path: root/tools/h5import/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/h5import/')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/h5import/ b/tools/h5import/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..40ce7f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/h5import/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# HDF Utilities Test script
+# Usage: [machine-type]
+# initialize errors variable
+ SPACES=" "
+ echo "Testing $* $SPACES" | cut -c1-70 | tr -d '\012'
+./h5import $*
+../h5dump/h5dump $5 >log2
+cd testfiles
+../../h5dump/h5dump $5 >log1
+cd ..
+cmp -s testfiles/log1 log2 || err=1
+rm -f log2 testfiles/log1
+if [ $err -eq 1 ]; then
+errors="` expr $errors + 1 `";
+ echo "*FAILED*"
+ echo " PASSED"
+echo ""
+echo "=============================="
+echo "H5IMPORT tests started"
+echo "=============================="
+if [ -f h5import -a -f h5importtest ]; then
+#echo "** Testing h5import ***"
+rm -f output.h5 log1 testfiles/tx* testfiles/b* *.dat
+TESTING "ASCII I32 rank 3 - Output BE " ;
+TOOLTEST testfiles/txtin32 -c testfiles/textin32 -o test1.h5
+TESTING "ASCII I16 rank 3 - Output LE - CHUNKED - extended"
+TOOLTEST testfiles/txtin16 -c testfiles/textin16 -o test2.h5
+TESTING "ASCII I8 - rank 3 - Output I16 LE-Chunked+Extended+Compressed "
+TOOLTEST testfiles/txtin16 -c testfiles/textin8 -o test3.h5
+TESTING "ASCII UI32 - rank 3 - Output BE"
+TOOLTEST testfiles/in1 -c testfiles/textuin32 -o test4.h5
+TESTING "ASCII UI16 - rank 2 - Output LE+Chunked+Compressed "
+TOOLTEST testfiles/in1 -c testfiles/textuin16 -o test5.h5
+TESTING "ASCII F32 - rank 3 - Output LE "
+TOOLTEST testfiles/fp1 -c testfiles/textfp32 -o test6.h5
+TESTING "ASCII F64 - rank 3 - Output BE + CHUNKED+Extended+Compressed "
+TOOLTEST testfiles/fp2 -c testfiles/textfp64 -o test7.h5
+TESTING "BINARY F64 - rank 3 - Output LE+CHUNKED+Extended+Compressed "
+TOOLTEST testfiles/bfp64 -c testfiles/conbfp64 -o test8.h5
+TESTING "BINARY I16 - rank 3 - Output order LE + CHUNKED + extended "
+TOOLTEST testfiles/bin16 -c testfiles/conbin16 -o test9.h5
+TESTING "BINARY I8 - rank 3 - Output I16LE + Chunked+Extended+Compressed "
+TOOLTEST testfiles/bin8 -c testfiles/conbin8 -o test10.h5
+TESTING "BINARY I32 - rank 3 - Output BE + CHUNKED "
+TOOLTEST testfiles/bin32 -c testfiles/conbin32 -o test11.h5
+TESTING "BINARY UI16 - rank 3 - Output byte BE + CHUNKED "
+TOOLTEST testfiles/buin16 -c testfiles/conbuin16 -o test12.h5
+TESTING "BINARY UI32 - rank 3 - Output LE + CHUNKED "
+TOOLTEST testfiles/buin32 -c testfiles/conbuin32 -o test13.h5
+rm -f testfiles/tx* testfiles/b* *.dat
+rm -f test*.h5 testfiles/test*.log
+ echo "** h5import or h5importtest not available ***"
+ errors="` expr $errors + 1 `";
+# Check errors result
+if [ $errors -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "======================================"
+ echo " H5IMPORT Utilities tests have passed."
+ echo "======================================"
+ echo "*********************************************"
+ echo " H5IMPORT Utilities tests encountered errors"
+ echo "*********************************************"
+exit $errors