name: Test HDF5 cache VOL on: workflow_call: inputs: build_mode: description: "CMake Build type" required: true type: string permissions: contents: read jobs: build_and_test: strategy: matrix: name: - "Test HDF5 cache VOL connector" - "Test HDF5 cache VOL connector atop async VOL connector" async: [false, true] exclude: - name: "Test HDF5 cache VOL connector" async: true - name: "Test HDF5 cache VOL connector atop async VOL connector" async: false runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Install dependencies run: | sudo apt update sudo apt-get install automake autoconf libtool libtool-bin libopenmpi-dev - name: Checkout HDF5 uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: repository: HDFGroup/hdf5 path: hdf5 - name: Checkout Argobots uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: repository: pmodels/argobots path: abt # Argobots builds and installs fairly quickly, # so no caching is currently performed here - name: Install Argobots working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/abt run: | ./ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local make -j2 sudo make -j2 install - name: Set environment variables for configuration (cache VOL only) run: | echo "HDF5_VOL_CACHE_TEST_NAME=cache_ext config=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/config1.cfg\;under_vol=0\;under_info={}\;" >> $GITHUB_ENV if: ${{ ! matrix.async }} - name: Set environment variables for configuration (cache VOL atop async VOL) run: | echo "HDF5_VOL_CACHE_TEST_NAME=cache_ext config=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/config1.cfg\;under_vol=512\;under_info={under_vol=0\;under_info={}}\;" >> $GITHUB_ENV if: ${{ matrix.async }} # Define ASYNC_INCLUDE_DIR, ASYNC_INCLUDE_DIRS and ASYNC_LIBRARIES to # patch around having the cache VOL find the async VOL when they're built # at the same time. Once the Async and Cache VOLs create CMake .config # files, this should no longer be needed with CMake 3.24 and newer (see # FetchContent's OVERRIDE_FIND_PACKAGE) - name: Configure HDF5 with cache VOL connector shell: bash run: | mkdir ${{ github.workspace }}/hdf5/build cd ${{ github.workspace }}/hdf5/build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${{ inputs.build_mode }} \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${{ runner.workspace }}/hdf5_build \ -DBUILD_STATIC_LIBS=OFF \ -DHDF5_TEST_API:BOOL=ON \ -DHDF5_TEST_API_ENABLE_ASYNC:BOOL=ON \ -DHDF5_ENABLE_PARALLEL:BOOL=ON \ -DHDF5_ENABLE_THREADSAFE:BOOL=ON \ -DALLOW_UNSUPPORTED:BOOL=ON \ -DHDF5_ENABLE_SZIP_SUPPORT:BOOL=OFF \ -DHDF5_VOL_ALLOW_EXTERNAL:STRING="GIT" \ -DHDF5_VOL_URL01:STRING="" \ -DHDF5_VOL_VOL-ASYNC_BRANCH:STRING="develop" \ -DHDF5_VOL_VOL-ASYNC_NAME:STRING="async under_vol=0\;under_info={}" \ -DHDF5_VOL_VOL-ASYNC_TEST_PARALLEL:BOOL=ON \ -DHDF5_VOL_URL02:STRING="" \ -DHDF5_VOL_VOL-CACHE_BRANCH:STRING="develop" \ -DHDF5_VOL_VOL-CACHE_NAME:STRING="$HDF5_VOL_CACHE_TEST_NAME" \ -DHDF5_VOL_VOL-CACHE_TEST_PARALLEL:BOOL=ON \ -DASYNC_INCLUDE_DIR=${{ github.workspace }}/hdf5/build/_deps/vol-async-src/src \ -DASYNC_INCLUDE_DIRS=${{ github.workspace }}/hdf5/build/_deps/vol-async-src/src \ -DASYNC_LIBRARIES=${{ github.workspace }}/hdf5/build/bin/libasynchdf5.a\;${{ github.workspace }}/hdf5/build/bin/ \ ${{ github.workspace }}/hdf5 cat src/libhdf5.settings - name: Build HDF5 and cache VOL connector shell: bash working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/hdf5/build run: | cmake --build . --parallel 3 --config ${{ inputs.build_mode }} echo "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:${{ github.workspace }}/hdf5/build/bin" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Create cache VOL connector configuration file for testing shell: bash run: | mkdir -p $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/scratch touch $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/config1.cfg echo "HDF5_CACHE_STORAGE_SCOPE: LOCAL" >> $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/config1.cfg echo "HDF5_CACHE_STORAGE_PATH: $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/scratch" >> $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/config1.cfg echo "HDF5_CACHE_STORAGE_SIZE: 4294967296" >> $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/config1.cfg echo "HDF5_CACHE_STORAGE_TYPE: SSD" >> $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/config1.cfg echo "HDF5_CACHE_REPLACEMENT_POLICY: LRU" >> $GITHUB_WORKSPACE/config1.cfg # Workaround for cache VOL CMake issue - name: Copy testing files working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/hdf5/build run: | cp bin/test_file.exe ./_deps/vol-cache-build/tests cp bin/test_group.exe ./_deps/vol-cache-build/tests cp bin/test_dataset.exe ./_deps/vol-cache-build/tests cp bin/test_dataset_async_api.exe ./_deps/vol-cache-build/tests cp bin/test_write_multi.exe ./_deps/vol-cache-build/tests cp bin/test_multdset.exe ./_deps/vol-cache-build/tests - name: Set environment variables for external tests (cache VOL only) run: | echo "HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH=${{ github.workspace }}/hdf5/build/bin/" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "HDF5_VOL_CONNECTOR=cache_ext config=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/config1.cfg;under_vol=0;under_info={};" >> $GITHUB_ENV if: ${{ ! matrix.async }} - name: Set environment variables for external tests (cache VOL atop async VOL) run: | echo "HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH=${{ github.workspace }}/hdf5/build/bin/" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "HDF5_VOL_CONNECTOR=cache_ext config=$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/config1.cfg;under_vol=512;under_info={under_vol=0;under_info={}};" >> $GITHUB_ENV if: ${{ matrix.async }} # Until cache VOL tests are namespaced properly, run them directly - name: Test HDF5 cache VOL connector with external tests working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/hdf5/build run: | ctest --build-config ${{ inputs.build_mode }} -VV -R "^test_file$" . ctest --build-config ${{ inputs.build_mode }} -VV -R "^test_group$" . ctest --build-config ${{ inputs.build_mode }} -VV -R "^test_dataset$" . ctest --build-config ${{ inputs.build_mode }} -VV -R "^test_dataset_async_api$" . ctest --build-config ${{ inputs.build_mode }} -VV -R "^test_write_multi$" . ctest --build-config ${{ inputs.build_mode }} -VV -R "^test_multdset$" . - name: Test HDF5 cache VOL connector with HDF5 API tests working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}/hdf5/build # Don't test the Cache VOL connector with the HDF5 API tests yet # when it's stacked on top of the Async connector, as it doesn't # currently pass all the tests due to the Async connector not passing # all the tests. Leave the step in, but skip it to leave an indication # that this should be re-enabled in the future. if: ${{ ! matrix.async }} run: | ctest --build-config ${{ inputs.build_mode }} -VV -R "HDF5_VOL_vol-cache" .