path: root/src/H5ACpublic.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/H5ACpublic.h')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/H5ACpublic.h b/src/H5ACpublic.h
index 9eb5156..fab825b 100644
--- a/src/H5ACpublic.h
+++ b/src/H5ACpublic.h
@@ -29,11 +29,254 @@
/* Public headers needed by this file */
#include "H5public.h"
+#include "H5Cpublic.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
+ *
+ * structure H5AC_cache_config_t
+ *
+ * H5AC_cache_config_t is a public structure intended for use in public APIs.
+ * At least in its initial incarnation, it is a essentially a copy of
+ * struct H5C_auto_size_ctl_t, minus the report_fcn field. This is omitted,
+ * as including it would require us to make H5C_t structure public.
+ *
+ * The structure is in H5ACpublic.h as we may wish to allow different
+ * configuration options for metadata and raw data caches.
+ *
+ * The fields of the structure are discussed individually below:
+ *
+ * version: Integer field containing the version number of this version
+ * of the H5AC_cache_config_t structure. Any instance of
+ * H5AC_cache_config_t passed to the cache must have a known
+ * version number, or an error will be flagged.
+ *
+ * rpt_fcn_enabled: Boolean field used to enable and disable the default
+ * reporting function. This function is invoked every time the
+ * automatic cache resize code is run, and reports on its activities.
+ *
+ * This is a debugging function, and should normally be turned off.
+ *
+ * set_initial_size: Boolean flag indicating whether the size of the
+ * initial size of the cache is to be set to the value given in
+ * the initial_size field. If set_initial_size is FALSE, the
+ * initial_size field is ignored.
+ *
+ * initial_size: If enabled, this field contain the size the cache is
+ * to be set to upon receipt of this structure. Needless to say,
+ * initial_size must lie in the closed interval [min_size, max_size].
+ *
+ * min_clean_fraction: double in the range 0 to 1 indicating the fraction
+ * of the cache that is to be kept clean. This field is only used
+ * in parallel mode. Typical values are 0.1 to 0.5.
+ *
+ * max_size: Maximum size to which the cache can be adjusted. The
+ * supplied value must fall in the closed interval
+ * [MIN_MAX_CACHE_SIZE, MAX_MAX_CACHE_SIZE]. Also, max_size must
+ * be greater than or equal to min_size.
+ *
+ * min_size: Minimum size to which the cache can be adjusted. The
+ * supplied value must fall in the closed interval
+ * [H5C__MIN_MAX_CACHE_SIZE, H5C__MAX_MAX_CACHE_SIZE]. Also, min_size
+ * must be less than or equal to max_size.
+ *
+ * epoch_length: Number of accesses on the cache over which to collect
+ * hit rate stats before running the automatic cache resize code,
+ * if it is enabled.
+ *
+ * At the end of an epoch, we discard prior hit rate data and start
+ * collecting afresh. The epoch_length must lie in the closed
+ *
+ *
+ * Cache size increase control fields:
+ *
+ * incr_mode: Instance of the H5C_cache_incr_mode enumerated type whose
+ * value indicates how we determine whether the cache size should be
+ * increased. At present there are two possible values:
+ *
+ * H5C_incr__off: Don't attempt to increase the size of the cache
+ * automatically.
+ *
+ * When this increment mode is selected, the remaining fields
+ * in the cache size increase section ar ignored.
+ *
+ * H5C_incr__threshold: Attempt to increase the size of the cache
+ * whenever the average hit rate over the last epoch drops
+ * below the value supplied in the lower_hr_threshold
+ * field.
+ *
+ * Note that this attempt will fail if the cache is already
+ * at its maximum size, or if the cache is not already using
+ * all available space.
+ *
+ * lower_hr_threshold: Lower hit rate threshold. If the increment mode
+ * (incr_mode) is H5C_incr__threshold and the hit rate drops below the
+ * value supplied in this field in an epoch, increment the cache size by
+ * size_increment. Note that cache size may not be incremented above
+ * max_size, and that the increment may be further restricted by the
+ * max_increment field if it is enabled.
+ *
+ * When enabled, this field must contain a value in the range [0.0, 1.0].
+ * Depending on the incr_mode selected, it may also have to be less than
+ * upper_hr_threshold.
+ *
+ * increment: Double containing the multiplier used to derive the new
+ * cache size from the old if a cache size increment is triggered.
+ * The increment must be greater than 1.0, and should not exceed 2.0.
+ *
+ * The new cache size is obtained my multiplying the current max cache
+ * size by the increment, and then clamping to max_size and to stay
+ * within the max_increment as necessary.
+ *
+ * apply_max_increment: Boolean flag indicating whether the max_increment
+ * field should be used to limit the maximum cache size increment.
+ *
+ * max_increment: If enabled by the apply_max_increment field described
+ * above, this field contains the maximum number of bytes by which the
+ * cache size can be increased in a single re-size.
+ *
+ *
+ * Cache size decrease control fields:
+ *
+ * decr_mode: Instance of the H5C_cache_decr_mode enumerated type whose
+ * value indicates how we determine whether the cache size should be
+ * decreased. At present there are four possibilities.
+ *
+ * H5C_decr__off: Don't attempt to decrease the size of the cache
+ * automatically.
+ *
+ * When this increment mode is selected, the remaining fields
+ * in the cache size decrease section are ignored.
+ *
+ * H5C_decr__threshold: Attempt to decrease the size of the cache
+ * whenever the average hit rate over the last epoch rises
+ * above the value supplied in the upper_hr_threshold
+ * field.
+ *
+ * H5C_decr__age_out: At the end of each epoch, search the cache for
+ * entries that have not been accessed for at least the number
+ * of epochs specified in the epochs_before_eviction field, and
+ * evict these entries. Conceptually, the maximum cache size
+ * is then decreased to match the new actual cache size. However,
+ * this reduction may be modified by the min_size, the
+ * max_decrement, and/or the empty_reserve.
+ *
+ * H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold: Same as age_out, but we only
+ * attempt to reduce the cache size when the hit rate observed
+ * over the last epoch exceeds the value provided in the
+ * upper_hr_threshold field.
+ *
+ * upper_hr_threshold: Upper hit rate threshold. The use of this field
+ * varies according to the current decr_mode:
+ *
+ * H5C_decr__off or H5C_decr__age_out: The value of this field is
+ * ignored.
+ *
+ * H5C_decr__threshold: If the hit rate exceeds this threshold in any
+ * epoch, attempt to decrement the cache size by size_decrement.
+ *
+ * Note that cache size may not be decremented below min_size.
+ *
+ * Note also that if the upper_threshold is 1.0, the cache size
+ * will never be reduced.
+ *
+ * H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold: If the hit rate exceeds this
+ * threshold in any epoch, attempt to reduce the cache size
+ * by evicting entries that have not been accessed for more
+ * than the specified number of epochs.
+ *
+ * decrement: This field is only used when the decr_mode is
+ * H5C_decr__threshold.
+ *
+ * The field is a double containing the multiplier used to derive the
+ * new cache size from the old if a cache size decrement is triggered.
+ * The decrement must be in the range 0.0 (in which case the cache will
+ * try to contract to its minimum size) to 1.0 (in which case the
+ * cache will never shrink).
+ *
+ * apply_max_decrement: Boolean flag used to determine whether decrements
+ * in cache size are to be limited by the max_decrement field.
+ *
+ * max_decrement: Maximum number of bytes by which the cache size can be
+ * decreased in a single re-size. Note that decrements may also be
+ * restricted by the min_size of the cache, and (in age out modes) by
+ * the empty_reserve field.
+ *
+ * epochs_before_eviction: Integer field used in H5C_decr__age_out and
+ * H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold decrement modes.
+ *
+ * This field contains the number of epochs an entry must remain
+ * unaccessed before it is evicted in an attempt to reduce the
+ * cache size. If applicable, this field must lie in the range
+ *
+ * apply_empty_reserve: Boolean field controlling whether the empty_reserve
+ * field is to be used in computing the new cache size when the
+ * decr_mode is H5C_decr__age_out or H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold.
+ *
+ * empty_reserve: To avoid a constant racheting down of cache size by small
+ * amounts in the H5C_decr__age_out and H5C_decr__age_out_with_threshold
+ * modes, this field allows one to require that any cache size
+ * reductions leave the specified fraction of unused space in the cache.
+ *
+ * The value of this field must be in the range [0.0, 1.0]. I would
+ * expect typical values to be in the range of 0.01 to 0.1.
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+typedef struct H5AC_cache_config_t
+ /* general configuration fields: */
+ int32_t version;
+ hbool_t rpt_fcn_enabled;
+ hbool_t set_initial_size;
+ size_t initial_size;
+ double min_clean_fraction;
+ size_t max_size;
+ size_t min_size;
+ int64_t epoch_length;
+ /* size increase control fields: */
+ enum H5C_cache_incr_mode incr_mode;
+ double lower_hr_threshold;
+ double increment;
+ hbool_t apply_max_increment;
+ size_t max_increment;
+ /* size decrease control fields: */
+ enum H5C_cache_decr_mode decr_mode;
+ double upper_hr_threshold;
+ double decrement;
+ hbool_t apply_max_decrement;
+ size_t max_decrement;
+ int32_t epochs_before_eviction;
+ hbool_t apply_empty_reserve;
+ double empty_reserve;
+} H5AC_cache_config_t;
#ifdef __cplusplus