path: root/java/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'java/src')
5 files changed, 224 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/java/src/hdf/hdf5lib/ b/java/src/hdf/hdf5lib/
index 9f4e4f9..eb7cc7b 100644
--- a/java/src/hdf/hdf5lib/
+++ b/java/src/hdf/hdf5lib/
@@ -3210,13 +3210,56 @@ public class H5 implements {
public synchronized static native void H5Fget_mdc_logging_status(long file_id, boolean[] mdc_logging_status)
throws HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException;
+ /**
+ * H5Fget_dset_no_attrs_hint gets the file-level setting to create minimized dataset object headers.
+ *
+ * @param file_id
+ * IN: Identifier of the target file.
+ *
+ * @exception HDF5LibraryException
+ * - Error from the HDF-5 Library.
+ **/
+ public synchronized static native boolean H5Fget_dset_no_attrs_hint(long file_id)
+ throws HDF5LibraryException;
+ /**
+ * H5Fset_dset_no_attrs_hint sets the file-level setting to create minimized dataset object headers.
+ *
+ * @param file_id
+ * IN: Identifier of the target file.
+ * @param minimize
+ * the minimize hint setting
+ *
+ * @exception HDF5LibraryException
+ * - Error from the HDF-5 Library.
+ **/
+ public synchronized static native void H5Fset_dset_no_attrs_hint(long file_id, boolean minimize)
+ throws HDF5LibraryException;
+ /**
+ * H5Fset_libver_bounds sets a different low and high bounds while a file is open.
+ *
+ * @param file_id
+ * IN: Identifier of the target file.
+ * @param low
+ * IN: The earliest version of the library that will be used for writing objects
+ * @param high
+ * IN: The latest version of the library that will be used for writing objects.
+ *
+ * @exception HDF5LibraryException
+ * - Error from the HDF-5 Library.
+ **/
+ public synchronized static native void H5Fset_libver_bounds(long file_id, int low, int high)
+ throws HDF5LibraryException;
// /////// unimplemented ////////
// herr_t H5Fget_eoa(hid_t file_id, haddr_t *eoa);
// herr_t H5Fincrement_filesize(hid_t file_id, hsize_t increment);
// ssize_t H5Fget_file_image(hid_t file_id, void * buf_ptr, size_t buf_len);
// herr_t H5Fget_metadata_read_retry_info(hid_t file_id, H5F_retry_info_t *info);
// ssize_t H5Fget_free_sections(hid_t file_id, H5F_mem_t type, size_t nsects, H5F_sect_info_t *sect_info/*out*/);
- // herr_t H5Fset_libver_bounds(hid_t file_id, H5F_libver_t low, H5F_libver_t high);
// herr_t H5Fformat_convert(hid_t fid);
// herr_t H5Freset_page_buffering_stats(hid_t file_id);
// herr_t H5Fget_page_buffering_stats(hid_t file_id, unsigned accesses[2],
@@ -6869,8 +6912,6 @@ public class H5 implements {
public synchronized static native int H5Pset_fill_time(long plist_id, int fill_time) throws HDF5LibraryException,
- // /////// Dataset creation property list (DCPL) routines ///////
* H5Pset_chunk_opts Sets the edge chunk option in a dataset creation property list.
@@ -6899,6 +6940,36 @@ public class H5 implements {
public synchronized static native int H5Pget_chunk_opts(long dcpl_id) throws HDF5LibraryException;
+ /**
+ * H5Pget_dset_no_attrs_hint accesses the flag for whether or not datasets created by the given dcpl
+ * will be created with a "minimized" object header.
+ *
+ * @param dcpl_id
+ * IN: Dataset creation property list
+ *
+ * @exception HDF5LibraryException
+ * - Error from the HDF-5 Library.
+ **/
+ public synchronized static native boolean H5Pget_dset_no_attrs_hint(long dcpl_id)
+ throws HDF5LibraryException;
+ /**
+ * H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint sets the dcpl to minimize (or explicitly to not minimized) dataset object
+ * headers upon creation.
+ *
+ * @param dcpl_id
+ * IN: Dataset creation property list
+ *
+ * @param minimize
+ * the minimize hint setting
+ *
+ * @exception HDF5LibraryException
+ * - Error from the HDF-5 Library.
+ **/
+ public synchronized static native void H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint(long dcpl_id, boolean minimize)
+ throws HDF5LibraryException;
// /////// Dataset access property list (DAPL) routines ///////
diff --git a/java/src/jni/h5fImp.c b/java/src/jni/h5fImp.c
index 20c22c3..9313e9f 100644
--- a/java/src/jni/h5fImp.c
+++ b/java/src/jni/h5fImp.c
@@ -609,6 +609,66 @@ Java_hdf_hdf5lib_H5_H5Fget_1mdc_1logging_1status
} /* end else */
} /* end Java_hdf_hdf5lib_H5_H5Fget_1mdc_1logging_1status */
+ * Class: hdf_hdf5lib_H5
+ * Method: H5Fset_dset_no_attrs_hint
+ * Signature: (JZ)V
+ */
+(JNIEnv *env, jclass clss, jlong file_id, jboolean minimize)
+ herr_t retVal = -1;
+ hbool_t minimize_val;
+ if (minimize == JNI_TRUE)
+ minimize_val = TRUE;
+ else
+ minimize_val = FALSE;
+ retVal = H5Fset_dset_no_attrs_hint((hid_t)file_id, (hbool_t)minimize_val);
+ if (retVal < 0)
+ h5libraryError(env);
+ * Class: hdf_hdf5lib_H5
+ * Method: H5Fget_dset_no_attrs_hint
+ * Signature: (J)Z
+ */
+(JNIEnv *env, jclass clss, jlong file_id)
+ hbool_t minimize = FALSE;
+ jboolean bval = JNI_FALSE;
+ if (H5Fget_dset_no_attrs_hint((hid_t)file_id, (hbool_t *)&minimize) < 0) {
+ h5libraryError(env);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (minimize == TRUE)
+ bval = JNI_TRUE;
+ } /* end else */
+ return bval;
+ * Class: hdf_hdf5lib_H5
+ * Method: H5Fset_libver_bounds
+ * Signature: (JII)V
+ */
+ (JNIEnv *env, jclass clss, jlong file_id, jint low, jint high)
+ herr_t retVal = -1;
+ retVal = H5Fset_libver_bounds((hid_t)file_id, (H5F_libver_t)low, (H5F_libver_t)high);
+ if(retVal < 0)
+ h5libraryError(env);
+} /* end Java_hdf_hdf5lib_H5_H5Fset_1libver_1bounds */
#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/java/src/jni/h5fImp.h b/java/src/jni/h5fImp.h
index fcfdedf..0b36772 100644
--- a/java/src/jni/h5fImp.h
+++ b/java/src/jni/h5fImp.h
@@ -246,6 +246,33 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL
(JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong, jbooleanArray);
+ * Class: hdf_hdf5lib_H5
+ * Method: H5Fset_dset_no_attrs_hint
+ * Signature: (JZ)V
+ */
+ (JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong, jboolean);
+ * Class: hdf_hdf5lib_H5
+ * Method: H5Fget_dset_no_attrs_hint
+ * Signature: (J)Z
+ */
+ (JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong);
+ * Class: hdf_hdf5lib_H5
+ * Method: H5Fset_libver_bounds
+ * Signature: (JII)V
+ */
+(JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong, jint, jint);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* end extern "C" */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
diff --git a/java/src/jni/h5pImp.c b/java/src/jni/h5pImp.c
index 52008ce..19f9640 100644
--- a/java/src/jni/h5pImp.c
+++ b/java/src/jni/h5pImp.c
@@ -5946,6 +5946,51 @@ Java_hdf_hdf5lib_H5_H5Pget_1chunk_1opts
return (jint)opts;
} /* end Java_hdf_hdf5lib_H5_H5Pget_1chunk_1opts */
+ * Class: hdf_hdf5lib_H5
+ * Method: H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint
+ * Signature: (JZ)V
+ */
+(JNIEnv *env, jclass clss, jlong dcpl_id, jboolean minimize)
+ herr_t retVal = -1;
+ hbool_t minimize_val;
+ if (minimize == JNI_TRUE)
+ minimize_val = TRUE;
+ else
+ minimize_val = FALSE;
+ retVal = H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint((hid_t)dcpl_id, (hbool_t)minimize_val);
+ if (retVal < 0)
+ h5libraryError(env);
+ * Class: hdf_hdf5lib_H5
+ * Method: H5Pget_dset_no_attrs_hint
+ * Signature: (J)Z
+ */
+(JNIEnv *env, jclass clss, jlong dcpl_id)
+ hbool_t minimize = FALSE;
+ jboolean bval = JNI_FALSE;
+ if (H5Pget_dset_no_attrs_hint((hid_t)dcpl_id, (hbool_t *)&minimize) < 0) {
+ h5libraryError(env);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (minimize == TRUE)
+ bval = JNI_TRUE;
+ } /* end else */
+ return bval;
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* end extern "C" */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
diff --git a/java/src/jni/h5pImp.h b/java/src/jni/h5pImp.h
index 1d12e3d..0a603f7 100644
--- a/java/src/jni/h5pImp.h
+++ b/java/src/jni/h5pImp.h
@@ -1614,6 +1614,24 @@ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL
(JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong);
+ * Class: hdf_hdf5lib_H5
+ * Method: H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint
+ * Signature: (JZ)V
+ */
+ (JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong, jboolean);
+ * Class: hdf_hdf5lib_H5
+ * Method: H5Pget_dset_no_attrs_hint
+ * Signature: (J)Z
+ */
+ (JNIEnv *, jclass, jlong);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* end extern "C" */