This file contains instructions for the installation of HDF5 on Unix-like systems. First, one must obtain a tarball of the HDF5 release from the repository. The files are available in uncompressed tar, gzip, bzip2, and compress formats. For those that like to live dangerously and don't like to read ;-) you can do the following: $ tar xf hdf5-1.0.0a.tar $ cd hdf5-1.0.0a $ make test $ make install # Optional Step 0: Install optional third-party packages. * GNU zlib compression library, version 1.0.2 or later is used for the `deflate' compression method. Step 1. Unpack the source tree. * The tarball will unpack into an hdf5-1.0.0a directory with one of the following commands: $ tar xf hdf5-1.0.0a.tar OR $ gunzip