name: hdf5 dev release build # Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on a manual run on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: use_tag: description: 'Release version tag' type: string required: false default: snapshot permissions: contents: read # A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or # in parallel. jobs: log-the-inputs: runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: rel_tag: ${{ steps.get-tag-name.outputs.RELEASE_TAG }} steps: - name: Get tag name id: get-tag-name env: TAG: ${{ inputs.use_tag }} run: echo "RELEASE_TAG=$TAG" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT call-workflow-tarball: needs: log-the-inputs uses: ./.github/workflows/tarball.yml with: # use_tag: ${{ inputs.use_tag }} use_environ: release call-workflow-ctest: needs: call-workflow-tarball uses: ./.github/workflows/cmake-ctest.yml with: file_base: ${{ }} preset_name: ci-StdShar use_environ: release call-workflow-abi: needs: [log-the-inputs, call-workflow-tarball, call-workflow-ctest] uses: ./.github/workflows/abi-report.yml with: file_ref: '1_14_3' file_base: ${{ }} use_tag: ${{ needs.log-the-inputs.outputs.rel_tag }} use_environ: release call-workflow-release: needs: [log-the-inputs, call-workflow-tarball, call-workflow-ctest, call-workflow-abi] permissions: contents: write # In order to allow tag creation uses: ./.github/workflows/release-files.yml with: file_base: ${{ }} file_branch: ${{ needs.log-the-inputs.outputs.rel_tag }} file_sha: ${{ needs.log-the-inputs.outputs.rel_tag }} use_tag: ${{ needs.log-the-inputs.outputs.rel_tag }} use_environ: release