path: root/examples/h5ff_client_prefetch.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/h5ff_client_prefetch.c')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/h5ff_client_prefetch.c b/examples/h5ff_client_prefetch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75d5099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/h5ff_client_prefetch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+ * test_client_obj.c: Client side of H5O routines
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "mpi.h"
+#include "hdf5.h"
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ const char file_name[]="eff_file_obj.h5";
+ hid_t file_id;
+ hid_t gid;
+ hid_t did, map;
+ hid_t sid, dtid;
+ hid_t tid1, tid2, rid1, rid2;
+ hid_t fapl_id, dxpl_id;
+ hid_t e_stack;
+ hbool_t exists = -1;
+ const unsigned int nelem=60;
+ hsize_t dims[1];
+ uint64_t version;
+ uint64_t trans_num;
+ int my_rank, my_size;
+ int provided;
+ MPI_Request mpi_req;
+ H5ES_status_t status;
+ size_t num_events = 0;
+ herr_t ret;
+ MPI_Init_thread(&argc, &argv, MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, &provided);
+ if(MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE != provided) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "MPI does not have MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE support\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /* Call EFF_init to initialize the EFF stack.
+ As a result of this call, the Function Shipper client is started,
+ and HDF5 VOL calls are registered with the function shipper.
+ An "IOD init" call is forwarded from the FS client to the FS server
+ which should already be running. */
+ MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
+ MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_size);
+ fprintf(stderr, "APP processes = %d, my rank is %d\n", my_size, my_rank);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Create the FAPL to set the IOD VOL plugin and create the file\n");
+ /* Choose the IOD VOL plugin to use with this file.
+ First we create a file access property list. Then we call a new routine to set
+ the IOD plugin to use with this fapl */
+ fapl_id = H5Pcreate (H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
+ H5Pset_fapl_iod(fapl_id, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL);
+ /* create an event Queue for managing asynchronous requests.
+ Event Queues will releive the use from managing and completing
+ individual requests for every operation. Instead of passing a
+ request for every operation, the event queue is passed and
+ internally the HDF5 library creates a request and adds it to
+ the event queue.
+ Multiple Event queue can be created used by the application. */
+ e_stack = H5EScreate();
+ assert(e_stack);
+ /* create the file. */
+ file_id = H5Fcreate_ff(file_name, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL);
+ assert(file_id > 0);
+ /* create 1-D dataspace with 60 elements */
+ dims [0] = nelem;
+ sid = H5Screate_simple(1, dims, NULL);
+ dtid = H5Tcopy(H5T_STD_I32LE);
+ /* acquire container version 0 - EXACT.
+ This can be asynchronous, but here we need the acquired ID
+ right after the call to start the transaction so we make synchronous. */
+ version = 0;
+ rid1 = H5RCacquire(file_id, &version, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL);
+ assert(0 == version);
+ /* start transaction 1 with default Leader/Delegate model. Leader
+ which is rank 0 here starts the transaction. It can be
+ asynchronous, but we make it synchronous here so that the
+ Leader can tell its delegates that the transaction is
+ started. */
+ if(0 == my_rank) {
+ hid_t rid_temp;
+ /* create transaction object */
+ tid1 = H5TRcreate(file_id, rid1, (uint64_t)1);
+ assert(tid1);
+ ret = H5TRstart(tid1, H5P_DEFAULT, e_stack);
+ assert(0 == ret);
+ /* create objects */
+ gid = H5Gcreate_ff(file_id, "G1", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT,
+ H5P_DEFAULT, tid1, e_stack);
+ assert(gid >= 0);
+ did = H5Dcreate_ff(gid, "D1", dtid, sid, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT,
+ H5P_DEFAULT, tid1, e_stack);
+ assert(did >= 0);
+ ret = H5Tcommit_ff(file_id, "DT1", dtid, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT,
+ H5P_DEFAULT, tid1, e_stack);
+ assert(ret == 0);
+ map = H5Mcreate_ff(file_id, "MAP1", H5T_STD_I32LE, H5T_STD_I32LE,
+ H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT, tid1, e_stack);
+ assert(map >= 0);
+ ret = H5TRfinish(tid1, H5P_DEFAULT, &rid_temp, e_stack);
+ assert(0 == ret);
+ /* wait on all requests and print completion status */
+ H5ESget_count(e_stack, &num_events);
+ H5ESwait_all(e_stack, &status);
+ H5ESclear(e_stack);
+ printf("%d events in event stack. Completion status = %d\n", num_events, status);
+ /* Close transaction object. Local op */
+ ret = H5TRclose(tid1);
+ assert(0 == ret);
+ /* create transaction object */
+ tid2 = H5TRcreate(file_id, rid_temp, (uint64_t)2);
+ assert(tid2);
+ ret = H5TRstart(tid2, H5P_DEFAULT, e_stack);
+ assert(0 == ret);
+ ret = H5Oset_comment_ff(gid, "Testing Object Comment", tid2, e_stack);
+ assert(ret == 0);
+ ret = H5TRfinish(tid2, H5P_DEFAULT, &rid2, e_stack);
+ assert(0 == ret);
+ assert(H5Gclose_ff(gid, e_stack) == 0);
+ assert(H5Mclose_ff(map, e_stack) == 0);
+ assert(H5Tclose_ff(dtid, e_stack) == 0);
+ assert(H5Dclose_ff(did, e_stack) == 0);
+ /* release container version 2. This is async. */
+ ret = H5RCrelease(rid_temp, e_stack);
+ assert(0 == ret);
+ ret = H5RCclose(rid_temp);
+ assert(0 == ret);
+ version = 2;
+ }
+ /* release container version 0. This is async. */
+ ret = H5RCrelease(rid1, e_stack);
+ assert(0 == ret);
+ /* wait on all requests and print completion status */
+ H5ESget_count(e_stack, &num_events);
+ H5ESwait_all(e_stack, &status);
+ H5ESclear(e_stack);
+ printf("%d events in event stack. Completion status = %d\n", num_events, status);
+ if(0 == my_rank) {
+ /* Close transaction object. Local op */
+ ret = H5TRclose(tid2);
+ assert(0 == ret);
+ }
+ /* Process 0 tells other procs that container version 2 is acquired */
+ MPI_Bcast(&version, 1, MPI_UINT64_T, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ assert(2 == version);
+ /* other processes just create a read context object; no need to
+ acquire it */
+ if(0 != my_rank) {
+ rid2 = H5RCcreate(file_id, version);
+ assert(rid2 > 0);
+ }
+ gid = H5Oopen_ff(file_id, "G1", H5P_DEFAULT, rid2);
+ assert(gid);
+ dtid = H5Oopen_ff(file_id, "DT1", H5P_DEFAULT, rid2);
+ assert(dtid);
+ did = H5Oopen_ff(gid,"D1", H5P_DEFAULT, rid2);
+ assert(did);
+ map = H5Oopen_ff(file_id,"MAP1", H5P_DEFAULT, rid2);
+ assert(did);
+ if(0 == my_rank) {
+ hid_t mapl_id, tapl_id, dapl_id;
+ hrpl_t map_replica, dt_replica, dset_replica;
+ //ret = H5Mprefetch_ff(map, rid2, &map_replica, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL);
+ //assert(0 == ret);
+ //printf("prefetched map with replica id %"PRIx64"\n", map_replica);
+ //ret = H5Tprefetch_ff(dtid, rid2, &dt_replica, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL);
+ //assert(0 == ret);
+ //printf("prefetched datatype with replica id %"PRIx64"\n", dt_replica);
+ ret = H5Dprefetch_ff(did, rid2, &dset_replica, H5P_DEFAULT, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL);
+ assert(0 == ret);
+ printf("prefetched dataset with replica id %"PRIx64"\n", dset_replica);
+ dapl_id = H5Pcreate (H5P_DATASET_ACCESS);
+ ret = H5Pset_evict_replica(dapl_id, dset_replica);
+ assert(0 == ret);
+ ret = H5Devict_ff(dtid, 2, dapl_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL);
+ assert(0 == ret);
+ H5Pclose(dapl_id);
+#if 0
+ tapl_id = H5Pcreate (H5P_DATATYPE_ACCESS);
+ ret = H5Pset_evict_replica(tapl_id, dt_replica);
+ //assert(0 == ret);
+ ret = H5Tevict_ff(dtid, 2, tapl_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL);
+ //assert(0 == ret);
+ H5Pclose(tapl_id);
+ mapl_id = H5Pcreate (H5P_MAP_ACCESS);
+ ret = H5Pset_evict_replica(mapl_id, map_replica);
+ //assert(0 == ret);
+ ret = H5Mevict_ff(map, 2, mapl_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL);
+ assert(0 == ret);
+ H5Pclose(mapl_id);
+ }
+ if(my_rank == 0) {
+ /* release container version 2. This is async. */
+ ret = H5RCrelease(rid2, e_stack);
+ assert(0 == ret);
+ }
+ assert(H5Oclose_ff(gid, e_stack) == 0);
+ assert(H5Oclose_ff(did, e_stack) == 0);
+ assert(H5Oclose_ff(dtid, e_stack) == 0);
+ assert(H5Oclose_ff(map, e_stack) == 0);
+ ret = H5RCclose(rid1);
+ assert(0 == ret);
+ ret = H5RCclose(rid2);
+ assert(0 == ret);
+ /* wait on all requests and print completion status */
+ H5ESget_count(e_stack, &num_events);
+ H5ESwait_all(e_stack, &status);
+ H5ESclear(e_stack);
+ printf("%d events in event stack. Completion status = %d\n", num_events, status);
+ /* closing the container also acts as a wait all on all pending requests
+ on the container. */
+ assert(H5Fclose_ff(file_id, H5_EVENT_STACK_NULL) == 0);
+ H5Sclose(sid);
+ H5Pclose(fapl_id);
+ H5ESclose(e_stack);
+ /* This finalizes the EFF stack. ships a terminate and IOD finalize to the server
+ and shutsdown the FS server (when all clients send the terminate request)
+ and client */
+ ret = EFF_finalize();
+ assert(ret >= 0);
+ MPI_Finalize();
+ return 0;