# # Copyright by The HDF Group. # All rights reserved. # # This file is part of HDF5. The full HDF5 copyright notice, including # terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in # the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code # distribution tree, or in https://www.hdfgroup.org/licenses. # If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from # help@hdfgroup.org. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dashboard and Testing Settings #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- set (DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT 1200 CACHE STRING "Timeout in seconds for each test (default 1200=20minutes)" ) # Generate a list of timeouts based on DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT math (EXPR CTEST_SHORT_TIMEOUT "${DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT} / 2") math (EXPR CTEST_LONG_TIMEOUT "${DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT} * 2") math (EXPR CTEST_VERY_LONG_TIMEOUT "${DART_TESTING_TIMEOUT} * 3") option (HDF5_DISABLE_TESTS_REGEX "Regex pattern to set execution of specific tests to DISABLED" "") mark_as_advanced (HDF5_DISABLE_TESTS_REGEX) option (HDF5_TEST_API "Execute HDF5 API tests" OFF) mark_as_advanced (HDF5_TEST_API) if (HDF5_TEST_API) option (HDF5_TEST_API_INSTALL "Install HDF5 API tests" OFF) mark_as_advanced (HDF5_TEST_API_INSTALL) # Enable HDF5 Async API tests option (HDF5_TEST_API_ENABLE_ASYNC "Enable HDF5 Async API tests" OFF) mark_as_advanced (HDF5_TEST_API_ENABLE_ASYNC) # Build and use HDF5 test driver program for API tests option (HDF5_TEST_API_ENABLE_DRIVER "Enable HDF5 API test driver program" OFF) mark_as_advanced (HDF5_TEST_API_ENABLE_DRIVER) if (HDF5_TEST_API_ENABLE_DRIVER) set (HDF5_TEST_API_SERVER "" CACHE STRING "Server executable for running API tests") mark_as_advanced (HDF5_TEST_API_SERVER) endif () endif () option (HDF5_TEST_VFD "Execute tests with different VFDs" OFF) mark_as_advanced (HDF5_TEST_VFD) if (HDF5_TEST_VFD) option (HDF5_TEST_FHEAP_VFD "Execute tests with different VFDs" ON) mark_as_advanced (HDF5_TEST_FHEAP_VFD) # Initialize the list of VFDs to be used for testing and create a test folder for each VFD H5_SET_VFD_LIST() endif () option (HDF5_TEST_PASSTHROUGH_VOL "Execute tests with different passthrough VOL connectors" OFF) mark_as_advanced (HDF5_TEST_PASSTHROUGH_VOL) if (HDF5_TEST_PASSTHROUGH_VOL) option (HDF5_TEST_FHEAP_PASSTHROUGH_VOL "Execute fheap test with different passthrough VOL connectors" ON) mark_as_advanced (HDF5_TEST_FHEAP_PASSTHROUGH VOL) endif () set (H5_TEST_EXPRESS_LEVEL_DEFAULT "3") set (HDF_TEST_EXPRESS "${H5_TEST_EXPRESS_LEVEL_DEFAULT}" CACHE STRING "Control testing framework (0-3) (0 = exhaustive testing; 3 = quicker testing)") mark_as_advanced (HDF_TEST_EXPRESS) if (NOT "${HDF_TEST_EXPRESS}" STREQUAL "") set (H5_TEST_EXPRESS_LEVEL_DEFAULT "${HDF_TEST_EXPRESS}") endif () enable_testing () include (CTest) include (${HDF5_SOURCE_DIR}/CTestConfig.cmake) configure_file (${HDF_RESOURCES_DIR}/CTestCustom.cmake ${HDF5_BINARY_DIR}/CTestCustom.ctest @ONLY) option (HDF5_TEST_SERIAL "Execute non-parallel tests" ON) mark_as_advanced (HDF5_TEST_SERIAL) option (HDF5_TEST_TOOLS "Execute tools tests" ON) mark_as_advanced (HDF5_TEST_TOOLS) option (HDF5_TEST_EXAMPLES "Execute tests on examples" ON) mark_as_advanced (HDF5_TEST_EXAMPLES) option (HDF5_TEST_SWMR "Execute SWMR tests" ON) mark_as_advanced (HDF5_TEST_SWMR) option (HDF5_TEST_PARALLEL "Execute parallel tests" ON) mark_as_advanced (HDF5_TEST_PARALLEL) option (HDF5_TEST_FORTRAN "Execute fortran tests" ON) mark_as_advanced (HDF5_TEST_FORTRAN) option (HDF5_TEST_CPP "Execute cpp tests" ON) mark_as_advanced (HDF5_TEST_CPP) option (HDF5_TEST_JAVA "Execute java tests" ON) mark_as_advanced (HDF5_TEST_JAVA) if (NOT HDF5_EXTERNALLY_CONFIGURED) if (EXISTS "${HDF5_TEST_SRC_DIR}" AND IS_DIRECTORY "${HDF5_TEST_SRC_DIR}") add_subdirectory (test) endif () if (H5_HAVE_PARALLEL) if (EXISTS "${HDF5_TEST_PAR_DIR}" AND IS_DIRECTORY "${HDF5_TEST_PAR_DIR}") add_subdirectory (testpar) endif () endif () endif ()