This file contains instructions for the installation a version of HDF5 that uses the parallel file I/O facilities of the MPI-IO library. A parallel version of HDF5 can run in a serial environment as long as the appropriate MPI-IO and MPI header files and libraries are available. The parallel version of hdf5 can be build by generally following the instructions in the INSTALL file for building a serial version and using `mpicc' as the C compiler. This can be done by setting the CC environment variable before invoking configure as with: $ CC=mpicc ./configure If the mpicc compiler is not available then a parallel library can still be built as long as the appropriate header files and libraries can be found. If these files are part of the default compiler search paths then configuration is as simple as: $ ./configure --enable-parallel Otherwise, if the MPI and MPI-IO header files or library cannot be found then the compiler search paths can be corrected, the files can be moved, or configure can be told about the file locations. The latter is done with something like: $ CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/mpi/include \ LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/mpi/lib/LINUX/ch_p4 \ ./configure --enable-parallel