_image */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_GET_FREE_SECTIONS 2 /* H5Fget_free_sections */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_GET_FREE_SPACE 3 /* H5Fget_freespace */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_GET_INFO 4 /* H5Fget_info1/2 */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_GET_MDC_CONF 5 /* H5Fget_mdc_config */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_GET_MDC_HR 6 /* H5Fget_mdc_hit_rate */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_GET_MDC_SIZE 7 /* H5Fget_mdc_size */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_GET_SIZE 8 /* H5Fget_filesize */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_GET_VFD_HANDLE 9 /* H5Fget_vfd_handle */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_RESET_MDC_HIT_RATE 10 /* H5Freset_mdc_hit_rate_stats */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_SET_MDC_CONFIG 11 /* H5Fset_mdc_config */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_GET_METADATA_READ_RETRY_INFO 12 /* H5Fget_metadata_read_retry_info */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_START_SWMR_WRITE 13 /* H5Fstart_swmr_write */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_START_MDC_LOGGING 14 /* H5Fstart_mdc_logging */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_STOP_MDC_LOGGING 15 /* H5Fstop_mdc_logging */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_GET_MDC_LOGGING_STATUS 16 /* H5Fget_mdc_logging_status */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_FORMAT_CONVERT 17 /* H5Fformat_convert */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_RESET_PAGE_BUFFERING_STATS 18 /* H5Freset_page_buffering_stats */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_GET_PAGE_BUFFERING_STATS 19 /* H5Fget_page_buffering_stats */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_GET_MDC_IMAGE_INFO 20 /* H5Fget_mdc_image_info */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_GET_EOA 21 /* H5Fget_eoa */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_INCR_FILESIZE 22 /* H5Fincrement_filesize */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_SET_LIBVER_BOUNDS 23 /* H5Fset_latest_format/libver_bounds */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_GET_MIN_DSET_OHDR_FLAG 24 /* H5Fget_dset_no_attrs_hint */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_SET_MIN_DSET_OHDR_FLAG 25 /* H5Fset_dset_no_attrs_hint */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_GET_MPI_ATOMICITY 26 /* H5Fget_mpi_atomicity */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_SET_MPI_ATOMICITY 27 /* H5Fset_mpi_atomicity */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_FILE_POST_OPEN 28 /* Adjust file after open, with wrapping context */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_GROUP_ITERATE_OLD 0 /* HG5Giterate (deprecated routine) */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_GROUP_GET_OBJINFO 1 /* HG5Gget_objinfo (deprecated routine) */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_OBJECT_GET_COMMENT 0 /* H5G|H5Oget_comment, H5Oget_comment_by_name */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_OBJECT_SET_COMMENT 1 /* H5G|H5Oset_comment, H5Oset_comment_by_name */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_OBJECT_DISABLE_MDC_FLUSHES 2 /* H5Odisable_mdc_flushes */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_OBJECT_ENABLE_MDC_FLUSHES 3 /* H5Oenable_mdc_flushes */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_OBJECT_ARE_MDC_FLUSHES_DISABLED 4 /* H5Oare_mdc_flushes_disabled */
+#define H5VL_NATIVE_OBJECT_GET_NATIVE_INFO 5 /* H5Oget_native_info(_by_idx, _by_name) */
+Navigate back: \ref index "Main" / \ref VOL_Connector
diff --git a/doxygen/examples/tables/propertyLists.dox b/doxygen/examples/tables/propertyLists.dox
index 498a820..375fd50 100644
--- a/doxygen/examples/tables/propertyLists.dox
+++ b/doxygen/examples/tables/propertyLists.dox
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<td>Iterates over properties in a property class or list</td>
<td>Registers/removes a permanent property with/from a property list class</td>
@@ -124,14 +124,6 @@
<td>Sets/retrieves size of parameter used to control B-trees for indexing chunked datasets.</td>
-<td>Sets an initial file image in a memory buffer.</td>
-<td>Retrieves a copy of the file image designated as the initial content and structure of a file.</td>
<td>Sets or retrieves the file space page size used in paged aggregation and paged buffering.</td>
@@ -179,11 +171,19 @@ creation property list.</td>
<td>Sets/retrieves metadata cache and raw data chunk cache parameters.</td>
+<td>Sets/retrieves write tracking information for core driver.</td>
<td>Sets/retrieves the size of the external link open file cache from the specified
file access property list.</td>
+<td>Set/get the file access property list setting that determines whether an HDF5 object will be evicted from the library's metadata cache when it is closed.</td>
<td>Sets/retrieves garbage collecting references flag.</td>
@@ -196,18 +196,56 @@ file access property list.</td>
<td>Retrieves a data offset from the file access property list.</td>
+<td>Sets/retrieves file close degree property.</td>
+<td>Sets an initial file image in a memory buffer.</td>
+<td>Retrieves a copy of the file image designated as the initial content and structure of a file.</td>
+<td>Sets/gets the callbacks for working with file images.</td>
+<td>Sets/retrieves file locking property values.</td>
<td>Sets the minimum metadata blocksize or retrieves the current metadata block size setting.</td>
-<td>Set the initial metadata cache configuration in the indicated File Access Property List
-to the supplied value.</td>
+<td>Sets/gets the number of read attempts from a file access property list.</td>
+<td>Set/get the initial metadata cache configuration in the indicated file access property list.</td>
+<td>Set/get the metadata cache image option for a file access property list.</td>
+<td>Set/get the metadata cache logging options.</td>
+<td>Sets/gets the type of data property for the MULTI driver.</td>
+<td>Set/get the object flush property values from the file access property list.</td>
-<td>Get the current initial metadata cache config-uration from the indicated File Access
-Property List.</td>
+<td>Set/get the the maximum size for the page buffer.</td>
@@ -231,6 +269,30 @@ versions used when creating objects.</td>
<td>Retrieves the current small data block size setting.</td>
+<td>Sets the file VOL connector for a file access property list.</td>
+<td>Retrieves the capability flags for the VOL connector that will be used with a file access property list.</td>
+<td>Retrieves the identifier of the current VOL connector.</td>
+<td>Retrieves a copy of the VOL information for a connector.</td>
+<td>Sets/retrieves the MPI communicator and info.</td>
+<td>Sets/retrieves metadata write mode setting.</td>
//! [fapl_table]
@@ -254,6 +316,18 @@ versions used when creating objects.</td>
<td>Returns a pointer to file driver information.</td>
+<td>Sets a file driver according to a given driver name.</td>
+<td>Sets a file driver according to a given driver value.</td>
+<td>Retrieves a string representation of the configuration for the driver.</td>
<td>Sets the driver for buffered memory files (in RAM) or retrieves information regarding
the driver.</td>
@@ -268,10 +342,22 @@ the driver.</td>
larger than 2 gigabytes, or retrieves information regarding driver.</td>
+<td>Modifies/queries the file driver properties of the I/O concentrator driver.</td>
<td>Sets logging driver.</td>
+<td>Modifies/queries the file driver properties of the mirror driver.</td>
<td>Sets driver for files on parallel file systems (MPI I/O) or retrieves information
regarding the driver.</td>
@@ -286,6 +372,10 @@ regarding the driver.</td>
or retrieves information regarding driver.</td>
+<td>Modifies/queries the file driver properties of the onion driver.</td>
<td>Sets driver for unbuffered permanent files or retrieves information regarding driver.</td>
@@ -299,6 +389,10 @@ and one raw data file.</td>
<td>Sets driver for buffered permanent files.</td>
+<td>Modifies/queries the file driver properties of the subfiling driver.</td>
<td>Sets the Windows I/O driver.</td>
@@ -337,6 +431,10 @@ and one raw data file.</td>
<td>Retrieves the size of chunks for the raw data of a chunked layout dataset.</td>
+<td>Sets/gets the edge chunk option setting from a dataset creation property list.</td>
<td>Sets compression method and compression level.</td>
@@ -439,6 +537,34 @@ encoding for object names.</td>
<td>Retrieves the character encoding used to create a string.</td>
+<td>Sets the mapping between virtual and source datasets.</td>
+<td>Gets the number of mappings for the virtual dataset.</td>
+<td>Gets the name of a source dataset used in the mapping.</td>
+<td>Gets the filename of a source dataset used in the mapping.</td>
+<td>Gets a dataspace identifier for the selection within the source dataset used in the mapping.</td>
+<td>Gets a dataspace identifier for the selection within the virtual dataset used in the mapping.</td>
+<td>Sets/gets the flag to create minimized dataset object headers.</td>
//! [dcpl_table]
@@ -458,32 +584,77 @@ encoding for object names.</td>
<td>Reads buffer settings.</td>
+<td>Sets/gets the values of the append property that is set up in the dataset access property list.</td>
<td>Sets/gets the raw data chunk cache parameters.</td>
-<td>Sets/gets whether to enable error-detection when reading a dataset.</td>
+<td>Sets/gets the prefix for external raw data storage files as set in the dataset access property list.</td>
-<td>Sets user-defined filter callback function.</td>
+<td>Sets/gets the prefix to be applied to VDS source file paths.</td>
+<td>Sets/gets the maximum number of missing source files and/or datasets with the printf-style names when getting the extent for an unlimited virtual dataset.</td>
+<td>Sets/gets the view of the virtual dataset (VDS) to include or exclude missing mapped elements.</td>
+//! [dapl_table]
+ *
+//! [dxpl_table]
+<caption id="table_dxpl_id" border="1" style="background-color:whitesmoke;">Data transfer property list functions (H5P)</caption>
+<th>C Function</th>
+<td>Sets/gets B-tree split ratios for a dataset transfer property list.</td>
+<td>Maximum size for the type conversion buffer and the background buffer. May also supply
+pointers to application-allocated buffers.</td>
<td>Sets/gets a data transform expression.</td>
-<td>Sets/gets user-defined datatype conversion callback function.</td>
+<td>Sets a hyperslab file selection for a dataset I/O operation.</td>
+<td>Sets/gets whether to enable error-detection when reading a dataset.</td>
+<td>set the number of "I/O vectors" (offset and length pairs) which are to be
+accumulated in memory before being issued to the lower levels
+of the library for reading or writing the actual data.</td>
+<td>Sets user-defined filter callback function.</td>
<td>Sets/gets number of I/O vectors to be read/written in hyperslab I/O.</td>
-<td>Sets/gets B-tree split ratios for a dataset transfer property list.</td>
+<td>Sets/gets user-defined datatype conversion callback function.</td>
@@ -511,38 +682,20 @@ encoding for object names.</td>
<td>Sets a flag governing the use of independent versus collective I/O.</td>
-<td>Sets/gets the type of data property for the MULTI driver.</td>
-<td>Sets/gets the size of a contiguous block reserved for small data.</td>
-//! [dapl_table]
- *
-//! [dxpl_table]
-<caption id="table_dxpl_id" border="1" style="background-color:whitesmoke;">Data transfer property list functions (H5P)</caption>
-<th>C Function</th>
+<td>Gets the type of chunk optimization that HDF5 actually performed on the last parallel I/O call.</td>
-<td>Maximum size for the type conversion buffer and the background buffer. May also supply
-pointers to application-allocated buffers.</td>
+<td>Gets the type of I/O that HDF5 actually performed on the last parallel I/O call.</td>
-<td>set the number of "I/O vectors" (offset and length pairs) which are to be
-accumulated in memory before being issued to the lower levels
-of the library for reading or writing the actual data.</td>
+<td>Gets local and global causes that broke collective I/O on the last parallel I/O call.</td>
-<td>Set the B-tree split ratios for a dataset transfer property list. The split ratios determine
-what percent of children go in the first node when a node splits.</td>
+<td>No longer available, deprecated as it no longer has any effect.</td>
//! [dxpl_table]
@@ -593,6 +746,10 @@ C function is a macro: \see \ref api-compat-macros.</td>
<td>Sets up use of the Fletcher32 checksum filter.</td>
+<td>Sets/gets the anticipated maximum size of a local heap.</td>
<td>Sets the parameters for conversion between compact and dense groups.</td>
@@ -625,14 +782,6 @@ C function is a macro: \see \ref api-compat-macros.</td>
<td>Queries whether link creation order is tracked and/or indexed in a group.</td>
-<td>Specifies in the property list whether to create missing intermediate groups.</td>
-<td>Determines whether the property is set to enable creating missing intermediate groups.</td>
<td>Sets the character encoding used to encode a string. Use to set ASCII or UTF-8 character
encoding for object names.</td>
@@ -771,10 +920,6 @@ encoding for object names.</td>
<td>Sets/gets the character encoding used to encode link and attribute names.</td>
-<td>Specifies/retrieves whether to create missing intermediate groups.</td>
//! [strcpl_table]
diff --git a/doxygen/hdf5doxy_layout.xml b/doxygen/hdf5doxy_layout.xml
index d156f2c..77900a3 100644
--- a/doxygen/hdf5doxy_layout.xml
+++ b/doxygen/hdf5doxy_layout.xml
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
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