path: root/src/H5.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/H5.c')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/H5.c b/src/H5.c
index 90ea07c..64363e4 100644
--- a/src/H5.c
+++ b/src/H5.c
@@ -35,6 +35,10 @@ static char RcsId[] = "@(#)$Revision$";
H5_init_interface -- initialize the H5 interface
+ */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
/* private headers */
#include <H5private.h> /*library */
#include <H5ACprivate.h> /*cache */
@@ -369,3 +373,368 @@ H5close (void)
H5_term_library ();
return SUCCEED;
+ * Function: HDfprintf
+ *
+ * Purpose: Prints the optional arguments under the control of the format
+ * string FMT to the stream STREAM. This function takes the
+ * same format as fprintf(3c) with a few added features:
+ *
+ * The conversion modifier `H' refers to the size of an
+ * `hsize_t' or `hssize_t' type. For instance, "0x%018Hx"
+ * prints an `hsize_t' value as a hex number right justified and
+ * zero filled in an 18-character field.
+ *
+ * The conversion `a' refers to an `haddr_t*' type. Field widths
+ * and other flags are ignored and the address is printed by
+ * calling H5F_addr_print().
+ *
+ * Bugs: Return value will be incorrect if `%a' appears in the format
+ * string.
+ *
+ * Return: Success: Number of characters printed
+ *
+ * Failure: -1
+ *
+ * Programmer: Robb Matzke
+ * Thursday, April 9, 1998
+ *
+ * Modifications:
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+HDfprintf (FILE *stream, const char *fmt, ...)
+ int n, nout = 0;
+ int fwidth, prec;
+ int zerofill;
+ int leftjust;
+ int plussign;
+ int ldspace;
+ int prefix;
+ int modifier;
+ int conv;
+ char *rest, template[128];
+ const char *s;
+ va_list ap;
+ assert (stream);
+ assert (fmt);
+ va_start (ap, fmt);
+ while (*fmt) {
+ fwidth = prec = 0;
+ zerofill = 0;
+ leftjust = 0;
+ plussign = 0;
+ prefix = 0;
+ ldspace = 0;
+ modifier = 0;
+ if ('%'==fmt[0] && '%'==fmt[1]) {
+ putc ('%', stream);
+ fmt += 2;
+ nout++;
+ } else if ('%'==fmt[0]) {
+ s = fmt+1;
+ /* Flags */
+ while (strchr ("-+ #", *s)) {
+ switch (*s) {
+ case '-':
+ leftjust = 1;
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ plussign = 1;
+ break;
+ case ' ':
+ ldspace = 1;
+ break;
+ case '#':
+ prefix = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ s++;
+ }
+ /* Field width */
+ if (isdigit (*s)) {
+ zerofill = ('0'==*s);
+ fwidth = strtol (s, &rest, 10);
+ s = rest;
+ } else if ('*'==*s) {
+ fwidth = va_arg (ap, int);
+ if (fwidth<0) {
+ leftjust = 1;
+ fwidth = -fwidth;
+ }
+ s++;
+ }
+ /* Precision */
+ if ('.'==*s) {
+ s++;
+ if (isdigit (*s)) {
+ prec = strtol (s+1, &rest, 10);
+ s = rest;
+ } else if ('*'==*s) {
+ prec = va_arg (ap, int);
+ s++;
+ }
+ if (prec<1) prec = 1;
+ }
+ /* Type modifier */
+ if (strchr ("Hhlq", *s)) {
+ switch (*s) {
+ case 'H':
+ if (sizeof(hsize_t)==sizeof(long)) {
+ modifier = 'l';
+ } else if (sizeof(hsize_t)==sizeof(long long)) {
+ modifier = 'q';
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ modifier = *s;
+ break;
+ }
+ s++;
+ }
+ /* Conversion */
+ conv = *s++;
+ /* Create the format template */
+ sprintf (template, "%%%s%s%s%s%s",
+ leftjust?"-":"", plussign?"+":"",
+ ldspace?" ":"", prefix?"#":"", zerofill?"0":"");
+ if (fwidth>0) {
+ sprintf (template+strlen (template), "%d", fwidth);
+ }
+ if (prec>0) {
+ sprintf (template+strlen (template), ".%d", prec);
+ }
+ if (modifier) {
+ sprintf (template+strlen (template), "%c", modifier);
+ }
+ sprintf (template+strlen (template), "%c", conv);
+ /* Conversion */
+ switch (conv) {
+ case 'd':
+ case 'i':
+ if ('h'==modifier) {
+ short x = va_arg (ap, short);
+ n = fprintf (stream, template, x);
+ } else if (!modifier) {
+ int x = va_arg (ap, int);
+ n = fprintf (stream, template, x);
+ } else if ('l'==modifier) {
+ long x = va_arg (ap, long);
+ n = fprintf (stream, template, x);
+ } else if ('q'==modifier) {
+ long long x = va_arg (ap, long long);
+ n = fprintf (stream, template, x);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ case 'u':
+ case 'x':
+ case 'X':
+ if ('h'==modifier) {
+ unsigned short x = va_arg (ap, unsigned short);
+ n = fprintf (stream, template, x);
+ } else if (!modifier) {
+ unsigned int x = va_arg (ap, unsigned int);
+ n = fprintf (stream, template, x);
+ } else if ('l'==modifier) {
+ unsigned long x = va_arg (ap, unsigned long);
+ n = fprintf (stream, template, x);
+ } else if ('q'==modifier) {
+ unsigned long long x = va_arg (ap, unsigned long long);
+ n = fprintf (stream, template, x);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ case 'e':
+ case 'E':
+ case 'g':
+ case 'G':
+ if ('h'==modifier) {
+ float x = va_arg (ap, float);
+ n = fprintf (stream, template, x);
+ } else if (!modifier || 'l'==modifier) {
+ double x = va_arg (ap, double);
+ n = fprintf (stream, template, x);
+ } else if ('q'==modifier) {
+ long double x = va_arg (ap, long double);
+ n = fprintf (stream, template, x);
+ }
+ case 'a':
+ if (1) {
+ haddr_t *x = va_arg (ap, haddr_t*);
+ H5F_addr_print (stream, x);
+ n = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ if (1) {
+ char x = va_arg (ap, char);
+ n = fprintf (stream, template, x);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ case 'p':
+ if (1) {
+ char *x = va_arg (ap, char*);
+ n = fprintf (stream, template, x);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ if (1) {
+ template[strlen(template)-1] = 'u';
+ n = fprintf (stream, template, nout);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ fputs (template, stream);
+ n = strlen (template);
+ break;
+ }
+ nout += n;
+ fmt = s;
+ } else {
+ putc (*fmt, stream);
+ fmt++;
+ nout++;
+ }
+ }
+ va_end (ap);
+ return nout;
+ * Function: HDstrtoll
+ *
+ * Purpose: Converts the string S to an int64 value according to the
+ * given BASE, which must be between 2 and 36 inclusive, or be
+ * the special value zero.
+ *
+ * The string must begin with an arbitrary amount of white space
+ * (as determined by isspace(3c)) followed by a single optional
+ * `+' or `-' sign. If BASE is zero or 16 the string may then
+ * include a `0x' or `0X' prefix, and the number will be read in
+ * base 16; otherwise a zero BASE is taken as 10 (decimal)
+ * unless the next character is a `0', in which case it is taken
+ * as 8 (octal).
+ *
+ * The remainder of the string is converted to an int64 in the
+ * obvious manner, stopping at the first character which is not
+ * a valid digit in the given base. (In bases above 10, the
+ * letter `A' in either upper or lower case represetns 10, `B'
+ * represents 11, and so forth, with `Z' representing 35.)
+ *
+ * If REST is not null, the address of the first invalid
+ * character in S is stored in *REST. If there were no digits
+ * at all, the original value of S is stored in *REST. Thus, if
+ * *S is not `\0' but **REST is `\0' on return the entire string
+ * was valid.
+ *
+ * Return: Success: The result.
+ *
+ * Failure: If the input string does not contain any
+ * digits then zero is returned and REST points
+ * to the original value of S. If an overflow
+ * or underflow occurs then the maximum or
+ * minimum possible value is returned and the
+ * global `errno' is set to ERANGE. If BASE is
+ * incorrect then zero is returned.
+ *
+ * Programmer: Robb Matzke
+ * Thursday, April 9, 1998
+ *
+ * Modifications:
+ *
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+HDstrtoll (const char *s, const char **rest, int base)
+ int64 sign=1, acc=0;
+ hbool_t overflow = FALSE;
+ errno = 0;
+ if (!s || (base && (base<2 || base>36))) {
+ if (rest) *rest = s;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Skip white space */
+ while (isspace (*s)) s++;
+ /* Optional minus or plus sign */
+ if ('+'==*s) {
+ s++;
+ } else if ('-'==*s) {
+ sign = -1;
+ s++;
+ }
+ /* Zero base prefix */
+ if (0==base && '0'==*s && ('x'==s[1] || 'X'==s[1])) {
+ base = 16;
+ s += 2;
+ } else if (0==base && '0'==*s) {
+ base = 8;
+ s++;
+ } else if (0==base) {
+ base = 10;
+ }
+ /* Digits */
+ while ((base<=10 && *s>='0' && *s<'0'+base) ||
+ (base>10 && ((*s>='0' && *s<='9') ||
+ (*s>='a' && *s<'a'+base-10) ||
+ (*s>='A' && *s<'A'+base-10)))) {
+ if (!overflow) {
+ int64 digit;
+ if (*s>='0' && *s<='9') digit = *s - '0';
+ else if (*s>='a' && *s<='z') digit = *s-'a'+10;
+ else digit = *s-'A'+10;
+ if (acc*base+digit < acc) {
+ overflow = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ acc = acc*base + digit;
+ }
+ }
+ s++;
+ }
+ /* Overflow */
+ if (overflow) {
+ if (sign>0) {
+ acc = ((uint64)1<<(8*sizeof(int64)-1))-1;
+ } else {
+ acc = (uint64)1<<(8*sizeof(int64)-1);
+ }
+ errno = ERANGE;
+ }
+ /* Return values */
+ acc *= sign;
+ if (rest) *rest = s;
+ return acc;