From e1274d931d220683c1f73debc853ae3b2963eb06 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: github-actions <41898282+github-actions[bot]>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2023 10:37:02 +0000
Subject: Committing clang-format changes

 src/H5Dchunk.c | 355 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 src/H5Dpkg.h   |  30 ++---
 2 files changed, 199 insertions(+), 186 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/H5Dchunk.c b/src/H5Dchunk.c
index 1a5dbee..b5814fa 100644
--- a/src/H5Dchunk.c
+++ b/src/H5Dchunk.c
@@ -1118,23 +1118,22 @@ H5D__chunk_io_init(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dinfo)
-    {  /* Set up info for processing chunk cache with selection I/O improvement */
-       /* Skip filter for now */
+    {   /* Set up info for processing chunk cache with selection I/O improvement */
+        /* Skip filter for now */
         if (io_info->use_select_io == H5D_SELECTION_IO_MODE_ON &&
-            (size_t)dinfo->dset->shared->layout.u.chunk.size <= dinfo->dset->shared->cache.chunk.nbytes_max
-            &&
+            (size_t)dinfo->dset->shared->layout.u.chunk.size <= dinfo->dset->shared->cache.chunk.nbytes_max &&
             !dinfo->dset->shared->dcpl_cache.pline.nused) {
             H5SL_node_t *chunk_node; /* Current node in chunk skip list */
-            dinfo->num_sel_cache_chks = 0;
+            dinfo->num_sel_cache_chks   = 0;
             dinfo->num_unsel_cache_chks = 0;
-            dinfo->num_chks_to_load = 0;  
-            dinfo->num_ents_to_evict = 0;
-            dinfo->free_cache_slots = 0;
-            dinfo->max_cache_chunks = 0;
-            dinfo->chunks_to_load = NULL;
-            dinfo->entries_to_evict = NULL;
+            dinfo->num_chks_to_load     = 0;
+            dinfo->num_ents_to_evict    = 0;
+            dinfo->free_cache_slots     = 0;
+            dinfo->max_cache_chunks     = 0;
+            dinfo->chunks_to_load       = NULL;
+            dinfo->entries_to_evict     = NULL;
             /* Iterate through nodes in chunk skip list */
             chunk_node = H5D_CHUNK_GET_FIRST_NODE(dinfo);
@@ -1156,7 +1155,7 @@ H5D__chunk_io_init(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dinfo)
                 chunk_info->chunk_block.offset = udata.chunk_block.offset;
                 chunk_info->chunk_block.length = udata.chunk_block.length;
-                chunk_info->chunk_idx = udata.chunk_idx;
+                chunk_info->chunk_idx          = udata.chunk_idx;
                 if (udata.idx_hint == UINT_MAX) {
                     chunk_info->in_cache = false;
@@ -1165,59 +1164,66 @@ H5D__chunk_io_init(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dinfo)
                     /* Create skip list for chunks_to_load */
                     if (!dinfo->chunks_to_load) {
                         if (NULL == (dinfo->chunks_to_load = H5SL_create(H5SL_TYPE_HSIZE, NULL)))
-                            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTCREATE, FAIL, "can't create skip list for chunk_to_load");
+                            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTCREATE, FAIL,
+                                        "can't create skip list for chunk_to_load");
                     /* Insert chunk info into chunks_to__load skip list */
                     if (H5SL_insert(dinfo->chunks_to_load, chunk_info, &chunk_info->index) < 0) {
                         H5D__free_piece_info(chunk_info, NULL, NULL);
                         HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTINSERT, FAIL, "can't insert chunk into skip list");
-                    } 
-                } else {
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
                     chunk_info->in_cache = true;
                     chunk_info->idx_hint = udata.idx_hint;
                     H5D__set_chunk_cache_ent_lock(dataset, chunk_info->idx_hint, true);
                 /* Advance to next chunk in list */
                 chunk_node = H5D_CHUNK_GET_NEXT_NODE(dinfo, chunk_node);
             } /* end while */
-            dinfo->max_cache_chunks = MIN(dataset->shared->cache.chunk.nbytes_max / dinfo->layout->u.chunk.size, 
-                                            dataset->shared->cache.chunk.nslots);
+            dinfo->max_cache_chunks =
+                MIN(dataset->shared->cache.chunk.nbytes_max / dinfo->layout->u.chunk.size,
+                    dataset->shared->cache.chunk.nslots);
-            dinfo->num_unsel_cache_chks = (size_t)dataset->shared->cache.chunk.nused - dinfo->num_sel_cache_chks;
+            dinfo->num_unsel_cache_chks =
+                (size_t)dataset->shared->cache.chunk.nused - dinfo->num_sel_cache_chks;
             dinfo->free_cache_slots = dinfo->max_cache_chunks - (size_t)dataset->shared->cache.chunk.nused;
-            dinfo->num_ents_to_evict = MIN(dinfo->num_unsel_cache_chks, 
-                                           dinfo->num_chks_to_load > dinfo->free_cache_slots ? 
-                                           dinfo->num_chks_to_load - dinfo->free_cache_slots : 0);
+            dinfo->num_ents_to_evict =
+                MIN(dinfo->num_unsel_cache_chks, dinfo->num_chks_to_load > dinfo->free_cache_slots
+                                                     ? dinfo->num_chks_to_load - dinfo->free_cache_slots
+                                                     : 0);
-            if(dinfo->num_ents_to_evict) {
-                unsigned ctr = 0;
-                H5D_rdcc_t         *rdcc;                    /*raw data chunk cache*/
-                H5D_rdcc_ent_t     *ent;                     /*cache entry        */
-                H5D_rdcc_ent_t     *next;                    /*cache entry        */
+            if (dinfo->num_ents_to_evict) {
+                unsigned        ctr = 0;
+                H5D_rdcc_t     *rdcc; /*raw data chunk cache*/
+                H5D_rdcc_ent_t *ent;  /*cache entry        */
+                H5D_rdcc_ent_t *next; /*cache entry        */
-                rdcc      = &(dinfo->dset->shared->cache.chunk);
+                rdcc = &(dinfo->dset->shared->cache.chunk);
                 /* Create skip list for ents_to_evict: idx index in hash table */
                 if (NULL == (dinfo->entries_to_evict = H5SL_create(H5SL_TYPE_UNSIGNED, NULL)))
-                    HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTCREATE, FAIL, "can't create skip list for ents_to_evict");
+                                "can't create skip list for ents_to_evict");
                 for (ent = rdcc->tail; ent && ctr < dinfo->num_ents_to_evict; ent = next) {
                     next = ent->prev;
                     if (!ent->locked) {
                         /* Insert ent info into ents_to_evict skip list */
                         if (H5SL_insert(dinfo->entries_to_evict, ent, &ent->idx) < 0) {
                             H5D__free_piece_info(ent, NULL, NULL);
-                            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTINSERT, FAIL, "can't insert ent into skip list");
-                        } 
+                            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASPACE, H5E_CANTINSERT, FAIL,
+                                        "can't insert ent into skip list");
+                        }
                 } /* end for */
-            } /* end if */
-        } 
+            }     /* end if */
+        }
     } /* end block */
@@ -1708,10 +1714,10 @@ H5D__create_piece_map_single(H5D_dset_io_info_t *di, H5D_io_info_t *io_info)
     /* make connection to related dset info from this piece_info */
     piece_info->dset_info = di;
-    piece_info->in_cache = false;
+    piece_info->in_cache     = false;
     piece_info->entire_chunk = false;
-    piece_info->idx_hint = UINT_MAX;
-    piece_info->buf = NULL;
+    piece_info->idx_hint     = UINT_MAX;
+    piece_info->buf          = NULL;
     /* Add piece to global piece_count */
@@ -1846,10 +1852,10 @@ H5D__create_piece_file_map_all(H5D_dset_io_info_t *di, H5D_io_info_t *io_info)
         new_piece_info->filtered_dset = filtered_dataset;
-        new_piece_info->in_cache = false;
+        new_piece_info->in_cache     = false;
         new_piece_info->entire_chunk = false;
-        new_piece_info->idx_hint = UINT_MAX;
-        new_piece_info->buf = NULL;
+        new_piece_info->idx_hint     = UINT_MAX;
+        new_piece_info->buf          = NULL;
         /* Insert the new chunk into the skip list */
         if (H5SL_insert(fm->dset_sel_pieces, new_piece_info, &new_piece_info->index) < 0) {
@@ -2056,10 +2062,10 @@ H5D__create_piece_file_map_hyper(H5D_dset_io_info_t *dinfo, H5D_io_info_t *io_in
             new_piece_info->filtered_dset = filtered_dataset;
-            new_piece_info->in_cache = false;
+            new_piece_info->in_cache     = false;
             new_piece_info->entire_chunk = false;
-            new_piece_info->idx_hint = UINT_MAX;
-            new_piece_info->buf = NULL;
+            new_piece_info->idx_hint     = UINT_MAX;
+            new_piece_info->buf          = NULL;
             /* Add piece to global piece_count */
@@ -2753,13 +2759,13 @@ H5D__chunk_may_use_select_io(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, const H5D_dset_io_info_t *d
                 /* Check if the chunk is too large to keep in the cache */
                 H5_CHECK_OVERFLOW(dataset->shared->layout.u.chunk.size, uint32_t, size_t);
                 /* If a chunk is too big for the cache, just handle everything as before. */
-                /* If chunk size is smaller than nbytes_max, the new case will be handled 
+                /* If chunk size is smaller than nbytes_max, the new case will be handled
                  * in H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache() in H5D__chunk_write/read() */
-                /* 
+                /*
                  * Remove the code for chunk size less than nbytes_max
-                 * if ((size_t)dataset->shared->layout.u.chunk.size <= dataset->shared->cache.chunk.nbytes_max) {
-                 *      io_info->use_select_io = H5D_SELECTION_IO_MODE_OFF;
-                 *      io_info->no_selection_io_cause |= H5D_SEL_IO_CHUNK_CACHE;
+                 * if ((size_t)dataset->shared->layout.u.chunk.size <=
+                 * dataset->shared->cache.chunk.nbytes_max) { io_info->use_select_io =
+                 * H5D_SELECTION_IO_MODE_OFF; io_info->no_selection_io_cause |= H5D_SEL_IO_CHUNK_CACHE;
                  *                                                         }
                  *   }
@@ -2777,7 +2783,7 @@ done:
 static herr_t
 H5D__set_chunk_cache_ent_lock(const H5D_t *dataset, unsigned idx_hint, bool lock)
-    H5D_rdcc_ent_t      *ent   = NULL; /* Cache entry */
+    H5D_rdcc_ent_t *ent = NULL; /* Cache entry */
@@ -2798,7 +2804,7 @@ H5D__set_chunk_cache_ent_lock(const H5D_t *dataset, unsigned idx_hint, bool lock
  * More work needs to be done to this routine:
  *  Put handling of the following steps in separate routines:
  *  --steps #3-4 (io_info->num_ents_to_evict)
- *  --step $5 (io_info->full_io_chks_to_mds) -- IN PROGRESS 
+ *  --step $5 (io_info->full_io_chks_to_mds) -- IN PROGRESS
  *  --step #6 (NOT tackled yet)
  *  --reset lock and in_cache (io_info->num_sel_cache_chks)
  *  --steps #7-10 (io_info->chunks_to_load)
@@ -2809,8 +2815,8 @@ H5D__set_chunk_cache_ent_lock(const H5D_t *dataset, unsigned idx_hint, bool lock
 static herr_t
 H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
-    H5SL_node_t *chunk_node; /* Current node in chunk skip list */
-    herr_t             ret_value = SUCCEED;        /* Return value        */
+    H5SL_node_t *chunk_node;          /* Current node in chunk skip list */
+    herr_t       ret_value = SUCCEED; /* Return value        */
@@ -2821,15 +2827,15 @@ H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
     /* Process num_ents_to_evict */
     if (dset_info->num_ents_to_evict) {
-        H5D_chk_idx_info_t idx_info;    /* Chunked index info */
-        H5D_chunk_ud_t     udata;       /* Index pass-through    */
-        struct H5D_rdcc_ent_t *ent; 
-        size_t          num_ents_to_evict = dset_info->num_ents_to_evict;
-        size_t          num_ents_vec_evict = 0;
-        haddr_t         *addrs = NULL;
-        size_t          *sizes = NULL;
-        const void      **bufs = NULL;
-        H5FD_mem_t      types[2];
+        H5D_chk_idx_info_t     idx_info; /* Chunked index info */
+        H5D_chunk_ud_t         udata;    /* Index pass-through    */
+        struct H5D_rdcc_ent_t *ent;
+        size_t                 num_ents_to_evict  = dset_info->num_ents_to_evict;
+        size_t                 num_ents_vec_evict = 0;
+        haddr_t               *addrs              = NULL;
+        size_t                *sizes              = NULL;
+        const void           **bufs               = NULL;
+        H5FD_mem_t             types[2];
         assert(dset_info->dset->shared->layout.u.chunk.size > 0);
@@ -2865,13 +2871,12 @@ H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
             if (ent->dirty) {
                 if (!H5_addr_defined(ent->chunk_block.offset)) {
-                    bool need_insert = false;       /* Whether the chunk needs to be inserted into the index */
+                    bool need_insert = false; /* Whether the chunk needs to be inserted into the index */
                     /* Set up the size of chunk for user data */
                     udata.chunk_block.offset = HADDR_UNDEF;
                     udata.chunk_block.length = dset_info->dset->shared->layout.u.chunk.size;
-                    udata.common.scaled  = ent->scaled;
+                    udata.common.scaled      = ent->scaled;
                     udata.idx_hint           = ent->idx;
                     udata.chunk_idx          = ent->chunk_idx;
@@ -2895,8 +2900,8 @@ H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
                 addrs[num_ents_vec_evict] = udata.chunk_block.offset;
                 sizes[num_ents_vec_evict] = udata.chunk_block.length;
-                bufs[num_ents_vec_evict] = ent->chunk;
-                num_ents_vec_evict++; 
+                bufs[num_ents_vec_evict]  = ent->chunk;
+                num_ents_vec_evict++;
             /* Advance to next chunk in list */
@@ -2904,8 +2909,9 @@ H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
         if (num_ents_vec_evict) {
-            if (H5F_shared_vector_write(H5F_SHARED(dset_info->dset->oloc.file), (uint32_t)num_ents_vec_evict, types, addrs, sizes, bufs) < 0)
-            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "vector write call failed");
+            if (H5F_shared_vector_write(H5F_SHARED(dset_info->dset->oloc.file), (uint32_t)num_ents_vec_evict,
+                                        types, addrs, sizes, bufs) < 0)
+                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "vector write call failed");
         chunk_node = H5SL_first(dset_info->entries_to_evict);
@@ -2938,7 +2944,7 @@ H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
         chunk_node = H5D_CHUNK_GET_FIRST_NODE(dset_info);
         while (chunk_node) {
-            H5D_piece_info_t  *chunk_info; /* Chunk information */
+            H5D_piece_info_t *chunk_info; /* Chunk information */
             /* Get the actual chunk information from the skip list node */
             chunk_info = H5D_CHUNK_GET_NODE_INFO(dset_info, chunk_node);
@@ -2956,17 +2962,16 @@ H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
         assert(ctr == dset_info->num_sel_cache_chks);
     /* Process chunks_to_load */
     if (dset_info->num_chks_to_load) {
-        haddr_t         *addrs = NULL;
-        size_t          *sizes = NULL;
-        void      **bufs = NULL;
-        H5FD_mem_t      types[2];
-        size_t          num_chks_to_load = dset_info->num_chks_to_load;
-        size_t          chunk_size;
-        size_t num_chks_vec_load = 0;
+        haddr_t   *addrs = NULL;
+        size_t    *sizes = NULL;
+        void     **bufs  = NULL;
+        H5FD_mem_t types[2];
+        size_t     num_chks_to_load = dset_info->num_chks_to_load;
+        size_t     chunk_size;
+        size_t     num_chks_vec_load = 0;
         /* Allocate types, addrs, sizes, wbufs for num_chks_to_load */
         types[0] = H5FD_MEM_DRAW;
@@ -2985,20 +2990,21 @@ H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
         if (NULL == (bufs = H5MM_malloc((size_t)(num_chks_to_load) * sizeof(*bufs))))
             HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "couldn't allocate space for I/O buffers vector");
         /* Iterate through nodes in chunks_to_load skip list */
         chunk_node = H5SL_first(dset_info->chunks_to_load);
         while (chunk_node) {
-            H5D_piece_info_t *chunk_info; /* Chunk information */
-            H5D_fill_value_t fill_status;
-            const H5O_fill_t   *fill;                    /* Fill value info */
-            H5D_fill_buf_info_t fb_info;                 /* Dataset's fill buffer info */
-            bool                fb_info_init = false;    /* Whether the fill value buffer has been initialized */
-            H5O_pline_t *pline;     /* I/O pipeline info - always equal to the pline passed to H5D__chunk_mem_alloc */
+            H5D_piece_info_t   *chunk_info; /* Chunk information */
+            H5D_fill_value_t    fill_status;
+            const H5O_fill_t   *fill;                 /* Fill value info */
+            H5D_fill_buf_info_t fb_info;              /* Dataset's fill buffer info */
+            bool                fb_info_init = false; /* Whether the fill value buffer has been initialized */
+            H5O_pline_t
+                *pline; /* I/O pipeline info - always equal to the pline passed to H5D__chunk_mem_alloc */
-            fill      = &(dset_info->dset->shared->dcpl_cache.fill);
-            pline     = &(dset_info->dset->shared->dcpl_cache.pline);
+            fill  = &(dset_info->dset->shared->dcpl_cache.fill);
+            pline = &(dset_info->dset->shared->dcpl_cache.pline);
             /* Get the actual chunk information from the skip list node */
             chunk_info = (H5D_piece_info_t *)H5SL_item(chunk_node);
@@ -3006,17 +3012,19 @@ H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
             /* Chunk size on disk isn't [likely] the same size as the final chunk
              *  size in memory, so allocate memory big enough. */
             if (NULL == (chunk_info->buf = H5D__chunk_mem_alloc(chunk_size, pline)))
-                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_CANTALLOC, FAIL, "couldn't allocate space for I/O sizes vector");
+                            "couldn't allocate space for I/O sizes vector");
-            if(chunk_info->entire_chunk && io_info->op_type == H5D_IO_OP_WRITE)
+            if (chunk_info->entire_chunk && io_info->op_type == H5D_IO_OP_WRITE)
                 memset(chunk_info->buf, 0, chunk_size);
             else if (H5_addr_defined(chunk_info->chunk_block.offset)) {
                 addrs[num_chks_vec_load] = chunk_info->chunk_block.offset;
                 sizes[num_chks_vec_load] = chunk_size;
-                bufs[num_chks_vec_load] = chunk_info->buf;
-                num_chks_vec_load++; 
-            } else {
+                bufs[num_chks_vec_load]  = chunk_info->buf;
+                num_chks_vec_load++;
+            }
+            else {
                 /* Sanity check */
                 assert(fill->alloc_time != H5D_ALLOC_TIME_EARLY);
@@ -3026,7 +3034,7 @@ H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
                 if (fill->fill_time == H5D_FILL_TIME_ALLOC ||
                     (fill->fill_time == H5D_FILL_TIME_IFSET &&
-                    (fill_status == H5D_FILL_VALUE_USER_DEFINED || fill_status == H5D_FILL_VALUE_DEFAULT))) {
+                     (fill_status == H5D_FILL_VALUE_USER_DEFINED || fill_status == H5D_FILL_VALUE_DEFAULT))) {
                      * The chunk doesn't exist in the file.  Replicate the fill
                      * value throughout the chunk, if the fill value is defined.
@@ -3035,8 +3043,9 @@ H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
                     /* Initialize the fill value buffer */
                     /* (use the compact dataset storage buffer as the fill value buffer) */
                     if (H5D__fill_init(&fb_info, chunk_info->buf, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-                                       &dset_info->dset->shared->dcpl_cache.fill, dset_info->dset->shared->type,
-                                       dset_info->dset->shared->type_id, (size_t)0, chunk_size) < 0)
+                                       &dset_info->dset->shared->dcpl_cache.fill,
+                                       dset_info->dset->shared->type, dset_info->dset->shared->type_id,
+                                       (size_t)0, chunk_size) < 0)
                         HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTINIT, FAIL, "can't initialize fill buffer info");
                     fb_info_init = true;
@@ -3061,26 +3070,27 @@ H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
         /* Vector load of chunks in chunks_to_load */
         if (num_chks_vec_load) {
-            if (H5F_shared_vector_read(H5F_SHARED(dset_info->dset->oloc.file), (uint32_t)num_chks_vec_load, types, addrs, sizes, bufs) < 0)
-            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "vector write call failed");
+            if (H5F_shared_vector_read(H5F_SHARED(dset_info->dset->oloc.file), (uint32_t)num_chks_vec_load,
+                                       types, addrs, sizes, bufs) < 0)
+                HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_WRITEERROR, FAIL, "vector write call failed");
         addrs = H5MM_xfree(addrs);
         sizes = H5MM_xfree(sizes);
-        bufs = H5MM_xfree(bufs);
+        bufs  = H5MM_xfree(bufs);
         /* Insert chunks in chunks_to_load to cache */
-        { /* begin block */
-            H5D_rdcc_t         *rdcc;                    /*raw data chunk cache*/
+        {                     /* begin block */
+            H5D_rdcc_t *rdcc; /*raw data chunk cache*/
-            rdcc      = &(dset_info->dset->shared->cache.chunk);
+            rdcc       = &(dset_info->dset->shared->cache.chunk);
             chunk_node = H5SL_first(dset_info->chunks_to_load);
             while (chunk_node) {
                 H5D_piece_info_t *chunk_info; /* Chunk information */
-                H5D_rdcc_ent_t     *ent;
-                bool                disable_filters = false;
+                H5D_rdcc_ent_t   *ent;
+                bool              disable_filters = false;
                 assert(rdcc->nslots > 0);
                 assert(chunk_size <= rdcc->nbytes_max);
@@ -3109,7 +3119,8 @@ H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
                 ent->chunk_block.length = chunk_info->chunk_block.length;
                 ent->chunk_idx          = chunk_info->chunk_idx;
-                H5MM_memcpy(ent->scaled, chunk_info->scaled, sizeof(hsize_t) * dset_info->dset->shared->layout.u.chunk.ndims);
+                H5MM_memcpy(ent->scaled, chunk_info->scaled,
+                            sizeof(hsize_t) * dset_info->dset->shared->layout.u.chunk.ndims);
                 H5_CHECKED_ASSIGN(ent->rd_count, uint32_t, chunk_size, size_t);
                 H5_CHECKED_ASSIGN(ent->wr_count, uint32_t, chunk_size, size_t);
@@ -3120,13 +3131,13 @@ H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
                 /* Add it to the cache */
                 assert(NULL == rdcc->slot[chunk_info->idx_hint]);
                 rdcc->slot[chunk_info->idx_hint] = ent;
-                ent->idx                    = chunk_info->idx_hint;
+                ent->idx                         = chunk_info->idx_hint;
                 /* ?? Do assert here on nbytes_used < ... */
                 rdcc->nbytes_used += chunk_size;
                 /* Add it to the linked list */
-                /* NOTE: Based on Neil's instruction, should I use head instead: 
+                /* NOTE: Based on Neil's instruction, should I use head instead:
                    (so the last chunk in the list will be at the head of the LRU) */
                 if (rdcc->tail) {
                     rdcc->tail->next = ent;
@@ -3143,7 +3154,7 @@ H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
                 chunk_node = H5SL_next(chunk_node);
             } /* end while */
         } /* end block */
         /* Close the skip list for chunks_to_load */
@@ -3237,8 +3248,8 @@ H5D__chunk_read(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
         /* Handle chunk cache with selection I/O improvement */
         /* Skip filter for now */
-        if (((size_t)dset_info->dset->shared->layout.u.chunk.size <= dset_info->dset->shared->cache.chunk.nbytes_max)
-            &&
+        if (((size_t)dset_info->dset->shared->layout.u.chunk.size <=
+             dset_info->dset->shared->cache.chunk.nbytes_max) &&
             (!dset_info->dset->shared->dcpl_cache.pline.nused)) {
             if (H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache(io_info, dset_info) < 0)
@@ -3302,10 +3313,11 @@ H5D__chunk_read(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
             /* Check for non-existent chunk & skip it if appropriate */
             if (H5_addr_defined(udata.chunk_block.offset) || UINT_MAX != udata.idx_hint ||
                 !skip_missing_chunks) {
-                void          *chunk = NULL; /* Pointer to locked chunk buffer */
+                void *chunk = NULL; /* Pointer to locked chunk buffer */
                 /* Determine if we should use the chunk cache */
-                if ((cacheable = H5D__chunk_cacheable(io_info, dset_info, udata.chunk_block.offset, false)) < 0)
+                if ((cacheable = H5D__chunk_cacheable(io_info, dset_info, udata.chunk_block.offset, false)) <
+                    0)
                     HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_CANTGET, FAIL, "can't tell if chunk is cacheable");
                 if (cacheable) {
@@ -3322,7 +3334,7 @@ H5D__chunk_read(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
                         HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_IO, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "unable to read raw data chunk");
                     /* Set up the storage buffer information for this chunk */
-                    cpt_store.compact.buf = chunk;
+                    cpt_store.compact.buf                          = chunk;
                     cpt_dset_info.layout_io_info.contig_piece_info = chunk_info;
                     cpt_dset_info.file_space                       = chunk_info->fspace;
                     cpt_dset_info.mem_space                        = chunk_info->mspace;
@@ -3331,57 +3343,57 @@ H5D__chunk_read(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
                     cpt_dset_info.type_info.request_nelmts = cpt_dset_info.nelmts;
                     if ((dset_info->io_ops.single_read)(&cpt_io_info, &cpt_dset_info) < 0)
                         HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "chunked read failed");
-                } else
-                /* Check for non-existent chunk & skip it if appropriate */
-                if (H5_addr_defined(udata.chunk_block.offset)) {
-                    /* Add chunk to list for selection I/O, if not performing multi dataset I/O */
-                    if (H5D_LAYOUT_CB_PERFORM_IO(io_info)) {
-                        chunk_mem_spaces[num_chunks]  = chunk_info->mspace;
-                        chunk_file_spaces[num_chunks] = chunk_info->fspace;
-                        chunk_addrs[num_chunks]       = udata.chunk_block.offset;
-                        num_chunks++;
+                }
+                else
+                    /* Check for non-existent chunk & skip it if appropriate */
+                    if (H5_addr_defined(udata.chunk_block.offset)) {
+                        /* Add chunk to list for selection I/O, if not performing multi dataset I/O */
+                        if (H5D_LAYOUT_CB_PERFORM_IO(io_info)) {
+                            chunk_mem_spaces[num_chunks]  = chunk_info->mspace;
+                            chunk_file_spaces[num_chunks] = chunk_info->fspace;
+                            chunk_addrs[num_chunks]       = udata.chunk_block.offset;
+                            num_chunks++;
+                        } /* end if */
+                        else {
+                            /* Add to mdset selection I/O arrays */
+                            assert(io_info->mem_spaces);
+                            assert(io_info->file_spaces);
+                            assert(io_info->addrs);
+                            assert(io_info->element_sizes);
+                            assert(io_info->rbufs);
+                            assert(io_info->pieces_added < io_info->piece_count);
+                            io_info->mem_spaces[io_info->pieces_added]    = chunk_info->mspace;
+                            io_info->file_spaces[io_info->pieces_added]   = chunk_info->fspace;
+                            io_info->addrs[io_info->pieces_added]         = udata.chunk_block.offset;
+                            io_info->element_sizes[io_info->pieces_added] = element_sizes[0];
+                            io_info->rbufs[io_info->pieces_added]         = bufs[0];
+                            if (io_info->sel_pieces)
+                                io_info->sel_pieces[io_info->pieces_added] = chunk_info;
+                            io_info->pieces_added++;
+                            if (io_info->sel_pieces && chunk_info->filtered_dset)
+                                io_info->filtered_pieces_added++;
+                        }
                     } /* end if */
                     else {
-                        /* Add to mdset selection I/O arrays */
-                        assert(io_info->mem_spaces);
-                        assert(io_info->file_spaces);
-                        assert(io_info->addrs);
-                        assert(io_info->element_sizes);
-                        assert(io_info->rbufs);
-                        assert(io_info->pieces_added < io_info->piece_count);
-                        io_info->mem_spaces[io_info->pieces_added]    = chunk_info->mspace;
-                        io_info->file_spaces[io_info->pieces_added]   = chunk_info->fspace;
-                        io_info->addrs[io_info->pieces_added]         = udata.chunk_block.offset;
-                        io_info->element_sizes[io_info->pieces_added] = element_sizes[0];
-                        io_info->rbufs[io_info->pieces_added]         = bufs[0];
-                        if (io_info->sel_pieces)
-                            io_info->sel_pieces[io_info->pieces_added] = chunk_info;
-                        io_info->pieces_added++;
-                        if (io_info->sel_pieces && chunk_info->filtered_dset)
-                            io_info->filtered_pieces_added++;
+                        /* Set up nonexistent dataset info for (fill value) read from nonexistent chunk */
+                        nonexistent_dset_info.layout_io_info.contig_piece_info = chunk_info;
+                        nonexistent_dset_info.file_space                       = chunk_info->fspace;
+                        nonexistent_dset_info.mem_space                        = chunk_info->mspace;
+                        nonexistent_dset_info.nelmts                           = chunk_info->piece_points;
+                        /* Set request_nelmts.  This is not normally set by the upper layers because selection
+                         * I/O usually does not use strip mining (H5D__scatgath_write), and instead allocates
+                         * buffers large enough for the entire I/O.  Set request_nelmts to be large enough for
+                         * all selected elements in this chunk because it must be at least that large */
+                        nonexistent_dset_info.type_info.request_nelmts = nonexistent_dset_info.nelmts;
+                        /* Perform the actual read operation from the nonexistent chunk
+                         */
+                        if ((dset_info->io_ops.single_read)(&nonexistent_io_info, &nonexistent_dset_info) < 0)
+                            HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "chunked read failed");
-                } /* end if */
-                else {
-                    /* Set up nonexistent dataset info for (fill value) read from nonexistent chunk */
-                    nonexistent_dset_info.layout_io_info.contig_piece_info = chunk_info;
-                    nonexistent_dset_info.file_space                       = chunk_info->fspace;
-                    nonexistent_dset_info.mem_space                        = chunk_info->mspace;
-                    nonexistent_dset_info.nelmts                           = chunk_info->piece_points;
-                    /* Set request_nelmts.  This is not normally set by the upper layers because selection I/O
-                     * usually does not use strip mining (H5D__scatgath_write), and instead allocates buffers
-                     * large enough for the entire I/O.  Set request_nelmts to be large enough for all selected
-                     * elements in this chunk because it must be at least that large */
-                    nonexistent_dset_info.type_info.request_nelmts = nonexistent_dset_info.nelmts;
-                    /* Perform the actual read operation from the nonexistent chunk
-                     */
-                    if ((dset_info->io_ops.single_read)(&nonexistent_io_info, &nonexistent_dset_info) < 0)
-                        HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_DATASET, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "chunked read failed");
-                } 
                 /* Release the cache lock on the chunk. */
                 if (chunk &&
@@ -3615,7 +3627,7 @@ H5D__chunk_write(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
     /* Calculate entire_chunk for each chunk in chunk_info */
     chunk_node = H5D_CHUNK_GET_FIRST_NODE(dset_info);
     while (chunk_node) {
-        H5D_piece_info_t  *chunk_info; /* Chunk information */
+        H5D_piece_info_t *chunk_info; /* Chunk information */
         /* Get the actual chunk information from the skip list node */
         chunk_info = H5D_CHUNK_GET_NODE_INFO(dset_info, chunk_node);
@@ -3628,15 +3640,14 @@ H5D__chunk_write(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
         /* Determine if we will access all the data in the chunk */
         if (dst_accessed_bytes != ctg_store.contig.dset_size ||
-            (chunk_info->piece_points * dset_info->type_info.src_type_size) !=
-            ctg_store.contig.dset_size ||
+            (chunk_info->piece_points * dset_info->type_info.src_type_size) != ctg_store.contig.dset_size ||
             dset_info->layout_io_info.chunk_map->fsel_type == H5S_SEL_POINTS)
             chunk_info->entire_chunk = false;
             chunk_info->entire_chunk = true;
-       /* Advance to next chunk in list */
-       chunk_node = H5D_CHUNK_GET_NEXT_NODE(dset_info, chunk_node);
+        /* Advance to next chunk in list */
+        chunk_node = H5D_CHUNK_GET_NEXT_NODE(dset_info, chunk_node);
     } /* end while */
     /* Different blocks depending on whether we're using selection I/O */
@@ -3647,8 +3658,8 @@ H5D__chunk_write(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
         /* Handle chunk cache with selection I/O improvement */
         /* Skip filter for now */
-        if (((size_t)dset_info->dset->shared->layout.u.chunk.size <= dset_info->dset->shared->cache.chunk.nbytes_max)
-            &&
+        if (((size_t)dset_info->dset->shared->layout.u.chunk.size <=
+             dset_info->dset->shared->cache.chunk.nbytes_max) &&
             (!dset_info->dset->shared->dcpl_cache.pline.nused)) {
             if (H5D__sel_io_chunk_cache(io_info, dset_info) < 0)
@@ -3717,10 +3728,11 @@ H5D__chunk_write(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
             if (cacheable) {
                 /* Load the chunk into cache.  But if the whole chunk is written,
                  * simply allocate space instead of load the chunk. */
-                void *chunk;               /* Pointer to locked chunk buffer */
+                void *chunk; /* Pointer to locked chunk buffer */
                 /* Lock the chunk into the cache */
-                if (NULL == (chunk = H5D__chunk_lock(io_info, dset_info, &udata, chunk_info->entire_chunk, false)))
+                if (NULL ==
+                    (chunk = H5D__chunk_lock(io_info, dset_info, &udata, chunk_info->entire_chunk, false)))
                     HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_IO, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "unable to read raw data chunk");
                 /* Set up the storage buffer information for this chunk */
@@ -3875,7 +3887,8 @@ H5D__chunk_write(H5D_io_info_t *io_info, H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info)
                  * simply allocate space instead of load the chunk. */
                 /* Lock the chunk into the cache */
-                if (NULL == (chunk = H5D__chunk_lock(io_info, dset_info, &udata, chunk_info->entire_chunk, false)))
+                if (NULL ==
+                    (chunk = H5D__chunk_lock(io_info, dset_info, &udata, chunk_info->entire_chunk, false)))
                     HGOTO_ERROR(H5E_IO, H5E_READERROR, FAIL, "unable to read raw data chunk");
                 /* Set up the storage buffer information for this chunk */
diff --git a/src/H5Dpkg.h b/src/H5Dpkg.h
index 8ef6ade..dc60ff8 100644
--- a/src/H5Dpkg.h
+++ b/src/H5Dpkg.h
@@ -255,13 +255,13 @@ typedef struct H5D_piece_info_t {
     bool     in_place_tconv; /* Whether to perform type conversion in-place */
     size_t   buf_off;        /* Buffer offset for in-place type conversion */
     bool     filtered_dset;  /* Whether the dataset this chunk is in has filters applied */
-    struct H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info; /* Pointer to dset_info */
-    bool entire_chunk;           /* Whether whole chunk is selected */
-    bool in_cache;
-    void *buf;
-    unsigned    idx_hint;         /* Index of chunk in cache, if present */
-    H5F_block_t chunk_block;      /* Offset/length of chunk in file */
-    hsize_t     chunk_idx;        /* Chunk index for EA, FA indexing */
+    struct H5D_dset_io_info_t *dset_info;    /* Pointer to dset_info */
+    bool                       entire_chunk; /* Whether whole chunk is selected */
+    bool                       in_cache;
+    void                      *buf;
+    unsigned                   idx_hint;    /* Index of chunk in cache, if present */
+    H5F_block_t                chunk_block; /* Offset/length of chunk in file */
+    hsize_t                    chunk_idx;   /* Chunk index for EA, FA indexing */
 } H5D_piece_info_t;
 /* I/O info for a single dataset */
@@ -279,14 +279,14 @@ typedef struct H5D_dset_io_info_t {
     H5S_t *file_space; /* Pointer to the file dataspace */
     H5S_t *mem_space;  /* Pointer to the memory dataspace */
-    size_t                  num_sel_cache_chks;   /* Number of pieces found in cache */
-    size_t                  num_unsel_cache_chks; /* Number of pieces NOT found in cache */
-    size_t                  num_chks_to_load;     /* # of chunks not found in cache that needs to be loaded */
-    size_t                  num_ents_to_evict;    /* # of non selected cache entries to be evicted */
-    size_t                  free_cache_slots;   /* # of free slots in the cache */
-    size_t                  max_cache_chunks;   /* max # of chunks in the cache */
-    H5SL_t *chunks_to_load;                     /* Skip list containing information for chunks to load to cache */
-    H5SL_t *entries_to_evict;                   /* Skip list containing information for entries to evict from cache */
+    size_t  num_sel_cache_chks;   /* Number of pieces found in cache */
+    size_t  num_unsel_cache_chks; /* Number of pieces NOT found in cache */
+    size_t  num_chks_to_load;     /* # of chunks not found in cache that needs to be loaded */
+    size_t  num_ents_to_evict;    /* # of non selected cache entries to be evicted */
+    size_t  free_cache_slots;     /* # of free slots in the cache */
+    size_t  max_cache_chunks;     /* max # of chunks in the cache */
+    H5SL_t *chunks_to_load;       /* Skip list containing information for chunks to load to cache */
+    H5SL_t *entries_to_evict;     /* Skip list containing information for entries to evict from cache */
     union {
         struct H5D_chunk_map_t *chunk_map;         /* Chunk specific I/O info */
cgit v0.12