name: hdf5 1.14 CI # Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on push or pull request on: workflow_dispatch: push: pull_request: branches: [ hdf5_1_14 ] paths-ignore: - '.github/CODEOWNERS' - '.github/FUNDING.yml' - 'doc/**' - 'release_docs/**' - 'ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS' - 'COPYING**' - '**.md' # Using concurrency to cancel any in-progress job or run concurrency: group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.head_ref && github.ref || github.run_id }} cancel-in-progress: true permissions: contents: read # A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or # in parallel. We just have one job, but the matrix items defined below will # run in parallel. jobs: workflow-autotools: name: "Autotools Workflows" uses: ./.github/workflows/autotools.yml if: "!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'skip-ci')" workflow-cmake: name: "CMake Workflows" uses: ./.github/workflows/cmake.yml if: "!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'skip-ci')"