path: root/windows/tools/h5dump
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'windows/tools/h5dump')
2 files changed, 737 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/windows/tools/h5dump/testh5dump.bat b/windows/tools/h5dump/testh5dump.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6cd5b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/windows/tools/h5dump/testh5dump.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+@echo off
+rem Copyright by The HDF Group.
+rem Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
+rem All rights reserved.
+rem This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
+rem terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
+rem the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
+rem of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
+rem root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
+rem is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
+rem If you do not have
+rem access to either file, you may request a copy from
+rem Tests for the h5dump tool
+rem Created: Scott Wegner, 8/23/07
+rem Modified: Scott Wegner, 8/27/07
+setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
+pushd %~dp0
+set h5pubconf=%CD%\..\..\src\h5pubconf.h
+rem Determine which filters are available
+rem On Windows, the function :detect_filter sets these for us
+call :detect_filter szip
+call :detect_filter deflate
+call :detect_filter shuffle
+call :detect_filter fletcher32
+call :detect_filter nbit
+call :detect_filter scaleoffset
+rem The tool name
+set dumper=h5dump%2
+rem The path of the tool library
+set dumper_bin=%CD%\..\%dumper%\%1\%dumper%
+set testdir=%CD%\..\testfiles
+rem The h5diff tool name
+set h5diff=..\h5diff%2\%1\h5diff%2
+rem The path of the h5diff tool binary
+set h5diff_bin=%CD%\%h5diff%
+rem The h5import tool name
+set h5import=..\h5import%2\%1\h5import%2
+rem The path of the h5import tool binary
+set h5import_bin=%CD%\%h5import%
+set nerrors=0
+set verbose=yes
+if not exist %testdir% mkdir %testdir%
+goto main
+rem Print a line-line message left justified in a field of 70 characters
+rem beginning with the word "Testing".
+ set test_msg=Testing %dumper%
+ for %%a in (%*) do (
+ if %%a neq PASSED (
+ if %%a neq *FAILED* (
+ set test_msg=!test_msg! %%~nxa
+ ) )
+ )
+ rem We need to replace PERCENT-ZERO here with "%0" for the tfamily test.
+ rem --SJW 8/24/07
+ set test_msg=!test_msg:PERCENT-ZERO=%%0!
+ echo.%test_msg:~0,69% %1
+ exit /b
+rem Run a test and print PASS or *FAIL*. If a test fails then increment
+rem the `nerrors' global variable and (if $verbose is set) display the
+rem difference between the actual output and the expected output. The
+rem expected output is given as the first argument to this function and
+rem the actual output file is calculated by replacing the `.ddl' with
+rem `.out'. The actual output is not removed if $HDF5_NOCLEANUP has a
+rem non-zero value.
+ set expect=%CD%\..\testfiles\%1
+ set actual=%CD%\..\testfiles\%~n1.out
+ set actual_err=%CD%\..\testfiles\%~n1.err
+ rem We define %params% here because Windows `shift` command doesn't affect
+ rem the %* variable. --SJW 8/23/07
+ set params=%*
+ rem If there is not 2nd parameter, that means we have no filename, which
+ rem implies that we are on the "tnofilename" test. Make sure we remove the
+ rem expected output from the params, and add a space. --SJW 8/27/07
+ if "%2"=="" (
+ set params=
+ ) else (
+ set params=!params:* =!
+ )
+ rem Run test.
+ rem On Linux, we synchronize the expected and actual output by removing the
+ rem 3-line header from the expected. There is no easy way to do this on
+ rem Windows, so we will instead add this header to our actual. --SJW 8/24/07
+ (
+ rem We need to replace PERCENT-ZERO here with "%0" for the tfamily test.
+ rem Also remove quotes here, because Linux 'echo' command strips them.
+ rem --SJW 8/24/07
+ set params_echo=!params:PERCENT-ZERO=%%0!
+ echo.#############################
+ echo.Expected output for 'h5dump !params_echo:"=!'
+ echo.#############################
+ pushd %CD%\..\testfiles
+ %dumper_bin% !params:PERCENT-ZERO=%%0!
+ popd
+ ) > %actual% 2> %actual_err%
+ type %actual_err% >> %actual%
+ if not exist %expect% (
+ call :testing *FAILED* %params%
+ echo. %expect% missing
+ set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1
+ ) else (
+ rem On Linux, this is where we parse the actual output. On Windows, we
+ rem don't. See note above. --SJW 8/24/07
+ fc /w %expect% %actual% | find "FC: no diff" > nul
+ if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
+ call :testing PASSED %params%
+ ) else (
+ call :testing *FAILED* %params%
+ echo. Expected results ^(*.ddl^) differs from actual results ^(*.out^)
+ set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1
+ if "yes"=="%verbose%" fc /w %expect% %actual%
+ )
+ )
+ rem Clean up output file
+ if not defined HDF5_NOCLEANUP del /f %actual% %actual_err%
+ exit /b
+rem Print a "SKIP" message
+ call :testing -SKIP- %*
+ exit /b
+rem Print a line-line message left justified in a field of 70 characters
+ set test_msg=Running h5diff
+ for %%a in (%*) do (
+ if %%a neq PASSED (
+ if %%a neq *FAILED* (
+ set test_msg=!test_msg! %%~nxa
+ ) )
+ )
+ set test_msg=%test_msg%
+ echo.%test_msg:~0,69% %1
+ exit /b
+rem Call the h5diff tool
+ (
+ pushd %CD%\..\testfiles
+ %h5diff_bin% %* -q
+ popd
+ )
+ if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
+ call :print_h5diff *FAILED* %*
+ set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1
+ ) else (
+ call :print_h5diff PASSED %*
+ )
+ exit /b
+rem Print a line-line message left justified in a field of 70 characters
+rem beginning with the word "Verifying".
+ set test_msg=Running h5import
+ for %%a in (%*) do (
+ if %%a neq PASSED (
+ if %%a neq *FAILED* (
+ set test_msg=!test_msg! %%~nxa
+ ) )
+ )
+ set test_msg=%test_msg%
+ echo.%test_msg:~0,69% %1
+ exit /b
+rem Call the h5import tool
+ rem Remove the output hdf5 file if it exists
+ set hdf5_file=%CD%\..\testfiles\%5
+ if exist %hdf5_file% (
+ del /f %hdf5_file%
+ )
+ (
+ pushd %CD%\..\testfiles
+ %h5import_bin% %*
+ popd
+ )
+ if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
+ call :print_h5import *FAILED* %*
+ set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1
+ ) else (
+ call :print_h5import PASSED %*
+ )
+ exit /b
+rem This is a Windows-specific function that detects if the filter passed
+rem should be enabled for this test script. It searches H5pubconf.h for the
+rem string "#define H5_HAVE_FILTER_%1" and sets the variable "use_filter_%1"
+rem accordingly. On other platforms, this variable is set in the Makefile.
+rem If we find a better way to test this in the future, we should use it.
+rem --SJW 9/4/07
+ findstr /b /i /c:"#define H5_HAVE_FILTER_%1" %h5pubconf% > nul
+ if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
+ set use_filter_%1=yes
+ ) else (
+ set use_filter_%1=no
+ )
+ exit /b
+rem ############################################################################
+rem ############################################################################
+rem # T H E T E S T S ###
+rem ############################################################################
+rem ############################################################################
+ rem test for displaying groups
+ call :tooltest tgroup-1.ddl tgroup.h5
+ rem test for displaying the selected groups
+ call :tooltest tgroup-2.ddl --group=/g2 --group / -g /y tgroup.h5
+ rem test for displaying simple space datasets
+ call :tooltest tdset-1.ddl tdset.h5
+ rem test for displaying selected datasets
+ call :tooltest tdset-2.ddl -H -d dset1 -d /dset2 --dataset=dset3 tdset.h5
+ rem test for displaying attributes
+ call :tooltest tattr-1.ddl tattr.h5
+ rem test for displaying the selected attributes of string type and scalar space
+ call :tooltest tattr-2.ddl -a /attr1 --attribute /attr4 --attribute=/attr5 tattr.h5
+ rem test for header and error messages
+ call :tooltest tattr-3.ddl --header -a /attr2 --attribute=/attr tattr.h5
+ rem test for displaying attributes in shared datatype (also in group and dataset)
+ call :tooltest tnamed_dtype_attr.ddl tnamed_dtype_attr.h5
+ rem test for displaying soft links and user-defined links
+ call :tooltest tslink-1.ddl tslink.h5
+ call :tooltest tudlink-1.ddl tudlink.h5
+ rem test for displaying the selected link
+ call :tooltest tslink-2.ddl -l slink2 tslink.h5
+ call :tooltest tudlink-2.ddl -l udlink2 tudlink.h5
+ rem tests for hard links
+ call :tooltest thlink-1.ddl thlink.h5
+ call :tooltest thlink-2.ddl -d /g1/dset2 --dataset /dset1 --dataset=/g1/g1.1/dset3 thlink.h5
+ call :tooltest thlink-3.ddl -d /g1/g1.1/dset3 --dataset /g1/dset2 --dataset=/dset1 thlink.h5
+ call :tooltest thlink-4.ddl -g /g1 thlink.h5
+ call :tooltest thlink-5.ddl -d /dset1 -g /g2 -d /g1/dset2 thlink.h5
+ rem tests for compound data types
+ call :tooltest tcomp-1.ddl tcompound.h5
+ rem test for named data types
+ call :tooltest tcomp-2.ddl -t /type1 --datatype /type2 --datatype=/group1/type3 tcompound.h5
+ rem test for unamed type
+ call :tooltest tcomp-3.ddl -t /#6632:0 -g /group2 tcompound.h5
+ rem test complicated compound datatype
+ call :tooltest tcomp-4.ddl tcompound_complex.h5
+ rem test for the nested compound type
+ call :tooltest tnestcomp-1.ddl tnestedcomp.h5
+ rem test for options
+ call :tooltest tall-1.ddl tall.h5
+ call :tooltest tall-2.ddl --header -g /g1/g1.1 -a attr2 tall.h5
+ call :tooltest tall-3.ddl -d /g2/dset2.1 -l /g1/g1.2/g1.2.1/slink tall.h5
+ rem test for loop detection
+ call :tooltest tloop-1.ddl tloop.h5
+ rem test for string
+ call :tooltest tstr-1.ddl tstr.h5
+ call :tooltest tstr-2.ddl tstr2.h5
+ rem test for file created by Lib SAF team
+ call :tooltest tsaf.ddl tsaf.h5
+ rem test for file with variable length data
+ call :tooltest tvldtypes1.ddl tvldtypes1.h5
+ call :tooltest tvldtypes2.ddl tvldtypes2.h5
+ call :tooltest tvldtypes3.ddl tvldtypes3.h5
+ call :tooltest tvldtypes4.ddl tvldtypes4.h5
+ call :tooltest tvldtypes5.ddl tvldtypes5.h5
+ rem test for file with variable length string data
+ call :tooltest tvlstr.ddl tvlstr.h5
+ rem test for files with array data
+ call :tooltest tarray1.ddl tarray1.h5
+ call :tooltest tarray2.ddl tarray2.h5
+ call :tooltest tarray3.ddl tarray3.h5
+ call :tooltest tarray4.ddl tarray4.h5
+ call :tooltest tarray5.ddl tarray5.h5
+ call :tooltest tarray6.ddl tarray6.h5
+ call :tooltest tarray7.ddl tarray7.h5
+ rem test for files with empty data
+ call :tooltest tempty.ddl tempty.h5
+ rem test for files with groups that have comments
+ call :tooltest tgrp_comments.ddl tgrp_comments.h5
+ rem test the --filedriver flag
+ call :tooltest tsplit_file.ddl --filedriver=split tsplit_file
+ rem On Windows, we pass "PERCENT-ZERO", and let other calls replace it with
+ rem the "%0". We cannot pass "%0" directly because Windows interprets it as
+ rem the name of the script. --SJW 8/24/07
+ call :tooltest tfamily.ddl --filedriver=family tfamilyPERCENT-ZERO5d.h5
+ call :tooltest tmulti.ddl --filedriver=multi tmulti
+ rem test for files with group names which reach > 1024 bytes in size
+ call :tooltest tlarge_objname.ddl -w157 tlarge_objname.h5
+ rem test '-A' to suppress data but print attr's
+ call :tooltest tall-2A.ddl -A tall.h5
+ rem test '-r' to print attributes in ASCII instead of decimal
+ call :tooltest tall-2B.ddl -A -r tall.h5
+ rem test Subsetting
+ call :tooltest tall-4s.ddl --dataset=/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.1 --start=1,1 --stride=2,3 --count=3,2 --block=1,1 tall.h5
+ call :tooltest tall-5s.ddl -d "/g1/g1.1/dset1.1.2[0;2;10;]" tall.h5
+ call :tooltest tdset-3s.ddl -d "/dset1[1,1;;;]" tdset.h5
+ rem block
+ rem call :tooltest tdset2-1s.ddl -d "/dset1[;3,2;4,4;1,4]" tdset2.h5
+ rem test printing characters in ASCII instead of decimal
+ call :tooltest tchar1.ddl -r tchar.h5
+ rem test failure handling
+ rem Missing file name
+ call :tooltest tnofilename.ddl
+ rem rev. 2004
+ rem tests for super block
+ call :tooltest tboot1.ddl -H -B -d dset tfcontents1.h5
+ call :tooltest tboot2.ddl -B tfcontents2.h5
+ rem test -p with a non existing dataset
+ call :tooltest tperror.ddl -p -d bogus tfcontents1.h5
+ rem test for file contents
+ call :tooltest tcontents.ddl -n tfcontents1.h5
+ rem tests for storage layout
+ rem compact
+ call :tooltest tcompact.ddl -H -p -d compact tfilters.h5
+ rem contiguous
+ call :tooltest tcontiguos.ddl -H -p -d contiguous tfilters.h5
+ rem chunked
+ call :tooltest tchunked.ddl -H -p -d chunked tfilters.h5
+ rem external
+ call :tooltest texternal.ddl -H -p -d external tfilters.h5
+ rem fill values
+ call :tooltest tfill.ddl -p tfvalues.h5
+ rem several datatype, with references , print path
+ call :tooltest treference.ddl tattr2.h5
+ rem escape/not escape non printable characters
+ call :tooltest tstringe.ddl -e tstr3.h5
+ call :tooltest tstring.ddl tstr3.h5
+ rem char data as ASCII with non escape
+ call :tooltest tstring2.ddl -r -d str4 tstr3.h5
+ rem array indices print/not print
+ call :tooltest tindicesyes.ddl taindices.h5
+ call :tooltest tindicesno.ddl -y taindices.h5
+ rem array indices with subsetting
+ call :tooltest tindicessub1.ddl -d 1d -s 3 -c 40 taindices.h5
+ call :tooltest tindicessub2.ddl -d 2d -s 1,3 -c 6,4 taindices.h5
+ call :tooltest tindicessub3.ddl -d 3d -s 0,1,3 -c 2,6,4 taindices.h5
+ call :tooltest tindicessub4.ddl -d 4d -s 0,0,1,3 -c 2,2,6,4 taindices.h5
+ rem tests for filters
+ rem SZIP
+ set option=-H -p -d szip tfilters.h5
+ if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %option%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest tszip.ddl %option%
+ )
+ rem deflate
+ set option=-H -p -d deflate tfilters.h5
+ if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %option%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest tdeflate.ddl %option%
+ )
+ rem shuffle
+ set option=-H -p -d shuffle tfilters.h5
+ if not "%use_filter_shuffle%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %option%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest tshuffle.ddl %option%
+ )
+ rem fletcher32
+ set option=-H -p -d fletcher32 tfilters.h5
+ if not "%use_filter_fletcher32%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %option%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest tfletcher32.ddl %option%
+ )
+ rem nbit
+ set option=-H -p -d nbit tfilters.h5
+ if not "%use_filter_nbit%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %option%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest tnbit.ddl %option%
+ )
+ rem scaleoffset
+ set option=-H -p -d scaleoffset tfilters.h5
+ if not "%use_filter_scaleoffset%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %option%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest tscaleoffset.ddl %option%
+ )
+ rem all
+ set option=-H -p -d all tfilters.h5
+ rem Windows doesn't have "or" for compound conditional, so we must check
+ rem each one individually. --SJW 8/24/07
+ if not "%use_filter_fletcher32%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %option%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_szip%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %option%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_deflate%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %option%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_shuffle%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %option%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_nbit%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %option%
+ ) else if not "%use_filter_scaleoffset%"=="yes" (
+ call :skip %option%
+ ) else (
+ call :tooltest tallfilters.ddl %option%
+ )
+ rem user defined
+ call :tooltest tuserfilter.ddl -H -p -d myfilter tfilters.h5
+ rem test for displaying objects with very long names
+ call :tooltest tlonglinks.ddl tlonglinks.h5
+ rem dimensions over 4GB, print boundary
+ call :tooltest tbigdims.ddl -d dset4gb -s 4294967284 -c 22 tbigdims.h5
+ rem hyperslab read
+ call :tooltest thyperslab.ddl thyperslab.h5
+ rem
+ rem test for displaying dataset and attribute of null space
+ call :tooltest tnullspace.ddl tnullspace.h5
+ rem test for long double (some systems do not have long double)
+ rem call :tooltest tldouble.ddl tldouble.h5
+ rem test for vms
+ call :tooltest tvms.ddl tvms.h5
+ rem test for binary output
+ rem Don't use %testdir% here, because we are already in the correct
+ rem directory, and using it only gets in the way of the output formatting.
+ rem --SJW 8/24/07
+ call :tooltest tbin1.ddl -d array -o out1.bin -b LE tbinary.h5
+ call :tooltest tbin2.ddl -d float -o out2.bin -b BE tbinary.h5
+ rem the MEMORY test can be validated with h5import/h5diff
+ call :tooltest tbin3.ddl -d integer -o out3.bin -b MEMORY tbinary.h5
+ call :importtest out3.bin -c out3.h5import -o out3.h5
+ call :difftest tbinary.h5 out3.h5 /integer /integer
+ call :tooltest tbin4.ddl -d double -o out4.bin -b FILE tbinary.h5
+ rem Clean up binary output files
+ if not defined hdf5_nocleanup (
+ for /l %%a in (1,1,4) do del /f %testdir%\out%%a.bin
+ del /f %testdir%\out3.h5
+ )
+ rem test for dataset region references
+ call :tooltest tregref.ddl tdatareg.h5
+ if %nerrors% equ 0 (
+ echo.All %dumper% tests passed.
+ )
+ popd
+ endlocal & exit /b %nerrors%
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/windows/tools/h5dump/testh5dumpxml.bat b/windows/tools/h5dump/testh5dumpxml.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cfde06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/windows/tools/h5dump/testh5dumpxml.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+@echo off
+rem Copyright by The HDF Group.
+rem Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
+rem All rights reserved.
+rem This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
+rem terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
+rem the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
+rem of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
+rem root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
+rem is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
+rem If you do not have
+rem access to either file, you may request a copy from
+rem Tests for the h5dump tool
+rem Created: Scott Wegner, 8/27/07
+rem Modified:
+setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
+pushd %~dp0
+rem set h5_lone_colon=%h5_lone_colon%
+rem The tool name
+set dumper=h5dump%2
+rem The path of the tool library
+set dumper_bin=%CD%\..\%dumper%\%1\%dumper%
+set nerrors=0
+set verbose=yes
+if not exist ..\testfiles mkdir ..\testfiles
+goto main
+rem Print a line-line message left justified in a field of 70 characters
+rem beginning with the word "Testing".
+ set test_msg=Testing %dumper%
+ for %%a in (%*) do (
+ if %%a neq PASSED (
+ if %%a neq *FAILED* (
+ set test_msg=!test_msg! %%~nxa
+ ) )
+ )
+ set test_msg=!test_msg!
+ echo.%test_msg:~0,69% %1
+ exit /b
+rem Run a test and print PASS or *FAIL*. If a test fails then increment
+rem the `nerrors' global variable and (if $verbose is set) display the
+rem difference between the actual output and the expected output. The
+rem expected output is given as the first argument to this function and
+rem the actual output file is calculated by replacing the `.ddl' with
+rem `.out'. The actual output is not removed if HDF5_NOCLEANUP has a
+rem non-zero value.
+ set expect=%CD%\..\testfiles\%1
+ set actual=%CD%\..\testfiles\%~n1.out
+ set actual_err=%CD%\..\testfiles\%~n1.err
+ rem We define %params% here because Windows `shift` command doesn't affect
+ rem the %* variable. --SJW 8/23/07
+ set params=%*
+ set params=%params:* =%
+ rem Run test.
+ (
+ rem Remove quotes here, because Linux 'echo' command strips them.
+ rem --SJW 8/24/07
+ echo.#############################
+ echo.Expected output for 'h5dump !params:"=!'
+ echo.#############################
+ pushd %CD%\..\testfiles
+ %dumper_bin% !params!
+ popd
+ ) > %actual% 2> %actual_err%
+ type %actual_err% >> %actual%
+ if not exist %expect% (
+ call :testing CREATED %params%
+ copy %actual% %expect% > nul
+ ) else (
+ fc /w %expect% %actual% | find "FC: no diff" > nul
+ if !errorlevel! equ 0 (
+ call :testing PASSED %params%
+ ) else (
+ call :testing *FAILED* %params%
+ echo. Expected results ^(*.ddl^) differs from actual results ^(*.out^)
+ set /a nerrors=!nerrors!+1
+ if "yes"=="%verbose%" fc /w %expect% %actual%
+ )
+ )
+ rem Clean up output file
+ if not defined HDF5_NOCLEANUP del /f %actual% %actual_err%
+ exit /b
+rem Print a "SKIP" message
+ call :testing -SKIP- %*
+ exit /b
+rem ############################################################################
+rem ############################################################################
+rem # T H E T E S T S ###
+rem ############################################################################
+rem ############################################################################
+ rem test XML
+ call :tooltest tall.h5.xml --xml tall.h5
+ call :tooltest tattr.h5.xml --xml tattr.h5
+ call :tooltest tbitfields.h5.xml --xml tbitfields.h5
+ call :tooltest tcompound.h5.xml --xml tcompound.h5
+ call :tooltest tcompound2.h5.xml --xml tcompound2.h5
+ call :tooltest tdatareg.h5.xml --xml tdatareg.h5
+ call :tooltest tdset.h5.xml --xml tdset.h5
+ call :tooltest tdset2.h5.xml --xml tdset2.h5
+ call :tooltest tenum.h5.xml --xml tenum.h5
+ call :tooltest tgroup.h5.xml --xml tgroup.h5
+ call :tooltest thlink.h5.xml --xml thlink.h5
+ call :tooltest tloop.h5.xml --xml tloop.h5
+ call :tooltest tloop2.h5.xml --xml tloop2.h5
+ call :tooltest tmany.h5.xml --xml tmany.h5
+ call :tooltest tnestedcomp.h5.xml --xml tnestedcomp.h5
+ call :tooltest tcompound_complex.h5.xml --xml tcompound_complex.h5
+ call :tooltest tobjref.h5.xml --xml tobjref.h5
+ call :tooltest topaque.h5.xml --xml topaque.h5
+ call :tooltest tslink.h5.xml --xml tslink.h5
+ call :tooltest tudlink.h5.xml --xml tudlink.h5
+ call :tooltest textlink.h5.xml --xml textlink.h5
+ call :tooltest tstr.h5.xml --xml tstr.h5
+ call :tooltest tstr2.h5.xml --xml tstr2.h5
+ call :tooltest tref.h5.xml --xml tref.h5
+ call :tooltest tname-amp.h5.xml --xml tname-amp.h5
+ call :tooltest tname-apos.h5.xml --xml tname-apos.h5
+ call :tooltest tname-gt.h5.xml --xml tname-gt.h5
+ call :tooltest tname-lt.h5.xml --xml tname-lt.h5
+ call :tooltest tname-quot.h5.xml --xml tname-quot.h5
+ call :tooltest tname-sp.h5.xml --xml tname-sp.h5
+ call :tooltest tstring.h5.xml --xml tstring.h5
+ call :tooltest tstring-at.h5.xml --xml tstring-at.h5
+ call :tooltest tref-escapes.h5.xml --xml tref-escapes.h5
+ call :tooltest tref-escapes-at.h5.xml --xml tref-escapes-at.h5
+ call :tooltest tnodata.h5.xml --xml tnodata.h5
+ call :tooltest tarray1.h5.xml --xml tarray1.h5
+ call :tooltest tarray2.h5.xml --xml tarray2.h5
+ call :tooltest tarray3.h5.xml --xml tarray3.h5
+ call :tooltest tarray6.h5.xml --xml tarray6.h5
+ call :tooltest tarray7.h5.xml --xml tarray7.h5
+ call :tooltest tvldtypes1.h5.xml --xml tvldtypes1.h5
+ call :tooltest tvldtypes2.h5.xml --xml tvldtypes2.h5
+ call :tooltest tvldtypes3.h5.xml --xml tvldtypes3.h5
+ call :tooltest tvldtypes4.h5.xml --xml tvldtypes4.h5
+ call :tooltest tvldtypes5.h5.xml --xml tvldtypes5.h5
+ call :tooltest tvlstr.h5.xml --xml tvlstr.h5
+ call :tooltest tsaf.h5.xml --xml tsaf.h5
+ call :tooltest tempty.h5.xml --xml tempty.h5
+ call :tooltest tnamed_dtype_attr.h5.xml --xml tnamed_dtype_attr.h5
+ rem Test dataset and attribute of null space. Commented out:
+ rem wait until the XML schema is updated for null space.
+ rem call :tooltest tnullspace.h5.xml --xml tnulspace.h5
+ rem other options for xml
+ call :tooltest tempty-dtd.h5.xml --xml --use-dtd tempty.h5
+ call :tooltest tempty-dtd-2.h5.xml --xml -u tempty.h5
+ rem The lone colon here confuses some systems (Cray X1). Skip
+ rem it if configure detects that this is a problem.
+ if not "X$H5_LONE_COLON"=="Xno" (
+ call :tooltest tempty-nons.h5.xml --xml -X ":" tempty.h5
+ ) else (
+ call :skip tempty-nons.h5.xml --xml -X ":" tempty.h5
+ )
+ call :tooltest tempty-nons-2.h5.xml --xml --xml-ns=":" tempty.h5
+ rem Some of these combinations are syntactically correct but
+ rem the URLs are dummies
+ call :tooltest tempty-ns.h5.xml --xml -X "thing:" tempty.h5
+ call :tooltest tempty-ns-2.h5.xml --xml --xml-ns="thing:" tempty.h5
+ call :tooltest tempty-nons-uri.h5.xml --xml --xml-ns=":" --xml-dtd="" tempty.h5
+ call :tooltest tempty-dtd-uri.h5.xml --xml --use-dtd --xml-dtd="" tempty.h5
+ call :tooltest tall-2A.h5.xml --xml -A tall.h5
+ if %nerrors% equ 0 (
+ echo.All %dumper% tests passed.
+ )
+ popd
+ endlocal & exit /b %nerrors%
+ \ No newline at end of file