path: root/tools/testfiles
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/testfiles')
54 files changed, 7251 insertions, 4708 deletions
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tall-2A.ddl b/tools/testfiles/tall-2A.ddl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edb3261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tall-2A.ddl
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+Expected output for 'h5dump -A tall.h5'
+HDF5 "tall.h5" {
+GROUP "/" {
+ ATTRIBUTE "attr1" {
+ DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 10 ) / ( 10 ) }
+ DATA {
+ 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 0
+ }
+ }
+ ATTRIBUTE "attr2" {
+ DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 2, 2 ) / ( 2, 2 ) }
+ DATA {
+ 0, 1,
+ 2, 3
+ }
+ }
+ GROUP "g1" {
+ GROUP "g1.1" {
+ DATASET "dset1.1.1" {
+ DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 10, 10 ) / ( 10, 10 ) }
+ ATTRIBUTE "attr1" {
+ DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 27 ) / ( 27 ) }
+ DATA {
+ 49, 115, 116, 32, 97, 116, 116, 114, 105, 98, 117, 116, 101,
+ 32, 111, 102, 32, 100, 115, 101, 116, 49, 46, 49, 46, 49, 0
+ }
+ }
+ ATTRIBUTE "attr2" {
+ DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 27 ) / ( 27 ) }
+ DATA {
+ 50, 110, 100, 32, 97, 116, 116, 114, 105, 98, 117, 116, 101,
+ 32, 111, 102, 32, 100, 115, 101, 116, 49, 46, 49, 46, 49, 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DATASET "dset1.1.2" {
+ DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 20 ) / ( 20 ) }
+ }
+ }
+ GROUP "g1.2" {
+ GROUP "g1.2.1" {
+ SOFTLINK "slink" {
+ LINKTARGET "somevalue"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ GROUP "g2" {
+ DATASET "dset2.1" {
+ DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 10 ) / ( 10 ) }
+ }
+ DATASET "dset2.2" {
+ DATASPACE SIMPLE { ( 3, 5 ) / ( 3, 5 ) }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tall-2A.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tall-2A.h5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4866eb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tall-2A.h5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+Expected output for 'h5dump --xml -A tall.h5'
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr1">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 0
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr2">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="2" MaxDimSize="2"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="2" MaxDimSize="2"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ 0 1
+ 2 3
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/g1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.1" OBJ-XID="xid_2968-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.1" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1.1.1" OBJ-XID="xid_4968-0" H5Path= "/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.1" Parents="xid_2968-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1/g1.1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr1">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="27" MaxDimSize="27"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ 49 115 116 32 97 116 116 114 105 98 117 116 101 32 111 102 32
+ 100 115 101 116 49 46 49 46 49 0
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr2">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="27" MaxDimSize="27"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ 50 110 100 32 97 116 116 114 105 98 117 116 101 32 111 102 32
+ 100 115 101 116 49 46 49 46 49 0
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:NoData/>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1.1.2" OBJ-XID="xid_5968-0" H5Path= "/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.2" Parents="xid_2968-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1/g1.1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="20" MaxDimSize="20"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:NoData/>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.2" OBJ-XID="xid_3944-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.2" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1" >
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.2.1" OBJ-XID="xid_4592-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.2/g1.2.1" Parents="xid_3944-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1/g1.2" >
+ <hdf5:SoftLink LinkName="slink" OBJ-XID="xid_4294967294-4294967293" H5SourcePath="/g1/g1.2/g1.2.1/slink" TargetPath="somevalue" Parents="xid_4592-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1/g1.2/g1.2.1" />
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g2" OBJ-XID="xid_2320-0" H5Path="/g2" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset2.1" OBJ-XID="xid_6648-0" H5Path= "/g2/dset2.1" Parents="xid_2320-0" H5ParentPaths="/g2">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:NoData/>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset2.2" OBJ-XID="xid_7288-0" H5Path= "/g2/dset2.2" Parents="xid_2320-0" H5ParentPaths="/g2">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="3" MaxDimSize="3"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:NoData/>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tall.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tall.h5.xml
index 7d77bb0..f124f95 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tall.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tall.h5.xml
@@ -2,97 +2,104 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tall.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Attribute Name="attr1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr1">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Attribute Name="attr2">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="2" MaxDimSize="2"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="2" MaxDimSize="2"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr2">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="2" MaxDimSize="2"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="2" MaxDimSize="2"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 1
2 3
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Group Name="g1" OBJ-XID="/g1" Parents="/" >
- <Group Name="g1.1" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.1" Parents="/g1" >
- <Dataset Name="dset1.1.1" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.1" Parents="/g1/g1.1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Attribute Name="attr1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="27" MaxDimSize="27"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/g1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.1" OBJ-XID="xid_2968-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.1" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1.1.1" OBJ-XID="xid_4968-0" H5Path= "/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.1" Parents="xid_2968-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1/g1.1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr1">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="27" MaxDimSize="27"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
49 115 116 32 97 116 116 114 105 98 117 116 101 32 111 102 32
100 115 101 116 49 46 49 46 49 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Attribute Name="attr2">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="27" MaxDimSize="27"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr2">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="27" MaxDimSize="27"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
50 110 100 32 97 116 116 114 105 98 117 116 101 32 111 102 32
100 115 101 116 49 46 49 46 49 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
@@ -103,71 +110,95 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tall.h5'
0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="dset1.1.2" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.2" Parents="/g1/g1.1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="20" MaxDimSize="20"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1.1.2" OBJ-XID="xid_5968-0" H5Path= "/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.2" Parents="xid_2968-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1/g1.1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="20" MaxDimSize="20"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g1.2" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.2" Parents="/g1" >
- <Group Name="g1.2.1" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.2/g1.2.1" Parents="/g1/g1.2" >
- <SoftLink LinkName="slink" Target="somevalue" TargetObj="/g1/g1.2/g1.2.1/somevalue" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.2/g1.2.1/slink" Source="/g1/g1.2/g1.2.1"/>
- </Group>
- </Group>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g2" OBJ-XID="/g2" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset2.1" OBJ-XID="/g2/dset2.1" Parents="/g2">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.2" OBJ-XID="xid_3944-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.2" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1" >
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.2.1" OBJ-XID="xid_4592-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.2/g1.2.1" Parents="xid_3944-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1/g1.2" >
+ <hdf5:SoftLink LinkName="slink" OBJ-XID="xid_4294967294-4294967293" H5SourcePath="/g1/g1.2/g1.2.1/slink" TargetPath="somevalue" Parents="xid_4592-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1/g1.2/g1.2.1" />
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g2" OBJ-XID="xid_2320-0" H5Path="/g2" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset2.1" OBJ-XID="xid_6648-0" H5Path= "/g2/dset2.1" Parents="xid_2320-0" H5ParentPaths="/g2">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="dset2.2" OBJ-XID="/g2/dset2.2" Parents="/g2">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="3" MaxDimSize="3"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset2.2" OBJ-XID="xid_7288-0" H5Path= "/g2/dset2.2" Parents="xid_2320-0" H5ParentPaths="/g2">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="3" MaxDimSize="3"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tarray1.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tarray1.h5.xml
index ea654cd..a7caa3b 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tarray1.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tarray1.h5.xml
@@ -2,30 +2,37 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tarray1.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="/Dataset1" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="1">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 30 31 32 33
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tarray2.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tarray2.h5.xml
index 5772b98..9bb40ac 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tarray2.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tarray2.h5.xml
@@ -2,29 +2,36 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tarray2.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="/Dataset1" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="3">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="3" DimPerm="0"/>
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="1"/>
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="5" DimPerm="2"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="3">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="3" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="1"/>
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="5" DimPerm="2"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 1 2 3 4
10 11 12 13 14
20 21 22 23 24
@@ -73,8 +80,8 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tarray2.h5'
3210 3211 3212 3213 3214
3220 3221 3222 3223 3224
3230 3231 3232 3233 3234
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tarray3.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tarray3.h5.xml
index 5af5d85..cf31c84 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tarray3.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tarray3.h5.xml
@@ -2,33 +2,40 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tarray3.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="/Dataset1" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="1">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="2">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="6" DimPerm="0"/>
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="3" DimPerm="1"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="6" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="3" DimPerm="1"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 1 2
10 11 12
20 21 22
@@ -113,8 +120,8 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tarray3.h5'
3330 3331 3332
3340 3341 3342
3350 3351 3352
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tarray6.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tarray6.h5.xml
index 35e50ca..fb9cb4c 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tarray6.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tarray6.h5.xml
@@ -2,37 +2,44 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tarray6.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="/Dataset1" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="1">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
- <DataType>
- <VLType>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="false" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </VLType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:VLType>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="false" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:VLType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 10 11 20 21 22 30 31 32 33
100 101 110 111 112 120 121 122 123 130 131 132 133 134
200 201 202 210 211 212 213 220 221 222 223 224 230 231 232 233 234 235
300 301 302 303 310 311 312 313 314 320 321 322 323 324 325 330 331 332 333 334 335 336
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tarray7.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tarray7.h5.xml
index a9fd541..3c861c5 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tarray7.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tarray7.h5.xml
@@ -2,42 +2,49 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tarray7.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="/Dataset1" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="1">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
- <DataType>
- <VLType>
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="1">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="false" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- </VLType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:VLType>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="false" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:VLType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 1 2 3 100 101 102 103 110 111 112 113 200 201 202 203 210 211 212 213 220 221 222 223 300 301 302 303 310 311 312 313 320 321 322 323 330 331 332 333
1000 1001 1002 1003 1010 1011 1012 1013 1100 1101 1102 1103 1110 1111 1112 1113 1120 1121 1122 1123 1200 1201 1202 1203 1210 1211 1212 1213 1220 1221 1222 1223 1230 1231 1232 1233 1300 1301 1302 1303 1310 1311 1312 1313 1320 1321 1322 1323 1330 1331 1332 1333 1340 1341 1342 1343
2000 2001 2002 2003 2010 2011 2012 2013 2020 2021 2022 2023 2100 2101 2102 2103 2110 2111 2112 2113 2120 2121 2122 2123 2130 2131 2132 2133 2200 2201 2202 2203 2210 2211 2212 2213 2220 2221 2222 2223 2230 2231 2232 2233 2240 2241 2242 2243 2300 2301 2302 2303 2310 2311 2312 2313 2320 2321 2322 2323 2330 2331 2332 2333 2340 2341 2342 2343 2350 2351 2352 2353
3000 3001 3002 3003 3010 3011 3012 3013 3020 3021 3022 3023 3030 3031 3032 3033 3100 3101 3102 3103 3110 3111 3112 3113 3120 3121 3122 3123 3130 3131 3132 3133 3140 3141 3142 3143 3200 3201 3202 3203 3210 3211 3212 3213 3220 3221 3222 3223 3230 3231 3232 3233 3240 3241 3242 3243 3250 3251 3252 3253 3300 3301 3302 3303 3310 3311 3312 3313 3320 3321 3322 3323 3330 3331 3332 3333 3340 3341 3342 3343 3350 3351 3352 3353 3360 3361 3362 3363
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tattr.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tattr.h5.xml
index 757b297..b3301a7 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tattr.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tattr.h5.xml
@@ -2,90 +2,89 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tattr.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Attribute Name="attr1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="24" MaxDimSize="24"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr1">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="24" MaxDimSize="24"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
97 116 116 114 105 98 117 116 101 32 111 102 32 114 111 111 116 32 103
114 111 117 112 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Attribute Name="attr2">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr2">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Attribute Name="attr3">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr3">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Attribute Name="attr4">
- <Dataspace>
- <ScalarDataspace />
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr4">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:ScalarDataspace />
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Attribute Name="attr5">
- <Dataspace>
- <ScalarDataspace />
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="17" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr5">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:ScalarDataspace />
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="17" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
"string attribute"
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tbitfields.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tbitfields.h5.xml
index 4e71669..1b0d76f 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tbitfields.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tbitfields.h5.xml
@@ -2,47 +2,62 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tbitfields.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Group Name="typetests" OBJ-XID="/typetests" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="bitfield_1" OBJ-XID="/typetests/bitfield_1" Parents="/typetests">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="32" MaxDimSize="32"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <BitfieldType ByteOrder="LE" Size="1"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Group Name="typetests" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/typetests" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="bitfield_1" OBJ-XID="xid_1720-0" H5Path= "/typetests/bitfield_1" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/typetests">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="32" MaxDimSize="32"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:BitfieldType ByteOrder="LE" Size="1"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0xff 0xfe 0xfd 0xfc 0xfb 0xfa 0xf9 0xf8 0xf7 0xf6 0xf5 0xf4 0xf3
0xf2 0xf1 0xf0 0xef 0xee 0xed 0xec 0xeb 0xea 0xe9 0xe8 0xe7 0xe6
0xe5 0xe4 0xe3 0xe2 0xe1 0xe0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="bitfield_2" OBJ-XID="/typetests/bitfield_2" Parents="/typetests">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="16" MaxDimSize="16"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <BitfieldType ByteOrder="LE" Size="2"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="bitfield_2" OBJ-XID="xid_2352-0" H5Path= "/typetests/bitfield_2" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/typetests">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="16" MaxDimSize="16"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:BitfieldType ByteOrder="LE" Size="2"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
ff:fe fd:fc fb:fa f9:f8 f7:f6 f5:f4 f3:f2 f1:f0 ef:ee ed:ec eb:ea
e9:e8 e7:e6 e5:e4 e3:e2 e1:e0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tcompound.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tcompound.h5.xml
index c6f2142..1b3b1f0 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tcompound.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tcompound.h5.xml
@@ -2,164 +2,187 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tcompound.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <NamedDataType Name="#6632:0" OBJ-XID="/#6632:0" Parents="root">
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="int">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="float">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
- </NamedDataType>
- <NamedDataType Name="type1" OBJ-XID="/type1" Parents="root">
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="int_name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="float_name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
- </NamedDataType>
- <NamedDataType Name="type2" OBJ-XID="/type2" Parents="root">
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="int_array">
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="1">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="float_array">
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="2">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="5" DimPerm="0"/>
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="6" DimPerm="1"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
- </NamedDataType>
- <Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="/dset1" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="a_name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="b_name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="c_name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:NamedDataType Name="#6632:0" OBJ-XID="xid_4294967294-4294967293" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="int">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="float">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:NamedDataType>
+ <hdf5:NamedDataType Name="type1" OBJ-XID="xid_1424-0" H5Path="/type1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="int_name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="float_name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:NamedDataType>
+ <hdf5:NamedDataType Name="type2" OBJ-XID="xid_2792-0" H5Path="/type2" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="int_array">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="float_array">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="5" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="6" DimPerm="1"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:NamedDataType>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="xid_744-0" H5Path= "/dset1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="a_name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="b_name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="c_name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 1 1 1 0.5 2 4 0.333333 3 9 0.25 4 16 0.2
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Group Name="group1" OBJ-XID="/group1" Parents="/" >
- <NamedDataType Name="type3" OBJ-XID="/group1/type3" Parents="/group1">
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="int">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="float">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
- </NamedDataType>
- <Dataset Name="dset2" OBJ-XID="/group1/dset2" Parents="/group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <NamedDataTypePtr OBJ-XID="/type1"/>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="group1" OBJ-XID="xid_2104-0" H5Path="/group1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:NamedDataType Name="type3" OBJ-XID="xid_5592-0" H5Path="/group1/type3" Parents="xid_2104-0" H5ParentPaths="/group1">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="int">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="float">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:NamedDataType>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset2" OBJ-XID="xid_2152-0" H5Path= "/group1/dset2" Parents="xid_2104-0" H5ParentPaths="/group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:NamedDataTypePtr OBJ-XID="xid_1424-0" H5Path="/type1" />
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 1 1.1 2 2.2 3 3.3 4 4.4
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="dset3" OBJ-XID="/group1/dset3" Parents="/group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="3" MaxDimSize="3"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="6" MaxDimSize="6"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <NamedDataTypePtr OBJ-XID="/type2"/>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset3" OBJ-XID="xid_2872-0" H5Path= "/group1/dset3" Parents="xid_2104-0" H5ParentPaths="/group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="3" MaxDimSize="3"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="6" MaxDimSize="6"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:NamedDataTypePtr OBJ-XID="xid_2792-0" H5Path="/type2" />
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6 7
3 4 5 6 7 8
@@ -250,39 +273,55 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tcompound.h5'
10 11 12 13 14 15
11 12 13 14 15 16
12 13 14 15 16 17
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="dset4" OBJ-XID="/group1/dset4" Parents="/group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <NamedDataTypePtr OBJ-XID="/group1/type3"/>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset4" OBJ-XID="xid_5672-0" H5Path= "/group1/dset4" Parents="xid_2104-0" H5ParentPaths="/group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:NamedDataTypePtr OBJ-XID="xid_5592-0" H5Path="/group1/type3" />
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 3 1 4 2 5 3 6 4 7
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="group2" OBJ-XID="/group2" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset5" OBJ-XID="/group2/dset5" Parents="/group2">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <NamedDataTypePtr OBJ-XID="/#6632:0"/>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="group2" OBJ-XID="xid_6584-0" H5Path="/group2" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset5" OBJ-XID="xid_7040-0" H5Path= "/group2/dset5" Parents="xid_6584-0" H5ParentPaths="/group2">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:NamedDataTypePtr OBJ-XID="xid_7040-0"/>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 1 0.1 2 0.2 3 0.3 4 0.4
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tcompound2.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tcompound2.h5.xml
index 5014c83..c5293ae 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tcompound2.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tcompound2.h5.xml
@@ -2,203 +2,230 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tcompound2.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <NamedDataType Name="#9560:0" OBJ-XID="/#9560:0" Parents="root">
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="int">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="float">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
- </NamedDataType>
- <NamedDataType Name="type1" OBJ-XID="/type1" Parents="root">
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="int_name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="float_name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
- </NamedDataType>
- <NamedDataType Name="type2" OBJ-XID="/type2" Parents="root">
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="int_array">
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="1">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="float_array">
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="2">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="5" DimPerm="0"/>
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="6" DimPerm="1"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
- </NamedDataType>
- <Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="/dset1" Parents="root">
- <StorageLayout>
- <ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="2" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="6" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="a_name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="b_name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="c_name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:NamedDataType Name="#9560:0" OBJ-XID="xid_4294967294-4294967293" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="int">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="float">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:NamedDataType>
+ <hdf5:NamedDataType Name="type1" OBJ-XID="xid_3280-0" H5Path="/type1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="int_name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="float_name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:NamedDataType>
+ <hdf5:NamedDataType Name="type2" OBJ-XID="xid_6544-0" H5Path="/type2" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="int_array">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="float_array">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="5" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="6" DimPerm="1"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:NamedDataType>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="xid_744-0" H5Path= "/dset1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="2" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Incremental">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="6" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="a_name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="b_name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="c_name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 1 1 1 0.5 2 4 0.333333 3 9 0.25 4 16 0.2 5 25 0.166667
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Group Name="group1" OBJ-XID="/group1" Parents="/" >
- <NamedDataType Name="type3" OBJ-XID="/group1/type3" Parents="/group1">
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="int">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="float">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
- </NamedDataType>
- <Dataset Name="dset2" OBJ-XID="/group1/dset2" Parents="/group1">
- <StorageLayout>
- <ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="2" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="6" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <NamedDataTypePtr OBJ-XID="/type1"/>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="group1" OBJ-XID="xid_3960-0" H5Path="/group1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:NamedDataType Name="type3" OBJ-XID="xid_6624-0" H5Path="/group1/type3" Parents="xid_3960-0" H5ParentPaths="/group1">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="int">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="float">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:NamedDataType>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset2" OBJ-XID="xid_4008-0" H5Path= "/group1/dset2" Parents="xid_3960-0" H5ParentPaths="/group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="2" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Incremental">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="6" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:NamedDataTypePtr OBJ-XID="xid_3280-0" H5Path="/type1" />
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 1 1.1 2 2.2 3 3.3 4 4.4 5 5.5
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="dset4" OBJ-XID="/group1/dset4" Parents="/group1">
- <StorageLayout>
- <ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="2" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="6" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <NamedDataTypePtr OBJ-XID="/group1/type3"/>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset4" OBJ-XID="xid_6704-0" H5Path= "/group1/dset4" Parents="xid_3960-0" H5ParentPaths="/group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="2" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Incremental">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="6" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:NamedDataTypePtr OBJ-XID="xid_6624-0" H5Path="/group1/type3" />
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="group2" OBJ-XID="/group2" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset5" OBJ-XID="/group2/dset5" Parents="/group2">
- <StorageLayout>
- <ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="2" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="6" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <NamedDataTypePtr OBJ-XID="/#9560:0"/>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="group2" OBJ-XID="xid_9512-0" H5Path="/group2" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset5" OBJ-XID="xid_9968-0" H5Path= "/group2/dset5" Parents="xid_9512-0" H5ParentPaths="/group2">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="2" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Incremental">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="6" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:NamedDataTypePtr OBJ-XID="xid_9968-0"/>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tdatareg.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tdatareg.h5.xml
index e9008bc..c285f85 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tdatareg.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tdatareg.h5.xml
@@ -2,41 +2,56 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tdatareg.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="/Dataset1" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <ReferenceType>
- <ObjectReferenceType />
- </ReferenceType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="xid_1284-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ <hdf5:ObjectReferenceType />
+ </hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
<!-- Note: Region references not supported -->
- <NoData />
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset2" OBJ-XID="/Dataset2" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:NoData />
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset2" OBJ-XID="xid_744-0" H5Path= "/Dataset2" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57
60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87
@@ -47,8 +62,8 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tdatareg.h5'
210 213 216 219 222 225 228 231 234 237
240 243 246 249 252 255 2 5 8 11
14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tdset.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tdset.h5.xml
index ea7bdb8..e86d6fa 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tdset.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tdset.h5.xml
@@ -2,23 +2,30 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tdset.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="/dset1" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="20" MaxDimSize="20"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="xid_744-0" H5Path= "/dset1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="20" MaxDimSize="20"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
@@ -29,23 +36,31 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tdset.h5'
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="dset2" OBJ-XID="/dset2" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="30" MaxDimSize="30"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="20" MaxDimSize="20"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset2" OBJ-XID="xid_1984-0" H5Path= "/dset2" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="30" MaxDimSize="30"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="20" MaxDimSize="20"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005 0.0006 0.0007 0.0008 0.0009 0.001
0.0011 0.0012 0.0013 0.0014 0.0015 0.0016 0.0017 0.0018 0.0019
1 1.0001 1.0002 1.0003 1.0004 1.0005 1.0006 1.0007 1.0008 1.0009 1.001
@@ -126,8 +141,8 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tdset.h5'
29 29.0001 29.0002 29.0003 29.0004 29.0005 29.0006 29.0007 29.0008
29.0009 29.001 29.0011 29.0012 29.0013 29.0014 29.0015 29.0016 29.0017
29.0018 29.0019
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tdset2.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tdset2.h5.xml
index fa7ebd3..d8ecec5 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tdset2.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tdset2.h5.xml
@@ -2,29 +2,35 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tdset2.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="/dset1" Parents="root">
- <StorageLayout>
- <ChunkedLayout Ndims="2">
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="5" />
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="5" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="20" MaxDimSize="20"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="xid_744-0" H5Path= "/dset1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="5" />
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="5" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Incremental">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="20" MaxDimSize="20"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
@@ -35,29 +41,36 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tdset2.h5'
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="dset2" OBJ-XID="/dset2" Parents="root">
- <StorageLayout>
- <ChunkedLayout Ndims="2">
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="5" />
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="5" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="30" MaxDimSize="30"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset2" OBJ-XID="xid_3800-0" H5Path= "/dset2" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="5" />
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="5" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Incremental">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="30" MaxDimSize="30"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
@@ -88,8 +101,8 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tdset2.h5'
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tempty-dtd-2.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tempty-dtd-2.h5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f59b97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tempty-dtd-2.h5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+Expected output for 'h5dump --xml -u tempty.h5'
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
+<RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset1.0" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <VLType>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </VLType>
+ </DataType>
+<!-- Note: format of VL data not specified -->
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset2.0" OBJ-XID="xid_1576-0" H5Path= "/Dataset2.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset3.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2128-0" H5Path= "/Dataset3.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset4.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2400-0" H5Path= "/Dataset4.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </ArrayType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset5.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2672-0" H5Path= "/Dataset5.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <CompoundType>
+ <Field FieldName="a">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ <Field FieldName="b">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ <Field FieldName="c">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ </CompoundType>
+ </DataType>
+ <!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tempty-dtd-uri.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tempty-dtd-uri.h5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3fb6a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tempty-dtd-uri.h5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+Expected output for 'h5dump --xml --use-dtd --xml-dtd= tempty.h5'
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
+<RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset1.0" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <VLType>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </VLType>
+ </DataType>
+<!-- Note: format of VL data not specified -->
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset2.0" OBJ-XID="xid_1576-0" H5Path= "/Dataset2.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset3.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2128-0" H5Path= "/Dataset3.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset4.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2400-0" H5Path= "/Dataset4.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </ArrayType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset5.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2672-0" H5Path= "/Dataset5.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <CompoundType>
+ <Field FieldName="a">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ <Field FieldName="b">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ <Field FieldName="c">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ </CompoundType>
+ </DataType>
+ <!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tempty-dtd.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tempty-dtd.h5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76613f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tempty-dtd.h5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+Expected output for 'h5dump --xml --use-dtd tempty.h5'
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
+<RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset1.0" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <VLType>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </VLType>
+ </DataType>
+<!-- Note: format of VL data not specified -->
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset2.0" OBJ-XID="xid_1576-0" H5Path= "/Dataset2.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset3.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2128-0" H5Path= "/Dataset3.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset4.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2400-0" H5Path= "/Dataset4.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </ArrayType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset5.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2672-0" H5Path= "/Dataset5.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <CompoundType>
+ <Field FieldName="a">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ <Field FieldName="b">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ <Field FieldName="c">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ </CompoundType>
+ </DataType>
+ <!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tempty-nons-2.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tempty-nons-2.h5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c1dd29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tempty-nons-2.h5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+Expected output for 'h5dump --xml --xml-ns=: tempty.h5'
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<HDF5-File xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
+<RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset1.0" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <VLType>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </VLType>
+ </DataType>
+<!-- Note: format of VL data not specified -->
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset2.0" OBJ-XID="xid_1576-0" H5Path= "/Dataset2.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset3.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2128-0" H5Path= "/Dataset3.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset4.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2400-0" H5Path= "/Dataset4.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </ArrayType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset5.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2672-0" H5Path= "/Dataset5.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <CompoundType>
+ <Field FieldName="a">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ <Field FieldName="b">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ <Field FieldName="c">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ </CompoundType>
+ </DataType>
+ <!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tempty-nons-uri.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tempty-nons-uri.h5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01f230a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tempty-nons-uri.h5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+Expected output for 'h5dump --xml --xml-ns=: --xml-dtd= tempty.h5'
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<HDF5-File xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
+<RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset1.0" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <VLType>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </VLType>
+ </DataType>
+<!-- Note: format of VL data not specified -->
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset2.0" OBJ-XID="xid_1576-0" H5Path= "/Dataset2.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset3.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2128-0" H5Path= "/Dataset3.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset4.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2400-0" H5Path= "/Dataset4.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </ArrayType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset5.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2672-0" H5Path= "/Dataset5.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <CompoundType>
+ <Field FieldName="a">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ <Field FieldName="b">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ <Field FieldName="c">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ </CompoundType>
+ </DataType>
+ <!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tempty-nons.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tempty-nons.h5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0179122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tempty-nons.h5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+Expected output for 'h5dump --xml -X : tempty.h5'
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<HDF5-File xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
+<RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset1.0" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <VLType>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </VLType>
+ </DataType>
+<!-- Note: format of VL data not specified -->
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset2.0" OBJ-XID="xid_1576-0" H5Path= "/Dataset2.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset3.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2128-0" H5Path= "/Dataset3.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset4.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2400-0" H5Path= "/Dataset4.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </ArrayType>
+ </DataType>
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
+ <Dataset Name="Dataset5.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2672-0" H5Path= "/Dataset5.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <StorageLayout>
+ <ContiguousLayout/>
+ </StorageLayout>
+ <FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <FillValue>
+ <NoFill/>
+ </FillValue>
+ </FillValueInfo>
+ <Dataspace>
+ <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </SimpleDataspace>
+ </Dataspace>
+ <DataType>
+ <CompoundType>
+ <Field FieldName="a">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ <Field FieldName="b">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ <Field FieldName="c">
+ <DataType>
+ <AtomicType>
+ <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </AtomicType>
+ </DataType>
+ </Field>
+ </CompoundType>
+ </DataType>
+ <!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
+ <Data>
+ <DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ </DataFromFile>
+ </Data>
+ </Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tempty-ns-2.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tempty-ns-2.h5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..432b781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tempty-ns-2.h5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+Expected output for 'h5dump --xml --xml-ns=thing: tempty.h5'
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<thing:HDF5-File xmlns:thing="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<thing:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <thing:Dataset Name="Dataset1.0" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <thing:FillValue>
+ <thing:NoFill/>
+ </thing:FillValue>
+ </thing:FillValueInfo>
+ <thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <thing:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </thing:SimpleDataspace>
+ </thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:VLType>
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:AtomicType>
+ <thing:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </thing:AtomicType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ </thing:VLType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+<!-- Note: format of VL data not specified -->
+ <thing:Data>
+ <thing:DataFromFile>
+ </thing:DataFromFile>
+ </thing:Data>
+ </thing:Dataset>
+ <thing:Dataset Name="Dataset2.0" OBJ-XID="xid_1576-0" H5Path= "/Dataset2.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <thing:FillValue>
+ <thing:NoFill/>
+ </thing:FillValue>
+ </thing:FillValueInfo>
+ <thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <thing:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </thing:SimpleDataspace>
+ </thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:AtomicType>
+ <thing:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </thing:AtomicType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ <thing:Data>
+ <thing:DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0
+ </thing:DataFromFile>
+ </thing:Data>
+ </thing:Dataset>
+ <thing:Dataset Name="Dataset3.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2128-0" H5Path= "/Dataset3.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <thing:FillValue>
+ <thing:NoFill/>
+ </thing:FillValue>
+ </thing:FillValueInfo>
+ <thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <thing:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </thing:SimpleDataspace>
+ </thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:AtomicType>
+ <thing:FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </thing:AtomicType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ <thing:Data>
+ <thing:DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0
+ </thing:DataFromFile>
+ </thing:Data>
+ </thing:Dataset>
+ <thing:Dataset Name="Dataset4.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2400-0" H5Path= "/Dataset4.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <thing:FillValue>
+ <thing:NoFill/>
+ </thing:FillValue>
+ </thing:FillValueInfo>
+ <thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <thing:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </thing:SimpleDataspace>
+ </thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <thing:ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:AtomicType>
+ <thing:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </thing:AtomicType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ </thing:ArrayType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ <thing:Data>
+ <thing:DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ </thing:DataFromFile>
+ </thing:Data>
+ </thing:Dataset>
+ <thing:Dataset Name="Dataset5.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2672-0" H5Path= "/Dataset5.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <thing:FillValue>
+ <thing:NoFill/>
+ </thing:FillValue>
+ </thing:FillValueInfo>
+ <thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <thing:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </thing:SimpleDataspace>
+ </thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:CompoundType>
+ <thing:Field FieldName="a">
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:AtomicType>
+ <thing:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </thing:AtomicType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ </thing:Field>
+ <thing:Field FieldName="b">
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:AtomicType>
+ <thing:FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </thing:AtomicType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ </thing:Field>
+ <thing:Field FieldName="c">
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:AtomicType>
+ <thing:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </thing:AtomicType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ </thing:Field>
+ </thing:CompoundType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ <!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
+ <thing:Data>
+ <thing:DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ </thing:DataFromFile>
+ </thing:Data>
+ </thing:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tempty-ns.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tempty-ns.h5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..354bdc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tempty-ns.h5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+Expected output for 'h5dump --xml -X thing: tempty.h5'
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<thing:HDF5-File xmlns:thing="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<thing:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <thing:Dataset Name="Dataset1.0" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <thing:FillValue>
+ <thing:NoFill/>
+ </thing:FillValue>
+ </thing:FillValueInfo>
+ <thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <thing:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </thing:SimpleDataspace>
+ </thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:VLType>
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:AtomicType>
+ <thing:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </thing:AtomicType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ </thing:VLType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+<!-- Note: format of VL data not specified -->
+ <thing:Data>
+ <thing:DataFromFile>
+ </thing:DataFromFile>
+ </thing:Data>
+ </thing:Dataset>
+ <thing:Dataset Name="Dataset2.0" OBJ-XID="xid_1576-0" H5Path= "/Dataset2.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <thing:FillValue>
+ <thing:NoFill/>
+ </thing:FillValue>
+ </thing:FillValueInfo>
+ <thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <thing:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </thing:SimpleDataspace>
+ </thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:AtomicType>
+ <thing:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </thing:AtomicType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ <thing:Data>
+ <thing:DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0
+ </thing:DataFromFile>
+ </thing:Data>
+ </thing:Dataset>
+ <thing:Dataset Name="Dataset3.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2128-0" H5Path= "/Dataset3.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <thing:FillValue>
+ <thing:NoFill/>
+ </thing:FillValue>
+ </thing:FillValueInfo>
+ <thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <thing:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </thing:SimpleDataspace>
+ </thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:AtomicType>
+ <thing:FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </thing:AtomicType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ <thing:Data>
+ <thing:DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0
+ </thing:DataFromFile>
+ </thing:Data>
+ </thing:Dataset>
+ <thing:Dataset Name="Dataset4.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2400-0" H5Path= "/Dataset4.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <thing:FillValue>
+ <thing:NoFill/>
+ </thing:FillValue>
+ </thing:FillValueInfo>
+ <thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <thing:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </thing:SimpleDataspace>
+ </thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <thing:ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:AtomicType>
+ <thing:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </thing:AtomicType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ </thing:ArrayType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ <thing:Data>
+ <thing:DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ </thing:DataFromFile>
+ </thing:Data>
+ </thing:Dataset>
+ <thing:Dataset Name="Dataset5.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2672-0" H5Path= "/Dataset5.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </thing:StorageLayout>
+ <thing:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <thing:FillValue>
+ <thing:NoFill/>
+ </thing:FillValue>
+ </thing:FillValueInfo>
+ <thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <thing:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </thing:SimpleDataspace>
+ </thing:Dataspace>
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:CompoundType>
+ <thing:Field FieldName="a">
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:AtomicType>
+ <thing:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </thing:AtomicType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ </thing:Field>
+ <thing:Field FieldName="b">
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:AtomicType>
+ <thing:FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </thing:AtomicType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ </thing:Field>
+ <thing:Field FieldName="c">
+ <thing:DataType>
+ <thing:AtomicType>
+ <thing:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </thing:AtomicType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ </thing:Field>
+ </thing:CompoundType>
+ </thing:DataType>
+ <!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
+ <thing:Data>
+ <thing:DataFromFile>
+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+ </thing:DataFromFile>
+ </thing:Data>
+ </thing:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tempty.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tempty.h5.xml
index 43f4d6b..6ba1f38 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tempty.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tempty.h5.xml
@@ -2,124 +2,163 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tempty.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="Dataset1.0" OBJ-XID="/Dataset1.0" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <VLType>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </VLType>
- </DataType>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset1.0" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:VLType>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:VLType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of VL data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset2.0" OBJ-XID="/Dataset2.0" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset2.0" OBJ-XID="xid_1576-0" H5Path= "/Dataset2.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset3.0" OBJ-XID="/Dataset3.0" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset3.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2128-0" H5Path= "/Dataset3.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset4.0" OBJ-XID="/Dataset4.0" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="1">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset4.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2400-0" H5Path= "/Dataset4.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset5.0" OBJ-XID="/Dataset5.0" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="a">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="b">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="c">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset5.0" OBJ-XID="xid_2672-0" H5Path= "/Dataset5.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="a">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="b">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="c">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tenum.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tenum.h5.xml
index 126d049..2a4be7c 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tenum.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tenum.h5.xml
@@ -2,60 +2,72 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tenum.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <NamedDataType Name="enum normal" OBJ-XID="/enum normal" Parents="root">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <EnumType Nelems="5">
- <EnumElement>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:NamedDataType Name="enum normal" OBJ-XID="xid_744-0" H5Path="/enum normal" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:EnumType Nelems="5">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- </EnumType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </NamedDataType>
- <Dataset Name="table" OBJ-XID="/table" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="20" MaxDimSize="20"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <NamedDataTypePtr OBJ-XID="/enum normal"/>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:NamedDataType>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="table" OBJ-XID="xid_1152-0" H5Path= "/table" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="20" MaxDimSize="20"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:NamedDataTypePtr OBJ-XID="xid_744-0" H5Path="/enum normal" />
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tgroup.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tgroup.h5.xml
index c8e936a..a704dbd 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tgroup.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tgroup.h5.xml
@@ -2,34 +2,33 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tgroup.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Group Name="g1" OBJ-XID="/g1" Parents="/" >
- <Group Name="g1.1" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.1" Parents="/g1" >
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g1.2" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.2" Parents="/g1" >
- </Group>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g2" OBJ-XID="/g2" Parents="/" >
- <Group Name="g2.1" OBJ-XID="/g2/g2.1" Parents="/g2" >
- <Group Name="g2.1.1" OBJ-XID="/g2/g2.1/g2.1.1" Parents="/g2/g2.1" >
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g2.1.2" OBJ-XID="/g2/g2.1/g2.1.2" Parents="/g2/g2.1" >
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g2.1.3" OBJ-XID="/g2/g2.1/g2.1.3" Parents="/g2/g2.1" >
- </Group>
- </Group>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g3" OBJ-XID="/g3" Parents="/" >
- <Group Name="g3.1" OBJ-XID="/g3/g3.1" Parents="/g3" >
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g3.2" OBJ-XID="/g3/g3.2" Parents="/g3" >
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g3.3" OBJ-XID="/g3/g3.3" Parents="/g3" >
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g3.4" OBJ-XID="/g3/g3.4" Parents="/g3" >
- </Group>
- </Group>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/g1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.1" OBJ-XID="xid_3616-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.1" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1" >
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.2" OBJ-XID="xid_4592-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.2" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1" >
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g2" OBJ-XID="xid_2320-0" H5Path="/g2" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g2.1" OBJ-XID="xid_5240-0" H5Path="/g2/g2.1" Parents="xid_2320-0" H5ParentPaths="/g2" >
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g2.1.1" OBJ-XID="xid_9136-0" H5Path="/g2/g2.1/g2.1.1" Parents="xid_5240-0" H5ParentPaths="/g2/g2.1" >
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g2.1.2" OBJ-XID="xid_10112-0" H5Path="/g2/g2.1/g2.1.2" Parents="xid_5240-0" H5ParentPaths="/g2/g2.1" >
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g2.1.3" OBJ-XID="xid_10760-0" H5Path="/g2/g2.1/g2.1.3" Parents="xid_5240-0" H5ParentPaths="/g2/g2.1" >
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g3" OBJ-XID="xid_2968-0" H5Path="/g3" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g3.1" OBJ-XID="xid_6216-0" H5Path="/g3/g3.1" Parents="xid_2968-0" H5ParentPaths="/g3" >
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g3.2" OBJ-XID="xid_7192-0" H5Path="/g3/g3.2" Parents="xid_2968-0" H5ParentPaths="/g3" >
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g3.3" OBJ-XID="xid_7840-0" H5Path="/g3/g3.3" Parents="xid_2968-0" H5ParentPaths="/g3" >
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g3.4" OBJ-XID="xid_8488-0" H5Path="/g3/g3.4" Parents="xid_2968-0" H5ParentPaths="/g3" >
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/thlink.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/thlink.h5.xml
index c116594..01e1031 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/thlink.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/thlink.h5.xml
@@ -2,38 +2,45 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml thlink.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="/dset1" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="xid_744-0" H5Path= "/dset1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 1 2 3 4
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Group Name="g1" OBJ-XID="/g1" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset2" OBJ-XID="/g1/dset2" Parents="/g1">
- <DatasetPtr OBJ-XID="/dset1"/>
- </Dataset>
- <Group Name="g1.1" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.1" Parents="/g1" >
- <Dataset Name="dset3" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.1/dset3" Parents="/g1/g1.1">
- <DatasetPtr OBJ-XID="/dset1"/>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g2" OBJ-XID="/g2" Parents="/" >
- <GroupPtr OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.1"/>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1" OBJ-XID="xid_1804-0" H5Path="/g1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset2" OBJ-XID="xid_744-0-1" H5Path="/g1/dset2" Parents="xid_1804-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1">
+ <hdf5:DatasetPtr OBJ-XID="xid_744-0" H5Path="/g1/dset2"/>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.1" OBJ-XID="xid_2780-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.1" Parents="xid_1804-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset3" OBJ-XID="xid_744-0-2" H5Path="/g1/g1.1/dset3" Parents="xid_2780-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1/g1.1">
+ <hdf5:DatasetPtr OBJ-XID="xid_744-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.1/dset3"/>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g2" OBJ-XID="xid_2780-0-3" H5Path="/g1/g1.1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:GroupPtr OBJ-XID="xid_2780-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" />
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tloop.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tloop.h5.xml
index 2e36c89..f5f08b7 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tloop.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tloop.h5.xml
@@ -2,18 +2,17 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tloop.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Group Name="g1" OBJ-XID="/g1" Parents="/" >
- <Group Name="g1.1" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.1" Parents="/g1" >
- <Group Name="g2.1" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.1/g2.1" Parents="/g1/g1.1" >
- <GroupPtr OBJ-XID="/g1"/>
- </Group>
- </Group>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g2" OBJ-XID="/g2" Parents="/" >
- <GroupPtr OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.1"/>
- </Group>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/g1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.1" OBJ-XID="xid_2320-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.1" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1" >
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g2.1" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0-1" H5Path="/g1" Parents="xid_2320-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1/g1.1">
+ <hdf5:GroupPtr OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/g1" Parents="xid_2320-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1/g1.1" />
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g2" OBJ-XID="xid_2320-0-2" H5Path="/g1/g1.1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:GroupPtr OBJ-XID="xid_2320-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" />
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tloop2.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tloop2.h5.xml
index d5accdf..3129773 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tloop2.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tloop2.h5.xml
@@ -2,16 +2,15 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tloop2.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Group Name="g1" OBJ-XID="/g1" Parents="/" >
- <Group Name="g1.1" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.1" Parents="/g1" >
- <SoftLink LinkName="g2.1" Target="/g1" TargetObj="/g1/g1.1/g1" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.1/g2.1" Source="/g1/g1.1"/>
- </Group>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g2" OBJ-XID="/g2" Parents="/" >
- <GroupPtr OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.1"/>
- </Group>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/g1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.1" OBJ-XID="xid_2320-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.1" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1" >
+ <hdf5:SoftLink LinkName="g2.1" OBJ-XID="xid_4294967294-4294967293" H5SourcePath="/g1/g1.1/g2.1" TargetPath="/g1" TargetObj="xid_1344-0" Parents="xid_2320-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1/g1.1" />
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g2" OBJ-XID="xid_2320-0-1" H5Path="/g1/g1.1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:GroupPtr OBJ-XID="xid_2320-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" />
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tmany.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tmany.h5.xml
index 11f22c9..f8d3110 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tmany.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tmany.h5.xml
@@ -2,127 +2,133 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tmany.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Group Name="g1" OBJ-XID="/g1" Parents="/" >
- <Group Name="g1.1" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.1" Parents="/g1" >
- <Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.1/dset1" Parents="/g1/g1.1">
- <StorageLayout>
- <ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="2" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="6" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="a_array">
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="4">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="0"/>
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="1"/>
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="2"/>
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="3"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="b_array">
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="4">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="0"/>
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="1"/>
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="2"/>
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="3"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="c_array">
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="4">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="0"/>
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="1"/>
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="2"/>
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="3"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
- <Attribute Name="attr1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/g1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.1" OBJ-XID="xid_2320-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.1" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="xid_2696-0" H5Path= "/g1/g1.1/dset1" Parents="xid_2320-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1/g1.1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="2" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Incremental">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="6" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="a_array">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="4">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="1"/>
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="2"/>
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="3"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="b_array">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="4">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="1"/>
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="2"/>
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="3"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="c_array">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="4">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="1"/>
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="2"/>
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="3"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr1">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Attribute Name="attr2">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="2" MaxDimSize="2"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="2" MaxDimSize="2"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr2">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="2" MaxDimSize="2"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="2" MaxDimSize="2"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 1
2 3
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Attribute Name="attr3">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr3">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 1
0 1
0 1
@@ -255,34 +261,42 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tmany.h5'
11 12
11 12
11 12
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g1.2" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.2" Parents="/g1" >
- <Dataset Name="link1" OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.2/link1" Parents="/g1/g1.2">
- <DatasetPtr OBJ-XID="/g1/g1.1/dset1"/>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g2" OBJ-XID="/g2" Parents="/" >
- <SoftLink LinkName="slink2" Target="/g1" TargetObj="/g2/g1" OBJ-XID="/g2/slink2" Source="/g2"/>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g3" OBJ-XID="/g3" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="link3" OBJ-XID="/g3/link3" Parents="/g3">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.2" OBJ-XID="xid_5832-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.2" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="link1" OBJ-XID="xid_2696-0-1" H5Path="/g1/g1.2/link1" Parents="xid_5832-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1/g1.2">
+ <hdf5:DatasetPtr OBJ-XID="xid_2696-0" H5Path="/g1/g1.2/link1"/>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g2" OBJ-XID="xid_6808-0" H5Path="/g2" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:SoftLink LinkName="slink2" OBJ-XID="xid_4294967294-4294967293" H5SourcePath="/g2/slink2" TargetPath="/g1" TargetObj="xid_1344-0" Parents="xid_6808-0" H5ParentPaths="/g2" />
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g3" OBJ-XID="xid_7784-0" H5Path="/g3" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="link3" OBJ-XID="xid_8480-0" H5Path= "/g3/link3" Parents="xid_7784-0" H5ParentPaths="/g3">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
@@ -293,33 +307,41 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tmany.h5'
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g4" OBJ-XID="/g4" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset2" OBJ-XID="/g4/dset2" Parents="/g4">
- <DatasetPtr OBJ-XID="/g3/link3"/>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g5" OBJ-XID="/g5" Parents="/" >
- <SoftLink LinkName="slink4" Target="/g6/dset3" TargetObj="/g5/g6/dset3" OBJ-XID="/g5/slink4" Source="/g5"/>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g6" OBJ-XID="/g6" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset3" OBJ-XID="/g6/dset3" Parents="/g6">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g4" OBJ-XID="xid_8432-0" H5Path="/g4" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset2" OBJ-XID="xid_8480-0-2" H5Path="/g4/dset2" Parents="xid_8432-0" H5ParentPaths="/g4">
+ <hdf5:DatasetPtr OBJ-XID="xid_8480-0" H5Path="/g4/dset2"/>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g5" OBJ-XID="xid_10248-0" H5Path="/g5" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:SoftLink LinkName="slink4" OBJ-XID="xid_4294967292-4294967291" H5SourcePath="/g5/slink4" TargetPath="/g6/dset3" TargetObj="xid_10944-0" Parents="xid_10248-0" H5ParentPaths="/g5" />
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g6" OBJ-XID="xid_10896-0" H5Path="/g6" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset3" OBJ-XID="xid_10944-0" H5Path= "/g6/dset3" Parents="xid_10896-0" H5ParentPaths="/g6">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
@@ -330,9 +352,9 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tmany.h5'
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tname-amp.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tname-amp.h5.xml
index e7e882b..e723cdb 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tname-amp.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tname-amp.h5.xml
@@ -2,41 +2,48 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tname-amp.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Attribute Name="attr1&amp;withamp">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr1&amp;withamp">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Group Name="g1.1&amp;withamp" OBJ-XID="/g1.1&amp;withamp" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset1.1.1&amp;withamp" OBJ-XID="/g1.1&amp;withamp/dset1.1.1&amp;withamp" Parents="/g1.1&amp;withamp">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.1&amp;withamp" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/g1.1&amp;withamp" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1.1.1&amp;withamp" OBJ-XID="xid_1720-0" H5Path= "/g1.1&amp;withamp/dset1.1.1&amp;withamp" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1.1&amp;withamp">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
@@ -47,9 +54,9 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tname-amp.h5'
0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tname-apos.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tname-apos.h5.xml
index 5133ad7..384fa21 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tname-apos.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tname-apos.h5.xml
@@ -2,41 +2,48 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tname-apos.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Attribute Name="attr1&apos;withapos">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr1&apos;withapos">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Group Name="g1.1&apos;withapos" OBJ-XID="/g1.1&apos;withapos" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset1.1.1&apos;withapos" OBJ-XID="/g1.1&apos;withapos/dset1.1.1&apos;withapos" Parents="/g1.1&apos;withapos">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.1&apos;withapos" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/g1.1&apos;withapos" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1.1.1&apos;withapos" OBJ-XID="xid_1720-0" H5Path= "/g1.1&apos;withapos/dset1.1.1&apos;withapos" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1.1&apos;withapos">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
@@ -47,9 +54,9 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tname-apos.h5'
0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tname-gt.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tname-gt.h5.xml
index 383e31f..b1a0ff7 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tname-gt.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tname-gt.h5.xml
@@ -2,41 +2,48 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tname-gt.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Attribute Name="attr1&gt;withgt">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr1&gt;withgt">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Group Name="g1.1&gt;withgt" OBJ-XID="/g1.1&gt;withgt" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset1.1.1&gt;withgt" OBJ-XID="/g1.1&gt;withgt/dset1.1.1&gt;withgt" Parents="/g1.1&gt;withgt">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.1&gt;withgt" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/g1.1&gt;withgt" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1.1.1&gt;withgt" OBJ-XID="xid_1720-0" H5Path= "/g1.1&gt;withgt/dset1.1.1&gt;withgt" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1.1&gt;withgt">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
@@ -47,9 +54,9 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tname-gt.h5'
0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tname-lt.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tname-lt.h5.xml
index abbe46b..c9dd6c8 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tname-lt.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tname-lt.h5.xml
@@ -2,41 +2,48 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tname-lt.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Attribute Name="attr1&lt;withlt">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr1&lt;withlt">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Group Name="g1.1&lt;withlt" OBJ-XID="/g1.1&lt;withlt" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset1.1.1&lt;withlt" OBJ-XID="/g1.1&lt;withlt/dset1.1.1&lt;withlt" Parents="/g1.1&lt;withlt">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.1&lt;withlt" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/g1.1&lt;withlt" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1.1.1&lt;withlt" OBJ-XID="xid_1720-0" H5Path= "/g1.1&lt;withlt/dset1.1.1&lt;withlt" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1.1&lt;withlt">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
@@ -47,9 +54,9 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tname-lt.h5'
0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tname-quot.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tname-quot.h5.xml
index d1b2949..57e91c6 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tname-quot.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tname-quot.h5.xml
@@ -2,41 +2,48 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tname-quot.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Attribute Name="attr1&quot;withquot">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr1&quot;withquot">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Group Name="g1.1&quot;withquot" OBJ-XID="/g1.1&quot;withquot" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset1.1.1&quot;withquot" OBJ-XID="/g1.1&quot;withquot/dset1.1.1&quot;withquot" Parents="/g1.1&quot;withquot">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.1&quot;withquot" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/g1.1&quot;withquot" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1.1.1&quot;withquot" OBJ-XID="xid_1720-0" H5Path= "/g1.1&quot;withquot/dset1.1.1&quot;withquot" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1.1&quot;withquot">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
@@ -47,9 +54,9 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tname-quot.h5'
0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tname-sp.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tname-sp.h5.xml
index 8eb4ae9..2733564 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tname-sp.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tname-sp.h5.xml
@@ -2,41 +2,48 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tname-sp.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Attribute Name="attr1 withspace">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr1 withspace">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Group Name="g1.1 withspace" OBJ-XID="/g1.1 withspace" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset1.1.1 withspace" OBJ-XID="/g1.1 withspace/dset1.1.1 withspace" Parents="/g1.1 withspace">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1.1 withspace" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/g1.1 withspace" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1.1.1 withspace" OBJ-XID="xid_1720-0" H5Path= "/g1.1 withspace/dset1.1.1 withspace" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1.1 withspace">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
@@ -47,9 +54,9 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tname-sp.h5'
0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tnestedcomp.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tnestedcomp.h5.xml
index b6c92d4..a2963c8 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tnestedcomp.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tnestedcomp.h5.xml
@@ -2,75 +2,82 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tnestedcomp.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="ArrayOfStructures" OBJ-XID="/ArrayOfStructures" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="a_name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="b_name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="c_name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="d_name">
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="char_name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="1" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="array_name">
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="1">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="0"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="ArrayOfStructures" OBJ-XID="xid_744-0" H5Path= "/ArrayOfStructures" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="a_name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="b_name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="c_name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="8" SignBitLocation="63" ExponentBits="11" ExponentLocation="52" MantissaBits="52" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="d_name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="char_name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="1" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="array_name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="2" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 1 "A" -100 100 1 1 0.5 "B" -100 100
2 4 0.333333 "C" -100 100 3 9 0.25 "D" -100 100
4 16 0.2 "E" -100 100 5 25 0.166667 "F" -100 100
6 36 0.142857 "G" -100 100 7 49 0.125 "H" -100 100
8 64 0.111111 "I" -100 100 9 81 0.1 "J" -100 100
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tnodata.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tnodata.h5.xml
index 5e8321a..1e390c3 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tnodata.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tnodata.h5.xml
@@ -2,25 +2,32 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tnodata.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="/dset1" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="xid_744-0" H5Path= "/dset1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tnofilename.ddl b/tools/testfiles/tnofilename.ddl
index f0b6e32..644bca5 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tnofilename.ddl
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tnofilename.ddl
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ usage: h5dump [OPTIONS] file
-h, --help Print a usage message and exit
-B, --bootblock Print the content of the boot block
-H, --header Print the header only; no data is displayed
+ -A Print the header and value of attributes; data of datasets is not displayed
-i, --object-ids Print the object ids
-r, --string Print 1-byte integer datasets as ASCII
-V, --version Print version number and exit
@@ -17,9 +18,11 @@ usage: h5dump [OPTIONS] file
-o F, --output=F Output raw data into file F
-t P, --datatype=P Print the specified named data type
-w N, --width=N Set the number of columns of output
- -x, --xml Output in XML
- -D U, --xml-dtd=U Use the DTD at U
- -- Indicate that all following arguments are non-options.
+ -x, --xml Output in XML using Schema (default)
+ -u, --use-dtd Output in XML using DTD
+ -D U, --xml-dtd=U Use the DTD or schema at U
+ -X S, --xml-ns=S (XML Schema) Use qualified names n the XML
+ ":": no namespace, default: "hdf5:"
E.g., to dump a file called `-f', use h5dump -- -f
Subsetting is available by using the following options with a dataset
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tobjref.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tobjref.h5.xml
index d3dacb5..09d33a1 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tobjref.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tobjref.h5.xml
@@ -2,93 +2,116 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tobjref.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="Dataset3" OBJ-XID="/Dataset3" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <ReferenceType>
- <ObjectReferenceType />
- </ReferenceType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset3" OBJ-XID="xid_2348-0" H5Path= "/Dataset3" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ <hdf5:ObjectReferenceType />
+ </hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Group Name="Group1" OBJ-XID="/Group1" Parents="/" >
- <NamedDataType Name="Datatype1" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Datatype1" Parents="/Group1">
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="a">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="b">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="c">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
- </NamedDataType>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset1" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="Group1" OBJ-XID="xid_1320-0" H5Path="/Group1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:NamedDataType Name="Datatype1" OBJ-XID="xid_2268-0" H5Path="/Group1/Datatype1" Parents="xid_1320-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="a">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="b">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="c">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:NamedDataType>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="xid_1696-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset1" Parents="xid_1320-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 3 6 9
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset2" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset2" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset2" OBJ-XID="xid_2152-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset2" Parents="xid_1320-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/topaque.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/topaque.h5.xml
index 639c608..6172e77 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/topaque.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/topaque.h5.xml
@@ -2,26 +2,33 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml topaque.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="opaque test" OBJ-XID="/opaque test" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="2" MaxDimSize="2"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <OpaqueType Tag="test opaque type" Size="200"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="opaque test" OBJ-XID="xid_744-0" H5Path= "/opaque test" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="2" MaxDimSize="2"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:OpaqueType Tag="test opaque type" Size="200"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tref-escapes-at.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tref-escapes-at.h5.xml
index 03184f3..72d91f8 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tref-escapes-at.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tref-escapes-at.h5.xml
@@ -2,281 +2,344 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tref-escapes-at.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Group Name="Group1" OBJ-XID="/Group1" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="Dataset space" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset space" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Group Name="Group1" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/Group1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset space" OBJ-XID="xid_3716-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset space" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset&quot;quote" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset&quot;quote" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset&quot;quote" OBJ-XID="xid_1720-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset&quot;quote" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 3 6 9
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset&amp;amp" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset&amp;amp" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset&amp;amp" OBJ-XID="xid_2612-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset&amp;amp" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset&apos;apos" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset&apos;apos" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset&apos;apos" OBJ-XID="xid_3440-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset&apos;apos" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset&lt;lt" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset&lt;lt" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset&lt;lt" OBJ-XID="xid_2888-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset&lt;lt" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset&gt;gt" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset&gt;gt" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset&gt;gt" OBJ-XID="xid_3164-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset&gt;gt" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset\slash" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset\slash" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset\slash" OBJ-XID="xid_2336-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset\slash" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Group Name="Group1.1" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Group1.1" Parents="/Group1" >
- <Dataset Name="Datasetrefs" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Group1.1/Datasetrefs" Parents="/Group1/Group1.1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="1" MaxDimSize="1"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Attribute Name="reftoquote">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="1" MaxDimSize="1"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <ReferenceType>
- <ObjectReferenceType />
- </ReferenceType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="Group1.1" OBJ-XID="xid_4592-0" H5Path="/Group1/Group1.1" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Datasetrefs" OBJ-XID="xid_4640-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Group1.1/Datasetrefs" Parents="xid_4592-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1/Group1.1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="1" MaxDimSize="1"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="reftoquote">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="1" MaxDimSize="1"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ <hdf5:ObjectReferenceType />
+ </hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Attribute Name="reftoslash">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="1" MaxDimSize="1"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <ReferenceType>
- <ObjectReferenceType />
- </ReferenceType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="reftoslash">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="1" MaxDimSize="1"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ <hdf5:ObjectReferenceType />
+ </hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Attribute Name="reftoamp">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="1" MaxDimSize="1"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <ReferenceType>
- <ObjectReferenceType />
- </ReferenceType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="reftoamp">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="1" MaxDimSize="1"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ <hdf5:ObjectReferenceType />
+ </hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Attribute Name="reftolt">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="1" MaxDimSize="1"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <ReferenceType>
- <ObjectReferenceType />
- </ReferenceType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="reftolt">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="1" MaxDimSize="1"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ <hdf5:ObjectReferenceType />
+ </hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Attribute Name="reftogt">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="1" MaxDimSize="1"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <ReferenceType>
- <ObjectReferenceType />
- </ReferenceType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="reftogt">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="1" MaxDimSize="1"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ <hdf5:ObjectReferenceType />
+ </hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Attribute Name="reftoapos">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="1" MaxDimSize="1"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <ReferenceType>
- <ObjectReferenceType />
- </ReferenceType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="reftoapos">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="1" MaxDimSize="1"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ <hdf5:ObjectReferenceType />
+ </hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Attribute Name="reftospace">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="1" MaxDimSize="1"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <ReferenceType>
- <ObjectReferenceType />
- </ReferenceType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="reftospace">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="1" MaxDimSize="1"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ <hdf5:ObjectReferenceType />
+ </hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
"/Group1/Dataset space"
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tref-escapes.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tref-escapes.h5.xml
index 4f47144..7d7606a 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tref-escapes.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tref-escapes.h5.xml
@@ -2,145 +2,208 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tref-escapes.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Group Name="Group1" OBJ-XID="/Group1" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="Dataset space" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset space" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Group Name="Group1" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/Group1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset space" OBJ-XID="xid_1720-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset space" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset&quot;quote" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset&quot;quote" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset&quot;quote" OBJ-XID="xid_2324-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset&quot;quote" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 3 6 9
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset&amp;amp" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset&amp;amp" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset&amp;amp" OBJ-XID="xid_2612-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset&amp;amp" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset&apos;apos" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset&apos;apos" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset&apos;apos" OBJ-XID="xid_2888-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset&apos;apos" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset&lt;lt" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset&lt;lt" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset&lt;lt" OBJ-XID="xid_3164-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset&lt;lt" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset&gt;gt" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset&gt;gt" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset&gt;gt" OBJ-XID="xid_3440-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset&gt;gt" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset\slash" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset\slash" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset\slash" OBJ-XID="xid_3716-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset\slash" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Group Name="Group1.1" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Group1.1" Parents="/Group1" >
- <Dataset Name="Datasetrefs" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Group1.1/Datasetrefs" Parents="/Group1/Group1.1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="7" MaxDimSize="7"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <ReferenceType>
- <ObjectReferenceType />
- </ReferenceType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="Group1.1" OBJ-XID="xid_4592-0" H5Path="/Group1/Group1.1" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Datasetrefs" OBJ-XID="xid_4640-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Group1.1/Datasetrefs" Parents="xid_4592-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1/Group1.1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="7" MaxDimSize="7"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ <hdf5:ObjectReferenceType />
+ </hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
@@ -148,10 +211,10 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tref-escapes.h5'
"/Group1/Dataset space"
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tref.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tref.h5.xml
index 2637347..e82e2ee 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tref.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tref.h5.xml
@@ -2,65 +2,88 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tref.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="ZZZDataset3" OBJ-XID="/ZZZDataset3" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="3" MaxDimSize="3"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <ReferenceType>
- <ObjectReferenceType />
- </ReferenceType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="ZZZDataset3" OBJ-XID="xid_2612-0" H5Path= "/ZZZDataset3" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="3" MaxDimSize="3"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ <hdf5:ObjectReferenceType />
+ </hdf5:ReferenceType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Group Name="Group1" OBJ-XID="/Group1" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset1" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="Group1" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/Group1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="xid_1720-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset1" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 3 6 9
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset2" OBJ-XID="/Group1/Dataset2" Parents="/Group1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset2" OBJ-XID="xid_2336-0" H5Path= "/Group1/Dataset2" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/Group1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tsaf.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tsaf.h5.xml
index 9b3feef..ea33d60 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tsaf.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tsaf.h5.xml
@@ -2,27 +2,33 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tsaf.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name=".DSL_METADATA" OBJ-XID="/.DSL_METADATA" Parents="root">
- <StorageLayout>
- <ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="5919" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name=".DSL_METADATA" OBJ-XID="xid_744-0" H5Path= "/.DSL_METADATA" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Incremental">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="5919" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="false" Size="1" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
47 32 67 79 78 84 65 73 78 69 82 10 47 46 97 116 116 114 105 98 117
116 101 115 32 67 79 78 84 65 73 78 69 82 10 47 46 97 116 116 114 105
98 117 116 101 115 47 100 97 116 97 98 97 115 101 32 67 79 78 84 65 73
@@ -305,424 +311,455 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tsaf.h5'
104 59 125 59 10 47 109 101 116 97 98 108 111 98 48 48 48 48 48 46 98
108 111 98 32 68 65 84 65 83 69 84 32 68 83 76 95 79 102 102 115 101
116 59 10
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Blob" OBJ-XID="/Blob" Parents="root">
- <StorageLayout>
- <ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="24" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="file_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="dataset_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="offset">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="stride">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="count">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="base_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="num_recs">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Blob" OBJ-XID="xid_17612-0" H5Path= "/Blob" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Incremental">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="24" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="file_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="dataset_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="offset">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="stride">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="count">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="base_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="num_recs">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
-1 1 0 1 9 0 1 -1 2 0 1 4 1 1 -1 3 0 1 7 2 1 -1 4 0 1 4 3 1
-1 5 0 1 5 4 1 -1 6 0 1 3 5 1 -1 7 0 1 4 6 1 -1 8 0 1 1 7 1
-1 9 0 1 10 8 1 -1 10 0 1 4 9 1 -1 11 0 1 3 10 1 -1 12 0 1 5 11 1
-1 13 0 1 5 12 1 -1 14 0 1 16 13 1 -1 15 0 1 9 14 1 -1 16 0 1 4 15 1
-1 17 0 1 16 16 1 -1 18 0 1 36 17 1 -1 19 0 1 5 18 1 -1 20 0 1 5 19 1
-1 21 0 1 36 20 1 -1 22 0 1 12 21 1 -1 23 0 1 7 22 1 -1 24 0 1 2 23 1
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Cat" OBJ-XID="/Cat" Parents="root">
- <StorageLayout>
- <ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="64" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="role">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <EnumType Nelems="13">
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Cat" OBJ-XID="xid_169596-0" H5Path= "/Cat" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Incremental">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="64" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="role">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:EnumType Nelems="13">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- </EnumType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="tdim">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="base_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="num_recs">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="tdim">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="base_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="num_recs">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
"nodes" TOPO 0 0 1 "elems" TOPO 2 1 1 "edges" USERD 1 2 1
"blocks" BLOCK 2 3 1 "side_sets" USERD 1 4 1
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Collection" OBJ-XID="/Collection" Parents="root">
- <StorageLayout>
- <ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="24" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="containing_set_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="cat_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="cell_type">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <EnumType Nelems="20">
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Collection" OBJ-XID="xid_425460-0" H5Path= "/Collection" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Incremental">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="24" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="containing_set_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="cat_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="cell_type">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:EnumType Nelems="20">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- </EnumType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="count">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="indexing_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="is_decomp">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="members_blob_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="base_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="num_recs">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="count">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="indexing_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="is_decomp">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="members_blob_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="base_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="num_recs">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 POINT 18 0 0 -2 0 1 0 1 MIXED 12 1 1 -2 1 1 0 3 NONE 4 2 1 0 2 1
0 4 NONE 2 3 0 1 3 1 1 0 POINT 9 4 0 -2 4 1 1 1 QUAD 4 5 1 -2 5 1
1 3 NONE 1 6 1 2 6 1 2 0 POINT 7 7 0 -2 7 1 2 1 MIXED 4 8 1 -2 8 1
@@ -732,251 +769,268 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tsaf.h5'
5 2 LINE 4 16 1 -2 16 1 6 0 POINT 5 17 1 -2 17 1
7 0 POINT 5 18 0 -2 18 1 7 1 TRI 3 19 1 -2 19 1 7 3 NONE 1 20 1 5 20 1
8 0 POINT 4 21 0 -2 21 1 8 1 QUAD 1 22 1 -2 22 1 8 3 NONE 1 23 1 6 23 1
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Field" OBJ-XID="/Field" Parents="root">
- <StorageLayout>
- <ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="14" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="ftmpl_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="64" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="units_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="storage_decomp_cat_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="comp_intlv">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <EnumType Nelems="8">
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Field" OBJ-XID="xid_619980-0" H5Path= "/Field" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Incremental">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="14" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="ftmpl_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="64" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="units_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="storage_decomp_cat_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="comp_intlv">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:EnumType Nelems="8">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- </EnumType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="indexing_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="dof_assoc_cat_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="assoc_ratio">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="eval_decomp_cat_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="eval_func">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <EnumType Nelems="8">
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="indexing_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="dof_assoc_cat_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="assoc_ratio">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="eval_decomp_cat_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="eval_func">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:EnumType Nelems="8">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- </EnumType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="is_homogeneous">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="is_coord_field">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="comp_ids_blob_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="comp_order_blob_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="vbasis_blob_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="dof_blob_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="base_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="num_recs">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="is_homogeneous">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="is_coord_field">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="comp_ids_blob_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="comp_order_blob_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="vbasis_blob_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="dof_blob_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="base_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="num_recs">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
1 "X" -7 -2 NONE -2 0 1 0 PWLINEAR 1 0 -2 -2 -2 -2 0 1
1 "Y" -7 -2 NONE -2 0 1 0 PWLINEAR 1 0 -2 -2 -2 -2 1 1
0 "coords" -7 -2 VECTOR -2 0 1 0 PWLINEAR 1 1 7 -2 -2 17 2 1
@@ -991,236 +1045,253 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tsaf.h5'
4 "stress" -7 -2 VECTOR -2 1 1 1 PWCONST 1 0 9 -2 -2 21 11 1
6 "temperature" -7 -2 NONE -2 0 1 0 PWLINEAR 1 0 -2 -2 -2 22 12 1
7 "pressure" -7 -2 NONE -2 2 1 2 PWCONST 1 0 -2 -2 -2 23 13 1
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="FieldTmpl" OBJ-XID="/FieldTmpl" Parents="root">
- <StorageLayout>
- <ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="8" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="64" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="base_space_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="alg_type">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <EnumType Nelems="13">
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="FieldTmpl" OBJ-XID="xid_518404-0" H5Path= "/FieldTmpl" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Incremental">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="8" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="64" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="base_space_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="alg_type">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:EnumType Nelems="13">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- </EnumType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="basis">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <EnumType Nelems="11">
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="basis">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:EnumType Nelems="11">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- </EnumType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="quantity_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="num_comps">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="ftmpl_ids_blob_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="base_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="num_recs">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="quantity_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="num_comps">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="ftmpl_ids_blob_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="base_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="num_recs">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
"coordinate_tmpl" 0 VECTOR CARTESIAN 2 2 0 0 1
"coordinate_tmpl_component" 0 SCALAR CARTESIAN 2 1 0 1 1
"distrib_factors_tmpl" 5 SCALAR UNITY -5 1 0 2 1
@@ -1229,146 +1300,158 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tsaf.h5'
"stress_on_cell_1_tmpl_component" 1 SCALAR UPPER_TRI 0 1 0 5 1
"temp_on_cell_2_tmpl" 2 SCALAR UNITY 1 1 0 6 1
"pressure_on_ss1" 4 SCALAR UNITY 0 1 0 7 1
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="IndexSpec" OBJ-XID="/IndexSpec" Parents="root">
- <StorageLayout>
- <ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="24" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="ndims">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="origins">
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="_">
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="1">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="8" DimPerm="0"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="sizes">
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="_">
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="1">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="8" DimPerm="0"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="order">
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="_">
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="1">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="8" DimPerm="0"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="index_type">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <EnumType Nelems="6">
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="IndexSpec" OBJ-XID="xid_51916-0" H5Path= "/IndexSpec" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Incremental">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="24" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="ndims">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="origins">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="_">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="8" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="sizes">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="_">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="8" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="order">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="_">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="8" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="index_type">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:EnumType Nelems="6">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- </EnumType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="base_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="num_recs">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="base_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="num_recs">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C_ORDER 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C_ORDER 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C_ORDER 2 1
@@ -1393,257 +1476,274 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tsaf.h5'
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C_ORDER 21 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C_ORDER 22 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C_ORDER 23 1
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Relation" OBJ-XID="/Relation" Parents="root">
- <StorageLayout>
- <ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="21" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="sub_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="sub_cat_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="sub_decomp_cat_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="sup_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="sup_cat_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="sup_decomp_cat_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="kind">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <EnumType Nelems="11">
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Relation" OBJ-XID="xid_465812-0" H5Path= "/Relation" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Incremental">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="21" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="sub_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="sub_cat_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="sub_decomp_cat_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="sup_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="sup_cat_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="sup_decomp_cat_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="kind">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:EnumType Nelems="11">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- </EnumType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="rep_type">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <EnumType Nelems="13">
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="rep_type">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:EnumType Nelems="13">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- </EnumType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="d_blob_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="r_blob_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="base_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="num_recs">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="d_blob_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="r_blob_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="base_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="num_recs">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
1 0 -2 0 0 -2 EQUAL TLIST -2 0 0 1 1 1 -2 0 1 -2 EQUAL TLIST -2 1 1 1
2 0 -2 0 0 -2 EQUAL TLIST -2 2 2 1 2 1 -2 0 1 -2 EQUAL TLIST -2 3 3 1
7 0 -2 0 0 -2 EQUAL TLIST -2 4 4 1 7 1 -2 0 1 -2 EQUAL TLIST -2 5 5 1
@@ -1660,182 +1760,194 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tsaf.h5'
7 1 -2 0 0 -2 SUBSET UNSTRUCTURED -2 14 18 1
8 1 -2 0 0 -2 SUBSET UNSTRUCTURED -2 15 19 1
3 1 -2 0 0 -2 SUBSET UNSTRUCTURED -2 16 20 1
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Set" OBJ-XID="/Set" Parents="root">
- <StorageLayout>
- <ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="9" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="user_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="name">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="64" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="tdim">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="srole">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <EnumType Nelems="11">
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Set" OBJ-XID="xid_254332-0" H5Path= "/Set" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="1024" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Incremental">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="9" MaxDimSize="UNLIMITED"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="user_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="name">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="64" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="tdim">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="srole">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:EnumType Nelems="11">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- <EnumElement>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ <hdf5:EnumElement>
- </EnumElement>
- <EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumElement>
+ <hdf5:EnumValue>
- </EnumValue>
- </EnumType>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="coll_ids">
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="_">
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="1">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="16" DimPerm="0"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="is_top">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="is_extendible">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="dflt_coordfld_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="bnd_set_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="base_id">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="num_recs">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
+ </hdf5:EnumValue>
+ </hdf5:EnumType>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="coll_ids">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="_">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="16" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="is_top">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="is_extendible">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="dflt_coordfld_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="bnd_set_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="base_id">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="num_recs">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 "TOP_CELL" 2 SPACE 0 1 -2 2 3 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 1 0 -2 -2 0 1
0 "CELL_1" 2 SPACE 4 5 -2 6 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 0 0 -2 -2 1 1
0 "CELL_2" 2 SPACE 7 8 -2 9 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 0 0 -2 -2 2 1
@@ -1845,758 +1957,972 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tsaf.h5'
0 "NODE_SET_1" 0 SPACE 17 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 0 0 -2 -2 6 1
0 "CELL_2_TRIS" 2 SPACE 18 19 -2 20 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 0 0 -2 -2 7 1
0 "CELL_2_QUADS" 2 SPACE 21 22 -2 23 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 0 0 -2 -2 8 1
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="field-coords_0002" OBJ-XID="/field-coords_0002" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="36" MaxDimSize="36"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="field-coords_0002" OBJ-XID="xid_14968-0" H5Path= "/field-coords_0002" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="36" MaxDimSize="36"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 4 1 4 2 4 2.5 4 0 3 1 3 2 3 2.5 3 0 2 1 2 2 2 2.5 2 0 1 2 1 2.5 1 0
0 2 0 2.5 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="field-displacements_0007" OBJ-XID="/field-displacements_0007" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="36" MaxDimSize="36"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="field-displacements_0007" OBJ-XID="xid_15968-0" H5Path= "/field-displacements_0007" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="36" MaxDimSize="36"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="field-distribution_factors_0003" OBJ-XID="/field-distribution_factors_0003" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="field-distribution_factors_0003" OBJ-XID="xid_15384-0" H5Path= "/field-distribution_factors_0003" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
4 3 2 1 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="field-pressure_0013" OBJ-XID="/field-pressure_0013" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="2" MaxDimSize="2"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="field-pressure_0013" OBJ-XID="xid_17332-0" H5Path= "/field-pressure_0013" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="2" MaxDimSize="2"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
45 55
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="field-stress_0011" OBJ-XID="/field-stress_0011" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="12" MaxDimSize="12"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="field-stress_0011" OBJ-XID="xid_16384-0" H5Path= "/field-stress_0011" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="12" MaxDimSize="12"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="BE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.5
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
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- <Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
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- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
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+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
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+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
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+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
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+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
100 150 150 100 75
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
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- <Dimension DimSize="7" MaxDimSize="7"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
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- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="field-temperature_0012" OBJ-XID="xid_17032-0" H5Path= "/field-temperature_0012" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="7" MaxDimSize="7"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
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+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
75 95 120 80 115 85 110
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
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- <ChunkDimension DimSize="32" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
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- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="metablob00000.blob" OBJ-XID="xid_761500-0" H5Path= "/metablob00000.blob" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="32" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
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+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
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+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
1 7 8 3 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 0 1 5 6 8 9 10
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="metablob00000.index" OBJ-XID="/metablob00000.index" Parents="root">
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- <ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
- <ChunkDimension DimSize="32" />
- </ChunkedLayout>
- </StorageLayout>
- <Dataspace>
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- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
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- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="length">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="metablob00000.index" OBJ-XID="xid_758876-0" H5Path= "/metablob00000.index" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ChunkedLayout Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:ChunkDimension DimSize="32" />
+ <hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:RequiredFilter>
+ </hdf5:ChunkedLayout>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
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+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
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+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
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+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
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+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="length">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
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+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 4 4 2 6 1 7 2 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 2 14 2 16 3
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
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- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="ssrel-_0000" OBJ-XID="xid_8924-0" H5Path= "/ssrel-_0000" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
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+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
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+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
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+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
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- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
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+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
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+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
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+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
1 2 4 5
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
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- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
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+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
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+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
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+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
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+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
9 10 11 13 14 16 17
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
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- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="ssrel-_0003" OBJ-XID="xid_9820-0" H5Path= "/ssrel-_0003" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
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+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
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+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
7 8 9 11
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
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- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="ssrel-_0004" OBJ-XID="xid_10108-0" H5Path= "/ssrel-_0004" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
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+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
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+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
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+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="5" MaxDimSize="5"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
9 10 11 13 14
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
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- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="ssrel-_0005" OBJ-XID="xid_10400-0" H5Path= "/ssrel-_0005" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
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+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
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+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
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+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
7 8 9
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
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- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
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+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
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+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
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+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
13 14 16 17
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
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- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
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+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
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+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
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+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
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- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
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+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
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+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
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+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
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+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
3 4 7 8 11 12 14 15 17 18
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
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- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
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- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
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+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
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+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="vminor">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="rel">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="annot">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="10" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="vbt">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="vmajor">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="vminor">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="rel">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="annot">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="10" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="dsl">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="vmajor">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="vminor">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="rel">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="annot">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="10" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="hdf5">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="vmajor">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="vminor">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="rel">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="annot">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="10" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="mpi">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="vmajor">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="vminor">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="rel">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="annot">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="10" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="DoToc">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="ReadOnly">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="Clobber">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="OSModes">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
-604320037 "." "don't import" 1 0 0 0 "none" 0 1 0 "devel" 1 3 0 "" 0 0 0 "none" 1 2 1 "" 1 2 0 "" 1 0 1 0
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tslink.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tslink.h5.xml
index 6dadce5..33912a7 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tslink.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tslink.h5.xml
@@ -2,10 +2,9 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tslink.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <SoftLink LinkName="slink1" Target="somevalue" TargetObj="/somevalue" OBJ-XID="/slink1" Source="root"/>
- <SoftLink LinkName="slink2" Target="linkvalue" TargetObj="/linkvalue" OBJ-XID="/slink2" Source="root"/>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:SoftLink LinkName="slink1" OBJ-XID="xid_4294967294-4294967293" H5SourcePath="/slink1" TargetPath="somevalue" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" />
+ <hdf5:SoftLink LinkName="slink2" OBJ-XID="xid_4294967292-4294967291" H5SourcePath="/slink2" TargetPath="linkvalue" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" />
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tstr.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tstr.h5.xml
index b31aacc..711a6bd 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tstr.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tstr.h5.xml
@@ -2,49 +2,56 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstr.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="comp1" OBJ-XID="/comp1" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="3" MaxDimSize="3"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="6" MaxDimSize="6"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="int_array">
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="2">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="8" DimPerm="0"/>
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="10" DimPerm="1"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="string">
- <DataType>
- <ArrayType Ndims="2">
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="3" DimPerm="0"/>
- <ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="1"/>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="32" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </ArrayType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="comp1" OBJ-XID="xid_2520-0" H5Path= "/comp1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="3" MaxDimSize="3"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="6" MaxDimSize="6"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="int_array">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="8" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="10" DimPerm="1"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="BE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="string">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:ArrayType Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="3" DimPerm="0"/>
+ <hdf5:ArrayDimension DimSize="4" DimPerm="1"/>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="32" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:ArrayType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81
1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121
@@ -225,23 +232,31 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstr.h5'
144 169 196 225 256 289 324 361 400 441 "abcdefgh12345678abcdefgh12345678" "abcdefgh12345678abcdefgh12345678" "abcdefgh12345678abcdefgh12345678" "abcdefgh12345678abcdefgh12345678"
"abcdefgh12345678abcdefgh12345678" "abcdefgh12345678abcdefgh12345678" "abcdefgh12345678abcdefgh12345678" "abcdefgh12345678abcdefgh12345678"
"abcdefgh12345678abcdefgh12345678" "abcdefgh12345678abcdefgh12345678" "abcdefgh12345678abcdefgh12345678" "abcdefgh12345678abcdefgh12345678"
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="string1" OBJ-XID="/string1" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
- <Dimension DimSize="3" MaxDimSize="3"/>
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="5" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="string1" OBJ-XID="xid_744-0" H5Path= "/string1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="2">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="3" MaxDimSize="3"/>
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="5" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
@@ -254,22 +269,30 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstr.h5'
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="string2" OBJ-XID="/string2" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="20" MaxDimSize="20"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="11" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="string2" OBJ-XID="xid_1244-0" H5Path= "/string2" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="20" MaxDimSize="20"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="11" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
"ab cd ef1 "
"ab cd ef2 "
"ab cd ef3 "
@@ -290,22 +313,30 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstr.h5'
"ab cd ef8 "
"ab cd ef9 "
"ab cd ef0 "
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="string3" OBJ-XID="/string3" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="27" MaxDimSize="27"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="8" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLPAD"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="string3" OBJ-XID="xid_1576-0" H5Path= "/string3" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="27" MaxDimSize="27"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="8" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLPAD"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
@@ -333,27 +364,35 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstr.h5'
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="string4" OBJ-XID="/string4" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="3" MaxDimSize="3"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="168" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="string4" OBJ-XID="xid_1904-0" H5Path= "/string4" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="3" MaxDimSize="3"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="168" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
"s1234567890123456789 "
"s1234567890123456789 "
"s1234567890123456789 "
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tstr2.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tstr2.h5.xml
index 046cfba..ca96a05 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tstr2.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tstr2.h5.xml
@@ -2,42 +2,49 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstr2.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Group Name="g1" OBJ-XID="/g1" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="/g1/dset1" Parents="/g1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="50" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Attribute Name="attr1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="3" MaxDimSize="3"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="11" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g1" OBJ-XID="xid_1344-0" H5Path="/g1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="xid_1720-0" H5Path= "/g1/dset1" Parents="xid_1344-0" H5ParentPaths="/g1">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="50" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr1">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="3" MaxDimSize="3"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="11" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
"This is row 0 of type H5T_STR_NULLTERM of"
"This is row 1 of type H5T_STR_NULLTERM of"
"This is row 2 of type H5T_STR_NULLTERM of"
@@ -48,24 +55,32 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstr2.h5'
"This is row 7 of type H5T_STR_NULLTERM of"
"This is row 8 of type H5T_STR_NULLTERM of"
"This is row 9 of type H5T_STR_NULLTERM of"
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g2" OBJ-XID="/g2" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset2" OBJ-XID="/g2/dset2" Parents="/g2">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="50" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g2" OBJ-XID="xid_3260-0" H5Path="/g2" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset2" OBJ-XID="xid_3308-0" H5Path= "/g2/dset2" Parents="xid_3260-0" H5ParentPaths="/g2">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="50" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
"This is row 0 of type H5T_STR_NULLTERM of string "
"This is row 1 of type H5T_STR_NULLTERM of string "
"This is row 2 of type H5T_STR_NULLTERM of string "
@@ -76,24 +91,32 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstr2.h5'
"This is row 7 of type H5T_STR_NULLTERM of string "
"This is row 8 of type H5T_STR_NULLTERM of string "
"This is row 9 of type H5T_STR_NULLTERM of string "
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g3" OBJ-XID="/g3" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset3" OBJ-XID="/g3/dset3" Parents="/g3">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="50" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLPAD"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g3" OBJ-XID="xid_4848-0" H5Path="/g3" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset3" OBJ-XID="xid_4896-0" H5Path= "/g3/dset3" Parents="xid_4848-0" H5ParentPaths="/g3">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="50" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLPAD"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
"This is row 0 of type H5T_STR_NULLPAD of"
"This is row 1 of type H5T_STR_NULLPAD of"
"This is row 2 of type H5T_STR_NULLPAD of"
@@ -104,24 +127,32 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstr2.h5'
"This is row 7 of type H5T_STR_NULLPAD of"
"This is row 8 of type H5T_STR_NULLPAD of"
"This is row 9 of type H5T_STR_NULLPAD of"
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g4" OBJ-XID="/g4" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset4" OBJ-XID="/g4/dset4" Parents="/g4">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="50" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLPAD"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g4" OBJ-XID="xid_6436-0" H5Path="/g4" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset4" OBJ-XID="xid_6484-0" H5Path= "/g4/dset4" Parents="xid_6436-0" H5ParentPaths="/g4">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="50" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLPAD"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
"This is row 0 of type H5T_STR_NULLPAD of string ar"
"This is row 1 of type H5T_STR_NULLPAD of string ar"
"This is row 2 of type H5T_STR_NULLPAD of string ar"
@@ -132,24 +163,32 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstr2.h5'
"This is row 7 of type H5T_STR_NULLPAD of string ar"
"This is row 8 of type H5T_STR_NULLPAD of string ar"
"This is row 9 of type H5T_STR_NULLPAD of string ar"
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g5" OBJ-XID="/g5" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset5" OBJ-XID="/g5/dset5" Parents="/g5">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="50" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g5" OBJ-XID="xid_8024-0" H5Path="/g5" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset5" OBJ-XID="xid_8072-0" H5Path= "/g5/dset5" Parents="xid_8024-0" H5ParentPaths="/g5">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="50" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
"This is row 0 of type H5T_STR_SPACEPAD of "
"This is row 1 of type H5T_STR_SPACEPAD of "
"This is row 2 of type H5T_STR_SPACEPAD of "
@@ -160,24 +199,32 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstr2.h5'
"This is row 7 of type H5T_STR_SPACEPAD of "
"This is row 8 of type H5T_STR_SPACEPAD of "
"This is row 9 of type H5T_STR_SPACEPAD of "
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
- <Group Name="g6" OBJ-XID="/g6" Parents="/" >
- <Dataset Name="dset6" OBJ-XID="/g6/dset6" Parents="/g6">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="50" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
+ <hdf5:Group Name="g6" OBJ-XID="xid_9612-0" H5Path="/g6" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/" >
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset6" OBJ-XID="xid_9660-0" H5Path= "/g6/dset6" Parents="xid_9612-0" H5ParentPaths="/g6">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="10" MaxDimSize="10"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="50" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
"This is row 0 of type H5T_STR_SPACEPAD of string a"
"This is row 1 of type H5T_STR_SPACEPAD of string a"
"This is row 2 of type H5T_STR_SPACEPAD of string a"
@@ -188,9 +235,9 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstr2.h5'
"This is row 7 of type H5T_STR_SPACEPAD of string a"
"This is row 8 of type H5T_STR_SPACEPAD of string a"
"This is row 9 of type H5T_STR_SPACEPAD of string a"
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- </Group>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ </hdf5:Group>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tstring-at.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tstring-at.h5.xml
index 18e4809..183f074 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tstring-at.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tstring-at.h5.xml
@@ -2,33 +2,40 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstring-at.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="/dset1" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="7" MaxDimSize="7"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="16" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Attribute Name="attr1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="7" MaxDimSize="7"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="16" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_696-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="xid_744-0" H5Path= "/dset1" Parents="xid_696-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="7" MaxDimSize="7"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="16" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr1">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="7" MaxDimSize="7"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="16" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
"String withsp "
"String\\withsl "
"String&amp;withamp "
@@ -36,11 +43,11 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstring-at.h5'
"String&gt;withgt "
"String&apos;withapos "
"String\"withquot "
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
@@ -48,8 +55,8 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstring-at.h5'
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tstring.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tstring.h5.xml
index 3617aaf..058fbb8 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tstring.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tstring.h5.xml
@@ -2,33 +2,40 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstring.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="/dset1" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="7" MaxDimSize="7"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="16" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Attribute Name="attr1">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="7" MaxDimSize="7"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="16" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="dset1" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/dset1" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="7" MaxDimSize="7"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="16" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="attr1">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="7" MaxDimSize="7"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="16" StrPad="H5T_STR_SPACEPAD"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
" "
" "
" "
@@ -36,11 +43,11 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstring.h5'
" "
" "
" "
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
"String withsp "
"String\\withsl "
"String&amp;withamp "
@@ -48,8 +55,8 @@ Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tstring.h5'
"String&gt;withgt "
"String&apos;withapos "
"String\"withquot "
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tvldtypes1.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tvldtypes1.h5.xml
index 303e25d..231c55a 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tvldtypes1.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tvldtypes1.h5.xml
@@ -2,72 +2,95 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tvldtypes1.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="Dataset1.0" OBJ-XID="/Dataset1.0" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <VLType>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </VLType>
- </DataType>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset1.0" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:VLType>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:VLType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of VL data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 10 11 20 21 22 30 31 32 33
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset2.0" OBJ-XID="/Dataset2.0" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <VLType>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </VLType>
- </DataType>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset2.0" OBJ-XID="xid_1576-0" H5Path= "/Dataset2.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:VLType>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:VLType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of VL data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 10 10.1 20 20.1 20.2 30 30.1 30.2 30.3
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset3.0" OBJ-XID="/Dataset3.0" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <ScalarDataspace />
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <VLType>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </VLType>
- </DataType>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset3.0" OBJ-XID="xid_6272-0" H5Path= "/Dataset3.0" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:ScalarDataspace />
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:VLType>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:VLType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of VL data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tvldtypes2.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tvldtypes2.h5.xml
index a8802ec..0fea1ef 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tvldtypes2.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tvldtypes2.h5.xml
@@ -2,35 +2,42 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tvldtypes2.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="/Dataset1" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <VLType>
- <DataType>
- <VLType>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="false" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </VLType>
- </DataType>
- </VLType>
- </DataType>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:VLType>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:VLType>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="false" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:VLType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:VLType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of VL data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 100 110 111 200 210 211 220 221 222
300 310 311 320 321 322 330 331 332 333
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tvldtypes3.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tvldtypes3.h5.xml
index dc6f717..be7627f 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tvldtypes3.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tvldtypes3.h5.xml
@@ -2,50 +2,57 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tvldtypes3.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="/Dataset1" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <CompoundType>
- <Field FieldName="i">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="f">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- <Field FieldName="v">
- <DataType>
- <VLType>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="false" Size="4" />
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </VLType>
- </DataType>
- </Field>
- </CompoundType>
- </DataType>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillIfSet" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:NoFill/>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:CompoundType>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="i">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="true" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="f">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:FloatType ByteOrder="LE" Size="4" SignBitLocation="31" ExponentBits="8" ExponentLocation="23" MantissaBits="23" MantissaLocation="0" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ <hdf5:Field FieldName="v">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:VLType>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:IntegerType ByteOrder="LE" Sign="false" Size="4" />
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:VLType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:Field>
+ </hdf5:CompoundType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
<!-- Note: format of compound data not specified -->
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
0 0 0 10 6.66667 10 11 20 13.3333 20 21 22 30 20 30 31 32 33
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>
diff --git a/tools/testfiles/tvlstr.h5.xml b/tools/testfiles/tvlstr.h5.xml
index 273b23a..6216c8f 100644
--- a/tools/testfiles/tvlstr.h5.xml
+++ b/tools/testfiles/tvlstr.h5.xml
@@ -2,50 +2,60 @@
Expected output for 'h5dump --xml tvlstr.h5'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE HDF5-File PUBLIC "HDF5-File.dtd" "">
-<RootGroup OBJ-XID="root">
- <Attribute Name="test_scalar">
- <Dataspace>
- <ScalarDataspace />
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="H5T_VARIABLE" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLPAD"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+<hdf5:HDF5-File xmlns:hdf5="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
+<hdf5:RootGroup OBJ-XID="xid_928-0" H5Path="/">
+ <hdf5:Attribute Name="test_scalar">
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:ScalarDataspace />
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="H5T_VARIABLE" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLPAD"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
"This is the string for the attribute"
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Attribute>
- <NamedDataType Name="vl_string_type" OBJ-XID="/vl_string_type" Parents="root">
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="H5T_VARIABLE" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLPAD"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- </NamedDataType>
- <Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="/Dataset1" Parents="root">
- <Dataspace>
- <SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
- <Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
- </SimpleDataspace>
- </Dataspace>
- <DataType>
- <AtomicType>
- <StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="H5T_VARIABLE" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
- </AtomicType>
- </DataType>
- <Data>
- <DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Attribute>
+ <hdf5:NamedDataType Name="vl_string_type" OBJ-XID="xid_1576-0" H5Path="/vl_string_type" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="H5T_VARIABLE" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLPAD"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ </hdf5:NamedDataType>
+ <hdf5:Dataset Name="Dataset1" OBJ-XID="xid_976-0" H5Path= "/Dataset1" Parents="xid_928-0" H5ParentPaths="/">
+ <hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:ContiguousLayout/>
+ </hdf5:StorageLayout>
+ <hdf5:FillValueInfo FillTime="FillOnAlloc" AllocationTime="Late">
+ <hdf5:FillValue>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <!-- String fill values not yet implemented. -->
+ <hdf5:NoData />
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:FillValue>
+ </hdf5:FillValueInfo>
+ <hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:SimpleDataspace Ndims="1">
+ <hdf5:Dimension DimSize="4" MaxDimSize="4"/>
+ </hdf5:SimpleDataspace>
+ </hdf5:Dataspace>
+ <hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:AtomicType>
+ <hdf5:StringType Cset="H5T_CSET_ASCII" StrSize="H5T_VARIABLE" StrPad="H5T_STR_NULLTERM"/>
+ </hdf5:AtomicType>
+ </hdf5:DataType>
+ <hdf5:Data>
+ <hdf5:DataFromFile>
"Four score and seven years ago our forefathers brought forth on this continent a new nation,"
"conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."
"Now we are engaged in a great civil war,"
"testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure."
- </DataFromFile>
- </Data>
- </Dataset>
+ </hdf5:DataFromFile>
+ </hdf5:Data>
+ </hdf5:Dataset>