path: root/windows
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Diffstat (limited to 'windows')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/windows/hdf5build_examples.BAT b/windows/hdf5build_examples.BAT
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52b106a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/windows/hdf5build_examples.BAT
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+@echo OFF
+rem Copyright by The HDF Group.
+rem Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
+rem All rights reserved.
+rem This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including
+rem terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in
+rem the files COPYING and Copyright.html. COPYING can be found at the root
+rem of the source code distribution tree; Copyright.html can be found at the
+rem root level of an installed copy of the electronic HDF5 document set and
+rem is linked from the top-level documents page. It can also be found at
+rem If you do not have
+rem access to either file, you may request a copy from
+rem File Name: hdf5build_examples.bat
+rem This batch file is used to build HDF5 C/C++/Fortran examples.
+rem This batch file takes the following options:
+rem . /fort Build HDF5 examples, including Fortran
+rem . /useenv Build HDF5 examples using compiler settings defined
+rem . in the environment, rather than the IDE.
+rem . /? Help information
+rem By Scott Wegner
+rem Created: April 1st, 2008
+rem Last Updated: April 14, 2008
+rem This batch file makes the following assumptions:
+rem - The appropriate version of Visual Studio is installed and setup
+rem - The directory structure is setup from a fresh source copy
+rem - copy_hdf.bat has already been run from the ./windows directory
+rem - HDF5 has already been built using standard settings
+rem - Visual Studio already contains the required paths for external libraries
+rem - szip and zlib DLLs are already placed in an accessible directory
+rem - hdf5_ext_szip or hdf5_ext_zlib have been set accordingly
+rem - if building with the /useenv option, szip and zlib paths have been added
+rem to %include% and %libpath% as necessary.
+rem By default, only C and C++ examples are built.
+setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
+pushd %~dp0
+set nerrors=0
+if "%1"=="/?" goto help
+goto main
+rem Print a help message
+ echo.Builds HDF5 example projects.
+ echo.
+ echo.Usage: %~nx0 [OPTION]
+ echo.
+ echo. /fort Build HDF5 examples, including Fortran
+ echo. /useenv Build HDF5 examples using compiler settings defined
+ echo. in the environment, rather than the IDE.
+ echo. /? Help information
+ exit /b 0
+rem Parse through the parameters sent to file, and set appropriate variables
+ for %%a in (%*) do (
+ if "%%a"=="/fort" (
+ rem Enable Fortran
+ set hdf5_enablefortran=true
+ ) else if "%%a"=="/useenv" (
+ rem Pass /useenv flag to devenv
+ set hdf5_useenv=true
+ ) else (
+ rem Set errorlevel 2 to send to help if we receive a bad parameter
+ echo.Unknown option: %%a
+ call :help
+ exit /b 1
+ )
+ )
+ exit /b 0
+rem Setup our environment
+ rem Constants
+ echo.Setting up environment
+ rem Setup Visual Studio environment. By default, use the Visual Studio
+ rem 2005 environment.
+ set ccflags=
+ rem Currently VS2005 is the only compiler supported. --SJW 9/26/07
+ echo.Using Visual Studio 2005
+ if not defined hdf5_enablefortran (
+ if defined vs80comntools (
+ rem This sets the Visual Studio path and environment variables
+ call "%vs80comntools%\vsvars32.bat"
+ ) else (
+ echo.Error: Cannot setup Visual Studio 2005 environment. Please
+ echo.make sure VS80COMNTOOLS is defined in the environment.
+ exit /b 1
+ )
+ ) else (
+ echo.with Intel Visual Fortran 9.1
+ if defined ifort_compiler91 (
+ rem This sets the Intel Fortran 9.1 environment, as well as
+ rem setting the appropriate Visual Studio environment
+ rem Assume 32-bit environment
+ call "%ifort_compiler91%\IA32\Bin\ifortvars.bat"
+ ) else (
+ echo.Error: Cannot setup Intel Fortran 9.1 environment. Please
+ echo.make sure IFORT_COMPILER91 is defined in the environment.
+ exit /b 1
+ )
+ )
+ rem Setup variables for our SLN files
+ set C_SLN=%CD%\windows\examples\allexamples\allexamples.sln
+ set CPP_SLN=%CD%\windows\c++\examples\allcppexamples\allcppexamples.sln
+ set HL_SLN=%CD%\windows\hl\examples\allhlcexamples\allhlcexamples.sln
+ rem We currently don't have HL C++ project files
+ if defined hdf5_enablefortran (
+ set FORT_SLN=%CD%\windows\fortran\examples\allf90examples\allf90examples.sln
+ set HLFORT_SLN=%CD%\windows\hl\fortran\examples\allhlf90examples\allhlf90examples.sln
+ ) else (
+ set FORT_SLN=
+ )
+ if defined hdf5_useenv (
+ rem This will tell Visual Studio to use include, library, etc. paths
+ rem defined by %INCLUDE% %LIBPATH%, etc. Assume the user has already
+ rem added external library paths to these variables.
+ set ccflags=%ccflags% /useenv
+ )
+ exit /b 0
+rem Build the HDF5 libraries. By default, C and C++ libraries are built.
+ echo.Building HDF5
+ echo.*****************************************************************************
+ echo. Build HDF5 Examples
+ echo.*****************************************************************************
+ echo.
+ rem TODO: Write code for each of these example sets
+ rem Build both debug and release versions
+ for %%a in (C CPP HL FORT HLFORT) do (
+ if defined %%a_SLN (
+ echo.**************************
+ echo. Building %%a Examples
+ echo.**************************
+ for %%b in (Debug Release) do (
+ echo.Building %%a %%b examples...
+ devenv !%%a_SLN! %ccflags% /rebuild %%b
+ if !errorlevel! neq 0 (
+ echo.HDF5 %%b %%a examples build failed
+ exit /b
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ exit /b
+rem Handle errors
+ rem For now, our error handling consists of setting nerrors and quitting
+ echo.HDF5 examples build failed.
+ set /a nerrors=%nerrors%+1
+ goto end
+ rem We'll never really get here, but we keep this line for consistency.
+ exit /b
+rem This is where the magic happens
+ call :parse_params %*
+ if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
+ rem Error case.
+ echo.Error parsing parameters!
+ goto error
+ )
+ call :setup
+ if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
+ echo.Error setting up examples build environment.
+ goto error
+ )
+ call :build
+ if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
+ echo.Error building HDF5 examples!
+ goto error
+ )
+ if "%nerrors%"=="0" (
+ echo. All HDF5 example projects built successfully!
+ )
+ rem Fall through to end
+ popd
+ endlocal & exit /b %nerrors%